8 minute read
And Then There Were 5
“Charlie’s Angels” will all be in high school this year. Each of the girls is unique and talented in many areas and involved in numerous school C Charlie and Jessica Moore always wanted a large family and with sets of twin and triplet girls that’s exactly what they have! If we pay attention, we are sometimes privileged to meet special families that allow God to write their unique story. For those willing participants, remarkable events that occur over the course of a lifetime can’t be explained away as coincidences, but rather, as blessings in disguise. and community activities.

Photos by Chad Merrell Photography

For Charlie and Jessica Adams Moore, both one of five children, they’ve shared many uncanny similarities and unexpected blessings that started with their upbringing and have continued with a wonderful life that they never saw coming. Basing their lives on faith, family, and hard work, Charlie and Jessica are living examples of the joy that can come from holding fast to those three qualities.
“Both Jessica and I came from families of five children, so we were accustomed to the details of large families and of sharing, fighting, loving, and having to have a large amount of patience,” Charlie explained. “Early in our marriage we discussed having five children, but the thought quickly left us when we had the twins.” But they did pray for three.
Charlie and Jessica Moore
Bailey and Kendall (twins), Charlie, Jessica, Whitney, Lauren, and Hannah (triplets). Photo by Chad Merrell Photography

“After the dust settled of having twin girls, we thought of how it would truly complete our family to have three! We learned to be careful what you pray for and be very specific,” Jessica said. “We petitioned the heavens to have three children…cumulatively, but I think the prayerful requests only came across as three so three more children are what we received.”
The way God has woven the details of both families together is like a beautiful tapestry and is nothing short of spectacular.
The Adams and Moore families both originated in Coffee County, moved to Waycross, and eventually attended the same church. It was at that church that Charlie and Jessica met in early morning scripture class. Jessica’s Mom, Judith, got to know Charlie and was so impressed with him that she (not so secretly) hoped he would marry one of her daughters one day. Jessica was intrigued by Charlie’s smile the moment that she met him, and as fate (and Judith Adams) would have it, Charlie began working for her Dad, Buddy Adams, at Security Blanket, a business Mr. Adams started out of his home the year that Jessica was born.
One day, Charlie came by the Adams’ home office to pick up a work order for Security Blanket and was told to head to Savannah. Jessica’s Mom encouraged her to tag along for the day. That was the beginning of a beautiful love story. The two had so much to talk and laugh about, and truly enjoyed one another’s company. Charlie was five years older than Jessica, but they quickly became best friends and dated throughout her high school years. They were married one week after she graduated from high school.
By the year 2000, they had both graduated college. Jessica taught at Ware County High School and Charlie worked as a Physician Assistant in Orthopedics. They were eager to start a family but had difficulties. Seeking medical treatment through in vitro fertilization, they were able to have a set of
twins AND a set of triplets - all girls, and just a few short years apart!
Jessica was overjoyed to have the privilege of staying home with the girls for 14 years. She thought she would be a stay-at-home Mom forever but three years ago she had the chance to take over the family business. Although it’s been a big adjustment for the whole family, the Moores have worked it out as a team, and Security Blanket is a thriving pillar in the business community with an impeccable reputation.
Known for their superior customer service to both residential and commercial customers, Security Blanket has given peace of mind to the owners of homes and businesses that their investments are secure and taken care of. Clients are protected by a business icon that has been around for more than 40 years!
Jessica attributes her success to the long-standing trust that her Dad earned with customers. She also knows it’s because of the incredible team that she’s built around her. She loves being a business owner in this industry because they offer products that truly make a difference for families and businesses. “You really can’t put a price on protecting the things that matter most… your family and livelihood,” Jessica explained.
Jessica is quick to admit that she has a creative brain that is “all over the place.” But she’s aware of her limitations and chose to hire people that possess the skills that she lacks. She adores her staff and says that they make all the difference. Each person has their unique roles, and they do an excellent job at what they do.
Charlie works in the medical field and when he isn’t in the operating room, he is at Security Blanket helping with sales and media. Jessica brags on him whenever she gets a chance about being a great husband, father, and provider for the family.
Jessica sees so many characteristics of her father in Charlie. There are multiple parallels between the two most important men in her life and the business that brought them all together. She reflects often about how she and Charlie have come full circle with the family business and how it has been a steadfast part of their lives. It’s funny to think about the fact
Photos provided by the family

The Moore’s have fun with their large family including during family photo time. The girls personality and creativity was showing through at an early age.

Photos provided by the family
that years ago, Charlie was a technician while Jessica worked in the home office. And of course, about the first business call to Savannah that essentially sealed their fate. They still pinch themselves that they now own the business that started it all.
Another rarity to their story is how Jessica has noticed an incredible similarity that her Dad and her husband have concerning their relationships with the Lord and with their daughters. Definitely a Daddy’s girl herself, Jessica remembers how much her father loved the Lord. Faith was a huge part of the Adams household and Charlie holds to those same standards himself. Mr. Adams would sometimes put on some music and dance with Jessica like he had nothing else in the world to do but spend time with her. She realized then and even more so now, that Buddy Adams sacrificially did so. She, in turn, knew that her Dad liked to be pampered, so she would always give him head scratches that he loved.
Jessica refers to all the females in the house as “Charlie’s Angels,” and for good reason. Charlie takes the time, as her father always did, to have fun with the girls. It’s evident that they love him for it. Since he likes to have fun, they play games or watch movies as a family after workdays. Recently, Jessica noticed Charlie enjoying a head scratch by one of their daughters and it reminded her just how similar her Dad and Charlie really are.
Jessica and the girls love to make music. And although it drives Charlie nuts at times, all of his angels are constantly singing around the house, producing harmonies, and singing together. The singing in the car can sometimes be painful for Charlie…because it never seems to stop.
Each of the Moore girls is unique and talented in many areas and involved in numerous school and community activities. Currently, school chorus, cross country, tennis, soccer, and swimming keep them each busy on the road. The girls also participate in All-State Chorus (where Jessica gets to relive her childhood again each year). Some of the girls have chickens and ducks and love gardening. One of the triplets is even a budding artist!
The Moores are pretty passionate about their love of Waycross. They adore the slow pace, small-town feel and how the community comes together to take care of each other. Charlie and Jessica are grateful that the children have had excellent teachers and feel as if they’ve been prepared with a firm foundation for college. They are also grateful for the many sports coaches who have challenged them and pushed them to be better. Their church family has loved the girls and given them opportunities to serve at church and in the community.
In the grand scheme of their lives so far, Charlie and Jessica Moore think it’s interesting how the Lord has worked out all the details to make their wonderful life become a reality. Charlie and Jessica never thought in a million years that they’d be right back where it all started! O L