Letters of the great yogi visionary saint yuga rishi pandit shriram sharma acharya ashok rawal 21st

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CHAPTER 32 THE FINAL DIVINE MESSAGE GIVEN TO US DEVOTEES BY HH MATAJI (Vandaniya Mataji HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) (Bhadrapad Purnima 19th September 1994 AD)






WE CAN GLIMPSE HIS COSMIC DIVINE PERSONALITY THROUGH LETTERS WRITTEN BY HIM TO HIS DISCIPLES, VOLUNTEERS ETC: If within the topic of describing the divine sports or Lilas of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya wherein respected highly intellectual readers after reading about episodes of Sidhis or Divine Powers exhibited by him along with other occult powers of his ask why we are veering away from the main subject, we humbly explain that this topic too is very much within the great glorious literature penned by our Revered Gurudeva. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who wrote the very 1st volume of Akhand Jyoti Magazine way back in 1938 AD on Vasant Panchmi day with his own hands and a reprint of it released in 1940 AD again on Vasant Panchmi, for his entire lifetime wrote on one single topic highlighting its multifaceted nature. This topic encompassed the fact that world humanity deep within possesses untold measure of potentials. If these are activated to the fullest he can become a divine human, a Sidha or God Realized Saint and Avatar or Prophet of Almighty God. Every human being is a storehouse of infinite divine energy. Lest he overcomes his sense of inferiority complex then that effort seeming impossible can be successfully executed akin to a great miraculous feat. This divine message uttered by great visionary saints have been exhibited by our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in his writings giving these teachings a practical form for imbibing in day to day living. Today in the name of so called ‘miracles’ so many traps are being subtle laid in the religious realm. In these traps innumerable innocent devotees get trapped quite badly. Hence for educating the lay public it is mandatory that Sidhis or Divine Powers are but a form of a developed super conscious mind. The goal of such Sidhis should be to use them only for world welfare and well being tasks in a selfless manner. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya never ever exhibited these Sidhis or Divine Powers by showering them on just about anyone and everyone and in fact always wrote against such cheap exhibition of Sidhis. The meaning of the slogan he advocated ‘Sadhana se Sidhi’ (attaining spiritual success via Sadhana or spiritual practices and Tapas or spiritual austerities) was simply

sanctification of our life, our thinking process and in this manner render circumstances conducive for attaining material and spiritual prosperity. Lest a person makes effort with Sankalpa or a powerful mental resolve Sidhis or Divine Powers come to him unasked. This was time and again proclaimed by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya all through his life. It is possible that ordinary human may not harbor much faith regarding this hence we felt it apt to place before the world those authentic incidences conjoined to him in the form of actual witnesses being present there, life sketch etc so that readers themselves can decide as to how and why all this was possible to achieve? So many times an analysis of the gross, subtle and causal bodies has been given. Yet in the form of a clarification the gross body is that is fully manifest for all to see. In it the Food Sheath is fully manifest but the Prana or Vital Force Sheath is partially active. In the form of life force and developed bodily strength it can be perceived externally. The subtle body is related to the latent powers of the human mind. On being activated the Mental Sheath and Intellectual Sheath manifest ESP or Extra Sensory Powers and the Sidhi or Divine power of becoming omniscient (knowing the past, present and future). It encompasses Sankalpa Shakti (powerful mental resolve), a will power full of life force and piercing potential. Within this body it becomes clear that the individual mind is a part and parcel of the cosmic mind. Hence it can go and come way beyond the limitations of time and space. When we witness the cosmic form of an advanced subtle body (Sookshma Sharir), potentials like thought super imposition, premonition etc that seem amazing in the ordinary sense become quite minuscule in stature. The 3 rd is the causal body and is that psyche oozing with sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana. In this state the following emotions reach great heights: 1) Ecstatic bliss 2) ‘Atmavat sarva bhuteshu’ or a sense of soul oneness with all animate inanimate beings of the cosmos 3) Awakening of compassion for all humans and other creatures 4) A yearning to sacrifice one’s all for the welfare and well being of others the world over 5) The union of a living being with the Cosmic Divine Being called Almighty God by us 6) Attaining God or Self Realization and thus overcoming material bondage to the world

7) Reaching the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi or thought free trance The above advanced states connote development and blooming of the Sahasradal Kamal or 1000 petal Yogic lotus in the brain region when the Anandmaya Kosha or Bliss Sheath awakens. In a nutshell this is an ‘anatomical’ description of Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers. When we glance at the life sketch of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya we find that these incidences span 80 years of his long life span. Not only did himself live a disease free long life, but via his mode of living inspired thousands others. He bestowed a new life to people afflicted with various ailments both physical and mental and also certain members who had almost been engulfed by the jaws of death. This is that type of Sidhi or Divine Power possessed only by those rare super advanced divine humans and Avatars of Almighty God. The great life of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is an open book in front of all of us. He has become an ideal and an icon for all and sundry from the standpoint of finance, time, taste bud control and thought and mind control. Not only did he inspire us visibly but via his writings too he has set a great example for all to follow in his sacrosanct footsteps. This then was his practical spirituality. Taraben of Ahmedabad-Gujarat resided with members of the All World Gayatri Family. These members clearly remember how our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya via his blessings and boon helped Taraben ward off such a disease that no doctor could even diagnose correctly. Whatever she ate would get vomited by her. Doctors treating her opined that she must again and again drink fluids only in minimal amounts. The front portion of her stomach had contracted quite a bit. Hence solid or semi solid food was not allowed to move forward by this narrow portion of her stomach. There was a possibility of her vomiting frequently or else undergo an emergency surgical operation. When Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had visited Gujarat Taraben of Ahmedabad City too had gone to have his Darshan or hallowed vision. During a dialogue with him Taraben said: Revered Gurudeva! Please have your dinner. He asked Taraben to accompany him and requested that a plate of dinner be served to her too. She kept saying that she would not be able to eat anything. All the food if she ate would get vomited. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya insisted forcefully: Daughter! You must eat this food. I am here sitting by your side. If any problem occurs while you eat I shall take care of it. She started eating and in a short while she ate the entire meal served to her. But what was surprising was that she did not vomit at all. In fact she did not even get any feeling of nausea. That day became a day of all her food intake difficulties ending. From that day till date she is eating

food normally without any complaint of vomiting etc. How did such a medical problem get cured? No doctor attending her had an answer. Can anyone say which procedure of science was used to analyze this cure? We are mentioning all this only to show that great Avatars, Sidhas or God Realized Saints etc use Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers attained after due Tapas or spiritual austerities in a well controlled manner for world welfare and well being only in a selfless manner. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has adhered to this tradition implicitly. A senior volunteer of our worldwide mission-Dr RP Karmayogi (BhopalIndia) had an eye defect from the year 1963 AD. For this he underwent medical therapy for a long period in All India Institute of Medical ScienceNew Delhi, Eye Hospital Aligarh and eye specialists in Jaipur City also. Since even after all this a proper diagnosis of the eye ailment was not found all doctors in one voice started opining that it shall be difficult to protect the other normal eye in future also. Dr Karmayogi was quite upset on hearing this. Hence he related all this to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Revered Gurudeva looked at him and said: I see! Your doctor opines thus. According to me your afflicted eye shall remain thus but your other normal eye shall not become diseased in future. For this I take due responsibility. It shall work normally all your life. After hearing these words of great hope Dr RP Karmayogi stopped all medication for his eye disease. All this took place in 1968 AD. After this he did so many tasks like completing his M Ed, Ph D, Diploma in Language Science and writingediting. Even today he is ceaselessly working for our mission and so far has never faced any difficulty. In the year 1982-83 AD Rambihari Gupta, son of Mr Kunjbihari Lal Gupta (Panwadi district Hamirpur) was studying for M Tech degree (Chemical Engineering) in Rourkee University. One day a lightning like problem arose. The bone in his waistline was aching and since it showed swelling he immediately consulted a doctor there. For about 5 days he had to take complete bed rest. After testing his blood, getting an X ray etc it was concluded that he is facing TB of bone joints. For this Rambihari Gupta would have to take very high dose medicines for 1.5 years and this may affect his walking and other bodily movements. He spoke to his parents about this medical problem. Within 10 days of diagnosing this illness Rambihari Gupta and his parents went to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. They prayed to him that their son gets cured of this dire disease so that his education in M Tech does not get affected badly. Revered Gurudeva touched his diseased waist region and said: O child! Someone has given a wrong diagnosis. You have no disease like TB. Go and take my herbal medicine for 1 month and hence after passing your exams with flying colors return home after earning glorious fame in foreign countries. The result of these words of blessings was that not only did he start walking without any difficulty in a couple of days but that he stopped taking all Allopath

Medicines. Instead for 1 month he took treatment from doctors at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-UttarakhandIndia). The medicine given was merely an instrument. His illness had gone away that very day he got blessings from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Rambihari Gupta got top honors in his M Tech exams and he left for USA with his wife Deeptishikha (daughter of Mr Shaligram Gupta) for completing his Ph D there. He got the post of Associate Professor and became a beloved teacher of American citizen and foreign origin students there. Both husband-wife are preaching about Super Mantra Gayatri there in a big way and explain to all how they themselves have accrued Goddess Gayatri’s divine grace. A Gayatri Family member working on a senior post in the Uttar Pradesh Govt. after taking a divine command from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya went to USA for 2 months in the year 1988 AD for official govt. duty. While making preparations for his travel he remembered that both Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) that he must not travel alone. He must travel with his wife who was a doctor by profession. Hence her passport, visa, ticket etc arrangements were to be made also. In Pittsburgh-USA he had to participate in a conference for 2 months for special studies and the program daily lasted all day long. One day he suddenly felt his breathing had become fast at the airport but in a few moments he felt alright. But afterwards this happened again and he found it difficult to breathe easily. At that time since he was in the meeting he looked upon this breathing difficulty to be a minor problem and hence after standing near an open window for fresh air he again sat down for the meeting. But in a few minutes thereafter he felt as though he was losing external consciousness. He regained consciousness only after being admitted to a hospital. There specialist doctors told him that he had a massive heart attack. Immediately his doctor wife was informed and he was admitted to the ICU of a hospital nearby. After undergoing due medical examination and heart diagnosis it was found that the main blood vessels of his heart had 99% blockage. Immediately balloon therapy was given and the affected blood circulation became normal. In one week itself he got discharged from the hospital. It was because that his doctor wife was by his side and since from the technology viewpoint they were in a well advanced country like USA, he got medical treatment swiftly and his doctor wife looked after him properly. He was quite amazed that while in India for so many years he never faced this medical problem and that when for the 1 st time he faced it he was in such a place that not only expert doctors were very close by but that all requirements to solve this ailment were available easily. He pondered within that lest Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had not blessed him and that he had journeyed all alone how could he have been cured thus residing in USA that is 10,000 miles away from his mother landIndia? Today he is in good health and he feels his long life span is but due to

the compassionate grace of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). This highly advanced devotee living his life as per the divine inspiration of this divine couple and as per their sage guidance is climbing towards great heights of Sadhana or spiritual practices. We have detailed the above incidences not merely from some curiosity standpoint but to prove to respected readers that a subtle divine existence definitely is at work in this world of mortality. It is such a divine existence that has made watertight security arrangements for every great inner personality that has surrendered his all for world society’s well being. It is not as though Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has given as blessings the power of his Tapas or spiritual austerities only in a tangible manner to one and all. Even members, disciples etc dwelling in far off alien countries too have experienced his divine blessings pouring down on them. Regarding this we have so many proofs. A few amongst these are being detailed thus: My beloved soul! I received your letter. After reading it I got joy as though I have met you in person. The task remaining incomplete in your past life has again been commenced by you, which is very satisfying to know. As a result my mind overflows with joy. I ceaselessly have yearned to see you as a great person in the annals of world history and definitely it shall materialize in future times to come. The above lines are taken from one of the innumerable letters written by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to his followers etc. There are more than 0.1 million such letters via which between the years 1935-71 AD he contacted so many members dwelling in various regions. By doing this he sowed seeds of that family that all of us today are witnessing in the form of Yug Nirman Yojana and Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). An important specialty of the letters written by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and personally meeting so many people was: A) Awakening latent Susankars (great psychic imprints) in people so as to lead them towards imbibing divinity B) By giving a spiritual bend to peoples’ material pursuits helping them march ahead on the path of true spirituality

C) By showering divine affection on them with a sense of soul oneness increasing their will power and soul power in optimal measure Thousands of people looked upon Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya as their protector, benefactor, friend, beloved soul and so on. They showered their all at his hallowed feet because his divine existence ceaselessly protecting them helped overcome their sorrow, difficulties and tension in day to day living. Those who came in close contact with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya got untold measure of love from him. This love eluded devotees in their personal mundane life from kith, relatives etc. This divine love of Revered Gurudeva was exactly like Almighty God showering the same on his beloved devotee and that between a disciple and his God Realized Guru. To the extent one surrendered his inner being to him, one got not only spiritual grandeur in that very measure but that material joys too were attained for maintaining peace and contentment in their material life. The greatest specialty in the life of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is that by helping a person go beyond a limited periphery of life conjoined him to society. Therapy was administered by him as per the requirements of each person approaching him, but the underlying path shown by him was only one. It encompassed soul purification, advancing one’s inner personality and performing Sadhana or spiritual practices pertaining to world welfare and well being. One must first reform oneself and one’s family but alongside one must work for reforming world society too. In the life of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya we can clearly note a wonderful combination of so many types of activities taken up by him. Our brain gets dumbstruck on noting that a saint of his great stature can live a life conjoined to such varied and multifaceted activities and even in such a short time span a real saint calling himself an ordinary human being oozes with such great glorious work potential. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya inner personality and outer activities oozed with the following characteristics: 1) A super great visionary saint 2) Founder member of a gigantic worldwide family 3) An adept organizer 4) A great manager

5) An image of divine love that was showered on all and sundry 6) Such a great person that anyone could approach him and relate sorrow, tension etc faced by him 7) A great author 8) A great writer and publisher 9) A social reformer 10) One whose heart burnt like fire for uplifting religion, culture and the nation 11) One who selflessly and ceaselessly worked for world welfare 12) Such a scientist who thought deeply with a stature comparable to contemporary era deep thinkers and philosophers 13) One in whose every pore of being bloomed modern science 14) Hence he worked ceaselessly for ushering in spirituality with modern science as its basis 15) Pain for half of India’s population made up of the women class 16) One whose psyche dripped with sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana 17) A revolutionary thinker of Rishi stature hell bent on opposing indolent blind beliefs and obsolete traditions 18) A super great orator 19) A sculptor who molded the psyche of innumerable people into true greatness and glory 20) An Avatar that kept contact with the subtle world. From the inaccessible Himalaya Mountains where subtly divine embodied Rishis dwell he got directions from them for ushering in heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era. Not only did he dream of it but that he created a foundation of it along with designing a behavioral ethics for it.

We lesser mortals shall fail miserably in portraying his great personality to the fullest but for a basic understanding we felt it necessary to make due efforts. The reason being that this can help world lay humans to benefit from the ‘legacy’ left behind by such a great human being in the form of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Many organizations are created and they later break apart and get scattered. It was our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who taught us which brick, cement and lime should be used to build the firm foundation of a great long lasting organization. He has left behind a necklace woven with precious jewels in the form of self sacrificing volunteers treading the path of high stature ideals even while they remained pious householders. This necklace was made by him with sheer love, affection and a sense of soul oneness with all without exception. Not out of some allurement or external pressure but only people due to inner inspiration and sense of self sacrifice can shoulder the responsibility of protecting his country, society and culture. We can understand all this after noting his gigantic feat. He deeply studied the mentality of lay people and led them from selfish aims to selfless world service. He did this by inspiring them to get out of the limitation of narrow minded thinking and instead conjoin to cosmic welfare. Anyone who managed to do this did not realize how it actually happened. Today those who design the basics of a new organization need to learn a lot from the history of how the All World Gayatri Family came into being. Those who have seen the quote ‘Sant hriday navneet samana’ proving true to the last letter in the life of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya, can they imagine what kind of people are those who introduce the tradition of great saints in heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era? We clearly witness in the life of Revered Gurudeva that he looked upon others’ hardships as his own to the extent that he actually shared their pain deep within. In one letter he writes to a member: The manner in which a cow makes its calf drink milk from its udders to nourish it in the same way in order to advance and uplift to great heights your soul I ceaselessly make due efforts. These lines are not some punch lines of a flowery speech. He executed the Sadhana or spiritual practices pertaining to writing great literature all his life. He never allowed any obstruction to come in its way. While traveling too he ceaselessly kept writing. After early morning worship, meditation etc schedule he commenced writing that went on continuously for 4-6 hours daily. His entire thinking was so original and guidance given in this literature was so clear that anyone reading it clearly understood what exactly has to be done, what should happen and possibly what could take place. The proof of his creative Sadhana or spiritual practices is as follows:

a) Around 2500 books penned and published by him b) Akhand Jyoti Magazine c) Yug Nirman Yojana d) Yug Shakti Gayatri e) Commentary on Rishi literature and Vedas f) Extraordinary literature written by him called Prajna Purana Whenever great thinkers try and gauge the important contribution made by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in the realm of Hindi language literature they shall truly realize that a new methodology has advanced in the realm of philosophy of life, psychology, psychiatry, practical spirituality etc. Not only did he himself write but made other members sit by his side and teach them this art of penning glorious literature. Those who thought they were quite learned and high class intellectuals on becoming students in his presence attained many boons. For those who wish to know how divine grace of any great Guru and Sidha or God Realized Saint is attained, they can understand it if they had witnessed people getting trained under Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in the art of writing. For the Sadhana or spiritual practices of writing literature he invited great thinkers of this era and he kept getting such ‘sculptors’. Today all around us we see fraud, scams and bitterness in personal relationships. Daily we face difficulties, hardships, tension etc that makes us agitated and restless in mind. Hence we all wish only true peace, sympathy and someone who lovingly pats our back. But unfortunately today our world predominates with people desiring to harass and render others agitated. Very rare are those great people who inspire us to rise to peaks of true glory. Literature can definitely serve us from this standpoint and by raising the will power of human beings to gigantic heights can give it a positive creative direction. But here too only despair is our lot. In literature seen today hardships spread out in society, a detailed picture of sorrow and strife faced is given properly. But this instead of leading man towards great correct thinking and live a life of glory leads him only to despair. There in these circumstances one harbors no faith in the fact that via merely the miracle of his writings wherein via loving guidance given in it a householder appearing normal like any human being not only imbued innumerable people with refreshing divine inspiration but that by showing them the correct direction of both material and spiritual progress bestowed on them the credit of becoming super great saints and instruments of world society neo creation.

Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya executed this divine effort ceaselessly. He ruled our hearts since the past 5 decades while living in our midst as though he was a part and parcel of our soul in an inseparable manner. This aspect of his great divine personality can be understood from the fact that in entire India about 50,000 members of the All World Gayatri Family are such that possess letters written by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya written with his own hands so as to imbue Prana Energy in them and awaken their latent psyche towards great pinnacles of human glory. These letters are like precious wealth for these members/devotees and in order to remember Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya they press it to their bosoms affectionately. Today he is not in our midst in his gross visible form but in the form of these priceless letters of his great advice for our day to day living, that which was related to our Sadhana or spiritual practices and that pierced veils in our psyche to cure any inner ailment in it is yet with us. This style of letter writing maybe in future years to come can become a topic of research for students. Yet those unaware of this facet maybe not in those days but may have joined our worldwide mission after Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) shed their mortal coils. For such members’ benefit we are publishing a few important portions of these letters over here. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya writes in a letter written to a member dated 21-6-1951: You are a portion of my soul. I love you just as in a human body anyone showers supremely selfless and pure love on others. This is not something to be spoken verbally but is to be heard deep in the mind. Please harbor faith that as long as I exist I shall ceaselessly pour on you affectionate fatherly love. Similarly on 5th December 1950 AD he wrote a letter to a beloved disciple: You are a part of my soul. If I forget beloved people like you all it means I am forgetting myself. And this cannot just be possible. I am fully aware of your soul advancement. Somewhere down the line we all undergo inner mental upheavals. Under these circumstances from where do we get true guidance? All the time no person can go about relating his inner thoughts to anybody and everybody. Hence at such times so many members of our mission would write about their problems to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in letters posted to him. On getting his reply their tension would disappear because they were sure that Revered Gurudeva’s blessings shall ward off all negative and undesirable influences in their life. He would write such

solutions full of sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana that inwardly one would get shaken up and ultimately experience inner serenity and peace. Under such a situation Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya wrote a letter of reply to a member of our mission: My beloved soul! I have received your letter. Akin to light and shadow the 3 Gunas (Sattvapurity, Rajas-activity and Tamas-indolence and spiritual darkness) keep appearing in our lives. Akin to ebb and flow of tidal waves in the sea our mind too undergoes rise and fall situations daily. After the bloody Mahabharat War ended the 5 Pandava brothers prayed to Lord Shri Krishna that he again sings the Bhagwad Geeta to them. Shri Krishna replied: Today my soul state is not as it was seen during the bloody Mahabharat War fought by you. Hence although I cannot sing that Bhagwad Geeta again today but I can give you some useful wisdom in the form of ‘Anugeeta’. From this incident it is clear that even the greatest soul personalities experience a rise-fall situation in their mental realm. Hence if you are undergoing this it is not surprising at all. The moment clouds disappear from the sky the brilliant sun blazes forth. Your foundation is very firm and strong. If you latch on to it you can never face any kind of a downfall in life. The above letter had been written on 21 st November 1952 AD. The guidance given is of the stature of a powerful psychologist and it proves that lest after contacting the deeper layers of a person’s psyche guidance is given for bringing in apt mental balance then in order to uplift it towards a higher stature a potent substratum can definitely be given. All through his life Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya did exactly this sort of service. In a letter dated 12-11-1953 written to a reader of Akhand Jyoti Magazine Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya writes: You are as beloved to me as my soul. I am always close by your side. Whenever you shall feel the need I am ever ready to come to your house without any delay. Not only the above but that along with affectionate guidance, creative directions too were suggested. In the above letter he writes further:

Your time is precious. It must be used only for important tasks. Via you the aura around you shall get illumined brightly with soul wisdom. In this direction you shall have to make intense efforts like Maharshi Vishwamitra and Bhagiratha of yester eras. Saving your energy from getting dissipated in political harassing endeavors, it must be used for soul wisdom. You must immerse yourself in making preparations for this. This guidance on activating latent potentials of a person would take him to great glory of human living. Those who today have reached peaks in politics, those who have tread higher up the ladder of social service could do so because of frequent precious guidance got from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. The aim of his has always been to help everyone benefit from his tough long term Tapas or spiritual austerities. In a letter dated 21st January 1959 written to a very beloved soul friend of his he writes: I am going about to generate more divine energy and its full benefits shall be accrued by you. My soul is conjoined to you in an inseparable manner and shall do so till both of us reach the goal of attaining total soul fulfillment or Poornata. When members got trapped in complexities of various Sadhana or spiritual practices they would take recourse to the divine guidance of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Sometimes a devotee would insist on getting guidance for Kundalini, Chakra Vedhan, Hath Yoga and other Sadhana or spiritual practices that involved total dispassion towards materialism. At such times he would reply thus: Great devotees of Almighty God in past times like Shabari, Nishad, Raidas etc akin to ordinary devotees attained high spiritual states without taking recourse to special Yoga practices. Even you can succeed in this. There is no need to renounce your family life and your job. Maybe so far you have not experienced some ‘miracle’ but if you lead your family life in an apt manner know for sure that you shall attain that very high spiritual state attained by adept Yogis and great ascetics-Sanyasis who have renounced material way of living. Regarding this renounce all doubts and leave all thinking and plans for your Sadhana or spiritual practices to me. The above letter was written on 21st February 1954 to a member wishing to attain a high spiritual stature who was close to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. From this it is clear that Revered Gurudeva knowing quite well about this devotee straying away from the true goal guided him like a good psychologist in tandem with the member’s mental state. In this manner he ensured that the devotee does not take sudden steps

and instead easily treads the path of Sadhana or spiritual practices even while living a life of a true householder. Whether our spiritual journey is going on well or not, with reference to this in a profound letter Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya writes: Material worldly problems shall continue raising their hood in your life because you have to repay your debt to others and an arrangement for this has been made. In this manner, when all your Karmic accounts have been cleared with zero debt, no longer in future shall you face any type of material bondage. Your present is being sanctified by me all the while. Hence do not worry about it even a wee bit. The only thing to worry about is your past life give-take account and in this very life it has to be taken care of for a long time period. The above person receiving this advice got so much assurance from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya since previously he was feeling pained regarding Karma, bondage and Moksha or salvation. On getting a letter from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya many times members finding their problem getting solved would send some donation to Akhand Jyoti Sansthan at Mathura City. At that time Revered Gurudeva would reply: I have received your money order as donation. The money you send oozes with such high stature deep faith that my inner being fears using it for fulfilling my personal needs. In order to realize this within our self we must be full of high stature Rishi greatness. Hence on an average, money sent by you is used for social service tasks. If even one iota of food bought from your donated cash is used by me my Tapas or spiritual austerities and Sadhana or spiritual practices for those many days shall be yours and hence Punya or good merits shall be yours for keepsake. We humbly ask respected readers: On reading the above lines do you not feel that in order to build such a worldwide family our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya executed terrific long term Tapas or spiritual austerities for its apt creation? He was known to avoid accepting huge chunks of donation from very affluent people and instead used small donations sent by members for world welfare and well being programs. Does this not imply as to how high in stature as a great visionary our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was comparable to super great saints like Narsinh Mehta, Jalaram Bapa etc in past centuries? By sowing the seeds of Punya or good merit he got manifold more by cutting a gigantic harvest of more Punya or good merits. Such high stature and untold

measure of Punya or good merits can be gathered only due to deep faith of thousands of people, goodwill, inner detachment and passing the fiery test of overcoming all avarice and greed for material wealth and fame. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is a shining example of this. There are many so called ‘saints’, ‘ascetics’ etc who without undergoing any Tapas or spiritual austerities or Sadhana or spiritual practices place their hands on the gullible disciples’ head as ‘blessings’. They via their illusory ‘magnetic’ personality fool innocent devotees and loot them of their wealth etc. For such so called religious leaders a lesson is to be learnt wherein we ourselves must give to society as much as possible in a humble selfless manner and only then unasked things shall come to you for carrying out public welfare activities. The harvest got by sowing seeds in the field of society can give you untold measure of gold. But this happens only if sowing is done in a selfless manner and looking upon society as manifestation of Almighty God so as to worship it devotionally. After getting apt guidance people with a psyche of an advanced devotee would wish to make Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya their Guru on receiving such letters from him. They would ask him as to what needs to be done, regarding it. In a letter dated 24 th January 1945 Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya writes to members of the mission: Our steadfast faith towards the Guru Principle should be of that stature akin to efforts made by you to imbibe in your mind. But you must remember without fail that man is after all a human being only. There is a possibility of taints entering him. Hence do not believe that I am beyond all taints. Only after understanding and accepting this fact you can focus your faith. If you look upon me as God your Sadhana or spiritual practices may get harmed. The above guidance is so honest and clear. Over here it is best that we tell respected readers that at that time Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had completed penning a book called ‘Who am I?’ akin to a profoundly mysterious Upanishad. Even so he always advised others to read great literature and get initiated in the religion of truth. He commenced giving Guru Deeksha (spiritual initiation) only after he completed 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharanas spanning 24 long years. For the 1 st time on Gayatri Jayanti Day (Jyeshta Sudi 10-Samvat 2010 or 1953 AD) he gave Guru Deeksha (spiritual initiation) to 30 devotees. In this manner a great auspicious beginning ushered in. Within just 35 years he initiated about 50 million devotees on the path of true spirituality. These devotees then reached great heights of spiritual development. Hence the question is could all this have been possible for Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had he not amassed untold divine energy for imbuing others the same? It was for this reason that his glorious advice was always based on psychology science and spiritual precepts.

Many spiritual seekers were known to give advice to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya regarding devotion to Almighty God. He would reverently imbibe this advice which points at his great inner humility. In a letter dated February-1943 he writes: Your thoughts on devotion to Almighty God appear more apt to me. Although Lord Rama and Lord Krishna have been historical men but our icon deities are separate from them. A person can be our icon but not our God. We must reinstate in our psyche Ram or Krishna imbued with divine existence. In the character of historical Ram or Krishna some faults can be found. Hence looking upon them as our icon deities we can accrue harm. When we meditate on Almighty God’s image it must be imbued with high stature ideals and divine qualities. If we combine human faults with them our problems become more and complex. Hence it is best that you define an ideal icon for you. The images of Ram, Krishna and Buddha are best for meditation. But never make the mistake of reinstating me or any other great living Guru on that seat. The analysis is so correct regarding the mental state of that person and in tandem with it a solution offered. As long as the intellect is active and that logic comes in the way of faith and self surrender till then what level of solution must be unearthed was well understood by him. For members it was this level of guidance that was given by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya since they harbored varied thinking regarding image worship, idol worship and getting initiated by a Guru. Every letter written contained syllabus material, profound analysis and practical guidance based on sound logic. This was a specialty of that Manishi or deep thinker who wrote it. He never insisted that the person offered guidance must perforce accept it. He would humbly put forth a solution along with a friendly request too and he would write that if only the devotee found it satisfactory should he follow the guidance given. A seeker who followed logic to the last letter was given clarification regarding Yajnas by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya thus: Yajna is the chief righteous duty of human beings. It is the main foundation of a true religion. As per the Bhagwad Geeta scripture Yajnas are of many types. One amongst these also is Agnihotra or fire ritual. Some believe only Agnihotra to be Yajna but Jnana Yajna etc too are as sacrosanct as Agnihotra. As per different types of likings all are supremely great and they do bear beneficial results. It could be that in order to help human psyche stay away from hypocrisy that had entered idol worship Maharshi Swami Dayanand laid great emphasis on the Karmakand or ritual aspect of Havan

or fire sacrifice. At present our country exhibits 2 chief diseases: Ajnana or spiritual ignorance and poverty. That activity not aiding in destroying these 2 diseases may not be called Yajna from the contemporary era righteousness standpoint. Jnana Yajna or thought revolution maybe could be its true nature. The above letter was written by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to a devotee in October 1943 AD. At that time he was 32 years of age. He was the chief of Arya Samaj (Chowk) Mathura and possibly an answer to the question posed could not have been more compact and to the point. Time and again he wrote to many people for awakening their latent glorious psychic qualities: No doubt you are going through ordinary circumstances but definitely you are a very high stature soul personality. You have not taken birth merely to eat bread and while your time away uselessly. You have come in this birth to execute a very special mission. You must hence immerse yourself zealously in fulfilling this great goal. It is via will power only that brave steps in life are taken forward. Hence you must get ready for this and akin to a true heir of mine you must shoulder duties of my position. On members about himself Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would reply thus: The prophecies written by you are about me only. People are not realizing this. But as time goes by they will do so and shall repent too. When you meet me I shall tell you what needs to be done regarding this (18-3-1970). Similarly in 11-9-1963 while writing to a devotee he clarified thus: There is no problem if you place Ramakrishna Paramhans’ photo on your worship dais. The 3rd body previous to my present was that of Ramakrishna Paramhans taken up by my soul. That very soul today is in front of you as your Guru. Even after giving all the above detailed information can anyone harbor any doubt? Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was such a high stature divine guide or Guru who took hold of our fingers so as to teach us how to walk and by making us sit beside him in the boat of life led us towards glory attained only after gathering untold measure of good deeds from past lifetimes.


In reality the land of Avatars of Almighty God is India. They incarnate after manifesting a special conscious existence and in order to guide mankind leave behind an eternal spiritual philosophy in a gist form. In this moment wherein we are discussing all this is a special hour. Never before was the need for Almighty God’s Avatar to manifest was felt as is noted today in the 21st century. What type is an Avatar? As per the Shrutis the Avatar of Divine Existence can manifest in varied forms. They are: 1) Aveshavatar 2) Chetanavatar 3) Sidhavatar Many other types too manifest and they have done so in the past 200 years or so. Via their Lilas or divine sports rendered many happy and blissful. These devotees of theirs got molded in such a way that what was impossible previously was now executed by them akin to a miraculous feat. Lord Buddha, Adi Guru Shankaracharya, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Saint Kabirdas, Jnaneshwar Maharaj, Samarth Swami Ramdas, Chatrapati Shivaji, Ramakrishna Paramhans, Swami Vivekananda, Mahayogiraj Shri Aurobindo etc were all Avatars of Almighty God. Those who became aides of their divine sports became gloriously self fulfilled and rendered planet earth too glorified. When we discuss incidents of Lilas or divine sports of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya it is natural for someone to ask that just because he helped ward off diseases of others, helped them get jobs and execute other seemingly impossible tasks successfully, can he be called a Lila Purusha or Avatar of Almighty God? A man of dry logic can ask as to whether Karma or actions are important or not? How can we gauge that if someone got something was he fit to attain it or not? In reality via these incidences or Lilas or divine sports we are trying to explain only one thing and that is how extraordinarily fortunate are we all who conjoined to that

divine existence either visibly or subtly. If out of enticement someone gets a toffee and yet does not work we cannot get angry with that child. That divine existence oozing with compassion and forgiveness is akin to a large hearted father and the aim of the root of extraordinary incidences in his external visible life is one only and that is to usher in a total positive transformation in the consciousness of individuals. This task was executed by our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya ceaselessly. In the era of Lord Rama and Krishna too this took place and in future too this shall happen. In these days while we are reading these incidences or Lilas or divine sports of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya a never before seen application is being carried out in this world. This has never occurred in the annals of world history. It encompasses execution of such a process on the cosmic human psyche from the subtle unseen world via which the consciousness of individuals can transform into true greatness. All miracles seen in the life of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya have been enacted in this very realm. It is definitely a rare extraordinary incident that humans undergo neo creation at the cosmic level and at conscious world level. Maharshi Sri Aurobindo had said: Super Mind Divinity by coming down on earth wishes to transform human nature in a collective manner. This same thing was spoken about by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya thus: These days the destiny and future of world humanity is being written and etched anew. Such a rare extraordinary hour arrives only after millions of years pass by. Those who miss the bus so to speak repent at leisure and those who use it wholesomely render themselves immortal for eternity. Via various incidences only one fact is being put before all respected readers that this consciousness that is covering the subtle world and in varied forms it is exhibiting its great effect. We all look upon it as miracles being performed. One miracle could be that the brilliant talent of innumerable people was inspired to work in that realm for which previously they had no capability and never had they themselves thought deeply as to something of this sort too can occur. A miracle seen also is that a huge class of men instead of flowing aimlessly in the stream of materialism conjoined to a stream that led them perforce towards supreme greatness. Not only did the latter think greatly but that via small time Deep Yajnas and other Yajna programs executed tasks of social welfare and well being. Another miracle encompasses that a big class of boys-girls taking a new birth started imbibing various aspects of Indian Culture in their life and a multifaceted talent in both arenas of the intellect and sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana started manifesting on a war footing. Is this not a miracle also? Possibly its deep import instead of being gauged at present shall be done in future, hence we are discussing these Lilas or divine sports of Revered Gurudeva Yuga

Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya over here due to which episodes noted in the gross external world are argued for and against a lot. If we offer ourselves towards working for divine tasks of an Avatar existence, it always looks after us from all standpoints of life. The Avatar shoulders his responsibility of Yoga-Kshemam or looking after all our material and spiritual requirements. It ceaselessly inspires us to march ahead zealously in the realm of selfless world well being activities. Mr. Vanshinarayan a devotee from Sikar-Rajasthan arrived in Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) to take part in a camp of PranaPratyavartan held from 7-11 January 1974 AD. At the time of its closing ceremony Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya spoke only one sentence: Son! Always remember death. At that time Mr. Vanshinarayan took it to mean that he must destroy all taints and faults that manifest in his day to day living. One and a half months after returning from Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) his head started aching unbearably. It was so painful that he started crying aloud like a child. He was given many medicines but the pain persisted. He now realized that what Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had told him was coming true. He had said: Remember death always! Hence he felt that death was about to engulf him. Revered Gurudeva had hence alerted him well in advance. Mr. Vanshinarayan said to himself that if had to die it is best to do as at the hallowed feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya residing in Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Hence making all arrangements to go and reside there he finished his pension paper work etc. Accompanied by his wife and daughter he reached there on 17 April 1974 AD in the morning. The moment they reached there they were called from above. It was the Kumbh Mela festival. It was hence very overcrowded. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya asked him: Son! Why have you come here? I have come to have your Darshan or hallowed vision Alright! Now that you have had my Darshan do return to your home. It was at that point that Mr. Vanshinarayan told Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that accompanied by his wife, daughter and baggage they had come here in his midst. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya angrily told him:

Giving up all disciplinary controls without doing any work you wish to reside here! If you really wish to do so go to the Kali Kamliwalla area and stay there. Over here we have no accommodation for you. But Mr. Vanshinarayan devotedly caught hold of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s holy feet and said: Sir! I do not wish to leave you and go anywhere else. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is a Lila Purusha or an Avatar of Almighty God. On seeing Mr. Vanshinarayan he knew why he had come here and that too, for giving up his life, here. Hence he asked Mr. Vanshinarayan’s wife: He is not telling me anything. Hence you must tell me what has happened. She detailed about severe painful headaches faced by her husband and how he feared death that seemed imminent to him. He was not finding any cure anywhere for this ailment. He wrote a letter to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya but got no reply. Hence he felt that in Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) he would get shelter and hence after finishing his pension related paper work we all came here. Mr. Vanshinarayan had vowed that if he remained alive he would stay here only and selflessly do volunteer work in Haridwar. Else if death was his lot he perforce would have to endure it. Saying this much Mr. Vanshinarayan’s wife started crying. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said: You have many years to complete before you reach the age of retirement in your job. What is the need for taking pension? Your daughter is yet small in age. Hence continue with your job and work for society too. I shall see to it that your life span increases. Hence take your wife and daughter to your home. Then come here and attend a 1 month camp for training and then start your job again. After your training go wherever I direct you for conducting various programs but do not give up your job. After completing your worldly duties you can then offer all your time for selfless social well being activities. After saying this much Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya blessed him and bid him farewell. While climbing down the steps of the building not only his headache had stopped but he also felt that rare light hearted feeling within. After this incident he never faced such a headache

ailment. Since then 18 years have gone by. He has shouldered all his responsibilities well. Now his entire family is working happily and selfless for our mission. He is a self surrendered volunteer over here. Your wife’s illness is a mystery and for all her life it shall remain a mystery only. But have deep faith in Goddess Gayatri or Divine Mother. Your wife’s health shall remain fine. This letter was written by HH Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) to Mr. Ashwin Kumar Sharma who had a job in BHEL Company in Bhopal City. When he received this letter he mentally viewed the illness of his wife for the past 2 years. Along with this only one sentence spoken by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in his room echoed in his mind: Why are you lamenting my son! I have extended your wife’s lifespan. He had spoken as above in his room at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) on 29 June 1983 at pre dawn hours or Brahmamuhurat. He had gone with his wife and daughter for Revered Gurudeva’s divine blessings. The bare reality was this only. For the 1 st time on 7 May 1982 AD he had been admitted in Kasturba Hospital in an unconscious state being attacked by an epileptic fit. His condition was quite serious and when he regained consciousness in between the epileptic fit would worsen. Again he would enter into a deeper state of unconsciousness. Along with the CMO there Dr KV Pandya other expert doctors’ team got immersed in analyzing and diagnosing this fit. They had failed to come to a definite conclusion regarding its cause. On that very night at about 2.30 am his breathing reversed and it appeared as though he shall die any moment. At that very moment Dr Pandya sent a detailed telegram to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya regarding the serious state. The moment the telegram was delivered at the post office his wife’s breathing became normal. Slowly she entered a deep unconscious state. 4 days later Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) sent a letter saying: We are praying to Goddess Mother Gayatri. Mrs. Sharma’s life was saved. The disease was not diagnosed properly even though she was taken to Mumbai and getting her CAT Scan and other tests done. Till date the illness has remained an unsolved mystery. After about 3 years her epileptic fits disappeared on its’ own and she regained good health. None can say as to whether at that time she was suffering from brain tumor or not. What is astounding is that in the state of deep swoon she could not recognize anyone but she was clearly heard chanting Super Mantra Gayatri quite clearly. Mr. Ashwini Kumar and his wife are steadfast volunteers and every pore of their being is surrendered at the feet of Revered Gurudeva

Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya because the latter obstructed their family life from getting shattered. He looked after just about everybody like this just as a mother sparrow flying high in the sky thinks about her children’s welfare when they are in the nest below. In reality the world in which great saints or Sidhas or God Realized Saints dwell in it in the gross world they move about elsewhere. The moment their devotee faces hardships based on his fate and inner self surrender console them and subtly reaches by his side to ward off all pain. One divine existence at one point in time at various places can be present subtly just about anywhere. When this Sidha or God Realized Saint’s mortal coil is not amidst us even so shall his subtle existence guide us, shall it destroy our strife and pain? Such a doubt is natural if it is harbored by anyone. But if we take a look at his promise and vow his subtle and causal divine existence becomes more active in a more widespread realm and thus it exhibits its influence ceaselessly. Regarding our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya we shall end our discussion by relating a small incident: A volunteer of our mission-Mr. Rudrakumar Krishnatre was helping in the preparation for a collective Sadhana or spiritual practices camp related to Shakti or divine energy manifestation from 6-8 February 1992 AD. As fate would have it, Vasant Panchmi or spring festival too was in that time period. Hence Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s spiritual birthday also was to be celebrated during this camp. Mr. Rudrakumar Krishnatre worked day and night for the above program. On 6th February 1992 AD after seeing to it that the Kalash Yatra (auspicious procession wherein pots with holy water are carried on the head) had commenced he left on his motorbike to give a message to some members for readying the reinstating of idols of deities. While driving his bike on a road with heavy traffic a speedy cycle coming from the opposite direction banged into the bike. Hence Mr. Rudrakumar Krishnatre fell on the road with a thud. At that time he felt as though an old man helped him and the one using the cycle to get up after both had fallen down. The time when these 2 vehicles had banged into each other the Kalash Yatra mentioned above had just ended. It was very windy at that time the photos of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) speedily fell down and the glass of its frame too cracked apart. The members immediately sent the photo frames for repair. As luck would have it the time of the accident and the photo frame breaking was the same. When Mr. Rudrakumar Krishnatre reached the place of the program after getting medical aid for his small wound and the cycle owner’s wound on the upper skin area he was given all details of the photo frame breaking.

Those who feel that since Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is not in our midst in his physical gross body how can they get advice and divine grace from him? Who shall ward off their hardships? For such devotees a ceaseless promise has been given by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that his subtle divine existence and the subtle divine energy of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) shall help all devotees at any hour. Not an iota of a lack shall be felt by devotees as far divine protection been given to them is concerned. He is one that gives boons unlimited. An Aughaddani is one that unasked becomes pleased with a devotee and showers on him his divine glories called Vibhootis. Lord Bholenath or Lord Shiva is also well known as Aughad Dani. Lord Mahakal who is beyond birth and death placed the Halahal poison coming out of Samudra Manthan in his throat. He is known to shower Amrit or immortal nectar on demigods and divine beings. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya for the sake of world humanity drank the Halahal poison of their vile thinking and activities. He lived a life only for ushering in world welfare and well being. This very Shiva incarnate form of his has been witnessed by us directly in our lives. Innumerable members of our mission have become apt vessels for receiving Sanjivani Shakti (rejuvenating power), divine protection, material powers and Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers in the spiritual realm from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. This they have received for the past 60 years from him. On reading such great incidences naturally our mind oozes with zest wherein if we are partial manifestations of such a divine existence as him can anyone harm us at all? So what if he is not with us in his physical gross body, at least his divine protective halo surrounds us albeit subtly on a permanent footing. That subtle divine existence is by the side of all members of our mission and if we pray for help in a humble devoted manner it yearns to shower all boons on us. If we glance at incidences of the past 50 years by opening the vault of experiences innumerable such incidences can be noted wherein we can have Darshan or hallowed vision of varied forms of the divine personality and existence of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. A Vaidya (Ayurveda Doctor) Mr. Madanlal Shrotriya has been an active zealous volunteer from Rajasthan. In those days he was serving in the Royal Ayurveda Hospital in Pahuna District of Chittorgarh. One day he was seated in the presence of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya at Gayatri Tapobhumi in Mathura City. A discussion was going on and later Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya set off for Ghiyamandi area. He asked Mr. Madanlal Shrotriya to accompany him. On the way they discussed many things. While ending this discussion sitting on the terrace of his Ghiyamandi Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said: Son Madan! If you require anything do ask me for it.

Although Mr. Madanlal Shrotriya did not ask directly but humbly said: Revered Sir! All that I possess is but yours since it has been given to me by you. Hence I do not desire anything. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said: Fine! From tomorrow onwards even if you give a packet of mud to anyone his disease shall get cured. But you must give it with deep faith and for your entire lifetime you must do my work. Mr. Madanlal Shrotriya says that as a Vaidya (Ayurveda Doctor) he gave one single medicine to various incurable disease patients chanting the Super Mantra Gayatri all the while. This medicine was the ash of Gayatri Yajna performed along with Churna, Kwath or Asav of forest herbs. It was seen that many a times even when the medicine given was changed the disease got cured fully. A patient suffering from breathing difficulty was given fluid medicine but he got cured. And a patient supposed to be given fluid medicine instead was given only water in a bottle of Kankasab. He too got cured. Later Mr. Madanlal Shrotriya gave only ash of Gayatri Yajna that benefitted patients immensely. All this happened only due to the Divine Guru’s subtle grace and patients regained good health as a result. Can this be anything other than Aughad Dani-Lord Shiva’s divine blessings? A devotee of Rampur-Mr. Kaushal Kumar Chaudhari and his wife Anita Chaudhari gave details with proof about the birth of their very first child. Along with blessings of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya they were asked to worship Savita deity. Definitely if they did so a child full of great inner qualities shall take birth. But when Anita Chaudhari became pregnant her doctors found her blood hemoglobin levels very low in measure. Hence they gave her proper medication but very soon within 1.5 months her fetus in her womb got aborted. This happened 2 times hence both Anita Chaudhari and her husband went to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya for his divine blessings. They told him that according to Anita Chaudhari’s doctors there is a genetic defect. As per her medical report a culture was done on the blood cells of her body. It showed that because of that particular chromosomal complement, she was facing abortion of the fetus in her womb on getting pregnant. On chromosome number 12 monosomy and trisomy defects were noted. On getting pregnant a leukocyte culture was done on Anita Chaudhari’s blood. Since the results showed defects every doctor told her to undergo abortion and also to give up hope of ever becoming a mother of a new born baby. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya asked Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) for a protective amulet and gave it to Anita Chaudhari for wearing it. Only after wearing this did she daily perform solar

meditation and Gayatri worship. She did become pregnant. After Sonography and her genetic reports were analyzed the fetus was found to be healthy. Generally a fetus in the womb of 20 weeks is normal in it. Both Anita Chaudhari and her husband were asked by Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) to perform Punsavan Sanskar rites. This too was religiously adhered to. Everything was going on quite fine but again her blood hemoglobin levels became very low. Anita Chaudhari wrote a letter and continued with medication advised by her doctors. On the very next day after she wrote a letter (by post) the blood hemoglobin levels became normal. The doctors attending her had no satisfactory answer as to how this blood hemoglobin levels became normal within 24 hours. Finally on 18 November 1991 (Hindu calendar: Kartik Shukla Ekadashi) which was a Monday Anita Chaudhari gave birth to a healthy, good looking and radiant baby. It must be noted that medical treatment had commenced from September 1988 AD itself but tangible blessing of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and later that of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) that they got gave great results after Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had shed his mortal coil and got reinstated in his potent subtle and causal divine body. Is it not a very mind boggling miraculous protection so divine in stature? Via this incident we wish to urge all members of our mission to harbor deep faith that despite Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is no longer with us in his physical gross body they must not get upset at all. This is because his subtle and causal divine body is very active in a cosmic manner although our gross limited eyes cannot ‘see’ it. Divine grace and compassion can shower down on anyone and it actually does. If anyone puts in all effort in an honest manner and after this he calls aloud to Almighty God for help in a devoted humble manner help does come. But here it is mandatory that a person executes all efforts with energy given by Almighty God. After this, divine help does arrive akin to Draupadi’s prayerful plea and Gajraj’s wail on being caught between the teeth of a massive crocodile. Thinking thus every member wrote letters to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) regarding problems faced by them. They wrote that they have made all efforts possible but they realize that without their divine blessings their problem cannot get solved. Mr. Suryabhanu of Jabalpur City writes in 1977 AD that suddenly his wife’s health deteriorated. For 4 months fever persisted. Doctors could not cure her and after administering high doses of antibiotics her life force had weakened substantially. Hence out of sheer helplessness Mr. Suryabhanu wrote to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya regarding this major problem. What was amazing was that the moment he posted the handwritten letter his wife’s fever started diminishing. Slowly she started regaining good health. They did get a reply from Revered Gurudeva. His

divine blessing became a sure shot cure and within 2 months she regained sound health and commenced her daily chores. Till date from then on she is fit and fine. They firmly believe that surrendering their all at Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s lotus feet they called prayerfully for help. This led to her attaining good health since they had received his divine blessings albeit subtly. Many a times such incidences occurred wherein Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would take up others’ hardships on him and lighten the devotees’ burden. Due to a controlled daily routine, proper diet and ceaseless Tapas or spiritual austerities Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya never faced any disease. But whenever he became ill it was simply because he attracted others’ illnesses on his own body. All Akhand Jyoti Magazine members are well versed with Mrs. Maya Varma’s poetic skills. In a letter written by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to her on 6/12/1967 he wrote: Now my health is fine. Since I took up the burden of a devotee facing a big problem this time I had to endure this hardship. There was no other way. Since all other roads were shut this ultimate solution had to be adhered to by me. For whom has this been done? It is not right to discuss names because it may bloat my ego when the devotee becomes grateful to me on knowing about this. This letter was written as a reply to Maya Varma’s letter since she was worried about Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya suddenly becoming ill. Mrs. Maya Varma a resident of Lashkar-Gwalior had experienced how Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had many a times taken over on himself hardships faced by her and lighten her burden. Members close to her along with letters penned by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to her are proof of this. These letters are safely kept by her. This incident took place in 1968-69 AD. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was supposed to travel to Anand-Gujarat for a 108 pyre Gayatri Yajna organized there. Members who were to accompany him reached Ghiyamandi 2 hours before their train departure time. At that time when they were about to leave Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had an attack of fever and slowly it reached 104 degrees. On seeing this fever rising thus within half an hour itself everyone was upset. Immediately a GP Dr Arora was requested to come for a visit. Despite this fever rising alarmingly Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya lay on the bed quite calmly devoid of any tension. Again and again he looked at the watch near him. In the mean time he asked Vandaniya

Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma): Have we received a letter or telegram from Jaipur City? At that time this question seemed out of place and that no telegram would come at that time. The pain of stones in his stomach and fever suddenly started decreasing. Dr. Arora’s medication for Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya became merely a medium because his illness started normalizing into good health within 1.25 hours. The train departure time had come close now. Despite Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) requesting him not to travel yet Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya insisted he would go. He told one volunteer at his Ghiyamandi office that as soon as a telegram arrives from Jaipur City it must be sent to him at Anand-Gujarat. Immediately after saying this he along with other members left for the station and reached Anand after boarding a train. Since the train departure got delayed by an hour the journey commenced in time. The moment Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left, a telegram for him arrived saying that her mother has got high fever. It was diagnosed as stones and the devotees prayed for blessings from Revered Gurudeva for their mother’s quick recovery. The one who had sent the telegram was a devoted girl disciple of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. What was amazing was that the medical ailment faced by Revered Gurudeva was exactly as that faced by this girl’s mother. It was clear that her mother’s illness was taken up by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya on himself. The moment he boarded the train for Anand his illness disappeared. It was only when the girl devotee wrote a letter that all details were understood clearly. Later the Gayatri Yajna at Anand got completed properly and happily. By taking upon him the difficulties of others so as to protect them Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has taken that very divine vow as is found in the Bhagwad Geeta spoken by Yogiraj Lord Krishna to his devotees: ‘Yogakshemam vahamyaham’. How can any existence staying far away from his devotee subtly realize about the devotee’s problem? How can this divine existence take upon him the hardship of the devotee and render the latter’s burden of life light as feather? Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has showcased many such incidences in his life. In reality these Lilas or divine sports of the subtle world cannot be understood merely via modern science based proof since the latter orients around sense organ based perception only. These incidences mentioned above involve deep faith and if the saint is imbued with ESP or Extrasensory Powers whether his devotee stays close by or in far off regions just does not matter. The devotee could stay anywhere because as far as Sidhas or God Realized Saints like Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya are concerned the joy-sorrow of each person of deep faith, each follower, each member of the mission etc become their own. Hence especially when sorrow takes over his devotee’s life he deeply yearns to ward it off. We remember some more such episodes. There are innumerable such incidences

whose details are not available and maybe shall never be unearthed by us. But one fact stands out indomitably that at the root of attaining divine boon from such a great Sidha or God Realized Saint as Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is the devotee’s latent great glorious psychic imprints (Susanskars). Both had such a subtle inseparable bond between each other that it never got destroyed. Visibly it could not have been witnessed but subtly this bond existed strongly and both existences shared a give and take relationship. Recently such incidences have come to light regarding Shakti Sadhana or spiritual practices programs executed in India and other countries of the world wherein people who have never visibly seen Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) with their gross eyes yet benefitted from their grace in varied ways in the past 2 years. There were those people who faced hardships impossible to overcome but thanks to the Divine Couple’s blessings that they had never seen got solved for always. Some got sudden help at such a time when all doors of help had closed tightly. Some people along with Darshan or hallowed vision of their subtle divine existence got boons in the form of apt will power. Some people attained a great pious intellect when their life was submerged in dark gloom and anguish. All these incidences are wondrous and mind blowing. It hence renders our deep faith in the existence of a divine existence in the subtle world very firm. With reference to the above following is a hair raising experience: Mr. Mohan Jha has written details about an extraordinary incident when he took part in a Shakti Sadhana or spiritual practices program held in Harmu Rachi area during the time period of 9 to 12 November 1991 AD. In this spiritual program Akhand Japa (continuous Mantra chanting program) was carried out by thousands of devotees. The closing ceremony would be done via Deep Yajnas (lighting wick flame lamps). A Kalash or holy water pot placed in front of the photo of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) was seeing rotating swiftly by all members present there. Everyone was simply amazed and ecstatic. Even high intellectuals present there was mind boggled on witnessing first hand this Lila or divine sport of the Divine Couple. In a few minutes after the Purnahuti (closing ceremony rites) the Kalash or holy water pot stopped rotating. Regarding Shakti Sadhana or spiritual practices program held at many places since many years devotees participating there have sent many such incidences that are miraculous and spell binding. In it definitely divine intervention was noted both directly and indirectly. Today when we remember the divine wondrous episodes of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine life we find that he has given such Darshan or hallowed vision to innumerable people. Sometimes the devotees were imbued with potent Prana Energy to ward off their hardships,

sometimes they were given divine guidance and sometimes they were given a glimpse of his subtle divine existence in order that the devotee’s faith in Almighty God deepens firmly. Today over here when we discuss his Lilas or divine sports innumerable incidences swim on our mental plane. One member permanently residing at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) relates that when in his student days he was studying for his medical degree one day after entering his room he heard the sound of an ascetic saint. This member lived all alone and hence he said: Revered Saint! I cannot give you food as alms (Bhiksha). This is a place where only students stay. But the ascetic paying no heed entered the room. From a door with a height of 5 feet a stout well built ascetic with a height of 8 feet entered the room easily. His face oozed with brilliant aura. The ascetic saint said: Son! I have not come here to take anything but I wish to tell you something. The member student thought maybe this ascetic would read his palms or do something frivolous. Hence the student said: I harbor no faith in all this. I believe in making proper efforts and hence I zealously study daily. That saint full of wondrous halo said: Son! Very soon a divine existence shall enter your life and it shall change the direction of your life towards greatness. Very soon you shall contact it in a profound manner. Saying this much the radiant ascetic left the room. After about a minute the student wondered as to who was this ascetic saint? Decorum says that I should have seated him and at least offered a glass of water to him. He rushed out and inquired whether anyone had seen an ascetic saint? A tricycle driver standing there said: That ascetic saint was looking out for transport in a vehicle for quite some time. But now there is no one here. In despair the student went to every home of their colony but on not finding the ascetic he realized that something extraordinary had occurred. It no

doubt was a divine manifestation and hence he immediately wrote a letter to his father. The latter sent it to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. The latter replied by post that before an import incident takes place in our life such extraordinary episodes are known to occur. But we must take a close look at the hidden inspiration behind the incident and not give emphasis to the incident itself. After a few years when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya himself invited this student to come and work at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) suddenly this student volunteer saw just for that flash of a moment that very ascetic of 8 feet height (previously seen at his medical college) in place of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s physical form. But immediately this ascetic’s form disappeared. The new student volunteer understood the previous incident and its correlation today and his hair stood on end in sheer blissful ecstasy. That ascetic saint of 8 feet height was none other than Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who inspired him, destroyed his past bad Sanskaras or psychic imprints and for creating a good environment. From that day itself this student settled down as a permanent resident volunteer at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-UttarakhandIndia). Time and again Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in his letters would write all this in a direct manner. In a letter penned by him to Ms. Kesar (Anjar-Kutch) dated 20-1-1967 he says: You saw me in your dream but know that it was not a dream but an awakening. My Prana Energy comes out of my body and travels to steadfast Sadhaks or devotees and they get divine wisdom. When I go there only then you get such a spiritual experience. We just cannot fully describe how much divine protection full of inspiration was given by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya for his entire life to unswerving followers and devotees. The reason being that its’ numbers just cannot be counted by our frail intellect. Virtually everyone has had such an experience, they possess hand written letters and the biggest proof is the total positive transformation of their lives in an all inclusive manner both at the material and spiritual level. Mr Ravishankar Gupta (New Delhi) reveiced a hand written letter of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya dated 8 May 1955: I got to know about marriage details. I am aware of these news in detail because at that time like a security guard albeit in a subtle body I was

standing there unseen and I did everything to ward off obstacles, softening the stand of enemies there and decreasing difficulties there as much as was possible. Even so via your letter I got to know everything in detail. From the above letter it is quite clear that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s subtle divine protection is there for everyone all the time. Only remembering him or writing letters would render his subtle armor of divine protection fully active. By writing letters the stressed mind of devotees would experience joy and they would feel sure that the nature of their difficulty has reached Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Now it is he who shall protect them but even before the postal letter reached Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya, his subtle ‘letter’ requiring no transport protected the devotees properly in an unseen manner. Mr. Ramchandra Singh is yet residing in Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) and for 30 years he had the great fortune of residing at the hallowed feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. In these 30 years he was an eye witness to hundreds of such extraordinary incidences. There were so many patients afflicted with incurable diseases wherein their doctors had given up hope of them ever getting cured of their dire illnesses. There were so many who were facing enemy like family fights and agitations. They had to face court cases that rendered them so harassed. Many had to face death threats from their enemies. There were others who faced untold losses in their business and many were jobless for such long time periods. There were married couples who could not sire children even after they were married for so many years. But when these afflicted people merely wrote letters to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya their problems got solved and their wishes got fulfilled. Mr. Ramchandra Singh was witness to all this. A lady from Herna village very close to the residence of Mr. Ramchandra Singh had come to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) to disclose her sorrow to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Her daughter Geeta had given birth to a boy but in 10 days her baby boy died. Mr. Ramchandra Singh took her to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. From his divine lips came the promise that this very dead boy shall again enter the womb of Geeta. In 1989 AD a group of volunteers from Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) reached this village Herna. A 1000 Vedi Deep Yajna was being conducted. On that day itself Geeta gave birth to a baby boy with the same looks as her previous dead baby boy. All these incidences have been seen directly by many people and they say that innumerable people have been divinely blessed by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya thus. They have details and required proof

of all this. Not only this but when Mr. Ramchandra Singh was seated near him one day Revered Gurudeva said: Whenever anyone shall come here to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) with a pure pious mind and call for divine help, my divine existence shall definitely help him. Even after my gross physical form dies, yet my divine grace shall pour on them without fail, albeit in a subtle manner. These shall be those who harbor goodwill towards all, are imbued with a pious sanctified mind and are yearning to do good to society. This promise he has written in the form of a message of Vasant Parva of Mahakal much before he shed his mortal coil. He had sent it to all and sundry without exception. When anyone spoke about harming anybody in his presence Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would manifest his wrathful Rudra form. Regarding this an incident occurred on 2 March 1976 AD: A person from a village Dariyapur in Chapra came to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). He offered a huge steel plate full of fresh fruits as a gift to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He was aware about Revered Gurudeva being a Sidha Saint possessing Divine Powers. On being asked by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya he said: Sir! My wife is of bad character. She has affairs with other men. Hence do kill her with your Maran Mantra Powers. On hearing this much Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya flew into rage that was limitless in measure. He said: Till date I have not even killed a female rat and today only because of you I must kill your wife! Get up and leave immediately with your bag and baggage. But when this person begged forgiveness Revered Gurudeva said: Please note that I never kill anybody. I only kill peoples’ vile tainted intellect. Go to your home and see this for yourself. I shall definitely give your wife a pious chaste intellect. Henceforth she will live with you as lovingly as she did before. This person returned to his home. The moment he reached there his family life commenced reliving with affection and cooperation with each other. Both husband-wife now live with love and respect for each other and are also

working for our worldwide mission. Purposely we are not quoting their names. Those who were direct witnesses of this incident are residing here at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-UttarakhandIndia). Mr. Sinha after retiring from his job in ITI as a principal is now working as a volunteer in Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) in the transport section. Since 1970 AD he is affiliated to our mission but at that time he was also posted in ITI Gorakhpur for his job. Hence he rented his house in Lucknow to police officer via a person known to him. But after 6 months on not getting rental payment Mr. Sinha’s wife Shakuntalaji who had gone to Lucknow for some work went to visit this police officer who was their tenant. The tenant angrily told her: I shall not give any rent and shall not leave this house. I shall leave only after selling each brick of the house. You can do anything you want but know for sure that in this area only what I say counts. The moment Mr. Sinha’s wife Shakuntalaji reached home she became ill due to tension and anguish. Their house was immersed in gloom of agony. In a neighboring house resided a member of the All World Gayatri Family. When he saw all this he requested Mr. Sinha and his wife Shakuntalaji to accompany him to a 108 pyre Gayatri Yajna going on in Gonda area where Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya also was going to grace the occasion. A scientist and one who was foreign return-Mr. Sinha did go but half heartedly and with not much faith within. He told himself that after seeing some hypocritical ritual he shall return home with cynicism for all this. But as fate would have it he actually took Deeksha or religious initiation in this Yajna and when he reached near Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to bow down to him Mr. Sinha’s eyes welled with tears. Just a look in his eyes aided Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya understand the pain endured by this devotee. He heard all that Mr. Sinha had to say and then merely said: Go son! Everything shall be alright. After Mr. Sinha returned from the Yajna within 1 week a letter from that police officer tenant was received by him: Mr Sinha! Please come to Lucknow and take back your house. I am sending all rental dues for the past months I have stayed here. Henceforth I shall no longer stay in this house even for 1 day. Day and night I am undergoing some

weird restlessness and mental agitation. Someone unseen is keeping on telling me that I have harassed a pious married couple. I must hence atone for my sins. Hence only after I leave your house that I have rented thus far can make me calm and peaceful. Not only did Mr. Sinha get back his house, his rental dues but that his wife regained good health so fast that it looked astounding. Not only did their faith in a divine existence deepen firmly but that they became unswerving devotees of Goddess Mother Gayatri and important pillars of our worldwide mission. There are so many who come in the class of Mr. Sinha wherein only after the very first time they witnessed such miracles that their faith became steadfast forever. Many people could be of those types who were readers Akhand Jyoti Magazine and said that they too had experienced such miracles. Know for sure that when they say so it certainly is no overstatement on their part. Ours over here is but a tiny effort of highlighting such miracles in a tip of the iceberg external manner. We must understand that a major chunk of such miraculous incidences akin to the iceberg lies deep within. Even today despite Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) not being in our midst physically (post their death) innumerably such miracles are being experienced by many people in India and the world over. At the level of consciousness human existence is equivalent to Brahman or divine cosmic consciousness that we call Almighty God in day to day parlance. From the root existence standpoint both have mind boggling parity. Due to certain reasons a veil separates man and Almighty God but great Sidhas or God Realized Saints have the capacity to tear apart this veil. In this manner from humans they become Almighty God. A supremely advanced soul is Almighty God and this road of progress is open to just about everybody without exception. This has been proclaimed by great Rishis of yore and holy scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads etc. Sidhas or God Realized Saints, prophets, messengers of Almighty God, Avatars etc reinstate themselves within as Sat-Chit-Ananda or Existence-Consciousness-Bliss by tearing apart the veil of Maya or spiritual ignorance. It is for this very reason that people with their gross eyes and immersed in commonplace mundane activities fail to a great extent in recognizing these great divine humans as direct manifestations of Almighty God. Sometimes while diving deep into incidences peoples’ brain getting entangled in insistence on getting proof and logic based on 5 sense organ perception only harbor suspicion and doubt. But if we harbor Viveka or farsighted discrimination we shall truly understand hidden events within the external events seen or heard about from others. The toughest task in this world is to recognize true Sidhas or God Realized Saints, prophets, messengers of Almighty God, Avatars etc But if we attain they eyes of Viveka or farsighted discrimination and deepen their faith know

for sure that our soul is advancing towards peaks and that the subtle process of Deeksha or spiritual initiation has begun well. This foundation is being placed before all from that standpoint wherein those who have witnessed the visible external life of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya are aware of his innumerable miraculous feats even today. At that time when seeing all this initially they could not fathom it. Generally Sidhas or God Realized Saints of such high stature as him do not manifest their inner super glorious divinity. It is for this reason that we err in looking upon such great Avatars and Sidhas or God Realized Saints as ordinary commonplace human beings. Just as we have a father, brother, grandfather etc in our family so was the nature of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He wore a Dhoti of Khadi (hand woven coarse cotton) and an ordinary Kurta (like a long shirt) made of Khaddar cloth. He never grew a big beard, matted locks, never wore a necklace of Tulsi-Rudraksha etc which Mahamandaleshwar ascetic Sanyasis are seen to don. Right from conversing with people to ordinary behavior never did he exhibit any specialty or extraordinary gestures. But although externally he appeared ordinary within was his occult nature full of super natural qualities. Many incidences in his life showcase this inner great divinity of his. In New Delhi reside Mr. Bashesharnath and his sons. Mr. Bashesharnath joined Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s Gayatri Family in the time period of 1943-44. His son was Mr. Shivshankar Gupta. Today he is not in our midst but his brother, sons etc run their firm called ‘Bashesharnath and Sons’. In the life of all of them Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has conjoined himself and from the internal standpoint too. This family is quite big but each has got innumerable boons and they all are living proof of them. The most extraordinary example is that of Mr. Shivshankar Gupta himself. He was a post graduate in law (LLM) and brilliantly talented. As per the divine direction of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya he commenced meditating on Gayatri and Savita daily from the years 1948-49. As a result his profession progressed well. Every week he would travel to Mathura from Delhi and later went to Haridwar. On that day he would meet Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya, have his Darshan or hallowed vision and return home. This was his life’s routine. Such a ‘contract’ existed between the Guru-disciple pair that once a week they met each other. An incident that occurred took place in 1981 AD. One day instead of Mr. Shivshankar Gupta his brother and nephews arrived to give news that Mr. Shivshankar Gupta has suffered from brain hemorrhage and has become unconscious. Immediately, Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya entered his Sadhana or spiritual practices’ room. He came out from this room after 1 hour and declared that no one can harm Mr. Shivshankar

Gupta. He sent one doctor volunteer to Delhi and asked him to assure his family that he would become alright. He sent a message for Mr. Shivshankar Gupta’s wife that your husband shall not die because the hour of his leaving this mortal world has not yet arrived. In the nursing home where he was admitted a CATSCAN and other medical tests had already been conducted. Everyone had come to the conclusion that lest the increasing blood pressure on his brain is not decreased his vital centers shall get affected that may result in death too. Hence a decision must immediately be taken. From Delhi they phoned Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and he categorically said that no surgical operation must be executed. His coma state shall be overcome via Goddess Mother Gayatri’s divine grace. The insistence of surgeons attending him for surgery was politely refused. Slowly not only did Mr. Shivshankar Gupta come out of his unconscious state but he started speaking a bit, recognizing people around him etc. In about 3 months he recovered quite well and started slowly walking about. Without much medication and no surgery at all, how did he get cured? No one had an answer to all this. He insisted he wants to go to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). After about 4 months he was taken there. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya told Mr. Shivshankar Gupta that within 1-2 years he must get his daughter married and complete other important tasks. More than this he would not stop Mr. Shivshankar Gupta from shedding his mortal coil. His sincere devoted disciple understood this divine guidance quite well. In the ‘extension’ period (new lease of life) got due to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s untold blessings Mr. Shivshankar Gupta did all that he was asked to. All reports of income tax returns of his firm were with him. A contact of his gave wrong details to the Income Tax Department and hence an inquiry was ordered against the accounts of Mr. Shivshankar Gupta’s firm. But the tax officials found nothing wrong in them but who can remember accounts of 30 years previously? Amazingly Mr. Shivshankar Gupta who had recently recovered from a massive brain hemorrhage attack started listing the number of files and returns from the year 1950 AD till date (for each year). The tax officials were dumbstruck while matching all records uttered by him and those in their possession. On witnessing such brilliant memory power these tax personnel were mind boggled especially when told that Mr. Shivshankar Gupta had recently come out of a deep coma like state. Films of his brilliant brain’s CATSCANS were placed before surgeons who had gathered for a Conference on Neurology. All of them agreed in one voice that for one who had undergone such a massive brain hemorrhage attack death was imminent. But his attending doctors told these surgeons that due to his Almighty God’s (Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya) blessings he his hale and hearty and they were most welcome to test his brain. Everyone was dumbfounded that modern science could not cure such a dire illness and over here spiritual powers cured him. Why and how was this miracle possible? This question

loomed large in their minds. After this for 2.5 years Mr. Shivshankar Gupta completed all his important responsibilities and only then when his health again deteriorated he shed his mortal coil. As per Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine directions he had made all arrangements post his death. Say which system is this that can ward off death also at will? All this cannot be understood merely by the frail human brain taking recourse to dry logic a sense organ based proof only. A similar incident took place in the life of a volunteer member here in Haridwar working in the research department. For certain reasons we cannot disclose his name here. He really wished to go abroad because in India he had completed his medical degree graduation. He would always take Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya advice before executing any action. He advised this volunteer to go abroad strictly for touring only but from the standpoint of doing further studies abroad or taking up a job there was not advisable at all. Revered Gurudeva told him that situations in foreign countries are becoming quite bad, it would hence be difficult for him to return to India and that lucrative job chances in India are much better from all angles. All this maybe the person may not have understood properly but Revered Gurudeva said that a dire situation could occur that year and that only if this devotee stayed back in India could it be tackled and warded off successfully. After cogitating a bit, this volunteer cancelled his foreign trip. In India itself he got a good job. That very year he got involved in a bad accident wherein his hand and scalp got fractured at 5 places. As fate would have it this accident took place in Haridwar at that spot where just a few minutes previously Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) had travelled past by. It is quite possible that they did so to ward off this imminent accident from becoming much more hazardous than this. After the accident a benevolent person took him to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India), from there he was admitted to a hospital, from there he was taken to New Delhi, from there he was taken o Bhopal for surgery and finally after 2 months he regained normal health and rejoined his job. All this was certainly a miraculous sequence wherein its deep import can never be fathomed by a brain that just accepts logic and proof based on 5 organs of perception only. After getting proper medical treatment this volunteer visited Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who told him that sudden death based fate had manifested in his life (Akal Mrityu). But via this accident that was divinely orchestrated subtly his death was warded off successfully. This incident was related to us even by this devotee’s father and the fact that his horoscope or Janma Kundli indicated Akal Mrityu was shown to us by his father. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya inspired him to use this new lease of life towards selfless service of society and ushering its well bell being. Slowly when these indications and

inspiration became steadfast he spoke to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya about his intention of surrendering his life for our worldwide mission activities by becoming a permanent resident volunteer there. From then on he has been a full time resident worker in our mission. While conversing with him he says that his mind silently tells him ceaselessly to offer his entire life for social welfare. Instead of leading a run of the mill type of life looking upon this as a new lease of life he yearned to execute welfare activities in a selfless manner. It is this great aspiration that pulled him here magnetically accompanied by his family. We must deeply understand that only Sidhas or God Realized Saints who have succeeded in attaining immortality (Mahamrtyunjaya or super victory over death) that are capable of deeply mulling over a person’s future after taking a hard look at him that can ward off a death threat in his fate. Via a dire situation of a relatively small stature he can be given a new lease of life. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has attained Gayatri Siddhi of the highest stature. He hence could help so many people return alive from the jaws of death in order that they pursue creative tasks of world society well being. Over here we have detailed only 2 examples but many more such incidences have occurred wherein many mission members are witness to them. Whether it was a heart ailment patient or one suffering from cancer full of unbearable pain Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would say: I shall pray to Goddess Mother Gayatri. After uttering this much only and giving blessings, that patient would become alright. This very Sidhi or Divine Power was transmitted by him into Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) and later it helped her to shoulder the main responsibility of the All World Gayatri Family and its volunteer members. Even today hundreds of people can give proof regarding the fact that whenever Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said something to someone the same would be uttered from the divine lips of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). Anyone who differentiates between Lord Shiva and his Shakti (Divine Energy) shall stop doing so when the above incidences are read by them. When we take a look at the life sketch and incidences pertaining to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya one major fact stands out. It encompasses increasing the mental power of a disciple, member, devotee etc, extraordinarily. After this he would subtly execute such a Shaktipaat (transmitting divine energy) that the devotee could fight the battle of life in a valiant successful manner. He himself never ran away from the battle field of life and continued his struggles. He would thus inspire all to work ceaselessly

and carry out great welfare tasks in a selfless humble manner. There are thousands of people attained the potential to bravely combat dire obstacles in their life for which they give credit only to the highly developed soul power oozing from within them all. A mere letter by post from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would calm down fear in the devotee’s psyche because he would realize that the difficulty was now with Revered Gurudeva who shall combat it with his divine powers. And he would actually shoulder it. At many places when we study his letters we get a glimpse of his occult and super natural nature. In a letter dated 29 December 1967 to Kesarbehen Vishrambhai Thakkar he writes: Beloved Daughter! While reading your letter I felt as though you are seated in front of me in person. I feel as though like a baby daughter you are playing in my paternal lap. Physically no doubt you are far away from me but from the soul standpoint you are very near to me. My divine light shall ceaselessly enter your body and in this life itself you shall attain spiritual fulfillment. I shall subtly hand over a portion of the divine power of my Tapas or spiritual austerities to you and it shall lead you to your goal of soul fulfillment. My subtle body shall become so powerful in 3 years that with ease I shall reach anywhere and give Darshan or hallowed vision. Say! Can a bigger promise be given by any other Lord Rama apart from our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to his Shabari i.e. disciple? Anyone who has come in contact with Kesarbehen Vishrambhai Thakkar is also aware of her advanced state of Bhava Samadhi (trance) she enjoyed. They also know how right till the end her beloved icon (our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya) ceaselessly poured divine blessings on her. Such devotees like Kesarbehen Vishrambhai Thakkar are not merely singular examples but that in India and the world over thousands more such exist. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had conjoined to them for their entire life and showered on them many divine boons. There are many Shivshankarji’s in our All World Gayatri Family and society too that were given a new lease of life by him. It is we humans that err in not truly understanding their phenomenal divine greatness as Sidhas or God Realized Saints, Avatars, messengers of Almighty God, prophets etc. If it is not our sheer stupidity on our part to err thus, say what else can it be called?


In your past life you were a Rishi. For time immemorial you have been my aide. That very past relationship has awakened in this birth too. I shall make all powerful efforts to help you reach the goal of soul fulfillment. The above lines have been taken from a letter written by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and as times went by he wrote them to all those people whom he wished to awaken from their latent state and head towards true greatness. In this sequence he joined together many such precious jewels into a necklace that finally took the form of the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Lest every Lord Hanuman akin to Jambavant meets someone that helps him realize his true inner identity that he is the divine soul and not the perishable gross body his inner grandeur shall bloom forth radiantly. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya not only materialized this in his life but by inspiring thousands of others led them towards peaks of human glory. Actually man is not this physical body made of flesh, blood, bones etc but deep within he possesses such divine Sanskaras or psychic imprints that after making him realize his glorious human nature inspires him to climb higher towards peaks of soul advancement. Externally all of us appear the same and all of us have the body of a human being. But it is the measure of wealth of great Sanskaras or psychic imprints one possesses that differentiates one human being from another. Majority of the times we see that despite situations predominating with obstacles and rank materialism certain great men due to their latent great Sanskaras or psychic imprints execute potent efforts. They walk against the humdrum tide of thinking and action and thus after playing their special role to perfection become leading envoys of Lord Mahakal. Over here that very principle of spiritualism and that too oriental spirituality is at work wherein despite external situations being very dire and difficult to face, the external world reeking with so many hazards and obstacles, yet latent great Sanskaras or psychic imprints within a person latching on to a terrific will power shatter to naught all clouds of sorrow and strife in life.

If the seed is powerful and wishes to decay in order to sprout higher up towards the sky no power in the world can obstruct it from doing so. In their own way soil, water, fertilizers etc are important but lest despite their availability the seed is infected with germs, is not of high stature it may just not be able to sprout into a sapling. When we discuss about seeds of human Sanskaras or psychic imprints then whether situations are apt or otherwise it definitely advances towards a higher stature. This is because these seeds take birth on planet earth with the only desire to rise up the ladder of human and soul glory. We are presenting before respected readers that foundation related to incidences in the preliminary phase of the glorious life of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Regarding this we find a superb correlation between the lives of Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. In the initial years of the lives of both these Sidhas or God Realized Saints such hairpin like bends appeared wherein terrific fiery tests of their inner great Sanskaras or psychic imprints along with its powerful nature were taken. Both passed these tests with flying colors and after waging fierce struggles they advanced in life as super great divine men. Later in life Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh left for Pondicherry (India) for doing Tapas or spiritual austerities and thus attain the goal of life and our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya working under the guidance of a subtle divine existence (that had appeared first in an astral form of a Divine Yogi in his temple room) and divine good fortune became the emperor of the hearts of millions of people the world over. The above specialty can be noted only in those rare super great humans, divine humans, prophets, Yuga Rishis etc that lead extraordinary revolutionary lives. Majority of humans flow with the trend of the external world or follow traditions in a blind indolent manner. The biggest and greatest aspiration and due efforts for it encompasses not ours but working for innumerable other creatures’ Moksha or salvation. Struggles and Tapas or spiritual austerities must be taken up for all and giving them apt guidance. This very effort was executed by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and in it he got help from his high stature glorious Sanskaras or psychic imprints. It was that seed of inner glory that on getting destroyed sprouted forth into a huge gigantic tree. Under this tree, so many enjoyed the cool shade of spiritual bliss and ecstasy. When this living being in the form of a pure-wise-taintless soul takes birth, it is celebrated as an auspicious birthday. As per his divine command we celebrate Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s spiritual birthday on Vasant Panchmi (Spring Festival) but his physical gross body took birth on earth on ‘Samvat 1968 Ashwin Mas Trayodashi of Krishna Paksha’ between 8-9 am (20 th September 1911 AD). Child Shriram

born in a Brahmin family full of Tapas or spiritual austerities and great Sanskars experienced no form of lack. From the material standpoint his family was quite well off. A great opportunity knocked at his door to get well educated and earn a lot of money. If Shriram so desired like his respected father he too could have delivered discourses on Shrimad Bhagwat scripture and live an easy life of joy. But he refused to do so. From very early life his powerful great Sanskaras or psychic imprints and firm mental abilities showcased themselves. At this point from the point of comparative studies if we take a look at the early phase life of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh an extraordinary similarity can be unearthed. He was born on 15th August 1982 AD in Kolkata City and his respected father Dr. Krishnadhan Ghosh was very westernized in his thinking and lifestyle. His mother always remained sick. His father had graduated with a medical degree from abroad. He was very much against his 3 sons getting even a whiff of oriental spirituality and occultism. At that age when children are given good Sanskaras or psychic imprints via reading out stories from religious scriptures, singing hymns etc all preparations were being made to render the thinking and behavior of Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh westernized through and through. At the age of 5 years only he was sent to an Irish Convent School in Darjeeling-India. He failed to learn his mother tongue Bengali language and he could read, write and converse in English only. Right from the age of 6 to 20 years he and his elder brother resided in England together. They were under the watchful eye of an English Governess called Miss Pageant and she tried her best to make them follow Christianity. Their father had given strict orders to the governess that under no circumstances should his 2 sons should get exposed to people of Indian origin or any other type of Indian influence. Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh at first studied in Manchester and then in Cambridge University. There he memorized the philosophies of Shelley, Homer, Aristophanes, Dante, Goethe etc and mastered both French and English literature. Lest the individual Sanskaras or psychic imprints of Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh were not powerful within 14 years of his initial life’s phase he would have become fully westernized in thinking and lifestyle as per the desire of his doctor father. Over here we shall take a bit of a pause regarding the above narration and take a look at the life of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He did not have to face a father who had a total mental leaning towards imbibing only western culture and thinking both within and externally in one’s day to day transactions. His respected father Pandit Roopkishore Sharmaji was a childhood friend of Mahamana Pandit Madanmohan Malviyaji (founder of the Banaras Hindu University-India). Pandit Roopkishore Sharmaji himself took his son to Mahamana Pandit Madanmohan Malviyaji for getting religious initiation and education. He was always working towards his son’s spiritual progress in life. It was Mahamana Pandit Madanmohan Malviyaji who told child Shriram that

Super Mantra Gayatri is the Kamadhenu or wish fulfilling cow of a true Brahmin. It was hence that child Shriram was given initiation into Yajnopaveet (Hindu sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana thread ceremony), Gayatri and spirituality by Mahamana Pandit Madanmohan Malviyaji. Despite all this taking place Pandit Roopkishore Sharmaji wished only this that his son take up a straightforward path of life i.e. take up the priesthood profession of Brahmins and do only those tasks that he himself executed. But child Shriram went against his parent’s wish and study only till primary school. Despite all situations being conducive, child Shriram commenced the activity of watering seeds of serving society as a manifestation of Almighty God. His family environment was full of rigid thinking, narrow minded outlook and leaning towards caste based prejudices. Despite this he was seen to mix with those called Shudras or low castes that cleaned roads, toilets etc. He had washed deep wounds on the body of a sweeper backward caste woman called Chapko. From this service he got such heavenly bliss that despite being censured by his Brahmin caste family members and being meted out very strict punishment even today Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya remembers this incident very endearingly. If we keep in mind the utter narrow minded attitude in those times especially in villages such an act of selfless service to a sweeper toilet cleaning lady was a social revolution of sorts. When other friends of his were moving ahead in life via school, college education etc he had opened a small school in his house for rendering those who were illiterate literate and those who were helpless and incapable attain due capability. He was giving adult education to women of all religions and in it he forced his mother also to join in. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s life blooms with that specialty wherein although he would get immersed in Sadhana or spiritual practices for long hours yet he would immediately rush to help those people in need and in pain both physically and mentally. His respected father Pandit Roopkishore Sharmaji did not live long. When young Shriram was about 12 years old his father passed away. Possibly from the material mundane standpoint his father was averse to the type of life and activities taken up by his son. Lest till he lived his son Shriram had followed the family profession of a Brahmin priest he would have died with a happy frame of mind but alas, this was not his lot. Something very similar can be noted in the life of Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh. His father was wishing that Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh after passing his ICAS (IAS) exams in England returns to India for taking up a high stature lucrative government job. But as fate decreed before appearing for the ICAS exams Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh who had graduated with 1st class honors with a scholarship in BA was very much influenced by Joan of Arc while he resided in England. He had also become an official of ‘Indian Majlis’ while in England that was fighting for India’s freedom struggle against foreign British Rule. Even after passing the ICAS exams he failed to appear for a

horse riding test which was a part of that exam. Instead he left with a group of friends with similar thinking and interests in life for a trip. But an English professor of his who could not accept that merely because Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh failed to pass his horse riding test he would not be allowed to join as a govt. official, tried convincing Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh to apologize for his mistake and pass the ICAS exams. But the thing was that by this time Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh had deeply realized that in comparison to mundane education and degrees more importance must be given to those teachings of life that augment your glorious Sanskaras or psychic imprints. Hence without passing his ICAS exams he returned to India in the year 1892 AD. The moment he arrived in India he was given news that his father died of shock probably because he got a wrong message that his son Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh had died in an accident. Only his old mother was alive but could not see him because of virtual blindness. That father who did his all to ensure that his children get fully westernized in thinking, lifestyle etc saw to it that they remained unexposed to Indian Culture and Spirituality. But since fate decreed otherwise he failed to see his sons when they returned to India. Lest he had remained alive he would have seen that his son despite living abroad became a mentally detached selfless Karma Yogi and worked for India’s freedom struggle. How did this happen? Those scholars who have penned Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh’s life say that despite external pressure within he possessed very powerful Sanskaras or psychic imprints and due to their inspiration he molded himself into a mighty glorious personality. Instead of getting molded into a westernized person he molded himself within in tandem with the wealth of great Sanskaras or psychic imprints he possessed and also helped the light of love for his motherland India shine brightly in a ceaseless manner. Even our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had imbibed love for his country much before his revered father passed away. Revered Gurudeva had commenced agitations against feudalism and landlords from that very time period when his own father owned many acres of land. Right from the age of 11 years to 24 years he carried out the following campaigns: 1) Going to shops and bazaars of villages to hand over leaflets to people 2) Imbuing wrath in the minds of lay public against foreign British Rulers and those who were hand in glove with them 3) For the above he also actively participated in the Salt March

4) He entered jail when a call was given by leading patriots of India to get imprisoned when alien British Rulers failed to accede to their demand for political freedom On the one hand Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh became a senior staff member of the Maharaja of Baroda and he wrote an article titled ‘Shake off the British yoke’. There at the other end Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in the role of a soldier fighting in India’s political freedom struggle was helping Mr. Krishnadatt Paliwal in editing the magazine ‘Sainik’. On the one hand Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh who got imprisoned in a bomb blast case in Kolkata City spent time in jail imbuing anger within the psyche of hundreds of people against the oppressive and vile behavior of alien British officials against Indians. There at the other end Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya instead of remaining silent when the great Indian patriot Bhagat Singh was hanged to death by wicked British officers lit a fire of revolution in entire Agra district against this despicable heinous act. Another similarity stands out in the glorious lives of Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. At the age of 38 years (1910 AD) Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh left for Pondicherry searching for that all inclusive Yoga Philosophy that could bestow Moksha or spiritual liberation to each and every lay world human. For attaining this he decided to lead a solitary lone life so that via such Tapas or spiritual austerities he could positively influence the subtle world. By taking recourse to Jnana Yoga or the Yoga of Divine Wisdom he talked of aiding manifestation of a Super Conscious Mind on planet earth and usher in also a golden future for his motherland-India. There at the other end Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya based on a great combination of Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga proclaimed the following: a) Cultural Revolution b) Intellectual Revolution c) Ethical Revolution d) Thought Revolution e) A radiant heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era manifesting in the 21st century Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was ceaselessly inspired by an unseen divine existence and Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was

divinely guided by his Divine Guru Existence residing in Himalaya Mountains in his astral form. Time and again he would call Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya there, sometimes come to him and at every step he would teach him how to walk the steps of spirituality with alertness and adeptness. Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was led to Vedpuri (today’s Pondicherry) via subtle divine inspiration since this was previous the region of Tapas or spiritual austerities performed in yester eras by Maharshi Agastya. There he observed Mauna or silence of speech while executing tough Sadhana or spiritual practices. At the other end Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya first was divinely guided to go to Mathura City that was the region of Tapas or spiritual austerities performed in yester eras by Maharshi Durvasa. There Revered Gurudeva set up the Gayatri Tapobhumi. After a few years he was inspired to dwell in Saptasarovar region where today it is well known as Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Over here is the region of Tapas or spiritual austerities performed in yester eras by Maharshi Vishwamitra for neo creating the world. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya too did intense Tapas or spiritual austerities there help reach the spiritual philosophy of our glorious Rishi Culture and Super Mantra Gayatri to each and every lay person. For this he ceaseless got divinely inspired in an unseen manner via his subtle Divine Guru Existence. It is not sheer accidental ‘chance’ that 2 terrific men of Tapas or spiritual austerities in the spiritual arena wherein in a tiny nutshell a comparative study has been presented as above regarding similarities in their life sketch, took birth in India only. They ‘heated’ their psyche and soul via terrific Tapas or spiritual austerities and right from the initial to the final phase of their great lives glorious Sanskaras or psychic imprints played a leading role. This is the mode of living and thinking imbibed by super visionary divine personages. While walking against the trend of a ‘herd mentality’, not only do they cross over material bondage but help thousands others to reach the safe shores of Moksha or salvation. They play the role of a captain of a huge ship. It is the supreme good fortune of all of us that we got a chance to conjoin to that fleet of ships of life leading us towards super glory. We just do not know as to whether we have recognized our Sanskaras or psychic imprints ourselves via subtle divine inspirations. We do not know whether via the world trend seen, conjoining to the Prajna (divine intellect) Campaign or via methods like giving spiritual experiences and helping us attain our good desires Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya inspired us to join his divine mission. But it is a fact that the path we all have attained is one amongst the most supremely great fortune in human life. There are so many people the world over falling to the lures of Kusanskaras or vile psychic imprints take up tainted and unethical activities. Although

they possess a human body yet their lives reek with beastly and vile thinking and activities. Under these circumstances if someone recognizes his great good Sanskaras or psychic imprints and conjoin to glorious thinking and actions he can reach pinnacles of joy and peace. We can understand all this while eulogizing our great good fortune when we study the divinely radiant life of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya.


Your sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana manifest zest in me. When my holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) read this letter of yours she shed tears. No one has seen Almighty God and we are not aware of where he resides. Despite this Almighty God under the magnetic pull akin to influence of wine dances to the tune of his true devotees and stands in front of him. Do please note that I too shall never remain separate from you. Even though this cage (body) made of blood, bones etc remains afar nothing is lost and never poses any problem. My soul is all the time hovering around you invisibly and this you definitely must be perceiving subtly. The above lines taken from a letter written by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya (18 March 1970 AD) to a member connotes how tightly he had bound us all with the subtle thread of a strong bond of soul oneness to the huge organization called All World Gayatri Family (HQShantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana akin to a waterfall is flowing down ceaselessly in these lines akin to a cascading effect. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s holy message always would be of this stature. This Gangotri glacier of sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana since the past 50 years flowed towards innumerable people all over the world. It flowed out via his divine speech and when we all bathed in it we attained supreme self fulfillment and glory. While giving a definite promise Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya wrote to a member thus: Since you have conjoined to me while I am alive now and even post my death you do not have to worry about anything. Not merely by letters but my soul shall keep guiding and inspiring you at your soul level. The above letter (dated 31/12/1963) is proof of such a powerful minded person that by shouldering all problems of his disciple he proclaims: ‘Mamekam sharanam vraja’. Whenever anyone conjoins to Revered

Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya he is showered with all material and spiritual gifts ceaselessly. In our day to day mundane life we face bodily health problems, lack of strong will power, soul power etc. But it was solved by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya day in and day out. Whenever a letter arrived it would ooze with life force imbuing Sanjivani. In a letter (18/10/1943) written to a senior member of our mission we place before respected readers a few excerpts: In any problem or difficulty you face please latch on to steadfast serene patience. When the day ends night commences and vice versa. Almighty God can only bring in well being for his devotees. When even in those times while facing that which is inauspicious, we think only of good omens the mind perceives untold peace and calmness. Hence you must remain joyous all the time and ceaselessly remember Almighty God. A similar letter was penned to another member (dated 20/3/1961) wherein he writes: I shall never agree to Moksha or salvation only for myself. When I attain salvation you shall definitely attain it too. In my Tapas or spiritual austerities even you are a partner. Just as in our joy-sorrow and sin-good merits every part of our body is a partner so too you to are a part of me and my life. Whatever good-bad befalls me so too shall you get the same. Hence give up all worries in life. Do not harbor fear of any type in your mind. Such great influences of these words of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya dripping with soul power can be noted that each and every of the thousands of volunteer members who joined his mission established an inward bond that remains unbroken and are marching ahead on the path of progress without any worry of any sort. It is beyond our ken and capacity to describe the divine blessings and boons attained on conjoining to him and his divine tasks. There are innumerable files at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) describing the superb experiences of volunteers. They give proof of how much they attained both materially and spiritually by getting a divine great Avatar i.e. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya as their guide. For his entire lifetime he showered divine gifts on all like Aughaddani Lord Shankar. He shared the difficulties of people and helped them overcome hardships in life. He would ward off pain of people being badly affected

mentally when facing strife. He would increase the soul force of people so that they could bravely and successfully combat dire obstacles in their lives. He would bless people based on how much mental sanctity they were imbued with. In return he would inspire people to reform their lives and come forward to contribute like a cog in the wheel towards social well being. In this manner a path of world welfare and soul well being got built brick by brick. Apart from this it became clearer that anyone desiring to give up lowly thinking and actions instead conjoins to supreme glorious qualities shall get showered with divine boons in untold measure. Today our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s gross visible body is no longer in our midst. Instead he has become that much more cosmic and intense in subtle potency. Even so all of us are being given ceaseless blessings by him. On merely remembering these divine boons we become sure that the eternal law of the divine existence stands true through and through. Not one volunteer member of All World Gayatri Family (HQ-ShantikunjHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) whether new or experienced can say he has not experienced something out of this world. If an ordinary intellect merely notes the external incidence it shall fail to realize its deep subtle import. This very fact was explained to us frequently by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that instead of the external incident we must give emphasis to the divine indications lying hidden within them. Lest we fail to do this we shall get limited only to the preliminary stage of give and take between Almighty God and his devotee. Hence in his letters he always wrote words full of divine inspiration in place of details of incidences that had occurred. In a letter (dated 6/12/1967) to a lady devotee he writes: Your difficulty appears to me as though it is my own difficulty. Hence I am using those very methods to overcome it as any person tries to do for warding off his own strife and pain. A father in law (resident of Bilaspur-MP-India) of a volunteer of All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) was admitted to the Tata Memorial Hospital (Mumbai) since he had cancer in its final stage. His 2 daughters were eligible for marriage. The volunteer wrote to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that if his father in law was given a new lease of life for 1 year he shall complete all his life’s responsibilities. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya replied in a letter: The life span of a living being cannot be extended very longer. It was possible to avert death only for a short time span. Hence as much as is possible do get his daughters married and thus fulfill his duties of a father.

The above life span extension was prayed for in April 1963 AD and his cancer afflicted father in law lived till March 1964 AD. In the meantime both his daughters got married. He lived his life taking only ordinary medical treatment. The moment his extended life span came to its end his earlier cancer symptoms started harassing him and due to cancer only he passed away. As always whenever someone’s disease got cured Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would always give credit for it to Goddess Mother Gayatri. He would either write or say thus: If we pray to Goddess Mother Gayatri with intense devotion or Bhakti such benefits always are accrued. In order to make super great use of this human life cogitate deeply over helping reach the spiritual philosophy of divine pious intellect bestowed by Goddess Mother Gayatri to each and every human the world over. A gentleman from Patna City writes that his elder brother was diagnosed with urinary bladder cancer. After proper medical examination his doctors opined that he would not live for more than 4 months. He hence came to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who was residing at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-UttarakhandIndia) for blessings and also got Bhasma or holy ash as Prasad. The younger brother gave his cancer afflicted brother ash mixed with River Ganges’ water harboring pious sentiments as though it holy water that was used to was the divine feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya (Charanamrit). His ailing brother got cured of cancer since all reports including X Ray etc showed his bladder was normal. Today it is 7 years since he got cured of cancer and not only is he quite healthy but is helping in a big way in our missionary tasks. A gentleman from Jabalpur City sired a son after a wait for many years. After examining the newborn son doctors said that he does not have an anus to excrete feces and hence he must be operated. The father meditated deeply and prayed to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya: Till today I have not asked anything from you. Although I sired a son after a long waiting period he now shall have to be operated. Hence now for the rest of my life I shall have to see him excrete feces from a hole in front of his body. Hence Sir! Please do something a save my son from living a hellish life. The father got a subtle divine promise within and immediately the Head of the Child Surgery Department took over the case in his hands. The baby was examined again with a small tube passed in his body. It was found that a thin membrane at the mouth of the anal region was creating an obstruction. Due

to pressure from within this anal opening opened on its own and the baby boy could now excrete feces normally. All attending surgeons were mind boggled as to how all this had occurred. Is it that what was diagnosed previously was erroneous or that what they were seeing now was untrue. The next day the overjoyed father got a letter from Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) that everything would be fine. We dedicate this letter to world society. A kith from New Delhi who is known to visit Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) frequently has become a walking talking wonder for doctors and research scientists working at our Brahmavarchas Research Institute. The reason being that this visitor’s 2 heart valves were in such a damaged state that surgery was mandatory. He was suffering from a lot of breathing difficulties and his hands, legs etc got swollen frequently. All attending doctors opined unanimously that surgery was a must. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya asked them to test this devotee but opined that operation was not required. Even without surgery he would become fine. Hence he left for New Delhi for advanced medical tests and returned with the report that said that his heart valves had contracted so much that surgery must be done within 3 months. He was given the date of this surgical operation too. While he was leaving Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya again blessed him saying that he may travel but not to get operated. After he got admitted just 1 hour before the operation the pressure of the arteries of his heart was measured. Everyone was dumbstruck to note that the blood circulation was perfectly normal. As against this medical examination done 3 months previously clearly showed that without surgery he would not regain good health. Since this obstruction was mechanical in nature there was no reason why any error could creep in. After due medical examination he was discharged without heart surgery. He was told by specialists that no surgery was now required. Today this person is healthy and is working hard to help our mission’s journalism section develop further. A senior volunteer who is a high stature medical expert and close to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya even today has information regarding more than 40 patients who were afflicted with blood circulation problems since their heart valves were damaged. They were asked to undergo heart surgery by heart specialists but when they got Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine grace there was just no need for enduring painful heart surgery. Even today all these devotees are healthy and active. This Mritsanjivani or nectar that bestows life to those who are dying was given to innumerable people by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who was a high stature Avatar of Almighty God. It is impossible for us to write each and every person’s case in detail.

There is a devotee who has joined Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya since 3 generations. He says that he himself has been a follower of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya since many previous lifetimes. He resides in New Delhi and feels he is indebted to Revered Gurudeva from the very core of his being. His experiences are extraordinary. All his hardships, even the biggest one has been warded off by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Whenever any disease attacking his body was beyond the scope of leading doctors curing him he would remember Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya with steadfast deep faith and lo behold, his illness would get cured. His wife got redeemed from unbearable physical pain. He himself suffered from a terrible disease called ‘pemphigus vulgaris’ wherein doctors said there was no cure possible at all. In despair he prayed for Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine blessings and he regained good health. His younger brother was once afflicted with brain hemorrhage and this was seen by the author writing these lines here. He was virtually on his death bed but due to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s blessings he sort of got an ‘extension’ to live more for 2 years so as to fulfill his major life’s commitments and duties. After fulfilling all family duties and after all his duties towards our worldwide mission were fulfilled his extension period ended i.e. he shed his mortal coil. A new devotee not aware of our organization but well aware of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine powers arrived at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) and sat on the lower floor with the intention of ‘testing’ him thus: Lest Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is omniscient and knows our past, present and future he must be aware of my arrival here. This devotee did not show any interest in meeting Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya or having his Darshan or hallowed vision. But later when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya enquired as to why a particular devotee was seated downstairs the latter was amazed. This is because this he did not give any information to anyone about himself. When he reached upstairs for Darshan or hallowed vision he heard a reprimand: You are suffering from stomach cancer and hence can you get cured just like that? You are trying to gauge the measure of divine energy a Guru possesses? The devotee said:

I did not wish to bother a great divine authority as you. Since it’s my destiny do let me endure it. But Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya replied: I shall help you get cured from stomach cancer so that later you can work selflessly for society’s well being. This devotee was given a rose flower and was told to eat 1 petal from it daily. This he must do till the flower withers away to naught. Only after doing this that he would get totally cured. A member of our mission had seen all this and he spoke to this devotee afflicted with stomach cancer. This member continued making note of incidences that followed and found that this devotee actually got cured from cancer. Even today after 8 years of getting cured he is healthy and fit and is ceaselessly working. Say! Despite all this shall we even now put a question mark on the fact that was our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who helped us latch on to true spiritual philosophy a high stature Avatar of Almighty God or not?


The pace at which your soul is advancing fast on seeing it definitely you shall reach your goal in this lifetime itself. Regarding you I am aware as much as a father looks after his beloved child. Due to the warmth of a mother bird her egg in the nest matures and at the appointed hour it breaks the shell and comes out as a baby bird. Akin to an egg under my ‘chest’ you are maturing. When peak maturity is reached you shall attain your goal. Just as a cow milking its calf renders it strong so too I am making ceaseless efforts to advance your soul and uplift it towards glorious peaks. The above lines are from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s letters wherein time and again he has showered parental affection on various members of our All World Gayatri Family (HQ-ShantikunjHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) organization. Via this he has always divine protected them in a subtle manner. The sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana behind these words are to protect them from hazards so that they can march ahead on the path of soul development. Hence no devotee, member etc should harbor doubts about divine protection being poured on us by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. All of us have ceaselessly got great guidance from a Sidha or God Realized Saint so that we develop Paatrata inner credentials in order to accrue divine blessings and boons. There is one member from Chindwada-MP-India who on visiting Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya as and when possible always got divine inspiration from him to perform Gayatri Sadhana or spiritual practices. Many times this member desired to say something to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya but failed to do so. His wife was afflicted with a strange disease wherein after premature death of 2 daughters whenever she got pregnant her fetus got aborted. In this manner 3 babies got aborted. Regarding ever siring children both husband-wife were in sheer despair. They hence wanted to relate to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya their painful difficulty. Once when they left their home they did so they decided that first they would talk to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and after that hear what he says. Just before the Guru-disciple conversation commenced Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) called them for

lunch. While eating food his eyes welled with tears. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said: We are aware of your difficulty. You feel that only after you verbally tell us your problems that we get information about it. Every divine blessing is given only at the appropriate hour. Via making you do Sadhana or spiritual practices the aim was to render you spiritually mature and this has been achieved. You shall definitely sire a son and all your inner desires shall be fulfilled. Exactly after 1 year the couple sired a baby boy. As a result the married couple was overjoyed. There were some doubts harbored by them regarding Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya but these too were solved easily. This is because they actually witnessed the real nature of ‘Sadhana or spiritual practices se Sidhi’ or attaining the goal after due penance is undergone. In the lives of great Sidhas or God Realized Saints we witness many incidences wherein via these untold divine grace is poured on true devotees. Not only did Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya pour divine blessings but also led his followers towards imbibing the true goal of human life i.e. supreme glorious greatness. Possibly this is the most important aspect of his life blooming with Lilas or divine sports. There is a devotee from Tikamgadh (MP-India) to whom wrote Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in a letter (30/12/1963) thus: After reading about your child’s death I also got a shock just like you. Your family is as dear to me as my own. Almighty God’s wish is very powerful. In front of it humans are powerless to do anything otherwise. Creatures appear in this world only as much as they are destined to and then perforce have to shed their mortal coil. You must hence use Viveka or farsighted discrimination and calm down your sorrow and pain. I am making efforts so that this departed soul takes rebirth in your house. After giving them solace thus he asked this devotee to do an Anushthan (program of religious rites and worship). One Sadhana or spiritual practices Satra was conducted at Gayatri Tapobhumi (Mathura) and after about 2.5 years a baby was born in the family full of great Sanskaras or psychic imprints. Time and again on noting the child’s behavior it seemed it was that child who had passed away a few years previously. What is impossible for a great God Realized Guru to hand over to a devotee oozing with great Sanskaras or psychic imprints by intervening in the subtle divine world and using his terrific divine energy?

It was the heartfelt desire of a Chhattisgarh residing doctor devotee of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that since his daughter born after 2 daughters were sired by him died only after living for a few years, he gets her back. It does not matter that the living soul is the same but may it take a baby boy’s form. But he never verbally told this to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya since he was scared if he got angry. For a spiritual camp this devotee did come to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) but despite meeting Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya twice he could not tell him his intense wish. On the 4 th day Revered Gurudeva on his own volition called this doctor devotee to his room and said: While doing Mantra chanting or Japa, do not harbor a doubt in your mind: Shall Revered Gurudeva fulfill my desire or not? Do not mentally ask: Should I speak to him or not? While doing Mantra chanting or Japa think of your soul progress and not about your mundane material desires. As far as your son is concerned I shall give her to you. Only for the first 6 years she shall remember she was a girl in her previous body but later she shall forget this and realize she is a boy. He had got a desired boon. It had also become clear that the omniscient Sadguru clearly read his mind. It was he (devotee) that was harboring a doubt about his omniscience unnecessarily. After 1.75 years he sired a son and as predicted by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya his son talked and acted like a girl for the first 5 years. The boy would wear clothes like a girl. Slowly he lost his memory of being a girl in his past life. Today that very son has grown up into a young intelligent man. There is a very radiant powerful lady who is a volunteer too at our mission. Even today a very close aide of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and who was a senior volunteer too remembers how this devotee induced her Almighty God (Revered Gurudeva) to fulfill her mind’s desire. First she had mothered a daughter and she wished that after a son was born to her she would devote her entire life to Revered Gurudeva’s mission in a worry free manner. When she did become pregnant an ultrasound image said that the fetus in her womb was a girl child. Her husband opined that she must get the baby aborted. She refused to listen to her husband and after going straight to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya started fighting with him: Why did you not fulfill your promise to me? Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya asked her to sit in front of him and kept looking into her eyes for some time. Then he said:

You shall definitely give birth to a boy. Do not get your baby aborted. After that, devote your body and mind for world welfare tasks. It is only on this condition that I can give you divine blessings. Immediately this highly qualified lady went and got her womb tested which actually showed that a baby boy was growing in her womb. The doctors attending to her could not declare their own previous report erroneous and hence to hide their mistake they said that their clerk had made some mistake because it was a baby boy fetus only in her womb even previously. Today that lady is a mother of a daughter and a son and has surrendered her life towards world women awakening. A lady from Gaya (Bihar) writes that in 1971 AD she went to Haridwar accompanied by her father wherein she was given blessings that she would get married very soon. Her married life would be very happy. She had full faith in anything Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya uttered divinely. In 1981 AD she got married to a person whom she liked. The initial phase of married life was alright but after 4 years itself due to rebukes and taunts of her mother in law and sister in law her married life became turbulent and stressed. Since she was without a child her mind was unhappy and slowly fights appeared in her marital life. Despite this she did not harbor a lot of despair and instead harboring faith in Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine blessings previously she continued her Mantra chanting or Japa ceaselessly. She also wrote a letter to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-UttarakhandIndia). She was advised to participate in a Shakti Satra (divine energizing program). In 1987 AD she took part in this program for imbibing divine energy and in 1988 AD she gave birth to a baby boy. She had total faith and thus all her in laws’ family members are working zealously for our mission. Each and every time Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has given credit for all the above to Goddess Mother Gayatri only. One year before Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya shed his mortal coil a person came for Sadhana or spiritual practices’ program. While meeting him personally Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said: Till now you have spoken about our organization only. You have not asked anything for yourself. With Goddess Mother Gayatri’s blessings you shall get everything. This volunteer was 48 years without siring a child and was working for the mission for the past 20 years. He did not wish to tell all this to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He felt that it would not look good that at the age of 48 years he wishes to sire a child. But our Revered Gurudeva akin to Aughaddani Lord Shiva silently read his mind and blessed him thus:

What you are thinking now shall definitely materialize. None goes away empty handed from my abode. The very next day after Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya shed his mortal coil the volunteer’s wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy. No doubt he was sad that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was no longer with us in his gross body but there at the other end he gave him a radiant son that rendered his life glorified. Off and on he would send a letter to volunteer members: Your daughter has been born at a very auspicious hour. Give her love as you would do your son. When anyone told Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya about siring or not siring a son he had to face the latter’s wrath. He would get angry at this mentality of people. He would always advise everyone not to differentiate between daughters and sons from all standpoints of life. If someone insisted Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would say: Instead of siring a son who after usurping your wealth kicks you out of your own house it is best that you remain contented with a girl child. She is goddess incarnate and shall glorify your name. In reality Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya an incarnation/Avatar of Almighty God always blessed people based on their Paatrata or inner personality and mental outlook. Just as a worldly father gives toffees, chocolates, sweets to his beloved children, Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya did give many their mind’s wish but alongside he ceaselessly inspired them to reach the true goal of human life and that they should exactly do that for which Almighty God has sent them to this world. We must all keep this in mind. Those who after passing the primary class laid emphasis on the subsequent guidance advanced greatly in life and uplifted it to peaks of soul glory. Those who got limited to the primary stage although attained a bit remained greedy for more ‘toffees’. Hence their life remained commonplace only whereas after attaining proximity to such a divine existence as Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya he should have been totally transformed gloriously from deep within his mind and soul. In a letter (dated 16/1/1969) to a volunteer member Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya divinely inspired him:

Your smaller child is one of those great visionary souls that are taking birth in this world for ushering in Era Neo Creation and Transformation. This child akin to Lord Gautam Buddha shall light the flame of true religion the world over. He has been called to this world with great effort. Horoscopes made by astrologers are not applicable to this child. Regarding seeing to it that he lives a long life, it is my responsibility. Thus Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine protection was of such high stature oozing with unlimited divine energy. He carried out such divine tasks seated in Mathura and later in Haridwar. Via this inspired so many of his followers to render their children full of glorious Sanskaras or psychic imprints. He would tell them the story of Lord Manu and Shatrupa wherein akin to them they must carry out Tapas or spiritual austerities and make intense efforts not for their child’s material but spiritual advancement. From this Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was to get those firm pillars (great visionary souls) that would neo create this era in the 21st century. In another letter to a volunteer Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya wherein he asks him to inspire his wife to execute worship of Almighty God and meditation. He writes: Your holy consort shall be one amongst those mothers in the annals of world history that have given birth to a very spiritually advanced great soul. She must hence mold her psyche in tandem with it. This was such a powerful inspiration wherein via it Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya ushered in a rare revolution in the realm of householder and family life. Based on demands of contemporary times he required pious householders living life the correct way instead of ascetic Sanyasis that renounce family life altogether. It was via such pious family men that a revolution could reach each world lay human. Today on noting the past it seems what a gigantic process had been carried out by this Super Sidha or God Realized Saint. Is it not a miracle that he gave our Yug Nirman Family pious married couples learning the art of living and practicing it in day to day living and thus marching towards peaks of true supreme greatness? How much Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya cared for each and every child of his worldwide family becomes clear from the following letter (3/10/1958) written by him to a lady from Bareilly-India: Whatever is not good for your child is seen much more clearly by me than you. I am focusing fully on how to overcome it and without telling you

anything whatever is possible is being done by me. Your child is much dearer to me than my own child. Today this child has become a capable volunteer of our mission and with total zeal and verve he is immersed in neo creation tasks. Where and when do great visionary souls take birth? Those who have already taken birth, in what way shall they advance? Regarding this time and again via letters and via other hundreds he would give directions. In the Akhand Jyoti Magazine (October-1967 AD) Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya wrote the following under the title ‘Mahakal evam uski yug pratyavartan prakriya’: For special goals to be achieved, special souls have already taken birth in this world. The divine responsibility of readying a firm foundation for Era Neo Creation and Transformation has been handed over to certain special great soul personalities. These have been congregated under the aegis ‘Akhand Jyoti Family’. Those great souls who are outside this periphery shall join in during the next trend that ushers in. After 1971 AD he called upon such special great soul personalities ceaselessly via articles in the Akhand Jyoti Magazine. In the years 1980-81 AD when he talked about setting up a divine world family at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) he had given more importance to this aspect only. Later even during the commencement of a 12 year time frame of Yug Sandhi Purashcharan commencing from the year 1988 AD he discussed frequently, regarding great special souls taking birth and their attaining God and Self Realization. At the root of Divinity Invocation Program managed by Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had given a directive and inspiration that via it divine energies shall manifest and thus the main goal shall be completed successfully in future days to come. Those who have attained divine blessings and gifts from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya via letter writing, Akhand Jyoti Magazine or personal meetings must never forget that they had come face to face with a super great divine authority. They have been promised that via his subtle or causal body he shall continue to jolt them to a full soul awakening. It was only in order that tasks carried out by him previously in a directly visible manner get rendered worldwide in a subtle indirect manner that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya shed the bondage of a limiting gross body of bones, flesh etc. The moment we remember this we shall immediately experience his subtle divine presence in our daily Sadhana or spiritual practices and Tapas or spiritual austerities.


Everyone wishes to hear about extraordinary mind boggling Lilas or divine sports. It is the way of this world that without reading or hearing about it we fail to harbor faith that someone was an Avatar of Almighty God that had incarnated to transform the world and this era. On hearing great incidences from the disciples and followers of such an Avatar other people may feel that in a certain great saint we did not witness this or that. He was but an ordinary lay person akin to our grandfather, uncles etc staying in our house. The nature and external form of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was seen merely as a serene personality, smiling all the time and in the final years of his life manifesting a bit of Lord Rudra like wrath. Under such circumstances if we conjoin to his straightforward human form his nature of being an adept Sadhak of Goddess Mother Gayatri oozing with Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers it becomes mandatory that proof in the form of certain incidences regarding the above be described in today’s highly intellectual era. A gross standpoint wearing the spectacles of modern sciences’ tangible proof sees only the externals. But those imbued with deep faith do not need any such external proof because true faith in itself is a powerful well proven science. If we take a look at the life of great Avatar Saints born in India within the past 1 century or so like Swami Ramkrishna Paramhans, Maharshi Aurobindo Ghosh, Raman Maharshi, Swami Vivekananda etc we find that both wisdom and science were conjoined very well in their lives’ varied incidences. At one end we see them analyzing incidences tested via modern science that demands direct proof limited to the ken of the 5 sense organs and at the other end we see incidences taking place in their lives coming within the periphery of mysterious sciences, occultism and mysticism. By awakening latent principles within them via Sadhana or spiritual practices they all attained that high stature inner state called the pinnacle of any Sadhana or spiritual practices or the final stage of Sadhana se Sidhi. All this is also the nectarine essence of the 80 year life span of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga

Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. This Brahmarshi who correlated spiritual science with modern material science quite beautifully via his life gave an introduction of psychology, psychiatry, super consciousness and high stature divine energies conjoined to them to his closest aides. A greater proof than this can never be found in all of Parapsychology, Occultism and other such sciences. What can we say about the utter misfortune of those who look upon Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya as a common human being? But those who did truly realize and understand his extraordinary Avatar and super divine human form attained total transformation of their soul. By itself he has exhibited it to innumerable people via writing postal letters, incidences, verbal talk face to face and experiences. Those who limited their desires only in the material realm could not progress much further. But those who made that tad bit of an effort also towards soul advancement attained a continuous stream of conscious energy albeit subtly. By itself from the beginning he commenced showing his eternal divine nature to people imbued with great pious Sanskaras or psychic imprints. Great Sidhas or God Realized Saints are known to glimpse into the womb of the future and know everything about it. Much beforehand they give us information about future events. In this manner they caution us lesser mortals since we possess a limited vision. There are innumerable incidences conjoined to the life of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya wherein much beforehand he had given information regarding subtle world movements to related people. By inspiring them to execute Sadhana or spiritual practices and honest efforts warded off possible undesirable situations from cropping up in their lives and thus unburdened the load of their worries and tension. A member of our organization speaks about one such experience he had. On 15 February 1958 AD he received a letter by post from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that said: Three months are full of heavy hardships. In this time period special caution has to be observed. No doubt they are giving a message but death can do no harm. After getting this letter he remained very alert. After a few days since nothing untoward happened he became lax in attitude. One day he was speeding towards his bank on a cycle and suddenly at a hairpin bend on the road an empty truck crashed into his cycle. The cycle got flung far away and he fell under the truck wherein half his body was under the engine of the truck and the other half was outside. But on seeing him he was not much hurt and not a scratch was noted on his body. After getting his cycle repaired

he set off towards his house. On reaching home he saw a letter put in his post box addressed to him. It was a letter from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and in it he wrote: Since you are not maintaining caution continuously I shall be by your side all the while. The day you get this letter that shall most probably be the last day for you to endure a difficulty. The member was astounded to note the date of that day. Exactly 3 months had passed by. The date on that day was 15 May and Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya himself was with him all along in a subtle manner. On thinking about this his eyes shed tears of gratefulness and he realized that a cosmic divine existence is subtly protecting him all the while. An incident had occurred in 1982 AD. A young daughter of a lady residing in Gujarat Panch Manhal District got lost from home under quite mysterious circumstances. Since this lady was in total despair she went to Haridwar. There she put up at Kutchi Ashram. Over there as per the advice of an ascetic Sanyasi she visited Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya for Darshan or hallowed vision. There at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) she got the opportunity of relating to him her sorrow but she could only cry in sheer anguish. After Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya understood what had happened he said: Do not worry. Your daughter shall return home. It may take some time. Do send to me your daughter’s photo. I shall pray to Goddess Mother Gayatri. Via the medium of a volunteer at Brahmavarchas Research Institute she sent the photo. After this she being a mother immersed in sorrow sent 2 to 3 more letters saying that even now her daughter had not been found. It was more than 6 months now. When the volunteer again came and told Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya about her problem he was told: Daughter Sharada is pregnant. Hence traveling is a bit dangerous for her. But she is safe wherever she is at the moment. After she delivers her baby she shall return to her mother. This is exactly what happened later. After a few days this mother with her new born baby and her own mother who had seeked Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s blessings arrived at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) and very gratefully oblated at his hallowed feet.

There is not one but hundreds of incidences wherein Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya helped those in dire difficulty, agony etc ward off their problems. Instead of giving details of what exactly shall occur in future he would inspire them to take up Sadhana or spiritual practices after describing their immense benefits both materially and spiritually and would give all credit to Goddess Mother Gayatri. A person from Rajnandgav (MP-India) writes that his elder son due to a mental disorder left home. For 4 years he did not return home. Purposely he did not write about this pain to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya because so far he had not asked anything material from him. The son’s mother had come to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) for a 1 month spiritual program. When she got a chance to meet Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya personally she cried out in sorrow. She said in sheer anguish: Revered Father! Please tell us where our son is. Is he alive or not. If he is alive please help him return home to us. We are not bothered if his mental condition is imbalanced. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said: Daughter! Please continue working for my mission. I shall definitely do your work. After this mother returned home within 1 week miraculously her son came home and that too quite healthy both physically and mentally. After this the entire family started working for his mission especially after this great boon received from Revered Gurudeva. In this manner they are all indebted to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya for eternity. The wife of a senior volunteer at Gayatri Tapobhumi-Mathura kept complaining to him as to why he did not speak to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya about her younger brother? This volunteer’s brother in law had left home at a very tender age. There was no clue whether he was alive or not. When being urged thus by his wife after 15 years of his brother in law leaving home he wrote a letter to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. The latter replied in a letter (6/8/1970) thus: I have received your letter and a photo. Lest this person is alive you shall find him within this year itself. For this end I am making required efforts.

Our respected readers on noting information regarding what happened after this shall be wonderstruck although it definitely is an extraordinary truth that a letter dated 6/8/1970 posted from Tel Aviv-Israel with handwriting of his brother in law was received by them after 10 days. In it he had given news about him returning to India shortly. That very day on which Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had given a letter of reply on that day itself by subtly contacting this lost brother in law had divinely inspired him to return home. A letter (21/12/1954) from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was received by a senior volunteer member from New Delhi conjoined to his mission for the past 45 years and he had written: Despite the presence of Gurudeva Vashishtha the Raghuvanshi clan and presence of Lord Krishna and Dhaumya Rishi the Pandavas had to face many difficulties in life. I too am helping you all as per my ability and power to do so. But it is you who shall have to travel the road and reach the goal. After the above letter Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya again wrote thus: I got news about the incident on the 12 th date. Our aim is not to attack anyone but not much difficulty is faced while rendering other peoples’ attacks an utter failure. I have made arrangements for protecting you all. In the above letter we are given guidance about efforts that we all have to make wherein conjoined to it is divine protection from the subtle divine world. The above lines have been written with such a purity personified psyche. On the one hand he is saying please keep writing letters but that he is present there itself in his subtle body. It means whether tangible information is received or not, Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine protection is there, all the while. At the other end he says that credit must not be given to him but should be given to the disciple’s good merits and Goddess Mother Gayatri’s grace. Thus he does not us to be grateful to him and take credit for protecting us all. This then is a divinely compassionate form of a Sidha or God Realized Saint as our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He had written a letter (22 July 1962 AD) to a person residing in Tikamgadh: On the day of Guru Purnima something bad was to happen in your life. It had appeared in the form of a snake. I was aware of this much beforehand. I

did not tell you anything lest you become stressed and worried. That bad omen has been warded off. Your life has been saved and it is extremely satisfying. In order to ward off this dire incident my soul was by your side. You must understand that this matter has now ended. He had innumerable disciples who were very close to him but he was subtly focused on each one so much that to reach out to them time and again in various forms in order to protect them, say whose varied Lilas or divine sports were these? Super great saints of Avatar stature especially are always immersed in doing the following: a) By traveling in the subtle divine world going about helping people in various forms b) By knowing future events much beforehand destroying dangerous situations that could raise their hoods in future c) By giving hints about such future events divinely inspiring those people to make efforts to ward off dire situations Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was a super great Avatar of Almighty God. Over here we shall describe an incident detailed in a letter. On 29/12/1961 AD he wrote a letter to a senior volunteer of Jabalpur: The soul of Mr. Ranchodji had come to me on the night of 22 nd date. For about 1 hour I was with his soul. After that he entered Brahmaloka. He returned yesterday from there. In your letter too I read the same news. His soul has total peace and has reached a high spiritual state. The departed soul has asked me to send his blessings to you and your family. Please read out this letter to his children. In their sorrow even I have become sad. But we must face sorrow with steadfast patience and with Viveka or farsighted discrimination we must calm it down. The above letter is proof of the fact that great Avatars of Almighty God can establish soul contact with creatures and humans even post death and in this way we realize how divinely powerful they are. All family members, friends etc of the departed soul were sad but when they heard that he was spiritually liberated (Moksha) and that his death rites (Shraadha-Tarpan) was done by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya himself by traveling in his subtle divine body they got immense solace. Hence their mind experienced peace and serenity.

How much can mere writing with a pen give details and proof of all those incidences that took place in the lives of thousands of volunteers, disciples etc in varied ways at appointed hours? Many a times our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would just stare at void and utter aloud: This person has not come. Lest he had come I could have met him. But now his life’s journey in the gross body has ended. The above he would say when the concerned person had died at a place that was thousands of miles away from where Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was saying all this. Doe this not showcase that he had the power to see just about everything? After attaining Sidhi (success) in Gayatri worship, meditation etc his utterances akin to that of great Rishis of yore always proved to be a divine boon wherein akin to an arrow released from the bow it would hit the target bang on. Such a divine authority as him appeared in our lives as our super great good fortune. But along with thinking thus if we walk on the path directed by him his subtle and causal divine bodies shall guide us superbly and help us reach pinnacles of material and spiritual joy. In times to come innumerable such experiences shall come our way wherein due to contacting the subtle divine bodies of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). Not only people in India but those residing in other countries too shall get such miraculous experiences. After shedding his mortal frame Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) have imbibed a cosmic divine form albeit in an unseen manner. Further they have left behind for the world such a royal path that anyone walking on it shall attain untold material and spiritual prosperity. Thus the true goal of human life shall be theirs for keepsake.


On the great auspicious day of Guru Purnima we faithfully bow down to the Divine Guru Principle and offer it fragrant flowers of our devotion or Bhakti. The innumerable incidences in the life of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya naturally appear on our mental screen. Like lightning many such episodes get highlighted one after another. It gives us awareness as to how glorified we all are to get close proximity of an outstanding divine personality of this era in our life. From the physics standpoint the word ‘Guru’ means that which is heavy. It means Guru is a personality heavy with divinity, leads so many from spiritual darkness to the light of divine wisdom and thus them towards peaks of human glory. Guru is one helps in the living soul meet and unite with the cosmic divine soul called Almighty God. It helps us attain God or Self Realization. Today many has so many things viz. material grandeur, power, artistic talent etc but what he lacks has become the cause of a massive human downfall witnessed the world over today. This lack is none other than a true mode of thinking. It is because of lack of proper thinking that man does not know the art of living. Hence he is merely passing time while remaining alive in this world. Under such a situation if a divine existence manifests in our life and by catching hold of our fingers leads us towards the correct path of human living it must be accepted as a supreme great fortune of ours. Today the world over shops, malls etc ooze with high tech material comforts, facilities, gizmos, gadgets etc But there is a famine regarding true friends, kins etc. Lest we find a true guide possessing correct beneficial thinking even a life full of piercing thorns can become easy to walk upon and thus reach the true goal of humen life. We had all found such a friendly divine existence in the form of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. We wish to place before respected readers one letter amongst innumerable letters written to members, disciples etc time and again by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. In it he writes: My beloved soul!

I am happy to note that you are alright. It is my psyche and not my body that deserves faith being showered on by others. By rendering my sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana widespread you all are becoming mediums of true help and joy. Via your Brahmin body you shall keep executing tasks of great Rishi stature. In this very birth you shall attain spiritual fulfillment. I harbor firm faith regarding this. In that realm akin to a brilliant sun accompanied by your Sankalpa Shakti (powerful mental resolve) you must shine powerfully. I hence wish that you shall as a result usher in well being of hundreds of other humans. If we deeply focus on the words written in this letter it can be well understood that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has always laid great emphasis on not the physical body but imbibing great thinking and sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana. Looking upon this as our beloved icon deity he always divinely inspired to attain God or Self Realization. All of us see things bang opposite to this. There are many religious leaders but how many possess such a great divine psyche worth offering our deep faith? If on see things that are lopsided in the religiousspiritual realm our mind leans towards atheism, say is anything wrong in it? What kind, what stature and what type of deep regard and faith should be harbored towards the Divine Guru Principle? This is clarified well in the first lines of the letter. Almighty God gets pleased with us not due to us offering him materials but how much effort do we put in for his divine tasks in this world. How hard are we trying to take forward activities that please Almighty God? The Divine Guru Principle makes us do exactly this and it ceaselessly inspires us to work hard for uplifting world humanity that is in a dire downfallen state today. Swami Samarth Ramdas continuously bestowed divine energy on Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to do this. Keeping such divine goals in mind Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans poured all his divine potential into the psyche of Swami Vivekananda. Swami Virjanandaji handed over his divine wisdom wealth and untold measure of divine energy to Swami Dayanandaji. This then is an eternal tradition of a give-take relationship between a great Sidha or God Realized Guru and his highly spiritually advanced disciple. A true Sidha or God Realized Guru wants only the gift of great sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana from us disciples and nothing else whatsoever. In return they augment our will power, advance our soul power towards great heights of glory and can induce an ordinary lay person enact gigantic miraculous feats. Say! Is there any greater blessing than a person shines brilliantly not via borrowed help but via his own potent Sankalpa Shakti (powerful mental resolve) akin to the brilliant sun in the sky known to help the world shine too and ward off the darkness of spiritual ignorance (Ajnana too)? Those who desire visible wealth, property, sons, jobs etc as boons may feel that the above blessings are beyond their ken of understanding but after bathing in the 3 fold confluence (Triveni) soul

contentment, honor from society and divine grace the one realizing its deep import shall never harbor mediocre mundane desires in his mind. The biggest divine boon availed by those in close proximity of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was awakening of Viveka or farsighted discrimination and sanctification of viewpoint of life. This then is real Shaktipaat (imbuing divine energy), done by a great Guru on his capable disciples. Lest we get liberated from illusions and mental delusion of all sorts and hence in its place we imbibe a new positive and refreshing viewpoint of living life we shall remain in bliss moment to moment without pause. All those who understood the manner in which they can positively change the method of their thinking trend after coming in contact with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya underwent a Kayakalpa in a certain sense. While harboring a material mundane standpoint how we can imbibe true spiritual principles both in our thinking and day to day activities, was slowly but surely taught by our Revered Gurudeva. Generally human beings harbor extremist kind of thinking. They either follow a material mode of living only or turn their face away from all material pursuits and live like ascetics (renouncing home, hearth etc). But Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya encouraged us all to follow the middle path wherein both materialism and spiritualism complement each other. He never ever asked anyone to stay away from material pursuits. He in fact stressed a lot on the fact that in order to render our life supremely great in big or small measure we must imbibe those very types of thoughts and human-spiritual values in our day to day living. He gave this the name Jeevan-Sadhana (life’s Sadhana or spiritual practices). Those harboring fear within that their family members on joining the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) shall become ascetics, escapists and leave their homes forver were convinced after hearing Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s views that this would not happen. They were happy to know that their family members instead of becoming escapists shall in fact imbibe a new positive way of living life where both materialism and spiritualism walk hand in hand. For neo creation of good pious householders Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has executed such an important effort for the human race that that whenever it is valued people shall know how easily and naturally married couples advanced in life living it for each other in a self surrendering manner. Western nations’ society reeking with rank materialism, sexual lust in a free for all manner and family feuds and break ups was raising its hood even in our country India. Even today especially in metro urban cities this can be witnessed. In order to solve this dire world problem our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya made untold efforts for 65 years at a stretch thus:

1) Encouraging loving affection between family members 2) Helping them imbibe great Sanskaras or psychic imprints that increase love for one’s family 3) By inspiring husband-wife to build a bond of true love and respect leading them towards a happy married life He himself led such a great life and inspired others to do so too. As time went by mission members’ family and married life bloomed with love, respect and affection. A small example of this at an organization level can be seen in the form of Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) and Gayatri Tapobhumi-Mathura-India. This can be called a Divine World Family. The general trend noted as far as gauging how great a saint is from how many miraculous acts he has executed. Possibly in Ramkrishna Vachanamrit (nectarine utterances of Swami Ramakrishna Paramhansa) peoples’ interest is meager yet they avidly read his Lilas or divine sports. But those who understood Swami Ramakrishna Paramhansa in a profound in depth manner know well that if we truly wish to understand him we must first read about his priceless thinking and spiritual precepts he taught using examples, allegories etc. Only after this we must read incidences in his life elciciting curiosity in us. The life of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is filled with miraculous incidences. But those incidences with reference to totally transforming peoples’ thinking trend towards glorious greatness via inspirations given by him in varied ways are much bigger miracles. Only one fact must be deeply understood that Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers and miracles take birth in the psyche of powerfully advanced spiritual people on their own. Right from sanctification of life to all round progress have been found as golden aphorisms in the thinking and writings of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Lest we imbibe this both in our thinking and daily mundane activities all RidhiSidhis or Divine Powers shall bloom forth as a Kalpavriksha or wish fulfilling tree in the garden of our spiritually advanced inner personality and brain. We just cannot resist giving one example of the priceless jewels of great divine thinking overflowing in the psyche of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. One slogan pasted on a sticker penned by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya became well appreciated by the public in the years 1966-67 AD: A man is said to be alive only if his brain is calm and cool, his blood is hot, his heart is soft as butter and efforts are untold in measure.

If the above slogan is focused upon deeply it is worth expanding upon and presented as a doctorate thesis. The steps that lead to the development of our personality devoid of prejudices and oozing with high statured ideals are embedded in it. Alive are those from whom society and world humanity expect something great. Those who become group leaders they become leaders of an era. Those who wish to become super great men wherein they wish to work for their own progress and worshiping the deity called world society they must focus on 4 matters: A) Their brain and intellect must be rendered cool and calm. Today the brain of majority of people is hot tempered and an onrush of anger appears in it. It is hence that in fighting sets in. We see people full of worry, hypertension, restelessness, insomnia or lack of sleep etc. A cool brain means balanced thinking. Such a one never becomes egoistic, arrogant or becomes an extremist in his thinking. Such a person undisturbed by censure or praise takes every decision in life with coolness and inner equanimity. Amongst many Divine Glories or Vibhootis listed in the Bhagwad Geeta scripture man must imbibe equanimity, same sightedness and unbiased thinking. The mind must be balanced and serene. B) More important than the above is that along with a cool balanced brain the blood must be ‘hot’ which means there is ceaseless zest, energy and enthusiasm to work hard honestly and on noting anything that is unethical, fraudulent and wrong one rushes to destroy it to naught in a brave manner. It is hence that along with a true great Brahmin brain Kshatriya (soldier class) blood is most required. C) The 3rd is softness and sensitivity of our heart. Only a decision taken based on sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana that can become a decision leaning towards justice full of Viveka or farsighted discrimination. If our heart is not tender in emotions we shall fail to notice sorrow, poverty, downfall etc spreading in world society. And then our life shall head towards a sense titillating vagabond type lifestyle. Those great people who were selfless workers for society’s well being, Avatars of Almighty God etc reached peaks of glory only because they were inspired by sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana. A hard hearted person becomes a human beast. But a soft sensitive heart renders one divinely human. Our heart is not merely a bag of flesh and blood that beats in a pulse like manner but instead is also that Gangotri glacier in the human heart oozing with compassion, pious emotions, sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana etc. When this glacier dries up man becomes hard hearted, harbors vile sentiments towards others and harsh. He thinks that which he should refrain from at all cost and executes those actions which can only create his sheer downfall in life.

D) The 4th quality of a man alive is honest hard work oozing from every pore of his being. Despite possessing the above 4 qualities man leans towards fatalism and remains idle, how can he accrue any benefits in life? He must get such inspiration that even though every bone of his body gets broken he refuses to escape from the battle of life. Every muscle, nerve etc of his body must endeavor ceaselessly to ward off sorrow, spiritual ignorance etc of world humanity and vows akin to Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans, Lord Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi etc to uplift them towards peaks of material and spiritual prosperity. It goes without saying that those who have fully imbibed these 4 qualities in a superb well combined manner are actually Almighty God in the garb of a human being. The mother of all these tiny successes are these tiny appearing thought drops. If these are included in our life both inwardly and outwardly they transform us positively from the very foundation. Say! What great flowers of faith can we offer at the holy feet of that great human being? We can only give this promise to this Era’s Maharshi Dadhichi (our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya) that we shall ceaselessly use every iota of our life force for ushering in world welfare and well being. We shall become that beacon light illumining the correct direction to ships in the ocean that have strayed away in an erroneous direction.


In private discussions many a times our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would say: These present times are such wherein Lord Mahakal wishes to usher in a total transformation in human consciousness. Such times do not manifest in world history very often. Lest human consciousness, mental condition and the trend of human thinking changes positively heaven shall manifest on earth uninvited. All my aspirations are focused on this main goal. Right from educating the public via the religious system to establishing Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) and right from awakening the latent state of consciousness at pilgrim spots to rendering active the process of Kundalini or Divine Energy of the land of India, has been executed with this special mission in mind. Let us make efforts to understand the matter spoken about above. One after another so many prophets, leaders of human neo creation, messengers of Almighty God etc have incarnated on planet earth one after another. So many spiritual and social reforming organizations were set up. So many beliefs, sects etc were created. Despite this inner human nature did not transform from its very foundation and hence their efforts did remain failed and half complete. It is seen that man had previously set off for marching ahead in life with great hope in his psyche but he is yet standing at that very point as he was previously. In reality without transforming human consciousness trying to change circumstances is but a vain pastime akin to day dreaming. No human race or a huge organization can be transformed from the roots unless a self transformation sets in human consciousness. If an external divine energy does not activate the process of such positive transformation great Sidhas or God Realized Saints have to incarnate in this world to execute this task. These Avatars of Almighty God by contacting the inner mental state of humans help sprout the seeds of sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana present there. In this manner their soul awakens and post this they augment the zeal, surrender and self sacrifice of world humans for executing the divine tasks of Almighty God. This process akin to ‘micro neuro surgery’ takes place in the foundation of human consciousness and such an awakened consciousness in turn activates nearby surroundings right upto cosmic human consciousness. It is this awakened

cosmic consciousness that takes up the form akin to such a cyclonic storm that it is termed an Avatar of Almighty God. By and by planet earth gets totally transformed in a positive neo created manner. Maharshi Yogiraj Sri Aurobindo has made use of a symbolic representation wherein Lord Vishnu (God or Divine Consciousness) is termed a husband and his wife is material consciousness i.e. planet earth. Their children are human beings called Bhaumasur (demons) and ghosts also by him. Whenever material consciousness unites with Divine Consciousness a new era manifests. Bhaumasur (demons) dies and Rishis of heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era stature take birth in this world. According to Maharshi Yogiraj Sri Aurobindo this present hour is that of manifestation of Super Consciousness of divinity in humans or divine children because Bhasmasur or beastly thinking and activities shall disappear to naught. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya helped march forward this process of manifestation of Super Consciousness via re awakening or neo creation of pilgrim center based consciousness and symbols of great divine culture. Further ahead after what Maharshi Yogiraj Sri Aurobindo has said in the past our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya says: My Super Conscious Mind and Superman has nothing to do with neo creating a new human race but that it shall manifest in seemingly small stature Prajna members. They shall imbibe high stature ideal based thinking and actions so as to march forward towards supreme greatness quite soon. The New Era shall harbinger in via these great personalities. Just as divinity can manifest in humans so too heaven can manifest on earth without doubt. The above thinking is so full of bright hope and faith in Almighty God. It was given to us all by a great saint Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to mold our consciousness in a glorious manner. All aspects of his life are extraordinary, filled with astounding incidences but via some incidences we get to know as to how his life endeavored for executing one major important goal. This goal was uplifting human consciousness towards supreme glory and by making Divine Culture its medium via various manifestations of it molded consciousness in that very manner just as a sculptor chisels a rock in order to shape it into an image worth our worship and devotion. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya always maintained that the world’s demeaned downfallen state seen today is our lack of faith in a Divine Existence. Since we have veered far away from imbibing great glorious Sanskaras or psychic imprints all dire world problems have cropped up like weeds. Right from increasing mental diseases to collective dire situations, the root cause has been that man has lost faith in precepts based on Divine Culture. Lest we wish to solve this problem of lack of faith not only

must the human psyche be trained aptly but that his unconscious mind too must be molded greatly. Further by sanctifying vile Sanskaras or psychic imprints collected from many past births new great Sanskaras or psychic imprints must be reinstated in the human psyche firmly. Man’s faith henceforth must be placed on the following: 1) Varna-Ashram Dharma (Brahmin-Kshatriya-Vaishya-Shudra and Brahmacharya-Grihasthashram-Vanaprasthashram-Sanyasashram) 2) Shodash Sanskar Rites 3) Pilgrim spots that are said to be the beacon lights of cultural consciousness 4) Ashramas or hermitages of great Sidhas or God Realized Saints 5) Temples oozing with sanctity 6) Forest areas The above can be called systems that amplify great knowledge and wisdom in human beings. Along with this a widespread system of education must be set up the world over. In order to usher in public education institutions via a true religious system the following has been executed: a) Building a system that is well managed and has its network spread out the world over b) Setting up of 2400 Gayatri Shaktipithas c) Carrying out Yajna programs alongside Shodash Sanskar Rite Programs Already in India the above can be seen everywhere. After deeply understanding this inner form of a Sanskriti Purusha (our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya) those taking a vow for raising Divine Culture to zeniths shall find it least difficult in understand the nature of a bright 21st century that shall harbinger in shortly. Any area of work that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya chose was a place of Tapas or spiritual austerities oozing with glorious Sanskaras or psychic imprints. Shantikunj (HQ of All World

Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) is the region of Tapas or spiritual austerities of Maharshi Vishwamitra of yore. Gayatri Tapobhumi built on the Mathura-Vrindavan Road on the banks of River Yamuna was previously the region of Tapas or spiritual austerities of Maharshi Durvasa. There our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya not only did difficult Tapas or spiritual austerities for 25 long years but that after reinstating an Akhand Deep (flame lamp kept lit ceaselessly) laid the firm foundation stones of Gayatri Tapobhumi. Thus such an institution was set rolling that later played a very important role in educating the masses with the aid of a true religious-spiritual system. When in 1971 AD Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya made a Sankalpa (powerful mental resolve) that 2400 Gayatri Shaktipithas shall be successfully set up all over India a few volunteer members mentally said thus: Already there are so many temples all over India why should so many more temples get built by us? A logical mind and one pursuing the path of social reformation shall correctly think thus. At that time Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya gave the following answer: In future days to come the entire environment of the world has to be rendered Super Power Gayatri manifest. Right since primordial eras our country India has imbibed untold divine energy via Gayatri meditation and worship. For this present era it is a Sanjivani herb that imbues Prana Energy into one and all in untold measure. Via establishing such 2400 Gayatri Shaktipithas or temples lest the entire environment of the world is sanctified and rendered highly cultured the wheel of rendering India and the world at large self disciplined, healthy, powerful and oozing with divine sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana shall set rolling swiftly. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya opined that incarnation of Era Power (Yuga Shakti) was the harbingering in of Nishkalank Prajna Avatar. He said that by reinstating such symbols the latent land of India shall be awakened in every nook and corner. He further added: Although just about everywhere images of gods and goddesses are worshiped by Adyashakti (Primordial Divine Energy) that is none other than the Mother of the World has been totally forgotten. Hence it is mandataory that such icons get reinstated in every corner of India so that a foundation is built in the psyche of people regarding the incarnation of Almighty God as an Avatar in this world.

Initially the Sankalpa (powerful mental resolve) was for 24 but later 2400 Prajna Mandirs, Prajna Sansthans and Shaktipithas got established. This number then reached a massive 4000. If viewed from a gross standpoint this is a Temple of Wisdom wherein a lot of stress is given to Yajna of Divine Wisdom and preaching great knowledge worldwide. But at the root of it lies that sacred sensitive sentiment or Bhavasamvedana wherein every pore of the land of India gets imbued with limitless Prana Energy. Lest via Sadhana or spiritual practices divine energy is awakened within us and is rendered a center of public awakening then very quickly via these a gigantic divine culture revolution can spread like wild fire everywhere. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya made plans to rejuvenate temples etc that were old dilapidated and ignored. It proved quite successful. Over here festivals of imbibing great Sanskaras or psychic imprints via worship rites etc are celebrated. In this manner human beasts on imbibing these glorious Sanskaras or psychic imprints can become divine humans. This is but a glimpse of well planned and well managed activities executed by Avatar based Divine Existences. Who exactly is a true Brahmin? If we wish to see a great Rishi, where should we go? What is the true nature of a Purohit and Parivrajak? All these facets can be witnessed in our great divine personality of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. In the Ramcharit Manas holy text Goswami Tulsidasji writes: Jas kacchiya tas chahihu nacha. MEANING: O Lord Rama! You no doubt are Almighty God manifest but you have donned that external form as is required. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya placed before today’s era the true form of a Brahmin by actually living a true Brahmin’s way of life. He would say many a times: People are seeing my Siddha aspect wherein someone’s disease got cured, some attained wealth and fame, many saw a huge organization being set up here etc. They must understand that all this was but the miraculous feat executed by great Brahmin principles and thinking imbibed by me. He would opine that Gayatri is the Kamadhenu or heavenly wish fulfilling cow of a true Brahmin. In his divine life Gayatri exhibited innumerable miracles in a tangible manner. Whatever Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya asked for was granted by her. He had prayerfully asked for advancement of Divine Culture everywhere which is being executed at the moment. He pleaded for reinstating of heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era and that also shall usher in with a bang in the near future.

The various facets of the glorious divine personality of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya executed the following: 1) Helping in creating true Brahmins that selflessly work for world welfare 2) Helping in creating true Parivrajaks that help people imbibe true religious principles in life 3) Helped set up a huge Ashram or hermitage in forest like serene surroundings He further set rolling the following so that the lay public imbibes great Sanskaras or psychic imprints: a) Travel by foot, cycles, jeeps, cars etc b) Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya himself traveling the length and breadth of India c) Programs for national unity d) Programs of Shakti Sadhana or spiritual practices for energizing ones body, mind and soul e) Augmenting great qualities in consciousness of pilgrim spots Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in his past incarnations had also manifested as Ramakrishna Paramhans, Saint Kabir, Swami Samarth Ramdas etc Today he is executing those very tasks that he carried out in previous incarnations and in cmparison to the measure of glorious activities executed thus far in future he shall carry out successfully manifold more via his subtle divine consciousness. Nostradamus in a prophetic manner has spoken about a powerfully capable religious leader manifesting and this person shall become a world leader of humanity. Its center is none other than this Nishkalank Prajna Avatar. Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo has spoken about the manifestation of a Super Conscious Mind and its focal point shall be this very system under whose guidance we all are working. We bown down again and again to that Sidha or God Realized Saint (our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya) who had solemnly vowed to help reach pilgrim consciousness to all and one along with the brilliant aura of Divine Culture too.


The place was that room in Dakshineshwar (Kolkata-India) where Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans was lying down on his death bed. All his disciples were seated around him. Suddenly Thakur said: I am leaving but you shall see in future that after I shed my mortal frame an extraordinary miracle shall occur. Even unknown, innumerable ordinary people due to the influence of my divine consciousness shall attain RidhiSidhis or Divine Powers in 3 days itself. These shall be such regarding whom you cannot even imagine with your frail weak minds. A huge wave shall appear and in River Ganga water levels shall rise up very high. The above actually did take place. It was the era of India noosed in the wily net of alien British Rulers. Young people barely 15 years of age jumped into the fray of freedom struggle against the British. Those who were imprisoned and others who were secretly working underground said they could see death approaching them fast quite clearly. After that an incident took place when Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was in jail. An ordinary stature youth named Anandi Bose who was with him in jail said: I can clearly see that I shall try to run away from jail, I shall get caught, a bullet shall pierce my body, I shall be admitted to a hospital and there I shall die like a valiant patriot. What had not occurred, how was it possible for Anandi Bose to visualize well beforehand? While clarifying this Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo Ghosh has said that this was that very Ridhi-Sidhi or Divine Power spoken previously about by Thakur Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans. It is only a high stature Sidha or God Realized Saint of Avatar stature that can subtly inspire ordinary people to jump into the fray, like seen in India’s Freedom Fight even though

death was imminent. It was this cyclonic type campaign emerging from Bengal-India that later took the form of might patriots like Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Khudiram Bose and later Gandhiji, Subhashchandra Bose, Nehru, Sardar Patel etc that played a superb role in India attaining political freedom. People raising the clay of Dakshineshwar while taking valiant vows set off to sacrifice their lives and all. This cyclonic storm of ‘do or die’ attitude spread all over the country without exception. Lest the history of India’s Freedom Fight is rewritten it shall become clear Thakur of Dakshineshwar and the youthful revolutionary Swami Vivekananda after manifesting untold divine energy played such an important role in getting liberated politically from alien British Rule via the dais of true religion and spirituality. But it must be noted that even after this stupendous success at the poltical front we remained slaves of alien culture. Today it is the the turn of cultural slavery to get liberated. This incident is being repeated in the final decade of the 20 th century after the previous incident of 1887 AD. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in his last 2 years of his life before shedding his gross physical body (1989-90 AD) wrote revolutionary literature. Before getting liberated from his mortal coil bondage he had said that post his death the process of talent and a glorious personality awakening shall go continue on a war footing the world over. Latent skills shall awaken and my subtle divine existence shall jolt it so much that it shall commence preparations to harbinger in a New Era. It shall make them perforce act positively for ushering in world well being. For this end Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had said only one thing that he shall execute his responsibilities wherein our mission members and volunteers must conjoin to the thinking flow of his steadfastly. The remaining shall be duly executed subtly by divine consciousness. By thinking flow we mean all that which shall reawaken Indian Culture so that divinity manifests in world humans. In tandem with this heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era too shall take over planet earth. While throwing light on this matter Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said he had resolved to help reach Akhand Jyoti Magazine to every household that he left behind as a legacy even after he left this world because it contained glorious literature penned by him that imbued one and all with Super Prana Energy. All of us akin to the clay of Dakshineshwar have held in our fists the clay of the birth place and initial mission region of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya called Anvalkheda Village with Saptasarovar Shantikunj’s (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) River Ganga waters as witness in front of his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) on 10th June (Gayatri Jayanti Festival-Ganga Dashera-the 2nd death anniversary of Revered Gurudeva) at early dawn hours oozing with auspicious sentiments that we take up the responsibility of helping reach the great spiritual

philosophy of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to every household. All of us had resolved that we harbor full faith in the fact that the one and only solution for overcoming this era’s individual problems, in fighting in households and downfall and defeat of human values in social living is rendering widespread a World Divine Culture. With this World Divine Culture bloom forth cultural values, high stature ideals based traditions and all principles that uphold creation of a society based on sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana. In order that national unity and brotherhood remain unbroken we all take a vow that we shall work with zeal and steadfastness for reinstating a World Divine Culture in every household that has been imbued with Prana Energy of great Rishis of yore and have been imbibed by Sidhas or God Realized Saints, prophets etc. Everyone had taken an oath for donating 3 months’ time, a minimal part of their income as donation, living a simple life akin to a true Brahmin, organizing intellectual conferences and taking part in festivals of Sanskara rites. They had promised to worship and reinstate that clay in the region of worship-meditation so that they can fulfill their resolve via its divine inspiration and energy. This was an extraordinary Sankalpa (powerful mental resolve) that in this gigantic oath ceremony, more than 0.1 million members took part. The process of talent based awakening has commenced on a worldwide scale. The Matsyavatar or Fish Incarnation of a New Era is slowly taking a cosmic form. The process of transformation from all sides has become active. Since the past 5 years the following has become more and more active: A) Programs of taking Sankalpas (powerful mental resolve) B) For the above not only India from every corner of the world letters and other forms of communication are being received C) Helping reach the message of a World Divine Culture in every household. D) Churning the psyche of the highly intellectual class of the world The above has speedened in pace so fast which tells us that the conscious world is active. Hence the proclamation of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that 21st century shall be bright shall prove to be 100% correct in the near future to come. The only thing expected from us all is to conjoin ourselves firmly to this divine conscious flow. We are witnessing widespread results of Shakti or Energy based Sadhana or spiritual practices programs that had commenced in the previous Vasant or Spring Festival. The zest of lay public has awakened and at a gigantic level an aspiration is noted to convert Divine Culture into a World Culture. In

reality the oath ceremony was regarding the future 10 years of missionary tasks to be carried out as per the divine directions of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. It was a 2 nd mile stone after the Shradhanjali Samaroha. In this how many members had joined the mission and how much of their zealous efforts had fructified was also gauged. So many conferences, meetings etc are conducted daily but since they lack a proper goal or it is very hazy they become mere showpieces. Our huge conferences are devoid of any loud hulabaloo and is but a steadfast promise to us all by an Avatar as Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya from the land of India that via a new consciousness in the form of Indian and Hindu Culture shall guide the entire world. In fact this shall go on for so many centuries to come. It is for this goal that we all in unison are marching forward with zest and zeal. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has called ‘sanctification of talent’ a definite process that shall occur. These days the subtle and causal bodies of his are executing the process of awakening brilliant skills and augmenting their measure. It is skills and talent that are the real wealth of any society or nation. Via it not only do brilliantly talented people get credit and accolades but that they succeed in solving very complex problems of their profession, community and country at large. The more such divine humans blooming with sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana emerge in this world the fearful situation of lack of faith and aspiration can disappear to naught very quickly. In order to ‘fish’ out from the ocean of youth and women power great teachers, doctors, social workers, politicians, artists, scientists, senior authority officials, public leaders etc an outline for executing intellectual conferences on a gigantic footing is being designed. Along with this Sanskar Rite Festivals too shall be conducted as was decided after the oath ceremony was performed. It goes without saying that hordes of talented people to manifest in future on getting all round great guidance shall positively transform entire world society. We must harbor strong faith that followers of an Avatar of Divine Culture shall execute such glorious tasks at a cosmic level and shall not settle for anything less than that.


How do Gayatri based Sadhana or spiritual practice, render our life a visible Kalpavriksha or heavenly wish fulfilling tree? Can we or can we not attain innumerable Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers mentioned in various great scriptures? Each one of us is very curious about this. Lest we get to know about a living example of it our minds can accept it. Possibly today’s highly intellectual class of the world may not accept mythological and very distant past examples of all this but if today an example is there for them all to see definitely faith gets instilled in their psyche that: Yes! Whatever has been said in the Mahatmya of Gayatri Upasana (meditation-worship) could be true because proof of it stares at us tangibly. This example and ‘model’ is none other than the divine great life of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He lived a life of 80 years that was an open book for all to read. Whenever anyone so wishes can open any chapter and read about his life. They can get due guidance about ‘Sadhana se Sidhi’ or great results accruing after carrying out Sadhana or spiritual practices. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would compare his life’s journey to the blooming of a Brahmakamal or divine lotus. In literature penned by him titled ‘Mahakal ka Vasant Parva par sandesh’ (message of Lord Mahakal during the spring festival) he writes: This rare Brahmakamal or divine lotus of my life has completed 80 years wherein 80 flowers have opened up fully. An important chapter of blooming of each flower greater than the previous one has been satisfactorily completed. The 1st chapter of the life of a Divine Authority existence has been completed. About 4.5 months after the Spring Festival on the day of Gayatri Jayanti (the auspicious day of incarnation of Goddess Mother Gayatri) i.e. 2 nd June 1990 AD he went to rest eternally in the lap of his beloved Spiritual Divine Mother. But this was liberation from the bondage of only his gross physical body. In order to become n fold more active in his subtle and causal divine bodies and for heating the subtle world with his terrifically potent divine energy he found it absolutely necessary as per the divine directions of his

Revered Gurudeva of Himalaya Mountains to shed his mortal frame that lived a life of 80 long years. Every moment of his life was surrendered to Goddess Mother Gayatri. Super Power Gayatri overflowed from every pore of his being and every breath of his exhaled it for the benefit of the entire world. Whatever visible actions, incidences etc seen in Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s life were but the great successful results of his Tapas or spiritual austerities and true Brahmin qualities. He would aften say: Whatever I have achieved in my visible life is but the feat of true Brahmin qualities imbibed by me religiously. I had executed special Anushthans (religious worship etc programs) and the power got from it shall be used after I shed my mortal coil by my divine causal body (Kaaransharira). Not everyone can deeply realize how tough it is to live a life of a true pious Brahmin wherein one’s material aspirations have to be given a strong spiritual foundation. But those who have witnessed the glorious life of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya know well that every moment of his life and every second of it was used for uplifting others to heights of material and chiefly spiritual joy. For himself he never ever asked for anything. He donated all his inherited ancestral property, royalities got from penning commentaries on Rishi literature, more than 3000 books etc towards material and spiritual prosperity of world society. Whatever he gave selflessly returned to him in manifold measure and all his life he was showered with untold grace of Almighty God. Whatever he sowed in the field of human society was harvested by him at the ripe hour and again this was donated to society selflessly. This then is Sidhi or successful life of a true great Brahmin. He ceaselessly performed Tapas or spiritual austerities. Hence he was known as an outstanding Tapasvi. Our Shrutis (Vedic literature) divinely command us: Divamaruhat tapasa tapasvi. MEANING: Our great Rishi-Munis of yore exhort us not to harbor indolence and laxness as far as performing Tapas or spiritual austerities is concerned. It is from Tapas or spiritual austerities that this world was created and the sun on getting heated transmitted Prana Energy in every iota of this infinite cosmos. Keeping such precepts in mind Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya executed intense Tapas or spiritual austerities via

24 Purashcharanas and in the meantime innumerable incidences appeared in his glorious life. In the true sense of the term he was a glorious Brahmin and man of Tapas or spiritual austerities. It is hence that he actively participated in the freedom struggle movement in India against foreign British Rule. To the extent that Bapu Mahatma Gandhi wished to meet this volunteer from a village. He met Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in Nainital-UP-India. He had donned the Yajnopaveet (Hindu Religion sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana thread) made of 9 fibers. Each fiber connotes 1 great quality and they were imbibed by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to the last letter. Qualities of Satya (truth), Ahimsa (non violence), Asteya (not robbing), Maitri (friendship towards all), Brahmacharya (sexual continence and walking the path of Brahman or God Realization), Sadhana or spiritual practices, Swadhyaya (self introspection by studying great scriptures), Shuchita (inner and outer cleanliness), Seva (selfless service to society) etc were seen each moment in his life and activities. Instead of going deeper into this subject when we see the auspicious beginning of publication of the Akhand Jyoti Magazine we find that this small seed sowing activity was that of rendering widespread the spiritual philosophy of Super Mantra Gayatri. That huge tree that was to grow from this miniscule sized seed under its shade in future a huge worldwide organization of All World Gayatri Family (HQ-ShantikunjHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) and Yug Nirman Yojana were to be set up. The root Mantra of ‘Ekoham bahusyami’ (from one we become many) was commenced to be imbibed in the working of publication of Akhand Jyoti Magazine which was at first printed in the form of 100 letters posted to readers. Later these became 1000 and then thousands in number. In reality this is a direct proof of success he attained in his Sadhana or spiritual practices wherein today about 0.5 million copies of this Akhand Jyoti Magazine are printed with the help of latest scientific technology. Its actual readership number is 5 million. In reality it is this Akhand Jyoti Magazine that gave birth to the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) and it was titled ‘Navyuga ke matsyavatar’ or this era’s Fish Incarnation. Definitely this has been the case. Via a topic titled ‘Gayatri Charcha’ Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya inspired readers of Akhand Jyoti Magazine to give an important spot to Super Power Gayatri Sadhana or spiritual practices in their day to day life. He helped readers realize that its miraculous results can help uplift human life towards heights of material and spiritual prosperity by detailing Gayatri Sadhana or spiritual practices in the Akhand Jyoti Magazine, many books and individual letters to devotees and spiritual seekers written by him. Those who understood the deep import of Gayatri aptly and imbibed its Sadhana or spiritual practices in daily living saw their lives transforming positively. Any lack got warded off, their homes got filled with facilities and material comforts and obstacles in life got destroyed one after the other. As a result their life was devoid of any major illness, they

lived a long life and since great wisdom was imbibed a viewpoint of future way of living was glimpsed. Those who attained these visible blessings were raised to very high stature and via them other new set of people were duly inspired to follow suit. By and by thousands of people joined his mission. A worldwide encyclopedia titled ‘Super Science of Gayatri’ detailed everything about Gayatri Sadhana or spiritual practices that answered all doubts or questions raised by respected readers. First it was published by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in 5 volumes and then reprinted in 3 volumes. This in itself is an incomparable creation because till date, nowhere does one find a text of its size and priceless information detailed in it thus. Not everyone can read Samhitas written in Sanskrit language. Hence by sifting out the essence of all of these he dedicated this all important well researched writings to the lay public. This huge text published at first in the year 1958 AD was later published as 28 editions. At least so far 2.5 million people have availed this great wisdom penned by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. The doubts of hundreds of people got solved. Today Super Mantra Gayatri is easily availed by all without any bars based on religion, sect, community, gender bias etc. This gigantic revolution is but the success of Super Energy Gayatri and only an Avatar of the stature of Almighty God can fulfill this. When his 24 Mahapurashcharanas at Gayatri Tapobhumi (Mathura-India) was completed an Akhand Jyoti (imperishable wick flame lamp) was lit. Water and clay of 2400 pilgrim spots were reinstated. This then is the gist of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s activities in Mathura. Over here in the year 1958 AD a gigantic 1008 pyre Gayatri Yajna was scheduled wherein about 0.5 to 1 million people participated. In this Yajna itself an outline was made regarding spreading the great spiritual philosophy of Gayatri in every nook and corner of India and the world at large. Time and again respected readers are given details of extraordinary miraculous results conjoined to this Yajna and these are proof that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was an adept Gayatri Sidha. It is after this that he headed towards the lofty Himalaya Mountains to do Tapas or spiritual austerities. There he lived for 1 year incognito in lone solitude and wrote commentaries on the Vedas, Darshans, Puranas, Upanishads, Smritis, Aranyak etc. This is a miracle of the Sidhi of Bahulikaran (amplification) that a task executed by one lone person was equivalent to honest labor put in by so many others. No ordinary person can carry out the following tasks singlehandedly: a) Managing a gigantic organization b) Editing the Akhand Jyoti Magazine c) Publishing great books regularly

d) Tapas or spiritual austerities executed in personal life e) Writing letters of reply to all f) Day to day guidance g) Individual meetings h) Traveling all over India In Mathura City itself he proclaimed regarding an extraordinary Sankalpa (powerful mental resolve) and he printed it as ‘Yug Nirman Satsankalpa’. He called this the constitution of a New Era and said that on its basis only shall heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era harbinger in the future. This daring procalamation can be made only by a Brahmarshi that can neo create the entire world. Today when we are in the 21 st century we directly visualize that return of heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era in this world is a definite possibility based on principles laid down by him. On the basis of Varna-Ashram Dharma he left Mathura for residing in Haridwar City henceforth. This was a preplanned chapter of his life that he commenced proclaiming from the year 1961 AD. After arriving in Haridwar City via his divine vision (3 rd eye) he unearthed the place of Tapas or spiritual austerities of Maharshi Vishwamitra of yester eras in the Saptasarovar area. It was here that those seeds were sown via which after 20 years it started growing in a very widespread manner. The 4 th phase of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s life was between the years 1971 to 1990 AD. A major part of it is perceivable in the form of Gayatri Tirtha Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) and various activities spread out all over India. But a fair bit of it has a subtle form too that at the moment is not visible to all. Yet in future it shall tangibly materialize for all to witness. Some very priceless years of his Tapas or spiritual austerities were spent at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Over here he had conducted camps on: A) Prana Pratyavartan B) Kalpa Sadhana C) Sanjivani Sadhana

It was here also that he fulfilled to completion his Sokshmikaran Sadhana or spiritual practices (rendering his psyche divinely subtle). His Sankalpa (powerful mental resolve) to correlate modern science to spirituality materialized in the form of Brahmavarchas Research Institue (ShantikunjHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Over here he resolved to create Prajna Institutes all over India and render widespread imbibing of true Brahmin qualities by lay public. By and by more than 3000 Shaktipithas were set up all over India. Over here he succeeded in fulfilling the Sadhana or spiritual practices of Kundalini Awakening, pertaining to Divine Energies. In future days to come Super Power Gayatri shall spread the world over without exception. Its auspicious beginning has commenced via journies to western countries and invoking divine deities in thousands of homes. Via programs of Shakti or Divine Energy Sadhana or spiritual practices Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had directed us to resolve to help lay public imbibe Super Power Gayatri. This also gives a directive that in future days to come the world environment is to become Gayatri manifest. The Prajna Avatar has already incarnated in a taintless and formless manner. The rule of a vile intellect is about to get destroyed and that a pious great intellect shall spread out in every nook and corner of the world. Regarding Super Mantra Gayatri a Sukta or verse is given in the Atharva Veda: Stuta maya varada vedmata prachodayantam pavamani dwijanam. Ayuhu pranam prajam pashum kirtim dravinam brahmavarchasam mahyam dattva vrajat brahmalokam. Every letter of this verse is true. We can see this great deep import tangibly imbibed in Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s life and in Gayatri Tirtha Shantikunj’s (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) era changing consciousness. These are proof of all those successes attained conjoined to Super Mantra Gayatri. For this each and every person wishes to see this living example. We invite all and sundry the world over that wish to know as to how the divine grace and boons of Goddess Mother Gayatri get imbibed in life?


The brilliant sun may possess untold measure of light but if our eyes do not work well we shall visualize only darkness everywhere. Whether day or night, this darkness shall never end. The same holds true for a disciple. A Guru could actually be very powerful and capable but if the inner being of a person lacks true discipleship the Guru’s divine prowess cannot benefit him at all. A great God Realized Guru sows seeds, makes arrangements for fertilizers, water etc but if the soil in the field lacks basic fertility then even if hordes of high class seeds are sown in it with watering and fertilizers added to it, nothing shall sprout because that land is arid and barren. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya whom we all have attained as our Sadguru has illumined us with his Jnana or Divine Wisdom and imbued us with Prana Energy via his long term Tapas or spiritual austerities. We are nourished and nurtured by his life force. Let us hence ask him a bit to as to in what form does he wishes to see us? In one spiritual discourse given by him he had detailed this important question arising in the minds of so many: I am a disciple who has surrendered his all to his Revered Gurudeva (HH Sarveshwaranandji in his astral divine bodies dwelling in the lofty Himalaya Mountains). I am an instrument and a puppet doll in his divine hands. Whenever my Revered Gurudeva made me do something it got executed. I lived exactly as he wished me to do so. I never ever harbored a thought that I too have any desire of my own. My life is like a hollow flute in which my Revered Gurudeva plays divine musical notes and tunes. Attaining a great Sadguru is an extraordinary boon and blessing. It is an imperishable great fortune. But this is in the lot of only those who mold themselves into great true disciples. They must immerse their lowliness into the super greatness of the Guru. Hundreds and thousands of people run here and there in search of a great Guru but even those people are no less in number who despite dwelling in the neighborhood of greats like Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans rebuked and ignored him saying he was an insane Brahmin. Despite residing in close proximity to Swami Dayanandaji there were people who gave him poison in return for a few cents only. Those who

were greedy for a bit of material wealth hanged Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. World history is full of such examples of great saints being harassed and killed too. Many lay people had attained the close proximity and blessings of great God Realized Gurus. If they so wished they could have advanced their soul to peaks of glory and render themselves self fulfilled. But this did not happen. And say, how could it have happened? For recognizing and establishing a close bond with the Sadguru a special subtle vision is required. And such a penetrating vision rests only with true great disciples. An incident took place in the life of a Sufi Saint (Fakir) called Sheikh Farid. In those days he was a young man. While roaming around, he came across a tree where an ascetic was seated under it in deep meditation. Farid shook this ascetic and asked: Say Revered Sir! Will you help me meet Almighty God? The ascetic answered: It is a Guru who helps us to meet Almighty God. Then who is my Guru? I shall give you his qualities and it is you who must find him. Alright! Do describe his great qualities. Your Guru shall be seated under a tree. His face shall bloom with a divine aura around it. His eyes shall shine brilliantly. His body shall emit divine fragrance. On hearing this much Sheikh Farid set off in search of his Guru. The more days passed by his aspiration to meet his Revered Guru intensified. 20 years passed by after the above episode. In sheer defeat Sheikh Farid returned to that place. There he saw an ascetic seated under a tree. All around this sage was a brilliant divine halo. He smelled divine fragrance and thus all the above qualities were seen in this ascetic. In sheer ecstatic joy Sheikh Farid fell in obeisance at the feet of the ascetic. The latter lovingly patted the back of Farid. He got up and kept gazing at the face of the sage. Amazing! This is that very ascetic who had given qualities 20 years previously of his Guru. Sheikh Farid asked:

Revered Saint! Why did you allow me to stray away from you for 20 long years? The ascetic replied: The first time it was a superficially curious youth called Farid who had come to me. Today after passing through tough Tapas or spiritual austerities for 20 long years Sheikh Farid full of radiance has come in a self surrendering attitude to me. Son! A great Guru is met only by a true disciple. The moment you became a true disciple you ‘met’ me. If attaining a great God Realized is so difficult how did our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya come in contact with such a powerful Sidha or God Realized Saint as his Guru? And that too he had never had to travel anywhere but that in his home itself he met him thus? While solving this riddle Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya writes: For attaining a Guru so easily unasked for many previous lifetimes I had to imbibe a great inner pious personality and character (Paatrata). This Paatrata had to be imbibed with sheer patience and unswerving steadfastness. Not a bit of haste was harbored in this Sadhana or spiritual practices. Never did I cunningly try to lure my Guru into sweet talk and slyly walk away with his riches. Instead such patience was imbibed akin to a drop of water of a river merging its individual existence into the gigantic form of the mighty ocean. Never should we assiduously carry out such Sadhana or spiritual practices merely for some fleeting material gain. Instead again and again we must cogitate within that this wealth of human life must be totally put into the humble service of Almighty God and thus attain self fulfilling glory. These words of deep faith emerging with sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana magnetically pulled towards him unasked his Revered Gurudeva (HH Sarveshwaranandji in his astral divine bodies dwelling in the lofty Himalaya Mountains). Although from the age standpoint our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya at that time was only 15 years old but the mental soil had been readied for a long time span with a powerful steadfast resolve. By imbibing Sankalpa Shakti (powerful mental resolve), patience and profound faith the mental plane is molded in such a way that divinity of spirituality can be imbibed with ease and in untold measure. It is this Paatrata or proper inner personality credentials that connoted true discipleship. A long time frame is required to build such a great Paatrata and not in finding a true Sadguru. For the tribal youth Eklavya an image of clay of Guru Dronacharya proved much more beneficial for him than the Guru in flesh and blood. Since Kabir was of a low caste

Guru Ramanandaji refused to give him spiritual initiation-Deeksha. Hence Kabir designed a ‘ploy’. He knew that Guru Ramanandaji daily went to the Kashi Ghat for bathing early in the morning in its river waters. Hence Kabir reached there well beforehand when it was dark and slept flat on the steps that led to the river water. When Guru Ramanandaji climbed the steps downwards to reach the river his feet fell on the chest of Kabir. In this manner Kabir’s Paatrata got tested well. Hence Guru Ramanandaji joyfully accepted Kabir as his disciple. Without passing the fiery test of true Paatrata it is not possible to find and recognize a true Sadguru. Even if you do contact one because of lack of inner credentials you return perforce empty handed. It is but natural that a true Guru who has amassed untold divine energy after long term tough Tapas or spiritual austerities and Sadhana or spiritual practices shall not give it to anyone and everyone in order that they waste it in sense titillation, egoistic desires, misuse etc. The one who transmits divine energy into others definitely has proper sense to check whether the taker has a good glorious Paatrata within or not. Further the disciple is tested as to after being given divine powers will he use it for great tasks benefitting others in society or not? Those who pass this test shall never misuse divine powers or waste it away to naught wherein not only he faces a downfall but drags others too with him. These tests are very strange, extraordinary and extremely difficult to pass. Ospenski has written regarding his Guru named Gurjeff that whenever any new disciple came to him Gurjeff would behave very tough and harshly with him. Lest this new entrant endured his tough bitter behavior calmly and joyfully he would be instructed regarding carrying high stature secret Sadhana or spiritual practices. Once a very senior disciple asked his Guru Gurjeff: Your real personality is so loving towards all yet you many a times behave so harshly with many. His Guru Gurjeff replied: I am not harsh at all because amongst stones I am searching for real priceless diamonds. After find a rough diamond I rub it and throw away useless stones. Once, Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans placed before his disciple Swami Vivekananda an idea regarding transmitting Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers into the latter. At that time it must be noted that Swami Vivekananda’s family was passing many days in poverty and hunger pangs. But despite such harsh situations in his life Swami Vivekananda firmly said:

I yearn for the divine love of Almighty God and not fleeting Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers. Once, Vijaykrishna Goswami told a person yearning to become his disciple thus: For 12 years you must circumambulate the Govardhan Mountain and only after that in the 13th year you can approach me. When another person asked Vijaykrishna Goswami the reason for such a command given by him the latter said: If a person lacks patience to wait for spiritual initiation even for 12 years, he lacks the capacity of becoming my true disciple. In the life of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya so many such incidences occurred wherein he had to face the toughest and harshest situations in life. While talking about these fiery tests he has written at one place: People look upon a great Guru and Almighty God as a means of fulfilling their desires. They wish that God and Guru, dances to their whimsical tunes. But in a true life of Sadhana or spiritual practices and Tapas or spiritual austerities such hypocrisy has no place at all. In fact true spirituality commences only after the disciple surrenders all his desires at the sacrosanct feet of a great God Realized Guru. My own Revered Gurudeva (HH Sarveshwaranandji in his astral divine bodies dwelling in the lofty Himalaya Mountains) like a laundry man washed me clean akin to banging a thick stick with force on dirty clothes for removing all dirt sticking to it. Like iron smith banging a hammer on hot iron to mold it into proper shape my Revered Gurudeva ‘hit’ my mind to mold it into a pious, powerful and focused one. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s entire life was filled with facing such fiery tests yet from his very being only one sound got emitted: My Guru is my Guru. His divine commands are a must to be executed. Discipline must be adhered to totally. Self surrender must be total and complete. If I have truly trusted my Gurudeva, if I have handed over my all to him why harbor arguments and doubts when he ‘beats’ me (mind), ‘bang’ me (mind) etc?

At another place Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya says: I have sold my all to my Revered Guru that includes my body, mind, brain, wealth, existence, ego etc. He has ‘bought’ not only my body but my inner psyche and soul too. I have no personal desire of my own. All onrushes of my sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana have been handed over in the control of that unknown divine power. Surrendering one’s very being and existence as detailed above appears quite fearful. If ‘I’ do not exist ‘my and mine’ also do not exist. Then what should one live life for? If you wish to know the personal experience of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya regarding this ‘business’ of seeming loss and nothing but loss at the gross mundane level this is what he has to say: This business instead of reaping losses reaps untold profits. When we ‘sell’ our mind and body to that divine personality (Revered Guru), in return the Guru hands himself over to us. When we surrender our lowliness at the Guru’s hallowed feet in return he hands over to us his infinite greatness. A small piece of bamboo on rendering itself fully hollow in the form of a flute touched the divine lips of his beloved Almighty God. Hence from this flute (true disciple), manifests nectarine soulful divine musc. At that time the very existence of the disciple’s desires dies a supine death. Thus when the Guru’s wish becomes our wish becomes super blissful akin to Brahmanand (divine ecstasy) manifesting when the living soul merges into the cosmic divine soul synonymous with Almighty God. This then is true Advaita state or non duality. With a true honest mind without expecting anything in return at all we surrender ourselves profoundly at the feet of a great Guru, the Guru too never harbors ‘miserliness’ as far his generosity and greatness in divinely blessing us is concerned. Whatever we possess in a visible direct manner, in comparison to it a million fold more lies hidden in an unseen unknown manner. All this is not our own creation. From its pristine purity standpoint it is the divine boon of that Divine Guru Existence of mine with whom my soul has got ‘married’ eternally. As a result of handing myself over to him I have attained all divine grandeur with natural ease. In this manner this self surrender not only is devoid of any loss but that it has proved to be a deal reaping only profit and more profit ceaselessly. It was this self surrender on my part that became those fiery tests wherein after each test I emerged purer and a true inwardly sanctified disciple. If self surrender can be termed synonymous with true discipleship it certainly is no overstatement at all.

Over and above the demand of complete self surrender passing fiery tough tests one after another at first shot appear as though none can be more nasty and hard hearted as a God Realized Guru. But the bare reality is bang opposite to this. In the entire infinite cosmos one can never find a great lover as a God Realized Guru. Why is total self surrender mandatory? The answer is that when a disciple does so he hands over his very soul existence to the ‘surgeon’ called Guru so that he carries out surgery on our inner mind, psyche and soul properly. Further fiery tests and difficulties faced at such times are nothing but ‘harshness’ on the part of the Guru to destroy vile Sanskaras or psychic imprints gathered from innumerable past lifetimes by the disciple. The relationship between a Guru and disciple is that of loving magnetic attraction. Love is the highest ideal of any relationship. In worldly mundane types of relationships only 2 are closest viz. that between the mother and her child and that between a husband and his wife. But the sentiments of such mundane bonds get limited only to the body and mind. As against this the loving bond between a Guru and disciple dwells at the soul level and hence is a cosmic one beyond all forms of limitations. It keeps flowering, blooming and spreading its wings wider and wider. While accepting this fact our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya says: My Divine Guide (Gurudeva) loves me a lot. Then how much does Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya love his own Guru? Let us hear his experiences: Lest my love based Sadhana or spiritual practices towards my Revered Guru is compared to worldly mundane relationships, it can only be compared to a wife that loves her husband unswervingly. If my Guru is pleased I am pleased. His wish becomes my wish and a command of his to carry out to the last letter. Never have I wished or desired even in wild imagination for my own self. I would only think thus that whatever I possess, whatever wealth, skills etc I have must be surrendered to my beloved Gurudeva as worship of his hallowed feet. I yearn to use every iota of my body, mind and soul for executing his wishes. Whenever many such opportunities manifested the measure of my satisfaction and zest increased in tandem with it. As time went by my Sadhana or spiritual practices of love superimposed on my Revered Guru returned to me as miraculous boons and divine blessings from him. Every divine command of my Revered Guru and every directive of his were executed by me reverentially since I looked upon it as a divine utterance of Almighty God himself. The principle of true love is: I must ask for nothing and give away everything that I have. Both observed this imperishable principle limitlessly. What was done at the other end? This discussion is

totally beyond my power. From my end I can only say that every directive and divine command of my Revered Guru was reverentially carried out by me since I looked upon him even greater than Almighty God himself. Even if an incident appeared that seemed undesirable and tough to face yet I would cent percent accept it without hesitation or dilly dallying. This then is the way of true selfless love. From my end I tried my all to leave no stone unturned in rendering myself a true lover of my Revered Guru. As a result his nectarine grace poured on me ceaselessly and in manifold measure. The Sadhana or spiritual practices of augmenting true love commenced from devotion at the sacrosanct feet of my Revered Guru and reached ultimately to devotion to Almighty God. In such incidences I oozed with such bliss and zest that in comparison to it the biggest worldly material joy pales miserably. My increasing love based Sadhana or spiritual practices to my Revered Guru advanced as self love and love for the entire cosmos. Those who witnessed all this saw the reflection of my inner personality in the form of a divine life led by me. Let us all test ourselves a wee bit as to whether in the light of the love of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya towards his great Himalayan Revered Guru how mature is our discipleship? We must keep in mind that when man loves someone truly he shall execute the biggest self sacrifice for that person’s uplifting and joy in life. Lest the holy light of love of our Guru is lit in our psyche we shall aspire to selflessly give away a major portion of our body, mind, psyche and material means for welfare of society and selffless service for reinstating true culture the world over. In fact such a one shall give his all even though faced with toughest obstacles in his way. When for such a beloved icon and for high stature ideals we surrender our all our psyche overflows with divine ecstatic bliss known only to people who have imbibed the deep import of Yoga of Devotion to Almighty God (Bhakti Yoga).


Those who came in contact with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya not only attained his love, goodwill, guidance, divine blessings and help but that they got ceaselessly inspired by him to work for for soul sanctification and selfless service for world well being. In the following lines we shall write only about the divine blessings and boons showered by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya on one and all.

NOT ONLY DIVINE GUIDANCE BUT SHOWERING A PORTION OF HIS DIVINE POWERS ON ME: My interest for carrying out Sadhana or spiritual practices commenced at a young age of 20 years. Today I am 55 years old. In these 35 years I read hundreds of spiritual books and asked for guidance from many spiritual seekers. The more I solicited advice from people the more I got confused because I got advice that was quite opposing. I executed many types of Sadhana or spiritual practices but my mind could never get focused on them and no success was reaped. I started getting that feeling that spirituality is maybe some kind of a net of mental delusion. Three years previously I came in contact with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. It can be called my ill fate and good fate too. My ill fate because lest in the beginning itself I had contacted such a great Sidha or God Realized Saint as him I would not have wasted 35 years of my precious human life. It is my good fate also that even though late in life, at least I was guided towards the correct path. In these 3 years all that has been accrued by me is very satisfying. I have truly understood what exactly are the 3 bodies, 5 Koshas, 6 Yogic Chakras, 3 Granthis or psychic complexes, Super Power Kundalini and Brahmarandhra? In these 3 years I have attained so much that in comparison to my external life the wealth within my soul is thousand fold more valuable. The effect of the inner personality grandeur clearly gets reflected in the external material grandeur that comes in my life.

On attaining true soul power material progress manifests unasked. This fact is been witnessed by me in these 3 years each moment as they pass by. If the correct path is found reaching the destination or goal is not impossible at all. The success mentioned above goes to the credit of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya due to his divine grace. In order to march forward on this path, mere guidance and advice is not sufficient but that such powerful help is required from a Revered Guru who never hesitates in subtly handing over a portion of his hard earned untold divine powers to a true disciple. This then is the secret of success on the path of spirituality. It does not matter that fate decreed I get help from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya quite late in life because finally I have reaped great benefits and am thus experiencing total self fulfillment. …………..Vidyanand Giri (Nandprayag-India)

MY EYES EXPERIENCED SELF FULFILLMENT ON ALL THAT THEY SAW: I had gone to visit Gayatri Tapobhumi (Mathura-India) and there on learning a few things I returned home. What I saw there was something unforgettable. It had entered every pore of my being. I saw Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya as a true human being. He was so great that he oozed ceaselessly with qualities of an ideal householder, philosopher, writer, orator, teacher, reformer, patriot, high stature pious character, selfless, full of self sacrifice and renunciation, a true Rishi and a heart so pure and innocent like a child. I have seen many things in this world but nowhere have I seen things in such an all inclusive glorious manner. I tell myself that after visiting such a great glorious personality as Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya I should no longer call myself a Professor. …………..Prof. Dahyabhai Patel (Khetibadi-Anand-India)






On 20th June 1953 a festival of establishing the Gayatri Tapobhumi (Mathura-India) was scheduled. For 24 days Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya fasted by drinking only River Ganga water for sanctification of this establishing program. Hence his weight decreased from 117 pounds to 93 pounds only. Overall he had lost 24 pounds of bodily weight. In those days he would be found mostly seated on the wooden seat at Gayatri Tapobhumi (Mathura-India). If he had to convey something he would talk very softly to someone nearby or many times convey via silent gestures only. It was my great fortune that I got a chance to stay by his side and carry out required tasks for Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. I saw him and came to know him from close proximity. What can one say about his spiritual weight age and glory? But more than this I witnessed his bodily specialties. His body oozed with rose like sweet fragrance. The moment you touched his body, you got some kind of an electric shock. And a sort of thrilling hair rising experience was perceived, because of this. If he saw anyone with open eyes that person would get dumbstruck. In order to hide these specialties of his he had made proper arrangements. I fiery hot conditions he draped a thick woolen shawl around his body and wore dark sun glasses to cover his divinely brilliant eyes. He did not allow anyone to touch his feet as an act of reverence. Before this too I had met him many times but never did I see him draped with a thick woolen shawl around his body, wearing dark sun glasses and disallowing devotees to touch his feet as an act of reverence. On asking this question his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) said: Whenever Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya executes tough terrific Tapas or spiritual austerities divine elements manifest from him in n fold more measure and hence such extraordinary signs emerge from his radiant personality. These days his body is in such an advanced divinely energized state. He just does not want anyone to know about all this and hence please do not tell anyone about all this. After so many years this is the first time I am sharing with respected readers such mind boggling information regarding Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. …………..Radhakant Parashar (Ramnagar-India)


This incident took place in the year 1953 AD. Suddenly such a disease afflicted my daughter’s eyes that for a certain time span she became totally blind. In order to find a cure we went to near and far off places too for getting her treated by specialist doctors. I had also visited a world renowned eye surgeon who was in Kolkata City for sometime. I used as much cash as was in my capacity and time for all this. Now only a hopeless situation starred ferociously at me. Day and night I cried aloud to Almighty God: What shall happen to my blind daughter? My friend Mr. Manibhai Patel often visited me. He knew a lot about Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and would talk to me about his greatness. I decided to send my wailing call to him. I took a loan of Rupees 100 and after making arrangements for my rent I set off for Mathura City. Although I related to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya regarding my problem I did not trust much that such an ordinary householder could possess Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers. I returned home after taking his blessings and from that day my daughter’s lost vision started returning more and more as days lapsed by. A day came when she regained eyesight cent percent. Not only this but she started studying and today after getting her MA degree she has taken up a teacher’s job. …………..Thakurdatta Kaplis (Indranagar-Jamshedpur--India)

MY 2 DAUGHTERS BECAME DOCTORS: For the very first time I had seen Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya at Bina town in India. At first sight it seemed as though he had come there only for me. At one end he was full of simplicity, straightforwardness, soul oneness and innocence of a child and at the other end he was at the peak of divine wisdom, possessing a vault of infinite power of Sadhana or spiritual practices, activities full of revolutionary type etc. Both these facets of his were like the hallowed confluence of Rivers Ganga and Yamuna. I bowed down to him with sheer faith and devotion. He guided me on the path of Gayatri Sadhana or spiritual practices. I was astounded to note the nature-form of 1000 pyre Gayatri Yajna, its aim and the marvelous fruits attained thereof. Only an extraordinary divine power can execute such a great process. Doubtlessly we can call Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya extraordinary. What did I accrue from his contact? Its material and spiritual description is so detailed

that I cannot do total justice to it at all. In one word I can only say that if whatever I attained from him is kept well secure by me everything in life shall reap only success. All my family members followed in my footsteps. My wife was sad because we did not have a son. Later this wish got fulfilled. In Bina town there is a higher secondary school. My daughters wished to study for higher classes but for a railway job holder as me to send them somewhere outside was not possible because my income was less. But we accrued all benefits by harboring faith and devotion at the feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. My daughters Urmila and Shashi passed in first grade. They got admission for MBBS medical degree course with scholarship. Everyone is amazed at this development. …………..Gaurishankar Shrivastav (Bina-India)

I GOT LIBERATED FROM A DISEASE AFTER ENDURING IT FOR 20 LONG YEARS: My wife Taradevi was afflicted with a strange disease wherein whatever she ate was vomited by her. She could not digest even one morsel of food. It was amazing as to how she remained alive. I took her with me to meet Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He heard all that we said and then told my wife: Do drink this tea. My wife replied: I shall immediately vomit it. I feel bad to spread dirt in your midst and hence how can I drink it? Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya smilingly said: Drink it. You shall not vomit it out. My wife drank this tea and she did not vomit. Along with this the 20 year old ailment of hers got destroyed that very day. We can never forget this divine grace of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. …………..Chandulal Trivedi (Ahmedabad-India)

DIRECT GUIDANCE-DIRECT LIGHT OF WISDOM: Although for a long time span Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has been guiding me but on that particular day he directly showed me the way. This is a forest area. I was traveling from my village and midway I lost my way. It was a rainy dark gloomy night. I was fearful of snake bites, wild beast attacks and falling into ravines and huge craters, on the way. I just did not know in which direction my feet were walking in. the path was eerie and lonely, no human to be seen there and no light to illumine my path. In this state I was very scared. In the mean time I saw a man with a torch in his hand walking a bit ahead of me. I kept walking behind him. I was so scared that I failed to ask his identity. Till I reached my house this guide was by my side but later both the light he possessed and him, disappeared to naught. Apart from it being Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s subtle divine body, how else can I describe it? …………..Vishwanath Prasad (Sarguja-India)

I GLIMPSED ALMIGHTY GOD IN A HUMAN BODY: Day in and day out religious and political leaders across India arrived to meet Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya at Gayatri Tapobhumi-Mathura-India. He was contacted by majority of highly intellectual class of India. In those days Mr. Vishwanath Das was UP-India’s Governor. He arrived at Gayatri Tapobhumi-Mathura-India. In the presence of deluded residents of Mathura City he said: I had come here to have Darshan or hallowed vision of Almighty God but I failed to do so. But in the form of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya I have actually witnessed none other than Almighty God. While discussing about service to the country he said: Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has all alone carried out those tasks which we all have collectively executed.

This utterance of the Governor full of pious emotions and deep import was published in leading newspapers. People were dumbfounded that a person whom they felt was ordinary because of his simple way of living was actually such a high stature divine personality in the penetrative eyes of truly understanding and wise people? …………..Balram Singh Parihar

REVERED GURUDEVA YUGA RISHI SHRIRAM SHARMA ACHARYA AS A ‘SECURITY GUARD’: I had gone to Mathura City for the 1000 pyre Gayatri Yajna held there. No doubt I have seen conferences etc of much bigger size but here at Mathura everything was mind boggling. It seemed that all activities etc were going on not based on mundane outlook but as though some other subtle world was behind it. I returned home with an astounded mind. After I unlocked my house I saw all my household materials were thrown outside the store room. When I checked them I found that all materials were intact. Very valuable materials too were there but not one of it was looted away. I was quite wonderstruck that if someone has removed it thus why was it not robbed by that person? Very soon we found the robber. He himself told everyone that he had planned to lug away all these materials from my house. After he collected all the materials on the threshold area a deity appeared and said: Ramchandra is attending my Yajna and behind his back you are looting him! I am here to protect his house. Go away from here quickly else I shall teach you a painful lesson. This robber hastily ran away from there. Later he started attending our religious programs and became a devotee of Goddess Mother Gayatri. …………..Ramchandra Gupta (Seeswali Kota-India)

I GOT SAVED DURING A TERRIBLY FEARFUL ACCIDENT: Mr. Hemchandra, Mrs. Vimla and little Pinky were traveling by bus from Mathura to New Delhi. Near a place called Palwal this bus banged into a

truck resulting in a terrible accident. This banging into each other was so gory that it cannot be penned here. The drivers of both vehicles and many others died on the spot. Other surviving bus travelers were wounded very badly. The bus got powdered to dust but the above 3 travelers escaped death and any major injury. They felt that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was ‘carrying’ them in his lap in order to protect them. Our family has experienced many such impossible things that were rendered possible. …………..Shivshankar Gupta (New Delhi-India)

DESPITE BEING AFFLICTED BY DEADLY CANCER MY LIFE WAS SAVED: When I underwent medical examination it was diagnosed as uterus cancer. For one month I was bleeding heavily but we were not aware that it was cancer. Cancer means imminent death. My 2 children would get orphaned. I had a job in a hospital with a salary of Rupees 130. Hence getting high class medical therapy was beyond my financial capacity. Although I was physically alive yet death stared at me from all sides. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was traveling to Agra City. I had gone there to have his Darshan or hallowed vision but my mind was very listless. Forcefully I entered his car and was by his side till we reached Agra City. I spoke to him about my cancer problem and at that time too I was bleeding very heavily. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said only this much: I shall not allow you to die. Go ahead and undergo medical treatment. I got admitted to a hospital in Indore City. In my ward there were all cancer patients. One after another all of us were experiencing agonizing pain of cancer. I was the only one who escaped death and returned home after getting cured of cancer aptly. My doctors continued treating me and each moment I would meditate on the divine form of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. I would silently tell him:

Revered Father! Please save my life this time. Truly he did save my life and hence as long as I live I shall understand that it is but the result of his divine compassion and blessings. …………..Sharadadevi Dubey (Badnagar-India)

DUE TO DIVINE GRACE I SIRED A SON: Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya arrived at a place called Nagda and like he did with other mission members he visited my home too. On seeing only 2 of us in the house he asked: Do you not have any children? We had one child but he died. Since me and my wife had crossed middle age virtually we had lost hope of begetting children. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is known to joke many a times. Laughingly he said: Fine! Next year this dead child of yours shall be reborn in your home. Even if it is not in your destiny I shall silently creep into Almighty God’s abode and ‘rob’ a child for you from there. The following year we became proud parents of a child that was exactly like the one that had passed away previously. We just do not know the mystery behind this as to whether Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya ‘robbed’ the child, requested God to give us one or that he gave it to us with his divine blessings. It is only he who knows the truth. …………..Nagulal Sharma (Nagda-India)


By holding on to a huge tree a creeper can reach such great heights as seen by all and sundry. I have seen that with the help of super great men and saints an ordinary stature human being can march forward in life so well. In those days I was so submerged in bodily, mental and financial problems that many a times I wished to commit suicide out of sheer desperation. After my one and only well wisher, my uncle, passed away we faced so many family fights for his huge wealth inheritance. I and my wife remained sick off and on. I could not bear the financial burden of education. There were many more such reasons why I could not render by psyche cool and balanced. I could not give attendance in court cases. Due to meager income I could not buy books. I had yet to pay 2 months of a hotel bill. Only 20 days were left for my exams, and it was required that I must at least study 20-25 books in order that I pass my exams with decent grades. But the above dire situations rendered me confused and listless. In those days as was divine destined I came in contact with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. I wrote to him about my agonizing hardships. He replied with love and encouragement. He wrote: Do not lose valor. I shall definitely help you. Now my eyes were lit with the light of hope. The more I came to know about Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya the more my faith in the promise he had given me strengthened. By chance suddenly I received a Money Order of Rupees 180 from a beloved well wisher. I bought the required books, paid my hotel bills and along side I commenced Super Mantra Gayatri chanting as per the correct procedure given to me. Preparations of merely 2 weeks proved miraculous. I passed my exams with 1st grade and 80% marks. Along with my law practice my sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana for doing selfless service to society also manifested a great deal. People incited me to fight for the chief’s post in municipal elections. I was a new entrant in the field of law and I was pitted against wealthy influential competitors. How could I then succeed? I left the decision at the feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. I wrote about current situations. When he commanded and promised that I should stand for these elections and that I would win it I filed my papers. My success in this election was looked upon as mind boggling by one and all. For 11 years I won these municipal elections as the chief of the municipal corporation.

My jealous opponents got me involved in a complex court case. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya directed me to resign from my post. Both parties were strong. There was no need to resign but suddenly the opposing party demanded resignation. I accepted this and hence on its own Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine command got executed by me. After this I faced many more dire situations like a very complex surgery for my wife’s ailment, my own brain and heart based problems, my son facing obstacles for his exams etc. But I faced them successfully simply because of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine blessings on us. At the commencement of my law practice I could barely eke out Rupees 25 per month but later my income increased so phenomenally that I bought 4 bungalows, cars, many acres of agricultural land and much more. I always feel that all this is not the result of my hard labor but is totally due to the divine grace of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. After he shed his mortal coil this world appears lonely and that I do not possess anything that I can say is my own beloved soul. …………..Vishnudatt Gupt (Sarguja-India)

I GOT LIBERATED FROM HARDSHIPS AND THEN BECAME A MAGISTRATE: So many people would come to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya for attaining true wisdom and Self Realization. But I took his help when I was facing hardships in life. He like a loving father held me in his lap. I was a studying for my IAS exams. I underwent such a mental shock that I became mentally unbalanced. I just wrote one exam paper and left. My hopes were disappearing fast. My psyche was filled with discontent, restlessness, despair and a strong urge to commit suicide. My health deteriorated badly and my body was like a bony skeleton. An astrologer after reading my fate lines on my palm said that your life is short and that in middle age itself I could die. I saw nothing but death all around me. Mr. Ramanand Prasad Singh introduced me to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and wrote a letter to him. He replied giving me lots of solace and promised that I would become alright quite soon. The moment I received Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma

Acharya’s letter my health started improving and when I was fully fit I started working. I continued exchanging letters with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and side by side continued with my studies. I graduated with BA Hons and BT. I got a job of a private school master initially with a monthly salary of Rupees 60. But today only because of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine blessings that I am a magistrate with a monthly salary of Rupees 650. I cannot forget that day in the year 1954 AD when I was doing worship early in the morning. Suddenly I got a strange, astounding and extraordinary spiritual experience. Every pore of my body and soul got filled with divine light. It seemed as though Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in the form of divine aura has entered every iota of my body. I cried in a sobbing manner. For hours together my eyes emitted tears out of an onrush of divine zest. I believe this was Shaktipaat (spiritual initiation wherein a Guru subtly transmits divine energy into a true capable disciple) that gave a new direction to my life. Since then my deep faith in Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has strengthened from moment to moment. …………..Devavrat Prasad Shrivastav (Muzafarpur-India)

MY EXTRAORDINARY SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES: I not only came in contact with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya but rendered our inner bond deep. I looked upon him as my Divine Guide or Gurudeva. When I went to Mathura City he placed his hand on my head which resulted in the awakening of my Yogic Ajna Chakra. I experienced such a divine light within that on closing my eyes I continued gazing at it uninterrupted. I would get immersed in such ecstatic bliss that it is impossible to describe via mere words. This state lasted for a fairly long time and Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine touch thrilled every pore of my being. Whether in dream or semi awakened state, I would get his Darshan or hallowed vision most of the times. If it became late while I slept long he would catch hold of my hand and make mit sit up. One day I was sad because of financial problems but I got a subtle promise from him that arrangements for cash shall be made. Hence in comparison to

previous times today my salary is 4 fold more and that dangerous time has been warded off. Suddenly without informing I reached Mathura City at night 10.30 pm. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was known to go to sleep at 8 pm but on reaching Ghiyamandi I saw him standing at the doorway at 10.30 pm. He said: We have not slept till now because we were waiting for your arrival. Come and have your dinner which is served in a plate. Eat your meal and then sleep on the bed made ready for you. I silently entered the house. I ate dinner and went to sleep. Even today it’s a mystery that without me informing anyone how did Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya know about my arrival time there and that he made arrangements for my dinner and sleeping beforehand itself. …………..Kanhaiyalal Mishra (Jodhpur-India)

A CHAIN OF DIVINE EXPERIENCES: For the past 30 years our family has been in contact with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Due to divine inspiration every family member of ours oozes with true Brahmin qualities. Forgetting daring to tread the path of taint and vileness none of them even thinks about it. In this modern era we rarely find such pious families. This is the biggest experience of his divine blessings. Apart from the above we no doubt have benefitted in big small ways due to his grace. We were running here and there to find a good groom and great character family for my smaller daughter Krishna. But we were so surprised that a very well placed gentleman accepted our daughter as his son’s bride and there was no question of handing over a big fat dowry to the groom. Eleven years back Krishna’s elder son became so sick that all hopes of him remaining alive were gone. His eye balls had arisen high for 1 whole month, his body experienced convulsions, unconsciousness and many other medical afflictions. At that time we seeked Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s help and this boy got saved, from the jaws of death. Despite my daughter being married for 15 years she was childless and hence she placed her wish at the holy feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi

Shriram Sharma Acharya. After we received his blessings within 1 year she gave birth to a baby boy. When the smallest child was placed in the lap of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya he said: We shall make him a doctor and send him in military for serving our country. It was amazing that he passed his MBBS degree and is doing important service in a military hospital. We look upon Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya as a Kalpavriksha or heavenly wish fulfilling tree growing in our house and whenever we so require we get great fruits from it. …………..Kanhaiyalal Mishra Vaidya (Indore-India)

A DIVINE POWER FOR FORSEEING FUTURE EVENTS: My wife, my children and I went for a camp in 1970 AD. Apart from discourses, training etc personal talks too were held. I spoke about the local lawyer and chief of the organization Mr. Umakant Jha. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in a restless tone said: Today his time is ending. At that time I did not understand his utterance. This is because before coming here Jha was quite alright. But when I returned home I was told that the day and date Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya spoke the above words Mr. Jha had passed away. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had such a mind boggling power to see into the invisible future. …………..Ramkrishna Singh (Betiya-India)

HARDSHIPS OF THE SIZE OF A HUGE MOUNTAIN BECAME TINY LIKE A MUSTARD SEED: Since I was surrounded by so many problems accompanied by my wife I set off for the June 1964 AD camp and surrender my all at Revered Gurudeva

Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s sacrosanct feet. He rendered my tough mountain like problems akin to tiny mustard seeds. My high BP problem and hypertension got cured. My wife was suffering from an incurable heart ailment and doctors had given up all hope of her surviving. But even she got cured fully. My younger son became a doctor. My daughter got married into a very good family. My Rupees 7000 that was locked because of govt. based problems too came into my hands. A court case filed against me regarding my house went in my favor. In this manner I benefitted so much. Very much like me many others have benefitted due to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine blessings. Along with this spiritual based benefits have also been accrued in ample measure. …………..Indraraj Vyas (Nagor-India)

I WAS LAGGING BEHIND PREVIOUSLY BUT TODAY I HAVE REACHED GREAT HEIGHTS: My father was a priest of a small temple in Jasidiha-Bihar-India. Hence our income was quite meager. Later when he died I was yet quite small. Somehow I stayed in that temple, worked there and eked out a small income. In the meantime I read Super Power Gayatri literature and got bonded with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. My desire for studies manifested and it got fulfilled. I studied privately and graduated with a BA degree. I got a job with Birla Company with a salary of Rupees 150 per month. I advanced in my job and got married too. I got into a dispute with Birla Company and hence I took sub leasing from a lease holder of an aluminum mine. I became a mines holder. Today I have 60 people working for me. Today my overall state and honor accrued can be called miraculous only. At every step it was only the divine grace of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that helped me rise high up in life from a very lower strata state. It was he that showed the way after searching the right one for me. I have hundreds of examples like a new order for 500 ton aluminum ore, a Rupees 8000 railway fine that later revoked etc and thus I marched ahead on the path of true progress in life.

I belong to my beloved Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. I am walking on that path shown by him. As long as I remain alive I shall live life only as divinely commanded by him. …………..Bhagwatiprasad Mishra (Nagor-India)

A LETTER AND REPLY TO IT WERE WRITTEN AT ONE AND THE SAME TIME: In the year 1963 AD my wife was afflicted with delirium fever. Her bodily temperature would not diminish from 107. Her health condition was fast deteriorating. Her doctors were becoming helpless in curing her. I had 4 small children and hence if anything dire happened to my wife what would happen to my children? My inner agitation and restlessness crossed all limits and hence I wrote a letter to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. On the 3 rd day I got a letter of reply which not only gave me joy but rendered me mind boggled too. I had written the letter on 18th March. The letter of reply by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya also was dated 18 th March. It takes 3 days for a postal letter to reach the recipient. In fact even a telegram does not reach on that day. I had posted my letter in the morning. The letter from Mathura too had 10 am written on it by postal authorities there. It means that on the day and time I wrote the letter on that very day and time the reply letter too was posted. Is it not dumbfounding? My wife regained good health and after 6 months both of us visited Mathura City. When I humbly asked Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya about the timing of both letters he merely smiled. He said that on noting your dire problem the letter was sent to you swiftly. …………..Umasharan Nichal (Shillong-India)

TWO MORE REASONS FOR HELPING PEOPLE: One day I humbly asked Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya about the utility value of him using his power of Tapas or spiritual austerities executed for many long years to help solve people’s material problems. He replied:

There are 2 reasons for this. There is nothing wrong if a more capable person helps another who is weak. The 2 nd reason is that today only the Divine Wisdom or Jnana aspect of Spiritual Science is alive. Only religious teachings are in the forefront. The Vijnana or application aspect of spirituality has virtually become extinct. With the help of spirituality not only soul progress is achieved but that material prosperity too can be attained. But in today’s times we find no proof of this fact. In order that this fact is visible for all to see public interest shall head towards spiritual principles and with profound interest they can march ahead on the path of soul glory and advancement. Hence one major reason is that while helping people thus their faith in spirituality shall strengthen more and more. …………..Giriraj Kishor Parashar (Mirjapur-India)

MY DIRE DIFFICULTIES WERE OVERCOME THUS: Many years back my stomach ailment became so bad that I could not even digest bread dipped in milk also. My stomach had hardened akin to a rock and doctors, Vaidyas etc told me that it was a deadly stomach illness that I was afflicted with. I had lost all hope of remaining alive. At that time I prayed for Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine help and without taking any medicine I got cured. In the year 1951 AD such shooting pains were underone by me that I would press my head in my stomach area. In fact it was not possible for me to stand up at all. It was only Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine blessings that I got saved. My 4th son Padam Singh became sick and was admitted to a TB Hospital. For 3 days ceaselessly he vomited blood. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya saved his life too. In 3 months my son got discharged from hospital whereas generally such patients have to remain in hospital for at least 1 year. My nephew got involved in a murder court case and my innocent brother was also made to get entangled in it. They were not getting bail because the other party was of police officials. They had a lot of power and clout with them. When we told Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya about all this due to his divine grace this case was closed. All the so called accused was released from jail. In the year 1965 AD Pakistani planes showered a big rain of bombs on Jodhpur City. We all were very scared. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi

Shriram Sharma Acharya wrote a letter to us all wherein he commanded us to inform every member of the Yug Nirman Family (organization) to stop worrying. Pakistan troops can bomb your city as much as they want but none of our members shall get hurt at all. About 200 bombs were showered in our city but not one mission member got wounded even a wee bit. No financial loss too had to be endured. In the year 1953 AD I went to Mathura City to sttend the 1008 pyre Gayatri Yajna held there. About 6000 people had come from as far away as Assam and Madras. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was so busy that he would only take a look at visitors arriving because he had no time to talk to anyone asking them about their well being. I asked so many people: You all have arrived here from such long distances after using up so much hard earned money of yours. Over here you are not even able to talk to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and hence what is the benefit of arriving here? So many of them gave only 1 answer: We have already benefitted a lot even before coming here. Now our only wish was to have his Darshan or hallowed vision. It is to fulfill this lack that we have traveled this far even though it meant incurring a lot of expenses. …………..Mansingh Tonk (Jodhpur-India)

THE EXTRAORDINARY EXPERIENCE OF A DIVINE TOUCH: I was residing in a jungle area very far away from Mathura City and was harboring a dream for a long time that at least once I must have Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. But I had not got such a good opportunity to do so thus far. My body was ailing with illness. My financial status was very weak and many other such obstacles were on the way. But one day I became very restless in a strange manner and just like that my wife, children and I set off to Mathura. On reaching Mathura the illness that had harassed me for such a long time disappeared on its own. I attended the spiritual camp being held there. I did Sadhana or spiritual practices for 9 days. I had arrived here with many doubts and problems in my mind that were written by me on a piece of paper. In daily discourses all my questions were answered unasked verbally.

After the camp got over all my doubts got solved satisfactorily. It appeared as though these discourses were arranged to solve my problems and doubts. Many a times I saw that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s gross body disappeared and in its place some radiantly illumined divine icon was sitting on the dais. It could be that this was an onrush of my sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana but know for sure that I experienced this not just once but many a times. I was bidding adieu to the camp and hence bowed down to touch the holy feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He placed his hand on my head and the moment he did this right from my toe to my head I got a jolt like an electric current is known to give. I started shivering and this jolt rendered such a transformation in me that it gave me extraordinary strength. Even after such a long time has lapsed by I am experiencing it each moment in life. …………..Jagdishprasad Mishra (Nagpur-India)

I ATTAINED A HIGH STATUS OF HONOR: After my father passed away the sky of hardships fell on me. Despite wishing to study circumstances compelled me to give up the idea. I got a teacher’s job with a monthly salary of Rupees 59. But I told myself that if my studies stopped how shall I look after my family’s needs? How can my married life succeed with a measely income? This thought was worrying me no end. In the meantime I met Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya as my Spiritual Father. And he ‘dragged’ me from a lower to a high status in life. I completed my BA graduation then completed both MA and LLB and hence I have got a respectable job of an auditor. My first child was a son. He died shortly and hence my wife became heart broken. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya consoled me and due to his grace that very dead son was reborn in her womb in that very form. I have got many such mundane experiences. Say! What not does a father give his child? Till date I have received a lot from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in a continuous manner. I shall definitely not rest till I attain the true goal of life by seeking his divine blessings. …………..Deenanathprasad Sinha (Muzzaffarnagar-India)

I PLAYED WITH BULLETS WHIZZING PAST ME: In the year 1962 AD I took up a job with the armed forces. I passed a lot of time in the civil war like area of Assam State. On and off we had to fight. The enemy would hide and attack us and many times quite a few of us got killed. I resided in this area for many years. Wherever I saw a problem I would march ahead zestfully. Bullets would whizz towards me and fly away from both sides. I would get a faint glimpse beforehand as to where danger exactly was and with due alertness would get saved along with my soldier aides. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine pillar of support always was with me. Even in alien regions while placing a photo of his in front of me I would experience that strength, energy etc in the form of another parent and ‘security’ guard is by my side why should I worry at all? …………..Deepsingh Tomar (Itawa-India)

THE PAIN I FELT ALL NIGHT SUDDENLY DISAPPEARED TO NAUGHT: I was getting pain all over the body that was unbearable. I could neither do daily worship or other daily activities. Due to pain my condition was awful. Medical therapy was also not curing me. I called out to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and then went to sleep. While sleeping I perceived as though someone is caressing my back with cool hands. Suddenly due to shock I got up but no one was near my bed. The hand that was soothing my back disappeared along with the pain that was harassing me previously. I commenced doing all tasks as though I had never been afflicted with such anguishing pain. …………..Gaurishankar Pandeya (Bilaspur-India)

THE VISIBLE IMAGE OF THE DEITY OF SACRED SENSITIVE SENTIMENTS OR BHAVASAMVEDANA: I reached well before the farewell ceremony was to commence. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was busy making arrangements for his daughter’s wedding, that of the ceremony and demarcating tasks to his close aides. During a spiritual discussion he told everybody:

I shall start talking on this topic in detail from the 17 th of this month. In those days I shall be in my Brahmi state (manifestation of divinity). By itself, we used to see him everyday but when on the morning of 17 th he arrived at Gayatri Tapobhumi-Mathura his body was radiant with divine aura. His eyes rained divine illumination and his speech uttered sweet nectar. During ordinary times in other types of Brahmi state of his I would see other types of his appearance and this has been the experience of so many of us. Lord Shri Krishna after leaving Mathura City had gone to settle in Dwarika. The pain of separation of those times was felt today too by all of us devotees and sure it was much more today. The 0.1 million eyes of 50,000 devotees gathered there to bid adieu to our beloved Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya were shedding profuse tears in such a manner as though someone was snatching away their very life force. On that day sun god appeared in the sky in a very strange manner. So many people told me that today in the center of the sun we have witnessed the soul of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya rising up. When he actually left Mathura we all clasped each other tightly and cried inconsolably. It seemed as though without verbally talking we were conveying to each other: Have you hidden Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya somewhere? If you have hidden him please show him to us for having his Darshan or hallowed vision. Many months lapsed by after he left Mathura but it yet seems as though he he joyously moving around in our house, rooms, bed and worship room. It seemed as though even now he was telling us something but alas! We are failing to properly understand it. Lord Rama had told Goddess Sitaji: Till I destroy this dark night you must dwell in fire. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s own Revered Guru of the Himalayas-Swami Sarveshwarandji had divine commanded him to go to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) akin to Goddess Seetaji and dwell there in the fire of intense Tapas or spiritual austerities. This is such a strange repetition of history. …………..Badriprasad Paharia (Banda-India)

SATISFACTORY ATTAINMENTS: I was given a lot of work. I got an agency from USA’s Satinless Steel Company. This work is excellent. It is but the great blessings of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. My wife was very worried because we did not sire a son so far. But later due to his blessings she gave birth to a boy and hence we are very grateful and happy. At every step in my life I have got divine guidance from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. …………..Satyapal Mittal (Ludhiana-India)

MY DREAM ACTUALLY MATERIALIZED: In those days because I was so involved in problems that were complex I was considering committing suicide. In fact one day I had also decided to take up Sanyas (ascetic way of living) after getting initiated by the Bhartruhari Sect. in this restless kind of state I saw a dream that a divinely radiant saint catching hold of my arm is dragging me towards a Goddesses’ Temple. He was telling me to seek shelter at her divine feet so that I would get liberated from the noose of hardships I was enduring. The dream was so extraordinary and hair raising that it would swim in front of my eyes all the while. Who was this saintly man? Who was this Goddess? How should I seek shelter at her feet? A month later I was given a book called Gayatri Mahavijnan (Super Science of Gayatri). In it 2 photos were printed: One was of Goddess Mother Gayatri and the other was of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. I clearly remember that these 2 were seen by me in my dream previously. I was now desperate to visit Mathura City and actually reached Gayatri Tapobhumi. I was wonderstruck that it was the same Goddess and the same divinely radiant saint of my dream. Hence my dream had materialized perfectly to the last letter. I was in sheer ecstasy and joy. I showered praises on my good fortune that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya ‘dragged’ me towards his hallowed feet thus. From that day till now I have totally surrendered my all at his sacrosanct feet. At every step he is helping me so much in so many ways that describing

it would be like writing a huge Purana text. In fact even discussing it in a gist cannot do proper justice. …………..Jagatram Sharma (Janjgir-India)







I have seen and understood Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya as a philosopher, revolutionary, selflessly serving society, man of intense Tapas or spiritual austerities and oozing with a great pious character. It is these 6 chief specialties of his that magnetically pulled me towards him. Hence I met him, got lovingly bonded to him and that too in an inseparable manner. I would come as often as possible and I would carry out self satisfying discussions with him on varied subjects. A huge crowd would generally surround Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya wherein majority of people were those that desired to avail benefits of the power of difficult Tapas or spiritual austerities executed by him for many years together so that their worldly selfish desires get fulfilled and that too for free. It is such people with selfish gains in mind that crowded around Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in hordes and thus wasted a fair bit of his precious time. We must all realize that he is priceless wealth of world public. His divine potential must be used for world well being only. Taking strength from such a radiant saint only for selfish desires is like kidnapping our long term spiritual gains for fulfilling selfish fleeting material ones. This really upsets me. To tell you the truth I harbored a lurking suspicion that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is pandering to their whims and fancies which according to me was a ‘weakness’ of his. One day I mustered enough courage and raised this doubt of mine. He took this question of mine seriously and said: This is my own style of executing world welfare tasks. I allow those facing hardships and also those who wish to get uplifted in life to approach me. I do help them but alongside I sow the seeds of my loving contact in them too so that if not now when this seed starts sprouting they too shall aspire to execute world welfare tasks just as I am doing so till date. Some sheer selfish kind of people, twiddle their thimbs after their desire is fulfilled. But there are majority of those other people who become ready to do world welfare tasks once their faith in Almighty God gets kindled. One half of my task involves

helping people at an individual level and the other half is to inspire them to work for world welfare tasks once their faith in Almighty God gets kindled. When both tasks get completed I feel my service to them also has got fulfilled. By using this procedure I have succeeded in contacting 5 million people, rendering them theists towards Almighty God and render them unswerving volunteers for executing world welfare tasks. I thereafter truly understood the importance of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s strange style of working and fully accepted that his Tapas or spiritual austerities, Sadhana or spiritual practices and individual help leads ultimately to augmenting world welfare tasks. …………..Gurusharandatt Baghe (Burdhwan-India)


I HAD GONE TO HAVE REVERED GURUDEVA YUGA RISHI SHRIRAM SHARMA ACHARYA’S DARSHAN OR HALLOWED VISION AND BECAME HIS OWN BELOVED CHILD: I do not know what happened to me that after Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left Mathura to reside permanently at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India), his image when we bid him farewell would not go away from my mind’s eye. I went to the farewell program and look what happened! My old personality left along with him and his personality stayed with me. In the olden days in India when the ceremony of becoming friends was completed, turbans were exchanged. But I handed over my psyche to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and in return attained limitless divine love of his. When I returned home I mulled over my inner state and outer state. I had so much land property that our small family of 4 could easily be fed and nurtured comfortably. My elder son became a teacher and I handed over our family duties to him. He did shoulder them and with integrity and caution he is doing so even today. I execute only tasks given to me by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. I zealously think of how to increase tasks pertaining to neo creation. I only go home for my daily ablutions and meals. The rest of the time I am in public contact and without looking at censure-praise showered on me I zealously carry out my mission tasks. I feel Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is not only the master of my body but of my psyche too and thus he makes me work as per his divine wish. …………..Chintamani Sharma (Rampur-India)


Last year in the month of Ashwin Navratri I had gone to Mathura for a spiritual camp. At the age of 45 years too I wished to sire a child. Listening to his discourses was but an excuse. My inner wish was to become a proud father of a child and hence one day I did speak to him about this. Laughingly Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said: Adopt me as your child. Thus the matter only ended in laughter wherein others present there too joined in. On returning home one day I saw that I had become a father of a son albeit in my dream. I took this baby boy to my wife and then asked everbody: Any newborn child is known to cry aloud but why is this baby laughing? In a short while he became bigger and said: You have adopted me and I am your Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. My dream ended and my eyes opened immediately. I resolved that since Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya himself has become my adopted son I do not need any other child of my own. Whatever wealth I possessed was first to be used to construct a powerful branch and the remaining wealth would be given to this branch for its future upkeep. Whatever wealth, property etc is in my ownership has been legally put into the name of our local Gayatri Family branch. This is because when I had asked Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya he had given this great advice to me. Apart from my wealth my time and mind too have been handed to my adopted son Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya i.e. working for his great mission’s activities. …………..Radheshyam Rathor (Shankargadh-India)

NO DOUBT I DID WORK BUT ONLY AFTER BEING PUSHED A LOT: It was 5th January and about 4 am in the morning. I was half awake half asleep. My eyes were closed. It seemed as though someone caught hold of my

hand and jolted me awake. The hand dragged me towards the door. At first I thought it was my respected father and maybe he is waking me up for some work to be done. But when this person dragged me even outside my door I got suspicious and scared. I tried breaking my hand away from his clasp and I also tried to see who was dragging me thus. And lo behold! I saw it was Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He said: Are you going to spend your precious human life in sleep only? You do not even know it is spring and are you going to forget your goal? After this the subtle body that had dragged me thus disappeared to naught. The very next day I took leave of 15 days and used all my time for preparations of Vasant Parva or Spring Festival. Everyone cooperated zestfully and this program succeeded extraordinarily. For the subsequent year a well organized plan was demarcated. I took part in every task of the festival as though Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is giving me all help required for it. I have now resolved to spare 4 hours daily for tasks pertaining to the Yuga Nirman Mission (era neo creation) for my entire life. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya caught hold of my hand and awakened me. Now I have eternally handed over the hand of my life and very being to him. …………..Kishorilal Bundel (Sikandarpur-India)

I SHALL HENCEFORTH LIVE NOT FOR FILLING MY TUMMY BUT FOR UPLIFTING MY SOUL: My parents had died when I was very small. I was brought up by my maternal uncles etc I completed my matriculation. I had no hope of studying further. I was searching for a job and talks for getting me married were going on. My maternal uncle was a subscriber of the Akhand Jyoti Magazine. I would read every article in it with deep interest. My maternal uncle was leaving to attend the farewell program. With a bit of diffidence I requested whether I could travel with him. He accepted my request. We both reached this program venue.

When I first had Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya I felt as though I knew him much before. Just like that my soul bond with him deepened. The place was heavily overcrowded. It was not possible to talk with him. I was standing quite far away but suddenly I do not know why but Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya gestured with his fingers that I go near him. I was made to sit by his side. He kept talking to others and continued caressing my head. He patted my back and after lightly tapping my cheek lovingly he said: You must live life not to fill your stomach but for your soul. After saying merely this much he left to attend to some other task. I heard his discourses (Pravachans) all 3 days. Every letter of it pierced my brain and bosom. Every pore of my being heard only his divine voice. For the entire day I got this experience of him caressing my head, patting my back and lightly tapping my cheek lovingly. Many a times I got Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in this very form in my dreams. I remember my late parents very hazily. I was very small at that time but today I regained their combined love via Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. I clearly told my maternal uncle: I now belong only to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. I shall live for my soul and not for my impermanent tummy. I do not wish to study further. I do not wish to take up a mundane job or get married also. My maternal uncle bought for me a cycle for Rupees 500 so that I could use as a Mobile Library. I discuss regarding Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his divine mission in every home I visit. I help people read his priceless life transforming literature and sell it to those who wish to buy it. Whatever I earn from it is used for fulfilling my minimal life’s requirements. Now in a self contented manner I shall continue doing this for my entire lifetime. …………..Sukhnandanlal Sakhre (Goyamau-India)


It is 15 years since I became a widow. Before this my married life lasted 3 years. I had one daughter but when she was 10 years old she died. From then on till today I was living a burdensome life of sheer drudgery. Apart from censure and rebuke I got nothing else from others. My mind was not happy in my in laws’ place or in my own mother’s place. I felt I had no one whom I could call my own dear one. In my neighboring house both magazines of the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) were being subscribed to. For 3 years I requested them to give it to me to read these and I read them regularly. Many articles would not give me total satiation even after reading these 2 to 3 times. I felt they were full of profound and deep import. My neighbors were leaving for the farewell program. My mind too yearned to attend it. Despite my family members were against my going there, I attended the program. I had Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. There were hordes of people there and hence I got no chance talk to him personally. But keeping on getting his Darshan or hallowed vision from afar too was not less blissful. I was overjoyed to see his divine form. After returning from this program his cool serene radiant form would appear in my dreams off and on and in my waking state too my mind would visualize him clearly. I had designed my future activities and there itself I resolved to offer my life for selflessly serving Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s mission. This resolve was offered at his hallowed feet in the form of a blooming fragrant flower. After returning home I started a school for girls and women. I teach the syllabus of Yug Nirman Mission, music and sewing clothes. The number of lady students is increasing as time is going by. My family members opposed this vehemently initially but today they are silent. For my entire life I shall immerse my self in humble selfless service to society. …………..Gomati Devi (Vilgav-India)

RUPEES 100 WERE RETURNED TO ME: In order to render our local branch stronger we held meetings everyday. With courage I too contributed Rupees 100.

My middle son got married and I incurred expenses of more than Rupees 15,000. I was sleeping at night one day and I saw Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in my dream. He was giving me Rupees 100. I asked him about it. He taunted me saying use this money too for the marriage expenses. How courageously you donated Rupees 100 for service to society! I was turning this Rupees 100 note up down and my eyes opened. I felt very ashamed at my stingy miserly attitude. I have everything that is but the divine boon of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. The next day I informed everybody that the local branch’s new building shall be financed by me. Today the construction has virtually been completed. …………..Chandulal Aumar (Vijaipura-India)


MY PROBLEMS GOT SOLVED: I was surrounded by so many dire problems. I attended the Brahmavarchas Research Institue’s (Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) Spiritual Camp with the hope that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya shall bless me and solve my problems. After residing in that hallowed environment for 9 days I accrued a new refreshing standpoint of life. None of our problems emerge from external causes. They are but reactions of our erroneous thinking within. As per this new idea I have started making newer efforts. I positively changed my thinking process and brought in optimal changes in my day to day activities too. This resulted in 75% of my problems and worries getting destroyed. A sense of daring and and power of endurance has awakened greatly to combat the remaining 25% stress giving problems. This new refreshing viewpoint of life is but the divine grace of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya when I attended the Brahmavarchas Research Institue’s (Shantikunj-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) Spiritual Camp. By imbibing this great pillar of life I see the possibility of living a well advanced joyous life both materially and spiritually. …………..Vidyaprakash Tiwari (Azamgadh-India)

ECSTATIC BLISS WHILE MEDITATING: From the beginning itself I learnt the method of doing Japa or Mantra Chanting along with meditation and continued practicing it daily. I realized the deep import of meditation or Dhyana and accepted it fully. But how divinely inspiring the Yoga of Meditation can be was experienced by me for the first time. At Brahmavarchas Research Institue (Shantikunj-HaridwarUttarakhand-India), Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya teaches us meditation in his great presence and secure guidance. At that time at first he renders the psyche of all a collective united one. Thus the mind of each spiritual seeker conjoins to the divine cosmic mind of Revered

Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. The result of this is that such bliss is experienced in meditation comparable to meditating when one does it alone. Of course! I had heard that in the Mauna (silence of speech) sacred association with Maharshi Raman of Arunachal Mountain (Tamil Nadu-India) devotees present there would get divine experiences due to this subtle conjoining to a divine cosmic mind. But it was here at Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp that I got such a direct tangible experience for the first time. Focus of mind, extraordinary inner peace and divine zest were felt over here in such measure that previously I had not even had a glimpse of it. When we accrue divine protection and divine help, what kind of success is gained in our Sadhana or spiritual practices? A direct experience of this was got by me while participating in this camp. …………..Manakchand Gupta (Raghanpura-India)

I GOT LIBERATED FROM THE NOOSE OF TAINTED ACTIVITIES: My nature reeked with untold taints and vileness. I had many such bad habits which ashame me immensely and I cannot pen them on paper. Many a times I thought of overcoming them, I would resolve too but alas! I never succeeded in doing so. My inner nature overpowered me and my resolve faced defeat many times. But this time a miracle occurred. After returning from the Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp I developed revulsion towards them just like that. What seemed impossible to give up was today easy to do so with bare minimum efforts only. Bad tainted habits destroy our precious time, wealth and good health. But today on overcoming these taints my time, wealth etc are bestowing on me such untold benefits in life. It seems to me that with the strength of this saved wealth in the near future I shall become the lord of soul and spiritual wealth. …………..Ramakant (India)

A DIVINE ATMOSPHERE AND DIVINE PROTECTION: It is one thing to go on a long journey with the strength of our own feet and it is something different if we travel in a fast moving vehicle that takes us to our destination quickly, without fatigue and with ease. No doubt we can cross over a river to the other shore via swimming but to do the same seated in a boat is easier and one definitely reaches the destination faster. I had no doubt

heard all this previously but witnessed it for the first time at Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp. I experienced directly that in an atmosphere of divine protection and help progressing spiritually is much easier and fast. In material progress, means and circumstances, play a leading role. But in soul progress an atmosphere of divine protection and help is a must. My faith in this fact has strengthened a lot. It is not possible for me to pen on paper the measure of what I accrued when I participated in the Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp. …………..Sovaransingh Rathor (Panchmadhi-India)

A POSITIVE CHANGE IN THE DIRECTION TAKEN UP: My attending the Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp proved to be a divine boon for me. Sadhana or spiritual practices has to be done regularly and its great results are accrued generally after a long delay period. I had always heard thus. But this time I got a different type of experience. Due to getting very useful help work that otherwise gives delayed results can give quicker results. I feel I was supremely fortunate to avail benefits from the above camp. The very direction of my thought flow changed positively. I feel lest I had accrued divine inspiration got today due to the thinking trend and principles imbibed today much before my life would not have got wasted in vain tasks that I executed previously. The sun of my super great fortune arose in the form of this Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp I attended and this is a tangible superb experience of mine. …………..Gopaldatt Pandeya (Simri Kalam-India)





I have regularly attended training camps held by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Each time I availed some new light of wisdom and more zest. I have attained a new direction for sanctification of my life and while treading this path I am advancing both materially and spiritually. But this time while attending the Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp I got an experience akin to Kayakalpa or total positive transformation from the very root of my life and being. Divine inspirations here not only guided my brain aptly but that my psyche too got jolted to an awakened state. Previously it would appear to me as though Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi

Shriram Sharma Acharya is saying something and wishes to make me do some task. This time the situation was very different. It was my innermost soul region that was restless. It seems that this time inspiration of Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp shall not rest till it induces a Kayakalpa or total positive transformation in the very roots of my life and being. …………..Shantilal Thakurlal Joshi (Umargav-India)

WORSHIP AND MEDITATION GAVE REFRESHING BLISS: For many years I was regularly doing Gayatri Worship and Meditation (Upasana). It was like a part of my daily routine but never did I get any experience akin to something special and extraordinary in nature. Its cause was not any error in my method of worship and Sadhana or spiritual practices that led to Goddess Mother Gayatri not divinely blessing me. After returning from a Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp this state of affairs changed greatly. There my psyche got ‘washed’ and ‘scrubbed’ in such a way that the door of its sanctification and purity got opened up. Today in my Gayatri Worship and Meditation (Upasana) I get such experiences akin to bliss attained on getting close proximity to Almighty God. It gives that satiation like a baby gets on drinking its beloved loving mother’s breast milk. Today my faith has firmed up that I have found that basis leading me to the true goal of life. It goes without saying that the goal shall definitely be reached. …………..Raghuvar Prasad Vadoley (Gosaiganj-India)

MY INNER NATURE AND CHARACTER CHANGED GLORIOUSLY: It is difficult to change our inner nature. Sanskaras or psychic imprints collected from many previous births do not get washed away to naught easily. In order to do so, untold efforts to combat them have to be adhered to assiduously. This is an indomitable fact and reality too. Only strong will powered people can reform and change themselves greatly. Ordinarily this is no doubt true but another easy path to walk on too was availed. In this if divinely powerful help is got this otherwise difficult task can be rendered facile. The Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp changed my nature and thinking gloriously. Vile Sanskaras or psychic imprints that had gathered in a dense manner now fell away from my life akin to dry leaves falling from trees in

the autumn season. My hope has positively intensified that in day to come the tree of my life shall look radiantly wonderful. …………..Sitaramsharan (Ramnagar-India)

THE DOOR OF GREAT PROGRESS OPENED FULLY: Man desires only progress in life. I too wished it but I felt it was to be done with the help of some big shot people or amassing a lot of materials. I made ceaseless efforts for this end. Despite all this my success was miniscule in measure. But I got a new direction from the Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp that I attended. I realized that obstructions dwell within me and they must be removed. Boons are from external sources and they must be attained. This I had heard and thought about it a bit vaguely. This time it not only became a firm belief but for that a mind boggling courageous attitude manifested in me. Today in place of asking for anyone’s help just to attain temporary gains via self purification and advancement I am fighting with my inner nature so as to accrue eternal progress. Via such efforts noteworthy success is manifesting in my life and in tandem with that situations of development are being created. No doubt I was aware of benefits attained from self reformation but a strong inspiration for pursuing it was got from the Brahmavarchas Spiritual Camp that I attended. …………..Krishnakumar Kulashreshtha (Bulandshaher-India)


When man experiences himself helpless from all sides, his own efforts fail to cooperate with him, he has only one recourse to adhere to and that is, surrendering to a supreme divine existence. Divine boons save great pious people from dire dangerous situations and urge them towards the path of advancement. It is man’s natural inner state that when faced with obstacles in life he cannot maintain inner calm and mental equipoise. Under such conditions he sorely needs strong powerful help and it is shouldered by great saintly people since primordial times. This has been an inseparable facet of the great saint and Rishi tradition of yore. Representatives of a Super Divine Existence (Almighty God) have eternally shouldered the responsibility of wiping away the tears of those who are sad, instilling them with courage and those who face lack of various types are imbued with capability that helps them fulfill it with due honest efforts put in for the same. Our Prajna Family has become capable of accruing divine boons of the results of Tapas or spiritual austerities executed by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in his multifaceted mode of living. Discussions regarding these no doubt go on but at a public level it has not been unveiled thus far. The reason was that a speedbreaker placed by him. This year suddenly a turn came in his life and he got immersed in Sookshmikaran or rendering the psyche divinely subtle based Sadhana or spiritual practices. Majority of people do not quite understand what is Sookshmikaran from its word meaning and connotation standpoint. For such people it was an end to meeting Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya personally, attaining his divine love and help etc At first on Gayatri Jayanti day and then on Guru Purnima day their hope of seeing him with their gross eyes became dim. Others felt that henceforth due to his decision even a physical glimpse of his shall be a no-no. But the question asked is: Did Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya actually go far away from us? Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya immersed in Sadhana or spiritual practices on the 1st floor of Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) in his room as per his promise given on Vasant Festival became more cosmic in form and this direct experience was accrued not only

by people who visited Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) but also those who celebrated Guru Purnima festival at their own places got such experiences as though he was standing in front of them in his gross body, listening to their woes of life and that after imbuing them with a lot of courage inspired them to start working selflessly for world well being activities. Till these lines are being penned so many such experiences have been recounted by our mission members personally or via postal letters from which it becomes clear that the life of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that got divinely subtle became cosmic in form and just like previously was subtly close to members wherein they would feel his divine proximity in their place of worship and meditation (Upasana). His work arena is the entire world and by moving about subtly amongst other followers of other world religions, political leaders of various countries and deep thinkers the world over, is ceaselessly inspiring them so that this era’s hazardous and dire situations can get warded off. Only then the dream of ushering in a Prajna Yuga or Era can materialize. There was a time in previous eras when Lord Shri Krishna told Arjun: Divyam dadami te chakshu. He gave Arjun a subtle divine vision that could give him a glimpse of Lord Shri Krishna’s divine cosmic form or Viratarupa. We all mission members on hearing this essence based utterances of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya helped open our 3rd divine eye and thus so many of us had Darshan or hallowed vision of this divine cosmic form or Viratarupa. We got divinely inspired, a proper direction was given to us and our feet of life headed exactly in that glorious direction. An Agro Scientist of Bhuvali-Nainital-India Dr PC Joshi in his daily schedule of morning Sadhana or spiritual practices saw that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya himself was standing in front of him and giving him divine guidance. Dr PC Joshi experienced that he was perceiving progress in his Panchkoshi (5 Sheaths) Sadhana or spiritual practices. He was divinely inspired to put to use the remaining years of his life for world well being activities. The phases of worship, meditation and Sadhana or spiritual practices were completed satisfactorily. Hence the next phase of Aradhana or worshiping God in world creatures and humans by selflessly serving them had arrived. He immediately took voluntary retirement from his job and resolved to place the flower of his deep faith at the hallowed feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya or Yuga Devata and his divine mission.

In the medical profession those in pain and agony are visibly served but Dr Chuttanlal Mema of Hata-India does not merely cure diseases but tries to spread an aura of divine intellect called Prajna all around. After Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya took up Sookshmikaran or rendering the psyche divinely subtle based Sadhana or spiritual practices he got divinely inspired that since the work arena is gigantic he must travel to Yug Tirtha Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) as and when possible to offer his flowers of service there. At the root of his resolve to surrender himself to selfless service to society merely at the age of 30 years is that inspiration according to him that subtly has ceaselessly urged him to do this. Mr. Narayan Trivedi of Ibrahimpur-MP-India had come on Guru Purnima day with this hope that possibly he would get Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and would get liberated from that incurable disease afflicting him for the past 1 year. Before he took the decision to visit Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) he got to know from the Akhand Jyoti Magazine that his Darshan or hallowed vision was not possible. On the basis of what he had heard with great hope he came for Guru Purnima. At the time of offering devoted obeisances he found that near the image of Vedmata Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was seated as though in a shadow like form. He was giving divine blessings and smiling serenely. The moment he bowed down it seemed as though someone was touching his back. On that day itself his severe back pain disappeared. In this manner in an overjoyed manner he told us this experience and then left. Mr. Damoji of Aurangabad-India had previously heard many times in religious discourses: No one leaves Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) empty handed. Anyone coming here with a wish gets fulfilled if it is of a wholesome type. Mr. Damoji had got his son married with minimum expenses as per commands given by the mission. Both his son and daughter in law were ideal good hearted couple. But mentally he was tensed for the past 1 year regarding how to get his young daughter married. He was pondering within: Should I or should I not ask Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya regarding this problem? After Vasant Festival in mid April when he came to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) he felt his hopes were further dashed to pulp on arriving here. Previously itself Darshan or

hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was limited but today there was none of it at all. When he sat down with others who were sitting with his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) he felt that when she started speaking she was hinting at him. She was hinting via her words that everything would be alright. A photo of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya behind her seat appeared as though he was smiling and his mind’s doubts dissolved to naught. While talking to mission members of Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) he found a good solution to his problem. He was told about a good character young man belonging to the middle class and he handed over his daughter to him in marriage within 2 months. Thus on Guru Purnima day he had already completed his responsibility of getting his daughter married. The chain of great experiences of Prajna Family members is so limitless that to pen it down totally is impossible. In order to inform lay public the results of Sookshmikaran or rendering the psyche divinely subtle based Sadhana or spiritual practices it was thought best that only a minor glimpse be given here even though tabs have been put on this. Lest even if with this glimpse others get divinely inspired despite a ban we are happy to get censured. All those members who had arrived at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) on Guru Purnima day and for 4 day camps of Vasant Festival prior to this, left with this very experience that in the visible form of his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) they actually had Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Some saw him in their dreams and gave them a message that in the 2-3 years in future what role they must play in their respective fields. A person arriving with a problem hidden in his mind found he got liberated from it. Mr. Ramnivas Pandey (Vijaynagar-MP-India) was very upset with turmoil setting in the Prajna Family. When he arrived at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) although he failed to verbally tell anything to his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) but silently in a subtle manner he was promised that the turmoil shall calm down and in fact cooperation will increase. When he returned he found a great change in himself and other members too. He calls this a miracle that the Prajna Family got positively transformed from its very roots (Kayakalpa). Within facing family in fighting and externally court cases filed by opponents ceaselessly posed obstacles in the mission tasks carried out by Mr. Brijnarayan Mishra-Madhupur-India. He did possess a Jnanrath but he did not feel like using it. He arrived at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri

Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). At night he got a dream. In one building there Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would reside and from there in this dream he saw a ball of light was approaching him. It seemed that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya emerging from this light was saying that all his troubles would end henceforth. Hence he must do all work devoid of any tension in mind. He got up rubbing his eyes. He saw that everything had disappeared. On reaching home he found that his opponents had put a proposal in court for settlement regarding repayment of loan. At home also he found a miraculous change. Even today on remembering this dream regularly goes out on his Jnanrath cycle in the evening. He again and again thanks this divine existence that helped him attain this present stress free internal and external state. These days hordes of people wish to come and settle down permanently at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-UttarakhandIndia). So many people specialists in their fields tell us and others how the subtle divine presence of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would not allow them to sit silently and perforce pushed them to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) for carrying out world well being tasks. We are getting so many letters of such type. Right from ordinary folks to high stature literate experts write that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would appear before them subtly in a ceaseless manner and would guide them: You must come out from the net of complex mundane problems and instead work for world society’s well being in a humble selfless manner. You are a Rishi soul and hence I personally have come to call you. People staying far away i.e. within India or in foreign lands definitely are getting this experience. Those that came for the Guru Purnima day were known to tell others that at the time of worshiping the Guru and getting Prasad (sanctified food items) ceaselessly felt that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was with them in a tangible manner. There were many who stared at the closed door where he was residing and although they did not see him in a visible manner they saw him with their subtle vision of devotion and got greatly inspired by him. Anyone who left this place did so with satisfaction that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya immersed in Tapas or spiritual austerities in his divine subtle form is now that much closer with them and that he is dwelling within them in the form of a fount of divine inspiration. Henceforth they knew they shall never face any sort of lack in life. People had heard about Chayapurusha Sidhi wherein the soul existence becomes manifold. But its direct experience was got by Prajna Family

ceaselessly when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was subtly present with them all. In this manner he solved their problems, gave them the correct direction of both material and spiritual life etc such experiences render promises given that much more potent wherein Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s new decision is proving to be so filled with important potentials and capabilities. In this dire hour of Yugsandhi or Era Junction period the effort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in the form of terrific Tapas or spiritual austerities executed by him has been experienced by every mission member in the deep core of their psyche and soul. They feel that they have become his humble aides in his Sookshmikaran or rendering the psyche divinely subtle based Sadhana or spiritual practices so that they can play their defined role in an optimal manner.


The current leader of Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha-Jaipur Mr. Niranjan Acharya writes that political life of dry as a desert region full of listlessness. In its fearful environment such moments arrive wherein people involved in it yearn for mental peace. They generally run around madly like a musk deer trying to find the source of musk fragrance which it is unaware is on its own body only. Similarly true peace hides in our mind and soul only. That energy is required capable of helping us experience this peace deep within our inner being. I too aspiring for spiritual wisdom ran about everywhere for getting close divine contact with great Sidhas or God Realized Saints. I passed by many alleyways of spiritualism but got only dark gloominess. No doubt my human brain exhibited some sort of superficial miracle but it led only to bloating of my limited ego ‘I’. In this phase of Jijnasa or aspiring for spiritual wisdom it was my good fortune that I met Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. I felt that maybe he too akin to other so called saints was brimming with the ego of scriptural scholarliness but the actual reality was bang opposite. His bosom oozed with a sense of humbly serving world humanity, divine light of Sadhana or spiritual practices overflowed from deep within him, divine love was his very nature and serenity of true dispassion towards worldly fleeting allurement was n fold more powerful than his scholarly prowess. There itself I bowed down to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. My running here and there insanely came to a grinding halt. I had arrived at Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya feet with distrust in mind but sat in his holy presence full of profound faith and flowers of steadfast devotion. In these lines I have penned experiences that my heart accepted and frail efforts made by the ego of my brain to understand have been renounced. I first had Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya at a Super Gayatri Yajna held in Jaipur City

between 26-29 April 1971 AD. Since I was both a spiritual seeker and a political leader I went to him with many delusions in my mind and problems galore too. I cannot put into words the mind boggling magnetic pull I felt towards his super divinity because without him saying anything verbally my doubts got solved. All these are my inward experiences written in my diary. I just could not resist writing a few pages over here. Till today I had got an opportunity of analyzing and understanding Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s inner personality from afar only. I heard him from a distance only, I read literature penned by him and from a distance only I got a chance to get immersed in his sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana. With the strength of my brain capacity using logic and arguments I tried drawing myself closer to him. My brain power collided with his extremely wise scholarly brilliance. I humbly bowed down to his brilliant wisdom but the question of attaining close proximity to his sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana remained unanswered. His brilliant scholarly wisdom no doubt was an illumining beacon light in the spiritual realm but in it how could it possibly get my mind illumined deep within? Dry scholarly arguments, sound logic and ‘miracles’ of flowery oratory may amaze high intellectuals, maybe it can ward off doubts of the mind but know for sure that it cannot bestow true mental peace. Dry scholarly arguments and Jnana or true wisdom are totally separate. It is not necessary that a man of true wisdom is a scholar too. But if a scholar possesses true wisdom it is superb. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya not only oozed with brilliant scholarly prowess but that he overflowed with untold divine wisdom too. I had not experienced this till date possibly because I myself had become egoistic but whether it was chance or my past life Sanskaras or psychic imprints I got the opportunity of coming in close proximity to him. I got a subtle touch of yearning for world humanity’s well being in the straightforward sanctified bosom of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He worshiped the cosmos with anguish pervading his heart as glimpsed by me. He availed Darshan or hallowed vision of Almighty God in world humanity and other creatures. For him humans and Almighty God were no different. Any person harboring untold measure of sympathy, love, pain and sense of selfless service towards those who are helpless, anguished and stressed is that much closer to Almighty God. Whether such a one does Sadhana or spiritual practices or not, immerses his entire life in Yoga and Tapas or spiritual austerities or not, but if his heart oozes with pain for the agony and strife faced by human and other beings that itself is Sadhana or spiritual practices, Tapas or spiritual austerities and Aradhana executed by him. Hence in such type of Sadhana or spiritual practices is there any place for scholarliness? A top spot can only be given to a pure loving heart, an attitude of humble service to the world and the experience of ‘Vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ or the world united as a peaceful loving family. Religion based Sadhana or spiritual practices cannot be done by the eyes, ears or brain. No religious scripture merely can make

you truly religious. A mere scholar of scriptures however brilliant cannot help you reach the portals of Almighty God’s divine abode. While trying to reach Almighty God we have to go beyond the frail human intellect. The human brain is but the shadow of the ego ‘I’ but a pure sanctified heart is the temple of Almighty God where divinity blooms infinitely. Since I was a spiritual seeker I would visit many religious institutions. I have had close proximity with religious heads of various sects and communities. I tried a lot to attain true knowledge but I got only scholarly oratory there and various aspects/interpretations of religious texts. I did see miraculous brain potentials but the final result was a void because one dry argument and logic collided with the other in a never ending manner. I did respect all religious leaders because I did not wish to incur anyone’s ire. Thus their ego got nourished wherein mine got hammered. I have heard that when a great Guru catches hold of a very fortunate disciple the path of Sadhana or spiritual practices is easy to tread for the latter. This great fortune is but the superb results of past lifetimes’ Sanskaras or psychic imprints and good merits. I had no doubt searched a lot for a great God Realized Guru wherein I yearned to surrender my dry scholarly nature at his hallowed feet. I searched everywhere but I got only scholarly brilliance devoid of a heart oozing with love of Almighty God in every world creature. In this phase of untold efforts I had the great fortune of coming in close contact with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in Jaipur City. I had approached him with a thought that maybe I am adding one more ring to the chain of so many religious leaders I have met thus far in life. I had thought that maybe here too I shall accrue only scholarliness however brilliant. I thought maybe Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would be donning the garb of a Sanyasi-ascetic. This would give me a chance to expose the narrow minded nature of so called religion. My ego and scholarliness of the ghost of my mind overshadowed my brain. I entered the building where he was residing. He saw me from a distance. When I stared at him suddenly all my delusions got broken to pieces. In fact I got an extraordinary and incomparable experience. I told myself possibly this is not the Revered Gurudeva in my inner imagination whom I had wished to meet. While I was mentally confused thus Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya got up from his seat and asked me to come to him. Before I could prostrate at his hallowed feet he bowed down to me. In this crowd of hundreds of devotees I do not know why I got magnetically attracted to him? I now had full faith that it is that very inner great personality I have been searching for since ages. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was oozing with extraordinary divinity, a radiant aura, gentlemanly behavior and straightforwardness. His divine wisdom based utterances, humility, sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana, child like innocence etc pulled me towards him immensely. I saw that his inner nature was a wonderful combination of divine wisdom

and expert scholarly qualities. He was a great confluence of Sadhana or spiritual practices and Tapas or spiritual austerities and selflessly working for warding off human agony and strife. I felt as though I am peacefully resting under the shade of a huge tree and that I was immersed in true Mauna Sadhana or spiritual practices giving inner contentment. Although I had approached him with mental deluded concepts, dualities and biased psychic complexes all these dissipated to naught on having his holy Darshan or hallowed vision. All doubts got resolved there and then. Very naturally and easily my mind’s stress and pain disappeared. My brains confusion got resolved but strangely despite all these positives I refused to accept defeat. Till now I was combating struggles pertaining to religious faith and blind beliefs but was it not also a challenge to my ego for surrendering my all at his feet? In this manner after accepting Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya great scholarly brilliance I returned to my room there. Now the next phase of my mental condition commenced. I got an opportunity at night to place before Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya my mind’s problems. Both of us started conversing. I was not aggreable with his efforts of purifying our country India’s psyche via spiritualism. How can spirituality solve problems like corruption, hunger and joblessness? Regarding this my mind was very doubtful. I gave my viewpoint that this campaign of his to awaken religious sentiments was but an effort to render our countrymen deluded. Without warding off hunger pangs via spiritualism mental peace was impossible to accrue. Agreeing with me regarding this Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya said: My spiritualism is very much dependent on progressiveness. It is totally against religious blindness and blind indolent outdated beliefs. It is with a scientific standpoint that religious arrangements shall have to be tested and only then accepted. Since we have removed true religion from both politics and society it’s power has narrowed down to the precincts of Ashram heads. The result being that a widespread standpoint of religion disappeared and so called chiefs of religions rendering it a medium for attaining ‘honor’, ‘respect’ and material aggrandizement its refreshing widespread nature got ensnared into narrow minded selfish attitude. Every so called religious leader as per his vested and selfish interests imbibed ‘religion’ with the result that that limitless ocean of true religion got narrowed down to small time rivulets and streams. Along with the center of their narrow minded selfish outlook the lay public too got partitioned into various sects and communities. These sects etc not only hammered the widespread, practical and apt beliefs of true religion but that the psyche of our country India in the name of ‘religion’ put veils on envy, enmity etc that is overpowering it. True Hindu Religion got partitioned into such sects that these cannot even bear to look at each others’ faces. In this manner the congregating power and ethical power of India got

pounded to pulp. Almighty God akin to the sun and moon is same sighted towards all world humans and creatures. Mankind is his creation and hence how can he harbor an attitude bang opposite to Almighty God by imbibing hatred, envy etc to other humans and creatures the world over? But so called religious out of sheer vested interests portioned Almighty God too by creating so many sects and communities as per their whims and fancies all in the name of so called religion. As a result black marketeering, unethical and wealth earned via fraudulent means handed over as ‘donation’ was said to be ‘meritorious’ that gave a ticket to heaven post death. But a person earning wealth honestly putting in hard labor was rendered far away from Almighty God and true religion. Hence my campaign and mission involves first the act of throwing out rotting foul smelling tainted beliefs in the name of ‘religion’ so as to usher in a revolution that breaks apart all walls of separatism and narrow minded sectarian thinking. By ushering in true equality and brotherhood the wall that separates the rich-poor, high-low caste etc shall be rent asunder forever. Our India’s public life is filled with religious sentiments through and through. Hence the medium to attain true mental peace also can be true spiritualism only. Every person yearns to attain this inner peace. Material grandeur can never give it in a lone manner and neither true joy can be got via it. It can only be accrued in great measure via Sadhana or spiritual practices, worship and selfless service to society. Inequality spreading its roots in society is nothing but poison for our religious sentiments. Hence only progressive spiritualism can give our society a correct wholesome direction of life. Such appilications of public awakening become firm foundation pillars of Era Neo Creation wherein religious, economic and social equality can be ushered in for keepsake. In a nutshell Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya described the practical application of that socialism that can manifest only via public cooperation and certainly not via mere political power and paper based ‘laws’. I kept hearing him spell bound because without my asking anything verbally my mind’s complex doubts got solved. It appeared as though Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was not only warding away my deluded beliefs but that he was also divinely inspiring to join forces with his mission volunteers for executing selfless service to humanity. Today my aspiration to read his other written literature has awakened fully. Along with writing superb commentaries-Bhashyas on Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas etc Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had already published about 500 books. I did not have time to read so many books hence I felt that I would satiate my mind’s yearning by listening to his discourses called Pravachans. Application of his scientific spirituality was not relegated merely to talking about it in discourses but that its practical nature touched the very core of the soul of lay public. He rendered Yajnas a medium for transforming the thinking of people towards greatness and encourage them

to imbibe proper self control and discipline of mind. Although in this modern era since Yajna tradition mentioned in scriptures of yore are trapped in the quick sand of narrow minded selfish gains, it did not manifest any great effect in human thinking and actions. But the superb wisdom of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya not only rendered it a fount of public soul awakening but that faith and trust of society veered towards a glorious beneficial direction. He showcased the ideal of ‘world united peacefully as a family’. Fragrant fire flames in the Yajna pyre, invigorating Mantra chanting and an environment of Sadhana or spiritual practices inspired innumerable spiritual seekers to stop roaming aimlessly here and there and instead walk on the true path of spirituality. Yajna deity right since primordial times has been the center of our culture, spiritual heritage and family institution disciplines. But as time passed by its true spiritual and scientific form got destroyed. Narrow vested interests and tainted thinking of so called Brahmins, Pandas and Ashram heads rendered its previous universal form very contracted and partitioned. As a result instead of it purifying public psyche and congregating people with a sense of brotherhood became a means merely to fill tummies of priests, so called devotees etc I placed before Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya my doubts regarding the 1008 pyre Yajna and programs of Kalash Yatra or procession since I felt they were withered indolent traditions. He replied that only after I taste the experience of the practical nature of such Sadhana or spiritual practices that he would throw more light of wisdom on it. After saying this much he continued conversing on other subjects and I became silent. Now my deep curiosity to see, examine and study the above 2 programs got awakened. A 108 pyre Yajna was to be held at Ramlila ground of Jaipur City. On a newly constructed huge ground a Yajna arena with Kundas or pyres was set up. All around this Yajna arena full of serene beautiful decorations gathered hordes of devotees. I saw that a procession of about 500 ladies with Kalashas or sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana water pots placed on their heads was walking in unison from a temple towards the Yajna arena. Young girls, middle age and senior lady citizens too with a peaceful, silent and serene face were heading towards the Yajna deity. Apart from this hordes of people were thronging that area to witness this huge procession called Kalash Yatra. That pious atmosphere of that incomparable procession oozing with true spiritualism and Sadhana or spiritual practices elicited self trust and faith in the bosom of all present there. Pure pious sentiments were brimming forth all around and Sadhana or spiritual practices carried out here was blooming wonderfully. At the center of this, a ‘sight for the gods’ kind of a scene Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was standing in the Yajna arena. A huge crowd of devotees yearned to come closer to him since he oozed with power of Tapas or spiritual austerities and Sadhana or spiritual practices. I clearly saw man and man and mind and mind meeting

each other cordially. Sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana of all were merging together and Sadhana or spiritual practices of all were surrendered to Almighty God. The inspirer of all, Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya with his divine soul power was weaving everyone in the cloth of his sense of soul oneness with hordes of devotees gathered there. It seemed as though the divine soul power of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya emerging in the form of boundless public energy was taking up the image of public soul awakening. He has again awakened the cosmic and universal form of Yajna deity. The Super Yajna commenced and at every Kund or pyre both males and females with equal rights started chanting Mantras respectfully offered to the Yajna deity. At that time our society’s progressive form gave a new direction in this Yajna arena. Hundreds of ladies wearing decent clothes accompanied by the male fraternity chanted Vedic Mantras while offering Ahutis to the Yajna fire. Thousands of men and women were doing the Sadhana or spiritual practices of circumambulating the Yajna fire. This circumambulating based on sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana and discipline continued right from the beginning of this Super Yajna to its end called Purnahuti. In this extraordinary foundation of Super Yajna initiation or Deeksha given by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya along with his great discourses bound the lay public to true spirituality and soul proximity. I felt as though Yajna and the Yajna arena, Deeksha and discourses were a medium for ushering in Era Neo Creation and public revolution. It was such a campaign not seen before ever at all since it was one that inspired hundreds of us to become volunteers for Era Neo Creation which would be synonymous with doing Sadhana or spiritual practices. In the political realm volunteers are created via harsh food of politics. It is that food wherein separating public into high-low classes is pursued subtly and communalism is also given subtle encouragement. In the religious field too by giving food of a biased narrow minded outlook it has become sheer hypocrisy. But Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya by ushering in equality after destroying differences of high-low etc in various sects and communities brought in progressive pure spiritualism in the arena of Sadhana or spiritual practices. Over here politics can never hesitate in meeting religion because as a middleman stands the security guard of true spirituality. I reached the residence of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya for a second time and got immersed in a discussion with him. He said that today deep thinking is required regarding the practicality of Yajnas in public life. I told him that I did experience what is apt and great. The face of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was lit with happiness and an aura of trust too bloomed around him. It seemed that

he had converted me into a true politician who had previously strayed away from the true goal of politics. I asked him as to how I could walk in his glorious footsteps? He immediately replied that just as he treaded this path like an ordinary human being. I told him that he was a Sidha or God Realized Saint and that I was but a lesser mortal. He told me that it is here that I was erring. Whenever we see the life of a true saint from the external standpoint we compare it with a commonplace human life. At that time we cannot pinpoint that the life of a saint externally is something totally extraordinary. It is not such a life that we become astounded, become fearful or harbor despair that how can our life be as great as that of a true saint? The greatness and specialty of such great saints reside in the fact that they give invitations to everyone very lovingly that they too can render their lives great akin to glorious saints. We can mold ourselves in the cast similar to that of true saints. Every belief of ours in a habituated manner must be seen in the mirror of truth, we must never deceive ourselves. By earning the wealth of true love for all it must be shared with all and sundry generously. Thus it shall be no surprise at all that anyone adhering to the above becomes as great as true saints seen all over the world thus far and those that shall manifest in future. We have heard life sketches of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Gandhi etc and certain incidences of their life swim in our mind’s screen. It stays there for sometime and then disappears. But even after forgetting these incidences such an imprint stays behind in our psyche that it remains indelible. It seems that these great incidences have been created from one single principle whose imprint can never be erased. It is on this that stands the biography of each and every glorious saint the world has seen. It seems that this principle has become synonymous with it. For example truth connotes Lord Rama, loveLord Krishna, compassion-Lord Buddha, self sacrifice-Lord Jesus Christ, non violence and truth-Mahatma Gandhi etc. Today my frail logic and brain potential surrendered to the brilliant scholarliness, Tapas or spiritual austerities, soul force and divine knowledge of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Today in the haywire situation faced by our country India the tainted environment of politics taken over by vile politicians is rendering its citizens corrupt and thus it seems that our cultural tradition is about to die a supine death. At such a dire hour this effective campaign of progressive spiritualism authored by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is appearing to me like a beacon light that shows the soul of lay public the correct direction of life. When Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya resided at Jaipur I got a chance to listen to many discourses given by him. In meetings with experts of various arenas and amongst those with ordinary lay folks his speeches covered many topics like knowledge, practical application,

socialism, communism, Indian Culture etc All these had their foundation in true spiritual tenets and they had profundity leading to peoples’ hearts getting touched, soul oneness, straightforwardness and full of goodwill. When he spoke it seemed that his heart was speaking and this speech had purity and innocence of a child. His thoughts were managed by his divine soul and not the brain. Whatever his heart spoke was endorsed by his soul. His sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana utterances were a 3 fold confluence of Gandhi’s goodwill and sanctity, Ramakrishna Paramhansa’s natural way of talking and Nehru’s worry free attitude. His nectarine speech would spell bind for hours together all children, youth and senior citizens gathered there in throngs. His gigantic audience was not of the agitating and unruly type as seen in political rallies. Over here instead it was like a flood of high intellectual class gathering together since they yearned to satiate their restless soul with the divine cooling nectar showered on all by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Hence the public thousands in number were immersed here in Yajna, circumambulation, Deeksha and religious procession. They would then arrive at the dais for having Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya seated their and return with sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana full of faith. That horde was a confluence of devotional sentiment of devotees arriving there and they would immerse themselves in the power subtly radiated by the untold Tapas or spiritual austerities of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. While describing this heavenly environment my experience landed in another center and I cannot resist talking about it. Why did such a huge throng of people get imbued with waves of Sadhana or spiritual practices in a gigantic city like Jaipur? Was it only because of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine power of Tapas or spiritual austerities? No doubt ceaseless efforts were being put in by the energy of Mauna Sadhana or spiritual practices and it was watering this religious movement with the water of faith and trust. The arrangements of this gigantic program were becoming active in various streams from one center itself. Although in a gist I had already heard the renowned name of All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) but in a direct manner I was deeply moved when hordes of devotees offered their limitless, deep and eternal faith at the feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. In the meantime when I was a bit busy at the personal level at home someone came and gave me a letter in which was written regarding the Super Gayatri Yajna in only 5-10 lines but in every word manifested someone’s Mauna Sadhana or spiritual practices and Tapas or spiritual austerities. This letter jolted me to awareness and my mind was moved. I could not stop its movement. I yearned to go there and talk things out. I perforce headed towards the direction of that house. After straying

here and there I found that house and entered a room. Over here all literature authored by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was collected in cupboards and tables. I kept looking at it curiously but I clearly felt that although at the surface level this house is unknown to me yet deep down somewhere I felt I knew it as though it was my own house. In the mean time a radiant lady came from another room. We both bowed down to each other and on looking at her I sat down in a chair a bit fazed. I felt she was an image of powerful Sadhana or spiritual practices. Finally I came to know that the renunciation, Tapas or spiritual austerities, Sadhana or spiritual practices and goodwill of this Great Mother watered all such programs with faith and trust oozing from her Mauna Sadhana or spiritual practices. Many volunteers like me have been imbued with her soul power subtly and material wealth required for such programs too have arrived unasked in an extraordinary manner. In this modern day era of broadcasting and propagating who shall execute so much Tapas or spiritual austerities for shying away from world renown? Despite this Great Mother (his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji-HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) attaining the close proximity of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya oozing with high stature power of Tapas or spiritual austerities without coming in public limelight carried out ceaseless honest work and Sadhana or spiritual practices. Thus this campaign succeeded in a big way and I actually saw her holy face full of divine aura. Although because of an ailment death was looming large but I clearly saw an unkown limitless power that kept her serene and calm. This power helped her stand up sometimes she would become shaky but yet would put in so much effort to render such campaigns successful. At every step it was her great energy that inspired society via such movements. In this city brimming with political leaders, other leaders and high class intellectuals she would herself remain silent and mentally detached while imbuing faith and trust in lay public. I have never seen an example of such Maun Sadhana or spiritual practices, steadfastness and faith towards Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya as was seen in his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). The experiences of this religious program of Jaipur City were extraordinary, difficult to describe in words and unforgettable. I attained a lot from it. I have had Darshan or hallowed vision of that great glorious personality or Vibhooti and my thirst for this since so many years got satiated fully. I got a new correct path and destination to head towards. My soul got that appeasement breaking apart the disparity between the intellect and the heart. I have full faith that today’s society that has strayed away from a correct direction, distorted tainted politics and a haywire culture shall definitely get transformed by his progressive spiritualism. In this Era of Modern Science exhibiting the scientific basis of true spiritualism is an

incomparable application. This plan of the author of this Super Thought Revolution definitely shall succeed in days to come. In reality they are incomparable, rare and extraordinary. New consciousness and a super awakening have taken over my life. I have full faith that I shall powerfully put into practice all the divine commands of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Now my life has surrendered at his hallowed feet and he may use it as he pleases. This is the 1 st trend of my experiences that have gushed forth just like that. I feel that they shall flow by eternally.


Whatever is known about Ramakrishna Paramhansa, whatever is read about him in books, it is clear that he never amassed spiritual wealth. Whatever he attained due to divine grace he gave it away to devotees possessing apt Paatrata or inner psychic credentials. Even after taking over others’ hardships and ceaselessly sharing with all and sundry whatever remained with him in the form of the power of Tapas or spiritual austerities was handed over to the young man Narendra. The youth later became renowned as Swami Vivekananda at the world level and Paramhansa himself taking over all hardships entered ‘death’ as per laws of material nature. Maharshi Raman of Arunachal-Tamil Nadu-India observing Mauna or silence of speech via a mere divine piercing vision would gauge visitors and spiritual seekers approaching him. Depending on the aspiration and desire harbored within Maharshi’s divine blessings silently and subtly fulfilled it. Along with this they attained subtle divine inspirations too so that in return for this divine grace attained they too would work selflessly for world society’s well being. Mahayogiraj Sri Aurobindo Ghosh executed lone Sadhana or spiritual practices in solitude for more than 20 years in his room in Pondicheri-India. Initially once in a while each year and later he gave Darshan or hallowed vision to the public only twice a year. But in the final phase of his divine life only Revered Mother interacted with his disciples and devotees. But it is not as though those visiting him did not get their desires fulfilled, they returned empty handed on not getting Mahayogiraj Sri Aurobindo Ghosh’s Darshan or hallowed vision. In fact all of them experienced that he subtly accepted their heartfelt prayer. The Sookshmikaran Sadhana or spiritual practices of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to render his psyche divine subtle is totally different from all past Tapas or spiritual austerities executed by him. We all realize varied differences in situations faced. Devotees and volunteers at our mission have had astounding experiences of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya subtly appearing before them and subtly

guiding them on the spiritual path. Members have realized that today on arriving at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) the atmosphere of untold Prana Energy experienced there is mind boggling. Previous to this they never had the close proximity of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya if compared to that got after a new positive awakening ushered in after Guru Purnima festival. In their activities and daily life’s transactions mission members experienced that despite not journeying to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) an unseen divine authority is looming all around them so as to liberate them from hardships and egg them on to the correct positive path of life. They attained divine inspiration for marching ahead on the path of Era Neo Creation. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is subtly in the midst of all such honestly hard working theist members each moment. They experienced this all the while without pause. There were many outsiders who vowed to carry out mission tasks only if their material and mundane desires are fulfilled. But this subtle divine existence of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya gave them a mere glimpse of his potent divine energies and perforce they were made to realize that if they wished to attain anything they must first develop Paatrata or great pious inner credentials. Tarana region’s Mr. Ramnarayan Kachwaha ceaselessly would remain confused that today he wished to join Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) as a permanent resident volunteer there but the problem was that his children were small in age. How would it be possible to fulfill his wish? How would situations become conducive? His mind kept pondering on these lines. One day after he had posted a letter to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) he got a dream that very night. He saw Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in his dream. He was told that his local area was not yet active. He must hence look after children there. When the right hour would arrive he would be called to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) permanently. Thus his doubt got cleared. In this manner at his home place itself he commenced selfless service and Sadhana or spiritual practices too in a diligent manner. Certain incidences took place in the life of the principal of Gayatri Model School (Mandi-Adampur-Hissar) named Mr. Raghunath Sharma. They unfolded in such a manner that they could be called miraculous only. At a gross visible level he had Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya only twice. But at a subtle unseen level he ceaselessly got divine grace and guidance from him. Some years back when he was yet not a teacher he was struggling in life a lot. At that time Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had addressed him as ‘teacher’. He was rebuked and censured by his family members and his financial condition was very bad. Hence despite lack of finances he went to

an unknown area miles away from his home and there as per the divine subtle inspiration of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya he opened a school for imparting great glorious mental qualities. Today this small seed has grown into a huge tree. He finds that in eah and every activity of his Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is subtly guiding him aptly. Mr. Ambalal Joshi of Ranapur (MP-India) who is a teacher by profession was told in a letter that he shall change residences in Grihnagar due to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s blessings. He was now beyond all worry. In the last week of June he got this order from govt. officials that stupefied him. When he came to Ranapur he found that since rainfall was deficient a big problem had arisen. Mentally he prayed that it must rain otherwise famine shall set in. Then he went to sleep at night. At night he again saw Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya with a scene that all rivers, rivulets etc were over flooded. But he could not understand the hint given in this dream. The next day it started raining so much that till mid August till the time he wrote a letter it did not stop. Mr. Sureshchandra Patel of Khandwa-India was not able to take part actively in the mission’s activities. His Sadhana or spiritual practices too was irregular and his family atmosphere was not a happy one. And then came the last week of the month of June. At night 3 am Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya patted his body to wake him up and said: Get up to meditate and worship God. It is time to do Sadhana or spiritual practices. Since that day he daily gets up early in the morning and by and by his home atmosphere improved considerably. His family members too started doing Sadhana or spiritual practices and today they are volunteers of our worldwide mission activities. The co workers of a teacher of Katangi Mr. KR Sen had complained that he kept making others read books and folders but failed to do any work. The complaint went to senior officials there. The district education officer came to conduct an inquiry. He carried out his investigations and when all the literature was shown to this education inspector the atmosphere changed totally. The inspector not only did not take any action but took these books for reading. He patted the back of Mr. Sen saying: What you are doing is very great! Do continue with it without worrying at all.

Although yet others yet try to complain but Mr. Sen stands firm in the glorious service he is doing. Mr. Nityanand Patel of Kheda (Gujarat) had experiences of the subtle form of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He feels this gave a new positive turn to his life. He had to journey to USA via London. While meditating one morning he got s subtle command of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to reside abroad at his brother’s place only. When he reached London his brother telegrammed saying it was snowing heavily hence instead of staying at his place Mr. Patel must reside with his sister. But since he was divinely commanded he went to his brother’s house only accompanied by a group of 5 people. His brother was dumbstruck since he was mentally praying fervently that Mr. Patel come to his house and not his sister’s house because after he sent the telegram snowfall stopped at his place and in his sister’s place snow fell so fast and in such gigantic measure that all roads were blocked. The distance between the brother’s and sister’s place was 3500 km. His brother was dumbfounded that what was this inner inspiration wherein15 days beforehand that too in India Mr. Patel was directed to go to his brother’s home only in USA? Mr. Ramsunder Dubey of Kanpur was in Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) only on Guru Purnima day. Two days later he was to be present in a court for a case he was involved in. since the crowd was mammoth he could only have Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s Padukas or holy shoes. But he did get a directive within to stay there for 4 days more. Without worrying about the court case he continued residing there. On 16th July he returned to Kanpur City and was told that the court case was adjourned to a later date. Next day he was to appear in court and he won the case. From that day onwards he is regularly volunteering for our mission activities zealously. Mr. Sanjiv Malik, a student of Jammu Medical College, nephew of Aligarh’s Mr. GS Saraswat was boarded on a hijacked plane. In August it was taken to Dubai. The entire family sat for worship and meditation. On 25 th August in the evening they had Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in his subtle divine form. He told them that Mr. Sanjiv and all others on the hijacked aircraft shall be released safely. Mr. Saraswat reached New Delhi and at the airport he heard this same announcement as was made by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Mr. Ramkumar Shrivas of Bhilai-India was seated in his worship room with his mind in despair. Suddenly a long black snake came and sat in front of him. No doubt he was scared but the moment he meditated on Revered

Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s form his fear vanished. A little later this snake left that place silently. From that day on in dreams he has got many divine inspirations and messages. He feels this is a new life gifted to him and has become active in life. Today he is a fully dedicated volunteer of our mission. Similarly in late August Mr. Pitambar Prasad Sharma of Sidhi-MP-India also had a great experience. On that day at dusk lightning fell on his house but all relatives in his house were saved. This lightning rendering a manger outside its vehicle crashed into the ground below it. Everyone who witnessed this gory scene felt that a divine power had saved everyone’s lives. So many such letters are being received by us day after day. We just cannot detail each one of them. Over here we have just showcased the tip of the iceberg of all such experiences. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya before shedding his mortal coil had proclaimed that his soul existence shall become more subtle and powerfully cosmic in nature. This has been experienced by each and every member of our mission. Every person has been given a subtle promise that anyone joining this divine institution he shall be protected just about anywhere and everywhere he dwells. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has vowed to shoulder the responsibility of helping them progress towards peaks of glory. Hence how can any devotee harbor fear, loneliness etc at all?


The more the mission of All World Gayatri Family (HQ-ShantikunjHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) is spreading the world over the more the high thinking and intellectual class is getting attracted to it. So many from this class is visiting Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) to know about its founder and mission activities. All of them deeply impressed by the great personality of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya are showcasing similar reactions.

I YEARN TO KISS HIS HALLOWED FEET: Mahatma Anand Swami was a highly honored saint in the international arena in an unopposed manner. One day he came to Haridwar City to meet Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and in a small speech he said: I just cannot describe in mere words how much I respect and devotionally adore Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Whenever I think about his great personality and superb selfless services I yearn to kiss his sacrosanct feet. Swamiji has been in touch with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya for many years. He has always been his helping companion and has eulogized him a great deal. The Arya Samaj sect in India has always opposed idol worship. Hence many followers of this sect have criticized Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya since he encourages idol worship. But Mahatma Anand Swami despite being attached to Arya Samaj sect always in clear succinct language would tell these criticizing people to first understand the scientific basis of idol worship put forth by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. In fact he would tell them to follow this idol worship based with sound scientific principles for advancing both materially and spiritually in life.

It is noteworthy that Swamiji is well known for being honest in voicing his views in big conferences and programs too. In the centenary celebrations of Arya Samaj too he had opined in the midst of their senior leaders that in order to deeply understand the true meaning of selfless social service from a religious dais we must take recourse to learning devotedly at the feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. In this discourse too he said that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya without making any public announcement or appeal he collects untold measure of wealth from the public as donation. And hence Arya Samaj volunteers too must learn this from him. While unveiling its secret he said: Know for sure that this is the great effect of Divine Principles accrued from doing Sadhana or spiritual practices pertaining to Goddess Mother Gayatri in a selfless desireless manner. This is that divine power on attaining which the impossible can be rendered possible. During talks given Revered Swamiji would heap praises on the Brahmavarchas Research Insitute that was being set up. He opines that: I was imagining many things but failed to materialize them. But via this Brahmavarchas Research Insitute, Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya shall definitely fulfill it. Swamiji had actually visited the construction site of the Brahmavarchas Research Insitute. And while seated in the car he chanted Vedic Mantras devotionally and handed one brick energized with this Mantra chanting for placing in the foundation of this building. As fate would have it on that very day Mr. Pawan Divan, a Minister of Public Welfare Department in the MP Govt. arrived at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) unannounced. Mr. Divan even before becoming a minister was leading a saintly life for many years. He requested Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to give him energy and blessings for fulling his increasing number of public welfare tasks. Revered Gurudeva guided him aptly. After Mahatma Swami Anand finished his Pravachan or discourse Mr. Divan said that neo creating human nature positively itself is Era Neo Creation. Under the watchful divine eye of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi

Shriram Sharma Acharya individual neo creation is going on. In reality this selfless service is the biggest requirement of this modern day era. In the Vistor’s Book at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) he wrote that selfless workers of society must come here and see things with eyes open. He laid stress on imbibing the true nature of social service based on contemporary needs and hoped that our mission would march ahead further on this great path.

UNITY IN DIVERSITY: In Ashramas of great Rishis lions and cows of opposite inner nature live peacefully there. In this present era the mental plane of various opposing political parties too is of this type. But on coming in close proximity to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya the divine atmosphere of Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) where he resides they remain cordial to each other. A burning proof of this was accrued by participants in a camp there when the CM of Rajasthan-Mr. Hardev Joshi and leader of the Jan Sangh PartyMr. Bhaironsingh Shekhawat (later a CM) came to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) seated in the same car side by side. At that time Mr. Bhaironsingh Shekhawat had said that in India people full of spiritual energy and those with an aspiration to work for social welfare have always appeared time and again. But it is well nigh rare to find a divine personality harboring both these qualities in ample measure.

AN INCESSANT FLOW: This unifying process in tandem with that great Rishi tradition devoid of enmity and dualities is at work without pause. Even today past ministers of Congress Party, senior cabinet ministers, MP’s, MLA’s etc of various political parties continue visiting Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) regularly. They come here to get personal life guidance, for gaining blessings and energy to execute tasks of public well being in an optimal manner etc The ex Loknayak of Uttar Pradesh-India Governor Mr. Chenna Reddy had come to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) twice during his official tenure and each time he

accepted that here he gets that indescribable experience wherein although he had not planned to stay very long, he changed his schedule and did so. He spoke out his heart’s wish at the feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He had humbly prayed that both Revered Gurudeva and his mission execute tasks of the high stature of Adi Guru Shankaracharya of previous centuries. When Mr. Reddy stepped down from office he had seeked Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s blessings by writing a letter to him. Recently UP Electricity Board’s Chairman came twice with his family. So many high stature officials of various regions without any advance intimation arrive here often. Their opinion regarding the inner personality of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his mission tasks is that they are extraordinary. They are so wonderful that no better foundation can be unveiled for fulfilling the all round requirements of society.


We are presenting over here “Matru Lilamrit’ taken from writings penned by Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma), the holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. It was penned by her about 1.5 months previous to her divine departure from this transient world of mortals. It was published in Akhand Jyoti Magazine (August 1994 AD) where she voiced her inner anguish for the pain faced by world humanity and her proclamation about the future of the world. On reading this article millions of people felt that their Beloved Divine Mother is about to merge into the subtle divine existence of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Just as 2 bodies and one mind and milk and water mix with each other well in a unified manner mine and my respected holy consort Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya life’s journey too was of this sort. We both complemented each other by doing whatever we could for our small children. In return we received untold love, affection, sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana and untold honor. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s life burnt like wood from all sides offered in Yajna fire. In this manner by spreading fragrance via this Yajna of his life’s glorious activities he utilized each momene of his 80 year life span for the well being of world humanity. How can I ever forget the moments we spent together wherein not only did he shower true love on me but reinstated me on the highest pedestal of becoming a mother of millions of children the world over. After my life joined with his via marriage on the first day itself I learnt the lesson of using each breath of life for Sadhana or spiritual practices based efforts in order that the pain of world society gets warded off. As much as possible I tried working shoulder to shoulder with him since this has been

going on since our married association of past lifetimes too. Hence I did not find it anything strange to work in tandem with him. In return I attained pinnacles of peace and ecstatic divine bliss. We would wipe the tears of those who cried in pain, we shared their pain as much as possible and tried also to lessen the burden of their difficult destiny. This effort was executed via me conjoining my Sadhana or spiritual practices of surrendering to his hallowed Sadhana or spiritual practices. Mission members are witness to the fact that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya whose psyche brimmed with divine love and a limitless ocean of compassion did so much for everybody. Some received material gifts from him, some were liberated from hardships etc but never did his ‘bank’ account show zero balance or any diminishing of any sort. I remember till today even that when about 20 years of our married life had been completed he handed over a big responsibility to me. It was to become the editor of Akhand Jyoti Magazine when he left for Himalaya Mountains to dwell in lone solitude there. Further he had told me to render secure the small sapling in the form of the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-ShantikunjHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) created in this history creating 1008 Kundi Gayatri Yajna’s Divine energy performed in the year 1958 AD. This I was to do so that no member of our mission feels lonely and insecure. It was only due to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine blessings that I could shoulder this responsibility. In this time period he underwent difficult Tapas or spiritual austerities, commented on the Vedas (Bhashyas) and in the form of a Spiritual Diary he penned his experiences as a Sadhak or devotee residing incognito in solitude. Later this was published in book form called ‘Sunsan ke Sahchar’ or ‘Companions in solitude’. I was merely a puppet doll and my puppeteer who made me dance to his tunes was my divine icon. He was my idol, my Gurudeva and my all. This was that divine authority who commanded me not only to nurture our small personal family but put in that much more loving effort to look after our worldwide family called the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-HaridwarUttarakhand-India). When Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya saw with his subtle divine vision fearful situations looming large over the entire world, he made intense efforts that were based in Sadhana or spiritual practices encompassing the process of Era Neo Creation authored by Lord Mahakal. He left his work arena at Mathura City so as to head for Saptasarovar area at Haridwar City. Hence in 1971 AD he set up Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) for me that was a place for profound Sadhana or spiritual practices. He then announced his departure for Himalaya Mountains for executing lone difficult Tapas or spiritual austerities there. The day of bidding farewell arrived and on 20th June 1971 AD with pain of separation ripping apart my heart me and all mission members bid him adieu. We commenced a non stop program of 2.4 million

Gayatri Japa or Mantra Chanting with the help of 3 aides, some unmarried girls full of Tapas or spiritual austerities in an area that was lonely. At that time the mission’s tasks took a new turn when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya returned after 1 year with his face oozing with divine aura due to Tapas or spiritual austerities carried out by him there. He now ordained us all to take up Prana Pratyavartan Programs, Jivan Sadhana or spiritual practices Program and sowing seeds of glorious Rishi tradition. His arrival here was like me getting rejuvenated with the Sanjivani herb. The All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) and its great activities marched ahead fast. But a visible change noticed by us all was that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya kept himself in the background and placed me in front to nurture and look after our huge mission family. Many times I would tell him respectfully that I cannot bear this heavy responsibility. He would say that the divine energy would be supplied by him and I must continue pouring pure love on all members, devotees etc I must join everyone with the thread of love because Lord Mahakal has rendered this mission a medium for changing the very face of planet earth. For this end both of and all others must do all that is in our ken and ability. This actually happened and then at the time of Sookshmikaran Sadhana or spiritual practices of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya, one more fiery test was to be given by me. He had decided to avoid meeting anybody apart from me and 2 other mission members. His food intake was miniscule and his total focus was on how to solve the pain of world humanity. This stage completed in Vasant Panchmi or Spring Festival of 1986. Our mission activities marched ahead with cyclonic speed. The form of Matsyavatar or Fish Incarnation of this New Era was such that everyone was looking at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) for return of heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era on planet earth. My relationship with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was inseparable due to soul union but when he who was my Almighty God proclaimed on Vasant Parva or Spring Festival that he would give up the bondage of the gross visible body on Gayatri Jayanti Day so as to merge into his unseen subtle and causal divine bodies in order that our mission tasks are taken forward faster my body and mind felt as though they were painfully ripping apart. How would the boat of my life move ahead without that divine existence and its sailor? But he imbued me with a lot of courage. He had written an article titled' ‘Jyoti kabhi bujhegi nahi’ and till 2nd June he continued giving his final divine message. I place a heavy stone on my pained heart in order to execute all that was expected from me by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya, my beloved icon deity. In a visible direct manner getting separated from his physical body was like a fish gasping for life on being taken out of water. Via his subtle and

causal divine bodies Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya wished to give our children and millions of members of All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). He wished to become a medium of Sadhana or spiritual practices based powerful efforts for overcoming dire situations and hazards clouding the world. This became possible after he shed his mortal coil (Mahaprayan) on 2 nd June 1990 AD which was Gayatri Jayanti Day. After completing programs of Shradhanjali Samaroh, Shakti Sadhana or spiritual practices Camps, Shapath Samaroh and Sanskara imbuing festivals in the sequence of Divine Culture Triumph the world over via 18 Ashwamedha Super Yajnas a process to light the bright flame of Divine Culture both in India and abroad was commenced. This has been going on for the past 4 years wherein not only has it positively influenced the consciousness of millions of people but that has laid the foundation of harbingering heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era. The fact that in each Ashwamedha Super Yajna about 3 million people took part, the fact that they vowed to spread divine culture everywhere, uprooting tainted thinking and activities, programs of increasing great social well being commenced on a war footing etc pinpoint that the unseen subtle and causal divine bodies of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya after he shed his physical body was showcasing such miraculous feats. That which had not taken place even after 60 years had lapsed by has been fulfilled in manifold measure quite well in the past 4 years. This is but the miracle of his potent divine energy working subtly and invisibly in this world. A lot yet needs to be done to rectify this world reeking with pain, downfall, defeat etc and actually fulfilling the resolve to usher in heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era by 2005 AD. Not only India but everywhere the world over unethical thinking/actions, crime, enmity, communal frenzy etc is ruling the roost. In the past 3 years I have moved around in the entire world and have directly witnessed relations between people are only sorrowful, family infighting is on an alarming rise and disparity in society leading to dire situations are tainting the environment of the subtle invisible world. Women are relegated to a slave like life, daughter in laws are burnt alive when dowries are not given in ample measure, rape and sexual atrocities etc are augmenting at a frenzied pace. Despite technology becoming so advanced leading to material grandeur overflowing everywhere people are stressed, restless and are worrying a lot about their future. Kidnapping cases for collecting huge amounts of cash are increasing people are becoming emotionless and hard hearted and hence it appears that very fast a cure for this cancer of a tainted world society must be searched for at the subtlest level. Thus after sanctifying everyone’s body, mind, psyche and soul they can be given a subtle armor to combat future difficulties successfully. Natural calamities are increasing wrathfully. Today modern scientists fail to give us reasons and results of comets banging into planet Jupiter leading to changes in interstellar space. But 12 years previously Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi

Shriram Sharma Acharya in his Akhand Jyoti Magazine had spoken about the Jupiter Effect. Aircraft accidents are on the rise and hazards like flooding, earthquakes, tsunamis, epidemics, famine, volcanic explosions etc too are increasing day by day. On the face of it we think that the danger of a 3rd world has disappeared but since North Korea possesses modern nuclear weapons and nuclear bombs, every separated country of Russia possessing nclear bombs, Islamic bomb threatening everyone etc a Cold War like atmosphere has emerged in this planet earth. What we are trying to say is that at the subtlest level a bigger preparation is most required. This will ensure that powerful divine humans oozing with soul power manifest in this world for overcoming this present state of destructive activities and reinstating Era Neo Creation. When, how and who shall execute the above? No member of our mission must lose sleep over it. Lord Mahakal in order to render our mission a vehicle for ushering in Era Transformation has brought us all in the midst of the vile Kaurava Army. When a flame about to get doused flickers more brilliantly many feel it shall shine more brightly but this momentary brilliance shall get dark only on getting totally doused. A person on his death bed breathes faster and hence relatives seated nearby harbor hope that maybe he shall remain alive longer. But medical doctors know well that this is final moment before death takes over. His life force is about to leave his body. Something of this is going on at this hour. We must not lose our strong will power and instead it must be rendered firmer. We must use it to combat people hell bent on thinking and behaving unethically. Members must do only this much that they increase their efforts pertaining to Sadhana or spiritual practices. In this manner by joining their soul to the cosmic soul of Lord Mahakal they can contribute towards rendering the world environment great. My own inner state is imbibing subtle divine vibrations each moment from the subtle and causal divine bodies of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. In every breath of my life I perceive only him since he is my idol and my Almighty God Guru. It is as per his divine directives that the boat of my life has been working for the past 4 years. In future too it shall do so as per his commands. Members must not get tensioned, not harbor inner anguish and get upset that in the past 2 months they have not had Darshan or hallowed vision of their spiritual mother (Vandaniya Mataji-HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). This body is a vehicle for energy to act and is but a garb of blood, bones etc It shall work as much as it shall be made to but it shall definitely fulfill a promise given by it to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that as long as even 1 child of his is sad his mother shall be by his side to console him and ward off his pain. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine wings are so wide that it shall give a shade of peace and calmness to every sorrowful person the world over.

The sorrow of not only members of the All World Gayatri Family (HQShantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) has to be overcome but that when it comes to uprooting hardships of entire planet earth we must shoulder this single important duty that all divine commands received must be accepted unquestioningly. When children see gross difficulties of their mother they endeavor hard to give her as much rest as possible. If required they try and get help of the highest stature too. But my personal wish is that we must surrender our all to the divine authority of Lord Mahakal. He may do as he divinely wishes. The future of this mission definitely is radiant. It must execute such Bhagirath efforts wherein 6 million sons of Sagar were liberated from a dire curse. Today this number is 60 million. But volunteers here are only 0.6 million. In order that this figure increases 10 fold more mere human stature efforts are not enough. Only a super human effort can do the needful. Visibly a person may be seen to be fulfilling it but the untold divine flow behind at work is appearing from the subtle divine world only. Efforts based on Ashwamedha Yajnas executed have rendered my hopes that much brighter and I am sure that my children possessing very strong shoulders shall fulfill duties given from here successfully. Anyone conjoining to this flow at this hour shall find he is getting great honor from society within the next 10-12 years. These days a campaign for reinstating a Divine Culture the world over has been taken up. It has rendered hopes so potent that lest pious pure hearted people carry out great tasks of well being Era Transformation is a foregone conclusion. Hence this present hour is special of this type. This hour of Yugasandhi or Era Junction shall never come frequently. When the destiny of entire world is going to be rewritten anew definitely those that turn their faces away arrogantly shall be termed nothing but unfortunate. The responsibilities of special times too are very special. Lest our mission members realize this deeply then by conjoining to this flow of divine energy can help them stand in the glorious row of Arjun, Sugriva, Lord Hanumana etc. It is they who have to choose either way. Now my role shall be manifold more active in the subtle unseen world. The invitation of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is becoming more and more intense. Only one voice in unison chants that for the mission of ushering in Era Neo Creation and Transformation a lot of self surrender must be humbly offered by us all. Under such circumstances I may have to hand over my role on this stage to senior mature volunteer members and become active in a subtle and causal body. The flow of energy never gets obstructed and those aware of this fact never give much thought to the surface mundane level. In their great efforts, in their Sadhana or spiritual practices and glorious feats shall disallow any lack to set in. This is my firm belief. This mother of all mission members has lived her life each moment like a self surrendered disciple. I left no stone unturned to fulfill the wish of my divine

icon. Even though in a visible manner I may not be seen by you all yet all that I have been able to do as per the divine blessings of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya shall become a focal point of inspiration for you all. My children by becoming true inheritors of this spiritual legacy shall ‘compete’ in the realm of imbibing more ideals, human values etc in day to day chores. They shall hence be seen ushering in a bright world future closer as time lapses by and I have no doubt about this at all.


The holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya, Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) was an ocean of motherly affection, supremely revered, divine energy manifest, imbued with untold profound faith and oozing with divine love for all humanity and creatures. Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya her revered husband too would respectfully address her as ‘Mataji’ or ‘Divine Mother’. Her divine life bloomed infinitely with faith, self sacrifice, spreading motherly affection everywhere and showering divine boons on all. Such a glorious life is very rare to witness anywhere in the world. Till date our respected readers are not aware of the great life sketch of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) born in Agra City-India. The members of our mission too have got just a tiny glimpse of her divine life that has hallowed earth. From the external mundane standpoint she has been a self surrendering disciple and devotee of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya right since the 1008 Kundi Super Gayatri Yajna of 1958 AD till Chitrakut’s Super Yajna of 1994 AD. She appeared as a divine energy manifest existence that shouldered all duties handed over to her. But her life span of 61 years ooze with such memorable incidences and episodes right since her early childhood years till advanced age that they clearly show what priceless contributions have been given by Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) in reinstating the huge tree called All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Before we throw light on the above inspiring incidences let us describe her life’s journey a bit. She was born on 20 th September 1926 AD (Hindu Calendar-Ashwin Krishna Samvat 1982) early at 8 am to Mr. Jaswantrai of Sanvalia Bauhare region. She was his 4th child. At the time of her birth itself great seers and astrologers had predicted that a divine existence in the form of Shakti or Divine Energy had taken birth in their home. From an ordinary to an extraordinary great personality she shall reach such heights of glory that millions of people shall harbor profound faith at her sacrosanct feet. Thousands of people shall be lovingly fed by her with both material and spiritual food since she is a manifestation of Goddess Annapurna too. Even a bit of her blessings shall see to it that no person goes way empty handed from her doorstep. A few residents of Agra City had the opportunity to see her life

in its initial phase. They say that despite being born in a house oozing with material grandeur she preferred living a life of simplicity and high thinking. Instead of wearing costly silken clothes she wore coarse Khadi fabric and inspired others to follow in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturba. She led in serving food to others lovingly look after guests and respecting everyone she came in contact with. Anyone who ate food served by her loving hands never ever forgot her. Her elder brother and sister lovingly called Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) ‘Lali’ and even today despite being worshiped and honored by millions of devotees they have no qualms or compunctions to continue doing so. She would place Lord Shankar’s image in her worship plate and daily offer worship rites and prayers to him. She would meditate on the early morning sun. Her family members were a bit astounded because no one had taught her these rites, prayers etc. In her pure heart devotion to Almighty God gushed forth on its own and on giving proof of her divine Sanskaras or psychic imprints of past many lifetimes gave a glimpse of the future glory and honor she would be given the world over. It is an extraordinary good fate that in the year 1926 AD 3 important incidences occurred. In the hour of junction of harbingering in of heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo called it the Year of Siddhi and while addressing all members of his Pondicherri Ashram he said that the process of Era Transformation shall up its ante at a frentic pace. It is in that year itself that in a small village called Anvalkheda (district Etmadpur) at the other end of Yamuna River flowing in Agra City a 15 year old young Sadhak-spiritual seeker Shriram Sharma saw a divine light encompassing his worship room where he was seated for meditation. This light then manifested as a divine and subtly embodied Guru Existence. This divine astral Gurudeva gave him a glimpse of his past births and the great tasks he was supposed to carry out in the future 65 years of his life. His Revered Guru gave him Prana Energy Deeksha or initiation and was divinely commanded to perform 2.4 million based 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharanas for 24 long years at a stretch. Young Shriram was also advised to light a flame lamp ceaselessly (Akhand Deepak). Via inspiration from this light he was to undergo rigorous terrific Tapas or spiritual austerities in order to usher in world well being on a permanent footing. This very young devotee given the title ‘Shriram Matta’ later was well known as Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya-Vedmurti-Taponishtha-Yugarishi-Prakhar Prajna since he was none other than Lord Mahakal manifest. Later he founded the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) and Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) became his holy consort. It must be noted that Mataji was born in the year that the flame lamp was kept lit ceaselessly (Akhand Deepak). After they got married in the year 1943 AD under very difficult situations she reached that clan of landlords where Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi

Shriram Sharma Acharya was purposely living a life of near poverty. But she had decided to live exactly as was wished by her respected husband. She surrendered her all at his hallowed feet. She started working along side him in a self sacrificing manner. She humbly stood by his side and helped him in completing the mammoth 2.4 million based 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharanas for 24 long years at a stretch. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had vowed to eat Roti of barley seeds only. But these barley seeds were first fed to cows and those seeds that were evicted by them in their excreta called cow dung were washed and dried. After this the dried seeds were pounded into flour from which saltless Rotis or Indian bread was cooked by his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would eat these barley Rotis and butter milk. She was the main person who saw to it that the flame lamp lit did not get doused even for a moment. It was she who made arrangements for eating, resting etc of every visitor who arrived to meet Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. They would pour water in the milk to feed their own children in order that tea could be served to people full of sorrow and anguish. Their difficulties were heard sympathetically and affectionate words were uttered that rendered their mind peaceful. The family income at that time was Rupees 200 which was meant to nurture their 2 children, their mother, both husband-wife and about 150 visitors arriving there. It was only this divine couple that could lovingly look after so many people coming regularly to Gayatri TapobhumiMathura and Akhand Jyoti Sansthan with such meager finances at hand. Hand made paper after a lot of pounding was dried and then with a handle press working with our feet was rendered into small tracts. Only then was the Akhand Jyoti Magazine printed in those early years. Then addresses were written on each magazine and dispatched by post. Children’s studies had to be supervised and all their needs had to be looked after by her all alone. After this she made apt marriage arrangements of 2 children sired by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya from his first marriage. He had one son called Mr. Omprakash and a daughter called Ms. Dayavati. Both her daughter in law and son in law were from good pious family backgrounds. She showered a lot of love on both of them and right till her death she continued doing so. Even today both Mr. Omprakash and Ms. Dayavati remember the love showered on them by Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) that was according to them much more than one’s own mother does. There are innumerable such relatives, friends and non relatives that are undergoing sorrow. They too received untold motherly love from Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) which gave them a correct path of life to tread on, peace and activation of sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana. Voluntarily and gladly she gave away way expensive jewelry to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya for his great world welfare mission. The money from jewlry sold was used to buy the

land for building Gayatri Tapobhumi-Mathura City. With the cash got from selling bonds of land ownership the actual building was constructed. When they first set an honest example they started receiving unasked donations from time to time. Thus the seed of All World Gayatri Family (HQShantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) got a chance to sprout and later grow into a huge cool shade bestowing tree. The 1008 Kundi Gayatri Super Yajna of 1958 AD was a historical religious program on its own. In this every household was given knowledge of the great glory of Super Power Gayatri and the wholesome direction of Yajnas’ welfare activities. Thus her form as a Divine Mother Existence giving security and untold motherly love to the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) manifested in full throttle. When Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left for lone Tapas or spiritual austerities in the lofty Himalaya Mountains between 1959-1961 AD, his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) shouldered all responsibilities on his behalf in an exemplary manner. We have discussed this previously. The hour of the most difficult test to be passed arrived when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya decided to go to the Himalaya Mountains for lone Tapas or spiritual austerities and permanently leaving his work arena in Mathura City. At that time externally donning the role of the wrathful Lord Rudra akin to a soldier and deep within oozing with both divine love and ascetic nature Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya handed over all responsibilities to his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) that she was to later also get in the form of becoming a fount of infinite divine energy in the land of Rishis at Saptasarovar after he left for his Himalaya journey in 1971 AD. In this manner on a permanent footing her family life became broken like, her beloved mother in law called Tayiji shed her mortal coil and then she got her daughter married. After this she took with her 6 adopted small daughters to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) where they were to help Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) execute 2.4 million Gayatri Japa or Mantra Chanting 24 times for finishing 24 Mahapurashcharanas in front of the Akhand Jyoti or imperishable flame lamp. The years 1971-1990 AD were full of difficult fiery tests and heve been previously described by us. This was that hour wherein Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was to work in a subtle unseen manner and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) was to direct a huge worldwide organization called the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) wherein she had to manifest her form of a Divine World Mother. In this time phase, she edited the one and only magazine, dedicated to blowing the bugle of a ‘World Women’s Awakening’. Initially she was aided by 24 young devotee girls but later the number went up very high. These were then formed into various groups for sending them in many regions. These groups later established societies of women’s awakening in

various regions they visited. She directed various spiritual camps and with her own hands she cooked and fed all camp participants very lovingly. Thus thousands of members, devotees etc bathed in the ocean of infinite love of hers. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was known to give basic knowledge, directions for gross level arrangements and there were times when errors crept in he would scold the persons concerned very strictly. It was at this point that his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) would soothe their mental wounds with her nectarine balm of motherly affection. Everyone remained steadfast towards their tasks due to this foundation of divine motherly love showered on them most generously. It was 1990 AD and during Vasant Panchmi (Spring Festival) Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya entered his body subtle via Sookshmikaran Sadhana or rendering the psyche divinely subtle. Along with this decision announced that he would be active in a subtle unseen manner. Hence he would not meet anyone personally. He had already predicted that 2nd June 1990 AD on Gayatri Jayanti Day he would give up his physical body which was conveyed to the author of these lines and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) well before he actually did so. In this time phase she kept her mental balance well poised. After her beloved icon deity Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya passed away she gave solace and courage to millions of their mission members, followers etc who were but her beloved children. In a Shraddhanajali Program held on Sharad Purnima Day i.e on 1,2,3 and 4 th October 1990 AD via 1.5 million members present there she vowed to the lay public that this worldwide mission working under the watchful subtle eye of a Super Divine Existence shall hence forth only march ahead and never even for a moment look back. No obstacle however dire or gigantic can shake it. After this a gigantic Oath Ceremony, 18 Ashwamedha Yajnas akin to 18 chapters of the great text Bhagwad Geeta etc were executed by her. In fact separate huge volumes on each of these can be penned. The final closing ceremony of the 69 years of life lived by his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) had already commenced from Gayatri Jayanti in the form of an inner heart wrenching subtle call of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya from the subtle divine world. The 4 years of separation from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya post his great departure from this world had broken its limit of endurance. It seemed to her that any moment she would meet her beloved icon deity. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had burnt akin to a Samidha (Yajna wood) in the Yajna of world society well being. His holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) offering her final Ahuti in this Yajna divinely departed from planet earth on 19th September 1994 AD (Bhadrapad Purnima) that was 4 days prior to her birthday and 13 days before the birth of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya so as to eternally merge and become one with that

Super Divine Light pervading the entire infinite cosmos called Almighty God in layman’s parlance.


‘I CANNOT MANIFEST WITHOUT SHIVA AND SHIVA CANNOT MANIFEST WITHOUT ME’ The above divine speech was uttered by HH Mata Bhagwati Devi Sharmaji (Shakti incarnate) with reference to her Lord Shiva incarnate Yuga Rishi Pundit Shriram Sharma Acharya. Theirs is a divinely sporting duo of ShivaShakti. Shiva and Shakti are inseparably one. Their relationship eternally is unbroken and ceaseless. This Lila or divine sport of theirs is eternal and nonstop. Right since world creation it is that one supreme divine consciousness that is divine sporting as Shiva and Shakti. The manifest form of this supreme divine consciousness is called Shakti and its un-manifest form is Lord Shiva. While fully endorsing this divine truth the scriptures say: Umarudratmikaha sarvaha prajaha sthavar jangamaha. Vyaktam sarvamumarupamavyaktam tu maheshwaraha. MEANING: This entire world creation of animate/inanimate etc creatures is but the form of Goddess Uma and Lord Rudra. In it the manifest form of this supreme divine consciousness is called Goddess Uma and its un-manifest form is Lord Maheshwara. The Shrutis also say that whatever is seen, heard, remembered in this world is nothing but Shiva-Shakti. Rudra is male and Uma is female. Rudra is Brahma and Uma is Saraswati. Rudra is Vishnu and Uma is Lakshmi. Rudra is sun and Uma is shadow. Rudra is Soma and Uma is Tara. Rudra is day and Uma is night. Rudra is Yajna and Uma is Vedi. Rudra is Vahni and Uma is Swaha. Rudra is Vedas and Uma is Shastras. Rudra is tree and Uma is creeper. Rudra is fragrance and Uma is flower. Rudra is meaning and Uma is alphabet. Rudra is Linga and Uma is Peetha. Those who harbor such sacred sentiments can bow down everywhere. It is such people who realize the mysterious Lila or Divine Sport of Shiva-Shakti.

A Mantra Drishta Seer Rishi of a very ancient Vedic era was asked: Which deity should we worship and eulogize (Kasmai devaya havisha vidhema)? In 10 Richas or Vedic verses they gave the following answer. Within these 2 are very appealing: Hiranyagarbhaha samavartatagne, bhutasya jataha patirek aseeta. Sa dadhar prithivimut dyam, kasmai devaya havisha vidhema. Ya atmada balada yasya vishva, upasate prashisham yasya devaha. Yasyacchayamritam yasya mrityuhu, kasmai devaya havisha vidhema. MEANING: Preliminarily Lord Hiranyagarbha Shiva incarnated who was the lord and ancestor of all beings. Later with his Divine Power he created earth and space. Thus we must worship and eulogize him only. We must worship and eulogize only him who bestows all our activities life force and energy, from whose austerities emerges newness akin to flames from fire, that sanctifies all creatures, whose commands are followed respectfully by all living beings and whose shadow is death and immortality. The birth of Yug Nirman Mission is very much like the mystery of world creation. Our Revered Gurudeva Pundit Shriram Sharma Acharya in the form of an eternal representative of Lord Mahakal (Cosmic Divine Time) appeared in this world and immersed himself in ceaseless difficult spiritual austerities. After this in the form of his eternal Divine Energy HH Mata Bhagwati Deviji Sharma incarnated as an Avatar. It is HH Mataji who managed this mission deftly. Via the power of penance of Revered Gurudeva Pundit Shriram Sharma Acharya many activities of the mission took birth. HH Mata Bhagwati Deviji Sharma continued to optimally manage and oversee all of these activities and amplified them. Revered Gurudeva Pundit Shriram Sharma Acharya divine power of grace executes the humungous task of sanctifying all of us both within and without. It is his divine commands that are the root of all tasks we perform and if anyone amongst us all question great Rishis using the ancient language of Sanskrit viz. ‘kasmai devaya havisha vidhema’ definitely the answer shall be: ‘tasmai devaya havisha vidhema’ i.e. pointing towards Revered Gurudeva Pundit Shriram Sharma Acharya. This divine duo of Shiva-Shakti can be seen clearly in the birth, life and activities of the Yug Nirman Mission. With reference to Shiva-Shakti, Gurudeva and HH Mataji who is senior and who is junior? This question shall arise only when both are separate. Since both are one single divine soul principle where can such a question arise with reference to seniority? Of

course! It is true that where on the one hand Revered Gurudeva Pundit Shriram Sharma Acharya’s austerity based divine aura pulls us all magnetically towards it, there HH Mata Bhagwati Deviji Sharma’s divine affection satiates the very core of our bosom. We may not understand the unsolved puzzle of the mysterious life of Revered Gurudeva and HH Mata Bhagwati Deviji yet it is definite that lest HH Mataji were not in our midst our Yug Nirman Mission would not have become so widespread as is witnessed today. It means that if Shakti was absent maybe Shiva could not have spread his divine mission the world over. Right since primordial times this truth has been accepted wholeheartedly. In his great literary masterpiece ‘Soundarya Lahiri’ Adi Guru Shankarcharyaji says: Shivaha shaktya yukto yadi bhavati shaktaha prabhavitum. Na chedevam devo naha khalu kushalaha sPunditumapi. MEANING: Without Shakti, Shiva cannot manifest his true inner form because without Shakti it is impossible to create-propagate-annihilate this world. In fact without Shakti, Shiva is totally immobile and vibration less. Devoted devotees in this energizing principle and in its entire activity based movements has said that the cause is but divine grace. Its existence itself oozes with grace and blessings. In its anger too grace lies hidden. It is hence that in the Devi Mahatmya it is said: Chitte kripa samaranishthurta cha drishtva. In fact scriptural scholars to this extent have said that: O Divine Mother! Lord Shiva resides in the hearts of all creatures and you dwell in his heart. But you dwell in the heart also as compassion personified and hence we seek your divine shelter. This quote by scriptural scholars proves true for HH Mata Bhagwati Deviji 100%. Those who have attained her close proximity, know well that in her wrath too compassion oozed albeit subtly. If Revered Gurudeva Pundit Shriram Sharma Acharya’s inner personality the shining radiated gloriously like sun then HH Mata Bhagwati Deviji’s inner personality bloomed serenely like the cool, calm full moon. It was this praiseworthy inner personality of HH Mata Bhagwati Deviji that she could transform Revered Gurudeva’s radiant glorious nature into affectionate calmness for her children-devotees. Today although Shiva-Shakti that had incarnated as Revered Gurudeva Pundit Shriram Sharma Acharya’s and HH Mata Bhagwati Deviji for

executing their world divine sports has merged into the divine cosmic principle called Almighty God (after shedding their mortal coil) yet in the form of deep faith and intense Prajna (Divine Intellect) placed as symbols in Shantikunj (HQ ALL WORLD GAYATRI FAMILY-HARIDWAR-INDIA) their subtle existence and vibrations of divine energy even today are clearly perceived by loving devotees imbued with deep faith).


“Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) came into my life as Almighty God’s divine boon. Without her constant help it was impossible to even dream of starting our mission and rendering it worldwide”. ………Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya

From these pious utterances of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya his viewpoint regarding his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) is crystal clear. But this divine boon did not appear in his life just suddenly and neither accidentally. Many years previously he had known about this. His own Revered Gurudeva Sarveshwaranandji dwelling in the lofty Himalaya Mountains in his unseen divine astral body had given our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya first Darshan or hallowed vision in his home in Anvalkheda village. At that time Revered Gurudeva Sarveshwaranandji while hinting about the above had said: I am happy that you are married. In this at some point some obstacle shall not doubt appear but again you shall get married to your wife of previous lifetimes. She shall live by your side for all your life and play a major role in your divine mission on earth. Since past 2 lives of yours you have had to get married. Do not ever doubt that this shall cause problems in your divine tasks. Instead looking at contemporary times and circumstances marriage shall prove to be a benevolent boon for you and you shall get a lot of help in your mighty task of Era Neo Creation and Transformation. Almighty God’s divine grace and his laws are one only. This fact is experienced by very few people. This experience could be bitter or sweet but is akin to a medicine that cures us of all our sickness. The first holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya passed away because it was ordained by Almighty God and none can challenge it or break

it. At about this time itself his old aide and a dedicated volunteer of his mission-Mr. Badriprasad Pahadiya also had to bear the pain of his respected wife passing away. He hence sent news about this death to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya by posting a letter to him. While writing a reply Revered Gurudeva said: I am indeed sad to hear the news of your respected wife’s death. You must look upon it as a law of fate and endure it as calmly as possible. My respected wife too passed away recently. At present both you and me are having had to face one sorrow after another. In future I shall be marrying again because it has a direct positive relation to the future of our mission. I am doing this only due to the divine command of my Revered Gurudeva Sarveshwaranandji but I advise you not to get married again. Acting as per his Guru’s commands our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya got married to Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) which was his 2nd marriage. In those days he was surrounded by a very busy schedule and many compulsions. Since he was actively participating in India’s Freedom Struggle his family members were opposing him tooth and nail. As per his Revered Gurudeva Sarveshwaranandji’s divine command he had to complete 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharanas spanning 24 long years. But his family members denounced this saying it was but insanity on the part of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to follow this command. The trend of emotional upheavals attacking his mind and soul was going on unabated. Hence it was required that his tattered pounded pious sentiments get nourished and rejuvenated. This was fulfilled excellently by his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) after they got married. Regarding this Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya writes: On the very first day that Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) entered our home post our marriage she firmly resolved to sacrifice her all in order to selflessly and lovingly serve everybody. It was as though the element of opposing anything was totally lacking in her personality. If she had so wished she could have like other married ladies pose new wishes to be fulfilled by me each day in a pressurizing manner. Had she actually acted thus I would never have been able to execute difficult Tapas or spiritual austerities and Sadhana or spiritual practices for so many years. I certainly would not have been able to do any social welfare and well being task. And hence had she not sacrificed her very being for our married life our mission and so many world welfare tasks going on today would have been impossible to usher in. After his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) entered our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s life a

new positive glow manifested in his day to day activities. Although Akhand Jyoti Magazine publication had already commenced but it was in pamphlet form only. Ordinarily there were certain subscribers and they would read and read out this magazine to other friends, family etc But as soon as Mataji arrived in our midst permanently the Akhand Jyoti Magazine became an Akhand Jyoti Family. Those who read the magazine became her beloved souls. For these tasks people came and went at our place and they were fed, sleeping arrangements were made etc. She saw to it that none coming here felt a lack in terms of motherly affection she showered on all. One member conjoined to the Akhand Jyoti Magazine in those early days of its publication zestfully tells us his great experience: O! Those were such wonderful days. I was a very new reader of the Akhand Jyoti Magazine. After reading this magazine for about 2 months I realized that its author definitely was an extraordinary personality. Hence I yearned to meet him. I set off for Mathura City. It was 11 o’clock when I reached there. I managed to find the house but I hesitated to knock the door. I was a stranger and hence was it right that at such a late night hour I make them open their door? But I had no choice because I did not know anyone in Mathura City. With a brave heart I knocked the door and Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) opened it. On inquiring I was told Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had gone out somewhere. Even though I tried to dissuade her Mataji insisted on feeding me with bread and vegetables at night 12.00 am. After I finished dinner she gave me a glass of milk to drink. All night long I got the cool shade of her motherly affection. In the morning when I was about to leave I felt that although physically I was going far away but mentally I was near Mataji only. The above has been experienced not by one but thousands of people having been nurtured and nourished by her true motherly love and affection. It is this silken thread of love that aided the successful propagation of our mission. It is hence that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya writes in one book: In propagating our mission worldwide Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) has not been my right-left hand but has played the great loving role of a pious heart. It is her sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana that has nurtured, nourished and rendered our family mission worldwide. Very much like others I too have attained her affection and love so as to ooze with self fulfillment. Else with so many obstacles and heart breaking situations engulfing me I would have been tattered to shreds. At another place Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya writes:

Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) overflows with sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana and love has taken over every pore of her being. Although like me she cannot cook up words but she possesses a limitless vault of affection and love that is much more priceless in comparison. Maybe she fails in talking intellectually and wittily but she leaves me far behind when it comes to showering untold love on all who visit us here. It is hence that I say she is ‘super profound faith’ manifest. Every mission member of ours has experienced this glorious nature of hers. It is with this deep trust that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left for incognito living in the lofty Himalayas in 1950 AD and 1961 AD. He had full faith that in his absence his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) would shoulder the responsibilities of his divine mission very capably. None would get upset with his absence. And this actually happened. Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) carried out the following tasks in his absence: 1) Meeting mission members 2) Replying to letters received 3) Making others write letters 4) Editing and publishing the Akhand Jyoti Magazine When Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya returned he found that the mission was being managed much better than before he left. Mission members tirelessly sang praises of their beloved Mataji. A few would say: Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is like the hot sun of noon. It is impossible even to raise meet his eyes and look at him. But his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) is like the cool serene moon. Although she does attain energy from this terrific sun but after digesting all that heat in it she showers us children with cool blissful light. On hearing all this she became more joyous. Time went by. In the mean time Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was called again for the 3rd time to the lofty Himalaya Mountains by his divinely subtly embodied Gurudeva dwelling there. This time there were no signs of him returning home. His holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) was directed to leave Mathura City and reside at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) permanently. At that time this area was a dense jungle. We can no doubt think about leaving

a city to dwell in a thick forest but to give up loving attachment to her children is so difficult for any affectionate mother. Only an affectionate loving mother can deeply understand this. Regarding the above Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya says: This was a tough fiery test for Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). Our daughter Shailbala had got married just a few days previously. Our son Mrintyunjay too had married recently only. All their relatives, friends etc resided near Mathura City itself. Even I was doubtful whether she would renounce her motherly attachment to son, daughter, kith etc and reside in a jungle like area at a fair distance away. After hiding my doubt within when I told Mataji about her having to do Tapas or spiritual austerities and Sadhana or spiritual practices at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) without even a moment’s delay she got ready to do so. I was very pleased and amazed at this courageous humble self surrender of hers. The matter was not limited merely to reside at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Along with this she was to shoulder important tough responsibilities. In it were included difficult Sadhana or spiritual practices based tasks. It was not easy at all to fulfill them successfully. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya describes this predicament in a language full of sensitivity: Regarding delegation of tasks another duty has been placed on Mataji’s capable shoulders. Although she is my holy consort in life, yet akin to all others she showers motherly affection on me too. Her motherly affection based vault oozes with such generosity that she can easily shower our present mission family unlimited love and affection. In order that in my absence here no member, follower, devotee etc feels a lack of love that leads to the plant of their heart withering away, that responsibility has been handed over to Mataji by me. After I leave for the Himalayas the area of Tapas or spiritual austerities of 7 Rishis called Saptarishis lying between Haridwar and Rishikesh, where the 7 streams of River Ganga flow by, my holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) shall reside there in a small Ashram or hermitage called Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-UttarakhandIndia). Just as I had performed 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharanas for 24 long years at a stretch she too shall execute this mammoth religious Anushthan. The Akhand Jyoti (imperishable flame lamp) lit at Mathura City shall accompany her to Haridwar where she shall look after it devotionally. Via the power of Tapas or spiritual austerities performed by her she shall

continue that sequence of wiping away the tears, sorrow etc of all shouldered by me throughout my life thus far. None should feel orphaned or destitute like after I leave for my Himalaya incognito travel. I am hence leaving behind Mataji to lovingly look after our children (members of our world wide mission). She shall use the power of her devotional Tapas or spiritual austerities for this end in order that the tradition of mine continues unabated. It shall encompass: A) Direct guidance for Era Neo Creation Campaign B) A medium for informing the lay public regarding my intellectual and Sadhana or spiritual practices based attainments C) By rendering ceaseless the sequence of Akhand Jyoti (imperishably lit) and Gayatri Purashcharan helping those in sorrow, difficulties etc The above 3 tasks are to be shouldered by my holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). How well did Mataji shoulder these great responsibilities? This fact is not hidden from the eyes of anyone. Even after Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya returned from his incognito stay in Himalayas Mataji continued accepting and shouldering responsibilities placed on her shoulders very capably. It continued till the year 1990 AD. This entire Lilas or divine sports of divine couples in the form of Shiva-Shakti have taken place when an Avatar has incarnated on planet earth. This is exactly what took place in the divine incarnations of our beloved icon deities Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma).

IT WAS BUT THE WELL COMBINED EFFORTS OF THIS GREAT RISHI COUPLE THAT USHERED IN GREAT RESULTS: On page 4 of Akhand Jyoti Magazine (October 1951 AD) an article was published titled ‘Changes in responsibilities of Akhand Jyoti Magazine’. In place of the lady author was written-holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya, Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). All readers were dumbstruck on reading the title and were asking as to why this sudden change? We have always seen Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya as the editor of this magazine and hence why did he hand over the name and responsibility to his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma)? Is it that he shall no longer be

associated with this magazine, stop writing letters to us, stop meeting us etc? Peoples’ minds were overflowing with such doubts. Actually at a young age of 32 years Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had handed over certain responsibilities on the capable shoulders of Mataji. The special goal was to usher in a new important turn in the journey of the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). He was trying to test whether his holy life partner, his devoted disciple, a self surrendered spiritual seeker etc would shoulder duties while he was away in the Himalayas for the following: a) Carrying out tough terrific Tapas or spiritual austerities in a lone incognito manner so as to imbibe untold Divine Energy while residing in close proximity to great subtly embodies Rishis living there. b) To fulfill his resolve for writing Bhashyas (commentaries) on Vedas, Puranas, Brahmanas, Upanishads, Aranyaks and other glorious Rishi literature Hence he wanted to find out whether Mataji would capably become the head of their worldwide mission family and protect them well in a loving affectionate manner. For 24 months without pause she underwent this fiery test. Then Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya returned from his Himalaya Mountain lone journey. In the meantime he wrote a diary ‘Ek sadhak ki diary ke kuch prishta’ which were printed in the Akhand Jyoti Magazine. The subject in it was related to the inaccessible Himalaya regions he resided in that was the abode of gods, goddesses, Rishis, great souls etc doing continuous Tapas or spiritual austerities for world welfare. It encompassed the heart of Himalayas spanning from Yamnotri glacier to Nanda Devi Peak that oozes with divine power of Tapas or spiritual austerities. Further the Akhand Deep was kept lit incessantly and kept testing Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). On his return Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya took over the editing of this magazine from October-1961 AD. In order to guide devotees and Sadhaks he gave a new turn to the mission via the following: a) Sadhana or spiritual practices for awakening the 5 Koshas or Sheaths b) Yug Nirman activities for deepening their Aradhana (worshiping Almighty God as the soul of all creatures of the world by selflessly serving them) c) Manifesto of the mission wherein Satsankalpa or oath by mission members were taken to serve world society and usher in its well being

In the last 2 pages (38-39) of Akhand Jyoti Magazine (September 1961 AD) Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) wrote quite humbly that it was quite possible that great responsibilities shouldered by her as per Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine command may have shown errors at places and hence she begged forgiveness from all. She humbly wrote thus: As has been the practice always from the next month Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya shall take over the chief responsibility of our Akhand Jyoti Magazine publication. Although since past months it was only his thoughts and sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana that echoed in the magazine but in future he shall directly guide us all himself. Now this magazine shall be a practical guide of our soul advancement and well being. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has designed a 10 year education and training program and from it we shall get Sadhana or spiritual practices based guidance. One test hence got completed. How well planned and well arranged is the life’s routine of a Lila Purusha or Avatar of Almighty God can be seen by reading the last pages of the Akhand Jyoti Magazine. Exactly after 10 years lapsed by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left Mathura City permanently to head to the Himalayas for an incognito stay there. He handed over all mission responsibilities on the shoulders of his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) so that far away in the mountains he could carry out Tapas or spiritual austerities and Sadhana or spiritual practices. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left on 20th June after looking after great tasks superbly for 30 years. These glorious activities were: 1) Sadhana or spiritual practices 2) Writing great literature 3) Holding spiritual camps 4) Preaching and spreading scientific spirituality everywhere 5) Forming the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) So far these great tasks were executed from their work arena Gayatri Tapobhumi at Vrindavan Road-Mathura and Akhand Jyoti Sansthan at

Ghiyamandi-Mathura. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya divinely commanded his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) to execute 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharanas for 24 long years at a stretch and carry with her the Akhand Jyoti (imperishable flame lamp) lit at Mathura City to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) at Saptasarovar. She was to be accompanied by 6 unmarried girls to help her in this Anushthan and 3 senior volunteers of the mission for residing in that dense lonely jungle area. This step seems very hard hearted from a very dispassionate Sidha or God Realized Saint who otherwise ceaselessly burnt himself like an incense stick to work for others’ well being. He was a loving father and founder of this huge worldwide family but at this moment it seemed it was just an illusion. This was a well planned task and an act of changing residence. In his farewell message regarding his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya writes in the Akhand Jyoti Magazine (May 1971 AD) under the title ‘Apno se apni baat’ thus: Our mission campaign shall be properly directed by my holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). Unlike me she does not how to talk in detail but from the great soul quality standpoint she is much ahead than me and not behind at all. By handing over the responsibilities of showering love and wisdom on all on Mataji’s capable shoulders I shall leave for my Himalaya journey tension free. I harbor no fear at all regarding our mission breaking apart post my departure for the Himalayas. In order to look after this child like family well I am leaving Mataji behind to do the needful aptly. She shall use her power of Tapas or spiritual austerities for rendering alive my tradition of selfless social service. How well managed was this change of power. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was himself supposed to arrive at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) in his physical body before the following Gayatri Jayanti Day but he held himself back and instead handed over the entire visible role to his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). After this the well designed 5 year plans of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya commenced wherein for the initial 4 years both him and Mataji and for the final 5th year only Mataji had to play a chief role alone. When in 1971 AD his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) took up the important duty energy manifestation and showering it as a divine blessing on all via the editing of the Akhand Jyoti Magazine in comparison to 1951 AD it was a tougher task to execute. It was a

new place at Haridwar, small girls were to be guided in Sadhana or spiritual practices and along with Mr. Balram Singh Parihar only 3 volunteers accompanied to help her there. It was an apt place to execute peace based Sadhana or spiritual practices but those visitors coming and going in Mathura City for Darshan or hallowed vision were lacking here and Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya also was absent. Hence it was a very difficult test to face. Mataji writes under the title ‘Mother’ in the ‘Apni se Apni Baat’ series of articles published in the Akhand Jyoti Magazine after she took over its editing in 1971 AD: For me my Guru, my shelter and my Almighty God is Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya only. I have not thought about anything apart from carrying out every command of his to the last letter. Hence I just cannot think otherwise when he has asked me to leave Mathura City, reside in Haridwar permanently and execute 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharanas for 24 long years at a stretch. From the legal standpoint whose name gets printed as the editor of the Akhand Jyoti Magazine? This is not of importance at all because just as in the past in future too it is only Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine thinking that shall be published for the benefit of respected readers. Just as previously henceforth too 100% only his great inspirining thinking shall rule the roost in our Akhand Jyoti Magazine. How straightforward and humble is the above promise given to respected readers by Mataji? And she actually put it to practice. The Prana Energy flow of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya continued to reach readers in the form of Akhand Jyoti Magazine and sequentially those readers imbibing both within and without this divine guidance of his increased in number day by day. This resolve of his carried down since many decades were fulfilled wonderfully by Mataji. It was sold at no profit no loss cost and till today as previously no advertisements are published in this magazine to generate revenue. Let us throw more light for the benefit of our mission members regarding the 5 year plan as designed by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Much beforehand he had classified the time span between the years 1971 to 2001 AD in a well planned manner. From this all shall get a great chance to truly understand the Divine Couple based Lilas or divine sports of great Avatar stature saints. In the last part of the month of January 1972 AD for some time an inner inspiration arose in the pure heart of Mataji due to excess heavy responsibilities on her shoulders and a sudden heart attack she had to face. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya dwelling at that time in a remote inaccessible region of the lofty Himalaya

Mountains heard it subtly and rushed to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) immediately. For his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) this was a mind boggling moment full of hair raising feeling. The moment she saw him all her difficulties disappeared to naught. This was nothing new because being Divine Energy or Shakti manifest can anything major have happened to her health? The author of these lines is a witness of those moments in January 1972 AD when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya explained his future plans to his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) who was just recovering from the heart attack she had faced recently. And just as he had arrived at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) from the Himalayas he returned there. He had further promised that till the following Gayatri Jayanti Day he would arrive in her midst any time. In the April 1972 AD Akhand Jyoti Magazine an article was published under the title ‘Why did Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya arrive and return to the Himalayas again’? In it his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) has penned details of the above incidence, future plans, Prana Pratyavartan Camps etc which is really worth reading. After 1971 AD in the 1st 5 year plan after Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left for incognito lone stay in the Himalayas the following camps commenced: 1) Prana Pratyavartan 2) Jivan Sadhana or spiritual practices 3) Training for Vanaprasthis (retired people between 50-75 years age) These were important education and training camps for sowing the seeds of the glorious yester eras’ Rishi tradition. Till 1975 this trend continued. In the mean while Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left for his 1st foreign journey to Tanzania and Kenya via ship. After 1.5 months he returned to India in February 1973 AD. Non resident Indians abroad too felt that they have someone whom they can call their own since Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had travelled so many miles to awaken their great Sanskaras or psychic imprints. This was the first important leg of rendering Divine Culture a World Culture. Later in 1971 to 1974 AD it spread the world over. It was after this that a book was published titled ‘Samast vishwa ko bharat ke ajasra anudan’ and it can be called a milestone in the annals of history of culture. Till 1976 AD the young unmarried girls guided by Mataji got imbued with power of Tapas or spiritual austerities via Anushthans carried out. They had commenced training camps for women’s awakening. Taking direct training

from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya too a new wave of women’s awakening swept entire India. Many groups with 5 women in each were sent all over India and 3 months training camp regarding this were commenced at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) too. In the mean while Brahmavarchas Research Institute (Shodh Sansthan) too was opened. In the land of Tapas or spiritual austerities executed by the great Rishi Kanad of yore this institute was established. From within India and abroad, many research journal and apparatus were gathered and thus the cast of scientific spirituality was set rolling. Youth, educated people, doctors and scientists came here to permanently offer their research expertise. In the 1st half of the 3rd 5 year plan program commenced in 1980 AD Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya divinely directed thus: A) Setting Prajna Pithas B) Setting up Shakti Pithas C) Creating Swadhyaya groups everywhere D) Rendering the organization well managed As time lapsed by a grand creations harbingered in and for 2 years Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya himself left for journeying everywhere. With his divine hands he created many Shaktipithas by doing its Prana Pratishtha Ceremony. In the 4th 5 year plan the year 1984 AD commenced with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s Sookshmikaran Sadhana or rendering the psyche divinely subtle. After that from 1986 Vasant Parva or Spring Festival the following tasks were taken up: A) Fulfilling the Yugsandhi Mahapurashcharan Sadhana or spiritual practices with great speed in entire India B) Conferences and gigantic programs for ushering in National Unity in India C) 108 Kundi Super Yajnas held all over India D) Encouraging every household every where to perform Deep Yajnas (lighting wick flame lamps daily)

This was the latter part of the 4 th plan of 5 years and was extremely important. In the final 6 months Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya with the divine inspiration of Lord Mahakal created literature that was revolutionary in nature. He had confidently predictedthat a bright 21st century shall harbinger in the world over with the help of sanctified brilliant soul personalities. After his great departure from this world of mortality on 2nd June 1990 AD that was Gayatri Jayanti Day too his Divine Energy now manifested in his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). He himself merged into his divine subtle and causal bodies rendered our worldwide mission terrifically imbued with untold measure of Prana Energy. On 4th August 1990 AD at the Aga Khan Auditorium in New Delhi a program to pay him humble homage and respects was held. After that a gigantic Shradhanjali Program was held on 1/2/3/4th October 1990 AD and immediately the 5th 5 year plan was put to work. It was to be directly managed by his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) till 19th September 1994 AD. In this plan the following programs were conducted: 1) Shakti Sadhana or spiritual practices programs 2) Sanskaras or psychic imprints Festivals 3) Rajvandan programs 4) A gigantic oath ceremony program 5) Dev Sanskriti or Divine Culture Movement. In the Divine Culture Campaign 15 Ashwamedha Yajnas in India and 3 in foreign countries were to be held. In this manner the mission’s activities increased 100 fold more and our worldwide mission members reached a staggering number of more than 5.5 million. Definitely from the visible direct standpoint all these 18 programs were managed well by Mataji. But the moment she got a call of Almighty God she merged her subtle divine body into that of her icon deity’s our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. The hour was chosen in an auspicious manner because she shed her mortal coil on 19th September 1994 AD i.e. Bhadrapad Purnima and the time was 11.50 am. Much before her final departure she had directed us all to execute 2 following 5 year plans from 1990 AD till 2000 AD that included Ashwamedha Super Movement. All this was to be done not only in India but the world over.


If there is mutual understanding each day of family life shall ooze with a festival like happy atmosphere. The entire life of the holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya-Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) passed by in her imbibing this great precept and encouraging others too to practice it diligently. Along with Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya resided other family members viz. the wives of his 3 elder brothers and their children. All in all it was a very big family. Revered Gurudeva’s respected mother shouldered the responsibility of nurturing this huge family. She was lovingly called Tayiji by all. Tayiji had a good bodily height, her skin hue was fair, had a deep voice and a strong healthy body that could impress all and sundry quite well. Everyone who came in her contact got influenced greatly by her personality. Despite being very soft hearted within externally she was very authoritative. All household activities and chores were executed under her watchful guidance. She commanded respect from all sons, daughter in laws and other family members. When Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) entered her new home post her marriage to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that day was one of great transformation. Her maternal home and her new in laws’ home were quite different in atmosphere. Since at a very small age her mother had died her father Mr. Jaswantrai had looked after her with a lot of affection and care. Since she was the smallest amongst other siblings in her family her elder brothers-sisters too showered a lot of love on her. After entering her in laws’ home how should one behave with other family members there? When any problem arises in the family how and when to search for its solution? All such training was not given to her in her maternal home. Since she was motherless who would teach her such small albeit important aspects of wholesome family life? Since in her in laws’ home too she was the youngest it meant that she had to shoulder many

duties. The problem was that she lacked the necessary capability to look after these duties aptly. Along with the beginning of this married family life some other tests too had to be faced by her. In it many personalities had to undergo ‘rubbing’ to prove their authenticity. The first amongst these were the children of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya born from his first marriage. He had a son called Omprakash and a daughter Daya. In those days they were innocent little children. Since they had lost their affectionate mother at a very small age they both yearned for true love. They wanted love that never perished. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya their father was busy at the social level. He was actively involved in India’s political freedom struggle, his tasks of social reformation were increasing as days passed by and his new Sadhana or spiritual practices were advancing too. Under such circumstances, although he loved his children a lot yet he could not live with them in close proximity much. But how coul such an innocent child’s mind understand helplessness of a busy life? Children are known to get upset again and again. Every time the child gets angry he wishes that someone cajoles and molly coddles him. No doubt their grandmother Tayiji tried to fulfill this role as much as possible but their child mind aspired for a loving mother. But this very child mind would harbor doubts and behave childishly as is the case everywhere. The only solution for this is a true mother’s love. The moment Mataji entered her in laws’ family she accepted the above challenge. There were certain neighbors in their area that were to put in Goswami Tulsidasji’s words: Je binu kaj dahiney bayein. It means such people without any rhyme or reason keep criticizing and commenting. Such criticisms can deeply pain the targeted person. Such rebukes and censures commenced at that very time when Mataji entered her in laws’ house after marriage. One lady neighbor said: O! This is but a pair of camels and goats. Another commented The new bride is dark skinned and her face has chicken pock marks. But Mataji’s elder sister in law (Shilvati Jiji’s respected mother) after quitenening so many such sarcastic comments said:

Our family’s daughter in law is Bhagwati (Goddess). One day you all shall reverently touch her hallowed feet. With these soothing words she brought Mataji inside their home. After that Mataji was introduced to each family member; even those 2 children, who were thirsting for true motherly love. While talking about the very first Darshan or hallowed vision of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) Mr. Omprakash clearly describes thus: At that time Mataji had worn a pink Sari that had golden emroidery. On her forehead was a Tika, a nose ring and a necklace around her throat. She had worn golden bangles, ornaments on her feet and sandals of deep red color. She had also worn a shawlf of almond color. As per our village tradition she had veiled her face (Ghoonghat). Both of us (Mr. Omprakash and Ms. Daya his sister) would go silently here and there and return. Smilingly we would say that Mataji is so ‘thin’, small and face is round. Daya had worn a frock and bravely stood in front of Mataji. Mataji lovingly caught hold of her hands and seated Daya near her. My mind also wished to do this and I too stood in front of her. Tayiji, my grandmother standing nearby loudly said: Just don’t keep staring thus! Touch your new mother’s feet respectfully. I touched her feet reverently. Mataji caught my hands lovingly and after seating me next to her, asked: What is your name? Which class are you studying in school? I replied: My name is Omprakash and I study in Class 5. This then was the 1st meeting with their new mother and the children thirsty for motherly love got it in good measure. One can never build a wall of a real or step mother between children and their mother. Moving away from the superficial layer of social traditions and beliefs children are nourished by pouring on them profound sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana full of motherly love and affection. Over here both Mataji and the 2 children did exactly this and developed a bond of true love and affection. From the 1st day itself Mataji showered all family members with a sense of oneness and soul unity. Everyone hence praised her a lot. Shilvati Jiji (her

neice) while sharing these fond memories of true love showered on all by Mataji says: It was a sight for the gods to see aunty (Mataji) alertly and zestfully serving all. Our family was a big one. From children to elders in the family, each one harbored varied desires and desires. It was not easy at all to mold one in accordance with varied personality family members. But it was as though our aunt was an adept at this. Each member would feel as though aunt looks after him the most. Tayiji virtually became totally reliant on her. For any task to be done, Tayiji would ask us to discuss it with Mataji first. Very rarely does one see such true bonding of affection between a mother in law and her daughter in law. Mataji could not stay much more at Anvalkheda Village. Our country India was about to gain political freedom. Hence Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s activities were now weaning away from those pertaining to freedom struggle and instead he was now focusing on social reformation. Every pore of his being aspired to liberate society from the painful slave like chains of vile traditions, vile beliefs, indolent blind thinking etc. Hence he chose Mathura City as a center for this social campaign of his. Naturally this decision affected his family life. Mataji accompanied by their son Omprakash and daughter Daya left for Mathura City. Their life at Mathura was not as full of facilities as was in their home at Anvalkheda Village. Over here they did not have riches enjoyed by landlord families. Although this poverty was voluntarily taken up yet poverty is only poverty. They had to endure lack like any poor family anywhere. But since their psyche bloomed with thinking of great Rishis of yore, their minds were serene and happy despite external world material lack faced. In their life at Mathura itself, after India attained independence Mataji gave birth to 2 children. The first was a son Mrityunjay born in 1949 AD and daughter Shailbala in 1953 AD. In this manner their family had 6 members. A major part of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s life was involved in Tapas or spiritual austerities, Sadhana or spiritual practices, social service and studies-penning great literature. In this busy schedule of his he could hardly spare time for his family. Hence it was Mataji who mainly managed their household. She had to give her 4 children both paternal and maternal affection. If at all we can compare the marriage of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) it could only be that of Lord Shiva and Goddess Paravati. Lord Shiva very much an asectic would mainly be immersed in

Tapas or spiritual austerities and Samadhi or trance. It was his divine consort Goddess Paravati who had to nurture their 2 sons Lord Kartikeya and Lord Ganesha and other Ganas or aides of Lord Shiva. At Mathura City too this was the scene. There was no dearth of difficulties to be faced, problems pertaining to lack of varying types too raised their hoods, but Mataji never spoke about these tough problems and hardships to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya because it would wean him away from his Tapas or spiritual austerities based endeavors. In this phase of many types of lack Mataji’s motherly love had to endure agony within. One day her small daughter found a Rupee One coin on the roadside. The small girl yearned to buy a toy with this money. She told her child like mind that it is not robbery to pick up a coin lying on the road. Hence she bought balloons, toys etc from a shop nearby and happily returned home. The moment this child returned home Mataji immediately saw the toys etc in her hands. The small girl honestly recounted all that had happened. At first Mataji’s motherly bosom wailed aloud in pain. Lest she as her mother was able to buy toys for her children this small daughter would not have been lured to pick up that coin on the road. But the next moment Mataji regained her inner poise and told her daughter: Look here my daughter! Go immediately to that shop and return the toys you have bought from there. When the shopkeeper gives you the money in return go to the temple and offer it to Almighty God there. The 6 year old daughter was amazed and asked: Why should I do so? I have not robbed this money because it was on the roadside only and I picked it up. Mataji very firmly explained: So what if the money was lieng on the roadside! Without working hard if we accept money it is nothing but robbery on our part. The small daughter understood this and she immediately returned the toys to the shopkeeper. The money got from the shop was devotedly offered at a temple nearby. Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) faced not one but so many such tricky difficult incidences in her family life but these instead of weakening only strengthened her mind steadfastly. Along with the publication of Akhand Jyoti Magazine the small family of 6 was now growing into the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-

Uttarakhand-India). Hence people coming and going there was increasing day by day. In the mean time Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s Sadhana or spiritual practices based efforts were intensifying with cyclonic speed. The 2 incognito lone journeys to the Himalaya Mountains too were taken up by him during their stay at Mathura City. During Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s journey to the Himalayas his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) looked after the Akhand Jyoti Magazine printing and Gayatri Parivar activities execellently. Along with writing letters she never allowed her children to experience any lack of any sort. Further she saw to it that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya does not get dissatisfied with the responsibilities she was to shoulder during his absence. Also never did the members of the All World Gayatri Family (HQShantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) feel sad due to Revered residing far away from their midst. The reason being, that Mataji was always there by their side in order to inspire them in a loving manner, for all mission tasks to be carried out by them. The young girls left behind by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya for Mataji to look after were not any degree holders or highly educated. But the young girls certainly possessed a lot of practical know how of things and hence under the watchful eye of Mataji they rendered their mission family akin to a blooming garden of heaven. During their stay at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) while explaining to a new arriving volunteer Mataji had said: Son! Never think that living in a home and family is problematic. If you leave family life thinking it to be a burden, know for sure that you cannot become a true spiritual seeker. I too have done Sadhana or spiritual practices but I did so by rendering my home an Ashram full of Tapas or spiritual austerities. All problems, difficulties etc that appear in our householder way of life are but a way to do Tapas or spiritual austerities by enduring them calmly. This in turn increases our will power and soul energy. If the family life based hardships are accepted happily mentally looking upon them as blessings of Almighty God) our inner personality and soul start shining like 24 carat gold. Instead of decreasing number of members of my every growing family or running away from this family like mission, I am actually trying to increase our All World Gayatri Family (HQShantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Initially our family had 7 members (Tayiji, Omprakash, Daya, Mrityunjaya or Satish, Shailbala, me and Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya). After this, the Akhand Jyoti Magazine Family got created wherein at first, about 10,000 new members joined. Today it has become the All World Gayatri

Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) that is numbering into millions today. Behind all this dwell the sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana of generosity and loving power of endurance. Sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana dwell within our heart. If with an unseen scheming mind we showcase so called generosity, ‘affection’ etc to our family members or anyone else at some point this hypocrisy shall become an open book for all to read. Once this fraud is exposed family members shall harbor negative hateful sentiments towards us. But if our sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana within are true but people yet harbor a negative attitude, know that a day shall come when their erroneous thinking shall get rectified. I have done exactly this. I sincerely wish that the personal family of all our mission members becomes heavenly and blissful. In it each day flowers of happiness and true love for everyone must bloom forth.


Tava kathamritam taptajivanam kavibhiridhitam kalmashamaham. Shravanamangalam shrimadatatam bhuvi grunanti te bhurida janaha. While discussing regarding Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) would quote the above verse from the Shrimad Bhagwat religious text full of devotional sentiments. After he left this mortal world forever her entire life had become an immortal discourse of her beloved icon deity i.e. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. In her day to day routine via many personal life’s incidences she would talk about and explain the sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana, great thoughts, divine mission etc of her beloved icon deity. One day while talking about this Mataji said to her girl disciples, members etc: Children! Do you know where you can get the true description of Bhagwat Geeta text along with its profound import? All present there looked at Mataji with curiosity and wanted to to the answer. Amongst these were those too had read many commentaries of the Geeta and other interpretations of the verses therein. They had read Shankaracharya, Madhusudan Saraswati, Ramanujacharya, Madhavacharya etc but had failed to understand the underlying truth in it. Whenever they read one author they thought only he was right. Mataji using extraordinary logic and analysis was going to highlight the underlying truth in the above different commentaries. The listeners were all eyes and ears. Mataji’s speech commenced to solve this doubt: The true description of Bhagwad Geeta can be found only in the life lived by Lord Shri Krishna. His life after being born in a dark prison room was surrounded each moment by difficulties and major dire problems. Despite

enduring so many dangerous attacks from terrible demons like Aghasur, Bakasur, Putana etc Lord Krishna’s inner peace and divine joy remained steadfast. None the world over could render him unhappy or in despair of any sort. Despite the fact that King Yudhisthira could rule the world only due to the divine blessings of Lord Krishna, the latter gladly chose to pick up dirty plates of guests (after they finished their meals) who had arrived at the Rajasuya Yajna. He joyously accepted the task of devotionally washing the feet of respected guests arriving there. Kubja a woman whose body was bent and face ugly looking, illiterate Gopis or cowherd girls etc were satiated by the divine love showered on them by Lord Shri Krishna. Wherever Lord Krishna saw pain, strife, anguish etc he would rush hurriedly there to ward it off. Despite carrying out mind boggling feats he was always detached from any honor showered on him and thus lived the divine life of a Sthitaprajna (Sidha or God Realized Saint and Avatar). At a certain point Mataji’s discussion took a new turn and said: The true deep import of the thinking and philosophy of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya rests in the divine life he lived. Whatever he promised was executed to the last letter. Children! He was not merely an author or a poet. He was a true Rishi. A revolutionary Rishi! There is a vast difference between a writer and a Rishi. Always keep this precept in mind. You may have read the poetry of other poets and started dancing in joy. But when you actually go and meet this poet personally you become restless. He many a times appears even more despicable than an ordinary layman. This then is the major difference between a poet and a Rishi. A mundane poet jumps high once and rises up in the sky for a moment. But then the gravitational force pulls him down on the ground and he falls flat on his face with a thud. Those who jump about a lot definitely fall into huge craters. In fact flat land turns into a huge gaping wide hole. Thus a worldly author is of this type i.e. becomes lame and breaks his bones. His poetry may refer to Almighty God but if you smell his breath it reeks with alcohol. Their songs may compete with Upanishads simply from the language mastery standpoint but their lives are so dry and listless that none can hope for flowers of joy to bloom in them. This then is the major difference between a poet and a Rishi. When a Rishi says something great his life actually demonstrates it. The fact is that a mundane poet talks a lot but his life hardly reflects all this ‘great’ talk penned by him. A Rishi’s life oozes with so much true glory that when he talks about greatness it is much less in measure than the greatness blooming in his inner divine personality.

Our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was a true Rishi and if I may say so he was much greater than a Rishi too. In his small life he executed many applications and experiments. The conclusion of it was placed before the world in easy straightforward language. By thinking and deeply reflecting over innumerable glorious incidences of his life people shall realize that although externally he accepted a life of commonplace simplicity he taught us how to reach great glory especially at the inner soul level. It is hence that Lord Krishna says: Tesham satata yuktanam bhajatam preetipurvakam. Dadami budhiyogam tam yena mamupayanti te. ‌‌.Bhagwad Geeta (10th chapter) MEANING: Those who understand my life in profound detail I give them Budhi Yoga (a sanctified divine intellect) which means his brain gives up all taints.

The same has been opined by Maharshi Patanjali in Patanjali Yoga Sutras (1/37): Veetaragavishayam va chittam. MEANING: If we deeply reflect from the bottom of our hearts about such true dispassionate Sidhas or God Realized Saints our psyche shall get illumined with divine aura.

If we discuss his life it does not connote that we are worshiping some individual. In fact Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had gone way beyond the limitations of his individuality and an individual in this very life of his. Whenever I discuss about his life it refers to small-big experiments carried out in a living laboratory wherein anyone repeating it attains self glory. I have had the golden opportunity to live in close proximity to him. I saw him, I attained him and the fact that I lived with him was the greatest fortune enjoyed by me. It is not as though I got this great fortune just because I got married to him. In fact all my married life I have been much more of his disciple than his lawfully wedded wife. You all to are

his children, his disciples and if you so wish you all too can definitely do and attain all that has been possible for me to do with his divine blessings. Take the example of spirituality. Previously this science was submerged under the undesirable burden of blind beliefs and indolent traditions. People looked upon it more as a miraculous toy to play with rather than a great science that it in reality is. A belief got deeprooted in the layman’s psyche that if you wish to become a true spiritual person you have to renounce hearth, home and family way of life. This unwholesome erroneous thinking always pained the compassionate heart of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Hence he always explained to lovers of spirituality that today the dire need of the hour is to render our home an Ashram full of Tapas or spiritual austerities. Lest we can aptly render our home into a great hermitage all goals of soul advancement can be fulfilled. He actually demonstrated this superb thinking of his in his life and placed before the world such a form of a true householder that he outshines innumerable ascetics that have left their homes in search of spiritual truths. Via the nectarine fragrance of his grea life rendered his small family so fragrant that onlookers could not resist saying: Dhanyo grihasthashrama. Such a great householder truly is glorified because all basis of true greatness gush forth both within and without. He would not feel satisfied of his own children as much as he should when the thought of other peoples’ children facing lack of facilities for their all round advancement in life. In order to destroy the separative wall of ‘mine’ and ‘yours’ he always would include others’ children in his family and he always kept in mind that no disparity enters while showering love on children and looking after their nurtuting and nourishing. After getting some spare time from a very hectic schedule he would get so immersed in playing with children, feeding them etc that it seemed as though he had become a child like them. He always said that enjoying childhood in a grown up age is the best form of relaxing. He felt that indeed those who ignore these lovely playful moments with children at home and instead go to clubs, alcohol bars reeking with foul odor etc are definitely ill fated. This teaching has been given to each family member. Many children have learnt great characteristics of the management of true living in the school of their house. We must hope that in future they shall enjoy their family life full of peace and serenity and let others live in a satisfactory joyous manner. Regarding our family expenditure, management, suggestions etc the advice of each family member was taken and everyone’s needs and problems faced were looked into diligently. To the extent any problem could be solved it was

definitely done, what was not possible due to some financial crunch faced was then explained to the concerned family member. It was for this reason that despite our family living on minimal means and expenses none of us were dissatisfied. In fact we all felt that this poverty was a blessing in disguise from Almighty God. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya oozed with the following great qualities: 1) He lived a very simple life almost akin to a poor Indian household 2) Whatever was in excess (cash, materials etc) he would give it for social well being tasks 3) He helped his family and society in staying away from so many bad habits, addictions etc 4) He himself worked hard daily and encouraged others to do so 5) He lived a life of simple living and high thinking 6) His mind and actions bloomed with zest and zeal If people truly realize the deep import of imbibing the above superb qualities then instead of getting enmeshed in the vicious cycle of madly amassing wealth at any cost and then getting immersed in fleeting sense titillation activities, they would live life in a simple manner while harboring great thinking within. In this manner with excess cash, time etc at hand, much can be done for our own, and others’ welfare. Those who live life of wasteful expenses, indolence and full of alcohol, drugs etc addictions can never attain the bliss and joy we got since our life had imbibed high stature thinking and external living of a lot of simplicity. There was never any hypocrisy or vain show of any sort. After forgetting all differences regarding age, ability etc when we all laughed, talked, played and ate meals together it seemed as though heaven has manifested in our little hut. Our love for each other and deep trust was such that we would do anything for each other. Our family atmosphere was so pure that there was no room for bad feelings and tainted thinking. Our sympathy and power of endurance was so firm that each one felt that his own difficulty was lesser in comparison to the other person.

In this sense of soul oneness towards each other there was no superficial lip service or selfish thinking at all. Those who came into contact with our family atmosphere blooming with pure affection, straightforward and pure hearted behavior towards them, showing the bare reality of our thinking and actions that they were amazed to see all this hands on. Anyone coming in contact with us once forever became our beloved dear one. We leave it to others to give meanings to the influence of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s speech, knowledge, Tapas or spiritual austerities etc. But from my own experience I can say that the effect of the open book of our lives full of straightforward and affectionate attitude on all those who contacted us has helped them get bound lovingly to our All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). It has not given any lesser contribution in setting up such a gigantic worldwide organization. A person just does not get influenced by someone’s talented personality however brilliant it maybe. This is because true gentlemanly behavior and honesty are that much more influencing. It has the great capacity to render aliens our very own. No doubt the guidance and teachings of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya have helped people imbibe the light of true wisdom. But know for sure that his divine inner personality and mode of glorious living has proved to be manifold more effective. Many people harbor differences of thinking. Some were not agreeable with his method of worship, meditation etc Inspite of these differences, they were so positively influenced by him that in the environment of his deep sense of soul unity with them, they forgot all their differences. There were those also who would come to argue for and against many things but on contacting his loving sense of oneness their mouths would not open at all for such debates. In this manner due to those great inner qualities of his Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya he won over all including his foes. He thus was victorious the world over in a certain sense. These great glorious qualities were picked up and reinstated in his psyche in the laboratory of his householder way of life. In other words we can also say that this experimental Sadhana or spiritual practices built the road of creating a huge world organization for Era Neo Creation and Transformation. How much ever we eulogize him, it shall never do full justice to his infinite divine personality. Since I have known him from close quarters I can only say this much that his life’s story is Paras or touchstone (converts iron to gold). If any one touches it his life shall be as pure, priceless and shining as 24 carat gold.


It is believed that Lord Vaman measured entire earth with his 3 tiny footsteps only. If you and me wish to measure the glorious depth of the inner personality of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma), holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in merely 3 letters of Hindi language it is ‘Karuna’ or total compassion. It was in built in her nature. She could not remain cool and calm on noting others’ sorrow or hardship of any sort. The amplification of her onrush of sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana was not limited to human beings only. She would say quite often: If we think only about welfare of human beings our viewpoint is very narrow minded. Lest our standpoint broadens it shall seem that other creatures too due to their differences, specialties etc get a special spot in this world of Almighty God. All creatures are equals even though in shape and form they might be big-small etc. Amongst innumerable children of Almighty God mankind is one of these. In the family of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya this pious attitude would be harbored by all. Just as the upkeep of family members was maintained well so too no lack was noted in the nurturing of birds, animals too. His holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) would look after everyone affectionately whther they were healthy, ill etc and due to her selfless service she would become the beloved soul of all. Regarding serving meals etc too everyone was looked after properly. Many a times she would get up half way from her own meal saying: O! I have not got fodder ready for the cows and I am eating food over here. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s 2.4 million based 24 Mahapurashcharanas got completed in 24 years. All these years their home looked after their own cows. At that time cow milk, butter milk etc was required a lot. Also Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would execute Gau Yavak Vrata. In it barley seeds were fed to cows and later seeds of barley would be seen in the dung emitted by the cows.

These were collected and washed in cow urine. These were then dried, pounded to flour and Roti or Indian bread was made from it. With this Roti he drank butter milk without salt. This trend continued for a long time span. The arrangements of the above were looked after by Mataji only. All the time, she was alert about feeding fodder and water to the cows. They had to be protected from excess cold and heat and fed barley seeds regularly. In the beginning Mataji and Tayiji (Revered Gurudeva’s beloved mother) resided at Anvalkheda Village. At that time a Kapila Cow resided in their home. This black hue cow was very easy natured. Even when small children caught her udders the cow kept quiet. Whenever there was a requirement in their home milk from Kapila Cow was taken. Since she was milked often it is difficult to measure how much milk she gave daily. One day this Kapila Cow became sick. She stopped eating fodder. She sat quietly without making any noise. Since their village doctor was not available another one from a nearby village was called. He gave many Ayurveda Medicines to the cow but she remained ill. Mataji was hence quite worried and food, water etc appeared tasteless to her. Each moment she was thinking about how to get this cow cured. Other family members were astounded to see Mataji so upset and tensed thus. They felt that since it is normal for animals to become ill hence why become so worried? But for Mataji it was as though some beloved kin of hers was in agony. She called a doctor from Barhan village nearby. The doctor said that the cow’s throat was diseased. He administered some therapy but to no avail. The more the body of the cow was experiencing pain Mataji’s mind would get anguished and pained that much more. Seeing her harassed thus family members called a vet from Agra City. The vet tried his best to cure the cow but till then the cow’s stomach had bloated a lot. At 6 am in the morning she started breathing loudly and at about 7 am (Ekadashi Day) she entered eternal sleep but not before showering all her love on everyone. But for Mataji it was as though her entire world had collapsed to naught. She cried aloud in anguish. A push cart was brought there. A big crater was dug up. Mataji walked into this crater first and sprinkled pure River Ganga water there. Simultaneously she did Japa or Mantra Chanting of Gayatri while shedding tears of sadness too. The dead cow was put into this crater gently. With her hands Mataji draped a red cloth on the dead body. Again she sprinkled pure River Ganga water on it, placed her head reverently at the feet of the dead cow and then started sprinkling mud on it. After this the entire crater was covered with mud. Finally sand was spread out on the entire area. On this Mataji wrote with her hands ‘Shriram’. After doing this she entered the house but for many days thereafter her mind was immersed

in sadness. It was only after one week passed by, that she could eat her meals properly. Then from Anvalkheda Village, Mataji had to leave for Mathura City. It is difficult to say whether first Mataji came home or the monkeys. After she left for Mathura the monkey at her village home to left that area. Yes! It is true that as long as she was at her village home the monkeys there lived happily. These monkeys too were amazing. Around 20 monkeys would sit on their rooftop, paste mud on the outside walls but they would never take away any clothes, vessels etc. It was as though Mataji had lovingly nurtured them in a disciplined fashion. She would place bread pieces for them regularly. In a plate meant for the monkeys she would keep lentil curry, vegetables and cooked rice. These monkeys would appease their hunger very satisfyingly from this plate of food served affectionately by Mataji. All relatives, disciples, friends etc coming to their home were scared of these monkeys but the family members were at ease with them. But these monkeys never bit any guest etc arriving there. Since they were so satiated with the meals served by their beloved Mataji in person what was the need for them to spew anger or bite anyone? Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) loved all creatures in untold measure. For her all creatures were her beloved soul mates. She would selflessly serve them, share laughing moments and in those rare cases show wrath like a mother who wishes to correct her beloved child. But when it came to anyone facing pain and hardship her inner sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana would manifest as tears pouring down her cheeks. One day Mataji was drying clothes in sunshine outside. In front of the room where Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya did Sadhana or spiritual practices there was some open bare area. Over there clothes were hanged for drying. Just when she had finished drying one bog cloth piece on the clothesline a wounded parrot fell from the sky on to their rooftop in a tumbling manner. It had spread its wings while falling down thus. Mataji thought that the parrot had died. Its condition too was of this sort. Behind its neck there was a gaping wound. From it a lot of blood was dripping out. The parrot’s mouth was torn and its eyes were stony and lifeless. Mataji who was drying clothes left them there midway and rushed to the parrot. Very gently with both hands she picked it up. Then she took it to the open area of their kitchen. She put some water into the parrot’s mouth. In the meantime Gulabdevi ‘Aiju’ arrived there. She said: This parrot is bleeding heavily.

Mataji shouted loudly: Then what are you waiting for? Quickly go and get paste of turmeric powder. Aiju did this and Mataji gently put this paste on the wound of the parrot since it works like antiseptic cream. The parrot writhed a bit in pain but Mataji was happy to note this since it meant that at least the parrot is alive and not dead as she had thought previously. There was a wooden cupboard in their kitchen where left over food was kept. In the middle empty shelf this wounded parrot was kept. Then they realized that the bird may pass stools there hence a big cage was brought there and the parrot was placed in this. In the cage they kept a bowl. In it they placed lentil curry, guava and chillies. In another bowl some drinking water was kept. The parrot was sitting in the cage in a cringing manner. Again in the evening Mataji applied turmeric paste on the parrot’s wound. For about 4 days this cure was continued with. Everyday Mataji would open the cage door, apply turmeric paste and close the cage door. Slowly the parrot started getting healed satisfactorily. Like always today also she opened the cage door and applied the paste but the parrot bit Mataji’s finger deeply. She shouted out in pain. In the meantime the bird escaped from her grasp and flew away. But Mataji on seeing it flying high up in the sky was very pleased. She said that her service to the parrot indeed had fructified well. Pain or hardship could be anyone’s but it was the stupendous habit of Revered Mataji to serve that person or creature lovingly. Near the road that led to Ghiyamandi-Mathura City was a small open area. There they kept dry wood etc. In this area one day a cat gave birth to 4 kittens. Generally regarding cats it is said that she takes her kittens to many homes one after another. We do not know whether this is true or not. Whatever maybe the case this cat, after giving birth to 4 kittens, in a limping manner walked up towards the rooftop area. Later she disappeared somewhere. When after many days the mother cat did not return the kittens condition worsened. The mewing of these baby cats full of sorrow and anguish melted the heart of Mataji and she too felt very sad. She just could not stop herself. She ran to that area and after overturning a basket there she saw the 4 kittens crying sadly albeit with eyes closed. Due to hunger and thirst they were virtually dead like. Mataji rushed there with a bowl of cow’s milk and made a wick of cotton. She slowly opened the kittens’ mouth one by one and with the wick dipped in milk poured milk drop by drop in their hungry mouths. This she did for many days. Slowly the kittens started growing up and they started moving about below on the ground. While roaming thus they would get on to anyone’s bed whenever it pleased

them. This became problematic for the family members. Now the kittens had started drinking milk dipped in Roti or Indian bread. The family members did not quite like all this. They felt this was harassment in their house. Many started criticizing Mataji in whispers. They said that when the cats shall lick food, milk etc in their kitchen vessels Mataji shall realize her folly. At that time she shall pay a heavy price for her compassion towards creatures like cats etc. No doubt such criticisms continued at home but none could dare come and tell all this to her face to face. These kittens sometimes would bite each other thinking it to be theirmother cat’s breast. Thus their bodies got wounded. Mataji then placed them in a basket and took them to a veterinary doctor. The vet said: Sister! These kittens have got a skin allergy of itching. Hence throw out these kittens from your house. If their allergy gets transferred to a human being’s skin it can become very dangerous. What shall you do about this dirt? On hearing this Mataji became restless and for quite sometime she tried convincing the vet: Do give these kittens some good medicine to cure their itching allergy. The vet replied: Since these kittens are not adults yet heavy medication shall not be tolerated by their body at all. After mulling a bit he again said: Fine! Take this bottle and with thin strips of cotton apply medicine on their skins. After applying the medicine do wash your hands thoroughly. Mataji then returned home with the kittens and medicine bottle. As per the vet’s guidance she started applying the medicine. The kittens were cuddling close to each other. They started licking medicine on each others’ body. When at 7 pm they were checked one kitten was lying down flat. Mataji cried aloud saying that the kitten was dead. While shedding tears she continued with household chores. A little later she told her elder son: Omprakash! Please go and check these kittens.

He went there and saw that the 2nd kitten too was lying down flat. Thus 2 kittens were sleeping flat and the other 2 were cuddling each other. Mataji rushed there leaving all chores incomplete and crying aloud she said: Alas! This one too has died. By night 9 pm the 3rd kitten too died and Mataji cried with sobs. Everyone in the family had gone to sleep. Only Mataji kept awake by the side of the lone kitten that was alive. But this one too passed away. She shouted aloud to her son Omprakash and came near him to awaken him. He got up from deep sleep with difficulty. He asked what the matter was. Crying in a sobbing manner Mataji said: Omprakash! All 4 kittens have died. I have sinned very big. Why did I apply medicine on their body? I have killed all 4 kittens. Her sadness was beyond all limits of control. She cried the whole night and somehow morning dawned. She then handed over the dead kittens to Raghuvir (today he is a compositor here) and said: Son! Tie these dead bodies in a red cloth. All 4 were tied up in separate cloths. When Raghuvir started walking away with these dead bodies she stopped him and said: Son! Do place them in River Yamuna far away so that in future life they shall no longer be born as animals but as humans. After they were taken away Mataji prayed to Almighty God that he blesses these kittens to get liberated from an animal’s body. Anyone’s hardships would pain her heart agonizingly. She would get restless and her compassion gushed forth limitlessly. This inner restlessness was harbored both for humans and other creatures equally. And why should it not be? This is because all are children of this World Mother. One day Mataji seated on a mat was reading something. Suddenly her eyes saw a cat. The cat had a pigeon in its mouth. Along with the wings of the pigeon the back half was in the mouth of the cat. But its stomach and neck were safe. Mataji immediately understood that she can save the life of the pigeon. Hence she covered the cat with her body. The cat could run away in only one

way and that path was obstructed by Mataji. In whichever direction the cat turned towards she would shoo it. She held nothing in her hands. But the cat was no weakling. Over there was some footwear. Mataji picked it up and hit the cat but the cat escaped. The cat angrily lunged on the person of Mataji. Nearby was a stick and taking it in her hands she tried obstructing the cat. In this chaos the cat lost its grip on the pigeon in its mouth. Mataji rushed forward and picked up the pigeon. At the lower end of the pigeon’s stomach blood was dripping out and its left leg was wounded too. Its condition was quite bad. She lovingly caressed the pigeon holding it in her arms. She called a lady Premvati standing nearby: Go quickly and get turmeric paste. Premvati said: Mataji! The pigeon shall definitely die. The poison of the cat’s teeth shall kill it. Turmeric paste shall not be effective at all. Regarding the parrot you saved previously the situation was different. For a fleeting moment Mataji’s face showed despair. Then after pondering a bit she locked the pigeon in a room. In it she placed food grains and water. At noon some devotees arrived at Tapobhumi for their meals. One amongst them was Dr. GK Parikh. He had arrived from Ahmedabad City. Hence Mataji spoke about the sad state of that wounded pigeon. Dr. Parikh was a well known adept surgeon of Ahmedabad City. He had to do many surgical operations daily but he had never cured a pigeon. While eating his meals the doctor tried to find a solution. For him it was a human patient on the operation table breathing its last. The doctor felt that his MS degree was being challenged by this ailing pigeon. In addition to this it was Revered Mataji’s pigeon. After finishing his meal the doctor left for the local bazaar nearby. He returned with medicines, syringe, cotton etc. He put some medicine on the wound of the pigeon’s body from where blood was dripping. Later he gave it an injection too. On its feet he applied some ointment. This treatment by the doctor continued for about 5 days. Slowly as days passed by the pigeon started recovering from this deep gash on its body. When it was perfectly healthy the pigeon was set free with his own hands by Dr. Parikh. The pigeon spread out its wing fully and flew away high up in the sky. The doctor respectfully touched the hallowed feet of Mataji and introduced himself as a surgeon attached to a certain hospital in Ahmedabad City. He had taken only 2 days leave. But today was the 8 th day when he

would be reporting for his medical duties. Mataji joyously smiled at him and said: Son! I am sorry that you had to take such an extended leave because of me. The doctor left for his home. After a few days in a Mathura City a gigantic program of farewell had been organized and Mataji left Mathura to permanently settle in Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Over here her pious affection for all became that much more widespread. In the river of her compassion innumerable people bathed blissfully. Apart from humans there were other creatures like a dog Manto owned by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. A colonel from Bhutan had gifted it to him. At that time Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had just returned from his 3rd journey of incognito stay in the Himalayas. At Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) the Prana Pratyavartan Spiritual Camp was going on. In those days any mission member arriving at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) never forgot the grand appearance of Manto. He would sit by Revered Gurudeva’s side all the while. When in the morning he left to give a discourse-Pravachan Manto would walk ahead of him. At noon he would sit with Revered Gurudeva on the sofa. Manto hated sitting on the ground. He got enough motherly affection. Whenever it got hungry he would run to Mataji. He would stand up with 2 legs raised from the ground. Manto would point at his tummy and bark as though indicating that he was famished with hunger pangs. Please give me food quickly. Understanding its gestures Mataji would immediately give it food to eat. If anyone wore a Dhoti (long cloth), in Indian mode of dress and came to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) to touch their hallowed feet Manto would keep quiet. If anyone came in an alien dress he would bark aloud warning them to wear Indian dress next time they arrived there. When Revered Gurudeva went to Himalayas for meeting his own Guruji there Manto was affectionately looked after by Mataji. Later it died and hence both Revered Gurudeva and Mataji buried his dead body in the sand area on the other shore of River Ganga. Apart from dog Manto there was a hare called Pankaj that enjoyed so much affection from Mataji. Pankaj would drink milk from Mataji’s own hands and would move about in her close proximity. Whenever the hare would jump into her lap she would laugh in joy. This hare loved showing his displeasure and Mataji loved it all the more to try and cajole it. For a few years it got satiated with her affection. One day Pankaj hare passed away. On that day Mataji just could not swallow food. For many days Mataji’s face

was full of sadness. Whenever she described this incident her face glowed with affection. In the Ramayan Era when Goddess Sita had incarnated on earth there was no definite count of how many monkeys, bears, squirrels etc enjoyed her motherly love for them. In this modern era the Supreme Divine Energy-our Revered Mataji about to usher in heavenly Satyuga or Golden Era manifested such an ocean of love and compassion that innumerable creatures bathed in it happily. She was absolutely right when she said: My Mantra in life is love and love only. My worship is harboring soul unity, affection and selfless love for every iota of this cosmos and its beings. Hence for the rest of the days I shall not talk about myself to my beloved dear ones but shall silently shower love and more love on them. Maybe my children may experience some joy. Without hoping for anything in return my stream of sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana towards all shall flow unabated. Showering all my children with untold affection is a gift I have given them thus far. If anyone forgets it I shall not harbor any untoward feeling. Wherever I dwell, whether my physical body remains alive or not, whether it resides on earth or in heaven, I shall ceaselessly shower love and affection on all creatures since they are my beloved children.


Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) had said: If our heart oozes with sympathy for others, we get extremely pained on seeing others in difficulty and anguish, selfless service to the world becomes rooted in the very nature of man. Mataji not only spoke thus but that her inner personality and nature exactly was of this type. She would rush forth and help anyone in agony or difficulty of any type. Whenever she stayed anywhere, whether it was her neighbors, household helps, workers, relatives etc she would share the problems and pain of each of them selflessly. Her selfless service and sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana never got caged in separating divisions of caste, community, religion, country etc. She never let differences of poorrich, high-low caste etc come in the way of serving each and every person in difficulty. Only that anguish harassed her day in and day out viz. in what way could she soothe and assuage the pain of others and solve their problems in a selfless manner? It just did not matter that many a times while doing so she got surrounded by dire hazardous situations. Despite all this her selfless service was not mere lip service type. Behind it was an all encompassing life’s viewpoint, an original thinking process on imbibing which our life consciousness starts merging into Cosmic Divine Consciousness or Almighty God. If we quote her pious words Sadhana or spiritual practices means those work processes and activities that lead you towards soul advancement. Its many methods are in vogue at many places. Separate sects and communities based on their limited thinking proclaim its special nature. All have their own importance too but from the standpoint of all inclusiveness if an analysis is done generally they are one sided. When we try unearthing a method that can positively transform entire world humanity, fill every aspect of our life with divinity maybe one or two maximum can be found. Even if it is found it shall expect some special abilities to successfully follow it. When we think about all inclusiveness various great world thinkers, saints, adept Yogis etc while trying to unveil a

method of Sadhana or spiritual practices that can be imbibed by one and all it confluences at one point and that is selfless service to society. Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) not only touched upon all its facets but actually lived it practically and experienced it hands on. She never served others to attain anything but did it only to lessen the pain gushing forth in her tender heart on noting others’ pain and difficulties in life. The following incident took place at Ghiyamandi-Mathura City where they resided in those days. Nearby in a place called Vairagpura lived a widow in a tattered room with her small child. She had no help from anyone at all. Somehow she passed by days of utter poverty. This widow was young and around 21 years in age. But due to so much poverty she appeared aged and old. One day while buying materials from the local bazaar Mataji saw this poor lady. Mataji’s eyes dripped with compassion. Her heart’s language was spoken by her loving eyes. She said something so full of maternal affection that the lady called Gulab Devi heard and understood clearly. Mataji asked her to accompany to her house. Mataji got the lady’s child admitted in a school. It was the habit of Gulab Devi to utter Aiju after uttering anything. Hence all family members started calling her Aiju. Mataji too would endearingly call her Aiju. Aiju started helping Mataji in cooking food for all. But since ill fate was yet pursuing her, Aiju would become sick time and again. Hence Mataji would do many of her chores herself. Later Aiju was afflicted with breast cancer. Consoling her affectionately she convinced Aiju to get admitted in the Sarojini Naidu Hospital at Agra City. She was given treatment for many days at a stretch. The expenses of her surgery leave with pay and her child’s education was looked after by Mataji. Further Mataji also looked after Aiju’s duties for the publication of their monthly Akhand Jyoti Magazine. Mataji was yet not satisfied with what she had done for Aiju thus far. During the days Aiju was ill Mataji herself would massage her hands feet etc. Aiju felt quite bad that Revered Mataji had to serve her thus. Despite Aiju objecting a lot Mataji continued serving her and then Aiju would start crying. Mataji would lovingly wipe her tears saying: Why do you cry thus? Do you think I am doing all this for you? Gulab Devi in amazement asked: Mataji! Then for whom are you doing these services?

She replied: I am doing it for myself! You have become ill because you worked so hard for all of us. Hence I just could not stop myself. My mind becomes restless and there is a yearning to do this and that service. Hence I massage you, feed you and my mind experiences joyous contentment in serving you. The fact is that her selfless service was not oriented around hopelessness, despair or restlessness. Today social service for many is a ‘fashion’ and ‘in thing’. So many social service institutions have opened up. So many hospitals have been built but in none of these spiritual values are adhered to. It appears that lest true spirituality had bloomed in them, their lives had headed towards spiritual and soul advancement, then in tandem with the number of selfless workers a flood of great spiritual seekers and adept Yogis would have manifested. But this state is not witnessed at all. One day while explaining this doubt Mataji said: Lest in tandem with the number of social workers people imbued with an advanced soul are not seen then in tandem with those who leave home and hearth to pursue Sadhana or spiritual practices and Tapas or spiritual austerities where do we find true saints oozing with untold advanced soul power? It clearly means that we have not understood this bare reality well at all. We have not imbibed it both at the psyche and practical level of our daily activities at all. In order to get entry into any type of Sadhana or spiritual practices’ method what is mandatory is that we imbibe ethical, spiritual and human values both inwardly and in our day to day transactions of human living. Be it Maharshi Patanjali, Gorakhnathji, Lord Kapil, Lord Krishna, Laotse, Tao, Buddha or just about any true saint etc without imbibing these ethical and other values to the hilt none can even enter the portals of their specific mode of Sadhana or spiritual practices. Even if they do get entry it is merely as a student. Without such a student passing tests with flying colors, without imbibing ethical, spiritual and human values, no type of any Sadhana or spiritual practices’ method can give you a degree connoting true mastery. For selfless social service too this condition applies. An unethical vile thinking person can never truly serve society in a selfless manner. After you get entry into a Sadhana or spiritual practices’ method the sequence of actually doing Sadhana or spiritual practices commences. In it Hathayoga focuses on our gross physical body. Rajayoga transforms our mentality in a positive manner. Secret methods of Tantra Science ushers in changes at the Prana Energy level but in all these 3 methods such a state is not achieved wherein our body, mind and vital force shine forth brightly or that they imbibe the flow of sanctified soul consciousness.

Social service in a selfless manner is an all inclusive and all encompassing Sadhana or spiritual practice method as per the opinion of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. On imbibing it well all 3 foundation pillars of humans (body, mind and vital force) not only radiate greatly and become powerful but that all inner energies manifest in their true original form. While throwing more light on this he said: Our physical body represents material consciousness and its characteristic is inertia. It is most desired that it’s Tamas (indolent gloomy) nature gets transformed into Sattva (purity and energy). Those who have imbibed true selfless service in their mode of Sadhana or spiritual practices attain it in the very 1st leg of their Sadhana or spiritual practices. This is because a true spiritual aspirant or Sadhak aspires for making tremendous efforts devoid of any desire for name and fame. This can be called Tamas (indolent gloomy) nature getting transformed into Sattva (purity and energy). At the vital force or Prana Energy level onrush of anger, sexual lust, deluded mental attachment, greed etc stick to it like leeches. Any spiritual aspirant or Sadhak of any well known form of Yoga practices have to perspire so much for uprooting these taints. Even so failure does stare at them. Who is unaware of stories of Maharshi Vishwamitra and Sage Durvasa? Even after so many years of Tapas or spiritual austerities they tasted defeat at the hands of sexual lust, anger etc. Many others too have got trapped thus. On the other hand a true selfless worker steadfast in it succeeds in warding off the above mental taints in a few years itself. In this transformation sexual lust becomes sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana, anger into wrath against one’s own mental taints, deluded attachment becomes true love for all and greed gets converted into a generous hearted nature. At the psych state this is the very condition. In it all types of desires rule the roost. One after another these desires raise their hoods. This trend continues unabated. Those following other spiritual practices despite untold efforts fail to give up dreaming about attaining joy of heaven or some other dream world. But a devotee following the path of true selfless service to society oozes with the sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana sentiments of ‘Sarve bhavantu sukhinaha’ or that may all creatures of the cosmos enjoy true peace and happiness forever. Regarding supreme spiritual attainment while pursuing any type of Yoga practices it is Kaivalya, Sthitaprajnata, sense of soul unity with all creatures whether animate or inanimate has to be achieved. Various states of these are called Mukti (salvation), Jivan Mukti (liberated while alive), Videha Mukti (liberated post death) etc. We do not know when various Yogis attain this great inner state but a devotee immersed in selfless world service full of steadfastness attains such a supreme benefit in that very life of his. The moment one gets liberated from greed, deluded mental attachment, limited ego ‘I’ etc the above great states are achieved. When we sacrifice all our

desires in order that others attain true well being, why would such a one harbor any selfish gain in mind? When a person abstains from thinking only about his personal interests and instead looks upon the entire world as his beloved family where is the need for him to get mentally attached to any particular creature or material wealth? A person whose inner state oozes with ‘suhridam sarvabhutanam’, one who looks upon himself as a humble servant of all in order to selflessly serve them why would his ego dare arrive there? It is for this reason that by attaining the supreme benefit of life called Jivan Mukti (liberated while alive) enjoys true bliss all the while. Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) not only herself remained divinely blissfull all her life but showered on all too this joy with infinite generosity. She broke apart the chains of bondage of greed, anger, envy etc of innumerable devotees, followers etc But despite this fact being true, a doubting mind questions thus: We accept that the above is an all inclusive Sadhana or spiritual practices and anyone can avail it. But why is it that so many who stick the badge of ‘social workers’ yet fail to accrue its supreme benefits? Mataji answered tersely: It is erroneous faulty thinking in them. Everyone talks of embracing the poor and helping those in difficulty and sorrow but they feel no need to pay attention to those people in their vicinity that truly require help of varying types. Regarding this she described an incident: I shall not name this person but at that time he was very well known. Whenever we met him he would say I am sorry but I have to attend this meeting or that, today we are going to feed milk to poor children, today we shall give training to mothers how to breast feed and nourish their children etc. One day when me and Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya reached his house he was not there. His servant was there. She would stay in a room behind his bungalow. On that day her child afflicted with pneumonia was crying aloud in pain. I asked her: Have you administered any medicine to your child? She remained silent. I said:

Why did you not give medicines? If you had told your boss he would have got it for you through someone. He is a very well known person. The servant cried out sobbing saying: For 2 days I am requesting for these medicines, but say who listens to poor people like us? I asked for money and even that was refused. Mataji said that later they got news that the servant’s child died because of lack of medical therapy. Today on an average people (mis)use the gold coin of social service to attain name and fame. It is seen mostly that forget kindness and attitude of service in their mind for the poor and sorrow stricken people, they have nothing to do with ethics, human and spiritual values. For them social service means gaining exposure on TV, newspaper and other media and thus becoming ‘famous’. If we study such so called public service it proves to be but glamor and fashion. Those who have no work or those who shrewdly feel this is a medium to gain ‘reputation’ in society or that they possess excess inherited wealth of ancestors to ‘throw’ at poor people in an egoistic fashion, take up so called social service. Here we are not saying that they do not execute any social service at all. But the fact of the matter is that true selfless volunteers working for public well being abstain from boasting about their achievements and list out to all and one what they have ‘achieved’. Instead silently and zealously they continue serving people humbly without wanting even an iota of honor or even gratefulness from the person he is serving humbly. I too have served humans and creatures looking upon them as manifestion of beloved Almighty God. I continued serving society and experienced glorious self fulfillment. Mataji’s life is proof of the above incidences mentioned. Whether it is wiping away tears of anguish of innumerable ladies like Gulabo Devi, rendering widespread selfless social service to the world, at every place Mataji harbored great sentiments of self sacrifice without anyone getting even a whiff of it. There was one deep inner yearning harbored by Revered Mataji just before her great departure from this world. And that was serving society at any cost without even an iota of a desire to gain anything from it. Lest we all firmly resolve to continue the great work executed by Mataji all through her glorious life by serving society as humbly as possible know that the divine bliss of attaining Jivan Mukti (liberated while alive) is very much near us. The only requirement is that those great stature ideals we wish to establish in world society firmly must be imbibed profoundly both in our thinking and day to day chores, activities etc in life. It must not be mere superficial lip service on our part but that we must showcase it in our thinking and outer

actions. Thus by setting a classic example to others, it shall become easy for others and the entire world to follow suit. Hence Mataji’s diligent divine efforts spanning her entire lifetime shall reap rich dividends for all both materially and spiritually.


Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s entire life was an open book for all to peruse. Regarding himself he wrote a lot or we can say that via others as a medium his life sketch got penned. But as far as the biography of his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) is concerned (Guruji-Shiva and Mataji-Shakti) it is a mystery for majority of mission members even though she had worked shoulder to shoulder with Revered Gurudeva in a selfless humble manner. Her external personality appearing ordinary was like an iceberg in the ocean. Only a little bit of the surface of her profound life gained exposure for the world to see. But the major great glorious personality got hidden below akin to this iceberg. Those who dwelled close by her side know that Mataji was an unlimited ocean of divine energy despite her external visibly form seeming commonplace. Our inner personality is made up of many units but what is the nature of its completeness (Purnata)? How does one live a spiritual life both from the thinking and day to day social standpoint? What characteristics does a mother possess that is imbued with a gigantic loving heart? In what way did our beloved Mataji shower love and affection on one and all without harboring any differentiation of any kind (caste, gender, high, low, rich, poor, religious differences, nationality etc)? All this can be clearly seen in the glorious divine life led by Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). This was an incident in about mid 1945 AD. Here was Mataji that had never worn Khadi or coarse cotton ever before but later post marriage to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya she wore thick rough cottin Saris. While doing so, never did her face show any dislike or aversion of any kind. Those residing nearby in Mathura City would taunt and rebuke her but her mind was cool and calm. Her inner courage was so potent that none could look eye to eye at her. It is not easy at all to live in close proximity to a respectful husband as Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya since he was also termed Aughaddani (never hesitates in giving anything to anyone). He would bring just about anyone and everyone home as their guest. He would not for a moment even ponder whether their house has necessary materials to look after guests or not. If anyone gave him donation for their Akhand Jyoti Magazine or someone gave something else in

charity he would immediately hand it over to Revered Gurudeva. It was Mataji’s responsibility solely to see to it as to how she ran her household smoothly with bare minimum materials like one plate, one spoon etc only? How adept was she at collecting materials to look after guests and feed them with a hearty meal? No doubt Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya knew well that his own Revered Guruji (Swami Sarveshwaranandji-a subtly divine embodied Rishi of the Himalaya Mountains) had blessed him with such a life partner as Mataji who was no ordinary human but was Goddess Annapurna herself (This Goddess is known to feed innumerable people via her divine powers even though food may be very less in measure. Over here food means both our meals and spiritual food or soul advancement). Mataji must have cut her household budget so much, must have remained hungry many times for feeding guests lovingly but she never allowed anyone to get even a whiff of this. It was her resolve never to allow any guest to go away from their house on an empty stomach. It is this that is the occult aspect of such Lila Purushas (Avatars of Almighty God) although to the world their activities appear ordinary and simple. It was Mataji who kept accounts of all household expenditure. She also had to look after the following responsibilities: 1) Make hand made paper for publishing the Akhand Jyoti Magazine. 2) Doing hand printing of the magazine 3) Publishing books 4) Sewing clothes etc 5) Looking after all near and far off relatives along with their children that had at first broken ties with them and later arrived at their home. 6) Focusing on children’s studies and education 7) When children had spare time giving them certain chores to carry out 8) Reading aloud innumerable letters posted to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya daily by mission members, followers etc and reply to these letters (hand written) as dictated by him Everyone remembers Dronacharya’s (epic Mahabharat) story wherein one day his small son insisted he wanted to drink milk. Since Dronacharya was a

Brahmin that lived on Bhiksha (alms begged) he could not afford to buy milk. So his wife mixed flour with water and gave it to their child to drink in place of milk. The child Ashwatthama was happy since he thought he had been given pure milk. In this modern era too this incident repeated itself wherein when one day all guests left after being fed properly Mataji ate just ½ Roti (Indian bread) with water mixed in red chillies and salt. She then started making preparations for sleeping. Her sons and daughter were awake at that time. They insisted they wished to eat an Indian pudding (Halwa) made from milk. At that late night hour where would she get the ingredients and make Indian pudding? But smilingly Mataji entered the kitchen and after making a ball of flour mixed it with jiggery. Thus both her daughter Shail and son Mrityunjaya ate it. Premvati who was residing with them saw all this. She said: Mataji! I never even imagined that you and your children can be so self contented. Without roasting the flour, without adding butter, sugar etc I have for the 1st time seen Indian pudding being made like this. After laughing Mataji made her children go to sleep. Even today both her children remember how tasty was that simple pudding? On eating it they slept contented. If our own life is disciplined, economical and strict regarding self control renders us truly simple and this is the quality of a true Brahmin. Her individual life oozed with true Brahmin qualities both in her inner personality and outer actions. Hence she was a true Brahmin from the very core of her being. And this led to material grandeur also being showered on her unasked and never wished for at all by her. She started giving prizes of money to her children in return for honest hard work put in by them. It first started with gifting them 1 paisa. Any child would generally use this money to buy sweets, toys etc but Mataji’s disciplined training was undergone by them day after day. These children hence would buy good character building books and got clothes stitched to wear for marriage functions. It was this great training imparted by Mataji because of which that continued even after the gigantic organization at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) was set up. There this procedure continued without pause. It was hence that any visitor, guest etc coming here never went away with an empty stomach. The question was not that money was less and that they did not have means. Despite means being minimal with the help of true Brahmin qualities man can combat the most difficult obstacle successfully. In this manner creations for large scale world welfare tasks can be ushered in. Akin to Langars at Gurudwaras and the free lodging facilities at Virpur of the great saint Jalaram Bapa fame, at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) too just about everyone was fed sumptuously in a selflessly serving manner.

Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) the holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was Goddess Annapurna incarnate herself. Possibly like Draupadi of epic Mahabharat fame she possessed an Akshaya Patra (food kept in it never got depleted). On thinking thus no doubt appears in the mind. This is because a true Brahmin left home with just an iron vessel in his hands since he wished to take part in India’s freedom struggle. He had handed it over to his respected wife post their marriage as a gift. Mataji had kept it with her right till the end of her life’s journey. Poverty taken up voluntarily finally gives one manifold measure of wealth, property etc. This happens only if our life is lived for spiritual well being not only for ourselves but for others in society too. Its visible example is Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-UttarakhandIndia) where any cash, clothes, valuable materials etc given to Mataji as a gift is generously handed out to all and sundry. In return much more is gifted to Mataji by devotees, visitors etc. Once Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) went to attend a Yajna program at Bhavnagar, and Rajkot (Gujarat-India). In any house where Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya went it is natural that the crowd was gigantic since the year was 1967-68 AD and till then the mission had become extremely widespread. In one house Mataji herself saw in the kitchen that there was food enough to serve only 8-9 people. This was because this was the only amount of expenses that family could afford. But in the huge open ground in front of their house hordes of people had arrived to seek blessings of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and Mataji. How could Mataji, Goddess Annapurna eat food without feeding each and every person gathered there? This was a very tricky situation. Mataji smilingly glanced at Revered Gurudeva and said: Let everyone finish eating their meals first and then we both shall par take food. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya too smiled back in agreement. Mataji again entered the kitchen and lit a wick lamp where the household grocery was stored. Then she asked the lady of the house to commence making Rotis (Indian bread) and vegetables. The food was continuously cooked. From this miniscule food material available about 200 people ate a full meal. They all had Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva and Mataji. Only after that both divine duo ate their meal. Even after that food remaining in the vessels could feed all household members and 8 people more in addition.

Say what could this Lila or divine sport be called? Was it a miracle or protecting the honor of a poor family via their divine feat? There are innumerable such examples known to people dwelling close by to Revered Gurudeva and Mataji. Volunteers residing at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) till the years (1983-84) know about those times until which total responsibilities had not yet been handed over to Mataji. She fed each one with Bajri Roti by seating them near her and satiating their hunger pangs lovingly. She would roast Papad on coal furnace. If she saw that her children desired salted Halwa of gram flour, she would do so lovingly. When we remember that awesome taste our minds wetted with the love of Mataji oozed in bliss. We asked ourselves: What great fate of our past had we come here with that helped us come close to Goddess Annapurna herself? For us such memories are priceless and a treasure to protect. It is a glimpse given to all regarding the unknown form of Mataji’s divine existence. On seeing and reading it each one can understand the root method of succeeding in spirituality.


“By rendering Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) a center female power shall advance to pinnacles of glory”. …………. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya The above words of Revered Gurudeva are seen manifest in the activities and actions of his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya himself experienced no less pain and strife endured by women the world over. Behind this experience was his psyche oozing with a great perception of womanly sentiments. If we quote him: Although my external form is that of a male yet if its skin is removed a heart of a loving mother can be felt tangibly within. Due to ceaseless compassion, affection, love and soul oneness akin to snow capped Himalaya Mountains melts away continuously. Thus it flows like the great Rivers Ganga and Yamuna. In these special heartbeats of the bosom he experienced profound pain, agony and anguish. His holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) not only had a woman’s psyche but possessed a woman’s body too. Under such situations it is but natural that her heart was rendered a life’s scripture of how world women are oppressed, suppressed and harassed. It could be that in her heartbeats we do not find an attractive pull of intellectual arguments, storehouses of book knowledge, writings, flowery oratory etc but that yearning and inner upheaval is definitely perceived that on touching any psyche zestfully rushes forth to do something or the other for women’s awakening and uplifting. In their very life force, that restlessness full of yearning must gush forth rendering their entire life making a powerful resolve to do something for their overall advancement. It is these restless sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana via which the gigantic banyan tree called ‘women’s awakening’ attaining fertilizers and

water is blooming in the garden of Yug Nirman Yojana (Era neo creation and transformation). Its shade lends security and serenity to thousands of women facing strife and anguish. The story of seed sowing of this tree that has grown to full maturity is very important. In those days Mataji had just arrived from Anvalkheda village to Mathura City. Barely a couple of years had passed by and one day a woman came and embraced Mataji while crying aloud in sadness. Her tears poured down unabated. After consoling her she said: Who else apart from you can feel my pain and sorrow truly? Mataji said: Do tell me your heart’s anguish. Why are you pained thus? On hearing these words of affection and a sense of being her very own soul the woman recounted her story: My name is Fulvati. My husband has thrown me out of the house. My maternal home refuses to give me shelter in their house. In this world I have no hearth and home. When this 30 year old woman was asked for some more details she said that her husband threw her out because her parents had not given enough dowry and gifts. Hence even her parents have turned away from their daughter because they say ‘a girl is garbage of the house and once thrown away cannot be taken in the house again’. But for Mataji Fulvati’s pain was her own. Consoling and talking lovingly to her Mataji made her stay in their house. Yes! This incident definitely forced Mataji to think on the lines that what was the reason to harbor a viewpoint that women are no better than our house’s garbage? Why are girls labeled lower in stature than boys? Why does a husband lustfully think that his wife is but that fire to appease his lewd sexual thirst? They use women like toys, meaning play with them and then throw them away as dirt. For in laws their daughter in law is but a slave that gets no honor or any facility despite working day and night like a bonded laborer. The matter did not end with Fulvati only. There was another such lady like her called Premvati Devi. Her age was about 30 years. She was a widow. Her writings were very beautiful. She attained a lot of love from Mataji. Mataji handed over the postal department to Premvati. She shouldered these duties adeptly and with honest steadfastness. Another lady too joined in this sequence called Kaushalya Devi. Her age was about 50 years. She was a resident of Ludhiana. She helped in cooking food. Another lady called Ratan

Devi too joined them. She was a citizen of Nepal. Her husband had left her in the lurch. Her age was about 30 years. Another 5 th lady joining in was Narayani who became a close aide of Mataji. With these 5 ladies a women’s group was made. Today there are hundreds of such women’s groups every where working for Era Neo Creation and Transformation. But the above was the very 1 st one consisting of 5 ladies. This then was the very initial commencement of the worldwide mission of world women awakening and uplifting. It was brought into existence by Mataji herself. She would teach these ladies how to read, write etc and taught them how to combat dire situations in life and finding feasible solutions for overcoming them. Along with imparting them education they were rendered self reliant and self dependent. It is lack of education and self dependence that led to the birth of vile traditions like women donning a veil (Purdah system), lack of experience of all types and tainted social traditions wherein the half the world population of women have been trapped in a painful oppressed manner. Another form of this slave like dependence is to insist that women get imprisoned in jail like circumstances and cages of bonded slavery. Accepting this vile belief the otherwise world mother has been relegated to a helpless powerless woman. Forget bravely opposing such oppressors tooth and nail, these destitute helpless women find it so difficult even to fill their and their kids’ stomachs with basic nourishment. Forget running businesses, shouldering responsibilities of high profile jobs, even for getting help in tasks like shopping, hospitals or any other department women have to behave like deaf and dumb people. To usher in a big transformation in the above state of affairs shall be impossible unless and until the soul power of women does not get uplifted potently and in substantial measure. It also requires awakening of the lay public’s faith towards women and their great inherent energy. These days along with setting up Gayatri Tapobhumi, it has been cogitated over to render these programs in the form of campaigns. In order that women get imbued with powerful soul energy along with basic efforts at the social level Sadhana or spiritual practices based endeavors are mandatory. In order to fulfill it ladies were given the right to chant the Gayatri Mantra. It was first used by Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). Then accompanying Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya all over India they initiated thousands of women for chanting Super Mantra Gayatri. By itself Gayatri Mantra is meant for worship-meditation on Savita deity. In various religious sects many methods for worshiping it are prevalent. But both Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy

consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) wished to bring into vogue that method of Upasana (worship and meditation) wherein the lay public harbors devotional faith to Matrushakti or divine maternal energy. Keeping this as their goal the Sadhana or spiritual practices of Goddess Mother Gayatri was propagated everywhere. Due to the effect of the divine power of Tapas or spiritual austerities of this great Rishi couple Gayatri Energy incarnated as this Era’s Divine Energy (Yugshakti). In this task there was no dearth of hazardous dire situations manifesting in their midst. There was no dearth of Pandas, priests, religious leaders etc obstructing this stupendous endeavor of theirs. This obstruction was not limited merely to rebukes, insults, censure etc but that the vicious cycle of death staring at them too raised its hood alarmingly. But since the mission of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) was self sacrifice at any cost would they pay any heed to any dangerous situation even if it meant sacrificing their very lives for this God commanded mission? These so called ‘guards’ of society due to their wily vested interests have rendered women akin to a bird whose wings have been chopped off. Although today’s social trends witnessed have no correlation at all with ancient Indian Culture. The disparity seen between heaven-hell, sky-earth etc can be compared to how high stature devotional faith was harbored towards women in ancient eras. They were given many rights and facilities in those great days of yester eras but today their state is worse than that of bonded laborers. The remnants of the colonial era rendered women unheeded and demeaned as seen today but in the ancient Vedic and Rishi eras women were eulogized ceaselessly and tirelessly. The biggest proof of this is God being reinstated in Vedic India as a divine mother. It was only after deeply realizing the glorious importance of a mother that great Rishis of yore created a method of Upasana (worship and meditation) of divine maternal energy (Matrushakti). Man imbued with a sharp brain and Viveka or farsighted discrimination started taking steps towards civilized living. At that time a question arose in his mind as to from where did he arrive in this world of mortals? It is at this point that devotional faith to the mother emerged. Hence accepting Almighty God as the Primordial Divine Mother started doing his Upasana (worship and meditation). It is from here that inspiration was imbibed due to which other cultures started worshiping divine maternal energy (Matrushakti) in some form or the other. It then became a well accepted trend. The sequence of Upasana (worship and meditation) of Gayatri Super Power is nothing else but rendering new that which was ancient. It was a program to render women power into a super power. By attaining soul power via Gayatri Sadhana or spiritual practices women can advance themselves in society in a multifaceted manner. Keeping this mission in mind Shantikunj

(HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) was established. If we quote Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya regarding these efforts blooming with sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana it is as follows: The fundamental aim in establishing Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) under the divine guidance of Mataji was to commence the worldwide movement of women awakening and uplifting. In this manner after uplifting women in an all encompassing manner many great glorious activities are to be rendered worldwide. Immediately after Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) was founded Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left for the inaccessible regions of the lofty Himalaya Mountains to carry out difficult terrific Tapas or spiritual austerities. Over here Mataji in order to uplift women to heights of glory imbibed a program of executing ceaseless Sadhana or spiritual practices. In it she encouraged so many young girls to become her aides in it. Initially the number of these girls was but 4 yet later it increased to more than 100. Along with Sadhana or spiritual practices she would look into details of education of these girls too. Along with basic education like that imparted in schools they were trained in singing Samaveda Mantras, Karmakanda or worship rites and rituals. They were also trained in oratory skill development. In those preliminary days the size of Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) was not as gigantic as is seen today. It was but a couple of rooms in size. Their surroundings were a dense jungle area, River Ganga flowed past etc and hence it was beautiful and serene in appearance. Words just cannot describe its wondrous nature. The more the number of these girls increased, newer buildings were constructed. Later after Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya returned from his incognito lone stay in the inaccessible regions of the lofty Himalaya Mountains a school for methodical training for divine girls was started. Its principal was Mataji. These girls watchfully and lovingly trained by Mataji were sent all over India for various spiritual programs and thus their renown started spreading like wild fire. On hearing discourses of these innocent pure hearted girls of 18 years people were quite spell bound. A similar program was held in Lucknow City. In it was present the then Governor of Uttar Pradesh State-Mr. M Chenna Reddy. After the program ended he personally met these young ladies and got detailed information of their mission from them. After hearing them he said:

The program conducted by you all has truly positively influenced me. I shall definitely come to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) to meet Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). The UP governor did fulfill his promise later. When he met Mataji with pious emotions he said: You indeed are glorified since you have wonderfully trained these young ladies so well. No doubt I had read about women Rishis like Gosha, Apala etc in Vedic literature but today I have actually seen them with my eyes. Along with specialized training of divine ladies Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) under the guidance of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya methodically commenced the worldwide campaign of women’s uplifting and awakening. While commencing it in an auspicious way he said: When we talk of women’s uplifting and awakening we mean awakening of sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana and advancing to glorious pinnacles. We must not mistakenly think it to be the equivalent of the western world’s women’s liberation movement. In the latter women are hell bent on becoming males. Say! Have not men so far created innumerous problems already? Hence women cannot solve problems by imbibing male boastful qualities. For finding apt peaceful solutions women must develop their maternal instincts of love, affection, generosity etc to the fullest. This campaign has been classified thus by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya: 1) Publishing great literature 2) Women training programs and camps 3) By creating a huge organization harnessing collective energy 4) Rendering widespread all great creative programs The above trend commenced by this great Rishi couple with Mataji playing a leading role is going on even today. Even though they are not in their visible gross form in our midst today but their divine energy flows into us without even a moment’s pause. Once this divine energy was imbibed the program of women’s uplifting and awakening and moved ahead with greater speed. Its proof was seen recently at Anvalkheda Village when the Ardhpurnahuti

Program was held. Over here it was a band of well trained Brahmavadini (full of divine wisdom) young ladies from Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) that had excellently managed a gigantic Ashwamedha Yajna held there.


Each year when the Bhadrapad Purnima Tithi (full moon day in the month of Bhadrapad as per Hindu almanac) draws closer that hollowness of past years starts creating upheavals in the inner world and renders us pained that even a moment’s separation from that person rendering us sad just as a small child cries on being separated from its beloved mother. We all ask ourselves how painful has it been to pass these years without her physical presence in our modst and how can we continue with our life’s journey since sadness is looming large in our mind? The holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya-Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) was a co founder of our All World Gayatri Family (HQ-ShantikunjHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) and protected it like an affectionate mother. She had worked shoulder to shoulder with him in his divine mission on planet earth. Her hallowed death anniversary (Punyatithi) is celebrated on Bhadrapad Purnima Tithi (full moon day in the month of Bhadrapad as per Hindu almanac) when the Shraddha period commences each year. Early morning on 19th September Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) after duly completing 18 humungous programs successfully merged into her beloved icon deity thinking our shoulders are now powerful enough to continue all tasks commenced by her. Our shoulders were not strong at all because we all followers were yet trying learning to walk by catching hold of each others’ fingers. It was only the potent divine power of Mataji that helped us execute the Shradhanjali Program, Shapath Program and 18 Dev Sanskriti Digvijay Campaigns. At the other end Mataji had inspired not merely thousands but millions of people to join our All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). The first shock was faced by us all when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in 1990 AD giving us the divine message of Lord Mahakal on Vasant Parva (Spring Festival) entered a profound state of Sookshmikaran Sadhana or rendering the psyche divinely subtle as proclaimed by him just recently. At first he created the Brahmabeej or seed of Brahman, then it grew into the Brahmakamal or lotus flower of Brahman, then the seed of divine wisdom was reached to every household and finally after giving hints of a bright world future in the 21st century on the day of Gayatri Jayanti he merged his mortal gross body into the divinely subtle one and this became his great departure (Mahaprayan) from the world of mortality. Actually way back in 1984 AD Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya

had commenced Sookshmikaran Sadhana or rendering the psyche divinely subtle. Later after drastically decreasing his meeting with people he had introverted his divine consciousness away from the external material world. A major portion of his divine consciousness had already been applied for reforming the circumstances of our world nation and neo creating it in a refreshingly positive manner. He had handed over the entire burden of it on the capable shoulders of his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) when she was just 58 years old. Mataji born in 1926 AD had no doubt shouldered the editorship position of Akhand Jyoti Magazine in 1959-60-61 AD. In 1971-72 also when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was dwelling far away incognito in the Himalaya Mountains Mataji had shouldered the chief duties of his divine mission but the circumstances of the years 1984-85 AD were totally different. The All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) had become very huge in size. At so many places Gayatri Shaktipithas and Prajna Sansthans had been established. In entire India Prajna Programs were being held. After Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) took up the gigantic form of Gayatritirtha or pilgrim spot the activities of Brahmavarchas Institute were increasing phenomenally. New apparatus, new research literature, creating Prajna Township at Gayatri Tapobhumi-Mathura City, setting up new printing presses, setting up computers and Anvalkheda Shaktipitha had already taken up the form of Yugtirtha or this Era’s pilgrim spot. Under such a situation Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was doing Tapas or spiritual austerities in a closed room for 2 years. This went on right from Chatri Navratri of 1984 AD to Vasant Parva in 1986 AD and even after that he met very limited number of people. In such hectic circumstances how did our Mataji handle all this? On cogitating thus one can only get mind boggled since we disciples were well aware of the limitations of her physical potential. What was Mataji’s standpoint regarding her beloved icon deity-Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya? This she disclosed in a magazine in 1960 AD only when he had already left Uttarkashi for journeying towards the remote tough terrain of the lofty Himalaya Mountains? In her editorial penned in the Akhand Jyoti Magazine she wrote: The day I entered this house I had Darshan or hallowed vision since then of a living pilgrim spot here. I have seen the image of Almighty God walking, moving, eating, talking etc. As a result my inner soul got molded into a pure hearted devotee. I have always labored sincerely to render my thinking and actions based on Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s divine aspirations. I rendered situations in my family such that his divine mission does not get obstructed even a wee bit. Yet man is man and he does err now and then. It is possible that due to some family based reason he had

to leave our home and carry out incognito Sadhana or spiritual practices elsewhere which may have appeared more conducive to him. It is such a natural utterance of Mataji wherein she feels it is her own mistake somewhere down the line. It was hence that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left for his incognito stay and complete important Tapas or spiritual austerities there. Everyone knows that in that time frame of incognito stay he described his experiences there in a book called ‘Companions of solitude’. Over there in the inaccessible tough terrain of the lofty Himalaya Mountains Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya executed the following important tasks: A) Writing Bhashya or commentaries on Rishi literature that included Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads, Aranyak, Brahman, Smriti, Mantra Science, Super Science of Tantra etc B) In 3 huge volumes he penned Super Science of Gayatri C) Regularly he carried out difficult terrific Gayatri based Tapas or spiritual austerities D) Subtle meetings with his Revered Guruji (Swami Sarveshwaranandji in his divine astral form) took place for imbibing glorious thoughts, inspiration and guidance from him E) Over here the basic cast of Yug Nirman Yojana or Era Neo Creation and Transformation was designed In those days when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was far away from them his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) did not allow any lack of affection, guidance, inspiration etc to enter the psyche of their mission members, devotees etc. They were not allowed to feel as though no one was there to shower selfless love on them, give them due guidance etc. In fact her love was such, that it was similar to a bird laying an egg in a nest and embracing her baby in the egg so as to shower it with affectionate warmth. It is another matter that so many accrued benefits of being close to him, getting guidance health based ones etc in those days itself. This was that form of the aspect of the Sidha or God Realized Saint regarding which he always put tabs on his speech. Never did he elaborate on it or allowed anyone else to do so too. In those days, he wrote letters to so many mission members and they were posted from Gangotri glacier post office. These letters were received within 2 days of posting. In it he wrote about how the devotees were being ceaselessly protected in a divine manner. One proof of this is regarding that letter written by him from

Gangotri to a mission member dated 4/7/1960 AD and it reached him on 6/7/1960 AD: For one year I could not meet you or exchange letters with you but even so I will look after you in the same manner as a bird flying in air mentally focuses on her eggs and baby birds below on earth. This was an extraordinary life’s Sadhana or spiritual practices and it’s Sidhi (divine success) of that Lilapurusha (Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya). Hence where could there be a lack felt by devotees regarding getting guidance, protection etc when his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) was all the time by their side? Anyone coming to her to Akhand Jyoti Sansthan or came for Darshan or hallowed vision at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) got unlimited love from Mataji and hence each one became her own beloved child. This then was the most stupendous wealth owned by this glorious Rishi couple which comes to mind avidly again and again while writing these lines. The bosom of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) was no doubt that of an affectionate loving mother. She always understood the pain and sensitive emotions of her children hence in that very year of June 1960 AD she wrote in the editorial of the Akhand Jyoti Magazine: Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya shall have to shoulder many tough situations and difficulties. He shall be living far away incognito from us all and this thought rendering my weak heart wobbly with various emotions is but natural. The sapling of righteousness can bloom in a lush green manner only when it is watered with tears of our eyes. Thinking thus I feel satiated by washing his hallowed feet with my tears of unswerving devotion. Vedmurti Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has sacrificed each moment of his life to light the flame of divine wisdom everywhere. May Goddess Mother Gayatri fulfill this hallowed wish of his! With such harshness she placed a boulder on her heart and wrote the above editorial. On noting this, our mind cannot just imagine it. What is noteworthy is that in those days from the age standpoint Mataji was just 34 years old. Such superb maturity and self control is possible only due to Tapas or spiritual austerities and Sadhana or spiritual practices executed by her in past lifetimes akin to the stature of Sati-Parvati and the fact that she hence became the holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who was none other than an Avatar of Almighty God. This very great potential of hers rendered it a firm foundation pillar of our worldwide mission.

Possibly this very priceless vault of Tapas or spiritual austerities in future days of 1970-71 AD was to be used wherein Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) had to shoulder 2 fold responsibilities. One was that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had proclaimed well beforehand that they would be leaving Mathura City permanently and he would be heading for incognito stay far away in the Himalayas. There in the mountains based on his Guruji Sarveshwaranandji’s divine command he would act accordingly. He had added that he would not return to Mathura at all. It was decided that Mataji would henceforth settle down at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). There at Saptasarovar from 1968-69 AD itself Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya all alone or accompanied by a few aides would look after the construction commenced there. It was definite that although they had resided at Mathura for many years, they would leave it forever henceforth. Leaving all attachments to sons, daughters, friends etc in order to protect their huge family like organization intense Tapas or spiritual austerities would be carried out at first and simultaneously the Akhand Deep imperishable flame lamp) lit too had to be kept well secure. The 2 nd point to note is that in those days itself Mataji would accompany Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya to many programs in other parts of India. Especially before bidding him farewell for his Himalaya travel she had to go with him for a chain of 5-1008 Kundi Super Power Gayatri Yajnas held at certain places. She endured the pressure of meeting hordes of people during those visits. In the 1st week of June 1971 AD after completing the marriage rites of their daughter they were bid adieu. Preparations for a huge farewell program were made that was to be done just 12 days later. On 20 th June after being given a tearful farewell by throngs of people they left Mathura and headed for Haridwar City. In between so much pressure both physical and mental her bloved mother in law who she felt was her own mother only called Tayiji by all left this mortal world in February 1971 AD. At that time Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was away on tour and Mataji bravely faced all work pressure. She imbued all others with a lot of courage but she never would herself become tensed or worried. Any ordinary stature person may have become bed ridden due to fatigue resulting from such strenuous situations, keeping awake day and night, remembering the farewell parting moments etc. But Mataji’s divine will power was steadfast and unshakable. Over and above this on 30th June Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya our beoved deity left all alone on foot at midnight for his incognito stay in the Himalaya Mountains. No one had even a whiff of it at that time. In this hour of emotional parting small innocent 12 year old divine girls left by their father Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in the capable hands of Mataji since he wanted to do lone Tapas or spiritual austerities, Mr. Balramsingh Parihar and 2 other male members commenced 24 million Super Mantra Gayatri chanting in front of the

Akhand Deep imperishable flame lamp) in surroundings that were of dense jungle full of lone solitude. She made apt arrangements to educate and train these small girls and regularly published the Akhand Jyoti Magazine too. It was due to her divine energy that they stayed there in a small hermitage totally forest like in the year 1971-72 AD with just 3 male mission members helping them. On the ground floor the males would reside and on the 1 st floor Mataji and her young divine girls would put up. For more than 6 months Mataji endured this pressure but then she just could not bear the separation from her beloved icon deity Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who was her respected consort too. As fate would have it some situations took such forms that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya too got subtle hints far away that in 1 year itself after finishing availing divine guidance and completing Tapas or spiritual austerities and Sadhana or spiritual practices he was to return to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) to sow the seeds of our glorious yester era Rishi tradition. But far away in the Himalayas he got a subtle message within about the heart problem of his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). After taking due permission of his Revered Guruji (Swami Sarveshwaranandji in his divine astral form) merely for a few days and hours he came to Haridwar to meet Mataji. At that time Mataji had got her 1st heart attack problem. We do not know what hazardous situation had to be faced by planet earth that led to Mataji enduring this painful ailment. But in the divine presence of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya she endured it much less painfully. We all know that the years 197172 AD were those of Bangladesh getting partitioned into East and West Pakistan which was a sudden turn for India’s history. Black demonic powers were reaching their peak in an active manner at that time. All eyes were on our country India. Natural calamities were seen just about everywhere. But along with this heart attack all this receded to naught. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya arrived and left very quickly. The writer of these lines who was a fresh medical graduate at that time, was learning the nuances of medical therapy, could not clearly understand at all as to how those changes in the heart due to the heart ailment remain in the cardiogram for a long time disappeared thus. After cogitating a lot over this and after Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya returned from the Himalayas answered my doubt: This is a riddle of subtle sciences and is beyond the ken of your limited brain prowess. As of today your modern science has not developed enough to understand all these subtle sciences well. It is so true that how can a medical scientist understand those Lilas or divine sports of one that is a boundless ocean of sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana wherein by enduring pressure of all types with the help of

her icon deity laughingly troubleshot all hazards surrounding planet earth? Later after 6 years in a permanent manner on arriving at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) we witnessed such mysterious aspects of the lives of Mataji that is Divine Energy incarnate and her icon deity Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya I again and again eulogized my great fortune of becoming their humble aide in their divine sports and getting spiritually trained under their loving divine guidance. I again and again congratulated myself for taking the correct decision at the correct time to work as a humble volunteer under the great guidance of Mataji who is Divine Energy incarnate. Mataji was such a divine maternal existence that gave so much love and sense of oneness of soul to all that our own biological mother too is incapable of doing so. Her heart was wide open in a generous manner for all without exception. And then suddenly she left us all forever when she shed her mortal coil. Thus the inner state of us devotees, mission members etc was so anguished can be inferred by all easily. After Mataji had returned from Chitrakoot she had hinted about her final departure in order to merge forever with the subtle divine form of her beloved icon deity Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. At that time we did not accept it totally that her final moments were just round the corner. Without the hallowed presence of Revered Gurudeva it was difficult for her to remain alive physically in this mortal world. Those of us who resided close in her midst knew this quite well. We have seen her getting so greatly emotional while speaking about Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Even so in this period she carried out 3 long journeys abroad viz. London, Toronto-Canada and Los Angeles-USA. These were very tough journeys both physically and mentally. In between she also oversaw the successful execution of 15 gigantic Ashwamedha Yajnas and was present there all throughout. Thousands were given Prana Deeksha by her and via her oratory dripping with sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana helped people imbibe the real philosophy behind Dev Sanskriti or Divine Culture. In all Yajnas she would herself be seated in the Yajnashala area. After she left this mortal world her Divine Energy was perceived to be n fold more powerful. This is because she became one subtly with our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya eternally. Thus her soul became one with Divine Cosmic Consciousness that is none other than Almighty God.


Even today when we recollect things our hair stands on end. That hour was when the holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya-Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) was leaving for a Super Gayatri Ashwamedha Yajna to be held at Chitrakut pilgrim spot. On 16th April 1994 AD she was to fly there via a govt. charter flight and before she actually did so she said so many things that later became prophecies coming true. All of us were witness so far of her super human feats of historical stature right from the 1 st Yajna at Jaipur City in November 1992 AD till date. She had gone to each and every place travelling thousands of miles but not even for a moment she let us get a whiff of her inner anguish due to pain of separation from her beloved icon deity our Revered Gurudeva. Not even those who were serving her personally were totally unaware. After returning from a short tour abroad Mataji was taken straight from the aerodrome to Kurukshetra town where a Yajna opening ceremony was to take place on 31st March 1994 AD. On that day the external nature and form of Mataji was very different. Her face radiated a divine glow and making volunteers sit by her side, she gave guidance regarding future programs to be executed. She also made them write down their details with pen and paper. Despite a very tiring journey she gave enough time for detailing these future important programs. After leaving Kurukshetra the divinely affectionate Mataji reached Haridwar n 2nd April. Again and again she would enquire as to where they were to celebrate the Ramnavmi Festival (birthday of Lord Rama). The answer given was that we would be in Chitrakuta on that day and then make preparations to return here. Suddenly while we were leaving the Jolly Grant Airport for reaching Satna airport via New Delhi she said: Henceforth I may not be able to journey by aircraft because what need shall be there of an airplane? We immediately said: Yes Mataji! After that we have to travel by road only to Bhind and Simla. Over there we do not need airplanes for traveling.

She smiled a bit and said: What I mean is that this is my final journey using any aircraft. I was telling myself silently that would it mean we have to cancel our Chicago journey in USA? When I was harboring this doubt Mataji said: Do not think about our future plan just now. After returning we shall ponder over it. She continued saying: There were those times when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would travel in 3rd class tickets. He traveled in any type of vehicle available at that time. But today he has raised our mission to such high stature peaks that today the govt. rendering us its guests has sent their private jet to reach our destination. My small children have worked so hard, endured so many hardships, headed for villages everywhere to hold Rajavandan programs there and perform Yajnas too. But I just arrive to see the program for 4 days and go away after giving a speech of my blessings. It is not possible to meet everyone individually. How gigantic has this mission become due to my beloved icon deity’s divine grace. All through our journey to Satna lasting for around 3 hours I cogitated over the divine utterances of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). She was so totally surrendered to her beloved icon deity. It was manifest in every breath of her life and remained thus till her final departure from this world. Who knew at that time that the words she had just spoken indicated her leaving this world of mortality forever? Right from the time we got down at the helipad at Satna till reaching the Shaktipitha there and from there after completing our journey by road to our destination of hearing Stuti by Prempujari Maharaj at the temple of Lord Kamadgiri and from there via a chariot journey (Rathayatra) to the historical Deeksha Program wherein after giving initiation or Deeksha to more than 0.15 million people Mataji heading towards Gupta Godavri, sitting on the banks of River Mandakini and getting immersed in some kind of a trance on staring from afar at the Kamadgiri Mountain by saying: How extraordinary is its form, truly just as you say it looks like a bow from all angles. It evokes memories from deep within me. In reality by uttering thus she was witnessing her past life place of Tapas or spiritual austerities only. Whenever in the Tretayuga she had played the role of her icon deity’s holy consort (Lilasandoha or divine couple in the form of

Shiva-Shakti) while traveling in this area possibly at that time itself it was decided that such crest jewel like volunteers and permanent members for Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) shall be given. Further people full of hard work, sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana and voluntarily donating precious time of theirs shall conjoin in the mission of our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. When our huge group was heading towards the Shaktipitha from Satna I after refreshing my memory of 2 incidences of past journeys stopped our car while it was journeying down from the mountain slope and prayed to Mataji to have Darshan or hallowed vision of that Omkar Mountain of the shape of OM (primordial divine sound) in whose lap Pindara was situated with the Shaktipitha that was to undergo the Prana Pratishtha ceremony at her divine hands, the Kamadgiri Mountain seen a bit far away from where we were and the Ashwamedha Township set up just in the nearby vicinity. She did get down from the car and on seeing all this, spoke joyfully thus: Prakriti or Mother Nature has rendered this region so beautiful. In reality Almighty God has made this place for carrying out Lilas or divine sports. After the lofty Himalaya Mountains and Amarkantak dense jungle area on arriving at this place makes me feel so close to my beloved icon deity (Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya). Mataji entered the Pindara Shaktipitha. She was taken to that spot where once in the past resided Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. He had rendered hallowed every part of that temple at that time via the dust of his hallowed feet (Padaraja) and then he had sat down there to have meals in the company of all others there. Then he had conversed with all present there and humble obeisances were offered at his divine feet. History repeated this exactly after 12 years because at that very spot his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) did the Pranapratishtha of the image of Goddess Mother Gayatri in a hall built there. After this invocation ceremony was completed I told Mataji: The place where Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had sat down in the past was where you just fulfilled the Pranapratishtha ceremony. Since your hallowed hands executed it this place has become divinely pure. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had performed the Pranapratishtha ceremony of the Chitrakuta Shaktipitha previously and after 12 years in that very lap which was once the birth place of brave patriots who had surrendered their all for protecting our country India, after being attacked by the Dasyu problem got bathed subtly in the energy emitted

by the Ashwamedha Yajna carried out there. I had spoken about my faith in the fact that it would again become a great pilgrim spot. Suddenly Mataji spoke thus: Son! Maybe this is my last Pranapratishtha ceremony. I had done the first one in Jaipur City previously. In the sequence that followed this shall be my last one. Possibly I may not be able to perform any such ceremony in future. Who could understand the reason why HH Mataji was speaking thus? Even today these words uttered by her on 16 th April echo in my mind continuously. It churns my brain and psyche a lot. Mataji after respecting everyone’s sentiments gave a chance to all present there to offer their humble obeisances to her. After taking very little sanctified food (Prasad) the remaining meant for all others became nectar like or Amrit. Then she left for Chitrakuta where before the closing ceremony of the Kalash Yatra she was to devotionally place flowers at the holy feet of Lord Kamadgiri in a temple there. After this she was to reach Gayatri Shaktipitha. Her journey from 16-20 April was not only hers but that in the history of the journey of our mission it holds a prime spot of great importance. She reached all these places in that time frame despite frail health where once in past eras Lord Rama, Goddess Sita, brother Lakshman and other aides of his Lilas or divine sports had immersed themselves in profound Tapas or spiritual austerities in these dense dark jungle region. A big portion of incognito stay of Lord Rama in exile was over here. In that very chain of events whether it was perforce or an inner wish we took Mataji to Gupta Godavari. She was not able to climb up but devotees of Satna and Allahabad built a palanquin for HH Mataji. She was respectfully made to sit in it and the mission members carried the palanquin on their strong shoulders. On seeing huge rocky boulders shaped variedly, beauty of the cave, the fount of River Gupta Godavari etc she was ecstatic but simultaneously her eyes and those of people carrying her palanquin were wet with tears. Her eyes were teared because she was not happy at all that others lift her on their shoulders enduring so much difficulty while doing so and we had tears because while we were first lifting her she had said: Although you have already lifted me up in future like this with me on your shoulders I shall go forever to my beloved icon deity-Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. And this is exactly what occurred. After this on 19 th September when we were carrying her gross body on our shoulders from her Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) room to ‘Sajal Shradha Prakhar Prajna’ we were remembering all the above events. So astounding are the Lilas or divine sports of great Avatar stature saints. All

members apart from districts conjoined to Chitrakut, from all over India and the world, who took part in this Ashwamedha type stupendous effort, became greatly fortunate. If anyone else the world over aspires to render their birth in this world self fulfilled in a glorious manner, wish to attain glorious renown our Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) calls aloud saying merely this: Akin to Shravankumar (he served blind his parents very devotedly) help reach Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and me in every household the world over. You must help in reaching refreshing new divine consciousness in every nook and corner of the world. Render illumined with the divine aura of Yugachetana (Era Consciousness) the Himalayas, Vindhyachala, Satpuda, Dandakaranya, Aravali, Kanyakumari, every drop of all hallowed rivers etc. In this manner you all can help liberate India from an undesirable culture and imbue it with Divine Culture Consciousness.




Bhavani shankarau vandey shradha vishwas rupinau. Yabhyam vina na pashyanti sidhaha swantasthameeshwaram. With the above prayer Goswami Tulsidasji offers the fragrant flowers of deep faith to his icon deities and thus commences penning the epic Shri Ramcharitmanas. This was a historical creation wherein it helped reach the legend of Lord Rama in every Indian household. It is such super poetry in itself (Mahakavya) that it teaches us various facets of the art of living in a detailed manner. Bhavani means Parvati and if she is faith Aughaddani Lord Shankar is deep trust. Without the duo of faith and trust the journey of life of no one can function at all even if that person is a Brahmachari, Sadhak, householder, Vanapratha (retired senior citizen) or one who is an ascetic moving away from home and hearth permanently. Shiva and Parvati imbibe high stature energy of Sadhana or spiritual practices and Tapas or spiritual austerities in their lives. They then inspire others to walk on this glorious path too wherein Shiva means well being and Parvati means Shakti. It is that energy bestowing well being without whose aid life remains incomplete. Shiva and Parvati are a divine married couple and they are a source of divine inspiration for householders that wish to attain Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers, material grandeur, wholesome name and fame and Brahmavarchas or divine aura. For all of us Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya is Shiva or energy of well being walking the path of life with his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) who is Shakti manifest. She

is Adishakti or primordial energy that created this world. She is Parvati or deep faith without which life totally lacks sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana, grandeur, divine aura etc. Without trust our faith is incomplete and without faith trust cannot remain steadfast and unswerving. In fact if one of these is lacking it is but hypocrisy like behavior on our part. Both together render each other aptly fulfilled. The life of both Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) can be seen as the divine couple of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. They resided for a long time span at Saptasarovar where Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) has been set up like the Kailash Manasarovar pilgrim spot and imbued the hearts of millions of devotees, followers etc with deep faith and trust. By manifesting the Gangotri of divine love and compassion people were made to bathe in it and imbibe the attitude of a Hansa or a royal swan. The Hansa bird only drinks milk in a mixture of milk and water and does not drink the water content in it. Similarly devotees were inspired to use their Viveka or farsighted discrimination wherein renounce that which is false and imbibe what is true in the real sense of the term. In this manner divinity started manifesting in the soul of all devotees. After renouncing her gross physical body Mataji who had yearned deeply to merge into the cosmic divine soul of her beloved icon deity did so on 19 th September 1994 AD. As per the Hindu Almanac it was the 1 st day of the Shradha period (rituals offered to departed ancestors’ soul) and it was Bhadrapad Purnima. The time was 11.50 am. Inspite of this final departure that divine existence of Sajal Shradha or deep faith have imbued us all with that trust that we shall ceaselessly get divine protection from them. Of course! This will happen only if we unswervingly and steadfastly tread the path of high stature ideals both in our thinking and day to day actions of life. No doubt when someone dies we feel a sad void with reference to their visible body being no longer in our midst. Especially when that divinely manifest maternal existence our Mataji passes away after showering untold selfless love on millions of people day in and day out. As a result all of us devotees, members etc got united like pearls in a beautiful shiny necklace. In this manner the gigantic All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) came into existence. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya has written about this fact time and again that Mataji Sajal Shradha manifest has been such a firm pillar in his life’s journey that in its absence such a huge worldwide organization akin to a united loving family could never have taken birth. Before he left Mathura residence forever in May 1971 AD he writes with reference to his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) thus in the Akhand Jyoti Magazine: By itself from the relationship standpoint Mataji is my respected wife but in reality like everyone else she has showered motherly affection on me too. Her

divine maternal instincts are of such high stature that she can shower limitless love on each member of our gigantic worldwide family (All World Gayatri Family-HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). In my absence post my journey to Himalayas in a lone incognito manner none of you shall feel a void of not getting untold love and affection from me. No plant shall dry due to lack of water of true love because I am handing over this responsibility of showering affection on all on the capable great shoulders of holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). The above lines were written at that time when Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in the 4th stage of his life had gone to the Himalayas at first for 1 year to carry out difficult Tapas or spiritual austerities. Then for subtle unseen guidance by staying permanently at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) he was laying the foundation of sowing seeds of Prana Pratyavartan, glorious Rishi tradition etc. After 1971 AD that Gangotri of divine love poured down ceaselessly like a pure stream. Despite not being seen visibly none felt any lack with reference to Darshan or hallowed vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Everyone on attaining the divine love of his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) gathered around her as a queen honeybee with us all bees vying for her honey of divine love. The hornet was none other than Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Its total number was about 1 million when Revered Gurudeva had left it 24 years previously. But due to Mataji’s tireless devoted efforts it numbers jumped up by 100 fold. After that she shed her mortal coil forever and merged into the subtle divine body of our Revered Gurudeva. How can we believe that she has left us all alone forever? Who shall manage this huge mission and shower love on all members etc as HH Mataji had done ceaselessly for so many years together? Who shall wipe the tears of those who cry in anguish? Who shall promise us in difficulty saying that maybe no one else may help you but we shall be by your side every single moment? Such questions may have arisen in the psyche of innumerable mission members. The writer of these lines had been showered with immeasurable love by HH Mataji. In the 5 month period of her last phase of life on earth he could see, understand and serve her at very close quarters. Hence he wishes to console mission members regarding this void they all must naturally be feeling. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) had such an inner inseparable bond between them, they thought and acted in such tandem with each other and they had surrendered their all to each other wonderfully. Even if we try we cannot describe this stupendous relationship between them totally at all. Both complemented each other with amazing rapport. On the one hand Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would deal very strictly with us volunteers when we erred in any aspect of our day

to day living, there his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) by applying the ointment of love on us all would ceaselessly inspire us to tread that path as was divinely commanded by him. Akin to an innocent child Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya would clearly give his opinion to the other person seeking his guidance but HH Mataji with untold love would repair any error creeping into the psyche and intellect of devotees. Just before her final departure from this world Mataji she had spoken to mission members that included Mr. Balramsingh Parihar, Mr. Vireshwar Upadhyaya, Mr. Gaurishankar Sharma, Shailbala Pandya, Mr. Mrityunjaya Sharma and the author of these lines. She said only this: I have set up this huge organization only by sharing with others unlimited love and affection. You all have to shoulder this responsibility in future times to come. The future of this mission no doubt is bright. I have full faith and trust in my sons and daughters that they shall get bound to each other with the string of love for all. Hence they shall definitely fulfill the divine aim set up for us all by the founder of this mission and subtly embodied divine Rishis. After donning the divine subtle body, I shall merge as one with the subtle divine body taken up by Revered Gurudeva post his permanent departure from this world of mortality. Thus in our subtle existence we shall be able to solve problems of all our devotees etc in close proximity. Further it shall be easier for us to combat dark clouds of dire dangerous situations that have surrounded our earth from all fronts. After reading the special message published in August 1994 AD published in Akhand Jyoti Magazine members of our mission had definitely gauged indirectly what upheavals were going on in the psyche of HH Mataji. But possibly none had even an inkling of both Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) departing from this world permanently in such a short time frame. But I felt I was amongst those rare few who had some sort of premonition. Despite this thought I did not voice it to anyone because I certainly did not know when exactly it would happen. On 2nd June 1990 AD before he shed his mortal coil Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya had said: The divine existence of mine and HH Mataji is of Ardhanarishwar (God as half male half female). After I depart from this world forever she shall not be able to live more than 4 years in her gross body in this world. She shall live at the most for 4 years maximum. But in this time period of 4 years she shall execute such important humungous tasks that it shall also render shoulders of all you mission members strong and powerful. She shall ensure that you stand on your feet capably and the roots of our mission shall be rendered so

powerfully strong that for thousands of years to come none shall have the capacity to even move it a wee bit. The above hint given by him reappeared in my mind when in April after the Chitrakut Ashwamedha Yajna his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) had said: Now I want to go to my beloved icon deity. I want to meet him (Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya). I want to break apart the tattered bondage of my gross physical body. We guileless people did not realize its hidden meaning and hence we would keep telling Mataji that she had yet to fulfill the program of Ardhapurnahuti at Anvalkheda village. You have to be by our side till 2001 AD. It was a written promise penned by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya in the Akhand Jyoti Magazine and hence how could Mataji leave us in the lurch like this? Our shoulders are not so strong that we can execute heavy responsibilities pertaining to the smooth functioning of our worldwide mission. We pleaded with her using many other reasons but we did not understand that she had willfully donned the role of a weak aged body in order to shed it and merge with Revered Gurudeva once and forever. It was certainly predetermined on her part and destiny had managed it well. But after Gayatri Jayanti festival on 19th June 1994 it appeared that Revered Gurudeva had given each day of her life as an extension. It was compassionate bonus given by him for the benefit of us mission people. Hence it was becoming clearer that any day henceforth she shall depart from this world forever. No doubt we were clueless as to when it would happen and in what way? Yet whatever was possible from the human standpoint we offered our very best in a humble manner. Whatever efforts were possible we saw to it that no stones were left unturned. When the auspicious hour of 11.40 am 19th September 1994 AD (Bhadrapad Purnima) arrived within 10 minutes itself Mataji shed her mortal frame. It was such a heavy blow for all members of the All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) akin to a thunderbolt type. A devoted selfless disciple merged herself permanently with her beloved icon deity i.e. Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya who was also her holy respected husband. A Super Divine Power (HH Mataji) merged her divine light into that of Revered Gurudeva and thus the 2 nd very important chapter of Yug Nirman Yojana or Era Transformation and Neo Creation ended. At that time we all experienced such a mind boggling divine experience wherein we felt we actually saw Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya manifest in our midst. He took the divine body of his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) on his lap gently and said:

I am taking HH Mataji away with me forever. None of you must harbor sadness. Henceforth both of us in our subtle unseen form shall become that much more divinely powerful. With this infinite vault of divine energy we shall spread ourselves not only in Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) but every pore of this world. In that manner everyone shall be showered with our divine energy. Do not give pain to HH Mataji using artificial remedies. You are a specialist doctor (the author of these lines) but now she needs me and not any mundane doctor. Hence I am taking her away with me. Immediately after the above occurred, both Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) disappeared from our midst. Only her inert gross body remained behind that in previous so many decades had lovingly caressed us with her motherly divine hands. She had fed us all lovingly with her own hands and by making us drink the nectar of her divine love rendered our inner personality sanctified and radiant.

CHAPTER 32 THE FINAL DIVINE MESSAGE GIVEN TO US DEVOTEES BY HH MATAJI (Vandaniya Mataji HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) (Bhadrapad Purnima 19th September 1994 AD)



A FEW FRAGRANT FLOWERS OF MEMORABLE INCIDENCES RELATED TO HH MATAJI’S DIVINE LIFE ON PLANET EARTH: The holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya viz.Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) went on journeys abroad 3 times in 1993 AD. Once she went to England, then to Canada and later to USA. We place before our respected readers a few fragrant flowers of fond memories regarding these journeys: The Los Angeles Ashwamedha Super Yajna had just been completed. After this HH Mataji had to leave for the Pranapratishtha ceremony of a Prajnapitha at Santiago near Mexico that was 400 miles away. For the management of the above Yajna 10 adept mission members from Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) were

present there. In 3 Ashwamedha Yajnas the trend of meeting and residing together was not going on properly. Hence everyone felt that since 3 months have passed by they yearned for HH Mataji’s divine affection. When we got ready to leave for Santiago it was decided that 3 cars would be leaving for that venue but Mataji intervened saying: Pranav! Can we not make such arrangements wherein all our children (mission members) can journey with us? My heart yearns to be with them as much as is possible to do so. Hence an active member there Dr. Divyang gave his huge motor home (a big road vehicle that gives house like facilities) for fulfilling Mataji’s divine wish. The 10 members of Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) and 2 local families there took their seats in this motor home. In the central portion sat, HH Mataji, Shailbala and Dr. Pranav Pandya. All around Mataji were 15 children and they completed their 400 mile journey in 5 hours. In this road travel Prajna songs were sung, other mission songs, jokes etc were voiced. Even Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) sang 5 songs with a lot of devotion to God. When at certain times her divine emotions gushed forth a lot sometimes Dr. Pranav Pandya or Shailbala would sing along with her. Later at Santiago the Pranapratishtha ceremony was duly completed. We all were to return immediately after we finished our meals. Hence we prayed to HH Mataji that she slept in a small room in the motor home at the back side where a bed was prepared for her. Mataji started refusing but seeing that her children were lovingly forcing her to take much needed rest she entered that bed room along with Shailbala. Just 10 minutes had passed by and all of us were discussing matters outside that room. Immediately that bedroom door opened and all of us rushed there to find out what the matter was? What was it that Mataji and Shailbala required? Mataji came out of the room with emotions gushing forth and voice choked with pious sentiments. We all asked respectfully: Mataji! Is anything the matter? We request you to please rest for sometime. Mataji replied: My beloved children are sitting outside and I yearn to be in their midst. I wish to laugh and speak to them because this is the best form of rest I get. In that room with children away from me I felt as though I was in prison. As long as my body can move about I shall always dwell besides my beloved children. I shall shower my affection on them and pat their backs in appreciation of all the good work they are doing. This is my only pillar of

support for keeping my body fine and decreasing the pain of separation from my beloved icon deity (Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya). Lest I stop meeting and dwelling in the midst of my children it shall be impossible to stop my body from departing permanently from this world of mortality. The above words spoken in Los Angeles are appearing to be true and it is being experienced that after Chitrakut’s Super Ashwamedha Yajna of 1994 AD how Mataji endured the pain of separation from her beloved children? She must have been so anguished within on not meeting her beloved children? How painfully restless she was within to shower her divine love and affection on all and sundry without exception? The Super Ashwamedha Yajna of Los Angeles was just being completed. The moment Vandaniya Mataji’s (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) religious discourse commenced in Hindi language about 500 Americans sat down in a deep meditative posture. Everyone there wondered, as to how these Americans understood a language totally alien to them? But when the discourse ended some journalists met these Americans and asked them: Since HH Mataji was speaking in Hindi language we wonder why you all were meditating. The Americans answered: HH Mataji is no ordinary mundane mother. She is a spiritual mother. She explains to us using the language of sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana that oozes from her divine heart. In fact the actual bond between a mother and her child can only be that of sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana. Hence whatever Mataji spoke was subtly but clearly understood by us in deep meditation. When they were asked to clarify further regarding what Mataji spoke about and what was the main topic? Each one of these American with tears in their eyes recounted word by word all she had said. Not only her Vaikhari (gross speech), but that her Para-Pashyanti (divine subtle speech) also explained to them all that she had uttered divinely. It is very true that more than via Vaikhari (gross speech) Mataji inspired all via her Para-Pashyanti or divine subtle speech. She gave masterful guidance and loving security to all ceaselessly. After the Leictershire Super Ashwamedha Yajna HH Mataji was supposed to return to India. At Gatwick Airport a farewell program was planned. All

500 mission members were present. All of them had flower garlands in their hands. One by one every one devotedly prostrated at her holy lotus feet. After these were completed the entire waiting room got covered with colorful fragrant flowers. Mataji was not quite pleased at this development and immediately said aloud: Children! I am not happy that just because of me mismanagement and dirt spreads out everywhere. All members must hence collect these flowers and clean the waiting room in a spick and span manner. If we leave this place as clean as it was before we came here my departure from here shall be all the more pleasing for me. All mission members quickly started collecting the flowers on the floor. In a short time that area became neat and clean. Some British natives sitting there were witnessing all this. Seeing such a band of discipline loving people they were curious. After introducing ourselves 25 British people on their own volition came and bowed down to HH Mataji. She lovingly blessed them all. There is another incident related to London City. At Gatwick Airport HH Mataji was to be offered a farewell ceremony. Seated in a battery operated car she entered that area. Outside 500 members standing were watching all this. Mataji was seated in this car and a British lady Catherine came for checking. She touched Mataji from head to toe to ensure nothing was there on her body. Mataji was as happy as ever and she was facing members standing behind. Glancing at these members she pointed at Catherine. Shaking her hands Mataji laughingly said ‘I have nothing with me’. Since sh was checking right from the head to the feet Catherine touched the the feet of Mataji. It was inherent in Mataji’s divine nature to bless anyone. Hence she placed both her hands on Catherine’s head and divinely blessed her. Catherine was taken aback a bit. She was spell bound. All mission members watching this were eulogizing the superb fortune of Catherine. The Divine World Mother herself was blessing this British lady. Alas! Only if we too had got such divine grace from her! After this HH Mataji entered the main check in area. She disappeared from sight. After that, Catherine came out and asked mission members standing there, as to who this holy lady was. She asked them as to why they had come here in such big numbers? When we all informed her about HH Mataji’s great divine personality she felt she was truly blessed. The next time when Mataji went and came back from Toonto, when she returned from Los Angeles to get down at Gatwick Airport it was Catherine who first came and devotedlt touched HH Mataji’s hallowed feet. At that time without checking

Mataji at all (as is the usual security checking code) Catherine would personally accompany Mataji to help her board the plane. Such was our beloved Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) that ceaselessly all through her life showered divine blessings on entire world humanity and other creatures.


The Sankalpa Shradhanjali Samaroha got over in the period of 1-2-3-4 October 1990 AD. It was an extraordinary function wherein all disciples of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya together vowed to their icon deity that they shall contribute in carrying on further the tasks of Shakti-Divine Energy. They shall leave no stone unturned in these humungous efforts required. Immediately after this program the holy consort of Revered Gurudeva-Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) on 6th October between 3-5 pm conducted an important meeting. It was a Sunday. There were many people for her to meet. But all volunteers were sent a message that as soon as visiting hours were over everyone must gather in the new big hall very close to HH Mataji’s room of Sadhana or spiritual practices. Over here we present a few main points taken note of in our diary when this very important meeting of volunteers was organized: HH Mataji said: My beloved children! For the mind boggling success accrued during this program I am indebted to all you volunteer members for the honest hard work, zeal and steadfast devotion exhibited put in by you. At that time when terror had clouded the entire world you all had put in intense efforts to unite everyone under one flag of brotherhood. It was a great example set up by you all and in the true sense of the term you gave me, your mother a firm promise that under no circumstances shall the great mission of our beloved Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya get obstructed. Right from New Delhi to so many regions far and wide, there is massacre breakage and bloodshed. No road has been spared from these atrocities. All main roadways, train travel etc have been cancelled. Even so at least 1.1 million people gathered here faithfully. This is a great example of the extraordinary love harbored by people at the hallowed feet of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Lest our country’s situation was not so dire and terror stricken the crowd that would have assembled here would have required not merely Haridwar District but so many other districts to accommodate them. In reality this is Mahakumbha Mela wherein no invitation was issued yet everyone gathered here in terrific

numbers. It is that Divine Existence that has rendered this otherwise humanly impossible task to make possible successfully. Thousands of people were lovingly fed food here. So many kitchens had been set up but the food store is as full as ever. In future know for sure that you shall witness much bigger miracles than this. In future you all are to execute much bigger tasks. You have to awaken entire India. When gigantic tasks get fulfilled we take rest for a couple of days to ward off our fatigue. But immediately after this we take up a bigger task with a bigger aim in mind. You all must not take very long period of rest that can decrease your zest and zeal. Never allow any sort of lack to come in the way of your efforts. The fever of zest subtly imbued in you all by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya shall make you all execute more miraculous feat like endeavors and it shall shake up our entire nation from deep slumber. All you children here are senior elder ones. In this family based organization of ours there is no place for rank egotism or arrogance of any sort. All of you are pious in nature. I have full hope that none of you shall behave egotistically. You all shall work as a cooperative team harboring sentiments of true brotherhood. Wherever in your nature some lack appears you must rectify it diligently and endeavor to imbibe great habits. You must all increase your capabilities and skills. If you surrender your all it is the divine voice of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya that shall speak through you as a medium. Nothing other than his utterances shall manifest from you. After your self surrender how can you harbor any right over your body and mind? Whatever exists is that of the mission and me. You must test yourself on the basis of how much integrity you harbor both within and without and prepare yourself for as much self sacrifice as is possible. By leaving your jobs you have renounced a fair bit which is noteworthy and praiseworthy. Any eulogy showered regarding this is not complete at all. But now something much bigger has to be achieved and shall be given to you by me. Children! It is time for me to depart from your midst. It is you all that shall manage this mission. Right from the day of Purnahuti (closing ceremony) my mind yearns to shed this mortal frame. I no longer can bear the excruciating pain of separation from my revered icon deity. He in fact gave it up much before me. He executed tasks of 800 years within his life span of 80 years only. He has left me behind to look after you all. Hence my beloved children! As long as my body cooperates for the next 4 years or so, I shall test you whether you have strengethened your shoulders or not? If yes then I shall bid adieu forever. Why should I stay away from my beloved lord and master

(Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya)? My thinking is taking this mold yet none of you should despair. Four years indeed is a long time period. You all have to see that in future what is to take place. From the years 19952000 AD certain tasks shall be fulfilled and these shall be carried out not by Mataji but by my beloved children. In fact these tasks shall be that much more grand and successful. Now we shall spread out every where with missionary sentiments harbored within. We shall hence multiply n fold more. From amongst you Swami Vivekanandas, Swami Dayanandas etc shall manifest. You shall execute such tasks that today are beyond the ken of your limited imagination. Due to weakness my hands and legs may not be working well but my divine energy is with you ceaselessly. Since residing by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s hallowed side I could advance so much I ask you all to take my blessings and then see how you catapult to peaks of glory in your life.


The moment we commence a discussion on spirituality and spiritualism our psyche starts imagining Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers, miracles, Vibhootis etc. Our Indian religious and spiritual texts are full of descriptions of miracles showcased by great saints of ancient times like Gorakhnath, Dattatreya, Agastya, Vishwamitra, Lopamudra, Anasuya, Mallibai etc. On reading it naturally our mind questions as to whether in this modern contemporary era of ours have ever such great Sidhas or God Realized Saints manifested in our midst? Has there been such a saint of Tapas or spiritual austerities that became a medium for spiritual powers to flow in this earth and divinely bless one and all? This is because from the commonplace standpoint spirituality and religion have been relegated to superficial ‘saintly’ garbs worn and lip service. This drama of so called religious hypocrisy can be seen just about everywhere. In such an environment of sheer dark gloom our Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) divinely manifested on planet earth like the brilliant sun of noon. The extraordinary divine capability of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya could not remain hidden from the ken of us mission members. In comparison to a father the love of a mother for her children is much more in measure. While Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was alive and even after he left our world forever the Tapas or spiritual austerities of his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) showered as divine blessings on every home of us children of theirs. The trend has not stopped even today. Despite their physical body not in our midst HH Mataji is subtly showering us all with divine love and energy. Her extraordinary Vibhootis or divine glories are rendering our lives glorified. We just cannot give details of innumerable such spiritual experiences of devotees here due to lack of space in this voluminous book, even so we shall recount a few below. We hope respected members shall read them and experience that their and their family’s life is ceaseless being protected divinely by HH Mataji albeit subtly.

It was the month of August in 1991 AD. A false case was registered against me. Hence I was immersed in sorrow. In my room I have placed a photo of

Lord Shankar and Goddess Parvati. I cried a lot in front of that photo. Crying thus I went to sleep. In my dream therafter I saw lush greenery all around me and there on a raised structure HH Mataji was seated wearing a green bordered white Sari. She had worn spectacles. I was moving past by her. HH Mataji called me near her and said: Daughter! At night you were remembering me a lot. But just now you are just passing by me. I tried to bow down to her sacrosanct holy feet but she embraced me instead with so much motherly love. I said: O! It is Goddess Parvatiji! Saying thus I embraced HH Mataji and she lovingly held me in her arms. Till the time I had this dream I did not know anything about Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). After a few days passed by on seeing this dream my sister in law and her husband visited my home at Kanpur City. They both were regular volunteers of All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). She put pressure on me to visit Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India). After she insisted a lot I agreed to travel there in the Navratri festival. In the October Navratri Camp I reached Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-UttarakhandIndia). For a personal meeting between 12-3 pm when I reached HH Mataji’s divine presence I was shell shocked. I felt I had seen her somewhere. When I tried to recollect deeply I understood. I asked myself as to is HH Mataji, none other than Goddess Parvati? When Mataji saw me thinking deeply thus she smiled and said: Yes daughter! You are thinking correctly. In order to shower love on our children we even reach their homes at night. On hearing her speak thus I was in ecstatic bliss. …………….Mrs. Lata Dubey (Muradabad-India)

In the year 1985 AD we were celebrating Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya’s Heerak Jayanti. In those days he was immersed in Sookshmikaran Sadhana or rendering the psyche divinely subtle. All those attending a spiritual camp there were meeting HH Mataji personally. I too reached Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) for a 5 day camp accompanied by my wife. The very next day on reaching there my wife started passing urine with blood. Her mouth too emitted blood. The doctors at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) were treating her. One day at dusk her health deteriorated quite badly. In a matador vehicle of the Ashram my wife was taken to the Haridwar District Hospital. The doctors there asked her to go back. Her health remained bad. Dr. Pranav Pandya as per the divine command of HH Mataji came to visit my wife. While he was consoling us I asked: If my wife dies what shall HH Mataji do? He again consoled me saying: Do not worry because although people come here crying they return laughing. Next day I went to meet HH Mataji. She said: Son! Return home. With tears in my eyes I said: My wife is dying so how can I go home? HH Mataji called my wife by her side and told Shaildidi to give me her daughter an apple. On eating this apple my disease got cured totally. All of us laughing joyously returned home on that very day. …………….Digvijaysingh Badhua (India)

All local volunteers year were thinking on the lines of performing an Ashwamedha Yajna at Chitrakuta pilgrim spot. In order to materialize this thought we reached Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India). There we humbly placed our thoughts for this Yajna to Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). After talking to her about our problems and difficulties we told her that we are mere puppets in her capable divine hands. We will dance exactly as per her divine commands. While blessing us she said: Son! Do not worry at all. This is the task of Almighty God and God executes his task himself. But those who become his instruments and medium definitely attain the wealth of glorious fame. After feeling glorified on hearing her speech blessing us we all started leaving. Suddenly we realized that in that area no rain had fallen and winter too had not set in. due to lack of water crops shall not grow and this shall lead to problems of getting volunteers to help us, donations etc. We spoke about this to Mataji. After pondering a bit she said: Say! How would it be if rain falls now? Everyone in voice said that would be excellent. Mataji then said: Fine! It shall definitely rain there now. We all in wonderment left that place. On the way back we were just mulling within as to does HH Mataji have divine authority over Prakriti or Mother Nature? Can she control heat, cold, rain etc? While we were cogitating thus we continued on our journey. By the time we reached Allahabad City it started raining. It started raining cats and dogs. Due to HH Mataji’s divine grace the entire area was flooded with water. The harvest of farmers was excellent both in measure and quality and people helped us in all ways possible. After experiencing all this our mind we realized truly that HH Mataji controls energies of nature too because she is Adi Shakti or Primordial Divine Energy that created this world. She on donning a human body helped in the Lilas or divine sports of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya. Due to her divine grace anything is possible to achieve. …………….Nirmal Singh (Satna-India)

After the Guna Ashwamedha Yajna was completed we reached Gwalior City. There my younger son Sidharth got high fever. He was just 8 years old and was in agony due to this high fever ailment. Nearby there was a child specialist doctor and we took him there for treatment. He gave my son medicines for 2 days. But these medicines failed to cure his fever. In fact after 2 days he started walking shakily and suddenly he just could not walk at all. We feared that he was afflicted with polio. Hence we again consulted that doctor. He said that although it was not polio but there is a suspicion of another deadly disease. This disease was called Yamositis and asked us to get a blood test done called CKP Enzyme. Ordinarily the count of this in an 8 year old child is 25-200 but for our son 560 was recorded. Thus the report was positive. All of us were very upset. I sat in front of Vandaniya Mataji’s (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) photo and prayed fervently to her. At that time while praying I heard her voice in my ears saying: Do not cry! Your son shall be fine. Amazingly at that very moment my son Sidharth became alright. At night 12 am we gave him Prasad of the Ashwamedha Yajna. He ate it with devotion. By early morning next day he regained good health fully. Then we took him to his attending doctor and he too was dumstruck at these positive developments. The impossible actually became possible due to HH Mataji’s divine grace. …………….Mrs. Sunita Dharmadhikari (Gwalior-India)

All volunteers in UK planned a 108 Kundi Gayatri Yajna united at Leicestershire. Dr. Pranav Pandya from Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) along with his volunteer team was going to arrive there. All of us made gigantic preparations for it but what to say about the unpredictable weather of UK. None can definitely predict weather conditions correctly. When weather conditions are bad in UK in any program since more vehicles ply on roads roadways getting damaged is a high possibility. It is hence that in UK you have to get a car insurance of around 5000 pounds. Dr. Pranav’s group had reached well in time. But what we had feared did happen. From night itself it rained heavily. We were worried as to how next morning we could succeed in our Yajna program? All of us were utterly helpless. All of us united meditated on HH

Mataji’s divine form. With devotion we prayed to her to stop this rainfall in some way or the other. The rainfall then slowed down. Next morning Dr. Pranav spoke with Mataji on the telephone. He described their situation and prayed to her that rainfall stops totally. Laughingly on the phone Mataji said: Do not get harassed thus. In half an hour itself clouds shall disperse and lo behold! In half an hour the weather became bright and dry. For 2 days we performed the Yajna and not one drop of rainfall was noted. After the Yajna was successfully completed we disbanded all tents, temporary daises etc. Immediately after finishing this it started raining cats and dogs. This heavy rainfall continued for 3 whole days without pause. All of us were mind boggled. …………….Chandresh Joshi (Leicester-UK)

How does one live a life full of complex problems? I was tired thinking about this day and night. I felt quite stressed mentally since all around I faced personal, family, social and other difficult situations. In this manner I developed insomnia wherein daily I hardly slept at all at night. I took medical treatment at places like Bhilai, Gwalior etc but my insomnia refused to go away. Instead my problems multiplied further. Finally taking my younger brother’s sane advice I reached Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) in 1981 AD. After meeting HH Mataji I spoke to her about my problem. With firm promise she said: Do not worry my child! You must instead just think that I have a mother and shall any mother wish that her son remains tensed and stressed thus? Her words were full of miraculous nectar and my mind harbored zest. While I was leaving she gave me a protective amulet and some holy ash in a packet. I wore this amulet around my throat. At night I would daily apply this holy ash on my body. My insomnia ailment of 2 years disappeared in 2 days itself. I returned home from Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India) with a happy stress free psyche. After I reached home my other family and social problems too got solved as days passed by. The divine speech uttered by her has become a lifeline for me.

Even today my mind chants: When a mother is by her child’s side what need is there for it to get worried? …………….Kishan Devangan (Bilaspur-India)

During the Ashwin Navratri Festival I had resolved to do a Gayatri Anushthan of chanting Super Mantra Gayatri 0.125 million times for 40 days at a stretch. Before commencing it in order to avail divine protection and sanctification of any taints I wrote a letter to Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). I also wrote in it that at the time of Purnahuti or completion of this Anushthan on the 40th day HH Mataji if not in her visible gross body blesses me by arriving at my worship dais in her subtle divine form. Mataji in her reply promised to do so. I was very happy to read this reply and my will power increased tremendously. I remembered this matter for around 1 week but since I was very busy with the Anushthan each day I forgot about it later. On the 40th day was the Purnahuti or closing ceremony. Seated with my wife by my side I was performing the Yajna giving Ahutis in it chanting Super Mantra Gayatri. In between while meditating on Goddess Mother Gayatri I would close my eyes. At that time suddenly the scene on my mind’s screen changed totally. Although I was meditating on Goddess Mother Gayatri in its place now I saw HH Mataji in the photo kept on the worship dais. After that suddenly my heartbeats increased a lot. My body became lax. I just did not understand what I was doing exactly. Although as per my knowledge I was chanting Super Mantra Gayatri but I failed to realize when the Mantra chanting was being commenced and when I was saying ‘Swaha’. In fact I offered a couple of Ahutis to the Yajna fire without chanting ‘Swaha’. My wife tried to correct me but my inner state was quite strange. After sometime, my heartbeats decreased its fast pace. Slowly I stopped seeing HH Mataji in the photo of Goddess Mother Gayatri. After the Yajna rites were completed we completed Kanyabhoj or feeding young unmarried girls with tasty food. Only after this I recollected HH Mataji’s divine promise to appear in her subtle divine form in our Yajna to bless its Purnahuti or closing ceremony on the 40th day. Alongside this I also realized well that both HH Mataji and Goddess Mother Gayatri are that one Divine Energy manifesting in 2 forms. …………….Pitambarprasad Sharma (MP-India)

We were recording a song in the upper room. When Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) recollected her childhood days she started speaking thus for the benefit of the musicians present there: When I was born since I was a girl child neighbors, relatives etc shed tears as is the tradition here (in India especially in the 20 th century parents never liked siring daughters and only sons were given importance). My maternal grandfather was a well known expert astrologer. When he realized that happiness should be shared due to the birth of this daughter and instead everyone is crying angrily he stopped everyone from wailing aloud thus. In a firm baritone voice he thundered: O foolish people! You just do not understand as to who has incarnated in our house. She is none other than Goddess Mother Annapurna, Almighty God’s divine consort, Lord Shankar’s holy consort, Adishakti or Primordial Divine Energy that has created this world etc. Millions of people shall follow in her footsteps, she shall shower untold love on all she shall wipe away their tears of sorrow and ward off their difficulties and hardships. Merely availing her Darshan or hallowed vision shall manifest Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Powers in people. Wherever she goes, stays, her footsteps fall etc those places shall become sacrsosanct pilgrim spots. On hearing these utterances full of divine inspirations all family members remained wonderstruck and their muttering stopped totally. …………….A mission member (Haridwar-India)

My wife got afflicted with stones in her stomach. After taking an X-Ray doctors opined that surgery was required. After reaching Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) I told Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya about it. He said that everything shall be fine. He also asked me to take a protective amulet (Rakshakawach) from his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma).

After meeting Revered Gurudeva other members were meeting HH Mataji. It was the day of farewell after the camp had got over. Mataji was giving everyone a packet of Yajna ash. I too stood in that queue and when I bowed down to her she gave me this ash too. When I spoke to her about Revered Gurudeva advising me to take a protective amulet (Rakshakawach) also from her she said: Son! I have given it with the ash packet itself. When I checked the ash packet the amulet too was packed in it. I thought to myself that HH Mataji was giving only ash to everyone so without me telling her how did she know that a certain person (me) standing in this long queue is to be given both an ash packet and an amulet with it as directed to me by Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya? When I cogitated deeply I realized that both he and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) are 2 bodies but one divine cosmic soul. After I started wearing the amulet the doctors declared that my stomach illness had disappaeared to naught. …………….Satyam Singh (Sarguja-India)

In Toronto-Canada preparations were being made to perform a huge Ashwamedha Yajna. Everyone was volunteering zestfully. Suddenly since dark clouds gathered everyone now became sad. Almost everyday it would rain. The owner of the Tent House there advised us to cancel our Yajna program. In such rainy conditions how could Yajna fire be lit? Jayantibhai from Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-UttarakhandIndia) had arrived here for preparations and he told the owner: Do not worry. Our Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) shall come here and at that moment rainfall shall stop. The owner harboring no faith told Jayantibhai: What has rainfall stopping to do anything with any person coming here? But Almighty God always listens to his devotee’s resolve and prayer. HH Mataji, Dr. Pranav Pandya and Shailjiji were to reach Toronto together. The moment they got down from the aircraft it stopped raining. The Yajna

program was fulfilled well with zest and grandeur. On the final day of this Yajna the weather bureau released a bulletin saying that at 2pm on that day it shall rain with ice pebbles too falling down. The volunteers there gave the news to HH Mataji. She said: None of you must worry. Let the Yajna continue till 3 pm. At 3 pm the Yajna ended. After this with her aides she reached the airport. She sat in a plane that was to take her to India. After her plane took off up in the sky it started raining with ice pebbles in Toronto. After reaching high up the pilot informed the air travelers that the plane they were seated in was the last one that could take off from Toronto airport. …………….Jayant and Praful Desai (Toronto-Canada)

In the year 1991 AD our shop was robbed. This shop was being managed by us 2 brothers. Since we were scared of our father we both brothers ran out of our house. We left a letter for our father in our house wherein we said that since our shop was looted we were leaving home. But we promise that wherever we stay we shall not allow your honor to get marred in anyway. Somehow or the other after leaving home we reached New Delhi. Over there in a Postal Stamp Program we got Darshan or hallowed vision of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) the very first time in our life. From there we arrived at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India). In the vistor’s lounge there we both brothers got permission to stay there only for 2 days. Our problems were increasing and we were silently crying. What shall we do? What shall happen to us? Thinking thus made us restless within. The moment we reached Mataji for touching her hallowed feet in devotion she applied Tilak on our foreheads. Later she said: We have 2 daughters here called Gauri and Indu. I hand over both of them in marriage to you. If these 2 daughters are not interested in getting married you 2 can return home. There your shop shall function well, you shall become very rich but instead of this wealth ushering in your well being it shall only bind you to this world of sorrow. We both brothers said:

Mataji! Both of us possess nothing. Hence how shall our marriage give happiness? She replied: If you agree to get married I can bless you that your household expenses and needs to shall be looked after by Almighty God. Both of you are my children. I could not have given birth to so many children here from my womb. Hence they were born in various other places. Despite this you all are very much a part of me and it is just that you all live in far off places. I know that your shop was robbed, that you ran away from home and then came here. Hence both of you must give up worrying. Later when we both were getting married our respected father arrived in the visitor’s section. He had arrived there in search of both of us. He was immediately asked to go to the marriage pandal of ours. While taking blessings from HH Mataji our respected father said to her: You have kindly got my sons married. I am happy because they verily are your sons. But in my house they have their mother, sisters, brothers etc and what shall they say? They will think that when they got married they as their kith and kin were absent. HH Mataji said: If this is the case we shall definitely get them to witness your 2 sons’ marriage. Believe it or not but on that very night in their dream all our family members saw us getting married at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India). The entire marriage ceremony rites were visualized by them in their dream. In the morning after everyone awoke they were very happily satisfied. After this incident I surrendered my entire life for our mission’s activities. …………….Ishwari Yadav (Bhilainagar-India)

From the year 1961 AD itself I have had the great fortune of residing in the presence of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). From the onset itself my leaning towards HH Mataji has been more than that towards Revered Gurudeva. The reason could be that in comparison to a father’s protection the mother’s affection attracts children much more. Whatever may have been the case HH Mataji’s love resides in every breath of mine. Whenever I faced problems, my mind became sad etc Mataji would radiate in my memories and my sentiments. At that time also something of this sort happened. Actually this incidence took place 29 years back but its memory is as preciously alive as diamonds in a vault. Shall anyone want to lose such priceless wealth? It was the year 1966 AD. I was doing an MS degree course in Kanpur City’s GSPM Medical College. I was a resident of the Post Graduate Section Hostel there. I lived alone in room no. 16 of that hostel. One day I sat there morosely. My socks were torn. Everyday riding a half broken cycle I would somehow reach Ursula Hospital about 4 miles away from my hostel. In my studies too I faced difficulties because at that time it was well accepted that to study MS Degree under Dr. Sinha there was a very tough proposition. We were 5 students all in all wherein one was a gold medalist of Madras University, one a topper of Kolkata University, a very sharp brain student of Lucknow Medical College and one more student who was failing in his exams since the past 4 years. I was the 5 th student and for me this MS Degree course was very tough to handle. Immersed in these thoughts I remembered HH Mataji. I silently begged her to help me out. With a very sad mind I fervently prayed thus. At that point someone knocked at my door. On opening it I saw a young boy standing there. He said: I am studying for the 1year MBBS course. My parents dwell in Kanpur’s Suterganj area. There nearby resides the father in law of your younger brother. He had asked me to come and meet you. Everyday you go to Ursula Hospital using a cycle. I hence request you to daily use my new cycle. Since I am just in my 1st year seniors use this cycle. Even when I refused to use this new cycle this boy forced me to accept it and then he left that place. When I was about to wear my shoes I saw a new pair of nylon socks placed near them. In fact its wrapper too had yet to be opened. I was all alone in my room. I just could not understand who kept these brand new socks here and

yet the fact was that the socks were right in front of me. Later in the evening I met one more youth. He introduced himself saying: I am Dr. RC Relan. After completing my MS Degree I have taken a demonstrator’s job in this medical college. My boss has sent me here to help you prepare for your MS Degree exams. Dr. Relan indeed helped me a lot. In the exam only 2 students passed and I was one of them. Later on reaching Mathura I told HH Mataji all incidences that had occurred. I then asked her: Mataji! Are you aware of hardships faced by each and everyone of us? She replied: I have to look after my children. Really it is so true! Who apart from a loving mother looks after her beloved children? …………….Dr. Amalkumar Dutta (Shantikinj-India)

I have a very close gentlemanly friend. For quite a while his son was ill. They got him treated medically in various ways but his illness was not cured. After a lot of medical examination doctors found that the boy was afflicted with blood cancer. He was hence taken to the Tata Cancer Memorial Hospital. There cancer specialists found that his cancer is in the 3 rd stage. Hence it was futile to give him medical therapy. The doctors declared that the boy would live only for a short time. Everyone was in utter despair on hearing this. But in this dark gloom of a hopeless situation I did see a ray of hope. And that was Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma). I advised my friend and his family to come to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). They agreed and on meeting HH Mataji there they related their blood cancer patient son’s dire situation. The child, parents etc were really pained with anguish. Seeing their tearful state, Mataji’s divine heart dripped forth with compassion. She too shed tears of anguish. With a voice choked with pained emotions Mataji said:

Son! Why do you worry thus? Your son shall become alright. Do not get tensed and upset thus. On being blessed thus everyone returned home. Later everyone was mind boggled to note that the child afflicted with 3 rd stage blood cancer was slowly improving in health. He was hence again taken to the Tata Cancer Hospital. Now it was the cancer doctors there who were dumbstruck! After medically examining the boy again thoroughly they had to declare that his blood cancer was totally cured. There was no sign of blood cancer symptoms in all the medical tests carried out. Is there anything impossible for divine compassion of our Divine Mother (HH Mataji) to achieve? …………….Asha Jnani (Mumbai-India)

Regarding an Ashwamedha Yajna held in Nagpur City a group of 5 local volunteers were conducting a program in Lukhnadaun district. I was the leader of our volunteer group. While executing this program we reached a village called Tola near Nagandevri area. In this village there were about 25 houses. None over here was aware of Yug Nirman Mission. Of course! The villagers here had definitely heard my grandfather the Late Pandit Kanhaiyalal Tiwari. After noting that I was his grandson the villagers were very happy to meet me. At one spot a Deep Yajna was planned. Almost all villagers there participated in it. After the Deep Yajna ended a father along with his son called Vora came to meet us. The father said: Since all of you have arrived from Haridwar and are saintly in nature do bless me. On being asked what the problem was he said: This son of mine is dumb right since birth. Hence do cure him of this illness. Doctors treating him have declared that he shall never speak again all his life. Hence I pray to you to bless him and cure him. I got scared when he pleaded thus and thought to myself that today my ‘saintly’ powers shall bite dust. Added to this if this boy’s dumbness does not get cured everyone will laugh and mock us. But then a thought appeared in

my mind that it is not as though our honor is at stake but that the onus is on HH Mataji to cure him with her divine prowess. We were but her mediums and instruments to carry out her divine commands. For HH Mataji nothing is impossible if she so divinely wishes. Thinking thus we prostrated humbly in front of HH Mataji’s photo and requested everyone to chant Super Mantra Gayatri 24 times. Everyone started chanting it with proper meter and rhythm and mentally with humble prayerful emotions I kept pleading with HH Mataji: O Divine Mother! Please bless this son so that he can now start hearing and speaking. After we finished our Mantra chanting we mentally remembered HH Mataji. Then we did Shantipaath and sprinkled the Abhimantrit water on the body of the dumb boy. The boy immediately said ‘Mother, Mother’ and lovingly embraced his mother. This unbelievable feat had taken place in front of all villagers present there. Everyone started eulogizing Mataji and they danced about in devotional bliss. How can we lesser mortals eulogize that Mataji whose mere name on being chanted prayerfully by devotees, can render any impossible task possible to succeed in? With each breath we say only this: O Divine Mother! Do shower on us your divine compassionate blessings ceaselessly. …………….Anand Tiwari (Lukhnadaun-India)

I am doing a nurse’s job. I have to run around a lot and solve many harassing problems. Only a person who has worked in a small hospital as a nurse can understand how tough it is. All of us brothers-sisters would visit Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) with our parents time and again. For me there was only one solution to every problem: I shall tell this problem to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma).

When in June 1990 AD Revered Gurudeva left this mortal world forever my emotions became restlessly grief stricken. My mind was so tossed about in sheer anguish. I rushed to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri FamilyHaridwar-Uttarakhand-India). I put my arms around HH Mataji and shed tears profusely. She said consoling me: O daughter! Why do you get so worried? I am here by your side. With me around why should you become stressed thus? I then slowly accepted this situation. My mind now focused on HH Mataji in devotion. But in 1994 AD September I got heartbreaking news of Mataji also shedding her mortal frame forever. I wailed aloud in sheer agony. I just could not go for my nurse’s job at the hospital. I could not stop crying in sorrow. What shall happen to me? Where shall I go and to whom shall I talk about my inner sorrow? That day somehow or the other crying thus, I slept awhile. While sleeping I saw HH Mataji standing near my head. Her body was shining brilliantly like the sun. While lovingly caressing me she said: My foolish child! Why are you crying? I am not dead. See! I am standing near you. I have merely shed my physical body of blood, bones etc. The moment this bondage of my physical body broke my divinely active nature has increased manifold more in measure. Henceforth with my subtle divine body I shall be able to help you much more than before. Try and remember when you wish and immediately my divine help shall reach you. On getting up early next morning my mind was quite happy. My body felt light and cheerful. Due to her untold grace my problems started evaporating one by one. My mind has full faith that HH Mataji is not far from me at all. In fact after giving up her visible gross body she is that much closer to us all ceaselessly. …………….Mrs. Usha Upadhyaya (Banda-India)

I was very worried regarding getting my daughter married into a good family. Then I got sad news of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) departing from this world forever. I was so anguished as though everything priceless that I owned was snatched away from me forever. It was HH Mataji who would lovingly place my head on her lap in order that my tired life got rejuvenated refreshingly. But now post her departure eternally what shall happen to me? At one place we were trying to get my daughter

married but at the last moment the groom’s family left us in the lurch. My harassments were rising with fury. No solution was in sight at all. Thinking about my problems one night I entered sleep. Before sleep took over my mind was upset and in agonizing turmoil. I was just telling myself that lest HH Mataji was in my midst would I have been in such a sorrowful anguished state today? I would have told her my problems and she would kindly solve them. But today in her absence who shall guide and bless me? Slowly I went to sleep and I saw this dream where HH Mataji was telling me: Child! Why are you so upset? I have shed my physical body voluntarily. Do not think that this means I am dead. I can never die eternally. In fact post my departure from the mortal world both me and Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya shall divinely help all you children much more actively and at any hour. Your problems shall be solved always and divine protection of ours shall be with you unabated. Your daughter’s marriage shall take place with that very groom at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Hence do not worry at all. Next day the groom’s family visited me at my house. They solved this matter united. Further they were ready to perform the marriage vows at Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India). Hence under the subtle divine vision of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) the marriage rites were completed. Dr. Pranav Pandya and Shaildidi as mediums of Revered Gurudeva and HH Mataji blessed the newly married couple. It is beyond all doubt that the loving divine help of Mataji instead of decreasing has increased a lot post her departure from this world of mortality. …………….A mission volunteer (Kanpur-India)

The following incident took place after Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya left this material world forever. His holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) loved to hear songs that described the union of a devotee with Almighty God. She would enter a trance like state while hearing them. She would be so ecstatic and blissful that it would appear Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya was divinely present in our midstand that she was singing these

devotional songs to him. At the end of such a soulful song sometimes she would shed tears of loving devotion. Hence at such times it was difficult to record her songs. Later she would say: What can I do I can’t sing further! One day in order to record her singing all musician brothers were seated there. All studio volunteers too were there. Suddenly HH Mataji said: Children! A question maybe existing in your mind as to why Mataji loves these devotional songs a lot and why does she sing them with such profound soul focus? In your meeting with me why do I spend 4-5 hours in singing devotional songs? Today I shall unfold its mystery. Using singing as a medium I worship and meditate on my beloved icon deity and Almighty God. Whenever I sing devotedly he appears visibly in front of me. He smiles in joy and for this time period I benefit from his tangible presence. It is because of this that I do not get pained due to separation from Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya post his farewell from this world. It gives me strength to maintain my body alive without him by my side physically. This then is my Upasana (worship and meditation) and devotion, using soulful singing as a medium. …………….A mission volunteer (Shantikunj-India)


Say! What not was present in the great divine personality of the holy consort of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya i.e.Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma)? She shared her divine aura in so many ways as follows: A) An ideal holy wife B) A loving affectionate mother C) Occult lady full of Tapas or spiritual austerities D) An imperishable fount of divine energies E) A powerful wise orator F) Great manageress Anyone seeing any one form of hers merely would get wonderstruck. This is not merely limited to you, me, her disciples, devotees etc but that it pertains also to those who held high positions in society. These were leaders that managed our country and society. All of them never tired eulogizing HH Mataji’s social and cultural contributions. Right since our mission was created such special personalities would come here meet everyone etc time and again. In the freedom struggle of India due to Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya being an active participant leading personalities of those times were close contacts of his. In fact quite a few of these were close family friends too. Later too this trend continued. If we say that Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya great divine personality influenced them a lot, HH Mataji’s divine

love bound them to her forever. In the following paragraphs we give a small glimpse of the multifaceted memories of such leading men of India. If we try giving all details even this book shall not do justice to it yet a glimpse of it given here can aid members experience as to how sacred sensitive sentiments or Bhavasamvedana of truly wise people led them to surrender their all at the hallowed lotus feet of Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma).

HH Mataji truly was Paras or touchstone (converts iron to gold). On attaining the touch of her divine affection an unruly human akin to black iron gets converted into a great psyche of 24 carat gold. I pray to Almighty God that due to the divine sentiments of Revered Gurudeva Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya and his holy consort Vandaniya Mataji (HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma) not only Uttar Pradesh state, not only India but that the entire world gets transformed into blissful heaven like situations. …………….Dr. M Chenna Reddy (Ex Governor of UP-India)

After coming to Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-HaridwarUttarakhand-India) for the very first time I actually got experience of what exactly is a real mother’s love and affection? The magnetic pull of HH Mataji’s divine love aided highly educated and brilliantly talented people give up deluded mental lure for rank materialism and induced them to visit Shantikunj (HQ of All World Gayatri Family-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) as a result. There they would gladly offer their talented services for welfare programs. People harbor great expectations from those members staying in their proximity here. I have full faith that volunteers of All World Gayatri Family (HQ-Shantikunj-Haridwar-Uttarakhand-India) shall definitely succeed in their great efforts to uproot social taints and distortions. In this manner they shall neo create society in a positive refreshing manner. …………….Purshottam Kaushik (Ex Minister of Environment AffairsGovt. of India)

On arriving at Shantikunj it was beyond doubt that this Ashram or hermitage is immersed in nation neo creation tasks. Due to this not only world neo creation shall usher in but that an era shall get neo created. HH Mataji Bhagwati Devi has greatly influenced me by her loving attitude and behavior. Satyaprakash Malviya, ex minister, UP

Those involved in social reforming must come here to witness with eyes open how HH Mataji is executing many social neo creation tasks in a miraculous manner. Pawan Divan, ex mnister for social welfare and coperation, MP

Till date I was merely reading and hearing about great lady Rishis like Lopamudra, Anasuya etc On arriving at Shantikunj in the divine form of HH Mataji I actually saw that Rishi principle. Acharyaji and she were giving such glorious teachings for human well being which is most required today. Their great tasks shall progress that much more in future. MR Devras, ex chief of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

Lest I had not visited Shantikunj I would never have known what is the true nature of women's advancement. HH Mataji is a living image of ideals of Indian women. All great qualities like love, affection, enterprise, selfless service, goodwill etc are found in her. After meeting her only once I became her beloved child. Brijlal Verma

For quite sometime I was experiencing that life was separating from me. Everything felt lonely and morose. But today seated at HH Mataji holy feet i felt i found my life again. In her hallowed presence I got an extraordinary

thinking trend that gave my life a new background. Her divine love shall become the biggest wealth of my life. Justice V Ramaswami, Chief Justice of Punjab High Court After dwelling near HH Mataji for a few days I am leaving after gathering energy. This center set up by her is a source of inspiration to scientists, social campaign volunteers, authors with a compassionate heart, artists and journalists. My wish is that experts of all realms of life come here and learn the technique of applying well the potential of special talent they possess for neo creation. Sunderlal Bahuguna

In this darkness one ray yet remains in this land. It is Yug Nirman Mission that can be called a living image of HH Mataji Bhawati Devi Sharma's divine blessings. Thousands of Indians and foreigners are availing the sacred guidance and blessings and they are getting involved in national service. What bigger divine gift can there be for entire world humanity? Whenever i came to Haridwar I left with greater zest and energy. I shall believe to be really blesssed lest HH Mataji gives me one last chance to serve this divine mission in my final phase of life. Vidyadhar Joshi, ex minister of MP parliament

Seated afar, without seeing, it is difficult to imagine HH Mataji's inner personality's true nature. Anyone who met her even once or saw her became her own beloved child. This institution guided by her is as extraordinary as her. In the true sense of the term that task of rendering the personality sacred and steadfast at Shantkunj is really worth eulogizing. Shantikunj means an extraordinary confluence of sacred speech and putting it into practice. Sushma Swaraj, leader of BJP party

Since i had joined the Gayatri family from the sacred sentiment standpoint I attained new energy continuously from the Gayatri Mantra. Similarly from Shantikunj a new direction of thinking was got always. It creates principled values and purity of life, thought action and aim, a new horizon of non dual values. The source of inspiration, energy and means is HH Mataji. Flowers of faith and love shall always be offered at her holy feet. Rajendraprasad Shukla, leader of MP legislature

If Revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharma is thought HH Mataji his holy consort is action. If he is Tapas or austerities she is energy. If Gurudeva is knowledge HH Mataji is devotion or Bhakti. This pair of 2 great Rishis is present in the midst of the human race. What greater gift of God can be given to mankind than this. Ramanand Sagar , director and producer of Ramayan serial

Previously i had heard that Darshan or vision of great Rishis and touching their holy feet devotedly glorifies our life. Today seated in HH Mataji's presence i am actually experiencing this. I am leaving after attaining a lot and if i have to lose something it is mind's restlessness only. Lokpati Tripathi, ex minister of UP govt.

I got a chance to visit such a sacred place and i got a chance to meet HH Mataji. This is I believe is my very good fortune. Our world society's bright future rests in the glorious activities carried out by them. TN Chaturvedi, ex auditor general Indian Govt.

Not everyone can imagine the great tasks of her HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma. She is executing highly extraordinary tasks. She is executing spiritual and social tasks. According to me rare are those like her that for the unity and brotherhood of our Rishi type thinking, mental reflection and mode of

action. Our country's political leaders etc must seek her divine guidance. I feel my life shall get glorified lest i can do something under he great guidance. Girirajprasad Tiwari, ex leader Rajasthan legislature

I got the holy opportunity of having Darshan or vision of HH Mataji. For sometime i sat in her presence and heard all that she said. She had untold love for our country's security and advancement. All her tasks are meant to render India prosperous. Her chief beloved aim is to bring in well being of mankind. The extraordinary confluence of spiritual thinking and social service can be witnessed here. After meeting HH Mataji i felt intense desire to reside here in her prsence. After some I got guidance and it is on which everyone walks. They get inspiration to walk on it. The path too becomes easier to walk on. Satyendranarayan Singh, ex chief minister Bihar

Today i got the good fortune of having vision of respected HH Mataji the chief of Shantikunj-Haridwar. The limitless ocean of human love flows in her personality. Having attained a few drops of these i feel i am very fortunate. Amar Singh, ex chief minister Gujarat

The name of one who has only well being of humans in her sacred psyche is HH Mataji. She truly is a mother of all i.e. entire world humanity and creatures. It is hence that she worries about well being of all. Madhavsingh Solanki, ex chief minister Gujarat

HH Mataji and her mission are a new source of giving greatness and peace in mankind's high stature along with executing righteous duties and religion.

HH Mataji is a mass of infinite divine energy and her volunteer members are divine light emitting from it. Shripati Mishra, ex chief minister UP state

Lest anyone wishes to know the deep import of India's ancient culture and civilization they must come to Shantikunj and meet Mataji. This task of hers executed for world welfare is one without a second. I have full faith that this task day after day shall march forward swiftly. I wish all the best for its success. B Satyaarayan Reddy, ex Governor of UP

Although cooperation can be given for tasks of human well being of man carried out by HH Mataji it cannot be measured by our frail intellect. Arjun Singh, ex Human Resourcs and development minister, indian Govt.

Today my aim of seeing this Ashram Shantikunj that overflowed with human values, brotherhood and sacred love for all got fulfilled. HH Mataji who guides it is my mother too. Ibrahim Qureshi, chief minister of MP Education Society-MP

Say who shall not wish to sing praises of one's mother? I have a right over her motherly affection. Tasks carried out for human well being shall establish a new glory in the annals of world history. While surrendering myself at her holy feet i resolve to contribute towards service to world humanity. Digvijay Singh, chief minister MP

My mother died when i was a small child. Today on seeing HH Mataji i felt i found my mother again. Laluprasad Yadav, chief minister, Bihar

Truly you are the world mother. Why only Orissa the entire world is in her lap. Biju Patnaik, chief minister Orissa

HH Mataji is the fount of spiritual energy of our country. The Ashwamedha Yajna campaign commenced by her for national neo creation shall play her subtle role in it. I have deep faith regarding this. Bhajanlal, chief minister Haryana state

I had the joy of HH Mataji's divine blessings. Without directly visualizing it is difficult to imagine the extraordinary energy in her. In every iota of Shantikunj her divine inspiration oozes. Gayatri Parivar is a flow of her divine energy. By joining it anyone can attain the joyous touch of her divine consciousness. Chabildas Mehta, chief minister Gujarat

On seeing Shantikunj Ashram i experienced inexplicable bliss. On coming to know about activities there it seemed that not only is this institution working towards soul welfare but that but that via it the entire world welfare shall usher in. The chief specialty in her is that it possesses priceless human resources. In reality over here is at work the tireless and farsighted Sadhana of a great Vibhooti (Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya). The 3 fold confluence of simplicity, straightforwardness and purity of soul is at work. Its chief female deity is but an image of divine love. I wish that this institution advances more and more.

Yashpal Jain, well known author and chief of Sasta Sahitya

For so many years I am well aware of HH Mataji's stupendous tasks. She with the string of divine love has got ready a necklace of pearls in the form of honest hardworking volunteers. She is surrendering it for world humanity. Due to the influence of her Tapas Sadhana India shall emerge dripping with wealthy, glorious and spiritual people. Prof Rajendra Singh, chief of RSS

In the holy presence of HH Mataji i am leaving taking with me her zest, inspiration and strength. By coming in her presence my consiousness accrued new peace. I pray to God that her tasks increase and her institution increases in quality and quantity day by day. Murli Manohar Joshi, senior leader of BJP

Lest human consciusness becomes dense how shall it be? This can be gauged on meeting HH Mataji. Her Ashwamedha campaign is a speedy flow of national development. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, senior leader BJP

The name of from where soul peace and flow of spiritual power manifest is HH Mataji. I have known her for many years. The more i contact her the more our soul oneness deepens. In a gist i can only say this that in words the limits of a great inner personality cannot be bound. Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, chief minister Rajasthan

For that task executed by HH Mataji for reinstating great psychic imprints in society our country shall always remain indebted to her. On seeing the miracle of the amount of tasks carried out by her in such a short time frame it seems that evn the power of an ordinary human cannot attain it. But in HH Mataji this specialty oozes forth and i bow down to it. Ashok Singhal, senior leader Vishwa Hindu Parishad On the occasion of Bharat Parikrama for the first time i got the golden opportunity of arriving at Shantikunj and meet HH Mataji Bhagwati Devi Sharma. On attaining this golden opportunity i felt i got all prizes of life's flowers. It is beyond words to describe how waves of love emerging from HH Mataji's great personality. It has helped flow extraordinary energy in our lives Dr M Laxmi, chief of Vivekananda Center Kanyakumari

The details of the chain of these sacred sentiments and memories is gigantic and has no end. The personality of HH Mataji that spreads energy in infinite forms has built all that whose memories and experiences induce such zest in us all which leads to our lives full of hair raising emotions.


A poet full of sacred sentiments has written thus about HH Mataji: Devi! Tu hi hai param purush ya, Atul agamya virya purushartha. Shakti rupa hai shaktiman ya, Preya swartha ya tu paramarth? Jo bhi tu hai para ya apara, Yaha tu hai ya woh abhiram. Tujh ko tere shishu abodh ka Devi! Devi! Shatakoti pranam In reality right since world creation divine principle has been worshiped in the form of Shakti (divine energy). Also via 'vedokta tasmihna tasyur bhuvanani vishwa' again and again it is said that this very divine energy is the foundation of this world.

In the Rigveda Mantra Drishta Rishis have been asked again and again: Kasmai devaya havisha vidhema? The reply was: Hiranyagarbhaha samavartatagrey bhutasya jataha patireka aseet. Sa dadhar prithivimrut dyam kasmai devaya havisha vidhema. MEANING: Initially Prajapati manifested who is the ancestor and master of all world creaures and mankind. By his energy he shoulders earth and space. We wish that he is eulogized and offered worship. In Rigveda this very divine person is called Dyau Father and at certain places it is called Aditi as motherly form. Detailing this there is a description in Rigveda (2-6-17): Aditi is in heaven and Dyuloka (interstellar space) between heaven and Bhuloka it is present there too. She is the mother of all demigods. She creates all animate and inanimate beings. It is the father and protector of all. He is the creator and creation too. Via divine compassion he helps the soul of all devotees to get liberated from sins. He gives his children all that is worth giving. He resides in the form of the divine souls and all demigods. Past and future are his form. It is just about everything. Description of God and Adishakti is but the specialty of Vedic Culture and it is for this reason that in India mother existence is equal to Almighty God. When we start experiencing this that nature or God is but one part of the manifest form of God and is inseparable from the Purusha form of Virat Purusha or God we shall really understand that God creates this world from his innermost divine being. All objects of this world and energies rests in its Virat or Cosmic form. He does not require external means for creation. O Shivey! You are para prakriti of Almighty God and from you the entire world has been created. You are the mother that has created this world. Via this scriptural description we eulogize that energy that is the root cause of creation and nourishment of all of us creatures. This very energy of Jagadamba places entire creation in its womb before propagating this world. It is the mother of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh and the root of all actions. This very Primordial Energy Jagadamba says in the 125th Sukta of 10th Mandal of Rigveda: None is my lord. I am beyond earth and space. The entire world is my Vibhooti or grandeur. Due to my divine energy i am all this.

We worship that World Mother within whom we are alive, we walk about and maintain our existence. The moment we remember HH Mataji we ceaselessly remember that Primordial Energy and it seems that the pair of energy or Shakti is so wondrous. Although it canot be understood as Drishta or seer yet we can experience it ceaselessly. But today despite not seeing her as gross form she is working subtly in a widespread form. When her subtle nature is perceived we know that we had conjoined to a great fount of divine energy and even now since we are conjoined to it we are capable of imbibing it. Lest we understand its import and glory! Revered Gurudeva has written at so many places about worshiping energy. He has described how via Gayatri Super Science we can get liberated from lack of energy, ignorance and other lack. All this has been described by him in Devi Bhagwat and later Kundalini Mahashakti va uski Sidhi. In reality energy is one only. It is the image of God with name and form reinstates as Goddess to get worshiped as various forms as Seeta, Radha, Saraswati etc by different devotees. Ramkrishna Paramhans worshiped it as Kali and aided his disciple Narendranath Dutta to have her Darshan as true Adishakti. Shri Aurobindo in the form of Super Consciousness described that Adi Shakti in the form of Savitri Super Energy manifesting from the divine existence present in the Super World. Via Divine Mother he helped the external world know it. Whether Revered Gurudeva was a follower of Shakta School of Thought or any other one is futile to talk about. We must only think that he placed before us a radiant form of Adi Shakti's motherly form. She appeared in our midst as HH Mataji Bhagwati Devi Sharma who poured on us pure love, affection, compassion, nurturing, disciplining and reforming us all. Gayatri Super Power is present in the Vedas as a Mantra Chhanda. If we look upon it as motherly existence which qualities must be seen in it? Revered Gurudeva reflected it visibly in her HH Mataji. We all know that Shakti or energy have 2 opposite forms. One form is true knowledge that takes us towards Almighty God. In Sanskrit language it is called Vidya and the other is called Avidya that is materialism oriented. The first one gives Moksha or salvation and the other is the cause of bondage and sorrow. The 2nd places a veil on the 1st one. Only after cutting asunder this veil of ignorance that the true form of Shakti or divine energy can be visualized. Devotees of the of the World Mother say that: O Devi Goddess! We on getting deluded by your power of ignorance forget you and get joy in lowly objects of the material world. But when we worship you, harbor faith at your holy feet, we surrender to you, you liberate us from ignorance and attachment to this painful material world. Thus you bestow on us joy and peace who are children of this cosmic world family.

Lest we surrender to Shakti after understanding these 2 aspects of Vidya and Avidya Shaktis, not via not the external form of Avidya after understanding properly the form of Vidya we can attain all that was attained by Ramkrishna Paramhans via Mahakali in her stone image. The bang reality is this that as per the measure of faith towards goddess principle in the form of divine mother that person got it in that measure. Revered Gurudeva Shriram has clearly written in the Prajna Avatar volume of Akhand Jyoti magazine (August 1971 AD) thus: The manifestation of Yuga Shakti or Era Energy shall be in the form of union of faith and Viveka or farsighted discrimiation. In future the greatest wealth of humanity shall be Ritambhara Prajna or Divine Intellect. This intellect shall ooze with faith and Viveka or farsighted discrimiation. While talking about faith he says: Faith is that wherein great sacred ideals are loved a lot and via that stature of thinking and actions results in the bliss of tasting sacred sensitive sentiments. Wherever more and more faith and Viveka or farsighted discrimiation gush forth there that much greatness appears. With the help of this attainment even a person born and maturing under commonplace circumstances are seen to play the role of historical great men and in world neo creation too. Revered Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya manifested in our midst in the form of an Avatar existence, in the form of greatest divine intellect and intense Ritambhara Prajna. HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma came amidst us as his complimentary pair, in the form of Shakti or Divine Energy and in the form of Sajal Shradha or deep faith. Due to their grand combined efforts the Era Junction Consciousness of Prajna Avatar took birth. At first via awakening of great psychic imprints, after that power of resolve and surrendering to Sadhana or spiritual practices for the sake of the process of propagating divine culture akin to the 18 chapters executed 18 worldwide victorious acivities in 2 years in the form of Ashwamedha Yajnas. This itself is manifestation of Shakti or divine energy that at first is not seen very clearly. After that giving us a glimpse of it in action gets merged in the subtle world. Now it can be seen as its potent powerful form. The greatest comparison that Revered Gurudeva who is Lord Mahakal has given is Sajal Shraddha energy. Via this he made HH Bhagwati Devi Sharma execute Era Transformation task by giving her divine energy. This gratefulness is not merely a superficial show but that it is a short introduction to that Adi Shakti that manifested amidst us and HH Mataji lived a life that seemed ordinary to ordinary people in a limited time span.

By and by she disappeared from our midst. Lest we can realize her true divine form we shall have to understand her as Goddess Mahakali the partner of Lord Mahakal. Amongst the 10 shaktis or divine energies of one Purusha Lord Mahakal is the all known Goddess Mahakali on top spot. In this very philosophy is embedded the original mystery of devotion to Ardhanarishwar is that we look upon them as complimentary to each other. While deeply understading 'Sa bhrahmaswarupa cha nitya sa cha sanatani' by offering our faith and devoted heart to her we must pray thus: O Divine Mother! By weaning us away from ignorance and Maya take us to knowledge and a glorious and pious intellect. Our true flowers of faith towards you should be that you after making more and more of us aware of your true divine nature inspire us to walk the path of glory. With these sacred sentiments we surrender to the duo hallowed feet of Divine Mother Existence.




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