4.3 Place attachment and Mental Health People usually become attached to places that play important roles in their lives and it is more likely for them to develop emotional bonds to places that provide pleasing experiences and memories. The most grounded connection are built up to places which are they find to be especially attractive, choose frequently or the ones that support positive social interactions and the development of social ties. No simple formula can be applied which help the designers and planners to create positive emotional bonds between a person and a place i.e place attachment. Still, they can choose to design attractive places, that promotes social inclusions, and that invite people to linger. Hence, it can be said that such physical settings, being associated to every neighbourhood, campus, and business district will unquestionably have important consequences. People who build up a significant emotional bond with a neighbourhood, park, or other setting exhibit greater commitment to the community surrounding that place, report higher levels of well-being, and have a very low probability of moving away than the individuals who feel less of a bond (ALTMAN AND LOW, 1992).
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