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The gross physical body made of the 5 sense organs of action, 5 sense organs of knowledge, mind, intellect, psyche and ego can be seen visibly and can function in the external material world. Its indweller is called Prani (creature). The creature remains alive as long as the gross physical body remains functional and active. Social transactions take place via it only. Further ahead than these external world activities are 4 more bodies. These are used for spiritual purposes. Somewhere they are believed to be 3 and elsewhere 5. There are 3 Granthis (subtle complexes) called Brahmagranthi, Vishnugranthi and Rudragranthi. On their basis too great Rishis of yester eras have believed the existence of the gross, subtle and causal bodies. Others opine that Panchkoshas or 5 Sheaths of the body predominate. They say that each sheath is an individual body on its own. These Panchkoshas or 5 Sheaths of the body are:


Annamaya Kosha or Food Sheath


Pranamaya Kosha or Vital Force Sheath


Manomaya Kosha or Mental Sheath


Vijnanamaya Kosha or Intellectual/Intuition Sheath


Anandamaya Kosha or Bliss Sheath

As per the above belief these are 5 bodies. These are different from the 5 elements and the 5 Pranas too are different from them. These 5 Koshas or 5 bodies are energized by Divine Powers. The 5 deities viz. Surya, Indra, Agni, Pavan and Varun preside over these 5 Koshas or 5 bodies.

In the procedure of Sookshmikaran Sadhana or rendering the psyche divinely subtle these 5 Koshas or 5 bodies are awakened and activated via such a special method that 5 amongst the 6 Chakras (subtle plexus) of the body latch on to these 5 Koshas or 5 bodies. These intertwined bodies are called Virbhadras. Each of these 5 has a separate individual body. According to the belief of the Theosophical Society they are:


Physical Body


Ether Body (Double)


Astral Body


Mental Body


Causal Body

These are called Lokas or other worlds too. In whichever state of the subtle body if someone’s soul makes itself very potent and capable it stays in that particular Loka as per prevalent beliefs. Every Loka has specific energies, Sidhis and miraculous fruits. In varied incidences these energies united give birth to a new potential. When, which Kosha or sheath has to execute which type of effort? When this is decided so many combinations get woven and then break apart. It is that very process of Prakriti or nature wherein energy despite being steady and imperishable dwells in varied forms. As per various situations encountered it changes its form and sometimes it remains as a group. %20REVERED%20GURUDEVA.htm The work arena of these 5 Virbhadras is very widespread and universal in nature. ESP or Extrasensory Powers only showcase individual feats yet the potential of these Koshas or sheaths influence at one shot influence thousands of people of nature in tandem with their inner credentials/Paatrata. They give the same type of inspiration to all and make them walk on the same path in the same direction. Those who become capable of contacting these 5 Virbhadras experience that they are being forced to head towards a specific direction for a specific goal. Ordinarily people’s thinking trend is changed via training, speeches, advice, pressure, enticement, terrorizing power etc and despite age old practice not dwelling in their inner nature that work is taken from them that a powerful person wishes to make them do.

For this end 5 energies of the gross body do dwell in it ordinarily but on entering a subtle state it manifests its special quality. Its effect in very less measure is seen in the gross body but when its requirement is much more in the subtle body it becomes terrifically powerful. These 5 independent energies of the 5 Virbhadras are as follows:


Bio Electricity


Bio Magnetism




Neo Creation-Reproduction



When the above become fully active all 5 are applied effectively via the subtle bodies. In this process of Era Transformation those who have to play an important role of highly empowered men their inner personality has to transform greatly. Such principles have to be imbued in their qualities, action, nature etc that although were not put into practice from the standpoint of contemporary trends in vogue but for great important goals their inclusion is mandatory. It is only then that transformation becomes firm and strong.

In order to change our inner nature a little bit of pressure can do the needful but when it has to work for a high stature goal and something great has to be execute in the ‘veins’ of such energized people subtle ‘injections’ are given. Where can this process get executed? The best optimal region for this is nerve networks of the subtle body (Naadis). Although these nerve networks (plexus) are called Yogic Chakras too yet their existence is separate. Nerve networks can be seen but the subtle electrical flow in it is invisible. If someone is rendered drunk with alcohol and sent to fight this subtle existence showcases such marvelous feats, that the drunken man forgets all about life and death. Similarly Virbhadras via their potential either elicit an onrush in someone like Jatayu, Hanuman, Jambvant etc or may excite their plexus called Yogic Chakras too. Every type of plexus has its own separate inner nature. Hence what needs to be done by which type, keeping this in mind certain are excited. These plexus are as follows:











If we correlate these to subtle Yogic Chakras and glands they are said to be on both sides of Ida-Pingala subtle nerves. Hence they are said to be related to Mooladhar, Manipur, Anahat, Vishudh and Ajna Chakras. All these are very influencing in the 5 subtle bodies. Grossly a bit of their symbolic form is visible but they do not appear to be carrying out any important task. But when someone is made a medium to carry out great feats it appears that they are being incited. On which path of great saints, who exactly is walking or is being made to walk? Regarding this well controlled directions are given by Virbhadra type experts in minute detail wherein which type of plexus is being prepared in which manner and in what measure this excitement is required?

Ordinary talent or inner personality proves his expertise in each task given. Bodily a person maybe weak and small sized. Despite being quite in weight someone can be talented. Bang opposite to this despite being strong, healthy and heavy in bodily weight a person may not possess much skill. The moment a tough task is faced he becomes scared and his brains stop functioning smoothly. In order to become talented a strong physical body or good health is not mandatory at all. In it instead enzymes found in good measure in the subtle body play a leading role. Enzymes are many but as far as this discussion of ours is concerned neurohormone juices emitted by the brain are very important. Leading hormones in this category are dopamine, endorphin, GABA and histamine. These are directly related to our mind and by inciting our thinking process renders us radiant and strong in will power. There are 5 neurological systems related to this process that renders our psyche very powerful. These are called: %20REVERED%20GURUDEVA.htm 1)

Reticular activating system


Cortical nuclei






Medulla spinal cord

By itself they are found in the body only but their controlling management takes place systematically. Via gross efforts they cannot be influenced whereas a mere touch via some subtle capability a great upheaval sets rolling and the moment that which is latent awakens man in the spiritual field too showcases his special strength.

These are those applications with the help of which man exhibits his feats for public good on the basis of steadfastness towards sacred ideals. In order to activate and excite these mysterious energies so as to render them special a super powerful Virbhadra is required. Via these steadfast pious people despite being weak execute roles of powerful men successfully. Since the recent past it is being experimented upon at a smaller level in lesser measure. But demands of contemporary times are forcing me to knock the doors of spiritually senior people.

In history so many such incidences have been witnessed wherein despite the availability of energy, opportunity and means man on being tested for imbibing high stature ideals and showcasing great enterprise failed miserably. At the other end incidences were noted wherein despite the person being ordinary but getting an opportunity of same type based on bodily-mental zest and wisdom carried out such feats that mind boggled one and all. There are 2 examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Lord Buddha wherein despite their followers being of commonplace stature succeeded in executing extraordinary activities. The cause for such difference is internal rather than external. Such a marvelous inner change can be brought about by others too. On occasions of Era Transformation such specialty is required that much more in measure. %20REVERED%20GURUDEVA.htm Contemporary transformation is one thing and inducing a permanent change in someone’s inner nature is totally different. Valmiki, Angulimal, Ajamil etc were born dacoits but their inner nature underwent an extraordinary, mind boggling and permanent glorious transformation. Such glorious transformations take place via the inspiration of divine consciousness and by influencing the subtle electrical stream of man directly renders him super great. From the scientific standpoint these glorious transformation related to human bio electricity can be seen active in 5 electrical fields. These are:


Plexus electricity


Neuronal electricity


Cellular electricity


Conduction electricity


Facial ocular electricity

In straightforward easy terminology these can be called electricity related to Chakras-glands, active electricity in muscular regions’ cells, electricity active in special cells and pacemaker of the heart and electric flow in our eyes and face. Via special apparatus they can be made too. In the spiritual arena these are called Ojas, Tejas, Manas, Varchas etc. Their existence in the body is much more important than blood, flesh etc. When our aura weakens man becomes ineffective, weak and listless.

Where enterprise can be increased for imbibing great qualities, activities and walking the path of glory, there zest for bad qualities, vile actions etc can be decreased and brought to a grinding halt too. For all this hormones functions akin to a key in a lock. These are those blood juices that on entering the blood stream directly from endocrine glands showcase their great effect. They can be used both for increasing and decreasing purposes. The chief endocrine glands that affect bodily hormones and juices emitted by them are as follows:




Pituitary-somatotropic hormone






Gonads-testosterone and estrogen

Testosterone pertains to males and estrogen to females. By disempowering these hormones man from the bodily, mental and procreation standpoint their zest in all tasks decrease a lot. The same holds true for other hormones too. Hormones basically function in order to render man very active, radiant, zestful, mature etc. Only experts of this field decide when, which hormone must be released in order to cool down man’s tainted activities. Based on the state of our soul consciousness and Paatrata or inner credentials desired changes are brought about. %20REVERED%20GURUDEVA.htm

As mentioned before whatever energy noted in man is not dependent on his blood, flesh, muscular network etc but that human talent and personality development is based on 5 electrical flows. In order to ‘abduct’ powerful aura of the enemy camp these powers of magnetic attraction are ‘confiscated’. In Tantra Science oriented applications these energy streams of the enemy are rendered weakened and powerless.

In order to render someone’s lineage strong or weak their genes are influenced. 2 amongst all genes predominate. They are DNA and RNA. These combine to form genes. Genes unite to form chromosomes. These chromosomes demarcate a particular lineage and controls one generation to another. In Lanka of demon Ravan on this very footing the act of creating innumerable demons was set rolling. The birth of the 100 Kaurava brothers took place from Gandhari’s womb after Maharshi Vyas used the technique of Genetic Engineering. Rishi Shringi using the medium of Charu (in Putreshti Yajna) influenced the subtle units of genes. As a result Lord Rama and his 3 brothers-Bharat, Lakshman and Shatrughna were born.

Special characteristics of various types of people of various countries are due to this varied genetic makeup. Long living people of Uzbekistan, Pathans of Baluchistan, Negros, Mongols etc races are dependent on their specific genetic makeup. In future days for ushering in Era Transformation when the need of great humans shall be felt this process shall have to be led to the level of genes.

For transforming the mind and inner nature mere worldly education is not sufficient at all. For this end required changes shall have to be brought in the 5 layers of consciousness. The 5 coverings of human consciousness are:

A) Conscious

B) Unconscious

C) Super conscious

D) Supra conscious

E) Latent conscious %20REVERED%20GURUDEVA.htm

A lot of someone’s greatness, lowliness, wisdom, indolence etc of thinking depends on the above.

The basis on which in what ratio gross objects and visible materials increase-decrease is: A world of subtle rays rendered widespread in the bed of this gigantic cosmos. These also are of 5 types:








Radio waves


Interstellar radiations

On their basis an environment is created or destroyed. War frenzy, peace, truce, bodily-mental good health, fearful situations, manifestation of materials etc pertaining to the environment depend on the ratio and flow of the above radiations. Related to these are 5 particles of the cosmos:

A) Neutrino

B) Quarks

C) Pulsars

D) Photons

E) Leptons

The upheavals of these influence the material world and environment too. An increase-decrease of production and augmenting of objects too is because of it. The animate world too cannot remain unaffected by it.

The broadcasting system can help only minuscule in explaining things. Only a small portion of man’s psyche can be influenced via speech, ears and showing various scenes. Subtle sound waves not only change the brain but that it plays a great miraculous role in other endeavors too. There are 5 chief types of sound waves:











Material scientists of today use it for tapping energy and power but spiritual seers can take work from them for influencing, training and transforming the entire environment in a positive manner. At what wavelength and frequency do they work? This no doubt is difficult for scientists to gauge and understand yet a superb influence set rolling in via Sookshmikaran Sadhana or rendering the psyche divinely subtle can definitely help us witness a transformation in a huge congregation. On noting this change definitely one can infer the energy used for it. %20REVERED%20GURUDEVA.htm Along with sound waves the cosmic particles (neutrino, quarks, pulsars, photons, leptons etc) play a great role in attracting-repulsing cosmic energies. Between planet earth and the cosmos the solar system and other stars, galaxies etc a relationship of give-take can be noted. In order to render this optimally balanced these are made a medium.

The visible and invisible environment is conjoined to the visible and subtle world and to those layers on earth and above it called spheres. The portions of environment, related to our planet earth are called:











Above these is the Ionosphere that dwells up to 500 km above earth’s surface. When some humungous widespread change has to be harbingered in on earth all dirt stuck on these layers have to be cleared totally. The 5 layers of the Ionosphere are as follows:











Clouds, dust particles, jet steam etc are found between earth and Stratosphere. The ozone layer, radio waves, cosmic rays, subtle radiations, particles and waves are spread out between Stratosphere and Exosphere. Astrophysicists carry out small-big changes in these layers only but when distortions are of the stature of total or partial annihilation type, when hazards of poison emitted by nuclear weapons crop up that by creating untold measure of upheavals in these layers create ghastly terrorizing situations its sanctification is possible only via a potent spiritual science. Such high stature spiritual scientists are

called Virbhadras. These must be understood and accepted as a powerful potential of the world of consciousness.

The human body is microcosm but the gist and essence of the infinite cosmos resides in it in seed form. Previously we have described 5 potentials of the body and it can be termed as the gist/essence of all pervasive forces and energies of this humungous infinite cosmos. These are:

A) Human bio electricity

B) Human bio magnetism

C) Creative energy

D) Radiations

E) Immunity Power

I am advancing these (via my Sookshmikaran Sadhana or rendering the psyche divinely subtle) so that they can be easily imbibed as an apt positive capacity after testing people’s Paatrata or spiritual credentials in huge groups, in individuals etc In this past 1 year I have advanced these 5 and called them the 5 Virbhadras. The more they are awakened in a powerful manner, the more they find useful mediums, in tandem with it they shall utilize their great divine potential for so many glorious acts pertaining to world and era transformation.

There are so many tasks like creation of divine humans, sanctification of the environment, uprooting taints and distortions, production of useful means for ushering in neo creation, overpowering situations that are hazardous and perilous etc that shall be successfully executed by awakened 5 Virbhadras as per contemporary requirements. Only time shall tell us as to when for what end and in what measure all this shall be possible to execute.

As of now this Sadhana or spiritual practice is going on. One is being partitioned into 5. The task is so difficult that by weaning away my mind from everything else I am doing all this in lone solitude. It is hoped that by the end of the next decade that progress shall usher in wherein with its help in order to fulfill desired goals our steps taken forward shall reap some worthwhile result at least.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e literature pls visit and DESCRIPTION: Free e-books on Chakra meditation-ESP, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Thought Free Trance, Attaining Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Energies, Future Scientific Religion, Super Energy Gayatri Science & Kundalini correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly non-commercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books ultra sound telepathy parapsychology metaphysics nirvikalpa Samadhi pollution yoga tantra movies internet hypnotism ecology astrology ayurveda kalki bioelectricity surgery lasers ozone radar stress creativity archeology Indus Valley Civilization fuel crisis food scarcity tsunamis biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton LET US PRAY FOR WORLD PEACE AND BROTHERHOOD SO AS TO CREATE: “A BEAUTIFUL BORDERLESS WORLD�.

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