Shreejay Portfolio

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Contents Graduate Academic Projects

01| Aloft counter proposal Fall 2016, Economics, Environment & Enterprise

02| Countway Medical Library Fall 2016, A Daylighting Project

03| Joshua Tree N.P Visitor Center Fall 2016, A Net Zero Energy Building, Energy Simulation

04| Lisbon Neighboorhood Design Spring 2016, Modelling Urban Energy Flows @ MIT Architecture

Architecture Projects

05| Nepal Mediciti Professional Work

06| Universal Toilet Professional Design Competition Entry

07| Climate Change Research Center Undergraduate Thesis(Academic)

Aloft Counterproposal Group Project

Project Explored how might changes to the way this Hotel was built and Operates could have improved both its environmental imapct and Financial returns

STRATEGY: FOUR PRONGED APPROACH 01| DESIGN Rethinking Guestroom and Common spaces to be more efficient and functional

02| MATERIALS Reduction of embodied energy and global warming potential( Carbon Footprint) of Materials used.

03| OPERATIONS Reduction of consumption of Water, Electricity and natural gas

04| CHANGE OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Encourage reduction of resources by changing consumer behavior through incentive system

Aloft Hotel(existing) Existing Hotel Information Location: 401-403 D St. Boston Seaport Innovation District Operations: Opened Feb 2016 No: of Room: 330 No: of Floors: 13 Area: 213,000 GSF LEED Rating: Silver

Spring 2016 SES 5370: Economics, Environment & Enterprise Asst. Prof. H. Samuelson & F. Apeseche

01| DESIGN Efficient Planning of Individual rooms led to reduction of room size by 20%. Lobby/common areas increased to allow greater socialization Existing


Proposed Double Height longue created from the extra space


Proposed Single Bed

Double Bed

02| MATERIALS The counterproposal for the Aloft Hotel uses a cross-laminated timber structural system, a structural wood system . It consists of several layers of lumber stacked crosswise and glued together. The cross-laminations give this structural system dimensional stability and high strength and stiffness, providing twoway action capabilitieslike that of a reinforced concrete slab The change of structural system from concrete and steel to cross-laminated timber also significantly reduces the environmental impact of the building, thanks in part to the carbonsequestering nature of timber.

Reinforced Concrete,Curtain wall, Area: 213,000 GSF Construction Cost Cost per SF: $422 Total: $89,886,000

Counter-proposed System Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Area: 201,823 GSF Construction Cost Cost per SF: $452 Total: $86,961,883


26% Reduction of Global Warming Potential (CO2 EQ.) 19% Reduction of Total Primary (Non-Operational) Energy

kg CO2 eq

Existing Construction System

Cross laminated timber also allows the advantage of leaving the surface exposed reducing the need of wall finishing material.

03| OPERATIONS CHP Combined Heat & Power Combined heat and power systems (CHP), also known as cogeneration is generation of electricity and useful thermal in a single integrated system. In conventional systems/ approach , Electricity is purchased from the grid and for thermal energy fuels such as natural gas is purchased to run boilers. In CHP, Electricity is generated onsite using fuels and the resulting heat is put to use for thermal needs. This combined approach results in large savings as well as less emissions.

without CHP

with CHP

For a CHP system to be feasible there has to be a constant and sizable thermal energy demands. The Load profile of a Hotel fits the bill. This is because Hotels have year round high thermal energy demands due to the high domestic hot water requirements on top of the usual space heating requirements.

Suitable for Hotels due to constant high demand for thermal energy, mainly Domestic Hot Water without CHP

Fuel Use

with CHP


Reduction What is the Aloft App? A Visual Feedback System designed for guests. Awards Incentives for reducting consumption.

Water, electricity monitor System comprises wireless monitoring devices/ sensors and submeters cloud connected to a membership account accessed by the app.

Incentives Examples Free Drinks Room Upgrades Free Cab ride to the Airport

financial analysis

This Point-based system y reduces consumption. Also encourages repeat bussiness by incentevising guests to stick to the same hotel brand due to acccumulation of points.

economic analysis (15yr Proforma) base case

proposed case

purchase assumption Number of Units Purchase price per SF Total Built up Area: Closing/ Financing Cost Mortgage Debt (% of Investemnt) Total Aggregate Purchase Investment Total Debt Total Equity

330 $422 213,000 SF 1.00% 69.00% $89,886,000 $62,000,000 $27,886,000

346 $433 201,823 SF 1.00% 69.00% $87,421,883 $62,000,000 $27,886,000

Revenue & expense assumptions Nightly Gross Rev Per Unit Vacancy as % Gross Rev (3yr stabilization) Maintenance Reserve Net Annual Revenue per Room Annual Net Rev for Property Annual Utilities Fees ( Energy+Water) Energy Water Annual Management Fees(% of net rev)

IRR 15yr

(internal Rate of Return)

$350 19.00% 2.00% $127,750 $42,157,500 $258,881 $216,485 $42,396 60.00%


Decrease of Annual Utility Costs by the proposed case

$335 19.00% 2.00% $122,275 $42,307,150 $194,424 $160,876 $33,548 60.00%




growth rates Gross Revenue Local Taxes Utilities

3.00% 5.00% 3.00%

sale Cap Rate based on yr 15 NOI Cost Associated with Sales

10.00% 2.00%

other assumptions Annual Amortization Debt Annual Dollar Amt. Debt Amortization Interest On Outsthandg Debt Balance St. Line Depretiation of Property St. Line Depreciation of CapEx Additional Annual CapEX per unit Effective Tax Rate Cap Gains Tax rate on Sale

25.00% $15,500 15.00% 30yrs 7yrs $1,000 27.00% 20.00%

Countway Medical Library A Daylighting Projcct

Group Project

Exterior of library basement windows with wooden shutters

location Basement, Open Planned Room- South Countway Medical Library, Longwood Medical Area Boston, MA

Study alcoves Book Stacks

Countway Medical Library

daylighting issues in the basement Study alcoves in the south side basement has glare To prevent glare shutters used, which decreases daylight.

design objectives 01| Elimainate the glare without blocking or reducing the daylight in the study alcoves. Study alcove in the basement showing glare due to direct sunlight

Study alcove showing wooden shutters with sunlight on the working surface

02| Maximize daylight penetration into the interior of the basement where the book stacks are at.

Fall 2016 SCI-6479: Daylighting Asst. Prof. H. Samuelson

glare-in-the-eye analysis

Each ray representing the times of the year when Glare or sunlight in the eye for a person seated in the specific location

A sunpath diagram showing the sun positions when direct sunlight hits the eye of a seated person.

Sun angles, for those times of the year where there is glare to the seated person on the alcove.

Backward ray tracing using a grasshopper plugin “Lady Bug� was used to map the glare-in the-eye moments for all possible seating positions.

daylight reflector % Occupied hours

0 17 33 50 67 83




100 Overlit Areas (Potential for glare)

Baseline Conditions, DA Daylight Availability (300lux)=23%

Highly reflective ceiling, reflectors at 15°, DA(300lux)= 37%

Exterior reflector angled at 15°

Exterior Daylight reflector angled at 20° for deeper daylight penetration Highly reflective ceiling, reflectors at 20°, DA(300lux)= 37%

The Daylight reflector functions similar to a light shelf by bounces daylight off the ceiling.

Daylighting Analysis using DIVA plugin for Rhino 3D

The reflector can be incorporated as part of the landscape

greenhouse glare solution

Greenhouse with translucent glazing to eliminate glare

Existing condition when there is intolerable glare

illustration of glare rays blocked by the greenhouse

Glare analysis with greenhouse added resulting in imperceptible glare

% Occupied hours

0 17

Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) analysis was run using DIVA to check for glare for existing condition and after proposed addition of the greenhouse.

33 50 67 83

why the green house? A garden was already being planned for the outdoor space just outside the basement windows. Therefore a green house was a dual use solution both as a garden and to block glare

100 Overlit Areas (Potential for glare)

combined solution| greenhouse+reflector Green house has translucent glazing on the top and south side to block/eliminate glare

Combined solution of Greenhouse+ Daylight reflector. DA=24%

angled daylight reflector used to maximize daylight penetration and makeup for the reduced daylight due to the addition of greenhouse.

Net- Zero Visitor Center

Joshua Tree National Park Group Project

climate analysis

design concepts

Location Close to Twentynine Palms, CA climate Sub-Tropical Desert Climate

minimal impact With an intention to have minimal human impact, the site of a national park was chosen The Idea was to maintain Minimal Visual impact hench the building was to be partially burried underground and visible from only one side

Termpreratue (째C)

zero energy comfort Range PMV

Because the site is ecologically fragile and is almost free of human impacts, goal was to aim for a Net Zero Energy design

Typical To Deserty Climates, there is large Diurnal temperature swings.

째C 44<= 40 34 30 25 25 16 11 7 2 <=-2

째C 44<= 40 34 30 25 25 16 11 7 2 <=-2

Annual Temperature Chart showing the hours within Comfort range PMV model (18-26째C)

Natural Ventilation Viable for 36% of the Year

Fall 2016 SCI-6470: Energy Simulation Asst. Prof. H. Samuelson

massing studies


EUI 144kWh/m



Lens Shape

Long rectangle

Courtyard Rectangle

Starting EUI

Natural Ventilation

Earth Berm SouthFacade















Lighting/Dimming controls

conclusion from massing study

EUI 150kWh/m



Earth berming on the south is extremely effective as it reduces solar heat gain and acts as a heat sink. A long and Thin shape along E-W axis performs well due to more daylight and contact with ground

lens shaped massing chosen

EUI Energy use intensity

It has better architectural massing yet performs similar to long rectangle sloped Arc shape better for Solar PV, crucial in achieving Net Zero energy.

Earth Berm on South

Natural Ventilation Medium weight Moderate insulation. Window wall ratio = 30%

Material Upgrades 100mm Concrete floor R-60 Concrete wall Uninsulated Below grade wall Super-insulated roof LoE Ar double glazing

starting eui



Energy Star Score = 75

Lighting Lighting Controls LEDs Passive Cooling Earth Berm on East+ West 1.5m Shading

HVAC system Economizer Mode Heat recovery Ground source heat pump Architecture program Building program modified from Office to visitor center

195 186 183 163 144 114 111 91 74 63

EUI kWh/m Energy use intensity


Net Zero

+ PV

Path to Net-Zero Energy

Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Roof 250m2 roof PV array 40kW system 30% of the roof Annual Demand: 65,350 kWh/m2 System Output: 71,803 kWh/m2

architectural illustrations

Office Entry

Book Shop


Cafe Kitchen

Reception Exhibition Restrooms



studies Radiative night cooling Radiative cooling methods such as roof pond was explored.The result from the study is not included in the energy simulation

evaporative cooling tower Cooling Tower

Outgoing Radiation from the Roof Calculated using

Stefan-Bolzmann Law

Incoming Radiation from sky Calculated using

°C 40

Swinbank Formula

37 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 <=10


Net Outgoing Radiation

91.66 W/m2

40 37 34

at Night with clear skies

31 28 25 22 19

Example scenario :Aug 9-10 Night


Cooling Potential= 760kW (assuming efficiency of roof pond is 20%)


Cooling Demand = 61kW

Radiatinve Night cooling can more than meet the cooling demand ,eliminating need of active cooling systems


Reduction of extreme daytime temperatures due to Evaporative cooling Tower without using any active cooling sytems

Adaptive Comfort (ASHRAE 2010) Without Evaporative Cooling Tower


With Evaporative Cooling Tower


Cross-Section of Visitor Center with Earth Berming on South side

View from Interior

Visitor Center blending into the landscape

Lisbon Neigboorhood design Group Project

Project goals Use of Digital Simulation techniques to design Groups of buildings and complete neighboorhoods for present and Predicted Future climate. Analysis inculdes Building Energy Use, Emodied Energy, Daylight, walkability, Bikebility. Umi a Rhino plugin developed at MIT was used

Project site: former World Expo 98’. Existing abandoned huge, water tanks

Mixed use Neighboor hood development combining residential, commercial(ground floor) and office buildings (mid rise)

Fall 2016

Cross registerd at MIT Architecture 4133: Modelling Urban Energy Flows Prof. C. Reinhart

Proto Block Design Evolution

Using existing Context, FAR=2

Coutyard Typology, FAR=4.5

Present Climate

Coutyard Typology, FAR=3

Irradiation >1000 kWh/m2

Overheated hours are hours above 28°C

Natural Ventilation Viable upto 92%

Sample Block, Mixed use

PV on roof and upper floor facades Feasible

2080 Climate

Majority of the daytime hours during summer could possibly be Discomfortable (overheated) Typical Street Section for Major Roads

Natural Ventilation Viable


wind driven natural ventilation wind driven natural ventilation potential Higher the difference between Pressure Coefficient (CP) value between opposite sides, greater potential for Wind driven natural ventilation Time schedule profile for best use (opening & closing of windows) of natural ventilation was generated. Pressure Coefficient (CP) Differential Map at 2m

Pressure Coefficient (CP) Differential Map at 5m

Pressure Coefficient Analysis

Present Climate (Natural Ventilation Default Schedule)

Overheated hours are hours above 28°C

(Modified Schedule based on Analysis)

2080 Climate

Walkability score Without proposed Neighboorhood Total overall surroundings Only proposed Site

Outdoor Temperatures 1300 hrs Summer-August Outdoor Temp: 31°C

Shoulder season-April Outdoor Temp: 20°C

Winter-December Outdoor Temp: 14°C

Heat stress map atHottest Hour, 1pm August

Shades provided by buildings provide comfortable outdoor walkways

8 58 85

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