The Booster | Oct. 2019 | Volume 93, Issue Two

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opinion 3

news 5

features 8

sports 14

We here at The Booster believe that a group is needed at SHS to foster...

The Scottsburg Band of Warriors has had a proficient marching season...

Students strive to better their community and bring positive change...

In most cases, an athlete’s success is determined by...



Scottsburg High School 500 S. Gardner Scottsburg, IN 47170 812.752.8942 Volume 93, Issue 2 Oct. 30, 2019

Co-Editor-in-Chiefs Baylee Comer Sadie Fugate Jaiden Herald News Editor Sadie Fugate Opinion Editor Sadie Fugate Features Editor Baylee Comer Sports Editor Donald Arbuckle Photo Editor Jaiden Herald Web Director Rita Nicholson

Business Manager Elle Fleenor Justice LaMaster Social Media Director Sadie Fugate Jaiden Hearld Copy Editor Rita Nicholson Staff Hailey Christoff Tierra Combs Isabela Diaz Abby Doriot Harmony Richey Advisor Sara Denhart

Our Credentials & Awards SISPA Newspaper of the Year 1998-2011, 2013, 2016, 2018 Hoosier Star Award Winner 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016

The Booster is published as a forum by the newspaper students at Scottsburg High School. 900 copies are distributed monthly. The Booster is a member of Quill and Scroll and the Indiana Student Press Association. Letters to the editor must be signed; names will be withheld upon request. The staff reserves the right to edit letters due to length, libel, privacy or copyright laws as long as the meaning remains unchanged. Editorials and reviews are staff opinions and are not the opinions of the faculty, administration or school.



The Scottsburg Booster


Table of Contents 8 7

news 4 4 5 6 6 7

Submitted by Lori Croasdell Front page photo by Harmony Richey

Dog park Ultimate Frisbee BOW moves on to state New businesses in Scott Co. Notre Dame partnership Drama Club

features opinion 3


Photo by Tierra Combs

SHS needs activism to allow students to thrive Focus on the now

8 10 11 11 11

Teen activism Humans of SHS Dear Author... Fine Arts benefits students Haunted attractions

Letter from the Editors Activism is defined as “the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change.” The Booster staff felt that student activism was a significant topic to feature in our paper this issue. We wanted to inform our readers of the importance of activism, relay how to become involved and highlight students that are already active within SHS and our community. It is our goal to improve our students’ activism within our school and community, hence the center spread theme for this issue. We want students to be proactive and involved within the school,

community and this world. As tomorrow’s leaders, we are responsible for creating change and bettering our schools and communities. As a staff, we recognize the world’s need for proactive and involved students. We encourage all SHS students to get involved and assert their influence toward making a positive change. We decided to begin our Letter From the Editors in the hopes of explaining our center spread concepts and promoting further interaction between The Booster staff and the student body. It is our goal to be your voice.



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Photo by Baylee Comer

Arbuckle’s Advice Girls Cross Country Boys Cross Country Athlete’s relationship with the community Volleyball Football Boys Soccer Girls Soccer

Please feel free to send us your reactions to our issues, any new ideas and let us know what you would like to see covered. We are welcome to any and all questions, issues or concerns. Please feel free to send letters to the editors or reach out through social media. We want our student body to be active within our newspaper. Reaching out and being active within your school newspaper is just one small act of activism. We are excited to see or hear your remarks regarding our latest issue and to see how our students become active within our school and community.

Sadie Fugate

Baylee Comer Jaiden Herald

SHS needs activism to allow students to thrive Baylee Comer Co-Editor-in-Chief

We here at The Booster believe that a group is needed at SHS to foster the idea of activism in students’ minds. This group will address the issues and concerns of the student body and bring to light any problems that require change. These are changes that may affect the whole school or just a certain population of students. The group will be a representation of students, and act as a go-between to the administration and student body. It will create a better learning environment for students and will create a better sense of school participation from within. If needed, officers for the group will be made up of class officers from each year. The Booster staff would like to suggest that there be no student leaders for the group; instead, we would like to see a committee set up with representatives from each grade level. The group will appoint a member/members to be in charge of a certain issue or topic that may arise from student concerns. These students must be passionate about the topic and willing to advocate for the SHS student body to see the problem resolved. The group should meet monthly or biweekly for this program to be successful.

Every meeting will be used to check the progress of each project or to hear the student body voice its concerns and issues. Once there is a concern, the group must address the concern, and members are appointed to the issue. The members will then try to amend the situation by talking to students to see what they would like done and to administration to find a solution. This group should address national issues as well, and in fact, The Booster would like it to be required. We would like to see this group understand what these issues are and how they affect society. For example, national issues, such as March for Our Lives, the protest created by survivors of the Marjory-Stoneman Douglas School shooting in Parkland, Florida, would be appropriate for students to take a stand on. From this activism group, students will learn: • First Amendment rights for students, which are different from the First Amendment rights outside of school • critical thinking and problem solving • how to create and defend a valid argument • negotiation between parties • learn how to make change, not just

talk about it how to work with leaders in our community • how to become an activist in adulthood The Booster believes the objective of this group is not to try to find problems within the school but to allow students an opportunity for their voices to be heard and to allow valuable life skills to •

be taught. This group should stay separate from Student Council as it does not hold the same governing ideas. Additionally, The Booster staff asks the administration to hear our advice for the school and to consider the decision of creating such a group. We would also like to ask teachers to please contemplate sponsoring such a group and aid in helping our efforts.

Focus on living; do not hide behind camera lens Sadie Fugate


Since the day you were born, your time living on this planet began to decrease with every passing day. Your minutes of life on this Earth began to decline the second you opened your eyes. Today, instead of realizing that moments we are currently living in are just a mere figment of our minds as time passes along, we are focused on living behind a lens rather than participating

fully in the occasion we are engaging in. In today’s society, most people are focused on the perfect Instagram picture or capturing every second on a Snapchat story. I encourage whoever is reading this to take a step back and live in the moment rather than focusing on social media likes and comments. When a large, important event occurs, like a concert or a wedding, if a quick look is taken around the room, cameras can be found in the grasps of individu-

als all throughout the area. Since we live in a world of likes, comments, posts, shares and tweets, we are too focused on our own self-image on our social media platforms and lose touch of the memories we are encapsulated in. Society has taught us that our social media “popularity” or “fame” is more important than the lives we are living because we are so ingrained in making sure every moment is “picture-perfect.” Although some photographs are of

the utmost importance, especially those of lost family members or of places left behind, living behind a lens every second of every day is not the purpose of the individual in this life. I encourage anyone reading this to take a second to call to mind what you believe you purpose for this life is and to set down the camera in which is infringing upon your ability to live in the moment. You never know when your time is coming to a close, so why spend it behind a lens? Opinion

October 2019


Ultimate Frisbee benefits students through mental, physical game Isabela Diaz Staff Writer

The boys soccer booster club is hosting an Ultimate Frisbee 3 vs. 3 Tournament on Nov. 10. The boys soccer booster pays for apparel, trips and banners for the team. Not only is it beneficial for the boys soccer team, it is beneficial to almost everyone at SHS. “I definitely think participants in the tournament that are involved in other sports will greatly be benefited. Frisbee works on acceleration and your ability to perform cuts. You also have the fact that even if you’re not in other sports, it’s still beneficial in the sense that it gets your mind off of school and gives you something to do with friends and maybe even teachers,” Colin South (10) said. Others say they are looking forward to being able to practice before the Frisbee season arrives. “I’m really excited to get to practice before the season starts, and it gives me the opportunity to play with friends,” Elijah Carr (10) said. Looking past the sport aspect of the tournament, this game of friendly competition can really be “one for the books.” “The tournament is for students to have fun while being competitive. A lot of high school flies by in monotony and routine; this tournament is one more exciting event for students to make lasting memories with their friends,” said Brandon Jerrell, Ultimate Frisbee and soccer coach. Whether students decide to be a participant or just be in the crowd, the tournament proves to be something fun for everyone. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to support the soccer team, and it’s also an opportunity for everyone to come out, have fun and play some ultimate,” Blake Unger (11) said. “Come out and prove that you have what it takes to be an Ultimate Warrior,” Jerrell said.

Ultimate Frisbee Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. David Spann Field 4

October 2019


Submitted photo

Community members, including Mayor Bill Graham, hold the ribbon at the opening of the Eric and Lauren Graham Memorial Dog Park on Tuesday, Oct. 22.

Dog park opens in memory of Scott County family Tierra Combs Staff Writer

The beautification process of Scottsburg continues as a new dog park opened its gates. The Eric and Lauren Graham Memorial Dog Park officially opened on Oct. 22. The park is open dawn to dusk, seven days a week. Approximately seven acres of land, donated by Eric, Diane and Lauren Graham, were devoted to the enjoyment of Scottsburg’s citizens and their furry friends. Two acres of land were dedicated to larger, more active dogs, and one acre of land was allotted to smaller, less active, or nervous dogs. The park also features a shelter house with restrooms and a picnic area. The city hopes that the dog park will also act as a gathering space for dog owners. “I listened to the people in the community. So many people have dogs and really wanted a place to be able to take them without interfering with the public and the public

not interfering with the dogs. Eric Graham graciously donated the property to the City and it looked like a great place to build a dog park,” Mayor Bill Graham said. Everyone planning to enjoy the dog park is expected to register themselves and their

How to buy a pass • Register at City Hall • Fee of $25 for first year • Annual fee of $15 every year after registration

dogs at the Scottsburg City Hall. Registration includes an annual fee of $25 for the first year of registration and $15 for every year of registration after. Once registered, the dog owner will re-

ceive a key fob that will allow them access to the fenced dog area. Dog owners are thrilled for their pets with the opening of the dog park. “The dog park is going to be really great for my dogs. They’ll be able to meet other dogs and run around instead of being stuck inside my house all day. It’s also a lot safer than walking them on the roads by my house,” said Elise Coleman (10), an owner of two dogs. Zoe Zellers (11) said the Eric and Lauren Graham Memorial Dog Park will allow her dogs to receive more physical activity and lively experiences. “Having the dog park in Scottsburg would allow me to get my dog out more. I think this will give him an opportunity to experience more than walking him on a sidewalk when we take him out for a walk,” Zellers said. The dog park officially opened on Tuesday, Oct. 22. Public registration is open at the Scottsburg City Hall.

BOW moves on to compete at semi-state to ‘find paradise’ form with warrior pride,” said Angel Richey (12), flute player. There is confidence and hope for the Band The Scottsburg Band of Warriors has had of Warriors to win the ISSMA Marching Band a proficient marching season with the new as- State finals this year. In previous performancsistant band director, Ethan Wilkinson. He has es at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, changed the band’s point-of-view on funda- the Band of Warriors has placed top ten, even mentals, and improvement has been seen with though it is hoping to take home first place at his diverse marching techniques. state. The progression of a stronger band family “This show, I think, is more unique than is prevalent through the students’ attitudes. any other one we’ve had so far, and it goes with “I feel like we have all started to mature, and having a new band director. It’s probably my fa- it’s made me more motivated and determined vorite show. I think it’s more fun than any show to push through and be the best I can be. I have we’ve had, and it’s more fun to play,” said Car- started to see that spread throughout the band, son Cox (12), trumpet soloist. and I feel like it’s making us improve to the best Finding Paradise repwe can be,” said Steven resents the progression Pratt (11), tuba player. of an angel earning its The Band of Warwings, which is characriors has won multiple terized by guard member awards at local competiKenley Pearson (11). The tions. Some of its greatest music is angelic-like and accomplishments were provides the warriors with at Floyd Central High the opportunity to perform School and Springs Valley expressly. High School. Both perfor“Getting the part of the mances earned a victory ‘angel’ was pretty scary lap around the Scottsburg at first. I was nervous beSquare, escorted by police. cause that’s a big part to At Floyd Central, the act out. I think this year’s Band of Warriors won a theme for the show is very first place finish in Class C interesting, and it could with an additional sweep have a big impact on other of awards including Best people,” Pearson said. Color Guard, Best PercusThe significant imsion and Best Drum Maprovement of the Band of jor. At Springs Valley, the Warriors is demonstrated band was awarded a standin this year’s marching ing ovation as well as Best show. Additionally, the Music, Best Visual, Best portrayal of the theme conGuard, Best Percussion Carson Cox (12), and first place in Class C. nects the audience with the Trumpet Soloist performers. In previous Additional body work shows, there was a consistent and embellishments are being dark theme, for instance, the 2018-2019 march- added to the show in hopes of improving the ing show Dark Reign. Although the intriguing overall score of the performance. For instance, idea of darkness was efficient, the idea of an op- flutter running. Flutter running is a fast paced timistic show was more appealing to the band. run with small steps. A new stunt they added, “It gives us a chance to be super expressive the passing of two students overhead of two and very outgoing with our performance. We small circles, was revised to boost the effect get a chance to show emotion and actually per- score. Harmony Richey Staff Writer


Photo by Harmony Richey

Colin Owens (11) performs at the regional competition. BOW received a gold rating with distinction in effect and will be moving on to semi-state on Nov. 2.

“It’s all about how you present yourself when you’re being lifted, like when you smile and how you move your arms. It shows the judges that you actually care. If everyone got into it, our general effect score would be better,” said Breana Allman (12), flute player. Overall, the efforts made by the Band

of Warriors this year are still on the rise. BOW competed in regional on Oct. 19, receiving a gold rating with distinction in effect and moving on to semi-state. Future band generations can look up to the hardworking members of the 2019-2020 Band of Warriors.

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October 2019


New businesses are welcomed to Scottsburg Since the creation of her business, Donohue’s primarily sold her merchandise through the internet and at occasional craft fairs. It was through social media and Eleven Dreams have become reality for two Scott County Dreams’ online presence that Donohue was able to build women as they have immersed themselves in a popular her customer base. While the business’ website is still a community business known as Fashion in Flowers. Elev- “work in progress,” Donohue currently blogs not only en Dreams, owned by Hannah Donohue, and Crumbles, about her business but discusses lifestyle, DIY projects and inspiration for her viewers. owned by Susanna Bard, Similar to Donohue, Bard was inspired by her indihave recently renovatvidual creativity to assimilate her own business as well. ed their own personal spaces in Fashions in “I’ve always enjoyed creating whether it was cookFlowers in order to creing, baking, knitting, painting or drawing. I was looking ate diversity in an alfor a career where I could be creative and the idea of ready successful localcreating a business was very appealing,” Bard said. ly-owned business. Bard has previously collaborated with Fashions in When Donohue’s caFlowers to provide them with baked goods on the holireer as a nurse seemed days along with her famous “Friday Specials,” but Bard to overwhelm her life and the owner of Fashions in Flower, Heather Spurgeon, back in 2015 after her longed for a greater partnership. first child was born, she “Heather, the owner of Fashions in Flowers, and I set her sights on creating have collaborated for many years with cupcakes and furniture and signs in flowers for some holidays. Once I started making Friday order to make more time specials, the plan for this business started to form. I was for her family while takexcited for this opportunity,” Bard said. ing a step back from her Each business owner is in hopes of continuing the professional career. growth of their business into something more. Donohue “I’ve always wantis hoping to focus on the logistics of running a physical ed to own a business, store and incorporating the community into her shop so at the time, it just while Bard is hoping to establish a location in which all seemed right, and anyone will feel welcome while also multiplying her I started selling handamount of physical locations. made decor online, so “I hope that Crumbles helps bring happiness to evI could stay home with eryone who comes in. The tagline for Crumbles is my son more,” Donohue Hannah Donohue, ‘Sharing happiness, one bite at a time.’ This is truly a said. Owner of Eleven Dreams mission for me,” Bard said.

Sadie Fugate



Partnership with Notre Dame improves AP classes Donald Arbuckle Sports Editor

Scottsburg High School offers a large number of Advanced Placement courses with the intention to help students with post-secondary education. Now, through a partnership with the University of Notre Dame, SHS has reached new heights with AP science test scores much higher than state and national averages. As part of the AP Teacher Investment Program, Notre Dame supplies resources and professional development to help teachers provide students with better and higher quality AP classes. They have done this to improve students’ under6

October 2019


standing of the curriculum and to improve student performance on AP tests. “Notre Dame is giving us resources and support to better our classes,” said Robert Deirth, AP physics teacher. “Notre Dame has funded and paid for training and seminars to help AP teachers at SHS.” All the classes that Notre Dame is improving include the AP science classes (chemistry, physics, and biology), the AP math classes (calculus and statistics) and the AP English classes. “The partnership between Notre Dame and our AP teachers gives our teachers opportunities for professional development,” said Deonna Puckett, AP chemistry teacher. “This

professional development then results in our students being more successful on AP exams and a better understanding of the content.” In the spring, AP students will take a mock exam to see what their strengths and weaknesses are on the test. The mock exam will help them prepare for the actual AP exam in May. “New AP teachers are being taught to help our students,” Derith said. “Notre Dame is giving us materials that will be used by our students. The resources we are being given are to let [students and teachers] know what is going to be on the AP exams. I attended a week-long seminar about AP classes that Notre Dame paid for during the summer.”



Photo by Tierra Combs


Submitted by SHS Theatre

1. Johnathon Perkinson (10), Elise Coleman (10), Eric Marcum (11) and Rachael Mount (9) rehearse for the upcoming production of “Charlotte’s Web” at practice. 2. Logan Weilbaker (11) and Colten Gaines (11) hold and measure a piece of wood to build the set of “Charlotte’s Web” during fall break. 3. Lara McGlothlin (10) uses measuring tape to measure a piece of wood while helping to build the “Charlotte’s Web” set during fall break. Photo by Tierra Combs

Drama brings ‘Charlotte’s Web’ to life on stage Scottsburg High School Drama Club presents

Hailey Christoff Staff Writer

Being a character in a well-known play can be a blessing and a curse especially when the “main attraction” is yourself. Focusing on how the actors and actresses perform is a key element into producing the ideal theater performance. As the cast list comes out, the performers must prepare for opening night. Although some characters have few words, complications can emerge from lengthy speeches, absent stars, self-consciousness (stage fright) and unexpected actions. “When something funny or unexpected happens, you must stay in character no matter what,” said Eric Marcum (11), who portrays

Wilbur the On the pig. Marcum outskirts of also stated the stage, the how difficult characters it is to stay practice their in character lines while and cover up fellow actors mistakes. and actressNovember 15 & 16 | 6:30 p.m.

“ O n e es perform November 17 | 2:30 p.m.

of the most actions to Tickets $5 | McClain Hall difficult animate things about the present practicing scene. Howis probably ever, it can opening up and becoming your character,” be quite a struggle and shock to have a big said Elise Coleman (10), who portrays Fern role. To Marcum, it was a shock for him. Arable. “Leading up to ‘Charlotte’s Web,’ I’ve had

smaller parts, so when I was told they wanted me as Wilbur...I was ecstatic.” “I was so excited to get a main role,” Coleman said, “but I was nervous because I wanted to do a good job.” Both Marcum and Coleman agreed that remembering lines can be a bit of a headache. Coleman reviews her lines by repeating them or practicing with a friend. “I spent a full day compiling all my lines into one Quizlet, and have been studying by forcing myself to type out every word I have to say,” Marcum said. Most of the time Marcum gets his lines right, but it was rough for him initially. The performance will be Nov. 15, 16 and 17. Tickets are $5 each. News

October 2019


Teen activism encourages students to bring change to society



Tierra Combs

Baylee Comer

Staff Writer


Isabela Diaz

Rita Nicholson

Staff Writer

Copy Editor

Students strive to better their community and bring positive change to their neighbors through their actions, words and time. Community activism groups, such as EMPOWER, FFA and Bree’s Blessings, all pictured to the left, work toward their goal of bringing positivity to their community through kindness and positive thinking, performing service projects, bringing awareness, lobbying for legislation changes at the Statehouse and marching for social change at the National Mall. Through student activism, FFA students traveled to the Statehouse to lobby for legislation the American Farm Bureau Federation wished to pass. EMPOWER students journeyed to Washington, D.C., to attend a Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America conference to learn about the power of positive action. Those involved in Bree’s Blessings traveled to the National Mall to participate in CureFest, an event to help fight for expanding funds for childhood cancer research. Though students might not see immediate effects, students continue to work to bring change to their communities.

Photos submitted by Lori Croasdell, Anna Hall and Sophia Paz.

• • • • •

March For Our Lives Climate Change Racial Issues Human Rights Animal Rights

Benefits of being politically aware in society Who is the President? The Vice President? What about the First Lady? Those should be the easy ones. Then can you name both of the Indiana State Senators? I figured not. (Actually it’s Mike Braun and Todd Young.) Political ignorance is an illness many Americans suffer from. It is a disease formed from laziness and lack of information. Americans go to the voting polls with only two teams in mind: red or blue, Republican or Democrat. According to Political Science teacher Michael Sims, there are three factors to being an active citizen: voting, staying in contact with your representative and being upto-date on public issues. “I believe the best way to become informed and avoid a media bubble is to care enough to want to know what is going on, coupled with being energetic enough to search out multiple sources for your information,” Sims said. Taking steps to ensure you are politically aware will be beneficial for America’s future. Staying out of a media bubble and understanding what sources produce good information will help. “The problem that faces this generation is that they might find themselves in a media bubble, where all of their information comes from either one or very few sources,” Sims said.

Activism in our community Those attending Curefest marched toward the Capitol with candles that represented not only light, but children lost to cancer. Parents spoke the names of these children, and those attending CureFest echoed. “[The candlelight service] was my favorite part because I believe that everyone should be remembered and not forgotten. I think it impacted others by showing them how many children have actually lost their lives to childhood cancer and that it’s time for a cure,” said Jack Land (11), who attended CureFest this summer. CureFest is held to bring awareness to the miniscule amount of funding childhood cancer research receives. People from more than 44 states attended the annual event held at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., including a group of students who went to the event in honor of their friend, Bree Brown. “I want to help people just like Bree. These children deserve so much more. I am very thankful I was able to meet and learn everyone’s story,” Sophia Paz (11)

said. The students agreed that their biggest accomplishment was knowing they were helping bring about changes when it comes to cancer research for children. Land explained his motives for attending CureFest. “It’s time for a cure,” he said. “I feel like just anything would make a difference. If we want change, then we can’t just around and wait for it. You have to get out and show them that you care about this and

ALL YOU HAVE TO HAVE IS SOME INTEREST AND TIME TO SHOW THAT YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED, GET YOUR NAME OUT THERE, AND MAKE AN IMPACT.” Jenna Buckner (10) want a change.” Activism can also be seen in the community, even at SHS itself. “The Youth Grantmaking Council (YGC) and all its members are making a change by giving back to our community, which has given so much to us,” Jenna Buckner (10) said. Clubs like EMPOWER, YGC, SADD, Student Council and Key Club are keen on making a change. “YGC is a philanthropic group that gives out grants

and does community service projects,” Gavin Borden (11) said. Clubs at SHS have stressed the importance of creating a change in both the school and the community by inspiring students to better their involvement in organizations that promote such changes. Students who participate in clubs and events said it is not only beneficial to the community, but it helps give them a voice. “Our voices were heard [at CureFest], and we got the chance to stand up for something we believe in,” Sydney Paz (11) said. There are many opportunities within the community for students to get involved in activism. “All you have to have is some interest and time to show that you want to be involved, get your name out there and make an impact,” Buckner said.

Getting your voice heard Students have been at the center of problems for decades. Whether it be the Civil Rights movement or environmentalism, students have become influential leaders. They have inspired countless students to follow in their footsteps. However, students might not know how their voices can be heard in such a busy world. Despite petitions and protests, there are other ways to voice your opinion. One of the simplest ways to do this is social media. Media activism has become one of the most prominent ways to voice ideas, and student activists continue to use it. One of the biggest platforms for online activism is Hashtag Activism. Hashtag Activism is a hashtag commonly used on platforms such as Twitter. With 330 million monthly Twitter users, Hashtag Activism has transformed into a daily trend for many users. If students are inspired to create a bigger impact, they can join community groups. Local community groups include EMPOWER, Youth-Grantmaking Council, Scott County Young Republicans and Scott County Young Democrats. These groups give students the chance to take action through different activities. Arguably, one of the most important actions a student can take is voting. Whether it be in local, state or national elections, voting is an important action. Eligible students are able to learn about the candidate’s ideas and make their voices heard when they vote. “The best way to do it is to get all of the senior students who are 18 or more and actually make a movement where they actually go out and vote. That would make a difference,” said Michael Sims, Scottsburg High School political science teacher. Features

October 2019



Isabela Diaz

Abby Doriot

Rita Nicholson

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Copy Editor


Photo by Jaiden Herald

During Student Council meetings, Logan Weilbaker (11) leads the meetings through the schedule for the morning.

LYNDIE FOSTER Lyndie Foster may only be a senior in high school, but the community has already felt the impact of her numerous achievements through her involvement in a wide variety of clubs and organizations. Foster, who is the vice president of the 4-H Impact Club, contributes to the community by sharing the knowledge she has gained. She has taught multiple 4-H workshops about poultry and livestock showmanship and global food insecurity and poverty. “I brought all of this information back to Scott County and led multiple workshops for the 4-H Council and youth organizations to teach them about reducing food insecurity and preventing food deserts,” she said. Foster not only gives back through teaching others but through service. As president of Venture Crew 4027, Foster is working to complete her Summit Award, which is similar to the Boys Scouts’ Eagle Scout Award and requires 10

October 2019


recipients to complete a service project and perform leadership and mentorship duties. “My current plan for my Summit project is updating the sports complex’s wrestling room with a new practice mat and purchasing new equipment,” Foster said, who is a member of the wrestling team, cross-country and track. “As a wrestler and a Little League coach, I know how important it is to have a safe environment and safe equipment to use to prevent injuries.” Foster’s contributions take hold in not just the community in general but at Scottsburg High School. She is involved with multiple sports teams. “[I] qualified for the IHSGW State Championship both years [on the wrestling team]. I am a team captain of cross-country and track, and I have earned several [Indiana High School Athletic Association] and [Indiana Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches] awards,” she said. These many accomplishments show that

Busy does not even begin to describe a day in the life of Logan Weilbaker (11). He is involved in about seven different clubs both inside and outside of school— Student Council, Youth Grantmaking Council, SADD, Drama, Academic Super Bowl, Hi-Y and EMPOWER. Each day, he has at least one meeting for one of the various clubs he participates in. Monday: Drama and EMPOWER; Tuesday: Drama; Wednesday: Student Council officers and Drama; Thursday: Student Council and Drama; and Friday: Hi-Y. “I am driven to participate in clubs by my passion for helping others, inspiring my peers, and making a change in the community,” Weilbaker said. Weilbaker holds a leadership position in many of those clubs, and he believes that those types of roles help teach skills Foster places a high importance on being active in the community and that she leads by example. “I believe that community involvement is incredibly important, not only for Scottsburg but for every future community. Stepping up and learning to take the initiative while you are still in school will help you be successful for the rest of your life,” she said. Foster mentioned how she has had countless opportunities to contribute to the community. One of those opportunities was the Refuse To Be A Victim program to Scott County, a program she brought to Scott County residents. She helped bring two sessions of this program. Further, she offered advice on how others can create such opportunities. “The best way to find opportunities is to go out and create your own. Find your passions and run with them. I believe that anyone can change the world in fantastic ways, and it just takes the willingness to take chances and determination to stay focused on your goal,” she said.

that students need to succeed in life. They allow you to receive responsibilities and learn how to handle them. The students in those positions also learn how to overcome obstacles. “I think everyone should be involved in a club or extracurricular activity because not only does a club give one a sense of belonging and an opportunity to explore one’s passion, it teaches many valuable skills; such as leadership, teamwork, work ethic, and problem solving,” Weilbaker said. He uses his leadership roles in clubs like Student Council to be a voice for the students that go to Scottsburg High School. “I feel as though I have an obligation to use my communication and cooperation skills in a positive leadership position… We are lucky at SHS to have teachers and administration who are willing to listen to and work alongside the student leaders of our school,” Weilbaker said.

Submitted by Lyndie Foster

Having made multiple contributions to the community, senior Lyndie Foster works to make Scott County a better place.

Dear Author... } Be prepared to be disturbed while reading “​ Wilder Girls.” ​ Rory Power’s debut novel begins with the premise of a nightmare. The Raxter School for girls has been put under quarantine for the past 18 months. During those months, the Tox has made its presence known by infecting the girls and the teachers. It comes in flare-ups, and by the time these are over, the girls are irrevocably, physically changed in weird ways. For instance, Hetty, the main narrator, essentially grew a third eyelid during a flare-up and lost vision in her right eye. Life is still extremely difficult on the island, despite the Navy’s help. Hetty and the other girls try to survive despite the Tox and find the truth behind their situation. Power’s writing style annoyed me at first.

Students benefit greatly from fine arts classes Abby Doriot Staff Writer

Fine arts classes are a requirement for the Academic Honors diploma, but many students prefer to take them even without the requirement. They enjoy the way they are able to let loose in those classes and have fun. Students and teachers alike believe that fine arts classes benefit them in many different ways. “I think that [art classes] give students a chance to be creative, and it’s kind of like a mental break from all the other classes,” said Melissa Lyles, Scottsburg High School art teacher. “When I walk into the dance room, the stress and tension from that day is completely released from my shoulders. I forget what upsetting things happened that day and just try to focus on dancing. I am able to express myself through dancing, which makes it more personal for me as an individual,” Brooklyn Watts (10) said. The classes provide a safe place to relax and let students bring out their creative sides, whether it is a class at the high school or an extracurricular outside of school. They also teach students to be themselves — no matter what other people think of them. “[Fine arts classes] can unlock hidden

talents that people didn’t know about…They also show you to never worry about what other people think because it’s something to be proud of,” Keyton Hollan (11) said. Fine arts classes open up students’ minds to see what they have been missing. Some students may go their whole high school experience without being exposed to new things that they could shine in. “I think our fine arts program is an absolute necessity. I mean, you’ve got a ton of students that are artistically inclined… Not everybody is mathematically inclined or English based, so being able to express yourself artistically, whether it’s in one of [Mrs. Lyles] classes or in choir or band, fine arts is a must,” said Brian Schmidt, Scottsburg High School guidance counselor. The things students learn in those fine arts classes can help shape the rest of their lives. In those classes, they learn soft skills that other classes cannot teach them, such as how to express themselves, how to be confident in who they are and how to have fun in the midst of all the stress brings. “I think that it opens their eyes to new things, and it makes them realize that they can do things they wouldn’t do without having someone assign a project to them,” Lyles said.

“Wilder Girls”

by Rory Power

The book began with very stitled fragments and was awkward to read. It did grow on me, and I found Hetty’s narration to be very poetic and honest. Her thoughts sounded just like they should for someone in her position. Hetty was such a strong character. She always wanted to do the right thing, even at great cost to herself. The other characters were not as developed. The majority of the minor characters felt bland and superficial, like they did not have any personality and were there solely to push the plot along. I did feel sympathetic for all the characters because they did not have an easy way to escape a living nightmare. So many interactions between the characters felt absolutely pointless and immature. The relationship Hetty had with another girl

Java Station 56 “Tiffany and I were both washing dishes and talking and we heard a slamming of the door upstairs. I went upstairs to recreate it, and it was the door to the third story. There was no one up there. There wasn’t like a breeze or anything like that.”

also felt forced and unnatural. Wilder Girls ​continually kept me on edge, purely because weird things kept happening, literally non-stop. All of these events did not fit together and felt too disjointed to really contribute to the overall plot effectively. That is not to say that ​“Wilder Girls” ​is not a good book. It is, and it is perfect for the spooky season. Power definitely has great writing skills, and “​ Wilder Girls” ​is great for a debut novel.

Signed, Rita Nicholson Copy Editor

Haunted attractions around Scott County

- Elaine Ronau

As fall arrives and Halloween is quickly approaching, many students crave a chilling encounter. If you would like to experience Scottsburg’s spooky attractions, check out these locations around Scott County.

Bridgewater Cemetery Scott County Heritage Museum “I have seen a ghost standing in front of my desk, heard noises and footsteps, and even saw lights turn on and off. The ghosts here do like to play tricks on people. However, they are not mean ghosts.” - Jeanne Abbott

“It was definitely a haunting experience. The hairs on my arms were probably standing by the end of it. Overall, it was just a very creepy place. I’m not the type to have haunted experiences but I know I felt something,” - JT Robbins (11)

By Tierra Combs, Justice LaMaster, Rita Nicholson, Harmony Richey


October 2019


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Girls Cross-Country

Find balance between personal, physical limitations Everyone is told by their coaches to push themselves to their limits and give 100 percent to the game, but giving it your all 100 percent of the time may be bad for you. Most people often become sore after playing or working out, but an athlete should not be pushing themselves until they are in pain and it hurts when they are playing their sport or working out. According to “Shape,” the most common signs for overextending yourself is joint pain and severe muscle soreness. Pushing yourself does not just have negative health effects, but it can also affect your performance. If an athlete is in pain from pushing themselves to hard they will be unable to achieve their potential results. In order for a person to get their desired results, they must push themselves but in moderation. Overextending yourself also can have long term negative effects. According to “TIME,” pushing yourself can cause long term joint damage and heart problems (like abnormal heart rhythms). People should have a healthy median when it comes to exercise; they should not overdo it or underdo it because not doing any physical activies can also have negative health effects. People need to find a healthy in between so that they are achieving their potential and are safe from injuries. When being an athlete people need to understand that pushing yourself is needed but pushing yourself all the time and for long periods of time can be damaging to the body. Sports and exercise are needed to live a healthy lifestyle. Even if you are not highly active, you should still be moderately active while trying not to strain yourself and to also try and avoid injuries. Pushing oneself to their limits is the only way to achieve improvement. While you are not pushing yourself to the point of injuries, you should still be challenging yourself. An athlete needs to give what they are doing their all, but when exhaustion and pain arise, then rest and self-care is needed. If such pain occurs, ice the area that is bothersome and stretch to ease soreness.

Individuals advance to regional race Harmony Richey Staff Writer

Submitted by Deegan Cornelius

Clarah Fettig (11) compets in the Cross Country Sectional at Hanover on Oct. 12 where she qualified for Regional in Columbus North.

On Oct. 5, the girls cross-country team participated in the Mid-Southern Conference meet in Salem. The overall team placed seventh out of the eight complete teams that competed in conference. Lyndie Foster (12) made All-American Conference with her 14th place finish. It had some individual wins. “Although our team didn’t place how we wanted it to, we did well as individuals. There was a lot of PR’s during that time,” Clarah Fettig said. The girls cross-country team attended the IHSAA Boys and Girls Cross-Country sectionals on Oct. 12 at Southwestern High School in Hanover. The cooler weather provided good conditions to run in. That morning, the temperature was around 40 degrees, but by the time the race started, it increased around 15 degrees. On Oct. 18, regionals were held at Columbus North High School. On the girls team, Foster missed the school record by two seconds with a personal record of 21:42.9 and Fettig PRd over a minute. “I really wanted to break 23 minutes by the end of the season. I knew it was going to be my last race of the season so I really wanted to make it count,” Fettig said.

Boys Cross-Country

Team achieves personal records Baylee Comer Co-Editor-in-Chief

This season, the Warrior cross-country team has faced many challenges but had many highlights as well. “I think that everyone has worked hard this season,” Deegan Cornelious (9) said. “The bus rides were definitely something to remember.” At the Mid-Southern Conference in Salem, the team placed seventh out of eight complete teams. According to senior Justin Padgett, competing in conference was a huge step in the right direction for the team. “We had all seven runners healthy for what seemed

like the first time this year. Our placement wasn’t the best, but after this week of hard work, we’ll be ready for Sectionals,” Padgett said. Coach Bobby Ashley said this was one of the biggest challenges for the team this season. “I am proud of the way they hung in there the whole time,” Ashley said. On Oct. 12, the cross-country team traveled to Hanover to compete in the sectional. While there, the boys placed fifth, qualifying them for regional at Columbus North. At regional, the boys all gained a personal record, or a PR, on the course. “It doesn’t get any better than that,” Ashley said. Sports

October 2019


Athlete-coach relationship extends beyond field Jaiden Herald Co-Editor-in-Chief

In most cases, an athlete’s success is determined by the season record, personal statistics and individual achievements. Everyone has heard that practice makes perfect and knows that in order to achieve success, one must work for it. However, said success is due in part to an athlete’s strong foundation that of which stems from the athlete-coach relationship. Coaching is a large commitment. Athletes spend hours upon hours with their coach during their sporting season, often times spending as much, if not more, time with their team and coach than they do their own family or friends. Coaches are role models and affect more than just their athletic performance. A coach’s relationship with their athletes builds success that extends beyond the sport. “The relationship between athletes and coaches is what lasts, that’s what matters. It affects their athletic performance, but also when an individual knows their coach cares then it also provides them a sense of self worth,” head basketball coach Brent Jameson said. According to Jameson, most coaches become coaches because of the relationship they will have with their ath14

October 2019


letes. “The relationship you have with a coach will affect you and the team both on and off the court. A positive relationship with a coach will lead to a more positive team environment. Having a positive environment enhances on court performance. The chemistry of the team will be much better when you respect your coach,” said Jaylah Mays (12), basketball captain. “Having a good coach is important to the entire team because when the team trusts the coach, and their decisions then I just feel as though the team is a lot more successful. If everyone is angry with the coach or mad at the decisions they make, then the team could not work well as a whole, causing defeat or no success throughout the season,” Riley Pool (12) said. Athletes believe that a strong relationship with a coach is built upon mutual respect and a trusting relationship. “I do feel like my relationship with my coach/coaches is important not only because I want them to know that I respect and trust them but that they respect and trust me,” Pool said. A coach’s relationship and general attitude determines the teams mood and influences individual motivation. “Having a good coach is important for many reasons.

Morale is a big thing, [and]having a good coach who everybody likes makes the sport more enjoyable for everyone,” Cole Atha (11) said. Coaches should be encouraging yet able to give criticism to their players in a way that maintains a level of respect. “A good coach must have the following qualities: the ability to motivate and inspire,knowledge of the sport, a willingness to sacrifice their time and effort, a love for their players and a strong amount of discipline,” Mays said. Athletes that are wishing to continue their athletic careers at the college level find that the coach is an integral part to their decision. “When I was looking to commit to a college team, I was looking at the instant relationships I formed with the coach. If they gave a bad vibe off then I did question if I wanted to go to that school. I think the coaches affected my decision because I thought to myself, ‘Do I want to play for this person for 4 years?’ and ‘Will I enjoy my time as a college athlete if I play for this person?’ Pool said. How a coach treats their athlete leaves a lasting mark. Even after the game clock runs out or the season is long over, the relationship an athlete has with their coach will remain.

Girls Volleyball

Relationships outweigh losses Jaiden Herald Co-Editor-in-Chief

With a family atmosphere, individual achievements and a 29-game season, the Warriorettes maintain a winning record as they approach the conclusion of their 2019 season. At press time, the team was currently 20-9 in regular season and 7-1 in the Mid-Southern Conference. “I am proud of how the girls have stayed very consistent throughout our long season. We have fought to get 20 wins,” Coach Alex Johnson said. The team placed third in the Mid-Southern Conference. “I believe this season has gone very well for our team. We have all become close on and off the court. We have of course had our ups and downs, but in the end, we are all one big family,” Audrey LaMaster (11) said. Over the course of the season, the team has grown together as a family unit. “The team has bonded and became a lot closer. We have also grown as a team and learned to work together using each other’s different talents,” Aubrey Asdell (9) said.

Hannah Brown (12) and LaMaster achieved personal milestones throughout the season. LaMaster reached her 500th kill against Charlestown and Brown recently earned her 2,000th assist in match against Jennings County. “Getting 2,000 assists was a huge accomplishment for me. However my teammates really pushed me to help me reach this goal,” Brown said. The Warriorettes drew Salem in the sectional game played on Oct. 15 at Silver Creek. Before the game, Brown predicted, “We just drew Salem for our sectional, and I think it will be a great game. We played them during season, and it was a very close match ending in five sets.” The Warriorettes fell to the Lady Lions 3-2 in five sets. The Warriorette’s took the victory in the first two sets before falling short in a 32-30 third match. The Lady Lions overcame in the final two matches. “While I wanted nothing more than to win, I know that in twenty years I won’t remember the outome of this game. In the end, I am going to remember the relationships I made on this team and celebrate our successes,” Elle Fleenor (12) said.

Photo by Jaiden Herald

Macy Funk (12) serves against Jeffersonville on Oct. 11. The match also served as senior night for the team where the four seniors were recognized.


Improvements made in season lead to proud coaching staff Elle Fleenor Bussiness Manager

Photo by Jaiden Herald

Jordan Bristol (11) attempts to run his way to the endzone in the game against Jeffersonville. The Warriors lost 39-13.

As the football team concludes its regular season with a record at press time of 3-6, they reflect on their accomplishments and regrets. Coach Steve Deaton is most proud of the improvements he has seen in his players through the drills they have practiced each day. These drills paid off when the team defeated Corydon. “I am most proud of our win at Corydon on their homecoming night. Corydon is an established football program and we have beaten them two out of three years,” said Head Coach Kyle Mullins. Running back Traven Crawford (10) said that season has been rough at times, but overall, he thinks it went well. Despite the good season Crawford believed the team has had, he regrets how much he fumbled the ball. Disagreeing,

Deaton said he does not have any regrets, especially not as a coach. “As a coach, I do not think you ever have regrets. Could we have made certain adjustments in personnel, coverages, assignments, etc. in certain situa-

tions? Those are the things you learn and get better from whether you are a coach, a player, a student, whatever your role in life you are presented with opportunities to learn and improve,” Deaton said.

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October 2019


Records broken; memories obtained by teams Boys Soccer Donald Arbuckle Sports Editor

Photo by Abby Doriot

Ryan Howser (11) passes the ball to a teammate up the field in the Sectional Champoinship game against Madison played on Oct. 12. The team fell 2-1.

The Scottsburg High School boys soccer team season has come to a close but the team left the field with numerous school and individual records were broken. Coach Brandon Jerrel was impressed with the performance of the players. “This was the most talented team our school has seen in a long time,” Jerrell said. “It’s possible this year’s team was the best that Scottsburg has ever seen. We certainly broke enough school records to make a case for that title. I am extremely proud of the amount of effort that the boys put into this season and the results that they have to show for it.” The school records broken this season include fewest goals allowed in the regular season: 14 (breaking 2018 record), the fewest goals allowed in one season (includes post-season): 18 (breaking 2018 record), the most shutouts in one season: eight (tying 2014 record), the most wins in one season: 16 (breaking 2014 record), and the fewest losses in one season: two (breaking 2007 record). Many players are happy with the success of the season and the records they

have broken. “The season was excellent,” Noah Smith (11) said. “We exceeded expectations, and I thought we played really well. Although we didn’t end the season as we wanted to [not winning sectional] we played and performed our best.” Individual records for this season include Jameson Hale who had most saves in one season: 225 (breaking Branden Kiefer’s record of 185, 2008) and best save to goals allowed ratio: 92 percent (breaking Branden Kiefer’s record of 84 percent, 2008). Jackson Campbell had the most assists in one season: 11 (tying Jerrell’s school records, 2008 & 2011). Noah Smith had the second-most goals scored in a career in school history: 38 (behind Matthew Jerrell’s record of 81, 2011-2014). “We had an overall great season,” Jackson Campbell (11) said. “I was proud of myself and my fellow teammates for our progress and the records we broke. I also broke a record this season for most assists in one season. Even though our season didn’t end the way we wanted, I am still happy about the end result.” The team ended its season with a record of 16-2-2.

Girls Soccer Tierra Combs Staff Writer

The Warriorette soccer team began with a decent season as they won their first three games. The season continued and brought many accomplishments. Allyson Barger (11) broke a football record, a soccer record and tied for another record. This was the first year the Warriorette soccer team competed in the Hoosier Cup. These new experiences gifted the girls many lessons and memories. “We’ve really had to work on learning to come back this year. In a lot of games, we’ve had moments where we are not play-

ing to our best ability, and we’ve had to learn how to come back and win.” Allie Schmidt (10) said. “My favorite memory from this year is our picnic on the field. It was a time when everyone got along and no one felt left out,” Olivia Watson (12) said. The team finished their regular season with a 6-6-3 record. As the season ended for the team, they said goodbye to four of their graduating seniors: Abby Colson, Riley Pool, Kynleigh Watson and Olivia Watson. “I really enjoyed seeing the team grow closer and become such good friends,” Riley Pool (12) said.

Submitted by Totem

Allison Barger (11) kicks the ball down the field in the game against Silver Creek.


October 2019


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Articles inside

Table of Contents

page 2

Records broken; memories obtained by teams

page 16

Improvements made in season lead to proud coaching staff

page 15

Relationships outweigh losses

page 15

Athlete-coach relationship extends beyond field

page 14

Team achieves personal records

page 13

Individuals advance to regional race

page 13

Arbuckle's Advice

page 13

Students benefit greatly from fine arts classes

page 11

Dear Author...

page 11

Humans of SHS

page 10

Teen activism encourages students to bring change to society

pages 8-9

Drama brings 'Charlotte's Web' to life on stage

page 7

Partnership with Notre Dame improves AP classes

page 6

News businesses are welcomed to Scottsburg

page 6

Bow moves on to compete at semi-state to 'find paradise'

page 5

Ultimate Frisbee benefits students through mental, physical game

page 4

Dog park opens in memory of Scott County family

page 4

Focus on the living; do not hide behind camera lens

page 3

SHS needs activism to allow students to thrive

page 3

Letter from the Editors

page 2
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