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“A ring is a ring is a ring” 是三间 欧洲学校之间为期一年的合作项目 : 他 们分别是伦敦的 The British Academy of Jewellery ; 伊达尔-奥伯施泰因 的 Hochschule Trier 和佛罗伦萨的 Alchimia 当代首饰学校。

学生们以历史上的 Gimmel 戒指作为关注 点来寻找灵感。从它独特的构成中 , 我选 择了“共情”这个主题来创作 , 重构了几 段自己特定的体验,比如我如何和我的小 狗,和火车旅行中的风,和我想象中的怪 兽和外星人产生情感共鸣。

A Ring Is…

“A ring is a ring is a ring” is a year-long project between three European jewellery schools: The British Academy of Jewellery based in London; the Hochschule Trier located in Idar Oberstein and Alchimia School of Contemporary Jewellery based in Florence.

As a focal point, all the students took inspiration from the ancient and historic Gimmel ring. Chosen for its unique composition, the theme that I chose is ‘empathy’, what I did is reconstruct the specific experiences, such as, how I empathize with my dog, the wind that I met in the trip, and the creatures in my imagination.

捉夏 The Summer Catcher 我飞奔跑过田野和黑夜, 穿过泥坑和一大群蝴蝶, 即使在最后奋力越过群山, 夏天还是悄悄溜走了。

I speed and across the fields and the dark nights I run through the puddles and a swarm of butterflies Even though I leap over the mountains The summer still slips away

戒指 / 2017 / 铜 , 黄铜 / 30*20*50 mm Ring / 2017 / Copper, brass / 30*20*50 mm

搬走悲伤的幸运星 Stars Carry Sorrow Away ……夜幕降临之后奔向山顶 我们就能赶上火车 以光速 99.99% 逃离地面

…When the dark falls rush up to the top of the hill and catch the train, get off the ground at 99.99% of the speed of light. 戒指 / 2017 / 银 / 20*15*40 mm Ring / 2017 / Silver / 20*15*40 mm

我在 Kokoni


I never knew the charm of spring.

戒指 / 2017 / 橄榄木 , 银 / 90*50*40 mm Ring / 2017 / Olive wood, silver / 90*50*40 mm

无题 Untitled ……

戒指 / 2017 / 银 / 30*20*50mm Ring / 2017 / Silver / 30*20*50mm


这个项目的用意是通过研究自然界中的图 案和动物的运动方式来制作项链 . 我分别 选择了月球的陨石坑和北极熊的散步作为 灵感。

Repetition & Movement

The starting points of this project were the natural pattern and movement of an animal. I took the crater of moon and the walking of a polar bear as my inspiration.

项链 / 2017 / 铝 , 银 , 黄铜 / 200*300*50mm Necklace / 2017 / Aluminum, silver, brass / 200*300*50mm

月球的肚子 The belly of the MOON


The low gravity, which produced a sense of general well-being.

* 这条项链的灵感源自伊塔洛 · 卡尔维诺的短篇《月亮的距离》 。 * This necklace was inspired by ‘The Distance of The Moon’ of Italo Calvino.

项链 / 2017 / 橄榄木 , 黄铜 , 四分一 / 250*250*50mm Necklace / 2017 / Olive wood, brass, shibuichi 250*250*50mm


我不知道我们所爱的人们是否漂流到 了另一个维度,“那个幽冥的世界不 可用视力和听力来探测,然而它与我 们的宇宙同在,它甚至可能就近在咫 尺,事实上包围着们并且弥漫于我们 的所到之处。” 这也许能解释为什么 我感受到你仍在我身边,和我同呼吸, 如儿时一般。

In The Air

I have wondered whether the souls of departed loved ones drifted into another dimension. “That unexplored, nether world is undetectable by sight or sound, yet coexisting with our universe. It may even be tantalizingly close, in fact surrounding us and permeating us everywhere we move.” That could explain why I feel that you are still breathing with me by my side as when I was a child.

胸针 / 2017 / 泡泡纸 , 四分一 , 塑料 , 线 , 钢丝 / 200*100*150 mm Brooch / 2017 / Bubble wrap, shibuichi, plastic, thread, steel wire / 200*100*150 mm


当我第一次意识到“我”(身体)的存在时, 我认出了镜子里的小孩是“我”。 当我第一次意识到我(内在)的存在时,我问妈妈:“为什么我在“我”的里面? 为什么我只能用“我”的眼睛看,我的耳朵听?“我”死以后我会从这个世界 完全消失吗?” 我已经忘记了妈妈是怎么回答我的,但我悄悄学会了怎么逃出“我”。当我目 不转睛,当我做梦,当我感受他人和世间万物时,身体的边界好像溶解了,我 自由,穿过群星。

可是身体并未完全消失,我始终对它在如何存在抱着好奇。什么是身体,什么 是意识, 什么代表自我, 什么将我与他人区分开, 什么使我与他人产生共鸣, 什么使文化与文明产生, 什么才是人类所独有的事物。 我用手做东西,不由自主地。意识的碎片飞起来,随着非线性的时间,现实与 想象的重叠,最后落在我脏兮兮的手上,长了出来,突破了身体的边界,现实 的边界,成为一个个通道, 成为身体的一部分,我可以自由出入。 于是“我“将变得完整,我不只是在”我“的里面。”我“不是一个盒子也不 是一个口袋,我不是孤岛。我是船,暂时在世界鲸鱼的肚子里。我是连通物理 宇宙和我自己宇宙的虫洞。我没有边界。


The first time that I am aware of “me” (the body), I recognized myself in the mirror. The First time that I’m aware of myself (the mind), I asked my mom, “why I am inside of ‘me’? Why I can only see through my eyes and hear from my ears? ” I forgot how she replied, but I secretly found the way to get out of my body . When I was listening to a story or reading a book, when I was dreaming, when I was trying to feel others’ feelings, the barrier of body seems dissolved, I was free and shuttling between the stars.

But the body does not yet vanish. I’m always curious about the existence of the body. What is body and what is consciousness, what is representation of self, what separates me from others, what allows me to empathize with others and things like the emergence of culture and civilization, which is unique to human beings. Then I make things in spite of myself. The fragments of stories and dreams fly with nonlinear time, at last they fall down and grow in my hands, break through the barrier of body and the boundaries of reality. they become passages that I can move in or out of freely.

So I will be completed, I’m not just inside of “me”. I’m neither a cage nor a pocket, I’m not an island. I am the boat in the belly of a world currently. I am the wormhole between the physical universe and my own universe. I have no barrier.

灯光装置 / 2018 / 枕头 , 线 , LED 灯 / 800*300*250 mm Lighting installation / 2018 / Pillow, thread, LED lamp / 800*300*250 mm


试图在我和人事物建立平等关系是我创作的本源,正 如我是自然万物的一份子。 ] 我相信在我们之间存在着某种沟通与联系,但有时候 我感到意识被困在了身体里。 为了溶解我和物质之间的边界,我制造入口、通道和 空间。在这个过程中,我通过物质的形式、生长轨迹 和随环境变化的能力感受到了物质的意识。

我在木头的身体里听见水的流动,在金属的指尖上听 见了行星的脉搏,在石头的皮肤上听见了海洋的脚步。 它们的意识和我的意识不断融合着,窃窃私语。

Murmur Devices

Searching for an equal relationship between me and all things is the origin of my work. I am part of them. I do believe there is a kind of communication between all of us, but sometimes I feel that my mind is blocked in my body.

In order to dissolve the barrier between me and things, I made holes, passages and transition spaces. When I am working, I can feel the awareness of material from its form, from its trace of growth and capacity of mutation.

I heard the flow of water in the body of a tree, I heard the pulse of the planet on the fingertips of metal, I heard the footprints of the sea in the skin of a stone. Their awareness and my awareness are merging and murmuring together.

胸针(5 个)/ 2018 / 木头 , 银 , 铜 , 铝 , 棉绳 , 钢丝 / 70*70*70~140 mm Brooches (5) / 2018 / wood, silver, copper, aluminium, cotton string, steel wire / 70*70*70~140 mm



定义略圆 : 几乎圆但绝不圆 Define Roundish: almost but never round 2018 / 现成品 , 油墨 / 1000*800*30 mm 2018 / Found-objects, ink / 1000*800*30 mm

一条略圆的珍珠项链 A Roundish pearl necklace 2018 / 鼠标垫 / 130*130*20 mm 2018 / Mouse pad / 130*130*20 mm

不绝对圆 : 只存在相对圆的物体 Never round: There are only things that are circular to a greater or lesser degree. 2018 / 马铃薯 , 刀 / 150*150*10 mm 2018 / Potato, knife / 150*150*10 mm

杀死一只西兰花 Kill a broccoli 影像 / 0'16'' Video / 0'16''

灯 / 胸针 / 2018 / 厨房手套 , 线 , 针 / 40*35*35mm 岸 / 胸针 / 2018 / 厨房手套 , 烘焙纸 , 线 , 钢丝 / 80*50*40 mm The lamp / Brooch / 2018 / Kitchen glove, thread, needle / 40*35*35mm The shore / Brooch / 2018 / Kitchen glove, bakery paper, thread, steel wire / 80*50*40 mm

�� ������������ �� ����-���� MFA, ��������� Alchimia������ / ���� ����� Evert Nijland ����� Lucy Sarneel

����-���� BFA, ��������� Alchimia������ / ���� ����� Lucia Massei ����� Sana Kahlil

�������� � �� / �� Lasciare Libero Grazie / ���� ����� / �� JOYA ������ / ���� Alchimia BFA ��� / ���� JOYA ������ / ���� A Ring is a ring is a ring / �� ������ ��� / ��

����-���� BFA, �� ������ / �� �� ����/��/��-��/�� ����/��/��-�� ����/��/��-��/�� ����/��/��-�� ����/��/��-�� ����/��/��-�� ����/��/��-�� ����/��/��-��/�� ����

july�����@���.com july����� ����������� www.shuang���.com

Unknown Vector ���� / Hangzhou Lasciare Libero Grazie / Firenze Im-mà-gi-nà, Taipei, Taiwan JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair, Barcelona, Spain Alchimia BFA Graduation show, Florence, Italy JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair, Barcelona, Spain "A Ring is a ring is a ring", London, UK China Academy of Art graduation exhibition, Hangzhou

july�����@���.com july����� +�� ����������� www.shuang���.com


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����-���� Bachelor of Fine Arts, Sculpture China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China

First year with Lucia Massei Second year with Sana Kahlil

����-���� BFA, Contemporary Jewellery and Body Ornaments Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Firenze, Italy

First year with Evert Nijland Second year with Lucy Sarneel

����-���� MFA, Contemporary Jewellery and Body Ornaments Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Firenze, Italy


Shuang Yue �� Born in ����, Hengyang, Hunan, China.

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