Southwest Coast National Scenic Area Travel photography Travel guidebook

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台南 布袋 / 新塭嘉應廟


國家圖書館出版品預行編目 白色雲嘉南 : 影 . 遊 旅人誌 / 王純玲 , 黃 渝 瑄 執 行 編 輯 . -- 初版 . -- 臺南市 : 雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處 , 2020.01 面 ; 公分 ISBN 978-986-531-055-4( 精裝 ) 1. 臺灣遊記 2. 自然地理 3. 照片集 733.6



影•遊 旅人誌

照著玩 × 玩著拍 發行單位 / 交通部觀光局雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處 發 行 人 / 徐振能 地

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編輯委員 / 洪肇昌、郭柏村、吳宗青、王美欣、顏明樟、蘇昀柏、莊鴻濱 執行編輯 / 王純玲、黃渝瑄 編輯製作 / 舜程創意行銷有限公司 (04)23214125 相片提供 / 白峻峰、裴美茜、顏嘉宏、劉翰昌、張瑞福、巫碧珠、杜長益、蔡世昌 交通部觀光局雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處 初版一刷 / 2020 年 1 月 ISBN / 978-986-531-055-4 G P N / 1010900071 定 價 / 新臺幣 450 元整


Southwest Coast National Scenic Area

Travel photography Travel guidebook

Southwest Coast National Scenic Area Administration, Taiwan Tourism Bureau


Director's note

A wonderful journey with lots of fun and scenic spots! Sandbanks, marshes, river deltas, and wetlands in this area make this place a perfect habitat to breed a large number of species and serve as a resting place for many migratory birds. This region was also among the earliest in Taiwan to be developed by settlers from mainland China. Centuries of development led to prosperous salt, aquaculture, and fishing industries. The scenic area also includes numerous temples with an endless stream of pilgrims, grand religious rituals, rustic fishing villages, delicious local delicacies and time-honored folktales. The Southwest Coast National Scenic Area combines its natural and cultural resources to attract tourists and further combines innovative ideas and tourism trends to develop more tourist attractions. Its effort not only catches a lot of people's attention but also makes them fall in love with the unique charm of this area. Taking pictures and sharing them online have become an essential part of traveling for today’s travelers. Pictures posted through various social media also encourage more people to start their journey. Therefore, the administration collects pictures of tourist attractions in the area with descriptions to compile this book. Here, you can find the oldest tile-paved salt fields, remaining fan-shaped salt fields, the largest offshore barrier sand-bars, the largest wetlands in Taiwan, Taiwan's version of the Sahara Desert (Dintouer Sandbank), Taiwan's version of the Amazon River (Sicao Green Tunnel), the world’s largest high-heel shoe-shaped structure, and world-famous bird-watching spots.


You can find a huge variety of picture ideas in this book regardless of what equipment you use to take pictures. The picturesque coastal scenery, lively ecology, industries, religions, popular tourist spots, and delicious local food will satisfy every photography enthusiast. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the charms of this area other than taking pictures when you pay a visit to the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area.

Tourism Bureau, MOTC Southwest Coast National Scenic Area Administration

Hsu Zhen-neng


目錄 Contents





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Salt industry


28 Religions and temples46 Ecological parks66 Gift of the ocean


Popular photo-shooting spots Delicious delicacies

106 5

Solar salt industry The taste of sun and ocean The early Han settlers from mainland China recognized advantages of the coastal areas of Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan.They built up salt production into a prosperous industry in the old days. You can immerse in this once thriving industry by visiting a variety of salt fields and discover their charms in pictures.

f 4.5



ISO 200

Th e b eauty and fun of sal t ďź 7

f 13

The salt industry in Budai Salt was once one of the most important industries in Budai. Now that machinery has taken over, the golden age of salt has already passed. There is only a 7-meter high salt mountain left for tourists to take pictures with. Next to the mountain is a shop selling various products of Taiyen, Taiwan's salt producer.

Chiayi Budai / Budai Salt Mountain



ISO 100

A fun experience on salt fields To revive the glory of the salt industry in Budai, the once abandoned Zhounan Salt Field is open to the public again. Guided tours are available for tourists to learn more about the production, life, and ecology of salt ďŹ elds.




1/250 s

ISO 200

ISO 200

Chiayi Zhounan Salt Field


Once a resource for making weapons “Bromine" is an important chemical widely used in making weapons. It was extracted from high-salinity seawater from the salt pan or refined from brine. Therefore, bromine plants were built near salt plants. The abandoned Beimen Bromine Refinery located next to Provincial Highway No. 17 shows its historical significance in the old days.

Tainan Beimen / Bromine Refinery



1/500 s

ISO 200

f 11

1/800 s

ISO 200

f 8 1/500 s ISO 100

The only remaining salt washing workshop Beimen Salt Washing Workshop was once the main supply of salt in Taiwan and the first factory adding iodine to salt. The workshop and its surrounding facilities are now registered as tangible cultural heritage. Part of the structure is now rented to vendors. Old salt ponds are also turned into landscape lakes.

Tainan Beimen / Salt washing workshop and landscape lakes


The earliest salt factory There were two salt ďŹ elds established in the Qing Dynasty in Beimen. Zhoubeichang, one of the oldest salt ďŹ elds launched in 1848, produced the best quality of salt in Taiwan in the old days. More salt factories were established with the help of salt workers from Beimen Salt Factory.

f 5.6 1/640s ISO 100

Tainan Beimen / Beimen Salt Factory


Admiring the glory of the salt industry through cycling Beimen Bikeways connect various tourist attractions, including Beimen Visitors Center, Jingzaijiao, and Beimen Lagoon for tourists to admire salt fields, salt lakes, mangrove forests, and enriched ecology. The wellpaved bikeways and recreational facilities along the way create a comfortable cycling environment.

f 8 1/400s ISO 100

Tainan Beimen / Beimen Bikeways


f 10 1/800s ISO 200


Th e old est tile -p a v ed s a lt f ield in Ta iw a n

Tainan Beimen / Jingzaijiao Tile-paved Salt Fields


全臺最古老的瓦盤鹽田 f 10 1/1000s ISO 200


Stunning rays of light at sunset over salt fields Jingzaijiao Tile-paved Salt Fields are the oldest relics of tile-paved salt ďŹ elds that still exist in the country. Built during the Qing Dynasty in 1818, these ďŹ elds are now family-friendly tourism salt fields. They are become a distinctive scenic spot on Tainan's cost with an endless stream of tourists coming to appreciate the scenery with all kinds of photography equipment.

Tainan Beimen / Jingzaijiao Tile-paved Salt Fields


看盡白金歲月風華三百年 f 4 1/2500s ISO 100

The only salt-themed museum in Taiwan The Taiwan Salt Museum, a building in the shape of two pyramids, is built to resemble the salt mountains in the past. The museum has the most complete collection of books and cultural relics pertaining to the salt industry in Taiwan. There are also a variety of salt-related products for you to purchase.

Tainan Qigu /Taiwan Salt Museum


f 5 1/60s ISO 100

Popular photo-shooting spots Beimen Salt Administration Office, built in 1923, was in charge of taxing and salt distributing and selling during the Japanese occupation period. It served as an important site handling saltrelated business in the old days. The well-preserved wooden building presents the look of the office built in the past.

Tainan Beimen / Beimen Salt Administration Office



A m u st-not-miss view for ae ria l p h o t o g ra p h y

The only fan-shaped salt fields in Taiwan The Qingkunshen Salt Fields were constructed by the Taiwan Salt Works in 1975 with fan-shaped salt ďŹ elds spreading out from the salt workers' dormitory. Even though they are now abandoned, these remain Taiwan's most beautiful and distinct salt fields. To appreciate the beauty of the fan-shaped salt fields, one must photograph them from the air.

Tainan f 2.8 1/460s ISO 100

Qingkunshen Fan-shaped Salt Fields


Amazing beauty of the salt mountain The Qigu Salt Field was once the largest solar salt field in Taiwan. Through changes in time, it is now a recreational area. The white salt mountain peak of the Qigu Salt Mountain is approximately six stories tall, making it a spectacle to behold. You can take the stairs to the top to admire the magniďŹ cent scenery. The snowlike background has always attracted a lot of tourists. f 4 1/3200


ISO 100

A n exo ti c sn ow vie w Tainan Qigu / Qigu Salt Mountain


f 13 1/200s ISO 100

A glimpse at the salt village The settlements behind the Taiwan Salt Museum preserve the houses of the salt workers in the past. There is a salt ďŹ eld restoration area for you to experience the processes of making salt through solar evaporation, stepping on the waterwheel, and soaking your feet in a bittern pond.

Tainan Qigu / Sio Salt LOHAS Village


A well preserved salt-making community The Salt Field Eco-Culture Village used to be the Anshun Salt Fields constructed during the Japanese occupation period. Located in the center of the Sicao Wildlife Refuge, it is now a site which combines the features of salt fields and enriched ecology.

f 4 1/500s ISO 100

Tainan Annan /Salt Field Eco-Culture Village


A beauty mixed by salt and sand The Salt & Sand Sculpture Art Festival held by the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area every year in summer combines creative sculptures made of salt and sand for you to learn about the distinctive salt industry and admire the gorgeous f 7.1 1/0.8s ISO 400

coastal scenery.

f 6.3 1/160s ISO 400

Tainan Qigu‧Jiangjun / Salt & Sand Sculpture Art Festival


f 11 1/320s ISO 100

f 6.3 1/80s ISO 800

Blessings in peace The Kungshen Wangye's Salt of Peace Festival integrates a number of local elements, including the distinctive salt industry culture, religious art, and sandbanks to pursue good fortune and avoid bad luck. It has become an iconic event in the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area. There are also a series of other events for you to attend. f 8 1/4000s ISO 800

Tainan Beimen / Kungshen Wangye's Salt of Peace Festival


Gift of the ocean Fishing fun at the harbor Other than providing bountiful resources to ďŹ shing and aquaculture industries, oceans also give rise to the development of tourism harbors and coastal recreational areas for you to explore the mysteries behind them.

f 22 1/125s


ISO 100

The c ha n gea b le q uality of oceans is mo s t ch a rmin g 29

A moving land Waisanding Sand Bar, a sandbar covering an area of over 100 hectares, gets its name due to its umbrella shape. Under the inuence of waves, coastal currents and the northeast monsoon,

Yunlin Kouhu / Waisanding Sand Bar


the sandbar literally moves, on average drifting 60 to 70 meters southwest each year. Due to its moving feature, most of the sandbar is now located at a dozen kilometers away from Dongshi Township in Chiayi City instead of the original Kouhu Township in Yunlin County. You can take the tourism ďŹ shing raft from Dongshi Harbor to this sandbar to take a closer look at the bountiful ecology.

f 8 1/400s ISO 100

f 8 1/500s ISO 200

A tranquil fishing village Bozhiliao Fishing Harbor was previously a flourishing trading port. f 22 1/125s

ISO 100

Subsequently because mud and sand started to accumulate, its fortunes were not as before. This place is now mainly used for the aquaculture industry. There is a bikeway which takes you from the ďŹ shing village to the harbor so you can to have another option to explore the local area.

Yunlin Sihu / Bozhiliao Fishing Harbor


From an oxcart lane to a bikeway The entrance of the Black Forest Bicycle Trail is next to the Haiqing Temple. It is named Black Forest Bicycle Trail because towering beefwood blocks the sun along the way. The dense forest and gentle slope offer a family-friendly environment.

f 4.5 1/500s ISO 400

Yunlin Sihu / Black Forest Bicycle Trail


Departure for a sea journey Budai Yacht Harbor plays an important role in developing yacht tours. You can find numerous yachts awaiting tourists along the port. Giant ferries at Budai Port traveling between Budai and Magong also provide convenient transportation, taking tourists to Penghu. f 8 1/500s ISO 100

Chiayi Budai / Yacht Harbor‧Trading port


f 22 1/2000s ISO 320

Chiayi Dongshi / Fisherman's Wharf


A paradise full of laughter and delicacies Major facilities of Dongshi Fisherman's Wharf include the Oceanic Culture Museum, Specialty Museum, Shopping bazaar, Ocean View Pavilion, Floating-Bridge Market, coastal walk, a food court, Sand Play Area, and Pond Area. This seaside recreational area is ideal for people of all ages. You can enjoy a wonderful sight and taste numerous kinds of fresh seafood here.


Baishui “River” and Shou “Island” Seawater intrusion occurred due to the influence of typhoons in the past. The movement of seawater into salt fields creates a scene of white waves. Therefore, “Baishui River" represents the scene when seawater intrusion happens instead of a real river. “Shou Island" is an offshore sandbar which only appears during low tide.


f 13 1/640s ISO 250

f 8 1/500s ISO 200

f 22 1/250s ISO 200

Chiayi Dongshi / Baishui River


f 5 1/200s ISO 200

Tainan Beimen / Shuangchun Coastal Recreation Area


A perfect getaway in summer The Shuangchun Coastal Recreation Area has abundant natural landscapes and ecological resources. The most distinctive 1200-meter long mangrove wooden path gives you a chance to take a closer look at diverse landscapes and enriched ecology. You can also enjoy a variety of water facilities or head to the beach during your visit.


f 8 1/400s ISO 200

A harbor with the most fishing rafts in Tainan It is common to see line after line of oyster rafts for oyster farming. Some fishermen even hire fishing rafts for fishing here. The pure white oyster shells

Tainan Beimen / Luzhugou Fishing Harbor


piled up on the shore create a picturesque view when the sun sets.

f 8 1/500s ISO 200

Enjoy freshly-caught seafood Qingshan Fishing Harbor in Qingkunshen is a rustic fishing village. Its tiny fish market is crowded every afternoon around 2 p.m.with seafood lovers from everywhere when the ďŹ shing boats return. Other than bidding directly on the catch, you can also try some traditional dried shrimps.

f 9 1/640s ISO 200

Tainan Jiangjun / Qingshan Fishing Harbor



f 22 1/30s ISO 200

A joyful seaside resort Sunshine, golden sandy beaches, and crystal-clear sea water make Mashagou a perfect destination for many tourists. The rays of the sunset on the water reect the amazing beauty of the sky. There are numerous facilities such as a swimming pool, a BBQ area, and restaurants for you to enjoy every moment here.

Tainan Jiangjun / Mashagou Coastal Recreation Area


Taiwanese version of the Sahara Desert Dintouer Sandbank is a seafront sandbank which forms the southern border of Qigu Lagoon. Barren landscapes are rare in Taiwan. At sunset, the sandbank´s undulating lines cause many photographers to linger. Guoshenggang Lighthouse is located at the westernmost point in Taiwan and also represents one of the landmarks of “Light up Taiwan". The event, “Light up Taiwan", encourages tourists to discover the genuine beauty of Taiwan by visiting four lighthouses as well as nearby tourist spots.

f 14 1/160s ISO 200


f 8 1/100s

ISO 100

Tainan Qigu / Dingtouer Sandbank‧Guoshenggang Lighthouse


Religions and Temples Distinctive local religious beliefs The popular “Wangye" (a locally lord deity), “Mazu" (a goddess worshipped mainly by residents along the coastal area), and “Bao Zheng"(a popular Chinese politician during China's Song Dynasty who was later deified) constitute a multi-religious society in this area. Followers pray for blessings from the god they believe. Numerous temples also become popular spots for pictures.

f 4 1/60s ISO 800


Pil gri m s pra ying for b lessing s in th e temp le 47

Folklore activities with cultural values Thousands of people were killed in the Qing Dynasty when typhoon-driven seawater inundated coastal settlements in Jinhu. Jinhu Wangshanye Temple was built to commemorate the dead and later became a distinct local religion. The Wangshanye Temple situated beside Provincial Highway No. 17 holds the largest ceremony of its kind in Taiwan. The centennial “Leading the Water Bannersďź‚ ceremony is held on the eighth day of the sixth lunar month each year in Jinhu.

f 7.1 1/640s ISO 100


A ce remo n y in memo ry o f th e d ea d Yunlin Kouhu / Jinhu Wanshanye Temple


f 8 1/125s ISO 250

Bao Zheng Temple Santiaolun Haiqing Temple, built in the Qing Dynasty, worships Bao Zheng (also known as Bao Gong). It was relocated to the current site due to the seawater intrusion during the Japanese occupation period. There is a park next to the magniďŹ cent temple for you to take a break during your visit.

Yunlin Sihu / Santiaolun Haiqing Temple


Wangye Boat-burning Ceremony once every five years Dongshi Xiantian Temple was built in the Qing Dynasty to worship Baosheng Dadi. It was relocated to the current site during the Japanese occupation period and became a temple to worship Gods of the Plague. This majestic temple has an endless stream of pilgrims. The Wangye Boat-burning Ceremony held once every ďŹ ve years always attracts a large crowd.

f 4 1/320s ISO 100

Chiayi Dongshi / Dongshi Xiantian Temple


A pilgrimage to drive away evil spirits Guogou Jiande Temple, built in the Qing Dynasty, worships Gods of the Plague. The “Huo Deng Ye Xun (night patrol with oil lamps)ďź‚ held on the last 3 days of the sixth lunar month each year is a centennial ceremony with people holding oil lamps to scare away the evil spirits on 3 consecutive days. This ceremony was accredited to be intangible cultural heritage by the Chiayi County Government.

Chiayi Budai / Guogou Jiande Temple


f 4.5 1/125s ISO 200

A Mazu statue preserved since the Ming Dynasty Wanggang Taisheng Temple was established by settlers from mainland China who came to Taiwan coming with Zheng Zhilong, a military leader in the late Ming Dynasty. This temple originally worshipped Mazu. Through changes in time, Gods of the Plague are worshipped in the front chamber while Mazu in the rear chamber. The Mazu statue was accredited as a statue made in the Ming Dynasty and was defined as Taiwan's cultural heritage by the Ministry of Culture.

Chiayi Budai / Wanggang Taisheng Temple


f 4.5 1/500s ISO 200

Cultural heritage by Chiayi County Government A massive water-dash ceremony to usher in Kewang, the Guest King, is held annually on March 27th of the lunar calendar. Nankuenshen Daitien Temple´s three Wangyes, Beigang Chao-Tien Temple´s Tanganma and Puzi Peitian Temple´s Sanma are all invited to take part in the ceremony that requires deity´s sedan carriers, who represent different regions across Taiwan, to dash into the sea to usher in Kewang. This grand event always attracts many photography enthusiasts.


A ga ther ing of g od s

Chiayi Budai / Xinwen Jiaying Temple


The palace of three sages in Budai The religion of three sages originated from a religion in the coastal area of Fujian. Early settlers built the temple in the Qing Dynasty. This temple was reconstructed a few times and was named Jiaying

f 4 1/60s ISO 1000

Temple in the late Japanese occupation period. There is a monument to commemorate Prince Fushimi Sadanaru inside the alley in front of the temple.

Chiayi Budai / Budai Jiaying Temple


f 5.6 1/30s ISO 250

Fishermen’s spiritual belief Beimen Yonglong Temple, built for over 200 years since the Qing Dynasty, worships Wangye and Guangze Zunwang. This temple serves as an important religious center in Beimen. It was severely damaged in the late Japanese occupation period. Therefore, it was relocated and the reconstruction was completed in 1966 at the current site.

Tainan Beimen / Beimen Yonglong Temple


3 -sta r M i c helin tour ist sp ot

Tainan Beimen / Nankunshen Daitian Temple


f 8 1/4000s ISO 800

The leading Wangye temple Nankunshen Daitian Temple, the oldest temple built in the Ming Dynasty, worships Gods of the Plague. It is accredited as a national historical site. This magniďŹ cent temple occupies a large area and has an endless stream of pilgrims, making it the leading temple dedicated to Wangye. There is a 6.6-meter high gold plaque donated by pilgrims, worth approximately NTD 600 million dollars. You can also find a Jiangnan-style Dakun Garden which is also a popular destination for photographers.

f 9 1/200s ISO 100


f 7.1 1/800s ISO 320

The 2nd Donglong Temple in Taiwan When Han settlers came to Taiwan more than 300 years ago, they burned incense offerings for a Wangye Lord named Li and prayed for protection on their boat. After settling down in Taiwan, they used straws to build a temple to worship the god. The temple was officially constructed in the Qing Dynasty and was named Donglong Temple after the bond of friendship with Donglong Temple in Pingdong County.

Tainan Beimen / Sanwanliao Donglong Temple


The “Wangye Boat-burning Ceremony" is also held here once every three years.

The only Wangye-themed exhibition hall in Taiwan Donglong Temple Cultural Center is a building mixing elements of both palatial and traditional southeastern Fujian architecture. The gorgeous center has a rich collection of items regarding Wangye. Vivid wood sculptures of procession troupes and koji pottery of 108 heroes also make this place worth-visiting.

f 7.1 1/320s ISO 200

Tainan Beimen / Donglong Temple Cultural Center


f 4 1/800s ISO 100

Tainan Annan / Luermen Tianhou Temple


Beishanwei Mazu Temple The towering Luermen Tianhou Temple presents the beauty of a traditional temple. The ceramics collage arts on the dragon pillars, Door God, dougong, ridges, Jiaozhi pottery, carvings on the walls, sunk panels, corridors, and courtyard are all worth-visiting.



The biggest temple in the Far East Luermen Shengmu Temple worships primarily Mazu. You will be impressed by the large and magniďŹ cent building. Huge heavenly general statues stand on both sides of the temple square, they are Shun Feng Er (with-the-wind ear) and Qian Li Yan (thousand miles eye). It is best-known for the international high-altitude fireworks held during the Lantern Festival every year.

Tainan f 20 1/8.6s ISO 100

Annan / Orthodox Luermen Shengmu Temple


Ecological parks Enriched ecology The Southwest Coast National Scenic Area is full of various landscapes, including sandbanks, lagoons, wetlands, shoals, and mangroves, making it a perfect habitat for species. Its natural resources become the biggest attraction not only to people who like nature but also to photographers who look for shooting spots.

f 2.8 1/200s ISO 100


Th e inviting scene r y from t h e a ir is p ictu res q u e. 67

f 5 1/320s ISO 200

St u n n in g w etla n d s cen ery a t s u n s et Yunlin Kouhu / Chenglong Wetland


Ecological and art elements on wetlands The flooding and strong winds caused by frequent typhoons made arable lands unable to grow any crops for over 2 decades. These lands become swamps, ponds, ďŹ sh farms, and ditches which breed a huge variety of bird species and aquatic plants. The Arts Festival held annually here has become a highlight to attract people from all over the world. The Chenglong Activity Center is a popular spot for picture taking.


Roaming with relaxation Hukou Wetland Ecological Park was once a sugar cane farm of Taiwan Sugar Corp. The seawater infusion and land subsidence caused by typhoons made this place no longer in use to grow any crops. However, its wetlands attract many bird species. Therefore, the government turned this place into an ecological park.

f 7.1 1/1600s ISO 200

Yunlin Kouhu / Hukou Wetland Ecological Park


Cozy sea breezes The beautiful scene with water birds flapping up their wings in a dance is the design concept of Kouhu Visitor Center. Other than various travel services, there are a number of facilities for you to either rest during your visit or take a closer look at wonderful landscapes. There is also an exhibition hall selling agricultural produce and providing catering services.

Yunlin Kouhu / Kouhu Visitor Center


f 6.3 1/800s ISO 100

A new paradise in the wetland Yiwu Flood Retention Pond, honored as the Sun Moon Lake in Yunlin County, has become the hottest Facebook check-in place around the cape. You can always ďŹ nd photographers here to take the best picture of amazing landscapes. There is also a round-the-lake wooden path for you to take a walk leisurely.

Yunlin Kouhu / Yiwu Detention Pond


f 9 1/1000s ISO 200

f 11 1/250s ISO 200

An important habitat for wild birds The mangrove forests along Puzi Estuary are considered precious ecological resources in Dongshi. You can admire the scene of egrets as well as other migratory birds from the birdwatching pavilion on the shore.

Chiayi Dongshi / Puzi Estuary Wetlands


Chiayi Dongshi / Aogu Wetland and Forest Park


A spacious bird-viewing paradise The paddy fields, dry farmlands, wind break forests, mangrove forest, swamps, fresh water marshes, salt marshes, mud flats, and intertidal zones in Aogu Wetland attract a huge variety of species. This wetland was designated as the location for Aogu Wildlife Conservation. You can also visit Dongshi Natural Ecological Exhibition Center during your visit.

f 5.6 1/640s ISO 100

Black-crowned night heron


Record of ecology

Black-faced spoonbill

Whiskered tern (non-breeding male)


Black-crowned night heron

Great cormorant

Black-winged stilt

Mud skipper


The scene of flying migratory birds South Budai Wetland is located at the abandoned salt fields in the south of Budai city. Benthic organisms inside salt ďŹ elds provide plentiful supply of food to water birds. Therefore, this area attracts a countless number of migratory birds to inhabit.

f 2.8 1/290s ISO 100

Chiayi Budai / South Budai Wetland


f 7.1 1/200s ISO 800

A popular spot for photographers Haomeiliao Nature Reserve has Taiwan´s longest beaches, windbreak forests, and mangrove forests. Its abundant resources make it become the most vibrant habitat for water birds. This place has also become the ideal spot to observe various species.

Chiayi Budai / Haimeiliao Nature Reserve


f 14 2s ISO 100

Breath-taking scene of sunset reflected on the sea Beimen Lagoon is the only remnant of Dao Feng Nei Hai (Daofeng Inland Sea) which existed hundreds of years ago. The enriched aquatic resources not only make this place a natural ďŹ shing port but also attract various migratory birds. The most distinctive bird species you can ďŹ nd here is the whiskered tern from October to April every year.

Whiskered tern

Tainan Beimen / Beimen Lagoon


臺南 布袋 / 好美里 3D 海洋世界戶外美術館


The bi ggest lag oon in Taiwan

Tainan Qigu / Qigu Lagoon


f 20 1/250s ISO 500

f 4 1/400s ISO 100

Romantic rays of the setting sun Qigu Lagoon, occupying an area of 1600 hectares, is a breeding habitat composed of bountiful ecological resources such as ďŹ sh, shrimp, shellďŹ sh, crabs, oysters, and mangrove forests. The last red-orange rays of the setting sun on the lagoon full of oysters create a dazzling sight for photography enthusiasts.


f 9 1/640s ISO 200

A perfect place to view black-faced spoonbills Dingshan area in Qigu is home to numerous birds. There are two bird-watching pavilions inside the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area. Dingshan Bird-watching Pavilion is a two-story architecture that provides a perfect indoor space for birding. It is also equipped with accessible facilities for persons with disabilities.

Black-faced spoonbill

Tainan Qigu / Dingshan Bird-watching Pavilion


f 20 1/400s

ISO 800

Forests on the water Mud skippers and many different species of fiddler crab, fish, shrimp, shellďŹ sh, and birds are found in the red mangroves near the estuaries of Qigu River. You can ďŹ nd bird-watching stations, wooden paths, and information station which provides details regarding mangroves and coastal plants.

Tainan Qigu / Qigu Mangrove Reserve


Taiwanese version of the Amazon River The Sicao Green Tunnel was once used for transporting supplies. When it was no longer in use, mangroves started to grow on either side over the water, forming a tunnel. The still surface of the water reflects the green leaves, creating a dream-like fantasy waterway. Domestic and international tourists come here to glimpse the beautiful tunnel by taking a boat ride.

f 13 1/320s ISO 800

Tainan Annan / Sicao Green Tunnel


f 13 1/320s ISO 800


Popular photo-shooting spots Nice check-in shots Numerous tourist spots gain their popularity after people post the pictures of these places on Facebook or Instagram. Some tour operators even specially design a space for tourists to take pictures. Don't miss these attractions!

f 7.1



ISO 200

Pu t o n n i c e cloth es and p ack your g ea r. Let ’s h ea d to th o s e p h o to - s h o o t in g s p o ts ! 89

I nt e re sti n g i n teraction b etween tour ists a n d t h eir d ra w in g s


f 4.5 1/640s ISO 400

A small fishing village with signs of OhBear A number of artists were invited to paint myths and legends on the walls and grounds in a funny way in Bozhiliao village. The multi-perspective paintings and images of OhBear, create a lively OhBear Art Village.

Yunlin Sihu / Bozhiliao OhBear Art Village


f 10


ISO 250

A new highlight in the small fishing village Budai Ocean Hotel Visitor Center, once a shipping hub, is turned into a visitor center and a 3-star hotel. The visitor center on the first floor provides tourist services. You can also find shops and restaurants here. The ocean-style appearance makes it a popular spot for pictures.


Chiayi Budai / Budai Ocean Hotel



ISO 200



ISO 100

Take a walk in Budai The 2-story exhibition hall collects local cultural and historical relics for you to learn more about the history, industries, settlement features, and local customs throughout 400 years in Budai.

f 5 1/125s ISO 200

Chiayi Budai / Budai Story Exhibition Hall


f 7.1 1/320s ISO 200


A p erf ect p la ce f o r ch eck- in p ict u res

f 7.1


ISO 200

f 7.1


ISO 100

The first perspective painting village A number of artists and residents work together to make 3D paintings based the themes of local industries and sea world. You can find a lot of dazzling 3D paintings by walking along the lanes.

Chiayi Budai / A perfect place for check-in pictures


G i v i n g a ne w look to an old ware h o u s e




ISO 200

Turning a warehouse into a visitor center Beimen Visitor Center is housed in a refurbished warehouse on the southwest side of the old Beimen Salt Washing Factory. You can find all kinds of travel information and tourist services here. A giant sperm whale specimen is displayed in the very heart of the center. There are also various paintings based on different themes on the walls.

Tainan Beimen / Beimen Visitor Center


The world’s largest high-heel shoe-shaped structure High-Heel Wedding Church, a structure about 17 meters in height and 11 meters in width, is constructed with steel and glass. It received the Guinness World Records certification as the world´s largest high-heel shoe-shaped structure. During the day, it is a giant blue glass building. When it gets to the evening, there are light shows held to give you the most sensational spectacle. It is a popular attraction among lovers and a great choice for wedding pictures.

f 9 1/640s ISO 200

Chiayi Budai / High-Heel Wedding Church




ISO 100

Beautiful pictures from every angle Beimen Crystal Church is a popular destination for check-in pictures. The dream-like scenery of the elegant white building with owing curves reected on the water makes it perfect for bridal photography. f 9.5


ISO 100

Tainan Beimen / Beimen Crystal Church


f 2.8


ISO 200

YES I DO ďź Beimen Wedding Attractions is a weddingthemed area. With Beimen Visitor Center in the center, there are a number of structures designed based on the wedding and love theme. These romantic attractions covering an area of 7 hectares become a top choice for wedding pictures.


Tainan Beimen / Beimen Wedding Attractions



ISO 100



ISO 200

A shooting ground of a famous TV series Money Coming Grocery Shop, originally built in 1952, was abandoned when the salt production was brought to an end. It was open to the public again when the government started to process the reform plan in 2003. Its beautiful decorations, such as walls made from shells and broken tiles, make it an eclectic site.

Tainan Beimen / Money Coming Grocery Shop


A dream-like church The Beimenyu Presbyterian Church and Dr. Wang King-Ho gave in their best to treat all the patients suffering from blackfoot disease. The white “Beimen Little White House" on the red brick road is a popular spot for bridal photography.

f 22 2.5s ISO 400

Tainan Beimen / Beimenyu Presbyterian Church & Taiwan Blackfoot Disease Socio-medical Service Memorial House


The residence of a self-taught Taiwanese artist Hong Tong is a self-taught Taiwanese artist who felt a desire to paint at the age of 50. Honored as the “Picasso of the East", Hong Tong's first significant exhibition provided a platform for him to enter into the spotlight. He became a household name and folk hero in Taiwan. Hong began to isolate himself and spent much of his time painting in a singlestory house in later life. The house he once lived and worked during his later years has several of his works hanging on the crumbling red brick wall. The Xinan Temple Arts Center also has many of his works on display from time to time.

Tainan Beimen / Hong Tong's Former Residence


A new impression with paintings in a fishing village A number of 3D paintings are scattered around Lisheng Temple. You can follow the signs to ďŹ nd various surprises in the lanes or at the corner.

f 4 1/60s ISO 640

Tainan Jiangjun / Mashagou 3D Painted Village


f 9 1/640s ISO 200

A new check-in landmark Qigu Visitor Center is a white building combining a number of local elements, including sea wall, salt mountain, and texture of land into its design. The beauty of its unique design has made it a popular spot.

Tainan Qigu / Qigu Visitor Center


A gourmet feast Nothing can be more enjoyable than spending your holiday on having some delicious local specialties and delicacies. Other than plentiful seafood dishes, you can also try the traditional delicacies and agricultural produce.


Appetizing food

f 8 1/160s ISO 3200


Let' s fi nd some local d ish e s in th e ma rket!


f 5.6 1/100s ISO 200

A homeland of mullet roe Kouhu Township is known as home to mullet roe. The fishermen apply traditional technique to produce highquality dried mullet roe.

Yunlin Mullet roe


Fishing experience in vogue The Horseshoe Clam Museum, originally a place for breeding geloina erosa, has been transformed into a place for recreational ďŹ shery. You can collect clams, visit ďŹ sh farms, and enjoy a feast of horseshoe clams. You can also use the clam shells to sign up for a DIY activity.

f 6.3 1/200s ISO 200

Yunlin Kouhu / Horseshoe Clam Museum


f 4 1/800s ISO 400

High-quality shrimp A number of local young people came home to start a toxic-free and pesticide-free environment to breed shrimps. Other than fresh shrimps, this place also offers catering, accommodation, and ecological experience services for people of all ages. There are various shrimp-related products for you to take home as souvenirs.

Yunlin Kouhu / Hao Xia Jiong Nan She


Delicacies served on the table Other than a great number of packaged tours, signature dishes made of ingredients from the thriving agriculture, fishery, aquaculture, and processing industries in Kouhu Township have also gained their popularity in recent years. It is recommended to make set meals for individuals or groups with Kouhu Visitor Center in advance.

f 4 1/500s ISO 100

Yunlin Kouhu / Jinhu Leisure Farm Area / Kouhu Visitor Center


Oysters Lagoons are suitable for oyster breeding. You can take the ďŹ shing raft to explore oyster farms and enjoy some roasted oysters prepared on the return trip. The rows of oyster sheds in the lagoon creates a stunning view at sunset.

Chiayi Oyster


f 5 1/160s ISO 500

Delicious seafood dishes by the harbor Budai Harbor Tourist Fish Market offers fresh catch of the day on one side and a row of restaurants on the other. Each restaurant has its own signature dishes which can surely satisfy your taste buds.

Chiayi Budai / Budai Harbor Tourist Fish Market


Fun bidding experience at the fish market Jiangjun Fishing Harbor has been transformed into a tourist harbor. Other than coming here for a sightseeing, you can also get fresh catch of the day or some seafood specialties from the Tourist Fish Market and Seafood Auction Market. You can satisfy your taste buds by having some fresh-caught seafood dishes in the nearby restaurants.

f 4 1/400s ISO 200

Tainan Jiangjun / JIangjun Tourist Harbor


Local flavor accompanied by cozy sea breezes When fish are brought ashore, they are washed after the guts and entrails are pulled out. The fish are then soaked in salt water before being air-dried for a whole night to get rid of the fishy smell. Dried fish is suitable for a pan-fried or grilled dish and goes great with beer.

Tainan Dried fish


Grilled milkfish

Milkfish skin soup

Milkfish set meal

Unagi sushi


Salt-baked shrimp

Dried shrimp dishes

Mullet roe

Satisfy your desire for food Fresh seafood requires no seasoning. Various seafood dishes in either restaurants or vendors on the street can satisfy your taste buds.

Fried oyster bun

Giant meatball

M o u th- wa ter ing local flavor

Bittern tofu pudding


Important annual events at Southwest Coast National Scenic Area

10 October ~ 3May

Winter paradise for black-faced spoonbill ● at the coastal area along Chiayi and Tainan

4 April ~ 5May

Chenglong Wetlands International Environmental Art Project ● at Kouhu in Yunlin and Chenglong Wetlands

3 / 27

March 27th on lunar calendar

Water-dash ceremony

● at Budai in Chiayi and Jiaying Temple in Xinwen

6 June ~ 7July

Salt & Sand Sculpture Art Festival

● at Qigu and Jiangjun in Tainan

7 July

Dongshi Summer Festival

● at Dongshi and Dongshi Fisherman's Wharf in Chiayi

6 /8 118

June 8th on lunar calendar

Kouhu Leading the Water Banners Ceremony ● at Kouhu in Yunlin

6 Jun

Last three days in June on lunar calendar

Guogou Jiande Temple “Huo Deng Ye Xun" (night patrol with oil lamps)

● at Budai in Chiayi and Jiande Temple

10 October、11November

Kungshen Wangye's Salt of Peace Festival

● at Beimen and Nankunshen Daitian Temple in Tainan


Taiwan Birdathon

● at Southwest Coast National Scenic Area

10 /15

October 15th on lunar calendar (once every 5 years)

Wangye Boat-burning Ceremony

● at Dongshi and Xiantian Temple in Chiayi

Beginning of

11November (once every 3 years)

Donglong Temple Wangye Boat-burning Ceremony ● at Beimen and Donglong Temple in Tainan

【For more details, please refer to the organizer's announcements.】


國家圖書館出版品預行編目 白色雲嘉南 : 影 . 遊 旅人誌 / 王純玲 , 黃 渝 瑄 執 行 編 輯 . -- 初版 . -- 臺南市 : 雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處 , 2020.01 面 ; 公分 ISBN 978-986-531-055-4( 精裝 ) 1. 臺灣遊記 2. 自然地理 3. 照片集 733.6



影‧遊 旅人誌

照著玩 × 玩著拍 發行單位 / 交通部觀光局雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處 發 行 人 / 徐振能 地

址 / 臺南市北門區北門里舊埕 119 號 電話:(06)786-1000 傳真:(06)786-1234 網址:

編輯委員 / 洪肇昌、郭柏村、吳宗青、王美欣、顏明樟、蘇昀柏、莊鴻濱 執行編輯 / 王純玲、黃渝瑄 編輯製作 / 舜程創意行銷有限公司 (04)23214125 相片提供 / 白峻峰、裴美茜、顏嘉宏、劉翰昌、張瑞福、巫碧珠、杜長益、蔡世昌 交通部觀光局雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處 初版一刷 / 2020 年 1 月 ISBN / 978-986-531-055-4 G P N / 1010900071 定 價 / 新臺幣 450 元整



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