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Volume 6 Issue 5 August 13, 2012 SHOW RING TIMES
In This Issue: About The Covers Lucas Family Feature Lexington Junior League Franklin County Summer Challenge of Champions News Candids of the Week Shelbyville Calendar Mercer County Directory Central States Tanbark Blue Ridge Classic C-Charity Best of Times
3 4 16 27 36 45 46 47 52 54 58 61 70 74 79 80
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WCC Carl Julian/RWC Outside The Lines RWC Blue Dragon It’s Paladin Zoey McCutcheon
Amazed Amberwood’s Tierney Amy Weiler Champions Blaze of Sonshine Breezy Nite Callaway’s Blue Ginger Captain Proud Cezar’s Palace CH Honest Impression Coachlight’s Celebration Cunningham Golf Fiesta Farm Gypsy Diamond Heartland Talent Star Luman Wadham Champions National Academy North Carolina State Fair Oh Yes I Can! Paradocs’ Korygami RWC Blue Dragon Sunset Titleist Thunderboomer Ventura’s Stella Bella Victory’s Lady Fox
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Lexington Junior League 2012 By Donna Nabors Anybody who has ever attended the Lexington Junior League Horse Show in July at the Red Mile in Lexington, Kentucky knows how hot and humid that week usually is. Horses are sweaty before they set into the show ring and riders are testing their antiperspirants as though they are trying out for a television commercial. Huge fans are blowing on high speed to cool people in the barns and any horse without a box fan on their stall could run the risk of a heat stroke just standing still. Sound familiar? Well, not so much this year. By some stroke of luck, or maybe by the grace of God, Lexington’s traditional Junior League heat wave was either a week early or a week late, depending on which weather forecaster one listens to. Be that as it may, the rains came late in the week, but the show went on, even in the steady rain Friday morning and the off and on drizzling rain during the evening shows. Saturday brought a deluge of rain around 5:00 P.M., but by the time the show started it was clear, and riders in the earlier classes had a rainbow as a backdrop. Unfortunately, the track at the Red Mile brought out the most complaints, and it was suspected of being the reason some horses did not show back Saturday night. Sand was sticking to the underbellies of the horses and coated the wheels and fronts of buggies, not to mention buckle holes and spokes. And speaking of the driving equipment, those drivers who braved the face full of dirt and sand deserve kudos for getting in their fine harness or pleasure driving buggies and showing their horses. Practically every outfit worn by man or woman came back splattered from their horse’s efforts to perform their best. Solid white dresses were redesigned to polka doted, solid black suits took on a brown hue. It wasn’t until the Saturday night classes that fashion was thrown to the wind and competitors donned rain gear to compete in front of sympathetic judges, who were also trying to protect their nice shoes with protective rainwear. Ribbon and trophy presenters were not immune to the deep, soggy sand, either. The spectators may have enjoyed the change in weather conditions, but the verdict is still out whether or not the participants were won over. All in all, despite the track conditions, it was a very successful show. Concern over where to put the overflow of horses that previously had to be stabled at the old Tattersalls facility were put to rest when large white tents were erected in convenient locations. For people who had not heard of the demise of the Tattersalls sale location, it was a shock to see the flattened property, void of barns and sales pavilion; any Saddlebred enthusiast who had ever attended a sale at the South Broadway location felt some twinge of loss over their old stomping grounds. Nearly all of the stabling areas for the Junior League event, temporary or permanent, were decorated with stable banners, drapes and furniture, and it would take only one stroll around the grounds to see people were really enjoying themselves. By week’s end many barns had a multitude of colorful ribbons hanging from their drapes. Most colorful of all was the barn of Saturday night honoree Lillian Shively. Thirty-eight of her entries donated a ribbon to the display. Just three behind was the barn of Michael and Jessie Richardson with 35 ribbons of different colors. Slightly further behind, with 26 ribbons, Evan Orr’s entries made him proud. Clark Clouse had to find a place to hang 23 ribbons, and Matt Shiflet’s 20 ribbons were a fine representation of some hard-fought classes. Bonnie Zubrod also had 20 ribbons to decorate with. Owner accolades go out to Helen and James Rosburg with sixteen ribbon winners, Golden Greek Farm with fifteen ribbons to add to their collection, Annika Moriarty Bruggeworth had thirteen more ribbons for her efforts, the Kathleen, Elizabeth and Alex Ververeli family collected 10 ribbons between them, and Hillcroft Farm took nine ribbons from the show. Year number 75 is in the history books now, and no doubt the Junior League Show Committee is taking only a short break before making plans for number 76. Page 16
Scenes from Lexington
Chris Brannon and Stephanie Sedlacko
David Jampsa and Cameron Byford
Sharon and Glenn Gardner
Marilyn and Larry Denny
Lillian Shively being honored at Friday night’s ceremony
Tom Jones, Connie Jones, Chasity and Paul Hesler Page 17
Scenes from Lexington
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Gene and Annalize Van der Walt
Les Pease, Denny Harris and Koos Van den Berg
Sam Valentin and Super Supreme Star
Carson Kressley and Morgan Billig
Scenes from Lexington
Betty Featherston and her daughter Ann Owens
Jason Gerhman and Sarah Russell
Gary Hill, John Shultz, Cassidy and Jerry Hutson, Lionell Ferrera and Dr. Scott Bruggeworth
Jimmy Robertson
Linda Johnson, Nancy Clark and Aimee Rowe, all from Michigan to see the show. Page 19
Scenes from Lexington
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Clara McCoy
Jolee Willis and Brooke Schafer
Woodrow Carter and Darrell Kolkman
Alex Perry and Trent Huff
Jack and Katy Mallory of St. Albins, West Virginia
Glenn T. Werry, Zach Duffy, Megan McClure, Jacquline Ware and Sophie, the dog.
Scenes from Lexington
Kassidy Cook and Meriam Whelan of Georgetown
Claude Roy, Rachel St. Andre, Matthew Kog and Jessica St. Andre
Kate Whaley of Paris, Ky.
Lucy Gardner, Amelia Hall and Erin Ziegler are the first ones to greet people at the horse show office. Page 21
Scenes from Lexington
Lisa Mazey, Bev Beebe and Lauren Burin
The “Gate Girls�
Lorraine Schumacher, Kathleen Ververeli, Diane Villig, Morgan Villig and Olivia Schumacher made the trip from New Jersey and Pennsylvania
Camille and Kim Cowart
Kim Cowart and Josh Wall
Rachel Kelley from Crestwood, Ky., Susan Hannah from Atlanta, Ga., and Johnny Westbrook from Upton, Ky.
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Scenes from Lexington
Laurel Nelson and Annika Bruggeworth
Carla Ritzie relaxing and reading her copy of the Show Ring Times magazine
The gang at High Caliber Stables
Mark Webster, Georgia Ferreira and Merrell Magelli
Harold Denton, Jr. came from Texas to be a part of the Lexington Jr. League Horse Show Page 23
Scenes from Lexington
Scott Taylor of Versailles is a regular at the Lexington Jr. League Horse Show
Ellen Melcher of Lexington enjoying the show and her copy of the Show Ring Times
Gayle Lampe, Leon and Debbie Richardson
Peter Hugo and Sandra Currier
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Scenes from Lexington
Terri and Steven Chancellor
Rood & Riddle vet Dr. Woodrow Friend and his wife Michele made a trophy presentation Saturday night
Erin Ohning and Cooper
Mike Curry and Ann Morro Page 25
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Franklin County Fair and Horse Show By Donna Nabors With the county fair circuit going full force, the Franklin County Fair and Horse Show offered an interesting variety of classes for a Friday evening in July. Wedged in between the Lexington Jr. League show and the World Championships, it’s one of the last places one can get the “bugs” worked out before heading to the larger shows in Harrodsburg, Shelbyville and then Louisville. Although the weather seemed a bit ominous just before the first class, the severe storms that pounded the fairgrounds the night before bypassed the east side of Frankfort this time. The pleasure classes reigned, and the pleasure the people had in participating was evident. The atmosphere was jovial as the youngsters showed their horses and collected their ribbons, and even the adults seemed to have more smiles on their faces than usual. A few classes were cancelled for lack of entries, but many of the classes had more entries than ribbons to give out. Since there are no stalls available during the horse show, many amateurs take the Franklin County Fair and Horse Show as a chance to show off their skills, which could very well include showing their horses out of a trailer. The amateur in-hand class was popular, as well as the amateur pleasure classes. It’s always good to see “back-yard” horses do well and give their owner/trainers recognition for their hard work after work or school. With fairgoers having the opportunity to visit the show arena via a tram, many of the spectators were viewing a Saddlebred horse show for the first time. As usual, the management did their part to make sure everyone had a good time and once again, the Franklin County Fair and Horse Show is a good place to show your horse on a midsummer’s night.
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Franklin County Fair and Horse Show
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Franklin County Fair and Horse Show
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Franklin County Fair and Horse Show
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Franklin County Fair and Horse Show
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Franklin County Fair and Horse Show
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Franklin County Fair and Horse Show
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Summer Challenge Of Champions Winfield, WV-Established in 1960 the Kanawha Valley Horsemen’s Association sponsors the largest all breed horse show in West Virginia. There are five single day point shows, as well as, the annual Summer Challenge of Champions Horse Show, which currently runs three days. All of the shows are held at the Winfield Riding Club located in Winfield, WV. At KVHA there is a class for everyone. From the In-Hand Halter class to the 5-Gaited and speed racking classes, as well as many open classes for any breed, KVHA is proud to offer over 40 performance classes. There is also a large academy division for those just beginning their show careers. The Summer Challenge of Champions is an annual fund raising event. For the past 10 years SCC has raised money to benefit Make-A-Wish and other community charities. There is approximately $15,000 offered in cash and prizes at this phenomenal show.
Brittney Ritter and Breezy Nite Celebrate their Juvenile 3-Gaited Park Championship with Janet Hunley and Breezy’s owner Betty Smith Page 36
Scenes from Winfield
Janet Hunley and Amberwood’s Tierney
Sofia Rashid and Callaway’s Kiss And Tell with Georgia Morrison
Elsa Stiles and The Blues Singer
Todd Graham and Callaway’s Startin’ With Me
Alex Terry and Hannah Montana
Frannie Salisbury and Man Of Style took the Blue in the UPHA 17 & Under Equitation Page 37
Scenes from Winfield
Kimberly Hays and Callaway’s Cohort won the Blue in the Jr. Park Pleasure, 4 yrs & Under
Brett Hamilton and Vegas, and Kenzie Hamilton and Dolf celebrate their Reserve Championship and Championship rides.
ASB Five Gaited Show Pleasure Champions Kasey Trent and Treasure In The Park
ASB 14 – 17 3-Gaited Show Pleasure Champs Julianne Lowery and O’Man Alive
Adult Country Pleasure Champions Kaitlin Stacy and Inherit The Town
Allie Wingfield and Callaway’s Born A Winner took home the Juvenile Five Gaited Champions
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Scenes from Winfield
Roadster to Bike Champions Mark Shumate and Extremely Intimidating
Saddle Seat Equitation Champions Brett Self and Number One Girl
Brooke Chaffin and Two Socks And A Dot
Denise Toliver and Cabaret Man Page 39
Scenes from Winfield
Amateur 3-Gaited Champions Emily Kay Billups and Five Will Get You Ten
Jane Jarvis Taylor and Hurry To Paradise were the Park PleasureChampions
Katelyn Crisp and Tribal Chief celebrate their Juv. 13 & Under 3Gaited Show Pleasure Championship with Amy Conley
3-Gaited Champions Laure Schuda and The Great Tatus
Lisa Lawrence and Callaway’s Gossiper took home the 5-Gaited Championship
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Scenes from Winfield
Juvenile CountryPleasure Champions Lexie Bragg and The Muffin Man
Margo Coleman and Amber’s Blue Thunder
Bucket O Fun. Who says cleaning stalls isn’t fun? Page 41
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News sAddlebred World loses stAn HArris Lexington, Kentucky - Stanley “Stan” C. Harris, 51, of Louisville passed away Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at the University of Louisville Hospital with his wife by his side. He spent his entire life involved with American Saddlebred horses, former trainer and owner of Harris Stables in Simpsonville, Kentucky, a member of the United Professional Horsemen’s Association and of the United States Equestrian Federation, and the last five years was co-owner of Ink & Toner USA with his wife. He was preceded in death by his mother, Rosamond “Roz” Harris. He is survived by his loving wife of 25 years, Susan Luckett Harris; son, Cameron Harris; father, Donald Harris; brother, Jeffrey Harris (Judy); and sister, Angela Herrin (Charles).
sAddlebred World loses rob tAnner Lexington, Kentucky - Rob Tanner, 70, husband of Jackie Tanner, died Thursday, August 9, 2012 at the University of Kentucky Hospital. Born September 2, 1941 in Fresno, California, he is the son of Dora Lawson and the late Judson Lawson. Rob trained American Saddlebred horses. Survivors other than his wife and mother include four children, Dena Lopez, Kenny Lawson, Jessica Biddulph, and Jason Couch; six grandchildren; a sister, Janice Lawson; and a brother, Ernie Lawson. Saddlebred World Loses Rob Tanner Lexington, Kentucky - Rob Tanner, 70, husband of Jackie Tanner, died Thursday, August 9, 2012 at the University of Kentucky Hospital. Born September 2, 1941 in Fresno, California, he is the son of Dora Lawson and the late Judson Lawson. Rob trained American Saddlebred horses. Survivors other than his wife and mother include four children, Dena Lopez, Kenny Lawson, Jessica Biddulph, and Jason Couch; six grandchildren; a sister, Janice Lawson; and a brother, Ernie Lawson.
sAddlebred World loses 1997 Five-GAited World’s GrAnd cHAmpion Five-Gaited World’s Grand Champion, (SA) Zovoorbij Commander In Chief passed away on July 7, 2012. Born December 13, 1986, Commander In Chief died at the age of 26 on Saturday, July 7, 2012. The grand stallion was shown mainly in the Open Five-Gaited Division, and in 1997 he was crowned the Five-Gaited World’s Grand Champion with Redd Crabtree aboard. Commander In Chief was owned and loved by Sam Webster of Atlanta, Georgia
sAddlebred World loses elAine mcclAren Elaine McClaren (McLaughlin) passed away at her beloved beach home in Cedar Grove, Wisconsin, July 10, 2012. McClaren was born July 2, 1954 in Waupaca, Wisconsin to Dolores and Bernard McLaughlin. She grew up in Crystal Lake, Illinois, received her Bachelor’s Degree from Loyola University and later built lives in Hinsdale, Illinois, Washington Island, Wisconsin and in Cedar Grove, Wisconsin. She is survived by her husband of 29 years, Bruce McClaren, their children, Lisa (Mrs. Aaron Cornell) and Brian, and by their siblings Kaye (Mrs. Jeff Becker) and John McClaren. Lisa McClaren, long time customer of Country Meadow Farm has owned and shown several world’s and national champion Saddlebreds including CH Chandler and Super Rooster. She is also survived by her brothers and sisters: Cathy Dunphy, Diana Vodnansky, Dan McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, sister-in-law Pat and her nieces and nephews Jason Vodnansky, Mark Vodnansky, Patrick Dunphy, Matt (Denise) Dunphy, Jane (Mrs. Andy Kayser), Sarah (Mrs. Mark Halvorson), Kyle (Ashley) McLaughlin, and Danielle McLaughlin. McClaren was involved with many projects including chimney logs, political activism and homemade Christmas presents. Her beautiful dinners, summer competitions on the Island, generous gifts and private pep talks masquerading as conversation were a vital part of who she was. She organized and accessorized great parties, houses and gardens, making each more eccentric and stunning than the last. Her interests and hobbies were many and varied. From riding an Olympic bobsled, climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge in Australia, becoming a Search and Rescue K-9 trainer to perfecting her handgun skills. Her first trip abroad was to Africa when she was 17 and again when daughter Lisa competed in World Cup competition. McClaren’s passion for politics, The Constitution in particular, is well documented. Accordingly, in lieu of flowers, she asked for contributions in her name to be sent to Freedom Works for America, the Wounded Warrior Project, or to the Crystal Lake Food Pantry at 257 King Street, Crystal Lake, IL 60014.
All AmericAn Horse clAssic sept 4-8, 2012 Come share in the excitement of the 2012 All American Horse Classic; from more than 60 talented Weanlings in the All American Cup Tuesday September 4, through the National Pleasure Equitation Finals on Saturday September 8, plus all the talent and festivities in between: •
Kick off the week with a Move-In Pizza Party on Monday Sept 3: Sponsored by Show Horse Tack
The fun really kicks in with an after- show Dinner Wednesday Sept 5: Sponsored by Legacy Farms
Join us Thursday evening for a Special Retirement Ceremony and Celebration
Friday Hoosier Hospitality Dinner: Sponsored by Johnathon Byrd... enjoy their famous Fried Chicken!
Prize List: Page 45
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One of the Favorites
By Donna Nabors The August Shelbyville horse show has always held a special place in the heart of Saddlebred enthusiasts. The atmosphere is similar to a mini-fair, with specialty vendors, live music and much-better-than-average food available. The show season is in its latter half and there have been a lot of ups and downs for many of the competitors. Although many horses and riders have qualified for their classes at the World Championships later in the month, Shelbyville is still the place to see top-notch horses still eager to capture recognition in the form of a ribbon, plate or trophy. This gentile southern setting is like no other for spectators. Seating for the two story dining facility is always in high demand, but there’s really no bad vantage point in the whole arena. The covered mini-grandstand offers shade from the hot August sun, but even the uncovered stadium-like seating faces away from the setting sun and it offers an excellent view of the lineups. Although the overall entries seemed a little lighter than in years past, the enthusiasm was high and the anticipation of a fun and exciting horse show was evident.
well with Work It in the Amateur Three Gaited classes. The Five Gaited Pleasure class and Stakes class saw Rain take the blue in both, much to the delight of Kathy Capsuto and Paula Schmidt. Dan Hall guided the nice black Harlem’s Nightcap to wins in the Country Pleasure Show Pleasure Driving class and Stakes class, and Cheerful Memories took Pamela Slater to the winners circle in the Jr. Exhibitor Five Gaited and Championship classes. The Country Pleasure Jr. Exhibitor and Stake classes gave Foster Roberts a chance to collect blue ribbons aboard Pangaea, and Hannah Houske made another blue ribbon sweep aboard The Mighty Mouse in the Three Gaited Jr. Exhibitor and Stakes classes. Hannah also did well with You Move Me in the Three Gaited Show Pleasure Jr. Exhibitor class with a second and came back to place first the Championship class.
With the close of another August Shelbyville Horse Show, time is up for those who expect to make a name for themselves on the green shavings at Freedom Hall. Whether or not they deserved all the praise and accolades heaped upon them these past few months will come down to one show in many people’s minds. There won’t be any classes with just one entry at Louisville, so any blue ribbon hung on a bridle or harness with have to be earned the hard way – competing against the best from around With the World Championships just around the corner, this would the country. People will be hooting and hollering for their preferprobably be the final time those competitors would venture out- ences, and some crowd favorites won’t be taking victory passes, side their barns for one last tune-up. Mighty Thor won both the but Shelbyville, and all the other shows going before it, will forThree Gaited Show Pleasure and Stake class for owner Carol Hil- ever be remembered as part of an enjoyable and successful show season for each and every competitor. lenbrand, a duo that’s proven hard to beat. Carol also did very
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O n l i n e a t w w w. s h o w r i n g t i m e s . c o m !
alendar C
4-8 All American Cup, Indianapolis, IN, James Aikman (317)862-4341; or www. or Claire Panke (317)331-5451; 6-9 Summers End Show, Ocala, FL,Glenn Winograd (813)286-2000; or
7-8 KVHA Point Show, Winfield, WV; Kathy Hamilton (304)965-0030; or www.
17-19 Continental Divide Horse Show, Loveland, CO, Farra Baker (303)355-7633; or www. 19-25 Kentucky State Fair, Louisville, KY, Scarlett Mattson (270)547-2407 or (502)647-0076; or 23-Sept 3 New York State Fair, Syracuse, NY, Naomi Blumenthal(315)682-1933 or (315)436-1933; www.nysfair. org/competitions or 30-Sept 2 Oregon State Fair, Salem, OR, Margo HepnerHart(503)645-0400 or (503)351-0345; www.oregonstatefair. org or
7-8 North Carolina State Charity Classic Horse Show, Raleigh, NC, Beth Snider(502)647-0076 or (502)314-7960; or 14-15 Southwest Classic Horse Show, Scottsdale, AZ, Marcia Everett (480) 312-6802 or (847) 612-0298 or meverett4@ 15 KASPHA Kentucky State Championships, Shelbyville, KY,Gail Kline(502)722-8129; or www. 20-23 Wisconsin Futurity, Mequon, WI, Vicky Holston(262)560-9764 or (262)510-6614; or 20-23 Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield, MA, Carol Keller (413)205-5016; or www.thebige. com/horseshow 26-29 Northwest Saddlebred Fall Classic, Salem, OR, Bailey Freeman (503)747-4191; or bailey. 26-29 ASHAV, Lexington, VA, Beth Snider(502)314-7960 or (502)647-0076; or kentmoeller@ or 26-30 Saint Louis National Charity, Lake Saint Louis, MO, Peter Fenton(859)321-9281; or or
1-3 Lancaster Fair Horse Show, Lancaster, NH; Evelyn Elms 26-30 LA International Draft Horse, Mule and Open Driving (603)787-9834; or lancasterfair. Show, Pomona, CA; Sharon Gifford 909-374-8139; taylor@ com or Roxanne Hood 831-637-8510; rhood@ 2 Carriage Town Horse Show, Amesbury, MA; Felicia Knowles (603)501-3325; or 27-29 Brown County Fair, Georgetown,OH; Juanita Baricklow (513)256-2573; Page 52
O n l i n e a t w w w. s h o w r i n g t i m e s . c o m !
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24-27 North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, NC, Dale Barnett(919)839-4701; or www. 26-28 Arizona Futurity Horse Show, Scottsdale, AZ, Melanni A Hershberger (480)443-3372; www.
27 SAHIBA Spring Horse Affair, Shelbyville, KY; Deneb Thompson (304)389-5717; or 5-7 UPHA Chapter 10 Fall Horse Show, Roscoe, IL, Sue Hillegonds(815)444-9485;
5-7 Minnesota Futurity Horse Show, Winona, MN, Sally Tesch (507)452-5600; or www. 5-7 Kentucky Fall Classic, Lexington, KY, Charles Walker (859)333-1406; or www. 5-7 Morristown Charity Horse Show/ASHB Futurity of TN/ETSA Harvest Breeders Jackpot, White Pine, TN, Tammie Moore(423)-586-3602 or (865)712-4378; or 10-13 Alabama Charity, Priceville, AL, Janet Byron(256)7734594 or (256)654-0142; or dkhoss@ 12-13 KVHA Point Show, Winfield, WV; Kathy Hamilton (304)965-0030; or www. 12-13 Dallas Fall Classic, Dallas, NC, Ray Cloninger (704)489-2000; or www.raycloninger. com
2-4 Harvest Days Horse Show, Tampa, FL, Becky Buffington(813)926-6974 or (813)740-3500; www. or 13-17 UPHA/American Royal National Championship, Kansas City, MO, Beth Snider(502)647-0076 or (502)3147960; or 17-18 Georgia Fall Classic, Perry, GA; Bruce Payton (404)353-8912; or ddavis729@
12-15 Salina Charity Horse Show, Salina, KS, Yvonne McCarthy (316)304-2755; or vbmcarthy@ 18-21 Mid-America Mane Event, Springfield, IL, Joy Meierhans(630)557-2575; or www. 21-23 Saddlebred Futurity; Las Vegas, NV; Harriet Landrum 805-687-8711 or Roxanne Hood 831-637-8510; rhood@
1-2 TASHA Holiday Show, Katy, TX; Janie Hamilton (214)478-0897; or Page 53
To Fair or Not To Fair By Donna Nabors With the cancellation of the Spring Mercer County Horse Show, there were high hopes that the Mercer County Fair and Horse Show in July would capture the excitement of another well-run event. With the multi-night schedule and the wide variety of classes to choose from, a competitor surely could find a place for their horse to hone their skills. A walk around the barn area revealed a number of empty stalls, but with nearly 500 entries recorded, the class sizes were respectable with a good many fiercely fighting for the honor of a victory pass. The one major thing missing from the Mercer County Fair and Horse Show was the fair. Scheduled the week before, the bright lights and noise of the carnival atmosphere was replaced with booms of thunder and a periodic lightning show Thursday and Friday nights, accompanied by some heavy rain at times. Many of the spectators accustomed to seeing the Ferris wheel, merry-go-rounds and Midway vendors expressed their surprise and disappointment. Some were sympathetic with the explanation that in years past the sounds of the tractor pull directly behind some of the barns made it difficult for trainers and riders to hear the call of classes, not to mention making the horses a little more fractious. Many more were obviously disappointed that tradition had been tweaked in favor of the complaints. Regardless of the atmosphere, Jerry Cummins had a really good time showing at the Mercer County fairgrounds. He went home with two firsts for the Hackney Pony Pleasure Driving Championship and the Harness Pony Championship and a second in the Roadster Pony Championship. Mike Felty also hit with two firsts and single second with the Park Pleasure Driving and Roadster Pony Limit followed by the Open Pleasure. The Shelby Farm trio of Milo Jones, Hannah Houske and You Move Me scored three firsts and one second in their ASB Pleasure classes. Steve Crabtree’s 16 entries made a fine showing bringing first, second, third and fourth place ribbons back to the barn to decorate with. Stephanie Sedlacko invaded the arena with a total of 33 entries and Lillian Shively wasn’t far behind with 32 entries competing under her direction. Nelson Green had to be crowned the big overall winner with 12 blue ribbons, 3 red ribbons and 1 yellow, all competing in a variety of classes. Times change and traditions come and go, but the jury is still out on whether or not the horse show will return to the same week as the fair. Brad Noel, horse show manager, is more than willing to please as many people as possible, so it’s going to be interesting to see if the 2013 Mercer County Horse Show has the fair as a backdrop or not.
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Scenes from Harrodsburg
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Scenes from Harrodsburg
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Scenes from Harrodsburg
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Online at and linked to you!
DESERT PALMS EQUESTRIAN CENTER, LLC. (Saddlebred) Training • Sales • Lessons • Summer Camp. Michelle McVey, owner/trainer/instructor; Erin Smith Instructor, Camp Director, Assistant Trainer. 28410 North 44th St. Cave Creek, AZ 85331. Barn/ Office: (480) 239-4896; Email: Website: www.desertpalms. net MATTHEW ROBERTS STABLES LLC (Saddlebred) Boarding, Training, Sales, Showings, Lessons. Matthew Roberts, Owner/Trainer/Instructor; Jolene Galvin, Instructor. Mailing Address: 28248 N Tatum Blvd, Cave Creek, AZ 85331; Phone: (480) 4198010; Email:; Web: www.matthewrobertsstables. com
BILL SCHOEMAN STABLES (Saddlebred Services) Training, Instruction, Sales, Breeding. We offer quality young horses for sale. Owner: Bill Schoeman Trainer: Bill Schoeman P.O. Box 220 Lexington, GA 30648 Ph: 706-614-1335 BLUFF CREEK STABLES (Saddlebred/Hackney)Training*Sales*Lessons;Mary Ann/Billy Jones, Owners; Deanna Edgy, Trainer, Instructor; 189 Bluff Creek Drive Colonel’s Island Midway, Georgia 31320; (Barn)912-884-WHOA (9462); ; GRAVEL HILL FARMS(Saddlebred, Hackney, Morgan)Training*Breeding*Sales*L essons; Alicia/Jim Floyd, owners; 133 Graybeard Lane, Hinesville, GA 31313; Alicia Floyd (912)977-1366; RED OAK STABLES(Saddlebreds, Hackney Ponies, Roadsters) Boarding*Training* Lessons*Sales*Breeding; Nancy Sealy, Owner; Clay Noel, Trainer; Erin Peel, Instructor; Sid Perryman, Consultant; 2228 Midway Church Rd, Forsyth, Georgia 31029; (478)394-0157;; SOQUILI STABLES (Saddlebred) Training, Showing, Sales, Breeding, Prospects for sale. Betty and Ron Moore, partners; Randy Stoess and Allison Walker, Trainers; Hector Castillejo, Asst Trn; Kathy Brodie, Breeding Mgr. 6330 Putnam Ford Dr., Woodstock, GA 30189. (770) 928-6760 (stable); (770) 592-5256 (fax); (678) 294-0291 (Stoess cell)
LOWRY STABLES - (Saddlebred, Morgan) Training, Sales, Showing, Breeding, Riding Lessons: Jim and Fay Lowry, Owners/Trainer: 1522 County Rd. 100, Seymour, IL 61875: (217)687-4551: SKYLINE STABLES LLC (Saddlebred) Donna and Kenny Smith, Owners/Trainers. P.O. Box 1379, New Lenox, IL 60451. (520) 991-6536 (cell) ; (815) 463-8418 (stable)
DELOVELY FARM (Saddlebred, Roadster, Equitation) Training, Sales, Riding Instruction. Raymond and Lillian Shively-Owners; Todd Miles, Trainer; Mark Turner, Trainer; Constance Young and Andrew Deminey-Assistant Trainers; Karen Greenwell-Assistant Instructor. 3476 W. County Rd 50 N., Rockport, IN 47635. (812) 649-2518 (barn); (812) 649-9949 (barn fax); INDIAN CREEK FARM(Morgan, Saddlebred) Training*Sales*Lessons*Breeding* Instruction; A. Russell and Jeanette Quilhot , owners; Kurt Hufferd, manager/trainer; Shanna Gish, trainer/instructor; 6550 E 900 South Columbia City, IN 46725; (260)3962640; Fax (260)396-2670;; NRG FARM (American Saddlebred) Training, Sales, Riding Instruction; Gene Ress and Nancy Ress, Owners; Nancy Ress, Trainer; Miguel Flores, Asst. Trainer; Ali Sandage, Instructor; 12094 State Road 37, Tell City, IN 47586; (812) 836-2070
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ALLIANCE STUD (Saddlebred, Morgan) Breeding, Embryo Transfer, Training, Sales. Scott Bennett, DVM, Owner. 1630 Todd’s Point Rd., Simpsonville, KY 40067. (502) 722-0203;; ARROWHEAD FARM (Saddlebred, Hackney, Roadster) Training, Breeding, Sales. Melinda Moore, Trainer. 2305 Harrodsburg Rd, Lawrenceburg, KY 40342. (859)6131645 (cell). AUTUMN HILLS FARM, LLC (Saddlebred) Training, Showing, Sales; Steve and tiffany Wheeler, Owners/Trainers. 1630 Todds Point road, Simpsonville, KY 40067. Phone (859) 576-5221 or (859) 608-2632. HILLVIEW STABLES (Saddlebred, Roadster, Hackney Pony) Training, Showing, Sales, Lessons. Steve and Suzanne Crabtree, Owners/Trainers. 1337 Hogenville Rd., Elizabethtown, KY 42701. (270) 737-7508. PENNY LANE FARM, INC. (Saddlebred, Hackney, Roadster) Training, Sales, Riding Instruction, Showing, Breeding, Broodmare Care, Retirement. Amy & Dale Hanson, Owners. Jon Wallace, trainer; Melinda Young, trainer/instructor. 370 Housman Rd, Boaz, KY 42027. (270) 658-3970; “Quality Young & Finished Horses Available.” Email: VENTURA FARM (Saddlebred) Sales • Training • Home of Classic American Saddlebreds. Kathy Snyder, owner; Mike Hylton, trainer. 2849 Mt. Eden Rd., Shelbyville, KY 40065. Phone: (502) 633-9371; Stable: (502) 647-3238. WINGSWEPT FARM (Saddlebred) Training, Lessons, Sales. Stephanie Sedlacko, Owner/Trainer. 7175 Harrodsburg Road. Nicholasville, KY 40356.Cell (410)708-1201 Barn (859) 887-0955 ZUBROD STABLES(Saddlebred) Training*Sales*Lessons; Bonnie Zubrod, owner/ manager; Cindy Z. Boel, trainer; PO Box 379, Prospect, KY 40059; Stable (502)228-3377; Zubrod Res (502)228-5367; Cindy Boel (502)338-7805
ROCKING HORSE FARM (Saddlebred, Hackney, Morgan) “Where Champions Meet” Training, Sales, Showing, Instruction. Lillian Gilpin, owner/trainer. 99 Palmer Rd., Plympton, MA 02367 (781) 424-4788;
New Jersey
SIREN SONG STABLE (Saddlebred, Friesian) Training & Sales. Dr. Scott and Annika Bruggeworth, Owners; Jerry Hutson, Trainer; Cassidy Hutson, Instructor. 337 Clarkstown Rd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. (609) 909-0170 (stable); (215) 284-9009 (cell)
New York
DAR MAUR MANOR (Saddlebred, Hackney, Morgan) Training, Sales, Showing, Boarding, Instruction, Equine Transportation. Maureen & Thomas Quackenbush, owners; Christopher Carrick, trainer; Laura Denale, Instructor. 2858 Old State Route 12, Sauquoit, NY 13456. (315)-737-8862 (farm); (315) -737-8210 (house); (269) -357-4280 (Chris); (315) -507-7099 (Laura); maureen@darmaurmanor. com;; LUKENS STABLES (Saddlebred) Boarding*Training*Instruction; Jan Lukens, owner/trainer; 259 Tracy Rd; Ravena, NY 12143; (518)756-9777; Fax (518)756-8272; Resident student accommodations
North Carolina
CASH LOVELL STABLES & RIDING ACADEMY, INC. (Saddlebred, Hackney, Roadster) Training, Lessons, Sales. Cash and Parker Lovell, owners; 2915 Shetland Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27127; (336) 784-6385 (stable); (336) 785-0983 (res); (336) 420-5501 (Cash cell); (336) 784-7908 (fax);; www.cashlovellstables. com HARRISON SHIFLET STABLES (Saddlebred) Training, Showing, Sales, Lessons, Breeding, Boarding. Harrison and Beverly Shiflet, owners. 108 Joanda Farm Rd., Mooresboro, NC 28114. (828) 245-0600 (stable) ; (828) 248-9514 (house) HIGH CALIBER STABLES (Saddlebred, Hackney) Training, Sales, Instruction. Mary and Evan Orr, Owners/Trainers. 704-500-6166 (Cell); 336-769-4701 (Barn); 1736 Union Cross Road Kernersville, NC 27284; Mail: 1100 Reynolds Price Drive Kernersville, NC 27284; TARA FARM LLC(Morgan)Breeding*Sales*Training*Lessons; “Where champion performers produce champion foals.” Frances Pugh, owner; Ken/Diana Swanson, trainers; 715 Newton Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615; Stable (919)847-5774; Fax (919)866-1735; email
BLUE GRASS FARM (Saddlebred, Hackney) Breeding. Specializing in young stock. Trainer: Jerry Toliver (865) 659-6223 ; Tails by Debbie Toliver (865) 659-6221 EVANS LAKEVIEW STABLES(Saddlebreds, Caters to All Breeds)Boarding* Training*L essons*Breeding; Standing At Stud: Periaptus Maximus by Periaptor; Featuring a 50 x 180 indoor lighted arena and coming soon 100 x 200 outdoor ring; Randy/Sally Evans,Owner. 21876 E. Coast Tellico Parkway, Greenback, TN 37742; (865)566-2707; fax(865)8568588;; TYLER NUNLEY STABLES, Saddlebreds; Training, Sales, Broodmare and Foal Management. Prospects for your consideration available at all times. Tyler Nunley- Owner/ Trainer; 326 Bridwell Hts. Rd., Kingsport, TN 37664, cell (423) 967-7799, barn (423) 2888760 or fax (423) 288-7695; email
FORT CHISWELL STABLES (American Saddlebreds)Breeding, Training, Specializing in Young Horses; Standing at Stud: Attache’s Royal Assets and Mountain Empire; Dickey Davis, Owner/Trainer; 2484 E. Lee Hwy Wythville, VA 24382; (H)276-6203216/(Fax)276-637-3216
West Virginia
MOUNTAIN TRAIL STABLES (American Saddlebreds, Roadsters,Friesians)Training, Lessons,Boarding,Breeding, Retirement; Standing at Stud: Forty Third Street, Katies Rob Roy, and Grey Ridge Heiro Smith; Ralph/Shirley Trail, Owners; Shirley Trail, Trainer; 1048 Bicknal Flats Rd., Rock, WV 24747; Shirley-Cell(304-920-8762;
HOLLOW HAVEN FARM (Saddlebred) Training, Showing, Sales, Equitation. Andy and Lynda Freseth, owners/trainers. N77W36498 Saddlebrook Lane, Oconomowoc, WI 53066. Stable (920) 474-4704; Fax (920) 474-4724,
BECKER BROTHERS LLC EQUESTRIAN OUTFITTERS; 115 Walton Avenue, Lexington, KY 40508 (859) 233-0700 FRIERSON’S - Custom Riding Apparel - Saddle Suits starting at $895. Custom made shirts, vests, and hunt coats. P.O. Box 1122 Saluda (Asheville) NC 28773. 1-800-225-6419;
SADDLEBRED RESCUE - A 501 c 3 not for profit organization dedicated to rescuing American Saddlebreds and other saddle breeds from horse auctions and other venues where they are often bound for slaughter. Saddlebred Rescue works with trainers and owners to return them to useful, cared for, and dignified lives as show horses, lesson horses, and companion animals. Neilia McCracken, president; Pat Johnson, Executive Director; Christy Parker, founder. (908) 304-3560;
Directory UNITED PROFESSIONAL HORSEMEN’S ASSOCIATION (UPHA) Karen G. Rich ardson, Executive Secretary; 4059 Iron Works Parkway #2, Lexington, KY 40511 (859) 231-5070 (phone) (859) 255-2774 (fax);
BROWN’S CLIPPER SERVICE-Repair clippers, sharpen blades, sell clippers and accessories; Jay Brown; 1119 South 4th Street, Springfield, Illinois 62703; (217)414-8126 MORTON BUILDINGS-Byron Day, Manager; 118 Jones Lane, Frankfort, KY 406019807; Office(502)875-4312; Fax(502)875-7136;Res(859)873-1044; Cell; (859)221-3178;
INDEPENDENT EQUINE AGENTS - Kris Knight, CEO - Equine, Farm and Liability Insurance Specialists. 10234 Shelbyville Road, Louisville KY 40223. (502) 245-6878 or (800) 346-8880; (502) 245-9698 (Fax);; PLAMP-KEEN AGENCY - All forms of livestock and farm related insurance. D. Chris Keen and Erin B. Mason. PO Box 5039 or 1705 Bardstown Rd., Louisville, KY 402550039; (502) 451-7700 or 1-800-626-2494; (502) 458-7416 (fax);;
Ribbons and Awards
ROYAL RIBBONS AND AWARDS 889 Colloredo Blvd., Shelbyville, TN 37160; Phone/Fax (931)685-0110; Owned by Keith and Suzy Johnson; Ribbons-Trophies-Back Numbers-Crystal Awards.
TAIL SWITCHES BY ELAINE GREGORY – 7’ to 9’ long silver, black, creamy white, strawberry blonde switches as well as a great variety of liver and silver, solid liver and red chestnut switches. Call Elaine Gregory at (802) 276-2155 or (802) 249- 9170. Email at
A CLASSIC EXPRESSION - Photography by Ted Douglass. Horse shows, portraits, farm shoots; 231 KingSt., Boscawen, NH 03303 (603) 491-9964; ; Avis (Girdler) (502) 245-4365; Bowling, Michael (606) 739-0239 Church, Courtney, (651) 442-0007; Douglas, Natasha (276) 445-5545; Elcock, Laura (913)469-4282; Fox, Brittany (205)807-0423; Hall, Sandra (843) 623-6652; Jacobs, Jane and Brooke (859) 321-5393; Kelley, Rachel (502) 905-5851 ; Kelsey, Tracy (434) 203-9378; Kirk, Jim (404) 667-2827 McBride, Casey (623) 580-1768; Mohme, Jerry (512) 203-2809; Moseder, Bob and Jean (904) 825-7645 Murphy, Chris (919) 606-2862; Osteen, Rick and Joni ( 760) 752-4498; Pieper, Sara (608) 257-2621; SaddlebredWeb, (859) 299-0892; Schatzberg, Jack and Judy (602) 522-9777 Schatzberg, Howard (480)-595-2865; Shiflet, Doug and Debbie (336) 629-6545; Shiflet, Shane and Suzy (336) 318-2116; Strickroot, Gayle (859) 321-5389; Uecker-Keough, Debbie (619) 933-2730; Val Web Creations (502) 418-7207; Washburn, Terri and Kirk (507)789-4657;
Wollaber, Linda and Bruce (304) 755-7240; Young, Terry (859) 264-8579;
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Central States Exhibitors Stay Cool Despite Hot Competition! By Kelley Reason Central States Benefit Horse Show, a show that benefits Saddlebred Rescue Inc, marked off another successful show July 19-22 .While exhibitors and horses were sweating it out in other parts of the world at horse shows those that made their way to the Central States show managed to stay cool, even under the pressure of hot competition. Held in The Hale Arena at the American Royal Complex in Kansas City, Missouri, meant the benefit of air conditioning (at least on the inside). Many exhibitors and horses were making final preparations to the World Championships, so what better venue than an air conditioned arena-like Freedom Hall? Even if not headed to Louisville Central States offered something for all horse show goers-a variety of classes for Saddlebreds, Morgans, Arabians, Hackneys, and Road Horses, a great exhibitors party, and a show management staff that makes everyone feel welcome and comfortable.
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Scenes from Kansas City
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Scenes from Kansas City
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Scenes from Kansas City
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Tanbark-Not Just A Horse Show St. Paul, Minnesota-The Tanbark Cavalcade of Roses Horse Show, Minnesota’s largest and most competitive Saddlebred show, was held June 27-30, 2012, at the State Fairgrounds in St. Paul, Minnesota. Judging the show was: Barbe Smith (New Orleans, LA), Fay Lowry (Seymour, IL) and Peter Cowart (Statesville, NC). If you attend Tanbark you immediately realize that it is more than just a horse show. This year’s show offered special features like ASHA Junior Judging, banners in the Tanbark Hall of Champions to recognize great horses, exhibitor parties, baskets of goodies for sponsors, hospitality galore and of course a welcoming Minnesota spirit. Another great feature of Tanbark is that it supports some great causes. Tanbark proceeds benefit the We Can Ride therapeutic riding program, Saddlebred Rescue and breast cancer research. The show also supports Saddlebred activities in Minnesota. Tanbark is an Emerald Sponsor of the Minnesota Saddlebred Horse Association and sponsors classes at the the FASH, Spring Tune-up and Minnesota Futurity horse show. The show managers believe in actively putting the proceeds of the show back into Minnesota Saddlebred activities.
Stonecroft Minuet and Scott Wendt winning the Park Open Stake Page 70
Pascale and Tancy Colburn Becker
Courageous Reflection and Nicole Lathrop
Miss All About Me and Kyle Conner winning the Park Open class
Just Outrageous and Tom Scott winning the Five Gaited Open class
Wait And See’s Winter Day and Randy Wells, Hackney Harness Pony Open winner Page 71
Rick Wallen
Street Secret and Lyndi Skinner
The New York Look and Carey Verschuure CH Sunday’s Edit and Jennifer Elnicky Page 72
Reedann’s Public Speaker and Rebecca Westberg
Desert Light and Delaney Fitzgerald winning Hackney Pleasure Pony AHHS Youth Medallion Under Saddle class
CH Callaway’s Cumulus and Susan Aschenbrenner winning the Country Pleasure Driving Stake
Rocky Bay and Rob Kritzler
Memories Mirage and Rick Wallen
Foremost and Dona J. Merg
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Scenes from Asheville
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Winner of the Equitation English/Western Class
Ann Miller (with hat on) Looking from the rail coaching a student
Theo Robinson won the Five-Gaited Novice Horse class
Christina Lara riding Prince Genius Almarada De Lara Country Pleasure winner Page 79
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