M.Arch Studio D_Journal_Shirley Kwan

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LX assembled Shirley Kwan

Acknowledgement Advisor Laura Mรกrtires Master Planning Team Matthew Kek Nathania Widjanarko

Content 0.0 Introduction -- 009 1.0 Collage City and Imaginary City -- 013 2.0 Building Section with Maps -- 020 3.0 Collection of Components -- 023 4.0 Conceptual Drawing -- 027 5.0 Master Plan -- 031 5.1 Site Analysis -- 033 5.2 Master Plan V.1 -- 41 5.3 Master Plan V.2 -- 047 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3

Design Outcomes -- 053 Design Proposal 1 -- 055 Design Proposal 2 -- 065 Design Proposal 3 -- 075

7.0 Final Proposal: LX’s ONiON -- 089 7.1 Programs -- 093 7.2 Plans -- 099 7.3 Sections -- 109 7.4 Render Drawings -- 119 7.5 Environmental Sustainability Development -- 133 7.6 Final Presentation Panels -- 137 8.0 Reflection -- 143 9.0 Biography -- 145

0.0 Introduction LX assembled is a project that located in Lisbon on a site called “Campo das Cebolas” which means the “Field of Onion”. It is an archaeological site and half of the site is a reclaimed land. LX = Lisbon and also means 60. For the final design proposal of this project will have 60 programs. My project named “LX’s ONiON” is a new makers’ community hub. The use of assembled method of architectural fragments to design an architecture on a allocated site. The rich history of the site has contributed a lot to my design decision. This journal starts off with tasks that have been done in the early stage such as the study of Lisbon Map, collecting component from Lisbon and creating collage to express the concept. Afterwards will document all three proposals and the final proposal in a similar way to reveal the progress of the project.


1.0 Collage City and Imaginary City This section is about using the technique of formal analysis, deconstruction, collage and generative drawing to understand the map of Lisbon. The first part is to cut out a map with a portion of the city of Lisbon. Rearranging the pieces to form a new map. The second part is to join with a classmate’s map to create a new imaginary map.



Original map of Lisbon City

Rearranging the City

I rearranged the original map based on grouping the old and new buildings by differentiating with the roof colors. I assumed the one with red roof is the old where grey or flat roofs are new. Also I found that the planning of Lisbon is quite messy and with no focal point. Therefore, I rearranged the chapel facing a boulevard and the main road separated the two sides with only a corner of grey roofs. In my collage of the original map and the rearranged map are separated in layers of vertical lines representing the original map and dots representing the new map. They are both highlighting the geometries of the building blocks. 16

Collage City

Imaginary City

Nathania’s collage

For the imaginary map, I have linked with Nathania’s collage map, where she has a lot of large scale courtyard buildings. Therefore having smaller blocks on left and larger blocks on the right. As well as having the roads linked with hers.


2.0 Building Section with Maps This section is about tracing key geometries from my imaginary map and three from my other classmates and overlay them to generate geometry field then create a sectional drawing in order to re-design the urban fabric by joining parts of the Lisbon city together.



art works, installations


patterns, shading

pipes, floor slab

human body, tree trunk

roof, installation

strings, wires, human head



trees, art work

furniture, walls, windows

floor finishing

Imaginary City

door, elevator, floor patterns

wall finishing, installations

The section on the left page is a quirky museum created by using the geometries of my classmates Alice, Chong, Pascal and my imaginary map of Lisbon to form different part of the drawing. The diagram on top demonstrated the idea how I used the geometries and applied to section drawing. Through this exercise, we are having an opportunity to learn a new way of using geometries add with our own imagination to create something unexpected with some details to make it looks like a building. The technique we used here will help us to develop our section drawing in the later semester. 21

3.0 Collection of Components This section is to get familiar with Lisbon by building a visual index of sampled items remotely extracted from Lisbon. By collecting architectural elements that depict and characterize the site through different area of Lisbon. BALCONIES are what I have collected. At this stage we are assigned with groups of three. My group mates are Nathania and Matthew. Our group is looking into threshold as the main concept.


B_03 B_16


B_14 B_13 B_05







site 500M


B_04 B_10


Site and Location Map 24

















Balcony as an architectural element which provides a platform that allows one to navigate in relation to the threshold of the building envelop, while its type of construction determines the condition of the space. 25

4.0 Conceptual Drawing This section is using the idea of mnemonic mapping to create a drawing using the components that have collected for revealing the concept of the components.


My main idea of the project is derived from this drawing. Having layers of walls with balconies. Balconies are not just open to the external views but also open to internal space such as courtyard for an example. Having balconies internally create navigation from one space to another. Hoping to create a sense of curiosity to the visitors to reveal the layers of layers of space. This also helps me to organize my programs to think about what space can be outside and inside.



5.0 Master Plan This section is to introduce a master plan for the project site by considering a lot of analysis and research. This part continues as the same group to finish the task. There are two versions of master plan. The first one is done by the group at the initial stage. The second one is the final version which I have been revised through the design consideration. The initial research and analyses are still the same without large amendment. Firstly we look at the site condition and collecting images from Google map and did a site plan.


5.1 Site Analysis Although we are not in the current city of Lisbon, we can still based on Google map, Internet resources and information from Laura to be familiar to the site. In this section, site photos, site plan and site analysis will be introduced.


Site photos by dropping Google map man


rua d

os ba



rua da alfandega

r. do tuto

insti virg ilio m





r. ar




. in





n he


bus stop



site plan

street light tram rail




30m 35

Site Analysis

1. analyze existing grid grid influenced by natural landscape

2. establishing a grid establish grid base on typical block sizes 9-15m. 3x3 grid

3. establish active edge analysis of surrounding programs and public interface

4. map access and movement

5. creating pedestrian access and movement based on the pedestrian nodes, the site is split to weave with existing fabric and city grain. this creates permeability of the street scape and establish potential entries to site.

6. establishing vehicular access no vehicular access on west and south interface: government, military and large artery road north interface is established as pedestrian priority

pedestrian vehicular public transport


7. recreating a “fine grain” based on access nodes and permeability

8. public space connecting the ground floor with existing fabric to extend park by creating open plaza

9. acknowledging history reclaimed land and archaeological excavation of the remains of the walls of the Old Ribeira Pier

10. analysis of urban typologies regular typologies irregular typologies row housing, closed city blocks, u-shapped blocks, miradouros

We started with plan. I think the most interesting thing we explored was the acknowledging history of the site (9). Half of the site is a reclaimed land. The heavy history of the site gave me a great opportunity to design something related to the underground.­‑ 37

Height Analysis

+3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +4.0

Section west-east not to scale

+3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +4.0


We considered the height of the massing by analyzing the sunlight, views of people from different directions and surrounding buildings’ height. We do not want our building to block out surrounding neighbors’ views and sunlight.

+3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +4.0

+3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +3.5 +4.0

Section south - north not to scale

We also considering our building not to block out sunlight to the open space that we proposed and also to the opposite park.


5.2 Master Plan v.1 After a week of site analysis we combine the resources from plan and height analysis to obtain the first version of master plan. The massing process will also be shown in this section.


Massing Formation

34000 mm 112







7530 m2 779







1. parameters

2. maximize built volume

3. retain building edge of govt. building view from adjacent government building’s courtyard height = 34000mm

4. retain block scale stepping down height from west to east government building height = 21500mm

5. views to the site landmarks and adjacent buildings, ‘hiding ‘the military zone

6. views from the site continuity to sea, visual connection to the hills

215500 mm


7. maintain solar access to public realm summer shading and winter exposure

8. integrating with the urban fabric (recreating a “fine grain�) splitting the building based on access, movement, permeability and city grain

9. public space connecting the ground floor with existing fabric to extend park by creating open plaza

10. ventilation predominant wind direction from north west, does not largely affect the building at this proposed height

11. maintain solar access to open space summer shading and winter exposure

13. final massing v.1


Version 1 Massing Outcome

Ariel perspective south east approach

There are few comments form Laura about this master plan on the right. 1. The block is too big 2. The use of bus stop to derive with the access is too narrow and limited and not user friendly 3. The splits of the block only on the ground floor seems not too welcoming Based on the comments we have revised a second version.


Perspective from hill on North side

Street interface

rua d

os ba



rua da alfandega

r. do tuto

insti virg ilio m





r. ar




. in





n he


bus stop



master plan v.1

street light tram rail




30m 45

5.3 Master Plan v.2 Version 2 is the revised one which updating with design process. The final version of master plan started to reveal in proposal 3 onwards. Proposal 1 and 2 were still in a testing manner.


I have been focusing on few analysis that we did in a group to develop my massing and design. As I mentioned that I was interested in the rich history of the site. A lot more research were done. I found out that the site is actually called “Campos das Cebolas” which means “The Field of Onions”. Its named because of it is an archaeological site which symbolize there is layers of layers beneath ground to discover with history. By all means, I have pushed this symbolism further to have part of the building underground and also giving back the “water” to where it is originally. Other than that I kept the highest point of the building same as the government building on the west. 48

1. keep tram rail line & public space remain the tradition of tram in Lisbon and extend park

2. access point direct access from ferry terminal, train station and bus stops proposal 1

3. return the land realization of the history of this reclaimed land

4. landscaping the roof allow more natural light to different levels and allow access of roof proposal 3


bus stop

site plan

street light tram rail





This is the site plan with proposal 3 roof plan which was presented in the mid semester presentation. It has achieved the building blocks location and buildings height. Although the open space location has been set, the landscape has not been resolved at this stage. The final site plan can be seen under final proposal.


6.0 Design Outcomes This section will start looking at different versions of my design outcomes during the semester. Laura has been assigned two specific ways of designing our building in a quickest way. At last I have been developing one of them to the final design of the project. The first attempt is to sample a building through assembling components from what we have collected in the previous section. Therefore I have used my balconies and the idea of my collage of having balconies internally to come up with a design. The second attempt is to make use of aggregation and collage to develop a formal composition and an architectural envelop by diagrammatic system.


6.1 Design Proposal 1 Proposal 1 was to sample balconies in previous task in section3 of this journal to create a building that shows my idea of how balconies can have it externally and internally. Also a precedent of Lisbon/ Portuguese architect’s work were used for reference and used in this proposal. I will start off with the two precedents first and then the outcome of proposal 1.


New Judiciary Police Department Headquarters by Saraiva Associados

This precedent building is in Lisbon. It has the external facade and internal the same. It is hard to tell which is the outside or inside. The internal courtyard and atrium having three sided walls the same. It can be an inside but outside of the space. Its idea here is similar to what I want my balcony to be. Three sided walls facing a space seems expressive to the idea of inside and outside.


Archaeological Museum by João Luís Carrilho da Graça

The second precedent building is also located in Lisbon. This archaeological museum is situated on top of an archaeological site. It uses white concrete facade to give a modern feeling of the building and the construction method is very special. Since it is better to leave as little damage as possible to the site. The walls look floating by leaving a gap between the ground.


bus stop

site plan

street light tram rail 58





For proposal 1, the idea of having half of the building going underground and the above ground building will be exploring the idea of layers of walls to create more layers of spaces. I have been using a spiral like plan to achieve the idea. The inspiration was from Sou Fujimoto Musashino Art University Library of having spiral like plan.

ground floor plan




24m 59

The section shows also the construction method that I have referenced from. The balconies seem floating.


0 60




Also, created a internal courtyard with threes sided walls full with balconies, inspired by the New Judiciary Police Department Headquarters. This space becomes and inside and outside space.



Conclusion There are few potentials in this proposal. I prefer my design to be more straight forward to the site condition and analysis obtained. The rich history of the site enhanced the design intent and concept of the project. Key words - ‘underground’, ‘circulation’, ‘water’ and ‘layers’. I have remained these few key words to the final proposal. However there are also things to amend with this proposal 1. The location of underground building, the intersection of the two buildings, the plan organization to obtain the layering of space.


6.2 Design Proposal 2 Proposal 2 begins with speculating on an organizational diagram that can be deployed to structure the organization of my balcony components. In this proposal, I totally designed a new one exactly different from proposal 1 but still using balconies creating layers, spiral plan and one side of the building is underground and one above ground.





Deconstruction of a golden spiral



I have use the method of deconstruction of a golden spiral to develop my organization diagram of proposal 2. I was trying to draw out geometries from the spiral. A diagonal as wall , tangent as structure and the structure to draw out a square becomes floor.

Organization diagram The top one is the organization diagram. I have been combining the geometries created from the deconstruction of spiral to manipulate this diagram with floor structure and wall. Then, by repeating the diagram I found it can continuously spread out into more and more floor plates and space and potentially becomes a building.


bus stop

site plan

street light tram rail 68





The plan is started with considering the entrance. I have chosen the middle within the tram loop and placed the first digram with the largest floor plate as the green space and having a entrance ramp connected to next floor in the underground. There is a rule for the next group of the diagram. They only can overlap once to the next group and it has to be a smaller group. The rule allows to create these two buildings. The variation can make is the vertical height of the floors.

ground floor plan




24m 69



Balconies are still used in this proposal. The construction method is same as proposal 1 of floating walls. The variation of floors creating more carving to ground and levels. The intersection of the underground to the above ground is linked with a long stairs.


Section A-A





Section B-B







Conclusion Proposal 2 is a bit out of control while designing. The spiral diagram is giving quite a few problematic question to it, such as a lot of dead ends. The flow of circulation is not working well here. However there are still potential idea in this proposal. For example, having a ramp as the entrance to the under ground and using a route linking the two buildings. I have kept these two ideas onwards. To compare proposal 1 and 2, I have preferred the intent in proposal 1 more than 2 especially the circulation and the form.


6.3 Design Proposal 3 Proposal 3 is a revised version of Proposal 1 adding with a bit of ideas from Proposal 2. The skill of the design process is the same. Based on comments I had for Proposal 1, a clear direction of the project developed in Proposal 3 and it has been developing and revised till the final design. Proposal 3 is which I have presented in my mid semester presentation in week 7. To enrich the journey route in a flow of circulation, I have proposed an infinity circulation diagram as a key image of the building which linked the two buildings.


bus stop

site plan

street light tram rail 76








ground floor plan 0 80




UG floor plan 0



15m 81


Section 0



16m 83

Program Diagram

living + working

public roof top area

studio apartment

makers’ shops + offices visitor center/gallery



The program of the project is given at this stage. It is a multi-functional building mainly for the local Lisbon makers to live, work and entertain on one site. There are 60 programs. I have clustered into groups and mainly separated into two large groups which are above ground and underground. The programs will vary with the design processing. At this stage I have the leisure underground and living and working above ground.


recreational activities

Conclusion Proposal 3 is perhaps the base of the final proposal. The comment I received from the guest panel was to develop more to the underground, think about what fragments are usually seen in Lisbon underground space. Also the programs are not clearly allocated the space at this stage. However the circulation is clearly demonstrated with the use of an infinity loop circulation to drive people through the journey of the two buildings.


7.0 Final Proposal: LX’s ONiON The final proposal is finalized after 6 weeks of proposal 3. The design is developed weeks by weeks of modification and design process. In this section will fully demonstrate the work of flow to the final stage of the project.



7.1 Programs LX also means 60. There 60 programs in this project. After Proposal 3 I first started to analyze each program with area and look up to Lisbon existing shops and space that usually obtain in size. Then organize the programs into the infinity loop circulation to route a linear journey. The infinity loop allows people start at different location but still can enjoy the full journey without repeating space.



94 30m2 15m2 15m2 15m2

rooftop bar lookout point kiosk viewing platform

street music 30m2

30m2 15m2 15m2 15m2 15m2

+12.0 +16.0

+4.0 +8.0

+0.0 -5.0


-18.0 mausoleum 15m2

archaeological gallery 180m2


changing room 60m2

public pool and bath 120m2

ginjinha shop cigarette shop glove shop hat shop nail salon

ice-cream shop 30m2

fabric shop 30m2

boutique 30m2

grocery store 30m2


psychic/ mentalist 30m2

tattoo shop 30m2

fado music theatre 45m2

night club 45m2

bar 45m2

souvenir shop 30m2


site gallery 90m2


visitor center 90m2

15m2 30m2 15m2 15m2

bar bathroom spa and massage private pool


gym 30m2

learning center

airbnb (2) 60m2

studio apartments (5) 200m2

theatre 90m2

teaching space 30m2

workshops + retail

library 90m2

architects studio 30m2

fashion designer 30m2 basket marker 15m2 artist studio 15m2 toy maker 15m2 drafting agency 15m2 cobbler 15m2 meeting room 15m2

flower shop 30m2

mechanics 30m2

jeweler 30m2

bike repairs 45m2

bank 30m2

co-working space (s) 30m2

co-working space (l) 90m2

above ground underground attractions

Program diagram + Massing These are the refined program diagram and updated with latest design scheme. Basically I started with a linear route full with programs and area. Then leveling them into floors.

rooftop recreations residential learning center workshops +retail

visitor center & urban beach night clubs + retail public pool/bath archaeological gallery mausoleum


Circulation Diagram The circulation is based on the infinity loop. Ramps, stairs and lifts are used for vertical transition.




7.2 Plans This section shows the formation of plans diagram and the final version of floor plans.


stacking floor plates


spiral cut

trimming floor plates

Formation of Plans

corridor width 2m

space/ room depth 5m

Plans are formed by the idea of layering balconies in proposal . Having a spiral-like plan giving more layers, like “onion�. The pealing off layers can reveal the more. From the outer layer to the inside. The stepping of floor plates create a uncovered space for the level below. Each level will have their own open courtyard.


+0.0 and -5.0 ground floor + ug floor plan not to scale


+4.0 first floor plan 0



15m 103

+8.0 second floor plan 0 104




+12.0 first floor plan 0



15m 105

-10.0 ug second floor plan 0 106




-18.0 ug third floor plan 0



15m 107

7.3 Section This section shows building sections of the final proposal. There are few attempts on how to get the hero section speak about the project.


Design through Section I have been progressively updated the section with design and try to use a hero section to speak about the project both including the infinity loop circulation and also programs. The two drawings on the left are the draft of earlier stage.

Attempt 1


Attempt 2


section a 0




Final Hero Drawing

Section B - Urban Beach This section is trying to show the landscape I have proposed. Having an urban beach in the center rounded with the tram line above. The urban beach is linking to the underground public pool. The surrounded aqueduct arches serve with kiosk, ginjinha shop, icecream shop and some resting area for people to enjoy the outdoor space with shade and cooling by the pool. This section also has been updating with the design. On the right is the initial attempt. Next page is the final drawing of Section b.


Attempt 1


Final Drawing

section b





7.4 Render Drawings This section shows the render images of the final project. With the guidance of Laura and classmates, I have used V-ray for the first time. There is a big improvement after weeks and weeks of practice. I tried to use rendering to show the moment along the journey and also the atmosphere varies through space especially the difference between above ground and underground. Material will also reveal in the drawings.


South West Entrance Walking from the train station or the ferry terminal, you will see this view of the above ground building with the Alfama Hill as the background.



On the Landscape Sit down on the grass and you will have this view of the tourist center.



In the Aqueduct Arch Use a camera stick or a drone to take this photo of the urban beach!




North Facade Walking from the North active street, Rua da Alfandega, you will notice the building block is aligning the street scape facade but the building facade itself is not flat but with a lot of angled arches. The use of white concrete facade gives a sense of modernity to the surrounding context. The white matches with the surrounding pale color exterior of the neighbor’s buildings.



North Entrance

Night Club

Archaeological Gallery

a ramp down to the underground, with yellow concrete floor

use of sharp colour tiles for the underground internal space

use of glass floor to look down to the rocks, pool above can reveal the gallery

Odysseus Mausoleum


a spiritual place is commonly seen in Lisbon. Odysseus is the mythical founder of Lisbon

use of different color tiles in different space as to allow people to reveal the layers of space

Roof Top Clubhouse roof top open courtyard allows more natural sun light and the view to the Rio River


7.5 Environmental Sustainability Development This section shows the sustainability concern in this project. The design has cooperated solution to it. The biggest concern is the underground space. Since having glass roof top above the underground building. Direct solar radiation to the inner space. Heat will be trapped inside the space. Therefore adding a bit of consideration can change the whole environment into a better and more comfortable space.


Solar Chimney The use of solar chimney can help cooling down the underground space. The diagram on the right shows the flow of the whole system. By the use of the “chimney� created for the spiritual place at the mausoleum, outer air can flush down to the underground space and the glass roof at the top allows direct solar radiation penetrate onto the building to rise up the air to the exterior. Also the glass roof can have Building-integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) to collect solar energy and prove the building with electricity.


outside air is drawn in and cooled

air inside the solar chimney is continuously heated by solar radiation


replacement cooled air is drawn into the building by the solar chimney cooling coils are chilled by river water

cooling coils provide provide fresh water on-site use


7.6 Final Presentation Panel This section shows the final presentation panels in week 14 - 2nd November 2016.


Conclusion LX’s ONiON is hoping not only the makers enjoy the site but also the neighbors, tourists and also people who just walk through the site from one side to another. Most importantly, I am trying to borrow an architecture as a medium to allow people to realize the history of this site and also the rich history of Lisbon. The use of assembling component from the context is also a way to reveal the history and the story of the city. The assembling of components allows the building fits well to the context both proportion and materials.

8.0 Reflection on LX assembled This is my second semester of master. This is the first time using assembled architectural fragments to design a building. I think it works very well to project that the designer is not familiar with the country/ city. Although it takes time to find images from the Internet, walking around on Google Earth, it worths doing this exercise because it is the quickest way to get familiar with the context. This activity does not only apply to an oversea project but still works with current location of site. It allows us to observe very detail to what have been built before and understand the proportion and style they are. However there are still some flaws by just walking on Google Earth, we could not get to feel the surrounding area and environment. The other senses such as noise are still useful to consider in design process. The tasks that Laura has given us in the earlier weeks are useful during the design process, such as using geometry to represent something, the use of collage to revel the concept and idea and the assembled component method is useful at later stage of refining the building not only at the earlier stage of one single fragment. Overall, I enjoyed this studio a lot. There are few methods I learn to start with a design project which are very useful.


9.0 Biography I am Shirley and I come from Hong Kong. I completed my Bachelor Degree in the University of Melbourne in 2014. After spending a year in the industry working in Hong Kong. I have decided to return to the city of Melbourne to resume my studies and I enjoyed my time in here a lot. This is my second semester of master. This is the first time of during individual studio in master. I am happy to do individual work as to give most effort to the design and decision. Last semester I was doing a group project using computational design whereas very different from this semester. The variation make myself fresh to design differently. I really enjoy the method of design in this LX assembled studio.

MArch Studio C: Machining Aesthetics v.3.1 “Futuristic Catch� 145

Thank you for reading!

The University of Melbourne Master of Architecture S2 2016

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