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(TIME MAGAZINE 3RD APRIL 1989)'s_future_is_bright_an_emerging_super_power.htm

The world over Time news magazine has been accepted as authentic. Very soon it shall complete 100 years of publishing. This magazine by putting forth the gist of international events puts forth a balanced and unbiased viewpoint so as to also give us information regarding the influence of these events in future. Recently on 3rd April 1989 an article was published by it regarding description of India and its main title was “Super India-The Next Military Power). It writes:

In the past few years India has rapidly emerged as such a Super Power that henceforth other Super Powers like Russia, China, USA and France can longer ignore India. India managed to push back Pakistani attack on Siachen Glacier, by entering Sri Lanka it liberated them from terrorism and by douzing the revolution in Maldives it helped reinstate Abdul Gayum government in power. Such leadership acts of Super Power India tell us that no longer can India be ignored by saying it is an underdeveloped backward country. Today on the basis of the capability of its armed forces India is on the 4th spot. First is Russia (5 million), 2nd is China (3.2 million), 3rd is America (2.1 million) troops and 4th is India that possesses highly trained well decorated 1.4 million army men. They say that the main issue is not that based on number might India should be accepted as a Super Power but what is important that in the entire world behind every 6 persons is 1 Indian. India is the world’s largest democracy and in every field be it medical, army, engineering, space travel/technology etc Indians in India or abroad lead due to their brilliant skilful intellect. Despite trying to solve internal problems it has made important progress in the past 2 decades in food grain production, export of materials and self dependence. This is that 1st Super Power who by trying to usher in world peace has obstructed military attacks by other powers that be between themselves.'s_future_is_bright_an_emerging_super_power.htm In the west India has only one image- full of blind beliefs and traditions, over populated and that India which rolls in problems yet in his cover story Mr. Munro writes: From this India one more Super Power is emerging that sequentially while solving problems with the help of its spiritual heritage and talented intellectual energy lest in future becomes a power that leads the world it should not astonish anyone. This must be called divine consciousness and a flow of Lord Mahakal that is ushering in this Era Transformation and with the help of an organized force after getting liberated from political slavery spanning 2000 years again is reinstating India as a Super Power. In the 21st century it will be the leading power of the world.

America’s defense minister John Tower recently in a speech delivered by him in the presence of the American Senate to Associated Press said that very soon we shall witness India rising as a Super Power. While throwing light on the speed of development within industrialization and artistic skills of 3 eastern countries i.e. India, China and Japan he opines that we must not be surprised at all on noting that in the 21st century these 3 nations commence leading the world and inspire all to execute creative tasks. He said that till yesterday those parts of the earth which were colonized they due to their cultural heritage are emerging as Super Powers and even amongst them India is the crest jewel. He also accepted that the root reason why these countries are fast developing is are Indian and Japanese scientists and industrialists residing in USA with whom western talent cannot compete.'s_future_is_bright_an_emerging_super_power.htm America’s leading economist and one making prophecies based on computerized statistics Linden La Roche opines that India from the standpoint of varied types of means is no doubt wealthy but also because of its intensely talented young intellectual class shall definitely be rendered a Super Power in all fields like cultural, financial and material. By stating this time period as between 1995-2005 in an interview with PTI he said that after a political upheaval for a few years radiant Indians oozing with spiritual energy shall first lead Asia and step by step it shall lead the entire world.

In ‘Newsweek’ magazine dated 12 December 1988 a speech of Henry Kissinger was published wherein he opined that by the end 0f 2000 AD India will emerge as such a Super Power in the international arena wherein it shall shoulder all those world responsibilities that today is being handled by America. Ultimately in entire Middle and East Asia India shall have to be accepted by all as an emerging world leader. He says that in these days despite differences being noted between India and USA yet in the long run these 2 great Super Powers jointly shall carry out creative tasks. Henry Kissinger was a great orator from Harvard University and an ex foreign secretary of America. With reference to international matters he is accepted as a high stature specialist.

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