SHREYA PATEL Undergraduate Portfolio Selected works 2013-2018
Contents : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wellness Center at Saputara
Disserta on
Riveredge development at Surat
Urban design studio
Housing at Baroda
Housing studio
Documenta on of old Buildings at Tera
Contextual studio
Working Drawings
Basic Design works
Personal work and Sketches
CURRICULUM VITAE Educa on : 2011
Passed 10th Grade with xx% H.M.Patel EMS, Dharmaj.
Passed 12th Grade with xx% H.M.Patel EMS, Dharmaj.
Worked as an architecture intern Ace Associates, Anand
Passed B.ARCH. with a GPA of 3.8/4 D.C.Patel School of Architecture,APIED Vallabh Vidhyanagar
So ware Skills
I was born and brought up in India and immigrated to USA in 2019. I have always been a crea ve and curious kid. My journey in architecture began in 2013 and I graduated architecture in 2018. I am currently exploring my op ons to lead a crea ve life. I am passionate about sketching and traveling. Words are my best friends and I am a voracious reader. For me architecture is all about the process of design. Conceptualizing a space and conveying on a paper and then watching it turn into a reality has always bewitched me. I am mesmerized by minimalis c spaces because I believe that it is the the unno ced details that gives a whole new asser ve to the space. I am an individual carrying immense enthusiasm for learning new things and working with all sorts of crea ve people. I seek opportuni es, interes ng people and experiences in my life that inspires me and push the growth in me. I am a quick learner and can adjust to changes quickly.
Personal Details
Ms office
Google sketchup
Adobe photoshop
Corel draw
Name: Shreya Bhupendrakumar Patel D.O.B: 5 October 1995 Na onality: Indian Currently residing in USA Fluent in English, Hindi and Gujara languages
Learning Revit and Adobe illustra on so wares currently.
Hand Skills Hand dra ing
Contact Details Model making
Mobile: +1 408-384-2479 Email:
Co-Curriculars :
Address :
Ÿ Took part in a sketch study tour at Mandvi in 2013. Ÿ Won second prize for excellency in second year. Ÿ Excellency prize in History of Architecture-II and History of
851 Red Lion road, Apt. V4 Philadelphia, PA 19115
Architecture-III. Took part in colour workshop by Prof. Hetal Shah and Prof. Kanu Patel. Documenta on of old buildings at Tera Village located in Kutch region of Gujarat. Par cipated in photography workshop by Rahul Gajjar. Mapping and documanta on of Adajan area in Surat city as part of Urban Design studio in 9th semester. Took part in workshops on Oil pain ng, block prin ng, Anima on, Script wri ng etc. A ended seminar of Ar. Neha Sarwate on river edge treatement.
Extra Curriculars
Other links:
Ÿ I was part of student council team for tamir’16 Ÿ A ended NIASA thesis jury held in pune in July 2017. Ÿ Volunteered in clean Vidhyanagar program. Ÿ Was part of local urban sketching group.
Instagram : @shrepatel Issuu : @shreyapatel18
Disserta on : Wellness center In this modern age and me, we tend to find it harder and harder to cope with the stresses that come with the ever shi ing social requirements that overcome our lives. The purpose of this disserta on was to explore how architecture can help in the process of ge ng well and a aining mental peace. The main aim of this disserta on was to design a wellness center that works to improve the physical and mental health of people by crea ng an environment that promotes healing through various ac vi es and healing programs and also to explore how man-made structure situated in natural environment could enhance the mental and physical well-being of people. The literature studied for this disserta on aimed to iden fy a set of criteria including color, light, materials as a guideline to that will be used to create suitable healing spaces.
The site was situated on a hilly terrain at Saputara which is located in Dang district of Gujarat, India. The parcel of land was away from human se lement in midst of forest and hence it served as an ideal loca on for such center.
Design Strategies One of the strategy was to build the masses in such a way that they integrate with the nature and the rela on between nature and built masses is maintained
An effort was made to design the blocks of the centwer in a way that each block has different courtyards and each space gets its own access to the green spaces,
Use of different elements in landscaping and crea ng textures through selec on flora and fauna as per the requirement of the spaces by studying the effect of landscape on human mind.
Crea ng forms that integrate with the exis ng terrain and nature and does not overpower exis ng landscape. Use of different materials, textures and colours in different spaces to engage people.
Design Principles Based on the literature reviews and case studies I iden fied the following design criteria for my proposal. 01. ACCESSIBILITY Ÿ The site should be well accessible and legibility should be maintained throughout the site.
Massing development The massing was done keeping in mind the contours of site and the heights of the masses was kept low so that the build does not overpower the nature. Open courtyards broke the monotony of the built. open and semi open spaces acted as major ac vity magnets in the plan and the planning of func ons is done accordingly. Openings and louvers are placed in such a way to a ract the morning and evening sun in the blocks and creates amazing interplay of light and shadow. incorpora on of water elements and landscape elements again creates interes ng spaces which in turn enhance the healing experience of the users. Also the blocks are arranged in such a way that privacy of each and every block is maintained.
02. ARCHITECTURAL EXPRESSION Ÿ Human scale should be taken care of. Ÿ Use of geometry and free forms should be done in a way that people shouldn't feel uncomfortable using the spaces. Ÿ merging with the exis ng land form.
03. PRIVACY LEVELS Ÿ Different levels of privacy allows for be er usage of space by different pa ents as privacy is an essen al factor in healing spaces
04. SPATIAL SOLUTION / PLAN Ÿ Planning must be done where all the func ons are accomodated in clusters. Ÿ Interior courtyards should be an important design element.
06. COLOUR Ÿ Using neutral shades and avoiding strong colors or those that have strong connota ons 07. NATURAL LIGHTING Ÿ Ligh ng plays a very important role in aiding ac vity. Ÿ Use of Natural ligh ng is preferred. Ÿ Avoid uniform ligh ng, play of light and shadow is
important to make spaces interes ng.
The exhibi on area with central courtyard
The hydrotherapy Area Hydrotherapy area
The block is placed at the rear of the site to main an the privacy of the individuals in the hydrotherapy and sound healing areas. The pool area for hydrotherapy is at lower eleva on then the rest of the built mass to maintain privacy and has direct access to the rear of block which is connected to the area for forest bathing. The water courtyard has high stone walls for privacy and people can meditate there without disturbance.
Art therapy room
Ground Floor plan
The art therapy area had an internal courtyard and the therapy rom opened up into a bigger courtyard that acted as a spill out space. The placement of the windows was on the eastern side of the room which helped in brining the morning light into the rooms. The play of light and shadow gave a dynamic eect to the space.
Sec on through the block
First Floor Plan
Accommoda on and Spa rooms
The fire courtyard
Medita on room The block is placed at the quietest zone in the site to maintain peaceful environment for the residents. Many semi open and open spaces are provided to carry out informal ac vi es and gatherings in free me of the members. The fire courtyard can be used for campfires and other meet ups at night. Landscape plays a very important in the area and is done in a way that privacy of the members is maintained and different materials and textures are used to engage the senses of the people.
Sec on through the block
Spa rooms
River edge development at Surat
All the major ci es of world are built around rivers . Rivers are sources of water and were once a means to transporta on.One such city that ourished on bank of river Tapi is Surat but, due to moderniza on and expansion of city the river has lost its importance and the project is about revitaliza on of the river edge via construc ng a river front in the Adajan area of the city. The vision for the area is to provide development that enhances the community life, by providing recrea onal spaces through river edge improvements and to make area more comfortable for the users.
ISSUES : Due to damming of river huge amount of silt has accumulated on the river bed and during monsoon regular ooding occurs in the area. Moreover, the road adjoining the site is encroached by street vendors. Due to lack of amini es nearby people has stopped coming to the river bank and the river has lost all its importance in the city. OPPORTUNITIES AND PROPOSAL FOR THE SITE : Due to upcoming GSRTC bus stand the foo all of people will increase in the area and hence a commercial building is proposed. Proposing a community center will cater to the people of Adajan and hence will act as an ac vity generator for area. To reduce encroachment of vendors a separate area will be provided in the site for the vendors. Huge amphitheater is provided to carry out mass gatherings and other cultural ac vi es.
Site Layout
Site Sec on
Detail layout for Community center
Design Details
Street Furniture
Street Furniture cross sec on
Street Furniture pedestrian walkway
Retaining wall on riveredge
Ground oor plan
First oor plan
Community center and central plaza
Central Pedestrian street
Walkway and Medita on center
View From the cafe
Pedestrian street that acts as a plaza
Canal and Amphitheater
Housing development at Baroda
The emphasis of the project was to create a housing proposal for a site located on one of the fastest developing area in the city of Baroda. Baroda is one of the fastest growing city in the state of Gujarat and a huge number of people migrate to this city for employment opportuni es. My main focus was to cater the oa ng popula on in the area and provide various housing typologies such as studio apartments, 2bhk apartments, 3bhk apartments, 4bhk duplex apartments, twin houses and villas that would serve as a home to almost 4000 people. The concept of my design was driven by the context of the site. The apartment blocks were placed on the periphery of the site so that central green spaces can be provided which can be used by all the residents and all the apartments can have the view of central green pockets. Also, the parking is provided in the basement from a road that runs on the periphery of the site and hence the central part is completely pedestrian friendly and safe for children as well as senior ci zens. A great care has been taken to avoid any blind spots and hence surveillance is possible from each and every home. The villas have been placed on the quietest part of site and has a separate vehicular entry to provide the residents enough privacy. THE PROCESS
Detached 4bhk house
Detached 5bhk villa
Ground floor plan
First floor plan
Sec on
Site Sec on
Ground floor plan
First floor plan
Sec on
Documenta on of old buildings Hanskumar Haveli
Tera is a historic village in the kutch District of the Indian state of Gujarat. It is a very small village which was once a Jagir (an estate) given by the rulers of Kutch to their brethren. This small village consists of many notable historical buildings such as The Jain dreasar, the Darbargadh, Fort of Tera, and many old havelis that were built in unique vernacular style of Kutch region. Most of the people residing in village are ar sans and are involved in cra s of embroidery, bandhani work, block Prin ng and Mirror works. Tera was the first heritage village declared by the Government of India. The purpose of this documenta on was to learn about the spa al arrangement of spaces and the construc on methodology in village.
We studied a haveli which was residence of a landlord in Tera. This haveli was more than 100 years old and build in vernacular style of kutchh region. The main construc on materials used were stone, lime mortar and wood. The main entrance if the haveli directly opens up into a chowk which is an open space and acts a nodal point in linking all the houses together. From the chowk there is a secondary entrance to the haveli. Even during those mes the planning of the residences was done keeping in privacy og the residents in mind. the plan was divided into public, semi-private and private areas. the bedrooms were generally located on the first floor with staircases from dining areas. The semiprivate areas like kitchen and storage rooms were located in separate wing of house which was detached from the public wing which consisted of living rooms and other gathering spaces. All the rooms fell on a narrow corridor . Each room of house comprised of a skylight and two mid sided windows for air circula on.
Cluster of houses in tera
We studied a cluster of houses on our first day. Five families of farmers resided there. The arrangement of the houses was done in such a way that all the houses opened up in an open courtyard. The open courtyard is shaded through out the day and all the females would gather up in a ernoon and do ac vi es like sewing, embroidery, bandhani work etc. Open spaces played a major role in the architecture of Tera because of the climate as well. The houses were constructed more than 50 years ago with local construc on materials like stone and mud in vernacular style.
The pictures above were taken from the central courtyard of the haveli. It shows the front door and the veranda of the haveli.
Eleva on of the cluster from courtyard.
Sec onal eleva on of the haveli
Working Drawings The emphasis of the studio was to carry further the design of the ins tu onal studio and to make a set of complete working drawings and details that would be required in execu on of the project at site level. Below is a set of drawings of one individual unit from the whole design including the sec ons, eleva ons, door and window details and wall and staircase details.
Door and window details
civil drawings and electric layoutof individual studio block
Wall and staircase details
Basic Design Plane Development In this exercise we had to take a branch and using the nodes of the branch and triangula on method I connected the nodes of branches with a thread. a er that using the threads as ver ces of planes we had to imagine the solid mass and create a solid model. We photomontaged the model into various exis ng buildings to see how the model interacts with the already exis ng structures and create dynamic forms.
Connec ng nodes through triangula on
Making planes using the lines as refrence
Conver ng the planes into a solid model
Superimposing solid model on structures
Morphogenic paper folding This was an a empt to understand the fundamentals of points, lines, planes and ul mately 3 dimensional aspects. An understanding of morphogenic process was developed which included sequence of transforma ons that aect the design object. Space emerges in paperfold during dynamic volume genera on process, This exercise helped in apperiacia ng the func on of folding as design genera on.
In this model the diagonal lines introduce a powerful direc onal impulses, a dynamism which is outcome of unsolved tendencies towards ver cal and horizontal. The diagonal lines meet at one common point giving the illusion of growth radially and also creates illusion of an enclosed space by manipula on of the folds and planes. Music and architecture
Shape Distor on
This was an a empt to understand how graphics can be converted into 3 dimensional spaces. The exercise was to make graphics while listening to the music and its beats and then these graphics were converted into architectural spaces through models and 3-d.
This was an a empt to understand how one shape can be distorted and manipulated into other shapes. For this exercise I sliced a rectangular box into smaller cuboids and then rearranged them to form an organic shape.
Volumetric Explora on Carving out bricks into dierent forms using only straight and diagonal lines and exploring the masses and voids. one of t h e b r i c k wa s ca r ve d u s i n g o n l y perpendicular lines and the other two had diagonal dines as well. This exercise was carried out to explain how one simple cuboid can be manipulated in mul ple ways.
Personal work and Sketches