JOURNAL PART B Studio Air, 2016 Semester 1
Shujun Han (Bunny) 668383 Tutorial 12, Tutor Chen
B.1. Research Field
Precedent study: Serpentine Pavilion 2013 (Architect: Sou Fujimoto)1 Serpentine pavilion 2013 is an extraordinary design that realized the structure design. It is a challenge for comtemporary architecture and engineering to mask the complexity behinde the simple grid design. The grid structure is three-dimensional, density and frame are various in different parts of the grids to satisfy needs. Material for structure is white lattice of steel poles. Circles of transparent polycarbonate are placed on the grids to create shelter. I think it is a useful precedent because it is an successful example that build a close relationship with nature. Although the artificial grid itself seems to be sharp, the whole atmosphere created by this structure is more likely to be trees or clouds, which is very soft and beautiful. This is a pavilion that provides natural light and inspired by organic structure, those points can strongly support my design proposal.
Precedent study: Volvo V60 Pavilion (Architect: Synthesis Design + Architecture)1 This design won the competition of Pure Volvo, it is a rapidly deployable pavilion that expresses strong and creative identity. Design is based on the continous organic surface with integrated photovoltaic panels tensioned over carbon fiber rods. Rods are bending into the curvy forms. This design is extraordinary for its curvature,all the elements follow the curvy forms, the appearance is very free and organic. I would like explore the organic curvy surface in my design, it is a good starting point. It breaks the normal geometric shape and looks very elegant and unique. Due to its specific materiality, it tends to be very fluent and modern. Materiality can change the whole experience, i will test different materials to find suitable approach.
1 SCIA, Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013 - London, United Kingdom. <>, [accessed 6 April, 2016]
1 Levent Ozler, Synthesis Design + Architecture Designs Pavilion for Volvoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s New Hybrid Electric. <http://www.dexigner. com/news/26741>, [accessed 12 April, 2016]
Precedent study: Proposal for Amazon Biodome Seattle (Architect: NBBJ)1
Precedent study: Times Eureka Pavilion (Architect: Nex Architecture)1
This is one design proposal for Amazon’s second phase of foot mega-campus. The most interesting item presented was three interconnected, asymmetrical steel and glass Catalan-sphere modules, shown in picture above. The 5 story spheres will enclose an atrium with lavish landscaping and other function rooms. The figure indicates the relationship between the organic curves and polygon cell in the sphere external surface. Due to the transparency of sphere, organic curves on the surfaces are very attractive. I will explore the organic curves projecting on geometric shape to increase the complexity and engagement. This will bring fresh experience.
Nex Architecture won the competition of design for Times Eureka Pavilion. This is a pavilion that creates the balance between landscape and architecture. It looks at the cellular structure of plants and processes of growth to inform the design’s development. The primary structure is timber for main polygon panels that are used to form the basic shape and supporting structure of the pavilion. Then secondary timber cassettes hold recycled plastic ‘cells’. The embedd structure and substructure follow the ‘bio-mimicry’ of leaf and branch. Moreover, the hollow frame provide unique views to look outside. The structure and visual experience can be utilised in my design to build relationship with nature. Particularly the substruture is very organic, it explores the bio-mimicry of leaf, which is very interesting.
1 Georgia Globe Design News, New Mega HQ: Apple, Amazon, Google & Facebook. < >, [accessed 10 April, 2016]
1 Archidaily, Times Eureka Pavilion / Nex Architecture.< >, [accessed 10 April, 2016]
B.2. Case Study 1.0
Specie 1: DIstribution - test the different ways of combination including moving, rotating and scaling. This process is to explore the complexity of basic shape.
Specie 2: Fractals - Use pyramid to build different fractals by cluster multiple times. Subtraction can sometimes bring unique experience.
Specie 3: Structure - Build boundary structure of polygons, bezier span curves add organic elements to the geometric structure, the complexity is increased by arranging geometries.
Specie 4: Geomtery - The basic geometry is put into kangaroo to create ramdon shapes by controlling the anchor points and force object.
Specie 5: Restructure - Source from previous iteration, the ramdon shape are restructured from surfaces to pipe structure, there are both geometric and organic structures.
B.2. Case Study 1.0
Aranda Lasch - The Morning Line1 SELECTION CRITERIA Potential in structure complexity and different materiality are explored in the case study 1. Organic structure is the main topic for developing.
This iteration is the fractal version of a polygon trimmed from pyramid. Use cluster commands for three times to build a structure like this. Polygon inside is not restricted to size, combination of big and small polygons provides space for people to climb, jump or have a sit. It tends to be a more solid structure, timber will be a good choice for the material. It enhances the solidity and forms a balanced mixture with natural environment.
The original form of this is combination of different sizes of polygon through moving, rotating, scaling. It is a complex structure after adding random curves to the surfaces of polygons. At the end, polygon structure and curves projected on the surface are combined to run pipe command. The radius of the pipe is carefully considered to follow the function. Basically it is a structure for climbing. The small polygons on the ground are ensured to bear loads, and polygons above should leave space for people to catch. There will be natural light inside the structure because the material will be semi-transparent lattice.
This is an organic structure resulted from kangaroo, the original version is very geometric. However, through controlling anchor points and the force object, randomly forms this shape. It combines a lot of surfaces intersecting together, the bottom can be inserted into ground to be stable. The above can be shelter for people to have a rest during walk or bicyling. Materials can be metal sheets for those surfaces.
DESIGN POTENTIAL Use architectural language to create space for having fun. Explore unique possibilities rather than provide open space or set a normal pavilion. Different kinds of organic structures can provide potential for develop different functions.
1 Jakob Polacsek, The Morning Line Istanbul. <>, [accessed 9 April, 2016]
After test in kangaroo, the shape becoms very organic, with pipe structure, the frame looks very free, moreover, the shape is more interesting than geometric one, it provides more possibilities than a simple pavilion, people can sit on different curving parts after climbing. Because it is very organic, the function is not designed, but given based on the shape itself. I think it is a differnet type of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;function follows formâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, because the form can be easily change by kangaroo, this is one of the successful test that can be turned into reality.
B.3. Case Study 2.0
Step 1: Start with setting two curves as bouundaries. Shapes of curves follow diagram of ZA11 Pavilion. Streching for entrance is considered.
Step 2: Use â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Loftâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; command to build a surface base on curves given.
CLJO2 - ZA11 pavilion1 This is a flexible and comfortable space that can be utilised to hold different social events. Geometric shape evolved from curving surface.
Step 3: This step is to add hexagon cells on the surface. Number of cells are controlled by u,v divisions.
Step 4: Now based on the cells, explode the curve to capture edge points, each point is extruded towards centre of the surface and an amplitude is given.
Step 5: Use boundary curves to build boundary surface. 1 ThinkParametric, CLJ02: ZA11 PAVILION, < >, [accessed 15 April, 2016]
B.3. Case Study 2.0
B.4. Technique: Development
Reverse Engineer Process
ZA11 Pavilion structure processing diagram
Figure: ZA11 Pavilion design process1
Similariteis and difference between reverse engineering and original ZA11 Pavilion: Apparently there is difference between the original shape and reverse engineering. But the structure created is similar. The size of cells are not exactly the same, that is because of the lofted surfaces are different. However, the entry position are similar in reverse engineering. 1 ThinkParametric, CLJ02: ZA11 PAVILION
Specie 1: Curve
All the shape is based on original curves. Those iterations are generated by increasing number of curves, editing points on curves, scaling and rotating curves. This process is to explore the complexity of curves and developing potential of the basic shape.
B.4. Technique: Development
Specie 2: Panel
The design will focus on the lighting effects, this process is to test different panels with different densities, this will also influence the general appearance. Types of panels including hexagon, diamond, triangle, quadrangle, skewed quadrangle etc.
Specie 3: Pattern
This process is to randomly do some subtraction by culling pattern, parameters are important in controlling the entire shape. Culling pattern breaks the continourity and bring new experience. This also provides possibilities to create different entrances to this space as the gaps are randomly generated.
B.4. Technique: Development
Specie 4: Boundary Surface
Some interesting shapes selected from previous iterations are set as base for testing different boundary surfaces. Different kinds of boundary surfaces can generate different light effects. Boundary surfaces are all the same to those pieces, the size is based on the original one.
Specie 5: Redistribution
This species includes subtraction and addition. Use subtracting parts to redistrubute to the main part. DIfferent types of recombination is tested here, the basic rule is mobilitiy between different parts. The path needs to create fresh expereience. Scaling and rotating to subtracting parts also helps.
B.4. Technique: Development
SELECTION CRITERIA Explore the complexity of geometry from different approaches This iteration is boundary surface changed based on panels. This panel is triangle and have significate impacts on the entire apperance. After testing, this panel can create beautiful lighting effects. It looks better than other panels. When changing the u,v divisions, the reaction of this shape is positive. As a pavilion, this design would be a great geometry which provides a base for later iterations. This iteration is also formed by triangle panels on the original surface. After creating boundary surfaces, the shades looks beautiful. The other interesting point is pattern created, it leaves 2 entrances, as the gaps are ramdonly selected, the experience will not be equal to normal one, it is not usual entrance, it looks that there is block in entrance, but people can get into space, just like a secrete space as it is surrounded by hollow surface. This is the redistribution of previous iterations to create a larger space. Compared to single part, the interesting point of combination of multiple parts is that mobilities between difference will give an unique experience. The circulation will be the most significant factor, it can increases the engagement of users. The whole combination of hollow surfaces will provide sense of secret and insecurity. Moreover, the experience can be controlled by adjusting a lot of factors like the number of parts, size of boundary factors, density etc.
Specie 6: Restructure
The final process is to restructure this frame. Basially previous iterations are all set of surfaces. This processes focuses more on the boundaries. They are explored again. They are restructured though piping, To increase the complexity, bezier span curves make them look more organic and softer.
I think it is an successful combination of geometric shape and organic elements. After restructuring, bezier span curves projecting on the surface increase the complexity of design. In addition, the light effects will be different from that created by normal boundary surfaces. A bit similar to one of the precedent studies, serpentine pavilion 2013, they both looks very soft and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;cloud-likeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, but the difference is that this design has both geometric grids and organic curves. The experience will be unique.
B.5. Technique: PROTOTYPES
Material : Ivory card, 290gsm
Effects: Ivory card is relatively thin, but it is highly elastic, it can realises different types of curvature. Although the bearing capacity is not enough, in the test process three strips are combinated together to increase bearing capacity. If combined, the capacity will be roughly equal to that of boxboard.
Material: Boxboard, 1.8mm
Process: Same to previous one, multiple strips are cutted first. For those three strips to combine, they are just put together and then use bolts to combine as normal, no specific approach is used here. It causes negative effects later.
Effects: In test process, it is found that boxboard has certain tortuosity but it is not highly elastic, after bending, the curvature shape will not change even under pressure , it can help stablize the structure and realize function of sitting etc.
Performance assessment: There is a significant failure part that is curvature shape, because the material itself is too elastic, it can be bended to desired shape, compare between the two shapes, they are different in curvature.
Part of bezier span curves projecting on the polygon surface is selected for materialisation. In fabrication process, curves are turned into strips to increase stability. Selection criteria for material is elasticity, tortuosity, bearing capacity, stability.
Process: Firstly, strips are cutted and drilled holes are leaved for joints. The joints are M5 bolts. For stability, two bolts are used in one side to combine two strips. The drill point is not absolutely at the end, the position is tested because it will have certain impact on stability. The bolts prevents the structure from collapsing. Performance assessment: Because of the specific charateristic of boxboard, surface cracks appear during the bending process, it has damage to visual effects to some extent. In the intersection part, they are not perpendicular, and laser cut cannot cut angles for intersection, the gap is calculated to fit, but in actual test, it will slightly change the shape. Thus the intersection should
In all, the boxboard will be more successful considering all the criteria. In the actual materialisation, timber will be a good choice as they have certain elasticity and are also relatively stable in structure characteristic, therefore, the curvature shape can be realised and stabilised.
B.6. Technique: Proposal
Perspective views
This design is selected due to the specific bond structure. It looks very organic and branches-like. The appearance helps build a close relationship between nature and design. The technique is based on the organic curves. However, to stablise the structure and increase load bearing capacity, width is given to make thin strips instead of pipes like showing in prototype part. There are more to consider in later fabrication, such as how to fit the strips to polygon structure, the connection between polygon boundaries and strips on the surface Another type of joint may be required. The most important point to consider is that then it shifts from bond structure, how to make it looks soft and also stable in structure, maybe external tension can help.
Design Proposal: Based on the geometric structure, to explore the organic complexitiy that can be fitted in the design. This design will be placed in waterfront area with trees around and is used to create a balance between nature and design. The function will be a space for people to have fun and provide unique organic experience. Size is pavilion size, people can sit, wallk around, lie, clime. The bond structure with timber as material, it will be very organic, looks like tree branches.
B.7. Learning Objectives and Outcomes
I have learnt a lot from the processo of exploring and design. Different from other studios, air focuses on computation. Computation plays a significant role in design. It develops a lot of possbilties, sometimes ‘random’ can be part of ‘logic’. I use grasshopper to generate random results and then set them as inputs to iterate again and again. This process itself is about developing, exploring, restructuring, redistribution. Through parametric modelling, creativity and complexity can be easily explored. In this process, design thinking becomes mature, it gives a lot of inspiration for me to develop design proposal. Computational techniques provides foundation for design.
The most impressive point is that modification in parametric modelling is easy because all the data are manipulated well, since one branch changes, the outcome will also be modified. Compare to previous design, you need to organise and change by yourseld step by step. Computation saves time and effort. The other impressive part is fabrication, when we turns the digital model to physical one, we start to consider the structure, the joints to ensure the stability and also the materiality. In this process a lot of challenges occur, which forces us to change the design to make it feasible and suitable. I enjoy this process because everything we do is make it perfect.
B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches
B.9. References Archidaily, Times Eureka Pavilion / Nex Architecture (2011) <http://www.archdaily. com/142509/times-eureka-pavilion-nex-architecture >, [accessed 10 April, 2016] Georgia Globe Design News, New Mega HQ: Apple, Amazon, Google & Facebook (2013) < zon-google-facebook/ >, [accessed 10 April, 2016] Ozler, L. Synthesis Design + Architecture Designs Pavilion for Volvoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s New Hybrid Electric (2013) <>, [accessed 12 April, 2016] Polacsek, J. The Morning Line Istanbul (n.d.) <>, [accessed 9 April, 2016] SCIA, Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013 - London, United Kingdom (n.d.) <https://www.>, [accessed 6 April, 2016] ThinkParametric, CLJ02: ZA11 PAVILION (2016) < clj02-za11-pavilion/ >, [accessed 15 April, 2016]