Lasciare Libero Grazie

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Hush, it's here. Powerless, powerless, powerless. It rolls and grows like fluff in a corner of a room. It collapsed like dead skin fallen from the body. It has been trapped like a hair in the crack of a soap, kicked up like the dust from a worn out welcome mat. It sounds like a television on mute, buzzing in the darkness. It oozed out from an old lamp, and slipped away through a drain hole. It has been eaten and digested and excreted by itself to develop holes and passages until it flips inside-out completely. It dissolved all the barriers. It will merge, will be faceless at the end. See? it still has symptoms, fevers and it reacts. it passed through ant colonies and the metro. It could be seen from a peephole, a telescope or a vision of a grey pigeon. It is pointing at an emergency exit. It rules the kingdom in a duvet. It glinted like a state of anarchy in the eyes.

MFA Contemporary Jewellery & Body Ornaments 2021

嘘,它在这。 无力,无力,无力地。 它像房间角落 毛绒绒的团状物一样翻滚生长。 像死皮一样从身体上陨落。 它像头发一样困在肥皂的裂缝里, 像微尘一样从入室地毯上扬起。 它像一台被静音的电视, 在黑暗中微弱地嗡鸣。 它从老旧的台灯里缓缓渗出, 又从下水道口悄悄溜走。 它被自身吞食消化排泄 长出洞长出通道 直到完全内外翻转过来。 它溶解所有的边界。 它会交融,会变得面目不清。 看?它仍然有症状, 仍然发热,仍然作出反应。 它穿过蚁穴和地铁。 它会从门上的窥孔,天文望远镜 或者广场上鸽子的视线里被瞥见。 它指向安全出口。 它统治被窝里的王国。 它如双眼的无政府状态般, 一闪而过。

Living with everyday objects in the space, I imagine them with a different appearance, material or function. I make them a reality in order to question the ownership between body and object. This process is an enquiry into human dysfunction and a loss of autonomy in modern society. I work intuitively to confront feelings of inadequacy and alienation in this time of efficiency-driven capitalism. I apply handicraft techniques to build up the pieces. A dedicated and time-consuming way of working on a unpractical object is a everyday silent revolt, a use of uselessness, a small power in a society of powerlessness.

与日常物件一同居住,我想象它们生长出不同的样 貌,材料和功能。我将这些物件造进现实以探询身体与 物件的所有关系。这个过程是关于现代社会人类的功能 异常和自主权丧失的研究。 我凭直觉劳作,从而去面对活在效率驱动的资本时 代里所产生的不适感和异化感。以花费大量时间用手工 技术制作这些不切实际的物件来作为静默的日常对抗, 作为一种无用之用,一种在这无力的社会中微小的力。



“莲蓬头”, 2019,锌


“茶壶”, 2019,报纸,陶瓷





I would like to express my gratitude to my teachers;

Lucy Sarneel who encouraged me to believe in myself with her warmth and passion, I will not forget her words "Now you cannot go back. It became a need to express."

Evert Nijland who guided me from the begining with patience, and gave me the piece of "tube", that is how everything started Benjamin Lignel who opened my mind to think of communication in perspectives with his knowledge and empathy Riccardo Lami who generously gave me the references for the project and talked with me about braveness

Sana Khalil ( you know I love you Sana ) who pushed me to face my anger and my standoff with society, the first time of my life

Lucia Massei who always was there reminding me with care to manage to get back into my track in every step of the way And other teachers who gave workshops and courses that shaped my way of thinking and working

Also thanks to all the people of Alchimia who let me have a place to be grounded

For my family and friends

Who gave me space of being a daydream believer Who gave me sparks to be immersed Who gave me courage to fight and escape And who share(d) air with me Thank you for being my solid shore My lamp that never goes out And my stars

谢谢给予我空间做白日梦想家的人们。 谢谢给予我火花去沉浸的人们。 谢谢给予我勇气去直面战斗以及去逃避的人们。 谢谢和我同呼吸过的人们。 是我的岸, 不熄灭的灯, 以及群星。

岳艭 Shuang Yue shuangorilla

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