Solar Shelter for worker community in India

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Track Course Instructors

Building Technology Bucky Lab Design Dr. Marcel Bilow [Dr. Bucky Lab]

Nadia Remmerswaal


Anurag Sonar [5201756] Danai Moutou [5354838] Kwanlin Wang [4930371] Nikoletta Dimitriou [5356016]


Shreyas Vadodaria [5268613] 29 th January, 2021

Table Of Content



|1 Conceiving Concept


|2 Design Development


|3 Building Weeks


|4 Final Design


|5 Conclusion


|6 References


1.1 Elevator Pitches 1.2 Common Purpose

2.1 Problem Statement 2.2 Design Vision 2.3 Design Criteria 2.4 Research 2.5 Inferences 2.6 Design Process

3.1 Conducts of Building Weeks 3.2 Exploration through models 3.3 Evaluation of Structures 3.4 Inferences 3.5 Computational Simulations 4.1 Drawings and Details 4.2 Model Photographs 4.3 Process of Assembly 4.4 Rendered Views 4.5 Life Stages 4.6 Future Applications 5.3 Group Reflection 5.4 Personal Reflections 6.1 Appendices

|Introduction |1 Conceiving Concept 1.1 Elevator Pitches 1.2 Common Pupose

Introduction | This report was conducted within the context of Bucky Lab Design studio, as part of the Building Technology Master track, in the Technical University of Delft. Its purpose is to collect all the necessary information that lead to the final design. Research on topics as solar energy collection and management, electricity generation, climate data, environmental and cultural context, economic factors etc., as well as the design process has been included and analyzed in this report. The final design is also presented in detail, through different types of visualizations.

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| 1 Conceiving Concept Five persons, five different ideas, one minute each, to present our proposals for innovative solutions to integrate PV panels in facades. Five different ideas and perspectives were combined at the starting point of this course.

|1.1 Elevator Pitches |Fill in the VOiD _anurag sonar

Fill in the_VOiD

Anurag Sonar, 5201756

retractable tensile solar roof

1. Motor driven pulley 2. Suspension cable 3. Tensile PV

Many stadiums, industrial areas and public streets are not utilized to their full potential. These spaces have a large percentage of voids that have solar potential and can become net positive. Fill in the void is one such approach, where with the help of a retractable tensile solar roof, we can cover these open spaces and produce energy.

Case 1: Partially open


2 3

Stadium plan: Showing void application Case 2: Completely open

Detail at A


The design challenge would be to resolve the heavy loads of these solar panels over large spans. Thus, integration of the tensile and light weight solar panel will be choice for further research. Also, the folding and sliding movements of these solar panels will be an interesting topic to study and work on.

Market Street with solar roof

50% More energy



Exploded Isometric View: For Industries or streets


| Solar tent _nikoletta dimitriou

Every minute, 25 persons are forcibly displaced, worldwide, due to persecution, war, hunger or climate change. These people rarely have a place to stay, during this displacement. The solar tent, which is inspired by the army tents, can provide refugees with a safe, temporary shelter and enough power to charge their smartphones, cook or warm up. This solar tent is made of a solar textile. An electronic fabric that can collect the solar energy, but at the same time can protect the users from weather conditions. It can provide shade, be non-reflective, waterproof and wind resistant. Other advantages of this material: it is lightweight, foldable and easily transportable. Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|05

|1.1 Elevator Pitches |Green Scaffolding _shreyas vadodaria Building industry is responsible for 36% of global final energy used (Global Alliance for Building Construction, 2018) Basic idea is to do in-situ energy production. And concept is to have a solution which can be applied globally. Having said that it has to be flexible, easy to transport and easy to instal with incremental nature. Using scaffoldings as an structure to install PV panels and produce energy on site. As scaffolding is the common building construction technique practiced globally. And it can produce energy while construction of new or old buildings. It can be easily installed anywhere and everywhere.

|Breathing PV System _kwanlin wang

The Breathing PV System is designed for buildings with galleries to generate electricity will PV on the surface and reduce the thermal impact to the interior space. It is composed of two components. Firstly, the lightweight structure frame, which fixes the PV bubble on the existing wall and having openings within the structure to ensure ventilation. Secondly, the PV bubble is combined with a flat PV panel and a round shape ETFE. During day time, the air inside the PV bubble will swell when it is heated by solar radiation. Hence, it will cause the PV panels to be rotated toward the sun to improve efficiency. The swell PV bubbles can also prevent heat gain through radiation and convection to the gallery and interior.

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|1.1 Elevator Pitches |The Sustainable Balcony _danai moutou

The sustainable balcony is a balcony that its roof and faces are covered with PV panels. This balcony is a two in one solution because it provides an exterior space to someone’s house and produces solar energy at the same time. The structure is easily placed and removed and it is designed to be able to be placed to the most of the existing buildings and the solar panels follow the sun altitudes to be more energy efficient.

1.2 Common Purpose |Summary

Fill in the_VOiD

Anurag Sonar, 5201756

retractable tensile solar roof

1. Motor driven pulley 2. Suspension cable 3. Tensile PV

Based on the concepts of portable, tensile, flexible PV structure, we formed a group of 5 with similar ideas and common goals. Among others, some of the initial thoughts that stood out was to design:

Case 1: Partially open


2 3

Stadium plan: Showing void application

- a solar shelter for labours to reduce the energy requirements on construction site, while maximizing the sustainability’s cycle, by producing energy from day one of the building process.

Case 2: Completely open

Detail at A


- a product that is flexible, transformable, lightweight and easily transportable. - a structure that can be applied to many different ocassions, e.g. in the construction site as a scaffolding cover or as housing unit for workers.

Market Street with solar roof

50% More energy



Exploded Isometric View: For Industries or streets


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|2 Design Development 2.1 Problem Statement 2.2 Design Vision 2.3 Design Criteria 2.4 Research 2.4.1 Context 2.4.2 Energy Consumption

Design Development 2 | The problem statement determines our vision. The design criteria are carefully selected, after in depth research on several aspects of the topic, in order to indicate the direction of the procedure. The design process starts with experimentation through sketches, and small scale physical models.

2.4.3 Photovoltaic Power Potential 2.4.4 Solar Panel 2.4.5 Size of the unit 2.4.6 Case studies

2.5 Inferences 2.6 Design Process

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|2.1Problem Statement


A big percentage of energy and electricity worldwide is consumed form the building construction industry. Even the most sustainable buildings, that require zero energy to function, during their construction need the same amount of energy as every other building. In India, one of the most quickly developing countries in the world, the workers are forced to live on the construction sites, in unorganised settlements, in conditions of extreme poverty.


of World’s Energy is consumed at Construction sites

Our goal is to generate electricity through renewable energy to stoke the building process, while providing dicent living environment for the workers and their families. Our guidline: the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

|2.2 Design Vision Our aim is to contribute to a more sustainable way of building process, by decreasing the construction’s energy consumption, while improving the workers’ living environment. Our vision is to create a housing unit that can accomodate the workers’ families during the construction process and, when multiplied, to produce enough energy to decrease the required energy for the building construction. It should be easily and quickly assembled, in order to minimize the energy consumption from day 1, and fully disassembled and flattened, in order to be easily transportableby truck.



Natural Gas






65% of Electricity of the total Energy consumption is consumed on Construction Sites. Our aim is to generate electricity on site with the help of renewable energy sources and minimise the energy requirements Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|09

|2.3 Design Criteria |Hard Criteria

|Soft Criteria


Easy to Set up [Easily assembled or flattened] eight

Easy to Transport

Optimum Size

Cost Effective

Local and Natural Material

Less Energy Requirement High Energy Production

Climate Adaptive

|Focusing on 7, 8, 9, 11, 13 & 17 out all Sustainable Development Goals Our basic aim is our design to be aligned with as many sustainable goals as possible. We want to be part of the climate action, by supporting innovative industries and infrastructures and providing affordable and clean energy. Our ultmate goal is to contribute to the devlopment of sustainable cities and communities that offer decent work and economic growth. [01] Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|10

|2.4 Research Our final proposal is based on scientific, environmental, cultural, sociological and economic research. Cases studies are also been used as research tools. Our conclusions are based on the evaluation and combination of the results of the above tools and methods.

| 2.4.1 The Context : India India, as one of the quickest developing nations, has a lot of ongoing infrastructure development. Thus, it creates a huge opportunity for unique development ways to occur. Quick development, inevitably, means that a large number of migratory workers, from all around the country, settle on construction sites. The majority of the workers, for their convenience, have to stay in unorganised settlements around the site. As shown in the photographs on the side, the settlements are so informal that they barely provide the essential for living. Here is the opportunity to develop a better living environment for them, through innovative building technology.

[02, 03, 04 , 05,] Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|11

|2.4.2 Energy Consumption

|Electricity consumption

In different types of building during their construction





kWh Residential Buildings Plot area - 6500 sq.m Built up area - 3500 sq.m Construction period - 380 days Total hours - 23632 hours

kWh Single House Plot area - 185 sq.m Built up area - 105 sq.m Construction period - 90 days Total hours - 900 hours

kWh Small Apartments Plot area - 900 sq.m Built up area - 350 sq.m Construction period - 180 days Total hours - 4380 hours



Amenities Plot area - 1250 sq.m Built up area - 1250 sq.m Construction period - 220 days Total hours - 4380 hours

|Energy Consumption


kWh Energy consumed per person per year with 100% electricity access


kWh Energy consumed per household in India in 2018



Energy required per person per day

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|2.4.3 Photovoltaic Power Potential Solar resource map


World solar resource map

As a design context, three of the most developing cities of India, have been choosen. India combines continuous flow in the construction sector and hight photovoltaic power capacity. PV Power Potential of India - 3.5 - 4.5 kWh/kWp

India solar resource map


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|2.4.3 Photovoltaic Power Potential Sun altitudes and roof angles

Due to its significant size, that is expanding from south to north, India challenges us with a vriety of different sun altitudes. In both, warm and cold season, the sun altitudes at the pick of the day have been examined in order to find the most efficient pv panel angle.

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|2.4.4 Solar Panel Types of Solar Panels




Monocrystalline solar panels

Polycrystalline solar panels

Thin-film solar panels

High efficiency/performance Aesthetics Higher costs

Low cost Lower efficiency/performance

Portable, flexible and lightweight Aesthetics Lower efficiency/performance


Core Material


Monocrystalline Solar Panels (Mono-SI)

Monocrystalline silicon, Pure, single silicon crystal

Expensive than 2 & 3

Polycrystalline Solar Silicon fragments Panels (p-Si)





Connection ease



Aesthetical look, dark colored black or blue with round edges

Not required

Shape freedom


Not Easy to maintain Required

Rigid shapes




10kg-20kg 18%-20% per meter^2

1.6m x 1m

20 years

Easily mountable

Lower than 10kg-20kg 1, 15%-17% per expensive meter^2 than 3

1.6m x 1m

20 years

Easily mountable

Not aesthetical, Blue rectangular cells

Not required

Not Easy to maintain Required

Rigid shapes


5-12 years

Easily mountable

Aesthetical look, Different colors

Not required

Not Required



Amorphous silicon (a-Si), Cadmium telluride 2kg-10kg (CdTe), Copper Lower than 10%-13% per Thin film solar panels 1&2 indium gallium meter^2 selenide (CIGS), Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC)

Tough to maintain

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|2.4.4 Solar Panel

Solar Panel Components

Panels: PV panels, which cost anywhere from $2.40 per watt to over $5 per watt, are the single biggest expense of a PV system. Their placement and mounting affect the system performance more than any other facet of the job. DC-to-AC inverters: Inverters take the low-voltage, high-current signals from the PV panels and convert them into 120VAC (or 240 VAC), which is directly compatible with grid power. Inverters cost around $0.70 per watt, or around $2,600 for a typical application. From a reliability standpoint, they are generally the weak link in any PV system, so quality is a must. Tracking mounts: Tracking mounts mechanically move the PV panels over the course of a day so that they directly face the sun at all times. Dual axis trackers change both azimuth and elevation, while single axis trackers only match the azimuth. Disconnect switches: Disconnect switches are of critical importance, and they need to be mounted within easy reach. Every one should know exactly how to turn the PV system off for safety reasons. If any abnormal behavior occurs in the electrical system, the solar system need to be shut off first. Wiring and fuse box connections: Wiring, conduit, and connections to the main fuse box are minor hardware expenses, but they comprise a big chunk of the labor when installing a PV system. Utility power meters: Conventional power meters are capable of spinning backward, but utility companies usually change to a special digital meter when it’s connected to the grid, because most solar customers go to the TOU (time-ofuse) rate structure, which requires more intelligent processing than a mechanical device is capable of.


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|2.4.5 Size of the unit



2.100 x 3.000


Depending on the standards of ILO (International Labor Organization) the smallest living space for one person is 3 square meters. Generally, in India, there are 700 to 1000 people working and living in a construction site. That requires 2100 to 3000 square meters for habitation. Since we want to make our product transportable the maximum size of each unit would be 6 square meters for two people living together. Furthermore, these units can be incremented into a workers’ community.




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|2.4.6 Case studies

A. Deployable Bamboo structure Column & Beam system: Wooden foldable members are used to erect the skeleton. The system is flexible and one can achieve various roof angles based on the season. Connecting system: Connected with steel bolt connections Flooring: No flooring (temporary structure) Wall paneling: Fabric partition with zips to create envelope Foundation: Self standing structure Connection Ease: The bamboos are connected with simple bolt connections that allow ease in movements Circularity: Bamboo frames have a life of 10-15 years, but since it is a temporary structure these frames can be reused. However, the fabric requires replacements every 1 year. Environmental Impact: Negligible impact since all materials used are natural.

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|2.4.6 Case studies

B. Foldable Structural System Column & Beam system: Vertical & Horizontal wooden members interlocked in a criss cross manner. Connecting system: Wooden members connected with Steel screws. The columns and the flooring system is connected with diagonal steel suspension cables. Flooring: Wooden frame with compressed cork board Wall paneling: Convertible wooden wall panels supported by steel suspension cables. Foundation: Supported on wooden plate. Not inside the ground surface Connection Ease: The system can be set-up by an average skilled labor. Not labour intensive. Easy to mount. Circularity: Can be reused till 20-25 years Environmental Impact: The carbon footprint is less as compared to other man-made materials. Also, the building footprint is minimal and is completely negligible when dismantled.

Source: Ginga pavilion, Archdaily

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|2.4.6 Case studies

C. Scaffolding Structural System Column & Beam system: Vertical & Horizontal slender aluminium or steel member attached with clamps or corner junctions Connecting system: Connected with steel clamps, L plates or ring locks. The diagonal bracing can also be done by either steel or aluminium members or steel suspension cables. Flooring: Wooden, steel deck or cork board Wall paneling: Not necessarily required, can be covered using tensile fabric, wire mesh, tin sheet or polycarbonate sheet. Foundation: Supported on wooden plate. Not inside the ground surface Connection Ease: The system can be set-up by an average skilled labor. Not labour intensive. Easy to mount. Circularity: Can be reused till 20-25 years Environmental Impact: The building footprint is minimal and is completely negligible when dismantled. Steel or Aluminium can be reused till the end of their life span.

Source: A Scaffolding System for a Temporary Facility, Archdaily

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|2.4.6 Case studies

D. Deployable Composite Structural System Column & Beam system: The columns are made of aluminium slender members connected to the ground and the roof truss is made of wood Connecting system: Connected by steel gusset plates which can be folded, and the roof height can be changed. Flooring: Steel framing with wooden deck board Wall paneling: Tensile fabric Foundation: Circular aluminium plates on the surface Connection Ease: The connections are pre fabricated and erected on the site. Requires skilled labours for welding. Circularity: Wooden truss can be resused. The aluminium is prone to corrosion and can be re used only if maintained properly. The tensile fabric has a life of 3-4 years. Environmental Impact: The wooden truss has a minimal impact and can be reused.

Source: 100% Terschelling / Studio Elmo Vermijs, Archdaily

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Monocrystalline PV Panels

PV Panels

Corrugated Sheet Bamboo mat

Roofing System

Bamboo mat Flexible Fabric

Partiton System

Brick Precast Concrete


Traditional Materials Steel Metal

Connection materials

Assemble disassemble Deployable

Structural System

Bamboo PVC Pipes Aluminium Pipes

Material Selection

|2.5 Inferences

Considering these elements for the Solar shelter, we proceed further with exploration of the structural system. We have considered 2 approaches, assemble/dissassemble system and deployable system.

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|2.6 Design Process Based on the following criteria, we worked on the form and adaptability of the structure, small scale, experimental, physical models. Movable joints: to adapt to different sun altitudes. Foldable or disassembled: to minimize the required time for assemblage and the volume during tranportation. Lightweight: to minimize the energy requirements for transportation. Robust: to stand the weight of pv panels.

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|3 Building Weeks 3.1 Conducts of Building Weeks 3.2 Eploration through model 3.3 Evaluation of Structures 3.4 Inferences 3.5 Computational Simulations

Buidling Weeks 3 | The experimentation is growing and evolving. Design. Build. Check and evaluate. Compare. Repeat. These are the steps that were repeated again and again, until we end up with the most efficient product, in terms of functionality and energy production.

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|3.1 Conducts of Building Weeks


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|3.2 Exploration through models




Assemble and disassemble

Assemble and disassemble




1:5 Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|26

|3.2 Exploration through models






Assemble and disassemble



1:20 Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|27

|3.2 Exploration through models






Assemble and disassemble



1:20 Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|28

|3.3 Evaluation of Structures


Model Scale No. Of Models

1:20, 1:2, 1:1

1:20, 1:5(x2)

1:20, 1:5

1:20, 1:10, 1:5(x2)

1:20, 1:10, 1:5(x2)






12 joints in total, 3 different types, 1 pivot

12 joints in total, 9 different types

18 joints in total, 4 different types

6 joints in total, 2 different types, 1 pivot

18 joints in total, 7 different types, 1 pivot






Columns and Beams: bamboo, paper tubes, PVC, steel/aluminium, Joints: recycled plastic, stainless steel, Wire: Suspension cable, Roof: composite structure

Columns and beams: bamboo, paper tubes, PVC, steel/aluminium, Joints: recycled plastic, stainless steel, Wire: Suspension cable, Roof: composite structure

Assemble / Disassemble Deployable No. of Connections No. of steps for assembly Roof movement & adjustability


Connection complexity (1-5, from low to high)

Columns and beams: bamboo, Columns and beams: bamboo, paper Columns and beams: bamboo, tubes, PVC, steel/aluminium, Joints: paper tubes, PVC, paper tubes, PVC, steel/aluminium, steel/aluminium, Joints: recycled recycled plastic, stainless steel, Wire: Joints: recycled plastic, stainless steel, Suspension cable, Roof: composite plastic, stainless steel, Roof: Roof: composite structure structure composite structure

Structure 1, Pivot 3


3 (it is complicated but it comes ready to install)

3 (because of the wire and load distribution)

3 (because of the wire and load distribution)

5 (too many changing parts due to the roof angle change)

1 (fixed structure)



Dependency on foundation 2 (The partitions at the fixed

Partition complexity (1-5, structure are simple and change of the roof angle can be covered from low to high) with elastic fabric)

The structure needs a mechanism to stabilize the roof in its position. Inferences & Conclusions The central pivot is too complicated.

The foundations needs to be heavy and The foundations needs to be heavy and The structure needs a separate It could also be designed as a they are transferable, so the intervention they are transferable, so the intervention deployable structure but I is currently mechanism for the adjustability of the is greater than the other concepts. The is greater than the other concepts. The pivot is less complex but to change the studied as assemble-disassemble. pivot is complex but to change the roof like the one of concept 8 and 9. angle is less easy than concept 4 angle is easy.

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|3.3 Evaluation of Structures


Model Scale No. Of Models

1:20(x4), 1:5(x2)


1:20, 1:5(x3)

1:20, 1:5(x2)





16 joints in total, 8 different types

14 joints in total, 2 different types, 1 pivot






only of the roof

only of the roof

Columns and beams: bamboo, paper tubes, PVC, steel/aluminium, Joints: recycled plastic, stainless steel, Wire: Suspension Cable, Roof: composite structure

Columns and beams: bamboo, Joints: rope (traditional joints), Roof: composite structure

Columns and beams: bamboo, paper tubes, PVC, steel/aluminium, Joints: recycled plastic, stainless steel, Roof: Composite structure

Columns and beams: bamboo, paper tubes, PVC, steel/aluminium, Joints: recycled plastic, stainless steel, Roof: Composite roof



Structure 1, Roof 3

Structure 1, Roof 3



1 (fixed structure)

1 (fixed structure)

Assemble / Disassemble Deployable No. of Connections No. of steps for assembly Roof movement & adjustability


Connection complexity (1-5, from low to high)

14 joints in total, 3 different types, 1 pivot, Roof -9 12 joints in total, 3 different types, Roof -9 joints in total, 2 different types, 3 pivots joints in total, 2 different types, 3 pivots

Dependency on foundation

Partition complexity (1-5, from low to high)

Inferences & Conclusions

The movement of the roof is separate from the The movement of the roof is separate from the The changing of the roof angle is problematic structure. The structure can stand alone without structure. The structure can stand alone without The beam in the middle of the interior space (when changing the position of the angle the the PV part of the roof (its not a composite roof) the PV part of the roof (its not a composite roof). needs to be solved (it can go below the floor) movement is not smooth and controlled and all _the panels need to have space between them The panels need to have space between them the weight of the roof needs to be carried) not to create shading not to create shading

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|3.4 Computational Simulations

Simulation and result By implementing all the data that were collected from Ladybug to our design, it is possible to calculate the energy input and output of our solar roof. Our aim is to compare the efficiency of the rotating roof in each city, during the warm and cold season, with a fixed one at 0 degrees in Mumbai. For the efficiency of the PVs, we considered 20% as standard, which is the maximum for this type of product. For example, the annual solar gain of a unit* in Mumbai is 49,761.87 kWh. With the proper PV angle, the output could reach 9,752.36 kWh. However, if the roof remains horizontal during the entire year, the output decreases to 7,900.11 kWh. *one unit is considered as 21.6 m2 of PV panel area Ventilation was another key player in the design of the solar shelter. A single unit reacts differently in terms of heat gains, in comparison with many unit placed next to each other. Since our proposal is also aiming to the creation of the community sense between the workers, the heat gains were calculated within a small group of units. This way the roof gains most of the thermal energy, while the south-oriented wall gains half of the roof’s energy. Lower partition walls, that create a gap between its upper edges and the roof, are designed in order to improve ventilation along the shelter and increase indoor comfort.

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|3.4 Computational Simulations

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|3.5 Inferences

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|4 Final Design 4.1 Drawings and Details 4.2 Model Photographs 4.3 Process of Assembly 4.4 Rendered Views 4.5 Life Stages 4.6 Future Applications

Final Design 4| The final design represents the optimum solution in terms of completeness of criteria and it is presented through technical drawings, physical and digital models. Computational simulations were used as a tool to further evaluate and develop the project.

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|4.1 Drawings and Details

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|4.1 Drawings and Details

| Roof Angle 10o

| Roof Angle 35o

| Roof Angle 0o |Section

| Roof Angle 20o Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|37

|4.1 Drawings and Details

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|4.1 Drawings and Details

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|4.2 Model Photographs

Detail of support for main bamboo shaft of 100mm Ø

Roof detail with possibilty to connect adjacent roof

Detail for string controlling the roof movement

Details in 1:5

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|4.3 Process of Assembly

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|4.3 Process of Assembly

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|4.4 Rendered View

View of making liveable worker community out of solar shelters to produce energy for on going construction site.

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|4.4 Rendered View

View of making liveable worker community out of solar shelters to produce energy for on going construction site. How some of the shelter can be used as a community gathering spaces.

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|4.5 Life Stages

Solar Shelters’ Life Stages on the Construction Site Phase 1: Before Construction Building Coverage: 55-70% Open Space: 30-45% PV Units Coverage: 20-35%

Units’ Set Up: set foundation unload components assemble structure put roof on add walls Ready to use!

Construction Site Excavation Area Solar Shelters’ Area Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|45

|4.5 Life Stages

Solar Shelters’ Life Stages on the Construction Site Phase 2: During Construction Building Area: Raising Open Space: Live, Store, Collect Units: 147 Energy Production: 1,262,268 kWh/year Average Energy Production: 22 kWh/day/unit

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|4.5 Life Stages

Solar Shelters’ Life Stages on the Construction Site Phase 3: After Construction Building Area: Raising Open Space: Live, Store, Collect Units: 147 Energy Production: 1,262,268 kWh/year Average Energy Production: 22 kWh/day/unit

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|4.6 Future Applications Our product is not only limited to a shelter but has many more applications. These can be integrated on urban scale as temporary spaces that provide shade and comfort, a few could also be used as shops or connected together to create markets. These also have huge potential to be used for bus stops, parking shades and open exhibitions.

Exhibition Space

Outdoor Gazebo

Semi-open gymnasium

Temporary shops & markets

Kindergarten/ learning zone

Parking Shade

Bus stop/ Seating area

Public Washrooms

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|5 Conclusion 5.1 Applicaion Stages 5.2 Future Applications 5.3 Group Reflection 5.4 Personal Reflections

Conclusion 5| Summary. Two are the main goals of the Solar Shelter. The first one is about energy saving: to contribute to a more sustainable way of building process, by generating electricity through renewable energy sources. The second one is about living standard: to provide the workers with a more decent living and working environment. During the entire process of exploration and experimentation, these goals were our guidelines and their most efficient combination was our wider target. All of our designs examine aspects of sustainability, circularity, energy saving, solar energy capacity, as well as viability, pleasure and comfort, trying to keep the optimum balance. The final design proposes a solution, that, we believe, it could potentially evolve in an innovative product, in the industry of construction, in India, to fight against overconsumption of fossil fuels for energy production, while at the same time contribute to the economic and social growth of the workers.

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|5.3 Group Reflection


Lessons Learned.

Things to be done.

Bucky lab was for all the 5 of us the most pleasant touch of the first semester. Every week we were looking forward to meet, interact and exchange new ideas with each other. Given the circumstances, the fact that we had the opportunity to do it “off-line”, was above our expectations and truly improved the collaboration between the team members.

The organization and the coordination of the course approved to be really useful and taught us a variety of things, from how to work in a team of internationals to how to choose the most efficient PV module and its angle for our design. Generally, the work between the group members rolled pretty well, since we all had a team spirit. Through this course we all learned how to work with people from different backgrounds, with different nationalities and experiences, that have never met before, always with respect to each other. If we had the chance to meet in person more often, we believe we would have worked even more effectively and we would have solved some communication issues of ours faster. The process that we followed taught us that the journey is, sometimes, more important than the destination. Thought researching, experimenting with different designs, constantly questioning our selves about each decision and always looking back on the reasons why of every choice, we learned a lot more, and probably more important things, than by the final design. To make this work efficiently, we kept in mind that everyone should be in the same page of the process, continuously, in terms of complete vision of the project and of individual contribution to the workflow.

Till the end of the semester, we have researched every aspect of our problem statement and our design vision as well: materials to be used, context parameters, joinery methods, energy demands, social, cultural and economic factors etc. However, to have a more complete proposal we would have liked to further research the circular opportunities that the design offers and also to have created a business model so as to make our product even more attractive within the construction industry.

Even though the subject was pretty challenging in the beginning, with the necessary information given by the experts of PVMD and the proper guidance of Marcel and Nadia, we managed to tackle all, or at least most of, the difficulties and obstacles we found in our way. Then given freedom of designing a product based on our personal concerns, was fully appreciated and putted more value to the research and design processes. That is the reason why, although our project does not refer to the application of photovoltaic panels on a façade, if we could travel back in time, we would choose again the same subject, since we deeply believe, not only in its environmental, but also in its social impact.

In addition, in order to be able to create a prototype or to be ready to mass produce our product, we should have deepened more into the details of the design. It would have been a huge advantage for our group if, during the building weeks, we had access to the real materials and tools for our proposal. Since we didn’t, we only reached the scale of 1:5 with simpler materials, which was also useful since we explored more options and alternatives. Other parts of the construction, like the partition walls, the floor materials and the connection between the shelters, also need to be further explored.

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|5.4 Personal Reflections

anurag sonar

kwanlin wang

danai moutou

Coming from an architectural background, Bucky Lab Design is one of the courses that I was excited even before applying for the masters. So getting to participate in it was a wonderful experience. It is like a first stepping stone that provides us an insight in the MSc Building Technology track at TuDelft.

Bucky lad as the first design class that I have in TU Delft, I think it is a good start point to understand to method to produce an architecture product from the very beginning. I have many chance to study and research the unfamiliar field of knowledge and trying to integrate them with our design approaches during the whole process. The elevator pitch is the first challenge. As we have to present our design of a PV product which developed within a month with limited knowledge. I really enjoy the process to discuss with tutors and classmates to find out more possibility of our projects.

The entire experience of bucky lab was interesting and different from the courses that I had so far in my bachelor. Bucky lab taught us that in a design the most important stage is the process and not the final result. Also, the research is one of the most significant and necessary parts of the design if we want to conclude to something strong and efficient.

The topic ‘PV in Facades’ was interesting yet challenging as we had to develop a product completely out of our own imagination. In the initial weeks we were given the opportunity to brainstorm on many ideas and we had to pitch those ideas to others. This indeed was an interesting way of developing the product while considering its market, resources, materiality, users and other practical aspects. It gave an insight on how a single product can have various applications. We formed a group after our individual elevator pitches and worked further with similar vision to develop a product that will have a societal impact. We all had different approach at the initial stage while coming up with our design vision. I started to explore the vision through an architectural mindset, but soon realized that there are other technical aspects that also need to be catered and incorporated. The moment I changed this approach it gave me an opportunity to explore different structural systems, materials and it helped me get closer to the expected outcome.

In the group work period, people have same idea and concept came together to evolve our design. We were encouraged to use what we learned from other classes in our design process. The knowledge of Building physics and Grasshopper were put into used, and they really helped us to having a better outcome which we were not expected. On the other hand, I also noticed that during the tutoring. However, not everything happened as we wished. The lockdown caused our building week end earlier. We were building our 1:5 detail models and want to further develop them at that time and we can only finish the rest of study by 3D models. If I have chance to continue our study and research, I think the further studying of structure system would be necessary and build up a 1:1 model would be the best way to study it.

Nevertheless, I believe that if bucky lab design had one more day dedicated to it and preferably on campus, it would be a lot better and the process would be smoother and even more efficient. We needed more time for interaction to extract quicker and more complete decisions. Moreover, if we had that extra time for bucky lab, we could be focused and concentrated only to bucky lab without being destructed from the other courses that we sent the most of our time.

During Building weeks, I personally learned different techniques of model making by using various tools, machines and materials. The aim was to build a 1:1 scale prototype, but due to the Covid restrictions we achieved details at 1:5 scales. It would have been great to explore 1:1 scale for better understanding and visualization of our ideas. Since our design process focused more on model explorations, the time allotted for the Building weeks was quite less. We could have achieved a more innovative and functional product, if the building weeks could have started much earlier. The integration of this course with Building Engineering and computational design was effective specifically for our product development. We were able to generate few results through simulations that really made our design practical. I personally feel that there is room for improvement in managing the Engineering courses workload if they were planned in a different way. Nevertheless, my experience in these last 5 months was exhilarating and I would like to thank Marcel and Nadia for their constant support and motivation is such unprecedented times. Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|51

|5.4 Personal Relfections

nikoletta dimitriou

shreyas vadodaria

For me Bucky Lab was one of the reasons I joined this Master, since it represents the perfect combination of design and engineering, innovation and sustainability. Now, that we arrived at the finish line, I can admit that it fulfilled my expectations. Nadia’s and Marcel’s contribution was precious through the entire semester, by questioning and challenging us every time.

Bucky Lab Design – As name itself says a lot. It’s all about experimental exploration through model in a hands on working environment. That was all, to keep me going throughout the semester. And the programme for this semester was to use photovoltaic panels in innovative way. It all started with the cultivation of several ideas for the same and target was to make an elevator pitch of one minute for one idea in one slide, it was a nail biting experience to convey an idea in a minute to the fellow peers and teachers. But it was an interesting process, which resulted into the formation of groups, of likeminded people with different design approaches for same purpose. Later we, as a group started a design process with individual brain storming for what, why and how to culminate a design. Design journey as a group and individual were framed in an environment of different courses such as Bucky Lab Engineering and Research & Innovations with lots of expert lectures inspiring us to think towards sustainable and innovative design solutions. These kind interwoven courses lifts up the design ability of an individual, to perform better as an individual in a team or society. It’s a perfect mixture of design and engineering.

The course had a lot to offer, from technical knowledge to handson experiences. Personally, I tried to gain as much as possible and to evolve individually, for myself and for the team. The best part of Bucky Lab, for me, was the encouragement of our tutors to push our limits, research and learn more. In terms of team work, in general, I am quite satisfied with the workflow of our team. It is common and natural for small problems to occur during every collaboration, let alone between 5 persons from all over the world. I’m happy that every each of them was deal with respect and understanding. Given the circumstances, I’m also satisfied with our final result and fully agreed on every part of our reflection regarding further research and next steps that should be done in order to fully complete our design proposal. For the entire study program till now, I expected a much better organization and communication between the professor in order the work load to be more manageable during the semester. However, I can fully understand that the level of the university is high and its requirements should keep an even higher level.

As the course is supported by so many subjects that it was an overwhelming journey in special circumstances of online education. The process was smooth and challenging simultaneously, under the guidance of Marcel and Nadia. The rigorous and critical discussions with them always pushed us to get better all the time. Thank you for that immense support throughout the journey.

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References 6| |Links

1. Type of PV Panels

Image [01] Page no. [10] 17 Sutainable Development Goals - United Nations solar%20panels%20are%20monocrystalline%2C%20 polycrystalline%2C%20and,has%20a%20different%20aesthetic%20appearance. major%20types,property%20and%20desired%20 system%20characteristics. what-are-bifacial-solar-modules/

Photographs [02, 03, 04, 05] Page no. [11] Helpful videos for better understanding of the context can be found at thefollowing links: Archiprix International. (2017, March 27). Housing for Construction Workers in Ahmedabad - Hannah Broatch [Video]. Vimeo.

|6 References 6.1 Appendices

Nebula. (2018, June 12). World class labor colony at Nebula Aavaas | Changodar, Ahmedabad [Video]. Youtube. www. Image [06] Page no. [12] Source: Image [07, 08] Page no. [13] Source: Image [09, 10, 11, 12] Page no. [15, 16] Source: The Basic Components of a Home Solar Power System, by Rik Degunther, Image [13] Page no. [17] UNHCR (2016). Shelter Design Catalogue. UNHCR. https://cms.emergency. Shelter+Design+Catalogue+January+2016/ a891fdb2-4ef9-42d9-bf0f-c12002b3652e UNHCR: Emergency Handbook. (Version 2.5). Emergency Shelter Standard. https:// emergency-shelter-standard

2. Mounting System anatomy-rooftop-solar-mounting-system/ anatomy-rooftop-solar-mounting-system/ 3. Size, Weight & Output 4. Components

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|6.1 Appendices 1 Structural system

Roof angle Water orientation tightness flexibility



Structure Span


Steel screws & suspension cables

2-3 m


Deployable Composite Structural System

Wood & Aluminium

Welding & Gusset plates

4-7 m

Scaffolding Structural System

Steel clamps, L plates or ring Steel or locks & steel Aluminium suspension cables

Composite Structural System

Bamboo & Wood

Deployable StructuralSystem

Bam boo

Structural System

Foldable Structural System


Clear Height


Flattening the volume


Environmental Impact


1.5-2.5 m







2.5 - 3.5 m





4-5 m



2.5 - 3 m





Steel bolt & jute ropes

3-5 m



2 - 3.5 m





Steelbolt& jute ropes

2.4 m



2.4 m





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|6.1 Appendices

2 Main structure material



Weight (kg/m3)


Resistance to weather


Appearanc e

Structural Stability






































Shape freedom



















Life span Maintenance

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|6.1 Appendices

Case studies and Matrixes 2.4.6|

3 Connection

Assembly ease

Type of labour

Form flexibility


Number of members at junctions

Ease in flattening the volume



Temporary small scale structure









30mm 200mm

Permanent structures





3 to 4





35mm 50mm

Temporary small scale structure





5 to 6





Circular hollow connector welded with slide plate, slide plate anchored in the bamboo and pin

Fixed steel plate with movement connector

35mm 125mm

Temporary small scale structure





3 to 4




Trailer ball and socket


Trailer ball connector with base plate and adjustible socket

Fixed or flexible

25mm 150m

Permanent structures









Clamps and bolts


Adjustable Circular clamp, bolts


25mm - 75m

Temporary small scale structure





5 to 6






Bamboo size Possible (Dia) structure type



Type of connection

Bamboo Clamp connector


Clamp, ring, circular disk, footing plate

Flexible movement of bamboo in x & y axis

30mm 100mm

Brackets and plates


L Angles, gusset plate, bolts


Nodal hub


Node, U-shaped connectors, bolts

Hollow steel side plate with pin connection

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|6.1Appendices 4 Foundation



Ease in flattening the volume

Impact on Environment















Temporary small scale structure









150mm300mm high, 25mm thickness

Temporary small scale structure








Waste block

Plastic waste or debris waste moulded in foundation block


200mm 300mm

Temporary small scale structure








Brick or sand

Bricks or stone with cement mortar


300mm to 450mm

Temporary small scale structure









Sand filled in wooden frame


300mm to 450mm

Temporary small scale structure









Load capacity



Plate foundation

Wood or steel


50 mm to 100 mm

Temporary small scale structure


Plate foundation with anchor

Steel or wooden plate with v shaped steel anchor


50 mm to 100 mm

Temporary small scale structure

Precast concrete block

precast concrete block moulded as per detail


100mm to 300mm

Rolling wheel

Metal wheels with steel legs

Foundation type


Assembly ease Type of labour

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|6.1 Appendices 5 Partition material




Type of labour


Assembly ease

Water proofing



Insulation (sound and weather)

Impact on Environment



Weaved Mat












Garden Net

Thatched roof made of dried palm leaves













Multiwall transparent roof


12mm - 35mm










Tent Fabric

Polyester, Nylon, Polyethelyn, Canvas, fibre













Plastic waste panel


12mm - 20mm











Puf Panels


25mm - 50mm










Partition material


Building Technolgy|Bucky Lab Dsign|58

|6.1Appendices 6 Roof material




Type of labour


Assembly ease

Water proofing



Insulation (sound and weather)

Impact on Environment



Weaved Mat

Jute rope











Palm leaves

Thatched roof made of dried palm leaves

Jute rope

10mm 20mm











Multiwall transparent roof


12mm 45mm













10mm 20mm











Corrugated sheet


5mm 15mm











Puff Panels


25mm 50mm










Roof material


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|6.1 Appendices 7 Flooring material

Flooring material



Type of labour


Insulated Rubber Floor

Rubber mat







Sleeper Wood

Seasoned wood

10mm 30mm






Steel plate

5mm 10mm






Assembly Water ease proofing

Impact on Environment













Portability Maintenance

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