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Four Horseman business to set up on Square

Rita Nicholson | Copy Editor

JAG teacher Ty Winchester soon expects his dream to become a reality. By the end of next month, his new business, Four Horsemen, is expected to open its doors to the public on the square. The business will sell a variety of games, ranging from video games, card games and tabletop games, comics and collectibles.


He shares this dream with his brother, a teacher from Austin, his best friend and his former roommate.

“This sort of culture we’ve been in since we were in middle school,” Winchester said.

He explained how stores were never easily accessible and how he and his friends had to drive upwards of 40 minutes just to go to one.

“There’s just such a barren market around here,” he said. “We’re setting up the things that we were doing anyway when we had to drive 40 minutes or an hour. We can do that now. I remember driving… and how much of a hassle it was whenever we were in high school. We had to get five of us to chip in gas money.”

The lack of stores close by does not match the apparent demand, according to Winchester. When he was working at Austin High School, he and the teacher — with whom he is going to open the business — started a Magic: The Gathering club along with some students.

“We had 26 kids sign up. That’s like 10 percent of the school in this club. Outside of band and choir, we had the biggest club in the school,” he said.

Now, Winchester and his friends can go a step further and transform their club into an actual business. Winchester is excited despite having to balance teaching, a family and now opening a business.

However, when his brother gets discharged from the military that will relieve some of the burden of Winchester’s shoulders.

Winchester expects to make mistakes but asserts that he and the others “can’t act out of fear.”

Landon Gricius (11) considered the new business’ opening.

“Considering it’s nothing we have in Scottsburg, it will work out pretty well. But you gotta think, a lot of stuff is going online so that might be a problem they face,” Gricius said.

Winchester said the meaning behind the name of the business.

“Originally, there were four of us, but then [my friend] wanted to be added. There’s [also] a Metallica song, ‘Four Horsemen’ and that’s my favorite Metallica song. There’s also a wrestling faction, Four Horsemen. It’s the greatest faction of all time,” he said.

Henry Smith (11) described the name as “interesting” and that it “makes [him] want to see the store.”

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