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Team maintains successful MSC record

Boys Basketball

Baylee Comer | Co-Editor-in-Chief


At the time The Booster went to press, the Warrior basketball team had a 2-0 record in the Mid-Southern Conference games.

The Warrior basketball team has many things they want to accomplish this season, but the obvious end goal, according to Brantley Deaton (12), is winning a Sectional Title.

“Last year we went from not very good to competitive, and this year we have a lot of work to do. Our goal is to be a championship team,” said Coach Brent Jameson.

Deaton says he has many things he is looking forward to this season. Among them, is a chance to make more memories with his team.

“I am looking forward to having another good season,” said Treyton Owens (11).

But to have a good season, the team must work for it. With an improved schedule in opponents, the Warriors will be facing tougher teams than before. According to Owens, the team must improve on defense, “[we] need to stop the other team from scoring points.”

Jameson said, “We need to [be] more disciplined and execute better, play hard, be competitive.”

On Wednesday, Nov. 27, the Warriors faced the Austin Eagles in the annual rivalry game. Throughout the game, Scottsburg stayed ahead of Austin in points. In the second quarter, the score was 12-9, and the final score was 60-33 in favor of the Warriors. Top scorers on the team included Senior Nick Sebastiao with 24 points, Sophomore Hayden Cutter with 21 points, Junior Treyton Owens with 7 points, Junior Noah Smith with 4 points and Senior Brantley Deaton with 4 points.

On Dec. 3, the team played against Eastern Pekin Rams in another MSC game. At half time, the score was 13-39 in favor of Scottsburg, while the final score was 33-64 with a win for the Warriors.

Tomorrow, the Warriors will play against the Braves in Brownstown in an MSC game, while on Saturday, the team will travel to Providence to compete. The Be sure to support your Warriors by arriving early and taking your seats; the varsity game starts at 7:30 p.m. on both days.

Next week, the team will compete at Meyer Gym against the Corydon Lions. Varsity starts at 7:30 p.m.

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