3 minute read
Lack of auditorium creates problems
Staff Editorial
As you walk onto the stage in McClain Hall, you are faced with the many difficulties of using the stage. The floorboards are not secure and are ducktaped in place. The set pieces, props and music equipment are cramped onto the small stage. The acoustics within the gym are horrendous. These issues are just the beginning of the struggle that the fine arts department and extracurriculars are faced with when using the facility.
An auditorium would completely change the game and support the students by giving the arts classes a space to grow, depopulate the gymnasium and give the city of Scottsburg a place to hold special events. For these reasons, an auditorium would increase proper support for the students and improve Scott County as a whole.
Over the years, numerous studies have found that the benefits of the arts extend far beyond the classroom. According to the Arts Education Partnership, students who become active in drama, music and dance tend to reach a higher mastery of reading, writing and math. Becoming involved in the arts also supports learning development, social skills and preparation for life beyond high school. For these reasons, we must support the arts as much as possible. The arts classes, department and extracurriculars need this auditorium in order to support their students’ growing capabilities.
In addition to the improved support of the arts classes, we could also support those playing sports. In the past few years, the theatre department has wished to use the stage, located in the gymnasium, and gym floor in order to rehearse. This has caused issues with a number of athletic teams as they have wished to use the gym floor where the courts are located. As a result, many conflicts have arisen because of these scheduling dilemmas. However, if an auditorium was built, the theatre program could rehearse in their auditorium while the athletic teams practice on their courts.
Lastly, the addition of an auditorium would help with fundraising for the school and give a place for special community events. The SCSD2 administration could rent out the auditorium for anyone willing to pay the cost. This would give a place for our community and build up the sense of home and love for one’s community. The construction of a new auditorium would also help fundraise for the school. When the people in the community hold events, they could be charged the cost of the renting of the auditorium. This would greatly improve the funds of the school and help them to pay for the increasing improvement of our school district.
Conclusively, an auditorium would greatly aid in the improvement of our students, community and funds. It could give the arts classes a space to grow, decrease the overflowing activities happening in the gymnasium and give the city of Scottsburg a place to hold special events. For these reasons, SCSD2 needs this auditorium. They need this for the diverse students of the school district, for the community to bolster a sense of pride and love for the community and to help fund the next generation of growing minds. We need a new auditorium for the benefit of everyone.