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Freshman Perspective on the Arts
Rylee Brennan staff writer
Most people don’t ask what the freshman perspective is, especially when it comes to art. Quito Roman is a freshman that is in the band, and has a great appreciation for the musical arts. Lots of different things in the world can be considered art, and Roman knows that “art can be a lot of things, but it’s mainly to create things and show expression.” One form of art that Roman can also appreciate is sculpting for all the “skill and hard work” it requires.
Playing the base has given Roman a new perspective on art. “Music is a type of art that I would suggest other people try because you can use music to find yourself.” Being a freshman, Roman knows there is much more to learn and appreciate about art in the future. Roman believes that his opinion will change as he gets older.
Freshman Madison Barrientos is one of many who use art as a way to branch out and show expression. “Art is a way that people can express themselves; it’s a way of life,” said Barrientos. Barrientos has a very well-developed sense of what art is to her, and she has a perspective on art that freshmen don’t normally have. Art can come in many different mediums.
For Barrientos, photography and music are the forms of art she is most interested in “because these things can inspire you and open your mind to all the other things in the world. It can open your eyes. It opens my eyes,” said Barrientos. Barrientos can appreciate other people’s perspective on art and it makes her more aware of different opinions people can have.
Even though everyone is different, there is a common love for music here that everyone shares. This love for music is something that had been observed by the freshman class at Sheldon. One freshman who has a love for music but is not in band is Paul Severe. “Music is very important; [I] can’t live without music.” Music is a very big part of who you are, Although not everyone listens to the same kind of music. Even though people love music, different kinds of art are appreciated and vary among people. For example, Severe likes statues and other people may not agree and have differing opinions. Fortunately, music is something that everyone can agree on. When it comes to giving suggestions for a kind of art, Severe said, “I would suggest music… the words of the people have grown to a point of purity.”