Diploma Project Jury Presentation

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Developing a Toolkit for

A Diploma Project Presentation Shreya Chakravarty PGDPD Graphic Design 2011 For Quicksand Design Studio, New Delhi Developing a Toolkit for Project Sammaan / Shreya Chakravarty

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Presentation Structure

Developing a Toolkit for

Structure of Presentation

1. Project Background 2. Research, Design and Development Process • Overview of Process • Project Phases and Toolkit Approaches 3. Developing the Sammaan Toolkit 4. The Project Sammaan Toolkit 5. Wayforward, Learnings and Experiences

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Quicksand Design Studio

Quicksand is a multidisciplinary design studio that facilitates strategy and design for human-centered experiences.

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State of Sanitation in India

India has the dubious distinction of having the largest population of open-defecators in the world, with a staggering 626 million citizens lacking access to toilets.

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Background of Project Sammaan

Project Sammaan was born out of research Quicksand undertook as part of the Potty Project, an in-depth design research study focused on understanding end user experience, perceptions and attitudes around sanitation and hygiene. It also studied community sanitation models of operations and business.

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“Sammaan”: Dignity & Respect

is an initiative dedicated to redesigning and improving community sanitation facilities in urban slums across India, piloting in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack, Odisha. It completely rethinks current approaches to India’s urban slum sanitation context. Developing a Toolkit for Project Sammaan / Shreya Chakravarty

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Structure of Sammaan

Sammaan is a unique innovation initiative with a diverse group of organizations working on it: designers, government bodies, empirical researchers, architects, waste management experts, community engagement specialists, and an interface management team.

Operations & Maintenance

Branding & Communications

The project team divided the sanitation challenge into two parts: designing and building toilets that people would like to use (hardware) and designing and implementing business models to ensure appropriate services, pricing and maintenance (software). Developing a Toolkit for Project Sammaan / Shreya Chakravarty


Architectural Infrastructure

Business Models

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The Toolkit- Diploma Project Scope





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Answering Some Basics


• Need to communicate innovation-driven practices and learnings from Sammaan • Replication of user-centric sanitation facilities

FOR WHOM • Diverse stakeholders • Decision makers at Policy Level • Urban Local Bodies

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• Complex information packet, for action-oriented guidance to apply research to a specific theme and/or context

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Process An overview


Information Synthesis Categories


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Process Information Synthesis Categories

Information Synthesis Categories

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Process Information Synthesis Categories


Information Synthesis Categories

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Process Information Synthesis Categories


Information Synthesis Categories

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Process Information Synthesis Categories


Information Synthesis Categories



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Process Information Synthesis Categories


Information Synthesis Categories





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Process Approaches






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Process Phases and Information Synthesis Categories

A Contextual Research Plan

B Project Management & Decision Making


C Critical Information Points


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D Diverging & Converging


E Focus PointDesign Principles

F Value Proposition


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Phase A / Contextual Research Plan Building Sammaan’s Timeline and an interview with Subject Matter Expert- Sujaya Rathihelped in framing Approach 1 for the toolkit

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Phase A- Contextual Research Plan

With the help of Sammaan team, a timeline was built, and the various phases under it were plotted.

“Build a model. Have something to start with.� Developing a Toolkit for Project Sammaan / Shreya Chakravarty

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Approach 1 The Linear Process Map

Sammaan Process Map A framework for the toolkit

Design Process





Architecture.ppls (materials etc) Design vs.Typologies Sewage details

Project Setup Project Goals Stakeholders* * understand current capabilities and gaps Organisation Structure • Need Identification clarification of role Milestones Specific Milestones Financial Planning

Context Mapping

Field Activities

Initial mapping of communities Prelim. Survey

Site identification and surveying 1. Survey 2. Contraints at 3 levels ( Govt, Research Agency, Arch. influences)

Identification of local partners Depts. + external consultants, role clarification

Demand estimates and detailed community survey

Sanitation Context (Mapping sewage systems, facilities available, O&M models, sanitation practices

Implementation Plan

Hardware & Software

Detailed milestones a/c streams

Tender Possibility of a combined tender Types of tenders BoQ's Drawings (Site specific) Reviewing bidder & awarding contract

Internal Establishing protocols,review calls, collaboration instruments, newsletters, smartsheets

Community Awareness Programmes Training Manuals, Processes for caretaker, Day-to-day O&M Guidelines

Govt. helpdesk and tracking

Usage of facilities

Pre Construction Dialogue

Govt. help desk coming into action


Project Mgmt. Office Communications & Review

Business Models: Pvt vs Community, Pricing models

Site securing

O&M, Sewage

Geographical/ Topographical understanding of location practices

Identity & Communication

Community buy in

Extrapolate timelines based on ground realities Architecture Branding decisions

O&M ppls

External Blog, websites, documentations

Developing a Toolkit for Project Sammaan / Shreya Chakravarty

Quality, Timelines & Monitoring mechanisms Selection of appropriate vendor + Setting up terms of engagement (financial, monitoring, follow-ups) PMC-Third part eval. reqd. or not GFC drawings Pricing Models of the O&M

• The baseline for all information being shared. • Mix of tools, processes and experiences that back the entire timeframe of Sammaan. • Call-outs within the toolkit that explain a specific occurrence within Sammaan.

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Phase B/ Project Management and Decision-Making A clearer understanding of the project and complexities involved in its process and implementation gave rise to an approach aimed towards facilitating better decision making.

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Phase B- Project Management and Decision Making

For a large infrastructure project of this kind, multiple stakeholders are a given. Managing innovation and design mandates with stakeholders having poor design ‘literacy’ became a huge effort for the team.

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Approach 2 Designing Tools for Process, Project and Service Management

• Created to aid better decision-making across various streams prior to the sanction of sanitation infrastructure projects. a. System Thinking b. Architecture c. Brand Design d. Service Design e. User Experience • Working on underlying guidelines, principles and models converted into tools.

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Phase C/ Identifying Critical Information Points Involved site visits and connecting with potential toolkit users, to build two frameworks

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Phase C- Critical Information Points

“Toolkits and Manuals are good to check if something is done the right way or for troubleshooting. We have to be in touch with ground realities.� -Lipika Mazumdar Roy Choudhary Former Member, Central Board of Excise and Customs, Department of Revenue Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India

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Phase C- Critical Information Points

“I want to see evidence... see if the project is tried and tested, only then will I be able to think about it.� -K. Ganga, Additional Deputy CAG, Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Developing a Toolkit for Project Sammaan / Shreya Chakravarty

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Phase C- Critical Information Points

Hazrat Nizamuddin basti has two exisiting community toilet facilities built by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture.

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Phase C- Critical Information Points

The Sector 6, RK Puram slum cluster has three colonies and only one functional community toilet. Walking further into the colony, there were some new but not-in-use toilets. The main reason for these not being functional, according to the residents, was scarcity of water, an issue which was likely to be resolved only after the elections. These toilets were abandoned and people now use them to store things and dry clothes.

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Phase C- Critical Information Points

“It takes a lot of commitment to do a project like this (of building community toilet facilities). Urban local bodies don’t need a toolkit; they need imagination, commitment and some will. They have all the resources.” -Shveta Mathur, Aga Khan Trust for Culture

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Phase C- Critical Information Points

For the toolkit, there are critical information points that will help someone form the entire picture of the sanitation context and draw connections between them, as well as understand the human aspect of the project.

Sammaan Process

Sammaan Context

Design Solutions Sanitation Ecosystem

Potty Project

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Design Principles

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Approach 3.1 A Guidebook To A Human Centred Urban Community Sanitation System

• Introduce the Sanitation ecosystem to begin with, get into details of Sammaan, and then look at Design Principles across the various workstreams. • All these would be detailed, and any information that needs to be emphasized will be done through interesting and engaging mediums (e.g,: checking what is relevant to someone’s context). Developing a Toolkit for Project Sammaan / Shreya Chakravarty

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Approach 3.2 Imagine A Better Toilet Facility-Sharing Effective Guidelines

• Honing in on six key information points that act as references for any information that is shared, one can pick up the book within their area of interest, and it will still connect to what is most relevant within those six key information points. • These points act as ‘levels’ (within the stages) and ‘approaches’ (which are more experiential and specific). • The medium of sharing any information would be interactive and experiential, and things like flash cards, info cards, animations, and videos would be used.

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Phase D/ Diverging & Converging Looking at different aspects of the toolkit like tone and hierarchy, building ideas and forming approaches based on them

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Phase D- Diverging & Converging

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Approach 4.1 10 Questions and their 10 possible answers when designing sanitation facilities for low-income contexts The Q & A tone to understand various approaches in a Sanitation Project • 10 straightforward questions and answers. • From the point-of-view of all stakeholders involved and put the entire picture upfront. • Focuses on the user-centric design aspect of the principles and process followed. • Supported by the facts around Sammaan related to costs, typologies and partners. Possible Format(s): online website, an offline app, a printed poster (interactive)

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Approach 4.2 This Is: Project Sammaan

Sammaan’s 3D model that would help to navigate through: • Design outcomes and history - user centric principles and human-centred design process, related to each aspect in terms of its features. • Sammaan process - linking to specifics like communication, challenges, experiences, constraints and working around them. • Supporting infographics (interactive) • Sharing blueprints Possible Format(s): interactive website with three information layers on each design outcome.

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Approach 4.3 The Story of Sammaan

Exploring the diversity of processes and decisions through stakeholder experiences • Led by anecdotes from Sammaan. • Each stakeholder speaks: from the community members to project partners, government representatives and even funders. • Statements of stakeholders act as stories, leading up to a critical design feature, experience or decision taken. • This further connects to their role and highlights it with respect to the design, the community, the context or the government. Possible Format(s): website, poster series, interactive web infographics that are segregated according to various information categories.

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Approach 5.1 Information Pieces in a Linear Progression

Human-centred design approach

Universal Design Principles

Design Outcomes

Sammaan Stories

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Approach 5.2 Information Pieces that run independently

Universal Design Principles

Human-centred design approach Design Outcomes Sammaan Stories

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Phase E / Focus on Design Principles Building approaches to focus on the design principles of the entire project

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Approach 6.1 The Project Sammaan GuidebookDesign Principles in a Linear Manner

• The design principles are numbered and spread across the workstreams. They appear in linearly. • This number is what connects it through every section of the toolkit. One can easily refer to the entire list of principles and go ahead from there. • The workstreams act as an option to navigate through the sections, which are linear i.e one section comes after the other.

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Approach 6.2 Beyond Toilets - Applying Human Centred Approaches to Sanitation within Low Income Urban Indian Context- Design Principles As An Index

• Featuring an index that brings the Design Principles to the forefront, and allows one to see the connections and implications across the workstreams they are applicable in.

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Approach 6.3 Toolkit as a Deck of Cards

• Simplifying the plethora of information to four card decks across the categories would allow for interesting usage of scenarios. • Research Findings of the Potty Project, Design Principles that must be followed, Design Outcomes of Sammaan Facilities, and Sammaan Experiences. • These were all connected and act as lead-ins. • A variety of scenarios were thought of for the usage of the cards.

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Phase F/ Value Proposition Meeting the project partners and visiting pilot sites to build a final communication strategy, that became the wayforward for the toolkit.

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Phase F- Value Proposition

“We’re burdened with systems set in the 1940s but officials still carry iPads to work.”

-Ashok Singhal, Managing Director, C-TRAN

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Phase F- Value Proposition

“Typical linear methods will not work for innovationdriven processes. A combined team effort must be put across; work as a team and work around limitations.� -Gyana Das, Commissioner, Cuttack Municipal Corporation

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The communication gaps through the approaches suggested thus far were many and took different forms.

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Approach 7 Establishing a Human Centred Design Process (By building a communiation strategy)

The communication strategy revolves around the most significant component of Project Sammaan: the need to adopt a human centred design process.

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Key Features

Key Features of the Sammaan Toolkit

What Makes Sammaan Unique

Introducing a Human Centred Design Process and advocating the need for one

Support with tools that help facilitate the Process

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Developing the Sammaan Toolkit Building version 1 of the toolkit

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Design Development

• Size, Format and Layout

Posters (A3) + Cards (A6)

• Colour Palette

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Design Development

• Type Selection

What Makes Sammaan Unique

What Makes Sammaan Unique

Project Sammaan is an initiative dedicated to redesigning and improving community sanitation facilities in urban slums across India, beginning in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. It seeks to rethink the current model of facilities serving urban slum populations in India in a holistic manner.

Project Sammaan is an initiative dedicated to redesigning and improving community sanitation facilities in urban slums across India, beginning in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. It seeks to rethink the current model of facilities serving urban slum populations in India in a holistic manner.

What Makes Sammaan Unique Project Sammaan is an initiative dedicated to redesigning and improving community sanitation facilities in urban slums across India, beginning in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. It seeks to rethink the current model of facilities serving urban slum populations in India in a holistic manner.

What Makes Sammaan Unique Project Sammaan is an initiative dedicated to redesigning and improving community sanitation facilities in urban slums across India, beginning in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. It seeks to rethink the current model of facilities serving urban slum populations in India in a holistic manner.

Selected Type

What Makes Sammaan Unique Tisa Pro Project Sammaan is an initiative dedicated to redesigning and improving community sanitation facilities in urban slums across India, beginning in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. It seeks to rethink the current model of facilities serving urban slum populations in India in a holistic manner.

Fontin Sans Developing a Toolkit for Project Sammaan / Shreya Chakravarty

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Design Development

• Icons

For Posters

For Cards

• Navigation Options 1. Icon + Single Colour Use of icon and a single colour throughout the cards. 2. Icon + Colour Code in accordance with the HCD process map Use of icon and colour corresponding to a particular phase of the map. Developing a Toolkit for Project Sammaan / Shreya Chakravarty

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Project Sammaan Toolkit

• Final Design Outcome

This toolkit works in a three step manner: Through posters, it introduces Project Sammaan and shares details on what makes it a unique innovation. A Human Centred Design Process Map, that explains in a step-by-step manner of establishing a process of this kind. A Set of Cards facilitate the establishment of this process by featuring the important themes of the sanitation ecosystem derived from the learnings from the Potty Project and Project Sammaan.

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These cards can be used across the process map to allow for a more rigorous and detailed evaluation of each activity, while also providing a tangible guideline for planning out an approach that adheres to human-centered design protocols. 55/ 64

Project Sammaan Toolkit

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Project Sammaan Toolkit

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Project Sammaan Toolkit

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Project Sammaan Toolkit

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Project Sammaan Toolkit

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Project Sammaan Toolkit

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There were many challenges and learnings of visual and information design in this incredibly complex, multi-layered project.

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There are several ways that the toolkit can be built up from this step and put into action. These will help in validating the toolkit and advocate the need to adopt a design-centric process. Efforts t to test v.1 of the toolkit with local bodies of AMC were delayed, but shall take place shortly.

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Building Sammaan’s toolkit allowed for an enriching experience of working on a real-time crisis and its corresponding solution, albeit through a communication approach.

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Developing a Toolkit for

A Diploma Project Presentation Shreya Chakravarty PGDPD Graphic Design 2011 For Quicksand Design Studio, New Delhi www. projectsammaan.com www.urbsantoolkit.wordpress.com

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