1 minute read

Team perfects aim for perfect season


Hailey Christoff | Staff Writer


“A good archer is known not by his arrows but by his aim,” quoted by Thomas Fuller. As an archer, being goal orientated is the factor that makes a team and season a successful one, but team concerns are a whole different story.

For Zachary Garza (10), one of his main concerns is how his teammates shoot.

“Usually if someone has a good day they shoot well and if they had a bad day, they shoot bad,” Garza said. Garza’s main concern is how he will benefit either the team or himself.

However, personal concerns can divert a teams progress, especially when there are doubts about the team players themselves.

“I’m usually concerned when the team feels uncertain on how we can progress through practice,” Emma Doud (11) said.

The archery team coach hopes for team players to practice outside of school.

“Whenever I’m at home, perfecting my aiming is my main goal,” Jonathan Eldridge (10) said.

For Brandon Wangner (10), staying healthy is a main priority.

“Keeping your entire arm strong is one of the many things that keep archers in shape for the season,” said Wangner.

For Garza, keeping up with your highest score is a major priority for the team.

“Any talks that we have with our coaches all have to deal with how we can improve our shooting and shoot for a high score, how to keep our focus on the target and mostly just to help us understand how we shot wrong and how we can fix it and improve,” Garza said. Garza mentioned how if you get 50 points, you get to use a special arrow holder, plus black arrows.

Doud said that if you pretend the bullseye is a main struggle for the sport, you will definitely hit the target.

On the other hand, Elridge’s conversation with the coach deals with raising other players’ spirits by commenting on their score or aim.

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