Sun Shuhong portfolio

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New Corvette Museum


SHUHONG SUN Email: Phone: 540-391-1518 Address: 621 Ellett Road, Blacksburg, VA 24060 Date of birth:


Apr.13 1992 Bachelor of Architecture: Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2010-2015 Master of Architecture: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2015-2017



Not only for drink tea


Luxury hotal is a complicated system


Wood life in New York City


New home for American icon sports car



Walking on the wall


Combine two of my favorite things


Participate in real projects



A good architect should be versatile


GuLou Tea House Design Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 2013 group work, 8 weeks Partner: Qian Shuchen, Shi Zhan Responsibilities: Idea for Comic Dialogue and Juggle, Modeling and Rendering Professor: Jin Qiuye Beijing, China







Hotel Design Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 2013 16 weeks Professor Yu Tianqi Beijing, China







CITY TIMBERLAND Mixed Use Design Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2016 8 weeks Professor Heinrich Schnoedt New York City, NY, United States


Building located in New York City, include apartment, market and Andy Warhol museum. It was designing for Timber in the City competition. Base on the requirement, I use timber rib structure for the public space like market and museum, and for the apartment, I use different concrete structure, with wood facade, Unify the style of whole building, but also use best structure for each part of building. there is no clear boundary between market and museum, because the museum can attract crowd from market, and more people would like to visit the museum. The apartment using a different traffic core, Stream of residents and visitor will not conflict.


Above: Museum Space

Crossing rib structure on the bottom and concrete structure on the apartment. Glass roof and giant garage door of the museum can be used as skylight, make sure people can step in shine regardless of the apartment or museum.


Below: Market Space

Market on the first floor, museum on the top of market. The core of traffic of the apartment pass through these two part, and also used as a booth of the museum, an attractive point of the market and the street. Whole building is based on a wood structure.

Market Floor Plan

Museum Floor Plan

Master Plan


Inspired By Garage Door The faรงade of museum and market consist of 50 foldable glass garage doors. These garage doors have different configuration base on the weather, switch the building from close space to open space.

Spring and Fall Configuration Spring and Fall maybe the best season of New York City, the weather is nice, the leaves grow out or change colors. these is no reason to stay in a building. So, all the glass garage door will be opened, the boundary between inside and outside of building will be blurred. The opened garage door can also use as a rain and sun screen.


Winter Configuration Due to the cold winter in New York City, All glass garage door will close, make sure maximize the utilization of heating system.

Summer Configuration Summer in New York City is fairly hot, but people in NYC still enjoy outdoor life, as a result, part of glass garage door will open, let people and some fresh air go though the building, at the same time, most of garage door will keep close and keep the temperature cool in the building.

Daylight Change







A courtyard on the roof top of the Warhol museum and market, living in the sky can not only have opulent sunshine, but also can help reduce noise from the noisy street, so people in apartment will have a quiet and brightness life. Even more, because it is a courtyard, each unit has their own yard in the sky, so playground won’t be a problem anymore.





Museum Design Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2016-2017 Thesis Professor Heinrich Schnoedt Los Angeles, CA, United States


INTRODUCTION: In past 65 years, Corvette always considered the icon of American sports car. These years, with the development of new generation Corvette, the America’s most famous sports car is looking to break out of its home country and onto the world stage. However, compare to its European competitor, like Porsche and Ferrari, Corvette still a niche brand. As a former Corvette owner, I hope more people could get the feel of the Corvette. And as a student of architecture, I think the best way to do this is designing a new Corvette Museum.

The location of the the National Corvette Museum is distant, for most tourist, Bowling Green Kentucky won’t be one of their destination. So after considering, I choose a new location for the new corvette museum - Los Angles, California, one of the most famous place in America, also one of the best place to enjoy a Corvette.

Old National Corvette Museum


HOW TO PRESENTING CORVETTE Normal car museum only display car for visitors, the only way to see cars is purchase a ticket then going inside, people on the street won’t know what’s inside. And won’t feel the charm of the cars. My idea is to make a car wall face to street and beach, so people from sidewalk and beach can also experience it. The curve wall is based on the view from sidewalk, people on the sidewalk can see the profile of each car, which is impossible on regular building.


NO COLUMN STRUCTURE SYSTEM To support the curve wall and maximum the effective space, I design a triangle steel truss system as main structure, then use steel cable hang all the floor and stairs on the main truss system. Three concrete traffic cores though the back of the building, contact with floor to prevent floor swing. A cable truss supports the glass faรงade that enclose the entire building. as a result, there is no column in interior.

Floor frame and cable

Triangle steel truss and traffice core

Floor and stair

Cable truss glass envelop enclosure


The interior design of the museum is all about memory. On February 12, 2014, a sinkhole opened under the floor of the Skydome area of the National Corvette Museum, causing serious damage to some of the Corvettes. When I design the new museum, I learned from Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, using different floor as ramp continuing around the building. The center of the building is atrium, and hang some corvette which damaged in 2014 accident, in memory of the disaster. And when people walk through the ramp, they also walk through the history of the Corvette.



Wood Tower Design Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2016 2 weeks Professor Heinrich Schnoedt Blacksburg, VA, United States

This building located in Blacksburg Golf Course, one of highest point of blacksburg. The building should be tall enough to observation the whole Blacksburg. I try to build a wall but not a typical tower, the stairs and path around the wall, and forsightseer is walking through the wall and see different view in different height. Each observation wall is 60feet high and 25feet wide. The wall itself is consist of a lot of beam, and the gap between beams can be used to peek scenery when walking behind the wall.

Design Progress

Design start from a straight tall wall, but a straight wall can’t stand stable, so fold it to make stable. in order to let people stand on the top of the wall, the structure need to stronger, so decided to use post and double beam wall as basic structure. Considering of wind force of the height, make some holes on the wall, so people can go through the wall and reduce pressure of the wind.



Joint Disassemble The whole building looks like a big wall, but actually the wall is made from lots of beam, and some of the gap between two beam. There is a bracket system to support the this huge beam wall, and the joint is inspired by Chinese wood joint, so whole system don’t need any metal or bolt.


Mixed Use Design Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2015 8 weeks Professor Heinrich Schnoedt Roanoke, VA, United States


View of the building from I-581

Project Summary The project is located in Downtown Roanoke, the site is a parking lot now, but we are going to build some mixed-use building or library. For me, I choose to design a building which combine parking, presenting cars and library. As a car guy, I found there are so many classic cars at the first time I came to Roanoke, also some cruise-in and car show. This is one


of highlight of Roanoke, but if the weather is not good, there is no cruise-in or car show, so my idea is why not build something classic car owners can have car show at any time? Also the city need a new library, so I try to combine these two uncorrelated things together. I also inspired by the matchbox toy cars and cool car poster, everyone has these in their childhood, and I want build a building not only presenting cars, but also recollect wonderful memory of childhood.

Urban Strategy

Roanoke known as the city of star, so why not make another star in the downtown?

Roanoke is famous of freight transportation, however with the depressing of the freight railway, Roanoke Losing their glory, the downtown looks Lacking vitality and old-fashion. So, how to make urban revitalized is the project for me. The project should not only presenting cars or used as a library, but also can be a new icon of Roanoke, especially when people first came on I-581. Also,

The site is just a parking lot now, and when I drive in, I found the route is mess, and the building around is also not looking good, so I decided to totally build a new building and almost no relationship with the exist buildings. Maybe the only relation is the edge of top floor is following the boundary of site.

There is always some cool car poster on the wall of kid’s bedroom, and every kid like to presenting their Matchbox. So, how about combine these to a building?

Master Plan 1:1000

Why looks like this? The buildings in downtown Roanoke is lacking vitality and old-fashion, so my idea is to revitalized this “old” city. As I mentioned before, shining classic cars is a highlight of the city, so my building is mainly design for cars. But how to presenting cars? I choose the way every one familiar; the matchbox toy car display style. I put a lot of glass box around the building and we can park cars in the box, just like the way we put matchbox in

the display box. And the main façade is the east façade, because the first impression of Roanoke is always on I-581. So people from I-581 should saw a unique and beautiful face of building, just like the Taubman Museum of Art. So I drawing inspiration from the car posters, like the 911 poster on the left page, image replace these 911 to C1C7 Corvette, it should be impressive, so I offset each floor, and got a tilt façade. Actually, this is not only good for presenting cars, but also echoing the site.

Also the inside of the building is a library, there is no first or second floor of the building, because a big coil ramp is the floor of library, also echoing the surrounding parking lot, make the whole building look like a double coil ramp glass box. Make this “old” city resilient dynamism.


The plan

FIrst Floor Plan 1:1000

Second Floor Plan 1:1000

Because the building itself is two big coil ramp, so there is almost no concept of level. The floor plan is based on the flat parking level. Also this flat parking floor is the connection of the parking and library. People can park their car on the nearest level and then walk into library. there is two coil ramp of the building, outer ramp for cars, and inner ramp for people, the inner ramp is used as main vertical transportation, because if people enter the building from ground, the process of the stairs is not just climb, but like a tour of the whole building. Because the library should be a good place for relaxing, not only for study, maybe people can found some unexpected surprises when he walking on the ramp. Cars is parking at the inner side of the floor, so it looks like surrounding the library. because this, the car parked in parking lot is not only a vehicle, but also a scene, especially a scene from the library. So, the parking space is divide into two areas. The inner area is more like a normal parking lot, and presenting cars for people in library. The outer area, which is the glass box is for people outside the building, maybe on I-581, maybe on other office building, maybe on the ground. But they can see what cars parking in the building, the parking can be a kind of art, maybe there is a 68 Mustang Fastback parking alone with a 68 Charger, which bring to mind of the famous car chase in the movie Bullitt.

Third Floor Plan 1:1000


Fourth Floor Plan 1:1000

The function The whole building looks like just for parking and library, but in the different height there are different function, in the lower level there are some shops on the inner ramp, also on the ground, because there are many function can be combine with library. For example, the post office. There may have some beautiful postcard about the city and library itself, also the post office can open for the residence in the city. Laundry room. Sound totally no relationship with library, but waiting in the laundry room is boring, so why not go to library and read some interesting books? Fifth Floor Plan 1:1000

Sixth Floor Plan 1:1000

Pet care center. Most people like pets, maybe on Sunday, they want to enjoy some relax time in the library, and they want to go with their dogs. But dogs should not enter the library, so how about leave dogs in the pet care center, give your pet a shearing. Bookstore. People may found some interesting book and just want to keep it, so a bookstore is really necessary, there also may have some souvenir about the library. Then is the middle height of the building, is the core library, people can sit in the big step or working on their laptop on the desk. On the top is the cafĂŠ bar of the building, people can be sitting at there, watch cars around them in the top level, enjoy sunshine, have some delicious dessert, and talking about cars for a whole afternoon. And the top level of parking lot can be used as a stage for car show or other partys.

Seventh Floor Plan 1:1000

Eighth Floor Plan 1:1000


Books and Cars What the feel of combine library and cars? In the library, the book case is a part of faรงade of the inner building, normally, books in the book case is not full, so there is some interspace in the bookcase and people can see the parking lot, also, they can see the cars on the parking lot, maybe only a part of the car, but one part of the car also can be a view. Or maybe they can guess what car it is. If people find some book they like, they can sit at the big step and just read it, or they can sit at the desk, open their laptop, working for their project, or just looking for more information. Maybe someone is reading a book called: THE ART OF THE MUSCLE CAR, and he find the radio in corvette is vertical, and he look around, find a 68 corvette parking in the parking lot, and he may go to check the car, and he may find more information outside of books.


East Facade


More than a cube The building itself looks like a cube, but it is more than a cube. From the section, we can see the edge next to the library is not vertical, but a slope. And just because this, there is more sunshine came in the whole building, and there is a new view of watch cars in the library, because people can see every car’s front end, and also make the space looks much bigger. Inside the library, the edge of ramp is also irregular and shrink at high level. Have a similar feeling of parking lot. More sunlight and make people feel spacious, and irregular edge make the inside of library much more interesting.





In addition to being an architecture student, I am also good at painting and photography. Here are some of my works, include my 1972 Oldsmobile. Most of them is about cars, just like some of my architecture design, because the love of automobile remained throughout my life. I also use photoshop to design or redesign some cars, this is one of my redesign car, It was a Chinese 4 door luxury sedan and I redesign as a fullsize 8-passager station wagon.


Shuhong Sun Email: Phone: 540-391-1518 Address: 621 Ellett Road, Blacksburg, VA 24060

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