2 minute read



It’s been one year since our Founders and Board of Directors graciously welcomed me into the role of Show Hope’s Executive Director—and what a year it has been! In that span of time, the Lord has provided a permanent home for Show Hope with our new office space. He has opened doors for us to partner with another like-minded ministry in helping Ugandan children come home to families in their home country. And he has expanded the impact of our Pre+Post Adoption Support work, guiding us in surpassing the goal of awarding 250 TBRI Practitioner Training scholarships and increasing the reach of our annual Hope for the Journey Conference.


This time last year, I shared how our Medical Care grants hold a special place in my heart. From the vision cast by Mary Beth and Steven to stories like that of Lizzy Claire Mauldin and her parents, Taylor and TJ, I am completely humbled that the God of the universe is allowing me to be a part of his love for children and families. You, too, are a part of the story he is telling through the work of Show Hope. Without your prayers and support, this work would not be possible.

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Show Hope this year, we also pause to honor the life of Maria Sue Chapman, who would have celebrated her 20th birthday this year. So much of Show Hope’s story carries Maria’s legacy, from our historical support of the Care Centers to now our Medical Care grants, and I count it a privilege to play a small part in ensuring her legacy continues.

In a few short weeks, I will be inviting you to join us in furthering the impact of Show Hope’s Medical Care grants with a financial gift to Maria’s Miracle Fund. Established in honor of Maria, this fund originally helped sustain and further Show Hope’s support of the Care Centers in China, namely Maria’s Big House of Hope. Two years ago, it was decided that Maria’s Miracle Fund would now support the work of our Medical Care grants endeavor.

So, today, will you begin praying, asking God how he might use you in his work through Show Hope’s Medical Care grants? Together, we will continue to reduce the financial and medical barriers to adoption.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. — Hebrews 11:1

By faith,


Maria Sue Chapman


This month, as we celebrate Mother’s Day, graduations, the end-of-school, the beginning of summer, and more, may we pause to honor the life of Maria Sue Chapman.

Though in the eyes of man her life may be counted as short, we SEE an eternal impact in the stories of children and families who are being met with hope and healing on this side of the veil.

All glory to God for his mysterious ways, and much love, comfort, and peace to the Chapman family.

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