Undergraduate Design Portfolio (2019-2022)

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I am studying in 4th year B.architecture from Pillai college of Architecture ,seeking for the position as an intern to engage and tackel with challenging work experience.

Throughout my academic year I have discovered that design is a collective effort to respond to both future as well as contemporary issues. I believe that people and context plays an important role in my design.Spatial experience and the interaction within spaces and people hold more value than the end product.I believe in hard work,dedication and have an eagerness to learn something new everyday.

My expectations from the internship would be to enhance practical understanding about the field and work with a team that is innovative and motivative towards achieving new possibilities.



Vasant Vihar High school


ShubhamRaje Junior College


Pillai College of Architecture (B.Arch)



Udaipur Architecture festival


Nirmal Toilet design competition


Sem 4 design shortilsted for Masa


Autorikshaw stand competition


Covid memorial competition


Rip,mix,Burn by Citylabs


Graphics head , Student Council 2021-22

EXHIBITIONS (Collaborative)


Revit (Beginner)

Timble sketchup

Rhino (Beginner)

Autodesk Autocad



Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Indesign

Microsoft Office







Auranagbad tour documentation | Pica


Talavs of Panvel | Pica



3D Modelling Rendering Graphics

Thinking Through Drawing | Kinesthetia

How to win Architecture Competition | Kaarwan


Fundamentals of Graphic Design | Calarts


Making Architecture | IE school of Architecture


Introduction to imagemaking | Calarts

2 3 |Curriculum vitae
4 5 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 01 01 05 03 07 02 06 04 08 09 02 03 04 07 05 06 08 09 CONTENTS Udyognagari Competitions Chitravasu Poster design City Center Illustrations Allied Design Hand Rendering Working Drawing 06-13 34-39 22-29 42-43 14-21 40-41 30-33 44-45 46-51 Small scale industry & Market 3 Competitions Museum Villa Shodhan case study Library & Cultural center Small scale industry House for a Fictional Charecter Invisible Cities Council work 2021-22



Typology : Industry + market

Location : Dharavi , Mumbai

Type: Individual

Guide : Swapna Ghadge

The project embodies two major fragments,the Cloth industry (small scale) and the market (retail + wholesale). The program is an effort to have a juxtaposition of these two aspects, the industry as an introvert and silent operating tool for the market which is an extrovert connecting to its immediate audience as consumers. The site is located in Dharavi which had an existing available framework for small scale industies.There was a need to improve the working conditions for workers as well as boost the circular economy of Dharavi.

6 7 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022
Indoor shopping experience which provides shade to the users Outdoor shopping experience with display area for items Buffer spaces in between the market to pause and view
SHOPPING OUTDOOR SHOPPING BUFFER SPACES Recreational spaces where users can relax after shopping Improved working conditions with proper light and ventilation Interactive graffiti wall in between the transitional spaces
SPACES WORK INTERACTIVE Software used : Sketchup,Illustrator,Photoshop
8 9 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 UDYOGNAGARI |
Diagram Public-Private relationship diagram Storage Reception Handicap Rugs Rugs Stairs Food Bucket Shop 30sqm Shop 25sqm washroom 25sqm Admin 250sqm Shop 15sqm Services Cloth Industry Packaging Staff area Storage Lift Handbag Sorting Meetings Washroom Clay pot Sewing Waiting Saree Recycling
10 11 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 UDYOGNAGARI |
Axonometric First floor plan Services Workshop area Market area
12 13 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 UDYOGNAGARI |
Perspective section





Typology : Library + Cultural

Location : Krushnale lake, Panvel

Type: Individual

Guide : Kavita Pradhan

This project embodies a multi-functional and multilayered public institution that would be accessed by anyone and everyone in the city of Panvel and will enhance the socio-cultural character of immediate surroundings, lake and the city. This project offer the society a common public platform for various socio-cultural activities and focuses on local communities as the main user,thus it respond to immediate urban context. Aim here is to To make the structure an integral part of the neighbourhood urban fabric and offer a distinct architectural identity at the same time..

14 15 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022
Twisting the Form such that it dosen’t disturbs the surrounding. Extuding by keeping in mind the massing and views it will provide. Incorporating greenery into the site to create built-unbuilt balance
Orientation of building to capture as much lake view as possible Software used : Sketchup,Illustrator,Photoshop Chowk/Katta as a public gathering space. Gathering/sitting area which is sunken into the ground.

One of the main concept of my design was to create a people oriented design .The centeral lane here acts as an active street where public interaction is promoted by including elements like seating or gathering areas like a chowk or katta.This lane is created along two linear buildings with twisted angles such that it creates narrow and large open spaces in the same street which are also shaded during most period of the day as the orientation of buildings around it is such that it blocks the harsh sunlight .The street changes it character from start to end, wherin it acts as a eating area with street food shops at its one end to a chowk/museum enterance area at other end.

16 17 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 CITY CENTER | LANE VIEW LIBRARY ENTERANCE VIEW BALCONY VIEW

I need parking issues to be resolved near this area to avoid traffic and noise.

I need some shade to rest as its gets very hot during afternoon.

I need a dedicated space to sell if possible as we are not allowed to occupy the road.

It would be nice if there is a gathering space created where can meet my friends.

18 19 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 CITY CENTER |

This section helps us to understand the connection of the structure with lake .Also other activities like visual connectivity of different floors and how natural light is brought into the library.

This section helps in understanding the use of central lane which acts as an active pathway.The grand staircase can also act as a congregation space which interests the passerby.

Connecting Indoor and Outdoor spaces


20 21 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 CITY CENTER |
SECTION CUTTING THROUGH LAKE SECTION CUTTING THROUGH URAN ROAD arrangement of form which creates eyes on street
Activating the lake edge as well as visual connection with lake Creating active streets around site to invite more people

Software used Sketchup,Illustrator,Photoshop,Twinmotion


Typology : Museum

Shortlisted for MASA

Location : Aurangabad

Type: Group Work

Guide : Tejashree Lakras

This project focuses on understanding of context and looks into form oriented design approach.The site is located in Aurangabad just few kilometer away from Daulatabad fort and lies besides a national highway which makes it an ideal location to attract tourists. Thus the proposal for an Museum in this location would not only attract tourists but also attempt to reflect the relevance of context architecturally and functionally and also provide a platform for addresing the temporal cultural aspects of the context.

Rock cut Architecture

Mughal Architecture

Hindu Architecture

22 23 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 All work displayed is done by the author

The user to experience the evolution of Aurangabad would have to go through the first timeline that was the Buddhist period. The concept for scultutre gallety was inspired from a cave.To create cave like feeling, undulations were created on roof and low ceiling height such that it mimics the proportion of caves.It was given a sense of visual connect with the surrounding by incorporating curtain walls.


24 25 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 CHITRAVASU |
Ground floor plan Section

The user then to experience the evolution of Aurangabad would have to go through the second timeline that was the Mughal period The concept for Painting gallety was inspired from Islamic architecture. Tudor arch shape was used to depict the essence of Islamic architecture.The proportion of this gallery was also the largest as compared to other gallery spaces to depict the large spaces that used to be seen in their architecture.


26 27 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 CHITRAVASU |
Ground floor plan Section

The user then to experience the evolution of Aurangabad would have to go through the third timeline that was the Maratha period The concept for Textile gallery was inspired from Hindu planning. Just like Garbha Griha the user have to follow the exhibition from the periphery first and later arrive at the center where a Audio visual room is situated to brief about rich history of Aurangabad.


28 29 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 CHITRAVASU |
Ground floor plan Section


Allied Design sem6

The aim of this project was to understand and analysize a fictional character and create a space for him.The fictional character here is Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang theory.After understanding his public and private space needs, zoning was done.As he is very much interested in star wars, an hypothetical idea of his home on martian land was envisoned.Here the Ground floor acts as a public space and the upper floors as his private cum work/rest spaces.

30 31 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022



32 33 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 ALLIED DESIGN |


Worry-li Koliwada

Worli Koliwada an urban Village in Mumbai where, one can see it’s dynamic and Resilient neighborhood with its Rich social and cultural life and at the same time observe Swift transformation of Mumbai’s towering expansion in its backdrop. However the future holds something else for this urban Village which is at risk of drowing in future, because of the rise in water levels and cutting of mangroves.The city would be forced to change its existing settlement pattern and adapt to its new floating dock pattern to be able to survive.

34 35 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION | Group work 05
City Labs Illustration competition


Autorikshaw stand

Pvp Coa,Pune competition

Panvel katta

Auto rickshaws stand out as quintessential iconic elements among the myriad vehicles on Indian streets. The idea behind this Rikshaw stand was to cater to the need of the stakeholders and blurring the boundaries.Situated in a busy neighborhood in Panvel this Rikshaw stand would help in changing the perception of Rikshaw drivers and create a sense of community. Emphasis on reused materials and creating a sense of blurred boundaries was the concept.The reused rikshaw parts not only make the design sustainable but also create an interesting interactive space.

36 37 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION | Group work


Pandemic Memorial Brick school of Architecture,Pune competition

The Lost

The Lost a 1KM pathway situated at Marine drive in Mumbai, engages the users with its pre covid memories when everything was normal and people used to visit Marine drive to watch the scenic view of Mumbai skyline and Peaceful sunset with their dear ones. The concept was to link the memories of people to their dear ones whom they lost during covid or to rethink of the unique time period of quarantine that everyone have to go through.Just as one gets lost in the memories while watching at the ocean, and to evoke those feelings again there would be statues placed throughout the pathway with different actions such that people can relate it with their dear ones. This will not only bring back their memories but also re cherish the time spend with them by sitting beside it and watching their name engraved on the memorial.

38 39 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION | Group work


Book : Invisible Cities Book Referance

Isaura, city of the thousand wells, is said to rise over a deep,subterranean lake. On all sides, wherever the inhabitants dig long vertical holes in the ground, they succeed in drawing up water, as far as the city extends, and no farther.Everything that moves in the sunlight is driven by the lapping wave enclosed beneath the rock’s calcareous sky.Consequently two forms of religion exist in Isaura. The city’s gods, according to some people, live in the depths, in the black lake that feeds the underground streams. According to others, the gods live in the buckets that rise, suspended from a cable, as they appear over the edge of the wells, in the revolving pulleys, in the windlasses of the norias, in the pump handles. in the blades of the windmills that draw the water up from the drillings, a city that moves entirely upward.


40 41 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 06
Living Room Squash Club Imaginary Living room


Poster Design


Being the Graphics head,my job here was to handle the social media page of our college.Above instagram feed is one of its example.My role in other posters was to guide my graphic team members.

42 43 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 All
displayed are done by the author
Graphic team 2021-22 work
Collaborative work
Head for 2021-22 Council
44 45 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022
Case Study of Villa Shodan
08 Hand Rendering SEM 2
Physical Model

Working Drawing

The purpose of working drawing is to convert the design data into construction information and to communicate the drawings through detailing.These dimensions and schedule data can be further understood to start constructing.The working drawings done here are for cloth recycling small cale industry(sem 5).Construction detail of toilet,staicase and facade have been worked out to understand the specifications.

46 47 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022
48 49 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 WORKING DRAWING |
50 51 | Architectural portfolio 2019-2022 WORKING DRAWING |
Staircase block section
+91 8424029965 smoghe93@gmail.com SHUBHAM MOGHE THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME

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