1 minute read
The Ethiopian government was suspending all intercountry adoptions. Yet amid their confusion and heartbreak, Kayla and Marcus prayed for guidance.
“We still wanted to adopt, and we still felt God saying, You have a son somewhere,” Kayla said. “Eventually, we felt God say, OK, it’s time.”
Kayla and Marcus formally withdrew from Ethiopia’s program and applied to India’s, trusting that God was not confused or surprised by their changing circumstances.
“The day we withdrew from one process and got accepted to the other was the same day that our son was declared [eligible for adoption] in India,” Kayla said. “If we would have left the Ethiopian process sooner, or held on a little bit longer, Judah wouldn’t be our son. God orchestrated all of those steps.”
While they were thrilled the process in India was moving quickly, it also meant the Mackeys’ adoption funds were due much sooner than anticipated. And after the long wait in Ethiopia, their savings were spent. But Show Hope.
“Through Show Hope, God gave us hope on a tough day. Our son’s first birthday was in April 2018. It was a difficult day since we were unable to celebrate this milestone with him. Show Hope notified us of our Adoption Aid grant award on our son’s first birthday. That financial gift was just what we needed to cover the rest of our adoption expenses!
“Our son’s and our lives will never be the same because of Show Hope and the people who have given to that,” Marcus said. “It’s not just a cool charity to give to; it changes people’s lives forever, in a powerful way.”