Thesis 2022: E-Waste Management Eco Park,Narela, New Delhi

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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Requirements for Tenth Semester of the degree








Department of Architecture

Faculty of Architecture, Urban & Town Planning


I hereby declare that I, SHUBHAM CHOPRA, Roll Number 17001006070, am the sole author of this Thesis, titled, “E-WASTE MANAGEMENT ECO-PARK, NARELA, NEW DELHI” , and that no part of this thesis, in part or full, has been submitted for the award of a Degree or Diploma to any other University or Institution.

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, my thesis does not infringe upon anyone’s copyright nor violates any proprietary rights. Further, any ideas, techniques, quotations, or any other material, published or otherwise, drawn from the work of other people and included in my thesis, have been fully acknowledged in accordance with standard referencing practices.

I agree that I have been informed by the Thesis Coordinators about the legal consequences of infringing copyright of any work and therefore in case any content of this report or research work is found to be infringing copyright of any work, then the University, Department, or any of its faculties and staff shall not be liable for any legal action and that I shall be solely responsible for such actions and the consequences thereon.

Full Signature of Student



B.Arch. 10th Semester, Section - B

March-July 2022


Department of Architecture

Faculty of Architecture, Urban & Town Planning


The contents of this Dissertation work bear the following copyright:

The Research Findings:

All the research findings hereby are the sole property of the researcher, and therefore any referencing, publishing, copying and sharing of data, etc. must be done through proper referencing and after seeking prior permission of the researcher. The researcher bears the copyright of these findings and therefore any violation in any form, by anyone, regarding this, shall be dealt as per the copyright laws amended from time to time.

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The references used as a part of this research are solely the property of the original owners and have been declared therein and in the list of references. The researcher conducting this research work bears nocopyright orownership onthese materials, andhereby respects the sole ownership of the original owners, may it be in any form. Using their materials as for further referencing and research work shall be the sole responsibility of the person doing so in prior permission of the original owners of the work. The researcher of this research work hereby shall not be claimed for any violation in this regard.

17001006070 B.Arch.

Signature of Student SHUBHAM CHOPRA
10th Semester,
Section - B March - July 2022


This is to certify that the Thesis titled “E-Waste Management Eco-Park, Narela,New Delhi”, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the curriculum of Bachelor of Architecture is the work of Shubham Chopra, Roll Number 17001006070, who carried out research work under our supervision in D.C.R.U.S.T., Sonepat, Haryana.

We recommend that the Thesis report be placed before the examiners for their consideration.

Prof. (Dr.) Vijay Kumar Prof. (Dr.) Praveen Garg Thesis Coordinator (Section B) Department Chairperson


I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my Thesis guide Dr. Neeti Garg, who has the attitude and the substance of a genius: she continually and convincingly conveyed a spirit of adventure in regard to research and scholarship and an excitement in regard to teaching. Without her guidance and persistent help, this thesis would not have been possible. I would like to thank my dissertation coordinator, Dr. Vijay Kumar whose work demonstrated to me that concern for global affairs supported by an “engagement” in comparative literature and modern technology, should always transcend academia and provide a quest for our times.

Lastly, I would like to thank my parents and OG Squad Mukul, Naman, Ashish, Bhavay, Karan & Goli for constantly motivating me and appreciating my efforts towards my research work.

B.Arch. 9th Semester Dissertation | October 2021-January 2022



“Industrial Building’s Don’t have to be Ugly”


As there is always a missing link between architecture and waste management, the thesis is going to find a way to talk to architecture, waste management and public activities by using the design ability to significantly improve people’s relationship with waste

Because of economic and environmental reasons, the activities of waste management are usually invisible from public eyes. In this case, it’s hard for the public to reaccept waste management with new technologies. Therefore, architects can play an important role in promoting the dialog between the public and waste management process, and they can offer opportunities to create a more healthy and integrated community.

With the growth of consumption and the high dense population, the missing link between architecture and waste management should be considered much more seriously than any of time before. We are not at a point without any sustainable technology support, so it’s time for sustainable infrastructure to be put in place to support the situation. Architects have the chances to engage and bridge the invisible infrastructure of urban environments back to the interconnected realm of public activity.

This thesis aims to investigate ways that industry, waste, and urban ecologies can work to reinforce one another. The goal of this thesis is to repair the physical and mental separation of waste and public activity through Hedonistic Sustainability

This thesis will propose ways to tie urban waste infrastructure and public amenities together through the merging of architecture and landscape to create new thrilling avenues for public engagement with waste processes.

Keywords: E-Waste, Industrial Symbiosis, Hedonistic Sustainability, Circular Economy, Eco-Park, Delhi, Recycling, Dismantling

B.Arch. 9th Semester Dissertation | October 2021- January 2022 Page | x
B.Arch. 9th Semester Dissertation | October 2021- January 2022 Page | 1 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. x 3. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 7 3.1. INTRODUCTION TO E-WASTE 7 3.1.1. WHAT IS E- WASTE? 7 3.1.2. MAIN SOURCES OF E-WASTE 8 3.2. PROBLEM STATEMENT.................................................................................................9 3.2.1. INFORMAL RECYCLING IN DELHI 9 3.2.2. NEED OF AN ORGANIZED SECTOR 10 3.2.3. HEALTH IMPACT OF TOXINS RELEASED IN INFORMAL RECYCLING 10 3.2.4. LOSS OF VALUABLE RAW MATERIALS ..........................................................11 3.2.5. IMPACT OF E-WASTE ON HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT.................................11 3.3. AIM AND OBJECTIVES 12 3.3.1. AIM: 12 3.3.2. OBJECTIVE: 12 3.4. VALIDITY OF THE PROJECT.......................................................................................13 3.4.1. PROJECT PROPOSED BY DELHI GOVT.............................................................13 3.5. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT 14 3.6. SITE DATA AND CONTEXT 15 3.6.1. SPACE REQUIREMENTS AS PER DPCC GUIDELINES: 17 - SPACE REQUIREMENT FOR RECYCLERS.....................................................................17 - SPACE REQUIREMENT FOR STORAGE 17 3.7. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY FOR STUDY 17 3.8. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 18 3.9. PROTOTYPE IDENTIFICATION...................................................................................18 3.10. SOURCES & COLLATION OF BASIC DATA..........................................................79 4. LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................... 19 4.1. ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARK..............................................................................................19 4.2. MIXED-USE ECO-PARK: A NEW TYPE 19 4.2.1. METHODOLOGY FOR ESTIMATION OF E-WASTE GENERATION 20 4.3. FORMAL E-WASTE RECYCLING 21 4.4. COLLECTION & STORAGE..........................................................................................22 4.4.1. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS : COLLECTION CENTRE 22 4.5. PRE-PROCESSING (INCL. SORTING, DISMANTLING, MECHANICAL TREATMENT) 24
B.Arch. Xth Semester Thesis | March -July 2022 Page | 2 4.5.1. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: DISMANTLING...................................................25 4.5.2. SPACE REQUIREMENT FOR DISMANTLING FACILITY 26 4.6. RECYCLING 27 4.6.1. GUIDELINES FOR RECYCLING PROCESS 27 4.6.2. SPACE REQUIREMENT FOR RECYCLING FACILITY.....................................31 4.7. INDUSTRIAL NORMS AS PER URDPFI- VOL. I ( JANUARY, 2015).......................32 4.7.1. RECOMMENDED ECS BASED ON LAND USE TYPE 32 4.7.2. PLANNING NORMS FOR INFORMAL UNITS FOR URBAN STREET VENDORS...............................................................................................................................32 4.7.3. SIMPLIFIED URBAN LAND USE CLASSIFICATION........................................32 4.7.4. MIXED USE ZONE (M) 32 4.7.5. PERMITTED USES/ACTIVITIES 33 4.7.6. PROHIBITED USES/ACTIVITIES 33 4.7.7. INDUSTRIAL USE ZONE.......................................................................................33 4.8. PARAMETERS FOR SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL PARKS AS PER GIZ...............34 4.9. LAND USE BREAK-UP 37 4.10. INDUSTRIAL ZONES/PLOTS 37 5. CASE STUDIES ........................................................................................................ 38 5.1. PRIMARY CASE STUDIES: 38 5.1.1. ECO SAVIORS E-WASTE MANAGEMENT PVT. LTD......................................38 5.1.2. EXIGO RECYCLING PVT. LTD. ...........................................................................43 5.2. SECONDARY CASE STUDIES: 47 5.2.1. ECO-PARK, HONG KONG 47 5.2.2. AMAGER BAKKE, COPENHAGEN 61 5.3. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS.........................................................................................67 6. SITE ANALYSIS....................................................................................................... 68 6.1. CONNECTIVITY:............................................................................................................68 6.2. LAND FORM, LAND USE AND LAND OWNERSHIP................................................68 6.3. TOPOGRAPHY (ALONG WITH MAP) 69 6.4. EXISTING LAND USE PATTERN 70 6.5. EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE....................................................................................71 6.6. SOIL CLASSIFICATION.................................................................................................71 6.7. CLIMATIC DATA FROM SECONDARY SOURCES...................................................72 6.8. SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AVAILABLE 72 7. PROGRAM................................................................................................................ 74 7.1. GUIDELINES ON MINISTRY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY(MEITY) 74
B.Arch. Xth Semester Thesis | March -July 2022 Page | 3 7.1.1. ECO-PARK: FULL-FLEDGED FACILITY:...........................................................74 7.1.2. ECO-PARK: MACHINERY REQUIRED & COST 74 7.1.3. PROPOSED DESIGN FOR A TYPICAL E-WASTE ECO PARK: 75
B.Arch. Xth Semester Thesis | March -July 2022 Page | 4 List of Figures Figure 1 Global E- Waste Generation 7 Figure 2 E-waste: PCB chipsets 7 Figure 3 E-waste Stakeholders across different sectors 8 Figure 4 Informal Hubs in Delhi 9 Figure 5 E-Waste Impact on Environment.......................................................................... 11 Figure 6 Hindustan Times News Dated 25.02.2022............................................................ 13 Figure 7 Hindustan Times News......................................................................................... 13 Figure 8 Proposed Methodology 17 Figure 9 Eco-Industrial Definitions 19 Figure 10 Mixed Use Eco-Park Hierarchy 19 Figure 11 E-Waste Recycling.............................................................................................. 21 Figure 12 Ideal Collection flow of & Leakages in E-waste management in India ............. 22 Figure 13 Processes Involved in WEEE Management........................................................ 24 Figure 14 PCB Recycling Machine..................................................................................... 27 Figure 15 Process Involved in PCB Recycling Machine 28 Figure 16 Processes of Recycling Home Appliances 28 Figure 17 Pyro Metallurgical Operations 29 Figure 18 Hydro Metallurgical Operations ......................................................................... 29 Figure 19 Plasma Processing Machine................................................................................ 30 Figure 20 Ideal Floor Plan for E-Waste Facility ................................................................. 31 Figure 21 Location of Recycling plant in reference to the city 40 Figure 22 Site Plan 40 Figure 23 Zoning Plans 41 Figure 24 Photographic Documentation.............................................................................. 42 Figure 25 Location in reference to the city.......................................................................... 44 Figure 26 Site Plan .............................................................................................................. 44 Figure 27 Zoning Plan......................................................................................................... 45 Figure 28 Eco Park Administration 47 Figure 29 Site Surrounding 49 Figure 30 Site Components 49 Figure 31 Factories Layout.................................................................................................. 51 Figure 32 Lot Distribution & Utility Connection................................................................ 56 Figure 33 Landscaping & Infrastructure ............................................................................. 56 Figure 34 Copen-Hill Building............................................................................................ 61 Figure 35 Site Zoning & Vertical Zoning 62 Figure 36 Building Skin Concept 63 Figure 37 Landscaping Layout 64 Figure 38 Section................................................................................................................. 64 Figure 39 Site Location....................................................................................................... 68 Figure 40 Topography Map................................................................................................. 69 Figure 41 5KM Radius Toposheet 70 Figure 42 Eco-Sensitive Zones Near Site 71
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Figure 43 Site Photograph...................................................................................................
Figure 44 Proposed Typica Design of 29 Eco-Parks By MEITY ......................................
B.Arch. Xth Semester Thesis | March -July 2022 Page | 6 List of Tables Table 1 Health impact of toxins released in informal recycling 10 Table 2 Loss of Raw-Material in recycling 11 Table 3 Prototype Study Table 18 Table 4 EEE Typology ; Table Source 4 Centre for Science and Environment 20 Table 5 Machine Specifications .......................................................................................... 28 Table 6 Machine Specification............................................................................................ 29 Table 7 ECS as per Landuse................................................................................................ 32 Table 8 Informal Units for Industrial Units 32 Table 9 Urban Land Use Classification 32 Table 10 Building Controls as per Plot Size 33 Table 11 Parameters of as per GIZ...................................................................................... 36 Table 12 Technology Used Table Source 12 Author..................................................... 46 Table 13 Eco-Park Facilities Table Source 13 .................................... 50 Table 14 Components with area statement.......................................................................... 51 Table 15 Type of Waste Recycled 51 Table 16 E-Waste Processes 52 Table 17 Plastic Waste Processes 53 Table 18 Visitor Centre Zoning........................................................................................... 55 Table 19 Green Features of Eco-Park.................................................................................. 58 Table 20 Waste Water Generation Table Source 20. ........................... 59 Table 21 Contamination Prevention Table Source 21. 59 Table 22 Specification of Building Table Source 22. Archello 65 Table 23 Comparative Analysis Table Source 23 Author 67 Table 24 Site Co-ordinates.................................................................................................. 69 Table 25 Climatology Data of Delhi ................................................................................... 72 Table 26 Cost Evaluation .................................................................................................... 74 Table 27 Materials recovered from Desktop, laptop, refrigerator, TV, Washing machine etc 75 Table 28 Materials recovered from mobile, laptop, tubular batteries etc. 76 Table 29 Land-Use Break Table Source 29 Author 78



The electronic industry is the world’s largest and longest growing manufacturing industry so the life cycle for electronic products, has reduced significantly in recent years. Due to rapid advances growth in information technology and telecommunications has led to an enhancement in the capacity of computers but at the same time a products life time is decreased.

The consequence of its consumer oriented growth combined with rapid product obsolescence and technological advances are a new environmental challenge - the growing threat of “Electronics Waste” or “e waste” that consists of obsolete electronic devices. So it is the emerging problem as well as a business opportunity of increasing significance to given the volumes of e-waste management.

3.1.1. WHAT IS E- WASTE?

Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a term for electronic products that have become unwanted, non-working or obsolete, and have essentially reached the end of their useful life

In fact, whole categories of old electronic items contribute to e-waste such as VCRs being replaced by DVD players, and DVD players being replaced by Blu-ray players. E-waste is created from anything electronic: computers, servers, telephones, TVs, monitors, cell phones, PDAs, VCRs, CD players, fax machines, printers, etc.

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Source: 2 Damping a Moving-Coil Meter – Apex Waves | Blog Figure 1 Global E- Waste Generation Source: 1 Toxics Link Figure 2 E-waste: PCB chipsets


Some of the major sources of E-waste include: Importers

Producers/ Manufacturers

Retailers (Businesses/ Government/ others)

Consumers( Individual Households, businesses, government)


Scrap Dealers

Dissemblers/ Dismantlers

Smelters Recyclers

Informal Sector

Formal Sector

Formal Sector

Formal Sector

Formal Sector

Fig. 3-1 E-waste Stakeholders across different sectorsInformal Sector

Formal Sector

The involvement of various sectors could be observed as the sources of generation of E-waste. The general flow of E-waste across different sectors are tried to represent by the following flow chart.

Formal Sector

Fig. 3-2 E-waste Stakeholders across different sectorsInformal Sector

Formal Sector

Producers/Manufacturers Retailers

Individual Households Businesses

Fig. 3-3 E-waste Stakeholders across different Informal Sector


Formal Sector

Govt. & Private Establishments

Educational Institutes

Scrap Dealers

Dissemblers Smelters Recyclers

Fig. 3-4 E-waste Stakeholders across different sectorsInformal Sector

Figure 3 E-waste Stakeholders across different sectors

Fig. 3-5 E-waste Stakeholders across different sectorsInformal Sector

Source: 3 Author

Fig. 3-6 E-waste Stakeholders

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As the usage of technology is rapidly increasing every day, the amount of e-waste generation has also gone up. However, it is not being handled scientifically and safely which results in many life-threatening incidents like fire breakouts which impacts the health of residents and waste handlers. Currently, Delhi releases over 2,00,000 tonnes of e-waste per year and is mainly handled and recycled by informal recyclers. But at this eco-park, recycling, refurbishing and dismantling of waste will be done in a scientific and environmentally safe manner


The informal sector in Delhi is the backbone of waste management, directly and indirectly keeping a large quantum of waste out of landfill and also contributing towards circular economy. However, owing to lack of economic progress and access to proper technology,

Source: 4Informal E-Waste Recycling In Delhi - Toxicslink.Org

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the ways and means employed are often rudimentary in nature, leading to low yield of resources and also risks to human health and the environment.
Figure 4 Informal Hubs in Delhi


Income from informal e-waste recycling can be beneficial to the poor communities engaged in such operations over short duration, but the resultant disease and environmental degradation can worsen their situation greatly in the longer term. Therefore, it is very important to look at the functioning of this informal but highly organized section of population, and also to understand and capitalize on their core strengths and the possibility of utilizing them in future waste management strategies and policies, keeping in mind safeguarding of health and the environment.


Informal dismantling causes release of high concentrations of heavy metals in dust and air. In a study conducted by Greenpeace in 2005, street dust samples from the recovery units in Delhi detected alarmingly high concentrations of toxics compared to the ones from the other residential or other commercial areas where significantly less concentrations of these metals were detected.

Elements Health Impacts

Lead (Pb) Damages central and peripheral nervous system, blood systems, kidney, causes developmental toxicity (affects brain development & central nervous system in foetus and children)

Cadmium (Cd) Irreversible toxicity effects on human health, damages nervous system, accumulates in kidney and liver and damages kidney, bone and pulmonary systems, teratogenic (leads to birth defect), develops hypertension and heart disease

Mercury (Hg) Chronic brain damage, developmental toxin, respiratory and skin disorders, damages kidney, liver, spinal cord, bio-accumulates in fish

Dioxins & Furans reproductive and developmental toxicity, damage immune and regulatory hormone system

BFR Carcinogens, alters liver function, impairs reproductive function & disrupts endocrine system, damages immune and nervous system, skin, liver, digestive tract

Hexavalent chromium (Cr) VI

Beryllium (Be)

Causes asthmatic bronchitis, damages DNA (mutagenic)

Carcinogenic (lung cancer), causes chronic beryllium disease, skin disease

Barium (Ba) Even short term exposure can cause cardiac, liver or spleen damage


Causes reproductive toxicity, damages liver, kidney

Table Source 1 Informal E-Waste Recycling In Delhi - Toxicslink.Org

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Table 1 Health impact of toxins released in informal recycling



Indigenous technologies developed by MeitY

17 metals including Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium

Table 2 Loss of Raw-Material in recycling


The WEEE informal processing units of the NCR are all operating in shabby and small rooms of residential or unauthorized colonies. None of the units visited provide any occupational health safeguards to the workers who are exposed to a number of chemical or metallic dusts, vapor and acidic effluents.

The open drains running through these colonies carry wastes and effluents of hazardous chemical contaminants along with plastics and dust metals released during the processing of e-waste.

It is important to note that these hotspots are located very close to the river Yamuna, the only major river flowing through the city.

The survey also did not find any recovery of CFC gases from refrigerant equipment’s, thus indicating that it was getting released.


Figure 5 E-Waste Impact on Environment

Source: 5 Informal E-Waste Recycling In Delhi - Toxicslink.Org

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Umicore Informal Sector Materials recovered from
Improper handling of e-waste is resulting in a significant loss of scarce and valuable raw materials Almost no rare earth minerals are extracted from informal recycling. Efficiency of recovery of materials Between 80% to 97% Above 95% 20%-30%
Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium, Plastics of different varieties
Silver, Platinum, Palladium and Lead
Table Source 2 Informal E-Waste Recycling In Delhi - Toxicslink.Org


3.3.1. AIM:

The aim is to provide an Integrated Facility, by engaging in dismantling, segregating, refurbishing, material-wise storage, testing and plastic recycling. Thus, regulating casual e-waste handling to have end-to-end processing and zero landfill


• To accommodate precious metal extraction facilities, especially from Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) through high-end technologies.

• To design a refurbishing market, which will sell electronic goods like laptops, mobiles, chargers and batteries

• To design Collection centres across 12 zones will be set up to channelize e-waste.

• Provide infrastructure, training and tools to operators in the informal sector to groom them as formal recyclers

• To Cooperate with the informal sector will help to ensure availability of e-waste for processing in the formal sector and will contribute to make the formal units economically viable.

• To aware the consumers about toxicity of e-waste.

Integration Of Unorganized Sector

Currently, a small sector of industry is using, dismantling, disposing or reselling the components of this E-Waste; this is a completely unorganized sector. In order to protect the existing livelihood of this informal sector, the Operator will undertake the following

 Converting the existing locations of dismantling E-Waste into E-waste collection centers with all the compliances as per E-waste Rules, 2016.

 Providing them necessary training & education

Utilizing the experience of informal sector by providing them employment opportunities in dismantling division of E-Waste Recycling facility.

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Delhi government on 24th February, 2022 approved setting up of an e-waste eco park in the city, the first in the country, for scientific and environmentally safe processing of electronic waste items, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said. Facility, by engaging in dismantling, segregating, refurbishing, material-wise storage, testing and plastic recycling. It will also have precious metal extraction facilities, especially from Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) through high-end technologies.

The park is also likely to have a refurbishing market, which will sell electronic goods like laptops, mobiles, chargers and batteries. The eco park will provide training and tools to people in the informal sector to “groom them as formal recyclers”, according to a communication from the Delhi government.

The e-waste eco-park will have all types of processing and recycling units of the materials recovered from ewaste sites

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Source: 6 Narela to get India’s 1st e-waste park- Hindustan Times Source: 7 Delhi moves to regulate casual e-waste| Hindustan Times Figure 6 Hindustan Times News Dated 25.02.2022 Figure 7 Hindustan Times News


The idea for this project will help in creating awareness about the impacts/ benefits of managing the e-waste to help avoid further environmental degradation. This project will attract people like Geo tourist, Eco tourist, engineers, eager consumers, environmentalists, architecture students, sustainable teachers as the project will be totally designed on sustainable techniques. This project will be a source of good income to different players of e-waste community as follows:

• Kabadiwalas

• Kabadi shop

• Scrap Dealer

• Formal Dealer

• Bulk consumer

• Dismantlers

• Refurbisher

• Recyclers

• Industry

• Producers

• Consumer

This design will also become a platform for the above mention players to do their job in a scientific & environment friendly manner.

This Eco-Park can be a landmark project in region and a major tourist attraction on the tourist circuit.

Architectural scope:

• Storage Units

• Dismantling Units

• Refurbishing Warehouses

• Second Hand Products Market

• Training Cells

• Site Planning

• Recreational Spaces

• Landscape and public space

The main thing to connect:

Utilities :

• R & D Laboratory

• DM Plant

• Security Room

• Weigh Bridge

• DG set

• Rain Water Harvesting

• Compressoretc.

E-Waste + Architecture + Landscape + People Flows + Commercial Activity

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Delhi, the capital city of India, is also one of the major regional hubs for e-waste recycling. Several studies, since 2004 have depicted Delhi as the hub of informal recycling of e-waste for reuse, extraction and recovery of precious metals.

The sources of e-waste in Delhi are individual consumers, MNCs, public and private enterprises, manufacturing defects and imports. The e-waste imported into Mumbai and Chennai ports also makes its way into the Delhi and NCR region. It is predicted that Delhi employs 25,000 workers in scrap yards which handle 10,000-20,000 tonnes of e-waste annually. 25% of the electronic wastes generated are from computers.

Delhi rapid assessment focuses on quantification of e-waste generated in the Delhi NCR, understanding material flow and trade chain in Delhi, processes of recycling and disposal covering informal sector, environmental impact of e-waste recycling and to assess the capacities of existing stakeholders.

Location: Narela Industrial Area, UER II, Holambi Khurd Village, New Delhi.

Site Area: 20.2 Acre

Proposed by – Delhi Govt.

Site Surroundings- Narela Industrial Area, Holambi Kalan Village

UER-II & Delhi- Karnal Railway Line Connected to Site.

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**Note: The residential Land-Use has been converted into Utility by DDA as per discussion with the DSIIDC Project Engineer, Sh. Abhishek Rautray

Proposed Methodology**Note: The residential Land-Use has been converted into Utility by DDA as per discussion with the DSIIDC Project Engineer, Sh. Abhishek Rautray

Proposed Methodology

**Note: The residential Land-Use has been converted into Utility by DDA

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Fig. 3-16 Fig. 3-17 Holambi-Kalan Village Site 20 Acre 1. India Map-Focus on Delhi 2.Zonal Division of Delhi 3. P-II Zonal Plan Delhi 4. Narela Industrial Area-P-II** 5. Narela Industrial Area, UER II, Holambi Khurd Village, New Delhi, Delhi



• As a general rule a recycler of capacity of 1 Ton per day shall require a minimum of 500square meters area.

• Authorization to recyclers may be preferred if they have minimum operational capacity of 5MT/day with an area of about 2500 square meter.


The storage capacity of any collection centre should commensurate with volume of operations (weight and numbers) and category of E-waste. Space needed for storage of different category of e-waste is given below:

(i)ITEW1 to ITEW6 -4.0 m3/tonne

(ii)Monitors(CRT) -5.0 m3/tonne

(iii)ITEW7 to ITEW10 -5.0 m3/tonne

(iv)ITEW11 to ITEW14 -3.0 m3/tonne

(v)ITEW15 -1.0 m3/tonne

(vi)ITEW16-3.0 m3/tonne

(vii)CEEW1-6.5 m3/tonne

(viii)CEEW2-10.0 m3/tonne

(ix)CEEW3-7.5 m3/tonne

(x)CEEW4-6.0 m3/tonne

(xi)CEEW5-1.0 m3/tonne


A dismantler needs space for storage of electrical and electronic equipment up to 180 days, for process of dismantling and volume reduction and space for storage of dismantled and segregated material and free space for movement and office/administration and other utilities.

It is estimated that a minimum of 300square meter area for a dismantling capacity of 1T/day is required for storage of raw material, segregated material, dismantling operations and office/administration &other utilities.


The premise for refurbishing should fulfil the following requirements:

(i)Water proof roofing and impermeable surfaces

(ii)As a general rule a Refurbisher of capacity of 1 Ton per day shall require a minimum of 150 square meters’ area for refurbishing, temporary storage of e waste generated and space for refurbished EEE

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Source: 8 Author

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Figure 8 Proposed Methodology


The study being carried out for E-waste Sector, challenges were many. At stage of the Case Study, getting access to the units or holding formal interviews or photodocumenting the observations – it was difficult as many of them operate without any registration and do not allow students to visit their plants.




Case Study

EcoSaviors Gurugram, Haryana

Exigo Panipat, Haryana



Eco-Park Hong Kong, Japan WasteEco-Park




Collection Dismantling

 Recycling

Eco-Features E-waste


CopenHill Energy Plant Copenhagen, Denmark HybridSolution Material Landscaping

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Table 3 Prototype Study Table Table Source 3 Author



An industrial park is defined as “a large tract of land, sub-divided and developed for the use of several firms simultaneously, distinguished by its shareable infrastructure and close proximity of firms” By working together, the community of businesses seeks a collective benefit that is greater than the sum of the individual benefits each company would have realized if it optimized its individual interests.

Asingle by-product exchangepattern ornetwork of exchanges;

Arecycling businesscluster (resourcerecovery, recycling companies,etc.);

Acollectionof environmental technology companies;

Anpark with environmentally sound infrastructure or construction;

Acollectionof companiesmaking ‘green’products;

Anmixed use development (industrial, commercialand residential).”

Source: 9 Towards sustainable business parks

Anindustrialpark designedarounda singletheme;

However. the creation of a materials and energy exchange network through processes coupling, also called industrial symbiosis, is achievable in mainly heavy industrial complexes.


To achieve this symbiosis in Lighter industries , we have to collaborate them with the other sort of infrastructure.

So, a new type of Eco-Industrial Park is introduced: Mixed-Use Eco Park.

The mixed-use Eco park is a more accessible archetype, better suited to the case of business parks with service-based companies. The sharing of services such as restaurants and markets could improve the well-being of the business park’s users at a lower cost.

An MUE is a community of businesses located on a business park planned and built in a sustainable approach, that cooperate with each other and with the local community to efficiently share information, materials, energy or infrastructure, leading to economic gains.

Source: 10 Towards sustainable business parks

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Figure 9 Eco-Industrial Definitions Figure 10 Mixed Use Eco-Park Hierarchy


The generation of e-waste from end-of-life products may be calculated as given below: E-waste generation (weight or quantity) in a year (x) = Sales in (x - z) years x weight or quantity, where z stands for the average life span of the EEE.

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Information technology and communication Consumer electrical and electronics EEEcode ITEW Averagelifespan (z)inyears EEE code CEEW Averagelifespan(z) inyears ITEW1 Centralized data processing: Mainframesand minicomputers Tenyearsfor mainframesand fiveyearsfor mini-computers CEEW1 Televisionsets Nineyears ITEW2 Personalcomputing:Personal computers(central processingunitwith
andoutputdevices) Sixyears CEEW2 Refrigerators Tenyears ITEW3 Personalcomputing:Laptop computers(central processingunitwithinput andoutputdevices) Fiveyears CEEW3 Washingmachines Nineyears ITEW4 Personalcomputing: Notebookcomputers Fiveyears CEEW4 Air-conditioners excluding centralizedair conditioningplants 11years ITEW5 Personalcomputing:Notepad computers Fiveyears CEEW5 Fluorescentand othermercury containinglamps –ITEW6 Printersincludingcartridges Tenyears ITEW7 Copyingequipment Eightyears ITEW8 Electricalandelectronic typewriters Fiveyears ITEW9 Userterminalsandsystems Sixyears ITEW10 Facsimile(fax) 12years ITEW11 Telex Fiveyears ITEW12 Telephones Nineyears ITEW13 Paytelephones Nineyears ITEW14 Cordlesstelephones Nineyears ITEW15 Cellulartelephones Tenyearsfor feature phonesand sevenyearsfor smartphones ITEW16 Answeringsystems Fiveyears Table 4 EEE Typology ; Table Source 4 Centre for Science and Environment


The recycling chain for WEEE consists of three main subsequent steps:

• Collection & Storage

• Pre-processing (incl. sorting, dismantling, mechanical treatment)

• End-processing (incl. refining and disposal)

Usually for each of these steps specialized operators and facilities exist. The material recovery efficiency of the entire recycling chain depends on the efficiency of each step and on how well the interfaces between these interdependent steps are managed. Recovered materials are sent to relevant facilities for further treatment and recovery of resources and materials

E-waste recycling facility is by itself an industrial operation requiring clearances from various authorities for the establishment and operations of the facility. Among the various clearances the environmental clearances are very significant as they help ensure control of environmental pollution.

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Figure 11 E-Waste Recycling Source: 11 E-Waste Training Manual, GIZ


In India, the main generators of electrical and electronic waste happen to be government institutions, and public and private sector bodies, collectively referred to as bulk consumers. Bulk consumers account for almost 70 per cent of the e-waste generated in the country. The contribution from households and domestic establishments, which are referred to as individual consumers, is relatively small, but the rate of leakage from individual consumer into the informal sector is extremely high. Manufacturers of electrical and electronic components and assemblers are another important source of e-waste generation in



• Collection Centre should have weighing equipment for weighing each delivery received by it and maintain a record in this regard.

• Loading, transportation and unloading, storage of end of life product should be carried out insuch a way that there should not be any damage to health, environment and to the product itself particularly care should be taken for Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT), LCD/LED/Plasma TV, Refrigerator, Air Conditioners and fluorescent and other mercury containing lamps so as to avoid breakage.

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Figure 12 Ideal Collection flow of & Leakages in E-waste management in India Source: 12 CSE, 2020

• Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT), LCD / LED / Plasma TV and fluorescent and other mercury containing lamps should be stored either in containers or stored in stable manner to avoid damage or breakage.

• The storage capacity of any collection centre should commensurate with volume of operations (weight and numbers) and category of E-waste. Space needed for storage of different category of e-waste is given below:

 ITEW1 to ITEW6 - 4.0 m3/tonne

Monitors (CRT) - 5.0 m3/tonne

 ITEW7 to ITEW10 - 5.0 m3/tonne

ITEW11 to ITEW14 - 3.0 m3/tonne

 ITEW15 - 1.0 m3/tonne

ITEW16 - 3.0 m3/tonne

CEEW1 - 6.5 m3/tonne

CEEW2 - 10.0 m3/tonne

CEEW3 - 7.5 m3/tonne

CEEW4 - 6.0 m3/tonne

 CEEW5 - 1.0 m3/tonne

• Collection Centre should store e-waste product category wise.

• The collection centre where refrigerator and air conditioners are also stored should have adequate facilities for managing leakage of compressor oils, coolant/refrigerant gases such as CFCs/HCFCs and mercury from end of life fluorescent and other mercury containing lamp etc. Spills involving broken Fluorescent lamps, Oils spills should first be contained to prevent spread of the material to other areas. This may involve the use of dry sand, proprietary booms / absorbent pads, stabilizing chemicals etc. for subsequent transfer of hazardous waste to TSDFs.

• Covered shed/spaces have to be used for storage of E-Waste.

• Collection Centre should necessarily have adequate fire-fighting arrangement, escape route, for emergency exit.

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The process of dismantling is an important stage in -waste management. It involves breaking of end-of-use equipment into its components and segregating them for the convenience of recycling.However,it does not endthere,as some ofthedismantlersalso recyclethe e-waste to recover the valuable materials like plastic, iron and precious metals. Some dismantlers export the components containing valuable materials for recycling in the facilities abroad.

Dismantling operation is essentially manual operation for segregating various components/ parts and sending them to respective users/recyclers. Directly usable components can be sent only to an authorized Refurbisher. The other parts can be sent to recyclers having valid CTO/authorized e-waste recyclers depending upon the nature of the e-waste component. to be sent to authorized e-waste recyclers.

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Dismantling Sorting NonRecoverable Itmes Hazardous Engineered Landfill Incinerable Incineration NonHazardous &NonIncenerable Sanitary Landfill Recoverable Items Metal Plastics& Glass Size Reduction; Shredding Metal Metallurgica lProcess Ferrous Metal NonFerrous Metal Precious Metal Plastic Mechanical Recycling Pelletization fornew Product Organic Processes Chemical Recycling Thermal Recycling Glass Metallurgica lProcesses Glass Industry Lead Smelter
Waste Electrical & Electronic Eqipment(WEEE) Figure 13 Processes Involved in WEEE Management Source: 13 E-Waste Management: A Case Study of Bangalore, India


• Dismantlers may perform the following operations:

o De-dusting

o Manual dismantling

• Dismantling operation shall comprise of physical separation and segregation after opening the electrical and electronic equipment into the component by manual operations.

• Dismantler may use screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, wire cutters, tongs and hammers etc. for dismantling. The dismantled components should be sent to authorized ewaste or recyclers having valid consent to operate (CTO).

Manual dismantling operations should be carried out over the dismantling table with space de-dusting system so as to maintain desirable work zone air quality as per the Factories Act as amended from time to time. The de dusting system should consist of suction hood over dismantling table connected with a cyclone, bag filter and venting through a chimney of three-meter height above roof level.

• Collection boxes should be placed near dismantling table for keeping the dismantled components.

• The workers involved in dismantling operation should have appropriate equipment such as screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, wire cutters, tongs and hammers etc. for dismantling the e-waste.

• During dismantling operations, the workers should use proper personal protective equipment such as goggles, masks, gloves, helmet and gumboot etc.

• The following dismantled items and components must be removed from end-of-life products and stored in a safe manner for transportation to recyclers:

o Batteries

o Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) of EEE

o Toner cartridge plastic

o External electrical cables

Volume/size reduction may be carried out after dismantling operations of the components like steel/aluminum/plastic, for ease of transportation. Dismantled and segregated plastic from e-waste shall only be given to registered plastic recyclers having registration under Plastic Waste (Management) Rules, 2016.

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• During the volume/size reduction of dismantled steel/aluminum/plastic parts, the dismantlers should have arrangements for dust and noise controls. These operations should be under acoustic enclosure for noise reduction.

• Dismantled circuit boards, capacitors, batteries, capacitors containing PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) or PCTs (Polychlorinated terphenyls) etc. shall not be stored in open.

• Dismantlersshouldhaveadequatefacilitiesformanaging leakageofcompressoroils, coolant/ refrigerant gases such as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)/Hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and Mercury from end of life fluorescent and other mercury containing lamp etc. Spills involving broken fluorescent lamps, oil spills should first be contained to prevent the spread of the material to other areas. This may involve the use of dry sand, proprietary booms/absorbent pads, stabilizing chemicals etc. for subsequent transfer to hazardous waste Treatment, Storage & Disposal Facilities (TSDFs).

• The premise for dismantling operation should fulfil the following requirements:

o Water proof roofing and impermeable surfaces.

o Storage space for dissembled spare parts.

o Separate containers for storage of batteries, capacitors containing PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) or PCTs (Polychlorinated terphenyls)


A dismantler needs space for storage of electrical and electronic equipment up to 180 days for the process of dismantling and volume reduction, space for storage of dismantled and segregated material, free space for movement, office/administration and other utilities. It is estimated that a minimum of 300 square meter area for a dismantling capacity of 1T/ day is required for storage of raw material, segregated material, dismantling operations and office administration & other utilities.

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Thefunctionsoftherecyclersincludedismantling alongwithrecoveryoperation.Thereshall be no restriction on degree of operations that can be permitted for recyclers provided they have requisite facilities. The following processes should be employed by recyclers:

1. Manual/semi-automatic/automatic dismantling operations: Manual dismantling is the pre-treatment technique that ensures best proper depollution of equipment and leads to the highest recovery rates in the subsequent recycling and recovery steps.

2. Shredding/crushing/fine grinding/wet grinding/enrichment operations, gravity/ magnetic/density/eddy current separation: The purpose of crushing and grinding is to reduce the size of the potential ore particles. Eddy current separation technique isusedforseparatingmetalsfromnonmetalcomponent;forexample,aluminumfrom glass.

o Circuit Board Recycling Machine

Capacity:300-1000 Kg/H

Raw Materials: Computer board, Phone board, TV board, CCL(copper-clad plate), PCB leftover material, etc.

Final Products :Mixed metal powder, Resin fiber powder.

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Source: 14 SUNY GROUP MACHINE ( Figure 14 PCB Recycling Machine


• Home Appliances Machine Recycling Dismantling Line:

o Capacity: 20-100set/h

o Raw Materials: Refrigerator, air conditioner, washing machine and other household appliances

o Final Products: Iron copper aluminum plastic etc.


B.Arch. Xth Semester Thesis | March -July 2022 Page | 28 Model Capacity(Kg/H) Dimensions(mm) Total Power(Kw) Space Needed(㎡) ZYPCB-300 200-300 10000*5000*4100 45 50 ZYPCB-500 400-500 15000*8000*4100 75 120 ZYPCB-800 500-800 20000*8000*4100 120 200 ZYPCB-1000 800-1000 20000*15000*4100 160 300
Table 5 Machine Specifications Table Source 5 SUNY GROUP MACHINE ( Figure 15 Process Involved in PCB Recycling Machine Figure 16 Processes of Recycling Home Appliances 16 SUNY GROUP MACHINE (

Table Source 6 SUNY GROUP

3. Pyro metallurgical operations: Smelting furnace: Smelting is a method of obtaining refined goods from raw materials by heating in a furnace, blast furnace, or smoker.

Pyrometallurgy is not without limitations and challenges. On the environmental side, the risk of toxic material release and dioxin formation is high, and state of the art smelters, such as the Umicore plant, which lower these risks through advanced emission control systems, are quite expensive.

4. Hydro metallurgical operations: Hydrometallurgy is the extraction of metal from ore by preparing an aqueous solution of a salt of the metal and recovering the metal from the solution.

Note: Hydrometallurgy is readily controllable, more exact, predictable, and environmentallyfriendly compared to pyrometallurgy.

Hydrometallurgical techniques largely involve a series of acid or caustic leaches of e-waste followed by separation and purification techniques.

B.Arch. Xth Semester Thesis | March -July 2022 Page | 29 MODEL POWER SIZE(MM) CAPACITY(SET/H) ZY-RF60 500kw 50000×10000×7000 60-80 ZY-RF80 680kw 60000x10000×7000 80-100
Table 6 Machine Specification MACHINE ( Figure 17 Pyro Metallurgical Operations Source: 17 Pyrometallurgical_Treatment Figure 18 Hydro Metallurgical Operations Source: 18 Pyrometallurgical Treatment

5. Electro-metallurgical operations: Electrometallurgy involves metallurgical processesthattakeplaceinsomeform ofelectrolyticcell.Extractivemetallurgy:The practice of removing valuable metals from an ore and refining the extracted raw metals into a purer form.

6. Chemical leaching: Leaching is the process of a solute becoming detached or extracted from its carrier substance by way of a solvent. Leaching is a naturally occurring process which scientists have adapted for a variety of applications with a variety of methods.

7. CRT/LCD/Plasma processing: Plasma processing is a plasma-based material processing technology that aims at modifying the chemical and physical properties of a surface.

8. Toner cartridge recycling: Cartridge Recycling Toner recycling is the latest raw material to make its way into the recycling chain. From paper to rubber, to tin the practice of recycling materials back into their raw state originated hundreds of years, prior to The Revolutionary War.

9. Melting, casting, moulding operations (for metals and plastics): Melt is poured orforcedunderpressureinto amouldmadeofsand ormetal, andthensolidifiedthere by cooling. Casting is a process in which a liquid metal is somehow delivered into a

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Figure 19 Plasma Processing Machine Source: 19 Downstream Technology by GIZ

mold (it is usually delivered by a crucible) that contains a hollow shape (i.e., a 3dimensional negative image) of the intended shape.


As a general rule a recycler of capacity of 1 T/day shall require a minimum of 500 square meters area. Authorization to recyclers may be preferred if they have minimum operational capacity of 5 MT/day with an area of about 2500 square meter.

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Figure 20 Ideal Floor Plan for E-Waste Facility Source: 20 Business Model Toolbox By GIZ




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RECOMMENDED ECS BASED ON LAND USE TYPE Table 7 ECS as per Landuse Table Source 7 URDPFI, 2015
PLANNING NORMS FOR INFORMAL UNITS FOR URBAN STREET VENDORS 4.7.3. SIMPLIFIED URBAN LAND USE CLASSIFICATION Level I Level II N A-N Use Category N A-N Use Zone 5. M MixedUse 51 M‐1 MixedIndustrialuseZone 52 M‐2 MixedResidentialZone 53 M‐3 MixedCommercialZone Table Source 9 URDPFI, 2015 Table 9 Urban Land Use Classification 4.7.4. MIXED USE ZONE (M) • Mixed Industrial use: M1 • Mixed Residential use: M2 • Mixed Commercial use: M3 S.No. Land use Parking Standards Remark 5 Industry IndustrialPlotupto50sqmarea 2ECS/100sqmoffloorarea IndustrialPlot51sqm‐400sqmarea 2ECS/100sqmoffloorarea IndustrialPlot401sqmandabove 2ECS/100sqmoffloorarea FlattedgroupIndustry(MinPlotsize400sqm) 2ECS/100sqmoffloorarea Sr. No. Category No. of Informal Units 9. Industrial 5‐6unitsper1000employees Table 8 Informal Units for Industrial Units Table Source 8 URDPFI, 2015


In M1 Zone activities falling within non‐ polluting industry/ service industry (dominant landuse) categories can coexist with maximum up to 20‐30% of commercial, institutional, Restricted Uses/Activities

Activities related to commercial, institutional and residential landuse in M1 Zone and non‐polluting industrial landuse in M2 Zone can be increased to between 20‐50% depending on the contextual and locational feasibility of the area.


All other activities especially industrial which are polluting in nature and which will have an adverse impact on the overall activities of this zone

Note: Mixed landuse to be well defined by the Development control body by prescribing the limits on the use of activity based on the abutting road width, compatible uses, plots size, ground coverage, FAR/FSI, density, any other urban design guideline.



• For industrial plots more than 1000 sq m, 10% of the total area shall be reserved as amenity open space to a maximum of 25 sq m.

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Sr. No. Plot Size (sq m) Maximum Ground Coverage (%) Maximum FAR Maximum Height (m) Other Controls Plains Hills Plains Hills Plains Hills 3. Extensive Industry 3a) 400 to 4000 50 50 100 75 9 9 Single storey building with basement is allowed. Basement shall be below the ground floor and the maximum extent of ground coverage and shall be counted in FAR. In case of roof truss, height of buildings should be adjusted/ relaxed. 3b) Above 4000 upto 12000 45 45 90 60 9 9 3c) Above 12000 upto 28000 40 40 80 50 9 9 3d) Above 28000 30 30 60 45 9 9
10 Building Controls as per Plot Size Table Source 10 URDPFI,


Technical Quality Parameters

Totalprimaryenergydemand;solarandotherrenewableenergyprovisions;energyefficiency measures;provisionsforheatingandcooling;energyefficiencymeasures.

» Solarstreetlampsandexternallightingfixtures

1 Renewable energy and energy efficiency

» Solarpanels(PVs)onrooftopsoffactorybuildings



» Solarenergygenerationinpublic/commonareas

» Renewableenergy/energyefficiencyfixtures(BEEstarrated)

Presenceofanoveralltransportsystem;qualityofthetrafficmodelandmodalsplit;innovative andeco-efficientmobilityofferings;qualityofinternalandexternalconnectivityandtheir accessibility;publictransportinfrastructure;parkingspaces;supportinginfrastructure(service stations,weighbridges;fuelstationsetc.)

» Hierarchyofroadsandroadcrosssectionsasperstandards.

2 Quality of transport infrastructure

Integrationofutilityservices[Sewers,stormwaterdrains,drainage,watersupplylines,electricity cables,lighting,telecommunicationcables,opticalfibrecables,gaspipelines,greenbelts,trafficcontrol devices,publictoiletsintegratedsuitably,shadedpedestrianpathways,spacesforbenches,streetlight poles,serviceproviders(e.g.,kiosks)etc.].

» Entryandexitgateswithaccesscontrol[provisionsattheentry/exitgates(securitycabin, Informationcentre,mapoftheindustrialpark,parkingfacility,publictoilets,drinkingwaterfacility etc.)].

»Internalandexternalpublictransportationsystems[internaltransportfromentrygatesto discourageprivatevehicularmovement,eco-friendlyinternaltransport–batteryoperatedvehicles, externaltransport–CNGbuses,batteryoperatedvehicles,automobileservicestations,signageetc.].

» Adequateparkingfacilitiesatentry/exist.

» Centralisedparking,zonelevelparking,plotlevelparking.


· Provisionsforbicycling;safetyandcomfort;parkingfacilities;rentalsystem;wayfindingsystems.

3 Quality of bicycle infrastructure


» Bicyclestationsforrenting


» Wayfindingsystems

· Provisionsforpedestrians;safetyandcomfort;streetcrossingaids;wayfindingsystems.

4 Quality of pedestrian infrastructure

7 Quality of overall logistics concept

» Extensivesafepedestrianpathways

» Pedestrianpathwaysalongroads

» Greenwaysalonggreenbeltsandgreenlandscapes


» Businesscentre,One-stop-services,Administrativebuilding


» Warehouses/rawmaterialdepots



» Designcentre,product/materialtestingfacility


Resourceefficientinfrastructure,viz.sustainablebuildingmaterials,earthworksmanagement; recycleandreuseoftreatedwastewaterandrainwater;recycleandreuseofwastes;recycleandreuse ofchemicalsandmaterials;reduceddemandsoffreshwateruseetc.

8 Resource-efficient infrastructure

» GreenFactoryBuildingsandGreenBuildings



» Recycles/reuseofwastes,wastewater,rainwaterandmaterials

· Provisionsforsafetyandsecurityoftheindustrialparkandtheemployees.

9 Safety & security provisions

»Centralisedsecurityofficeatthemainentrance.Inaddition,securitycabinsattheexitandother strategicpoints.



» Provisionforafirestation.

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10 Utilities

» Provisionforapolicepost.

· »Disastermanagementcentre.


» Powertransmissionlines



»Telecommunicationsnetwork Administrative & Management Quality



1 Administrative & management infrastructure


» Onestopservicecentre

» Productdisplay/exhibitionandmarketingcentre

» ITbasedindustrialparkinformationsystem

2 Service delivery Elaborationofbusinessandmanagementmodelsforcommoninfrastructureandservices.

3 Organisational structures Staffstructuresfordevelopment,operationandmanagementoftheindustrialparkand plotallotment.

Environmental Quality Parameters

Adequacyofprovisionsforwastemanagement,includingcompostableorganicwastes, hazardouswastes,plasticwastes,paperandotherrecyclablewastes,usedcontainersandpackaging materialsetc.

1 Waste management



» Recyclingcentreforrecyclingofwastes

» Hazardouswastescollectionandtemporarystoragefacility.

· Adequacyofprovisionsforrainwatermanagement,includingstormwaterdrainage, collection,treatment,recycle/reuseforindustrialproductionorcoolingorforfireprotectionor irrigationofgreenspacesetc.

2 Rain water management

Climate Change

» Stormwaterdrainagenetwork.

»Collectionoffirstrains@1hrpeakrainfalland80%run-offcoefficientandtreatmentto preventcontaminationrisks.

» Pondingoftreatedrainwaterandintegrationintolandscapes.

» Recycle/reuseoftreatedrainwater.


Provisionsforclimatechangeadaptationduetoincreasing adaptation temperatures,increasedflood,reducedwaterreservesetc.



5 Emissions and air pollution control

6 Waste water pollution control


» Landscapingandgreeneryprovisions;

» Appropriateinternalandexternaltransportationprovisions;

» Provisionsformicroclimatecontrol.

Preservationandadditionalprovisionsforretainingandpromotingbiodiversityinthe industrialpark.Localhabitattobeencouraged.

»Preparationofhabitatobjectives,mappingofhabitatfunctionsandimplementationof measures.


»Provisionsforgreeneryandbufferzones.Hierarchicalgreens-centralgreens,greenbeltsat theperiphery,verticalandhorizontalstretchesofgreensacrosstheindustrialpark,avenueplantation, plantationatplotlevel.


» Restrictionsonunsuitableairpollutingindustries.

»Measuresforreductionofemissions, vehicles,CNGbusesforinternal/externaltransport,bicyclingtacks,pedestrianpathwaysthatdonot causepollution,usageofcleanfuels,commonsteamandpowerplants.


» Onlineairqualitymonitoringstationanddisplayboards.


»Provisionsforwastewaterconveyancesysteminaccordancewithslopesandzoningof industries.


» Provisionsforstorageoftreatedwastewater(guardpond)

» Provisionsforrecycle/reuse.

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4 Biodiversity, greenery

7 Disaster risks

8 Effects on global and local environment


· Preparednesstonaturaldisasterslikeearthquakes,storm,floods,landslides,soil subsidence.

· Ensuringthattherearenonegativeeffectsonglobalandlocalenvironment.

»Lifecycleassessmentofemissionsduetobuildings,infrastructure,trafficandopen spaces.

» Controlofpollutionofair,waterandsoil.

» Protectionfromhazardstogroundwater

»Maintenanceofphysical,biologicalandchemicalwaterqualityincompliancewith standards.

» Controlofanynegativeenvironmentalimpacts.

Socio-functional Quality Parameters



Social quality and infrastructure

»Trainingcentretocatertovocationaltraining,educationfacility,incubatorfor entrepreneurshippromotion


» Publictoilets,drinkingwaterfacilities

» ATM,postoffice/courierservice,bank

» Informationcentreforcustomerservices

» Guesthouse,dormitoriesforemployees/workers/visitors

» Foodandbeverages


» Residentialtownshipinthevicinity

» Specialarrangementsfortruckdrivers


» Safety&security


2 Gender considerations

»Playschoolsandcrècheforinfantchildrenofworkers,ladiesroomandaccommodation forlateworking

» Safetyandsecurity,internalandexternaltransportation

»Healthcentre,canteens/foodoutlets,kiosks,toilets,internalshuttleservice(battery operated)



» Recreationalareas,includingsportsfields,greenery,parksetc.

3 Health, comfort and user satisfaction

»Safetyprovisions,includingsecurityatentry/exits,accesscontrol,fencing,CCcamerasacrossthesite, policepost.

» Landmark area at thecentre with extensive landscapedarea, amphitheatre etc. that provideample opportunitiesforsocialinteraction.

» Elegantly designed green factory buildings and landscaped areas that provide visual identify and impact.

· Highfunctionalanddesignqualityoftheindustrialpark.

4 Functional and design quality

» Signaturearchitectureidentityandvisualimpact

» Mobilityintegratedwithexistingtransport/mobilitynetwork

» MasterPlanalignedwithslopes/contours


Table 11 Parameters of as per GIZ

Table Source 11 Sustainable Industrial Park Standards as per GIZ

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The suggested distribution of the land use within the Green Industrial Park is:

» Industrial (plots) : 55 - 60%

» Parks and open spaces : 10%

» Common infrastructure zones : 10 - 17%

» Roads and circulation : 18 - 20%

Total site area : 100%

The industrial plots include the areas that can be allotted to industries for the purpose of industrial or commercial activity. The common infrastructure zones include areas for basic infrastructure (excluding roads, transportation), environmental infrastructure, social infrastructure and relevant technical infrastructure. The roads and transportation areas include roads, railway, parking areas, pedestrian pathways, bicycle tracks, petrol pumps, weighbridge, service stations, etc.


The industrial zones should be earmarked based on homogeneity of function of the industrial activity and their inter-relationship to get the best use of land. Each zone should be divided into blocks of appropriate size, which can be subdivided into plots. Depending on demand for size of the plot, smaller plots could be clubbed together. Also, in the future, without changing infrastructure, the plots could be combined or subdivided as per demands persisting then.

The minimum plot size for layout & sub division of land for industrial uses shall be minimum 500 sq. m. The suggested plot sizes are:

» Plot of more than 500 m2 and up to 1,000 m2

» Plot of more than 1,000 m2 and up to 2,500 m2

» Plots of 2,500 m2 to 5,000 m2

» Plots above 5,000 m2

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a) Project Overview:

• Project Name: Eco-Saviors Recycling Centre

• Location: C-351-352 API Industrial Park, Bilaspur, Gurugram, Haryana(IN).

• Type of Project: Industrial

• Developers: Eco Saviors E-Waste Management Pvt. Ltd.

• Year of start: 2019

• Year of Completion: 2020

• No. of Storey : 3

• Total Project Area: 22.9 x 44.2 = 1012.18 sq.m

• Architect: Eco-Saviors

• Site Area: 38,000 Sq.ft.

• Setbacks: 5M from 3 Sides

• Shape: Rectangular

• Ground Coverage: 60%

• F.A.R: 125% i.e. 1265.225 (Achieved= 1264.60)

b) Machines Inventory:

• Gas Recovery Chamber

• PVC Recycling Machine

• Fridge Dismantling Unit

• TFT Screen Dismantling

• Compressor Recycling Unit

c) Capacity:

• Storage Capacity: 200 Tonne

• Dismantling Capacity: 7.8 MT/Day

• Recycling Capacity: 7.8 MT/Day

• Laser Cutting Machine

• PCB Board Recycling

• A.C. Grinder Radiator

• Wire Recycling Machine

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d) Location:

The Recycling unit is situated on the outskirts of the Gurugram city in API Industrial Park of Bilaspur.

e) Site Character:

Site is a rectangular plot112.9 x 44. having 5 M setbacks on 3 sides(front & both sides). Site

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Figure 21 Location of Recycling plant in reference to the city Source: 21 Open Street Map Figure 22 Site Plan Source: 22 Google Earth

f) Site Zoning:

Zoning Plans

g) Inferences:

Basic Parameter of Designing a Recycling Unit such a parking provisions, loading and unloading areas of trucks. Service lifts near dismantling zone. Processes involved in recycling of white goods.

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Ground Floor
Lift(1.8Mx1.8M) 4. A.C.Grinder 5. PCBGrinder 6. MagneticSeparator 7. ElectricalRoom 8. WireRecyclingMachin 9. ServiceRoom 10. Washroom |-----------22.9--------| ------------------------44.2 ---------------------| First Floor
WhiteGoodDismantler 5. WhiteGoodDismantler 6. FridgeDismantler 7. PVCRecycling 8. TFTScreenDismantler 9. ServiceRoom 10. Washroom Third Floor 1. Staircase
ServiceLift(2.2x2.2M) 3. Lift(1.8Mx1.8M) 4. Terrace 5. MeetingRoom 6. Office 7. PersonalRoom 8. Washroom 9. ServiceRoom
Figure 23 Zoning Plans Source: 23 Author

h) Photographs:

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White Goods Dismantler Main Gate Truck Parking A.C. Grinder Fridge Dismantler Gas Recovery Chamber Figure 24 Photographic Documentation Source: 24 Author



a) Project Overview:

• Project Name: Exigo Recycling Centre

• Location: : Barsat Rd, Cheema Enclave, Noorwala, Panipat, Haryana 132103

• Type of Project: Industrial

• Developers: Exigo Pvt. Ltd.

• Year of Completion: 2015

• No. of Storey : 1

• Total Project Area: 3.5 Acre

• Architect: : Exigo

• Capacity: 22600 MT/A

b) Type of E-waste Handled:

• IT Material, Home Appliance

• LED, Washing Machine

• Refrigerator

• Gold Recovery Plant, Printer

• Segregator Plant, Cartridges

• Plastic Recycling.

c) Spaces:

• Collection Unit

• Dismantling Unit

• Recycling Unit

• Effluent Treatment Plant

• Administration


 Meeting Room

 Clerical Room

M.D. Room

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d) Location:

The Recycling unit is situated on the outskirts of the Panipat on Barsat road

e) Site Character:

Site is a 3.5 Acre plot situated adjacent to Barsat Road & have Factories on other 3 adjacent sides.

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Site Figure 25 Location in reference to the city Source: 25 Open Street Map Figure 26 Site Plan Source: 26 Google Earth

f) Zonal Planning

Zoning Plan


1. GuardRoom

2. Administration

3. ITWarehouse

4. HomeAppliances

5. PrinterWarehouse

6. Material

7. CarParking

8. TruckLoading/ Unloading

9. PrinterDismantled

10. E.T.P.

g) Technology Used


PCB Recycling


Source: 27 Author

PCB’saresentthroughconveyorBeltsintotheshreddermachinesand shreddedto10mmto40mmpieces

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Figure 27 Zoning Plan

E-waste Dismantling

MaterialsaresegregatedanddismantledbyusingPneumaticToolsbyskilledworkers. DismantledmaterialsaresortedoutaspertheircompositionasMetals, plastics,printedCircuitBoardetc.

Data Security

Asdataisanorganization’smostvaluableasset,protectingitandkeepingitfromfalling intowronghandsduringtheendofit’slifecycleisofparamountimportance. TheyuseStellarsoftwarewhichistheundisputedDataErasureSolutionthatmeetsthe statutoryandregulatorycompliancerequirementsforallourclients.

Precious Metal Recovery

ThematerialscontainingPreciousandothervaluablemetalsarecrushedandseparatedas pertheirdensityandchemicalcomposition.

Recycled Metal

TheseparatedpreciousandothervaluablemetalsarecastintobarsandIngots.These barsandIngotsaresuppliedtomanufacturingIndustriesasRawMaterials.

Fully Automated Plant


Pollution Control Equipment

Safetyshoes,Gloves,SafetyGoggles,Masks&Helmetsare compulsoryforourworkers whileenteringtheworkarea.

Table 12 Technology Used

h) Inferences:

Table Source 12 Author

 Knowledge about the Environmental Clearance for Domestic Trade Water.

 Shed installation at Collection Unit i.e. minimum 10 M height required.

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First-of-its-kind in Hong Kong, the Eco Park is an industrial park exclusively for waste recycling and environmental engineering. The mission of the facility is to promote the local recycling industry and to stimulate a circular economy to provide a sustainable solution to the city’s waste problems. By encouraging recycling of waste resources and returning them to the consumption loop, the Eco Park will alleviate the heavy reliance on the export of recyclable materials recovered from Hong Kong.

a) Project Overview:

• Project Name: Eco Park

• Type of Project: Industrial

• Year of Completion: 2007

• Total Project Area: 200,000 m2

• Architect: Aedas Ltd.

• Contractor: Kaden Construction Limited

• Site Area: 200,000 square

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Figure 28 Eco Park Administration Source: 28

b) Site Location

SThe proposed EcoPark is situated on the outskirts of Tuen Mun, adjacent to a number of industrial premises and existing industrial uses. The site is remote from existing residential developments, with the nearest being village houses at Lung Kwu Tan (>2km to the west) and Melody Gardens (>2km to the east).

Eco-Park is developed in two phases and provides a rentable area of 140,000m2 long term land at affordable costs for the recycling industry.

c) Eco-Park Facilities

EcoPark provides long-term land at affordable costs and a whole package of amenities for use by the recycling and environmental industry with a view to alleviating the expenditure of recyclers on infrastructure, thereby encouraging their investment in advanced technologies and recycling processes.

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Figure 29 Site Surrounding Source: 29 Figure 30 Site Components Source: 30

Administration building

• Visitor Centre

Facilities Images

• Plastic Recycling Education Centre

• Meeting room, seminar room and conference room for hiring by the tenants

• Office for the operator and EPD


• around 40 kinds of plant species chosen to attract butterflies and birds.

Marine frontage management office / Security and control room

• to maintain the proper order of the marine frontage.

Marine frontage

• Marine frontage (with vertical seawall) with 8 nos. of berthing spaces for the loading and unloading of marine cargo.


• To compile monthly waste intake, recycled/recovered products output, and residual waste output.

Green Carpark

• Total of 30 Green Parking Spaces are provided for visitors.

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Table 13 Eco-Park Facilities Table Source 13

1. Waste Recycling at Eco-Park:

Currently, Eco Park has nine tenants who recycle waste cooking oil, waste metals, waste wood, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), waste plastics, waste batteries, construction

Table 15 Type of Waste Recycled

Table Source 15.

B.Arch. Xth Semester Thesis | March -July 2022 Page | 51 Component AreaOccupiedWithin PhaseI+ II(m2) %ageof Total PhaseI+ IIArea Marine Frontage Management Office (MFMO) 240m2 0.1% Solid Waste Collection Point 460m2 0.2% Car and Coach Park 930m2 0.5% Wastewater Treatment Facility (WTF) 1,200m2 0.6% Administration Building 1,800m2 0.9% Landscaping (Perimeter and Internal) 11,800m2 6.1% Marine Frontage 12,420m2 6.4% Internal Road System 25,070m2 12.8% Empty Serviced Lots in Phase I 47,000m2 24.1%. Empty Serviced Lots in Phase II 94,300m2 48.3% Totals 195,220m2 100.0%
Table 14 Components with area statement Table Source 14
Waste Type Lot Size (m2) Waste metals 10,000 Waste lead-acid batteries 10,000 Waste C&D materials and waste glass 10,000 WEEE 5,000 Waste rubber tyre, WEEE and waste oil 4,400 Waste wood 5,000 Waste cooking oil 6,000 Waste plastics 6,500 Waste plastics 4,920
Figure 31 Factories Layout Source: 31 .

i. Electronic Waste Processes and Throughputs:

Portable and Table televisions, console televisions, monitors

Plastics, metals (NDA on quantities) Separation and Testing

Sorted CRTs Separated glass and plastics

Reusable CRTs (refurbishment), recyclable materials (plastics, metals) and separated CRTs for further processing

Shredding, electromagnetic and electrostatic sorting Glass (for export) 90% (overall recycling rate^)

Varies depending on type and quantity of computer/electronics NDA Separation and Testing

Re-usable computer / electronics (can be repaired for reuse); Non-reusable computer / electronics

100% of the electronic goods are reusable in some shape or form; Depending on quality of feedstock quantity of goods diverted for repair can range anywhere between 6090%

White Goods Dismantling

(est. throughput = 2,500tpa)

Non-reusable computer / electronics

Varies depending on type of white good

Steel breakage (25.7%) packaging (17.9%); CRT glass to lead (16.1%); Solid waste (13.1%); Printed circuit boards (5.9%); Export scrap (5.9%); Export reusable materials (4.5%); Plastics (4.4%); Copperbearing materials (3.3%); CRT glass to glass (3.2%)7

Shredding and Separation (Electromagnetic and electrostatic)

Metals (aluminium, steel, gold, silver, lead, etc.) (for export/ feedstock into Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals processing facilities), Plastics (for export)

Type and quantity of material diverted includes televisions, packaging, communication electronics, household electronics, monitor and personal computers; If the capability exists, 90%+ of the materials in the computer can be recycled and used into new products.

Varies depending on type of white good Separation and Testing

Re-usable White Goods (can be repaired for reuse); Non-reusable white goods (feedstock for next stage processing)

Depending on the machine, but typically over 80% of the machine consists of metals and plastics

Non-reusable white goods

Glass (95.8%by wt), metals (2.5% by wt), others (phosphor powder, elemental mercury; 1.7% by wt)8

Fluorescent Lamp Recovery (est. throughput = 2,500tpa)

Varies depending on type of white good

Manual Dismantling and Separation

NDA Crush-and-Sieve

Glass particles and mercurycontaining phosphor powder

Glass particles

NDA Volatization

NDA Cyclone / magnetic separation

Table 16 E-Waste Processes

Table Source 16.

ii. Plastic Waste Processes and Throughputs:

Metals (primarily steel), Plastics (for export/further processing at Plastics Recovery Facility at Eco Park.

Separated components (feedstock for next stage processing)

Elemental mercury (for export), phosphorous (for export)

Glass (for export/local remanufacturing), aluminium (for export/ to Non-ferrous Metals Processing Facility at EcoPark)

85% for glass (overall recycling rate^)

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Process & Estimated Throughput (Typical) Composition of Process Feedstock Type and Quantity of Material Diverted Process Specifics Outputs Remarks Electronics Estimated total throughput = 10,000tpa (15% of overall estimated arisings in 200614) CRT Recovery (est. throughput = 2,500tpa)
Computer/ Electronics Recovery (est. throughput = 2,500tpa)


39% of the emissions related to plastic wood composite manufacturing; remaining emissions due to pellet production Strands of plastic

(wet) (feedstock for next stage processing)

98% (overall recycling rate^) Wet pellets


(for export or for feedstock into PWC Manufacture) Plastic Wood Composite (PWC)

PWC material (for export / local manufacturing)

Under worst case scenario, assume all wood chips (26,300tpa) from wood processing will be used in PWC manufacture. The same quantity of plastics also required (26,300tpa).

Table 17 Plastic Waste Processes

Eco-Park supports local recycling industry in the following areas:

Table Source 17

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Process & Estimated Throughput (Typical) Composition of Process Feedstock Type and Quantity of Material Diverted Process Specifics Outputs Remarks Plastics Estimated Total Throughput in vertically integrated system = 66,800tpa (7.1% of overall estimated arisings in 200614) Plastics Recovery Facility Mixed plastics NDA Sorting Sorted plastics (baling for export or Processing) 90% (overall recycling rate^) Sorted plastics NDA Crushing and Baling Baled plastics (for export) 100% (overall recycling rate^) Flaking and Washing Sorted plastics NDA Flaking/shredding/cutting
plastics (for export or feedstock for next stage processing)
rate^) Plastic flakes NDA Washing Clean
stage) Clean plastic flakes NDA Separation/Centrifugal Drying Dried
Blending) Blending Dried flakes and pellets (virgin material) NDA Batch / continuous blender Uniform recycled/virgin materials of the same resin (for
or feedstock for
stage processing) Moulding/ Extrusion Uniform recycled/virgin materials of the same resin NDA Melting (fuel powered furnace)
plastic flakes (feedstock for next
plastic flakes (for export or feedstock into
Molten plastic extruded through tubes (feedstock for next stage processing)
process (above) NDA Cooling and
from melting
Cutting Pellets
NDA Centrifugal
(see also PWC under “Wood”)
Wood chips (50%), plastic (virgin and/or recycled; 50%))15

1. Long-term land at affordable rental.

2. Properly formed land with infrastructures connected for ready start-up of recycling business.

3. Creating synergy among clusters of similar industries

4. More job opportunities for recycling and related industries

5. Prestige associated with business based in Eco-Park.

2. Visitor Centre at Eco Park:

The Visitor Centre, with an area of 1,000 square meter, is situated in the South Wing of the Administration Building of Eco-Park. It is the first large-scale education resource centre in Hong Kong with the theme of municipal waste.

The primary purpose of the Centre is to provide information about waste management and waste reduction to the visiting public through educational promotion and outreaching programmers.

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Zones Description Waste Corridor Access to the interactive games using a smart card provided by the centre & probe into current siatuation of municipal solid waste generation in Hong Kong. Movie Area Watch The animation or documentary film to learn about the strategy on waste management & facilities in Hong Kong. 3-D Landfill Model Overwhelm yourself with the 1:1 3-D landfill model simulation the landfill located in Nim Wan. Tuen Mun & Paired with sound effects to realize the imminence of the waste reduction.

3Rs Zone

Understand the fundamental concept of “Reduce”, “Reuse” and “Recycle

Reflection Pond

Rethink your attitude towards waste and keep your promise to protect the environment of Hong Kong.

Equipped with the motion sensing games with the theme of the waste reduction. Tour Groups are free to arrange their group discussion here.

Demonstrate the classification of Plastic Resources and the importance of clean recycling.

Photo-taking Zone

Self-portrait photo with a list of website links related to waste reduction will be delivered to your pre-registred email address

Table 18 Visitor Centre Zoning


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Group Game Zone Plastic Recycling Education Centre Source 18

d) Design Parameters

i. Lot Distribution & Utility Connections:

ii. Landscaping & Infrastructure:

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Figure 32 Lot Distribution & Utility Connection Source: 32. Figure 33 Landscaping & Infrastructure Source: 33

iii. Green Features of Eco-Park

Green Features Description

Asphalt rubber is a blend of asphalt tyres rubber and asphalt cement. Waste tyres are collected from local associations and are processed and used in road surface.

Lesser road noise, higher skid resistant road surface. For Phase I Construction25,000 Waste tyres have been used.

Environmental U-Channel Grating Cover is molded by pressing recycled fiberglass and resin and compounded with carbon derivative under high pressure. The product complies with the GS requirements applicable to its cast-iron counterpart.

As a recyclable product itself, any aged grating cover could be shredded once again to become the raw material for a new batch.

In Eco park, 375 no. of the environmental U-Channel grating Covers which added upto 70 m long have been used in the maintenance yard of the marine frontage Management office.

All the footpaths are paved with eco paving blocks and a total of 420 tons of recycled crushed glass(equivalent to 1.68 million of soft drink glass bottles) used in Eco-park phase I.

The paving of footpath surrounding the administration Building has adopted a new invention by Poly-U, the Air Pollutant Removal Paving Block.

The technology incorporates air-cleaning agent such as titanium dioxide(TiO2) into the technique of producing Eco-Glass Block to remove air-pollutants such as Nitrous Oxides(NOx).

Located at the exterior of the courtyard and product gallery, terracotta louvres minimize direct solar gain from penetrating into the building shell, thus reduces the power required for the air- conditioning.

Terracotta is ultimately recyclable and has an unlimited life span as a material. Its natural quality compliments with the landscape of the courtyard.

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1. Asphalt Rubber 2. Eco-Drainage Cover 3. Pre-cast Paving Eco Blocks 4. Terracotta Louver

The immediate effect of the green roofing is to dramatically improve the thermal performance of the roof.

The green roof, with its low maintenance properties, can also absorb a proportion of rain, which in turns reduces the demands on the roof drainage system. The large area of grassed roofing can act as dampener to sound transmission.

It is an effective method of bringing the natural light in the heart of the building without the negative aspect of solar gain.

The utilization of sun pipes effectively alleviate the demands on artificial lighting within the building, saving upto 75% of electricity cost during daytime.

29 strategically located sun pipes on the roof of the administration building provide diffused natural light to the offices, meeting rooms, movie area, & visitor centre.

Different sizes of pipes have been adopted in response to the varied head rooms to optimize the effectiveness of the sun pipes

Solar panel and PV panels are installed on the building roof for generating warm water and electricity respectively.

All panels are purposely set to face south and inclined at 20 degrees to the ground in order to increase the efficiency of receiving solar energy.

The estimated maximum possible solar energy obtainable via the proposed 240 PV panels is 22kW/hour under clear sky vault, giving an idea of how much energy. Could be saved by these green features.

Solar Fin System (Aluminium Louvre) located on the roof minimized direct sunlight penetrating into the building in summer and thus reduces the energy required for providing air-conditioning.

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5. Green Roof 6. Sun Pipe 7. Solar Photovoltaic System 8. Solar Fin System Table 19 Green Features of Eco-Park Table Source 19.

e) Environmental Analysis:

* Recovery Process and Generation of Wastewater

* Operational Practices to Prevent Contamination

fines may be generated by processes that involve crushing, cutting or melting metals. It is therefore important for tenants who carry out such processes to ensure that such materials are collected and disposed of in an appropriate manner. Since these materials will likely have an economic value, this provides further incentive for their collection and reclamation.

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Electronics CRT Recovery Separation and Testing None Shredding, electromagnetic and electrostatic sorting Computer/Electronics Recovery Separation and Testing None Shredding and Separation White Goods Dismantling Separation and Testing None Manual Dismantling and Separation Fluorescent Lamp Recovery Crush-and-Sieve None Volatization Cyclone / magnetic separation Plastics Plastics Recovery Facility Sorting None Crushing and Baling None Flaking and Washing Flaking/shredding/cutting Residue (organic/inorganic) from washing processes Washing Separation/Centrifugal Drying Blending Batch / continuous blender Wastewater from hydrolysis Moulding/Extrusion Melting (electrical powered furnace) None Cooling and Cutting Cooling Water Centrifugal drying Extracted Water PWC Manufacture PWC manufacture None Table 20 Waste Water Generation Table Source 20.
Electronics Operational Practices to Prevent Contamination Metallic Fines
CRT Recovery Separation and Testing None Low Shredding, electromagnetic and electrostatic sorting Metal Fines Computer/Electroni cs Recovery Separation and Testing None Low Shredding and Separation Metal Fines White Goods Dismantling Separation and Testing None Low Manual Dismantling and Separation Fluorescent Lamp Recovery Crush-and-Sieve None Low Volatization Elemental Hg High Cyclone / magnetic separation None Low Plastics Plastics Recovery Facility Sorting None Low Crushing and Baling Flaking and Washing Flaking/shredding/cutting None Low Washing Separation/Centrifugal Drying Blending Batch / continuous blender None Low Moulding/Extrusion Melting (fuel powered furnace) None Low Cooling and Cutting Centrifugal drying Plastic Wood composite manufacture Plastic wood composite manufacture None Low Table 21 Contamination Prevention Table Source 21.

f) Inferences:

Green-Features can be utilized in program further.

 Helps in understanding the processes involved in the e-waste and plastic recycling so that designated spaces can be designed easily.

Environmental Analysis Helps in determining the waste released by the electronic and plastic recycling units.

Get the knowledge of available technology for the Eco-Parks

 Informal sector recycling scenario can be formalized through such eco-parks

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CopenHill, also known as Amager Bakke, opens as a new breed of waste-to-energy plant topped with a ski slope, hiking trail and climbing wall, embodying the notion of hedonistic sustainability while aligning with Copenhagen’s goal of becoming the world’s first carbonneutral city by 2025.

a) Project Overview:

Source: 34

• Project Name: Amager Bakke or CopenHill

• Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

• Type of Project: Waste to Enegy

• Year of Completion: 2017

• Total Project Area: 41,000 m2

• Architect: Bjarke Ingels

• Landscape Architects: SLA

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Figure 34 Copen-Hill Building

b) Building Zoning:

CopenHill is a 41,000m2 waste-to-energy plant with an urban recreation center and environmental education hub, turning social infrastructure into an architectural landmark. CopenHill is conceived as a public infrastructure with intended social side-effects from day one. Replacing the adjacent 50-year old waste-to-energy plant with Amager Ressource center (ARC),

Copen-Hill’s new waste incinerating facilities integrate the latest technologies in waste treatment and energy production. Due to its location on the industrial waterfront of Amager, where raw industrial facilities have become the site for extreme sports from wakeboarding togo-kartracing,thenewpowerplantaddsskiing,hikingandrockclimbingtothrill-seekers’ wish lists.

Source: 35.

i. Crazy Idea of Combining Ski Slope on a W2E plant

CopenHill is the cleanest waste-to-energy power plant in the world. BIG searched for a way to express this into its architecture and came up with the crazy idea to combine an energy plant with a ski slope on the roof and the tallest climbing wall in the world on the corner. Bjarke Ingels sees the project as BIG’s manifestation of social infrastructure: “a piece of public utility with premeditated positive social and environmental side effects”.

ii. How does the community benefit?

The facility’s roof has been designed as a public park space and operates as an artificial ski slope in winter and an activity park in summer, providing visitors with hiking trails, playgrounds fitness structures, climbing walls, trail running and more.

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Figure 35 Site Zoning & Vertical Zoning

CONCEPT: Building Skin

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Figure 36 Building Skin Concept Source: 36

c) Landscape Design Parameters:

Recreation buffs andvisitorsreaching the summit of CopenHill will feel the novelty of a mountain in an otherwise-flat country. Non-skiers can enjoy the rooftop bar, cross-fit area, climbing wall, or highest viewing plateau in the city before descending the 490m tree-lined hiking and running trail within a lush, mountainous terrain designed by Danish Landscape Architects SLA. Meanwhile, the 10,000m2 green roof addresses the challenging microclimate of an 85m high park, rewilding a biodiverse landscape while absorbing heat, removing air particulates, and minimizing stormwater runoff.

d) What is happening Below the Slope ?

Beneath the slopes, whirring furnaces, steam, and turbines convert 440,000 tons of waste annually into enough clean energy to deliver electricity and district heating for 150,000 homes. The necessities of the power plant to complete this task, from ventilation shafts to air-intakes, help create the varied topography of a mountain, a human-made landscape created in the encounter between the needs from below and the desires from above. Ten floors of administrative space are occupied by the ARC team, including a 600m2 education center for academic tours, workshops, and sustainability conferences.

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Figure 37 Landscaping Layout Source: 37. Figure 38 Section Source: 38

e) Material Study

Material Description

Aluminium cassettes

The 30,000 square meters facade is made from large aluminium bricks in a checkered pattern. The 1.2 meters tall and 3.3 meters wide bricks double as planters. The facade is made up out of two layers. A concrete inner layer of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) with ventilation louvres and the outer layer of folded natural aluminium.

Translucent structural sandwich panels

In between the bricks glazed windows allow natural light to enter the facility. The panels work to vent pressure in the event of an explosion. Allowing the structure to withstand the blast without collapsing roofs or floors. In line with the project’s environmental aim the panels were developed to have exceptional thermal and daylighting performance that reduce heating costs and artificial light usage.

Dry ski slope

Neve-plast developed a custom surface for the 450 meters long CopenHill slope with five different Color nuances. The aim was to make the slope look like a natural mountain field. By populating the roof with hundreds of indigenous trees, bushes, grasses and flowers, the landscape architects of SLA tried to turn the alpine park into a natural extension of the Copenhagen topography.

Concrete hollow-core slabs and walls

1,700 square meters of walls and 21,000 square meters of slabs fill the steel structure with concrete surfaces. As many of the floor slab inclinations varied, BIM was key in ensuring a seamless assembly. The BIM model provided the steel supplier with the exact location of the slabs.

Fire safety insulation

The Rockwool stone wool was applied around pipes and insulation walls. Its insulating properties contribute to thermal efficiency as well as protect workers from hot surfaces.

External lighting

Platea Pro flood lights illuminate the slope after dawn. The lights are installed on the roof and chimney coupled in groups of five to illuminate the slope evenly and ensure visibility on the piste.

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Table 22 Specification of Building Table Source 22. Archello

f) Inferences:

Unique idea of clubbing public activities in industrial building can be taken forward.

 Industrial Buildings don’t need to be look ugly.

 Material Pallete can be helpful in determining the material for the Eco-Park.

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AluminiumCassettes, TranslucentSandwichPanels, DrySkiSlope,ConcreteHollowCoreSlabs&walls,Rockwool stone,PateaProFloodLights

Arch. Character BasicIndustrial Standardized BasicIndustrial Standardized Sustainable Contemporary Inferences

* Basic Parameter of Designing a Recycling Unit such a parking provisions, loading and unloading areas of trucks. Service lifts near dismantling zone.

* Processes involved in recycling of white goods.

* Knowledge about the Environmental Clearance for Domestic Trade Water.

* Shed installation at Collection Unit i.e. minimum 10 M height required.

* Green-Features can be utilized in program further.

* Helps in understanding the processes involved in the e-waste and plastic recycling so that designated spaces can be designed easily.

* Environmental Analysis Helps in determining the waste released by the electronic and plastic recycling units.

* Get the knowledge of available technology for the Eco-Parks

* Unique idea of clubbing public activities in industrial building can be taken forward.

*Truly explains that Industrial Buildings don’t need to be look ugly.

* Material Palette can be helpful in determining the material for the Eco-Park.

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studies Eco-Saviors Pvt. Ltd. Exigo Recyclers Pvt. Ltd. Eco-Park Copen Hill Type Primary Secondary Objective Recycling Plant Recycling Plant Whole Complex Hybrid Building Skin Material Location Gurugram,India Panipat,India HongKong Copenhagen,Denmark Year 2020 2015 2007 2017 Capacity 2700MT/A 22600MT/A 26,198MT/A N/A Spaces Collection,Dismantling, Recycling Collection, Dismantling, Recycling,ETP MultiWaste Management Facility(EcoParkhas ninetenantswho recyclewastecooking oil,wastemetals,waste wood,wasteelectrical andelectronic equipment(WEEE), wasteplastics,waste batteries,construction) N/A Architect Eco-SaviorsPvt.Ltd. ExigoRecyclersPvt. Ltd. AedasLtd. BjarkeIngles Site Area 1012.18Sq.M 3.5Acre 200,000m2 41,000m2 Parking No Yes Yes Yes Landscaping N/A N/A GreenRoof OnterracewithSki-Slope Topography Plain Plain NearMarineArea NearAmberLake Land-Use Industrial Industrial Mixed-Used Mixed-Used Material Used Conventional Conventional AsphaltRubber,EcoDrainageCover,PrecastpavingEcoBlocks,
CottaLouvers, GreenRoof,SunPipe,
Table 23 Comparative Analysis Table Source 23 Author



The site is well connected to all the nearby places with road developed by government authorities. National Highway NH-44 is located 3.5 km east from the site. Urban Extension Road-2 (UER-II) is in SW to the site.

Holambi Kalan Village is located adjacent to the site The nearest railway station is Holambi Kalan railway station at a distance of approx. 200 m E. The nearest airport is Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi, 27 km SE.


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LAND FORM, LAND USE AND LAND OWNERSHIP Figure 39 Site Location Source: 39 Author

Delhi Development Allotment (DDA) has allotted the land of around 20 acres to Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (DSIIDC), Narela for establishment of E-waste Management Eco-Park at G-3 & G-4 Narela, Holambi Kalan, Delhi.


According to the Gazetteer of Delhi, 1976, the project areas fall under Bangar region. The land in this region is mostly plain and fertile in nature. The highest and lowest topographic elevations of North West district are 216 m and 212 m respectively. However, the site elevation varies from 211 m to 218 m above means sea level (msl) with gentle slope towards SE direction of the site. The topographical map of the study area (10 km) is shown in Figure below and eco-sensitive areas near the project site.

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Serial No. Latitude Longitude A 28°48'10.78"N 77°5'53.79"E B 28°48'13.37"N 77°6'3.38"E C 28°48'24.55"N 77°5'59.48"E D 28°48'24.78"N 77°5'54.03"E
Table 24 Site Co-ordinates Table Source 24 Author Figure 40 Topography Map Source: 40 : Topographic


The existing land use pattern of the site E-waste Management Eco-Park Facility located at Narela Industrial Area. Yamuna Western Branch Canal 0.6 Km in W Direction, Yamuna Western Canal is located at 0.6 km in S direction, CRPF Camp is located at 3.2 km in W direction, Air Force Station Ghoga is located at 4.3 km in W direction, Sultanpur RF located at 7 km in SW direction, State Boundary- Haryana located at 6.2 km in NW direction, Marmurpur PF is located at 5.9 km in NE direction. There are no National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries within the study area of the project.

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Figure 41 5KM Radius Toposheet Source: 41 Open Series Map


There is no existing infrastructure in the land allocated for proposed project. Required infrastructure like roads, industrial sheds, buildings, drainage, storm water drains etc. will be developed after obtaining necessary approvals.


Physiography oftheproject area within10km radius consists of alluvium soil extendinginto the Yamuna flood Plain. Majority of the areas is covered by fine to coarse loamy soils with different levels of moisture retention capacity. The soils of the project area are mostly light with subordinate amount of medium texture soils. The light texture soils are represented by sandy, loamy, sand and sandy loam; whereas medium texture soils are represented by loam silty loam

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Figure 42 Eco-Sensitive Zones Near Site Source: 42 SOI Toposheet


The climatological data for the proposed project is acquired from secondary source (IMD, Delhi) which is presented in following Table


Schools, colleges, hospitals & healthcare centers, shops & bazaars, community centers, etc. are all available in nearby villages and towns.

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New Delhi Palam (A), Lat: 280 34’ N & Lon: 770 07’ E, MSL 233 m Month Temperature 0C Humidity % Rainfall Mean Wind speed kmph Pre dominant direction Mean Min Mean Max Highest Lowest 8.30 Hrs 17.30 Hrs Monthly mm No of rainy days 1st 2nd Jan 7.3 20.4 26.8 3.6 86 53 18.4 1.4 5.1 W NW Feb 10.2 24.1 29.4 5.7 79 44 20 1.7 6 W NW Mar 15.1 29.9 36 9.3 66 34 13.2 1.4 6.9 W NW Apr 21.4 37.1 42.5 15.1 45 23 9.1 1 7.6 W NW May 26 40.3 45 20.4 44 26 37.7 2.6 8.1 W NW Jun 27.7 39.9 44.9 22.1 56 40 82.1 4 8.4 W NW Jul 27 35.9 40.8 23.5 75 61 174.4 8.6 7 E W Aug 26.2 34.4 38.3 23.2 79 66 188.7 8.3 6.1 W E Sep 24.7 34.7 38.2 21.3 74 56 106.3 4.6 5.9 W NW Oct 19.5 33.4 36.7 14.9 65 41 13.7 0.9 4.4 NW W Nov 13.6 28.5 32.7 8.8 68 42 6.1 0.5 3.7 W NW Dec 8.8 22.8 27 4.6 80 52 6.9 0.7 4 W NW
Table 25 Climatology Data of Delhi Table Source 25 Source: GOI, Ministry of Earth Sciences, IMD, Climatological Tables - 1981-2010

Site constitutes Sandy Soil, so no extra efforts will be needed while laying foundations.

railway line will create problem while construction.

Un-built Land

Proper Buffering will be required on site as it is adjacent to the Holambi Kalan Village

After the construction of UER II Highway, Site will be easily accessible from NH44. As the Siteis nearby theHolambi Kalan Railway station so it will be easy to import or export the goods.

Railway Line crossing adjacent will need sound insulation. Site is only accessible from one side only.

Water Stagnation Near Railway Line

Vegetation on Site

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Const. of UER-II 6-Lane Highway Holambi Kalan Railway Station 4 Track Railway Line Running Adjacent to Site Figure 43 Site Photograph Source: 43 Author



(i) Capacity:

Integrated E-waste Recycling Plant: 20 tons / Shift, Circuit Boards processing: 2 ton/ shift

(ii) Required Land Area: 40000 Sq m (~ 10 Acres)

(iii) Built up area (Shed non Asbestos roof )20000 Sq m


A. Full-fledged facility (Rs. In Lacs)

a. Materials Handling Systems: 120

Total: Rs.43.9 Cr. ~ Rs.44Cr

(***Land cost, applicable taxes, excise duty, customs duty, Entry tax is not included)

Training, Skill development for Operator: Rs.4Cr

Technology Transfer / Consultancy: Rs.10 Cr.

Total Cost: (Rs.44Cr + Rs. 4Cr.+ Rs. 10) x 10 = Rs. 580Cr

Employment Potential: Direct 600 / shift, Indirect 1800

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Metals Recycling
Batteries Treatment and Storage: 400
Hazardous Waste storage
Training, Skill Dev.,
Plastic Processing
b. Dismantling Shop: 70 c. Mechanical Shop: 1000 d.
Pollution/ Safety/ Office equipment: 200 e.
Maintenance Equipments:
Table 26 Cost Evaluation Table Source 26 MEITY


Figure 44 Proposed Typica Design of 29 Eco-Parks By MEITY


- a., b. and d. to be sold to smelter based on their market value - c. and e. would be processed

Table 27 Materials recovered from Desktop, laptop, refrigerator, TV, Washing machine etc Table Source 27 MEITY

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E-waste mixture 70MT a) Ferrous (iron & steel) : 27.60 MT b) Nonferrous ( Cu, Al, Pb, Sn etc) : 20.40 MT c) Plastics: 16.00 MT d) Glass: 4.00 MT e) PCB: 2.00 MT



b) Copper :



f) Carbon:

g) Electrolyte:

h) Steel, Nickel, others: 1.44 MT - a., b. c. d. e and h would be recovered

Table 28 Materials recovered from mobile, laptop, tubular batteries etc.

Table Source 28 MEITY

* Other Materials to be processed

•All types of wires/connectors

•CFL/Fluorescent Tube

•Rare earth materials from Phosphors(Yttrium, Europium etc.)

•Rare earth materials from Neodymium(Nd) from Hard disk.

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3.00 MT
2.00 MT
3.60 MT
c) Cobalt:

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S.No. LandUse Standard Area(m2) Percentage 1 Industrial 52%(44,191 M2) Zone1 InputMaterialUnit 2337 5.29% ITEWStorage(2400MTper Annum) 4500 10.18% CEEWStorage(2000MT perAnnum) 6600 14.94% Zone2(1Mt:300m2) ITEWMulti-Dismantling Unit(9MT/Day) 2700 6.11% CEEWMultiple SegregationUnit(7MT/Day) 2100 4.75% Zone3(1MT:500m2) PlasticRecycling(63%~10 MT/Day) 5000 11.31% PCBRecycling(12%~1 MT/Day) 500 1.13% GlassRecyling(4%~1 Mt/Day) 500 1.13% MetalRecycling(25%~ 4Mt/Day) 2000 4.53% Zone4 ManufacturingUnit 4200 9.50% OutputMaterialStorage 8214 18.59% Zone5(1MT:150m2) WEEERefurbishment Workshop(12T/Day) 1800 4.07% *ChemicalStorageArea 1870 4.23% *DispatchStorageArea 1870 4.23% 2 Commercial 2%(1700m2) ShoppingCentre(4000 People) 500 30% RetailShops 1200 70% 2 Recreational 20%(16,996 m2) Park 12,406 73% SeminarHall 1530 9% VisitorCentre 1530 9%


B.Arch. Xth Semester Thesis | March -July 2022 Page | 78 ResearchDevelopment Centre 1530 9% 3 Facilities 8%(6798m2) Administration 1359 20% WaterSupply 679 10% ETP 679 10% PowerUnit 679 10% InformationCentre 1359 20% TrainingHall 679 10% TrainingLabs 679 10% MedicalUnit 679 10% 4 Transportation 18%(15,297m2) Parking,Road 15,297 100% Total 84984
Table 29 Land-Use Break
S. No. Electronic&EquipmentCode StandardArea m2/Tonne MetricTonne Area(m2) 1 ITEW1toITEW6 4(2x2) 200MT 800 2 Monitors(CRT) 5(2.24x2.24) 200MT 1000 3 ITEW7toITEW10 5(2.24x2.24) 200MT 1000 4 ITEW11toITEW14 3(1.73X1.73) 200MT 600 5 ITEW15 1(1X1) 200MT 200 6 ITEW16 3(1.73X1.73) 200MT 600 6 1200x2: 2400MT* 4200 7 CEEW1 6.5(2.5X2.5) 200MT 1300 8 CEEW2 10(3.16X3.16) 200MT 2000 9 CEEW3 7.5(2.7X2.7) 200MT 1500 10 CEEW4 6(2.4X2.4) 200MT 1200 11 CEEW5 1(1X1) 200MT 200 1000x2: 2000MT* 6200
Table Source 29 Author
Table Source
Table 30 Capacity Handling Calculation


• Informal e-waste recycling in delhi -

• narela to get india’s 1st e-waste park | latest news delhi - hindustan times

• delhi moves to regulate casual e-waste handling | latest news delhi - hindustan times

• electronic waste and india - meity

• e-waste in india - rajya sabha

• Electronic waste and india - meity

• E-waste management in india: challenges and opportunities

• Recycling of e-waste in india and its potential - down to earth

• Ewaste

• Around 78% of india's e-waste is not being collected or ...

• E-waste management in india - challenges and strategies

• e-waste management: as a challenge to public health in india

• e-waste management in india

• Industrial park definition - investopedia

• Industrial park - definition, understanding, and how it works?

• Eco-industrial parks | unido

• Industrial parks in india

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