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AP Students Prepare for Upcoming Exams
Bethany Cochran staff writer
AP season is upon us! AP exams begin on May 2, and most of the AP students at Sheldon are full of excitement and stress. Sheldon offers many AP classes, so lots of students will be taking the exams this season. The AP exams are very important to students since they determine whether students will get college credit or not.
Junior Alexa Burger said, “I’m very, very stressed for the exams; I care about my class grade more though.” One pro of the AP exams for Burger is that they don’t affect your grade for the class, so no matter what score you get on the exam, it won’t affect your class grade. When asked about her future with AP classes, Burger said, “It’s a huge commitment, and I don’t have as much time to do the work as I thought.” AP classes take up a lot of time and effort, and for Burger, that time management has become very difficult. Burger is on the dance team and the track team, so she has a lot on her plate this season.
Junior Avery Walkoviak is taking both the AP U.S. History exam and the AP Literature exam. Walkoviak said that she likes her AP classes, as “they have helped me learn to be a better student.” Another benefit of AP classes is that students learn to have a good work ethic, which is a very valuable quality to have if they choose to go to college.
When asked about her preparedness, Walkoviak said, “I feel decently prepared, but I definitely need to brush up on a couple things.” Being prepared for the exam is key for passing, since the exam covers six months’ worth of content. On a scale of 1-10, Walkoviak said that her stress level is “about a level five. It’s a lot of pressure when the exam is so soon.” Although Walkoviak does not like the amount of work and stress of AP classes, she said, “I do think taking AP classes is worth it if students are committed.”
Another junior, Elliott Morgan, is taking the AP U.S. History exam this May. One thing that Morgan is going to do on the exam is pace himself. The AP exams require students to answer lots of questions in a limited amount of time, so pacing yourself is very important. “I also think that it is important to stay calm during the exam,” Morgan said.
On a scale of 1-10, Morgan’s stress level for the exam is a “seven or eight, the exam feels close, but also really far away. It stresses me out because my score is very important to me and I want to do well.” This time of the year is very stressful for AP students, since part of their possible college career might depend on the score they receive.
Morgan will be a senior next year. When asked if he would take AP classes next year Morgan said, “I want to take AP classes next year because they are more challenging and push me to put in the work,” Similar to Walkoviak, Morgan also struggles to find a balance among school and hobbies. AP season is a very important and stressful time for the AP students this year. AP students should make sure to look over their notes, go over the things they struggle with, and try not to stress over the exam. Although these exams cause anxiety among students, they can be very beneficial in the end.