1 minute read

HOCO needs semi-formal dress code

Tierra Combs | Staff Writer

From the point of view of outside students, Scottsburg High School’s homecoming dances are pretty boring. There is minimal participation from students, and students do not look forward to going and experiencing these events. This outlook on the homecoming dances could change with just one simple tweak: the homecoming dance dress code should change from casual to semi-formal.


The homecoming dance gives underclassmen students the opportunity to go shopping for an outfit and complete the full experience of getting ready. However, these freedoms are taken from students when the dance has a casual dress code. Girls are not able to pick out a dress, do their makeup or style their hair, and guys are not able to find the same experiences in getting ready for the dance. If the homecoming dances were semi-formal, students could have the experience.

Semi-formal homecoming dances would also increase student involvement throughout homecoming week, the dance and the game. In a poll of 100 students, 84 percent of students said that if the homecoming dance dress code was changed to semi-formal, it would encourage them to go and participate. The students also expressed they did not want to go because they do not feel that the dance is enjoyable enough and the experience is incomplete. Changing the dance’s dress code would change the outlook that students have of homecoming and increase student participation.

The students have spoken about their needs corresponding to the homecoming dance. The only step left to take is to officially convert the dress code. Changing this element of the dance would increase school participation and give the students more lively, youthful experiences.

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