Portfolio 2011-2012

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PORTFOLIO Session 2011-2012

B.A. Architectural Studies Stage 2

Shuo Yang 103848558




BA Charette


Space To Live


Simplicity, Economy, Home


Civic Centred




NON-DESIGN PROJECTS ARC 2001 Learning Journal (Sketch Book) ARC 2009 Part 1 Structure and details ARC 2011 SAP ARC 2009 Part 2 Access for All and Means of Escape ARC 2023 Poster

ATTACHMENTS Feedback sheets Original A1, A0 presentations Development works * This A3 portfolio only presents the design which be chosen to develop, any other alterative concepts, models would be in my sketchbooks. * There have one piece of revised work for each Foyer, Civic Centred and Section-Alley projects.


(Feedback sheets included in attachments)

In general, as the quotation ‘people meet in architecture’ by Kazuyo Sejima from SANAA, during this entire stage 2, I would like to compose human activities from domestic to public by creating relations in built environment. It is observable from all models I done this year, people are not just simple scale tool, but also presentation of activities to talk about the potential story in the environment. I am interested in complex relations, and I did some experiment about the relation followed by projects: •At domestic activities---Space to Live •Between existing landscape and activities---Foyer •Among diverse context (landscape, townscape, waterscape) inserting together---Civic Centred •In urban space within a specified context---Section Alley Most of time the form of building is not interesting to me, and I consider the shape should be produced by a sequence relations with a kind of topological equivalences that is responding to the interrelation between human activities and contexts. So, a deeply understanding in possible events linking to a specific place is the main architectural imagination to me. That is the reason why I always play with abstract model to experiment building and the model is more similar to a blank stage, for imagining a diverse daily life there. Definitely, I have advanced skill in model making and 3D thinking, and model is always the first choice to present my building. However, in terms of details and tectonic, I am not as comfortable as in design, and this should be my focus for next stage.

Simplicity, Economy, Home During the foyer project, the focal point from the relations inside a space changes to the interrelations between context and building. In terms of feedback from tutors, it shows my design was well responding to project’s objectives about creating a delicate boundary between public and privacy by locating simple boxes into landscape. In addition, the interrelations of geometric forms clarify a series of thresholds with the richness of spatial experience. However, because of the abstract and simple forms, the hierarchical relations between materials should be indicated more clearly. It might be my weakness in these details design, so in the course work of ARC 2009; I was trying to answer the technical solution for my building that is really helpful revision to my technical knowledge. One important lesson from this project is how to maintain a simple concept. Because in the intern crit, I change my building partly to some irrelevant shapes which just simply for functions but leaking of consideration in concept and landscape. After having advice from Dan Kerr, I went back to pervious step, and resolve the space and function into simple boxes. The activities would be defined specifically only for the forms, rather than a general modernism’s space.

Section-Alley Reviewing my work during last group project, I worked on team management and planning for whole group rather than a single designer. It encouraged me to communicate all people together or individually about group idea. In addition, I was so pleasure could be helpful technical supporting to my group mates at various computer programs. I think it was the something good I done for this project expect the idea about site model. The model is something with unique quality by my own thinking ‘representation by fragmental context’, and also I consider it is the most creative model I done this year, even it is analytical model rather than a design one. This model is like a piece of drawing with all selected information together, and also point out a potential link for design proposal. The drawback of this project is that I am not good at movie making, and could not give any help to my group mates, also. But more significant problem was my drawings at the first week, isometric section drawing was challenging people by the massive green area which cannot show the context well, and also people would like to see a sequence of thresholds. Therefore, in the final presentation, we included three cross section that demonstrate the spatial identity for them. Later, in my revised drawings for improvement of cross section at the alley, clear lines and few colours illustrate a spatial and textual relation, and the linear sunlight and shadow are described with the structure. According to the brief, they want to encourage people to view the history context and installation design, but place should contain social context about music as well. The problem of our group is missing the music part quite a lot (without association in particular activities, sound resource in music) and over developed the physical part (concentrating on existing structure). This unbalance between physical and social context was leading our design cannot convince people as a place for music. In future improvement, the structure could keep a similar size but have to be constructed by more flexible component in terms of movability. Also this installation should combine with more some details for music activities, such as flexible seat, different ramp interweaving together, etc. Portfolio by Shuo Yang Reflective Exercise 2011

Space To Live In the first project (Space to Live); according to the feedback from tutorial and final crit, this project works well in various aspects, such as drawn, oral. However, in my view, the most successful area is the materiality in the final model and the theoretical research and these are my strengths. In terms of model making, compared with last year, models were just showing a sequence of design development, but in this project, the final models present a strong spatial identity by the comparison between precise materials. For the theoretical part, I was focusing on the domestic activities and how to create space by relating them which is my theoretical beginning in microscale. In addition, the concept of this project was an example applied to my easy work in ARC2023, and it also obtains a really good result from tutors in academic thoughts. From the introduction, the principle of ergonomics is a focus point for the project; therefore, interlocking spaces is composed by selected domestic activities which are highly functional. During this process, more spatial relations are explored by creating thresholds, and the relations provide complex 3D puzzle for design idea and also the richness of experiences. However, there still have some critical opinions about the space, because the rooms inside this building might be smaller for a real household. Actually, the design is more like a piece of idea in theory rather than practice, and it would be better with a bigger limitation.

Civic Centred The civic centre project was quite satisfied to me. Even presentation and building skin have gotten lots of positive comments, but for me particularly, the research I done at the first two weeks is more essential to the entire design process which I am quite good at, and I found a methodology about responding on local context by inserting them together for creating a unique spatial complex. During the presentation, I was also experimenting with the Revit which is quite helpful to understand more practical issues in 3D, such as, structure, fabric. Meanwhile, the weakness of the project is that details and junctions cannot convince people quite much, like last project. This is my problem just keeps initial sketches of details in the sketchbook, and did not spend time to develop them. I think in next year, in terms of details, I will spend much more time in the tectonic design showing the possibility for practising. Looking back to project brief, my design was developing to not just the townscape in brief, but also associates to landscape and waterscape, which with more consideration in dissimilar context. Furthermore, as a really significant trend at digital media in future which explained by Rem Koolhaas in the Seattle Public Library, this project is changed from a simple literary co-op to a media centre with books, visual media, local education place, etc., as a public place with a library is non-majority.


Group work

CAMPUS CARPET What kind of sensorial experience will emerge by the interactions between paper and human activities? There is no doubt that we can create various forms of paper installation, but most of time there only has visual relation to audiences. Is watching as the primary approach to communicate with this material? And also what kind of impact would react to the material after communication?

Looking at the inner structure of paper, fibres, offer an opportunity to experience the physical tension by sense of touch. Without a visual connection, understanding the property of paper would be a series reaction by activities. Campus carpet is an experiment creating a tactile relation which is aiming to record the relation in terms of paper’s shape.


Traced image by human activities

Portfolio by Shuo Yang BA Charette 2011



Parti diagram

The experience of home is structured by distinct activities---cooking, eating, socialising, reading, storing, sleeping, intimate acts. ...... Architecture initiates, directs and organises behaviours and movement. ---The eyes of the skin, Juhani Pallasmaa

Idea: tree house

Like tree house, rooms are located vertically and entire house is organised by a core which is designed to initiate domestic activities for the clients. The core works as a part of structure, and also a part of furniture with well consideration in ergonomics.

Precedent: House NA, Sou Fujimoto

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Space to Live 2011

Collage of domestic activities

In this house, different spaces are interlocked by reduction on mechanical volume so that people get more space for their activities. At the same time, spatial interlocking produces more connection between spaces that residents would obtain various visual interactions there.

All experiences in life, especially experiences of movement and settlement in three-dimensional space, are dependent on the unique form of the everpresent body. ...... If we can understand more about how we acquire and modify this psychic image of our own bodies we may possible obtain a better grasp of the way in which we perceive objects and settings around us. ---Body, Memory and Architecture, Kent C. Bloomer & Charles W. Moore

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Space to Live 2011

During daytime, living room can gain abundant natural lighting from openings on ground and 1st floor both south and north side.

Direct sunlight on cafe space and dining table.

Reasonably darker TV room offers a comfortable condition in lighting for entertainment.

Soft sky lighting comes from roof window for reading room.

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Space to Live 2011

The top of this house is bedroom that is placed as centre tower for observing whole house.


Top Floor Plan 2

According to the requirements from clients, there might have possibility for their friends staying overnight at home. In this design, the TV room and reading room could be change to temporary bedroom with privacy for sleeping rather than the lounge.

Front elevation



1. Bedroom 2. Toilet 3. Cafe space 4. Reading room 5. TV room


1st Floor Plan Visual relations go through the house that is similar to the variety of lighting in the space. By this links, the house is compact not just in volumes but also in communication between different spaces. For instance, the morning lighting from roof window reflects into bedroom through the window between corridor and bedroom that produce a gentle morning call to clients.








Ground Floor Plan


Portfolio by Shuo Yang Space to Live 2011

6. Entrance hall 7. Cycles storage 8. Kitchen 9. Dinning table 10. Lounge 11. Back Yard 12. Bin 0

0.5M 1M




For reconnecting teenagers within society, this Foyer is designed to create interrelations for young people within both social and natural context. Basing on a flexible layout of simple boxes, experiencing within the building is strongly associating to the variety of landscape not just the building itself.

Home therefore is not necessarily a single location or dwelling but can be associated with a number of different places and contexts in which young people live their lives. ......The home functions as a repository for complex, inter-related and at times contradictory socio-cultural ideas about people’s relationship with one another, and with places, spaces and things. Figure Ground 1:2000

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Simplicity, Economy, Home 2011

---Young people, place and identity, Peter E. HOPKINS

An enclosed room for teenagers? Are they should be isolated out of public? Or more opportunities for them? As the users of the building, spatial requirements for teenagers should be designed for more possibilities to connect with their surroundings. Therefore, the campus is considered as a positive condition by peer-groups and scholars, and also the site offers a peaceful natural environment for teenagers.

public&services workshop residence

Building volumes are flexible and dynamic locating in the place that are connected by transparent volumes for openness and clarity in relations.

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Simplicity, Economy, Home 2011

Concept model, discovering the interrelation between building volume and landscape

Keeping all trees like a garden as it was in 140 years ago

Multiple accesses for a nonhierarchy movement on layout

Main outdoor spaces as designed green area encouraging people into building

Maintaining and creating visual connections to the maple tree

At the final model, the journey from entrance deck to bedroom is presented by cutting section. At the same time, it makes a clear understanding about the levels’ changing between building and ground with a gentle touch in tectonic which is same principle about coexisting.

Sectional model 1:100

1. Front yard 2. Delivery access 3. Entrance deck 4. Ramp 5. Exhibition hall 6. Servies rooms 7. Kitchen




13 8 9 7 9 11 10


6 6

5 4 3



Ground Floor Plan 1:200 (REVISED)

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Simplicity, Economy, Home 2011

8. Common room 9. Bedrooms 10. Workshop 11. Inner garden 12. Maple garden 13. Cycles storage



4 2



Timber cladding is used for building fabric that not just relates to sustainability but also implicate the natural context. For relating to existing context of ground and protecting roots of trees, a light timber frame structure lifts up the building by pipe foundations with steel joints.

1. Flat 2. Office 3. Bedrooms 4. Terrace

2ndFloor Plan 1:200 1st Floor Plan 1:200

Precedent: Kielder Observatory

Entrance perspective Portfolio by Shuo Yang Simplicity, Economy, Home 2011

The building coexists with the natural context by mixing within the 11 trees. Like a humble attachment, peaceful lifestyle emerges on the site by compact interactions. This delicate piece of architecture demonstrates the interrelationship between landscape and building with simple geometric forms.

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Simplicity, Economy, Home 2011

Maintain existing brick wall and the steps accessed to the site, for showing a natural facade of landscape. Timber fences, as the boundary of the site would be removed, and reuse them as new floor of ramp to the building. Two smaller trees are surrounded by the boxes that create a place for inner garden beside circulation space. The common room direct associates to the maple tree, and produce the openness to a peaceful landscape.

East Elevation

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Simplicity, Economy, Home 2011



A medium is a container, a transmitter, a conduit that always changes whatever passes through it and is always itself defined differently by those on either end of the transmission process. ---Media Studies, Robert Kolker

Site plan

Local context This culture centre is aiming to create relations between local people and their contexts in Tynemouth, and building itself is the media to transmit this contextual information to public. The location of building is the edges of different contexts, such as, landscape, waterscape, and townscape. It produces the diversity in spatial relation within the site, and consider as a start point at design.

Bird’s eye view on the site

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Civic Centred 2012

Location with site model 1:500

Sketches: contexual relation

Higher level

Lower level


Finnal model 1:100 Conceptual presentation 1:500 Sketch model 1:200

Sketch model with side model1:200 Contextual edges 1:200 Negative massing 1:200

Initial skin 1:500

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Civic Centred 2012

Contextual massing 1:200

Structure 1:200

Floored 1:200

Context The edges from different contexts, specify public activities inside the building, but also preserve the existing relations to the surroundings. The building is belonging to the context, and enhances the understanding about local features to people.

Historical steps



Beach viewing



Swimming pool Waterscape

Marine garden

Sea viewing

Accesses Existing stairway Town terrace Swimming pool

Edges from different contexts

The viewing box to North Sea

From conceptual massing to a building is by relating public activities into the relevant contextual edges.

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Civic Centred 2012

As boundary of townscape, a town terrace gives an opportunity to look back the houses in town and the Georgian classical style. At the edge of the North Sea, viewing box offers a unique public space with one purified context, but it also can host different event, lunch place, lecture hall, exhibition.

The library space is surrounded by traditional high walls with book stack showing the diverse colour of books. These walls also indicate the infinite to the sky by a big rood window in the middle of library. The main circulation contributes wide steps in stairway facing to the lively beach for visual relation.

On the existing concrete platform, a quiet reading space is created with the topographical continuity from green landscape extending to the rock on the beach. Visual media room is located on the steps of historical swimming pool, and the memory about previous story would be recalled by siting on it. Vivid marine life provides information of local nature to people, and an organic garden would be popular and distinctive site to attract tourist coming here. Kids could play and obverse the garden as a local teaching resource.

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Civic Centred 2012


The cultural centre is the media transmitting the context fragments, therefore, as a neutral medium, materials of building would be more purified and the structural relation would be more delicate, that would reduce significant effect to contexts by building fabric. The building is supporting by steel post in existing concrete foundation, also the steel frame offer a flexible framework for translucent wall and concrete panel.


Section 1:200 (REVISED) Portfolio by Shuo Yang Civic Centred 2012


1. Marine Garden 2. Plant room for garden 3. Access from beach



1. Children’s area with their own book stack 2. Office 3. Disabled toilet 4. Cinema/Visual media display 5. Plant room for projector 6. Cleaners room 7. Outdoor reading terrace



1. Main entrance 2. Foyer 3. Information desk 4. IT Provision 5. Coffee Shop 6. Toilets and baby change 7. Public Library


1. Meeting room 2. Study rooms 3. Viewing box/lecture theater 4. Public Library/Specialist Resource 5. disabled toilet


Ground Floor Plan 1:500


1. Public Library 2. Plant room 3. Town Terrace 5 1






6 5

3 7


2 1

1st Floor Plan 1:500

2nd Floor Plan 1:500


3 5



3rd Floor Plan 1:500




4th Floor Plan 1:500

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Civic Centred 2012


Group work, group 5

URBAN FABRICATION Site strategy: Long stairs Studying the Long Stairs in section allows the viewer to engage with the burnt facades of the buildings, which tell the story of the Great Fire of Newcastle. The damage provides clues to the timber frame structure of the buildings and the timber panelling incorporated within their interiors. The varying colours and patterns of the brickwork show that these buildings have been reconstructed and repaired over several centuries. The buildings which line the chare have stood with their timber frame structures intact for over 700 years, despite some of their facades being modified. The timber detailing that can been seen on a journey down the Long Stairs causes one to wonder about the interior structure and the history that accompanies it.

Site section

Timber structured buildings lead from the waters edge and along the chare, a prime example of this is the Cooperage building (1531), with timber structure visible on the facade. Medieval timber construction methods can be seen repoeated using Iron in the fabric of the high level bridge.

The site consists of a steep set of stairs leading from the quaysid, culminating in an open green space leading below the high level railway bridge.

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Section Alley 2012

Cross section

Site model, the selection of fragmental context represents the landmark and spatial relations through the long stairs, also the memory of place translated into abstract message.

Burned sandstone wall High Level Bridge

Timber cruck frame The Coorperage

Burned brick wall

The Quayside

Concept of site model 1:500

Site Model 1:100 Portfolio by Shuo Yang Section Alley 2012

Local context in timber structure

The installation creates a dialog with the construction of the historic timber cruck frame buildings, which line the Long Stairs. The structure acts as a sculptural canopy, bridging the quayside with the top of the Long Stairs, creating three performance areas.

Structure proposal as landscape

Cross section- Green Space Bands

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Section Alley 2012

Cross section- Long Stairs Soloist

Long Sectio

on 1:200

Junction Model Two timber beams are connected by steel plate with screw in the end of each component, and the junction is connected by a bigger steel tube to columns.

Cross section-River Side DJ

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Section Alley 2012

By the quayside, the urban scale reflects open city life. Here, one is invited to observe, walk beneath and traverse the installation via ramps, whilst a DJ performs above.

Cross section- River Side 1:200 Progressing along the installation towards the Long Stairs, one encounters the next performance area at the bottom of the chare, where a soloist musician serenades from a platform above. The height of this performance space in the narrow chare draws attention to the facades of the buildings and the textures, which can be seen and experienced and appreciated through the gaps in the structure. After a journey through history, one finally reaches the third performance space, emerging from the top of the chare into an open green space below the High Level Bridge. The space invites one to stay and listen to bands perform on the stage, whilst enjoying the spectacular views down the chare and over the cityscape.

Cross section- Long Stairs 1:100

The installation not only creates three performance areas, it creates an exciting new public space that appreciates the historic context of the chare, bringing together people, music, and the environment.

Cross section- Green Space 1:200

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Section Alley 2012











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Poster Project Blog http://musicalchares.wordpress.com/

Final model 1:100

Encountering with a soloist at the long stairs, numerous beams of lighting go through the installation to audience with the music together.

Perspective (REVISED)

Portfolio by Shuo Yang Section Alley 2012

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