6 minute read
Cousins Brylee Walker, Mattox Brigman, Addyson Walker, J.J. Brigman, and Lyla Brigman pose for a picture at the U. S. Flag mural in Blackshear. Photo by Paige Brigman, One Love Photography in Woodstock, Ga.
Mysti Walker, who lives in Blackshear, always gets a cousin's photo when her brother's family visits. Mysti's sister-in-law, Paige Brigman, saw this mural in downtown Blackshear on July 3rd and knew this was the place for their photo this year.
Saturday, October 10, 2020; 8 AM – 6 PM Hosted by the Okefenokee Chamber of Commerce; Downtown Folkston
Live music featuring local entertainment on our main stage starting at 11 am. For more information please call the Chamber at 912-496-2536 or email: generalinfo@folkston.com.

Friday, October 9, 2020; 8 AM – 4 PM Folkston Golf Club
The Annual Okefenokee Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, October 9, 2020.
Saturday, August 29; 7 – 10 AM (Registration @ 7:00 AM; 10K @ 8:00 AM; 1 Mile @ 9:30 AM) Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind
Join the OTCC for another cross-country adventure at the Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind. A unique, all-dirt course on wooded trails, this race is one of the oldest continuous races in South Georgia. This 10K is a favorite both locally and abroad. We're also keeping the post-race breakfast tradition presented by Chickfil-a. In addition to the fun for all ages, this race also supports a great cause as a portion of the money goes directly to both the YMCA's Camp Reveille and the Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind. Pre-registration will open closer to the event.

Jeannie Bufkin, Laura Early, Wayne Morgan, Leven Bufkin, Lynn Crews, Hampton Raulerson, Jim Page, and Wilton Deloach at the new kiosk at Burnt Fort Landing which was unveiled in March. It features several wildlife pictures taken by Wayne Morgan and a map of the Satilla with the various locations of the boat ramps and distances from each one. It was funded by Georgia Wildlife Grant and constructed by volunteers led by Boy Scout leader Leven Bufkin. The kiosk will help visitors to Burnt Fort understand how the Satilla River connects many communities, offers wonderful recreation opportunities, and is home to many species of wildlife.
Memorial Satilla Health renewed its champion level membership in the Osprey Society, the nonprofit arm of the Okefenokee Swamp Park. The hospital's CEO, Bobby MCCullough (left), presented a $5,000 check to Dr. William Clark, chairman of the board of trustees of the Okefenokee Swamp Park. The organization's mission is to promote ecological tourism and education while encouraging the public to learn more about and develop an appreciation for the Okefenokee Swamp Park. For more information on the park, visit www.okeswamp.com.
The Okefenokee Swamp Park (OSP) Board of Trustees has named Kim Bednarek as the organization’s first, full-time Executive Director in over 50 years.

She joins the OSP community during an auspicious time of expansion and revisioning. “Bringing Kim on board to serve as the Executive Director is a key component of our plan,” according to Dr. William Clark, Chair of The Board. “Kim has a successful track record of working with organizations to improve their visibility with the philanthropic community and building strong internal teams. This is a very strategic move to secure the future vitality of the Park and surrounding communities."
“I am passionate about the conservation of our natural world and eager to expand my impact on environmental conservation and education to the Okefenokee Swamp Park and National Wildlife Refuge,” Bednarek said. “We have paddled and camped in the refuge many times. I have great respect for the natural beauty and ecological importance of the Okefenokee. I look forward to becoming a part of the team that protects this natural wonder for a long-time to come.”
The Okefenokee Swamp Park is open Tuesday – Saturday. For more information, admission, and attractions, visit okeswamp.com or call 912-283-0583.
Critical Care Nurse Pam Jones, RN was named Memorial Satilla Health’s first Nurse of the Year in May. She was nominated by Carl Wilson, critical care manager. Wilson said Jones provided an outstanding level of care and comfort to his aunt after she suffered a severe stroke.

“Even though Aunt Mildred was nonresponsive, Pam took the time to talk with her and narrate her care. She spoke words of comfort to my uncle and the rest of my family,” he said. “She eased our suffering. Today, five years later, Pam continues to be mentioned by my uncle as his angel. Pam Jones, RN will always be the nurse to which other nurses are compared by my family.”
Carl Wilson, critical care manager, Pam Jones, Bobby McCullough, CEO
Dr. Sigismund Lee, chief of medical staff added, “We wanted to take the time to recognize exemplary work and someone who really sets a diamond standard for the profession.” He added that Jones has been a strong rock for the entire ICU team and commended her for taking on and defusing tense situations, while calming and guiding patients, family and physicians.

Shannon and Sam Stewart's backyard garden. Photo by Mattie Genaux Photography.
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