Property Owners’ Association
Vo l u m e 3 5 , N o . 4 H o t S p r i n g s Vi l l a g e , A r ka n s a s
Winter 2011 501.922.5510
Sunset over Lake Cortez Photo by Renee Steinpreis
Official Publication of the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association
Hot Springs Village is an active, friendly, gated community with a wide variety of outstanding amenities in a natural environment providing ample opportunities for community involvement and an enriching lifestyle.
A Message to Property Owners Jerry Kosoglow | President | HSV Board of Directors
This has been an interesting budget year. Open meetings and revealing the “proposed” budget in its earliest phases generated much public comment. Some of the anxiety was premature. I had noted from the very first public meeting that the POA Staff would present the proposed budget in its entirety; then the Board would consider where adjustments might need to be made. We have done that, and the next iteration of the 2012 Budget has been on the POA web site for several days. As we review those adjustments today, I want you to keep in mind a few facts. First, Hot Springs Village continues its struggle to overcome increasing uncollected assessments. Since 2006, we have seen steadily increasing uncollected assessment revenue, that is now forecasted to reach its highest level ever at $2.95 million by the end of 2011. The rate of increase may have declined this year, but I believe we have not yet leveled out. Some suggest that increasing amenity fees is the primary cause for non-resident property owners to stop paying and/or give back their lots. I have a few other ideas. Many non-residents bought lots as investment property. Some bought thinking they might retire here in the future. Others bought in the past in order to be able to use our amenities. Declining property values have affected people all over the country. Lost pension portfolios, coupled with these lower housing values, have discouraged many from moving, or even retiring at all. We have not had the influx of new residents we once had. And, virtually no one is buying lots,
especially as investment property. Might these be part of the reasons for uncollected assessments? 2012 Utility Fees 3 But, I truly believe one Board Approves Budget 5 thing, that we are the best 2012 Fees 6 value for the money of any Online Credit Card Payments 6 retirement/active lifestyle Changes to HSV Declaration 9 community anywhere in 2012 Board Elections Set 9 the country. I have chalPet Fees Established 10 lenged the biggest naysayAutomatic Bank Draft 10 ers to prove me wrong. Coronado RV Park 11 They have not. When the Coronado Tennis Center 12 economy recovers, we New Year’s Dinner and Dance 12 must be sure people know Coronado Fitness Center 13 we are here, and we must HSV Trails in Winter 13 be ready to put our best Musical Acts at Woodlands 14 foot forward. DeSoto Events Center 14 That is why we are Paving Projects Completed 15 spending $400,000 on marketing in 2012, why we POA Water Restrictions 15 must increase fees someNew Rate Schedule 15 what to provide needed Urban Deer Hunt 16 revenue to catch up on Private Lots Cleared 16 projects we have deferred Contractor’s Licenses 16 due to lack of funding for Board Meetings Online 16 several years now. Forest Management Plan 17 The Board will do its best E-Blast Update 17 to monitor our marketing Economic Impact Study 18 spending, and Scott has Golf Update 19 searched the country for a Marketing Manager Hired 19 Marketing Manager who can deliver results. She the DeSoto and Balboa golf will start October 17th. Is $400,000 affordable? It has to course renovations, repairing be, so we are ready, as I men- our community swimming pool, and providing needed tioned earlier. street pavings and building In 2010, property owners started paying $36 per month, renovations. Let’s look at the spending versus $32 per month previdifferences from YE2011 to ously. This was touted as adding $1.5 million in revenue. Budget 2012. I focus on 2012, because 2013 and 2014 In fact, it never would have are still estimates in my mind, brought in that much, as we already had thousands of non- and will be adjusted as needed in their own respective budget productive, non-paying lots. years. We have budgeted a Uncollected assessments have $4.8 million increase for 2012. increased by nearly $1.5 milThere is opinion out there that lion over 2010 and 2011. If we do not raise fees moderate- we should hold spending flat in light of the economy. Here’s ly, there is no way to cover why we can’t do that, and these shortfalls. As you all what is causing this increase: know, Scott has decreased * $2 million is for the water labor costs by laying off 35 full plant expansion. Does anytime employees. That helps, one doubt the need for this but it won’t allow us to catch expenditure? While it shows up on key projects that have been delayed for years, like See Kosoglow, Page 2
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Kosoglow, from Page 1
as increased spending, it is funded by a nearly $4.5 million reserve that has been accumulated over many years. * About $230,000 of the increase is for marketing. I explained the need earlier. * $300,000 is a new contingency line item in the budget to be sure we can cover the unexpected. Hopefully, we will not need to spend that contingency. * $520,000 is related to other labor changes. Why do we cut labor $1.25 million, and then add back almost half? Several reasons. * First, the Board has recognized the need to continue the clean up of storm debris from common property. It is part of keeping our best foot forward. FEMA, Saline County, and independent contractors can no longer be counted on. We are going to have to do it ourselves. We will spend $150,000 more in 2012. * $310,000 is for the 5% merit increase program we have talked about. Let me say here, that many think this is too high, that most companies are only giving 2-3% increases in recent years. We not only have not given POA employees any annual increases the last two years, we have also cut their pay 6% in 2010 and 2011 by eliminating a profit sharing program that was in place previously, just to make ends meet. Scott has assured the Board that increases will be merit based. We are asking those remaining after the layoff to do more, and do it better. In light of the pay decreases over the last two years, we need to recognize good performance and pay people appropriately. * The balance of the labor increase, about $60,000, relates to a lower 2011 base due to turnover, vacancies, and timing, as well as emphasizing control of overtime and part time worker hours. These things are likely to happen in 2012 as well, but Scott has said he is showing “liberal” estimates on spending to ensure we meet our budget targets next year. Volume XXXV, Number 4
PROPERTY OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION ADVOCATE Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Telephone: (501) 922-5510 E-mail address: Web site: Managing Editor: Linda Mayhood Editor: Michael G. Fox
* The POA will do about $200,000 more in street repaving, and culvert repair in 2012. We should easily understand the need to keep these areas in good condition. * Capital increases versus 2011 account for about $900,000 of the $4.8 million increase. We have reduced capital spending dramatica ly over the last several years. From 2005 through 2009, we averaged $2.6 million of capital spending, with no year less than $2 million. In 2010 and 2011 we will average less than $1.3 million. That’s less than half of those previous years. We cannot continue down that path. More efficient computer systems will allow better reporting and analysis. We will do it right this time. We need to accumulate funds to renovate our community pool, and spend money to add to existing trails, and even improve the reception area at the POA office, and our outdated phone systems. Golf has to catch up on delayed spending on maintenance equipment and irrigation systems. Yes, we need to replace our police vehicles which now have over 200,000 miles on them, to ensure our Public Safety. The Board also supports the testing of bermuda greens on one of our golf courses in 2012. Players need the real experience, golf maintenance needs to see the real operating cost savings, and lastly,
Winter 2011
PERIODICAL POSTAGE 019-847 AT HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS Additional Entry at Little Rock, Arkansas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the POA Advocate, 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The Property Owners’ Association Advocate is published quarterly, four times a year, by the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association (POA), 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The POA assesses its members $432 a year, $1 of which covers the annual subscription price.
The publication is distributed to 22,776 members of the POA. Periodical postage #019-847 from Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
See Kosoglow, Page 10
Around the Board Table
2012 Utility Fees approved for Hot Springs Village Utility fees for 2012 have been established by the POA Board. All new rates begin with the February 2012 billing cycle. Sanitation Sanitation curb side per month $15.00 Sanitation at house per month 20.46 Non yard bulk waste per pick-up 25.00 Yard waste pick-up stickers (5 stickers) 2.50 Comm. 3 yd. once a week pick-up per bin per month 82.00 Comm. 3 yd. twice a week pick-up per bin per month 180.40 Comm. 3 yd. three times a week pick-up per bin per month 295.20 Churches are included in the commercial rate structure. Water Residential per month 8.00
(includes 1st 2,000 gal.) Commercial per month 20.00 (includes 1st 2,000 gal.) Additional bi-monthly excess water rates: 4,001 - 7,000 gallons 3.38/1,000 gal. 7,001 - 10,000 gallons 3.54/1,000 gal. 10,001 - 15,000 gallons 3.71/1,000 gal. 15,001 - 20,000 gallons 3.89/1,000 gal. More than 20,000 gallons 4.08/1,000 gal. Sewer Monthly fee 21.00 Commercial per month 23.00 Galllons are 75% of water usage. Street Lights Monthly fee 2.70 Late payment fee for utilities (20 days after billing date) unpaid balance 10%
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
HSV Board of Directors approves budget for 2012 The President and POA Board met publicly in open meetings on five separate occasions to discuss the FY 2012 – 2014 budget prepared by General Manager Scott Randall. The Board of Directors, on October 19, 2011, unanimously approved the Fiscal Year 2012-2014 Operating and Capital Improvements Budget for the Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association (HSVPOA). The format and content changed from previous documents and include: * A three-year perspective – FY 2012 to 2014. * Recognizing revenues as received rather than billed; allocating insurance and property tax expenses to the respective cost centers; and a contingency of $300,000 for new project initiatives and/or unanticipated expenses. The budget accomplishes each of the four budgetary parameters adopted by the Board of Directors: * Balanced budget in each of the three years.
* No deficit spending except for capital projects financed by reserves. * Delinquent assessments - the initial guidance from the Board was $2.5 million but changed by the Board to range from $3.25 $3.55 million. * Maintain at least a $1.5 million unrestricted reserve. FY 2011 unrestricted cash is estimated at $4.02 million. FY 2012 revenues total $27,765,180 and include fee increases in golf, recreation, sanitation, water, vehicle decal and animal control (the 2012 fee schedule is on the POA website). FY 2012 expenses total $28,522,126. The difference between revenues and expenses is attributable to the water treatment plant expansion that is being funded from reserves. A number of significant noteworthy items in the proposed spending plan include: * A reduction of full-time staff from 263 to 236, mainly due to the organizational restructuring during 2011. New service initiatives: * Storm clean-up – the hiring of a dedicated crew to clean up storm debris on POA common property. * Enhanced communication – televising/web streaming of public meetings; emergency communications; message boards; and e-mail blasts. * Development of Land Use Planning and Zoning Standards as the POA assumes these responsibilities * Marketing and promotion - $400,000 annually * Energy conservation – invest in low cost improvements * Capital Improvements – the 2012 budget includes more than $6 million in capital See Budget, Page 6
Attention: Chairmen of St ate Picnics Call Dannet Botkin at 501.922.5561 about a new 2012 HSV special promotion for your state. Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
2012 Fees
Hot Springs Village Financial News
The Hot Springs Village Board of Directors, at the October 19, 2011 regular Board meeting, approved the 2012 Annual Fees. A complete list of fees can be found online at About Us/ Financials. A partial list of property owner fees for 2012 is found below: ADMINISTRATION Family ID Card $18.00 Family ID Card w/ previous years card 10.00 Property Owner Decal 12.00 PUBLIC SAFETY Ambulance Fee-Annual 82.80 Animal Registration-Annual 10.50 RECREATION Fitness Center-Annual-Individual 414.75 Fitness Center-Annual-Couple * 744.50 Fitness Center-Daily-Individual 5.50 Family Swim-Daily 13.75 DeSoto Pool-Annual-Individual 89.50 DeSoto Pool-Annual-Family 178.50 DeSoto Pool-Daily-Individual 3.75 Tennis Center-Annual-Individual 367.50 Tennis Center-Annual-Couple * 665.75 Tennis Center-Daily-Individual (2 hours) 6.00 Lawn Bowling, Bocce and Pickle Ball-AnnualIndividual 60.25
Lawn Bowling, Bocce and Pickle Ball-AnnualCouple * 96.00 GOLF Green Fee-Annual-Individual 1,801.00 Green Fee-Annual-Couple * 3,241.80 Green Fee-Daily-Prime (except Coronado) 17.85 Green Fee-Daily-Noon (except Coronado) 16.25 Green Fee-Daily-Twilight (except Coronado) 13.75 Green Fee-Daily-Prime (Coronado) 15.25 Green Fee-Daily-Noon (Coronado) 14.25 Green Fee-Daily-Twilight (Coronado) 11.35 Cart Lease-Annual-Individual 799.00 Cart Lease-Annual-Couple * 1,438.20 Green Fee & Cart Lease-Annual-Couple * 4,680.00 Private Cart Registration-Annual Unlimited Golf-Individual (grandfathered) 400.00 Private Cart Registration-Annual Unlimited Golf-Individual (NEW) 650.00 Cart Fee-Daily (except Coronado) 9.50 Cart Fee-Daily (Coronado) 7.90 * Couple - Husband & Wife Applicable sales tax will be applied
Online credit card payment option now available to residents Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association (HSVPOA) has an online credit card payment option to pay your assessment and or POA utility bill. Go to the POA website at and click on Pay Assessment/Utilities button on the right side. The POA accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover. To pay by credit card, you will need your Lot/Block/Addition number as well as the individual account number associated with your assessment and or POA utility bill. The actual processing of your credit card is made through a third party secure site. The POA does not retain any credit card information. If you enter your email address, you will receive an electronic receipt. Please contact the POA at (501) 922-5519 or (501) 922-5556 with questions. Budget, from Page 5
improvements and $19.3 million over the next three years. Some of the more significant projects include: * Water treatment plant expansion ($2.0 million in 2012; $5.0 million total) * Street resurfacing ($1.65 million in 2012; $4.9 million total) * Establishment of a reserve for the replacement of DeSoto Pool ($400,000; $1.1 million total) * Woodlands Auditorium improvements ($150,000 in 2012; $300,000 total) * Allowances for the extension of streets and utilities for new development and water distribution system improvements ($738,000 in 2012; $1.89 million total. * Trail construction ($94,000 total) * Golf course renovation at DeSoto and Balboa Golf Courses ($2.92 million total) * Bermuda green conversion ($90,000) * Fleet replacement ($675,000 in 2012; $2.90 million total) The FY 2012 – 2014 budget document and fee schedule is on the HSVPOA website at under About Us/ Financials. 6
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Around the Board Table Changes to HSV Declaration proposed by committee An ad-hoc Declaration Committee was formed by the POA Board of Directors to study and recommend any changes that might be needed to the Hot Springs Village Declaration. The committee recommended a single change. The committee, POA staff and the Board of Directors believe that modifying the section on special assessments will provide financial flexibility to effectively manage the POA’s capital program, by allowing a longer time period for payment of special assessments. The approval of this proposal does not cost property owners any money. Any special assessment, including the specific project, the time and the amount still must be approved by a majority of the property owners. Proxies were mailed on September 9 to property owners in good standing (not more than 60 days in arrears). Proxies continue to come in; at last count, on Nov. 17, we had received 13,736 proxies. To hold a valid election, 13,705 are needed (called a “quorum”); and of those voting, two-thirds need to vote ‘yes’. So, if you
TERMINIX, INC. “The Nationwide Pest Experts”
haven’t returned your proxy, we encourage you to do so, and hope that you will support the Declaration amendment. The election date is Wednesday, February 15, 2012.
2012 Board Elections set for March 29 The POA Board of Directors has approved the election calendar for 2012. There are three positions open on the Board of Directors. Board applications are available for interested property owners. Completed applications with all supporting documentation must be returned by Thursday, January 12, 2012. Applications are available from the General Manager’s office or at Ballots will be mailed in March to all property owners in good standing. Completed ballots must be received by the POA no later than 4 p.m., Wednesday, March 28. The election will be held, Thursday, March 29. Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation of the Property Owners Association Advocate, filed with the U.S. Postal Service October 1, 2011. Publisher: Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association,
Protecting the health and property of Arkansas people
Hot Springs Village, AR 71909.
Editor and Managing Editor: Stacy A Hoover and Linda Mayhood, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909.
Owner: Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909.
Locally owned and operated for more than 80 years 5 Ponderosa Way Hot Springs Village 922-3585
Avg. each issue preceding 12 months
Total no. copies (net press run) Paid circulation, mail subscriptions Free distribution, by mail or other means Total distribution (paid and free) Copies not distributed Total distributed and not distributed
Actual single issue nearest filing date
23,089 1,911
23,082 1,918
We certify that the statements made by us above are correct and complete.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Kosoglow, from Page 2
we need to have an alternative if the summer heat continues to stress our bent grass greens. Visitor golf, I believe, is impacted the most by a very bad experience in July and August on greens that are really subpar. These visitors could become future residents. Let me use a simple analogy. If you keep putting off painting your house, or fixing your roof, or buying a new car, year-after-yearafter-year, eventually your house will look bad and depress your property value, your roof will leak and cause even more damage to the structure or contents, and your car will break down when you need it the most. We cannot run Hot Springs Village like that. While we grow to about $3.4 million in unrestricted operating cash by the the end of
HSV Pet Fees for 2012 Set
The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association wants to remind all Village residents to register all pets in their household. The cost is $10.50 to register each pet and proof of rabies vaccination is required. If a pet is picked up by the POA and is registered, tagged and vaccinated, the owner will be charged $31.50 for the first pick up. Prices for subsequent pick ups are as follows: 2nd pick up - $47.25. 3rd pick up - $68.25. Subsequent pick ups (per calendar year) $105. Food and lodging - $10.50 per day. The fee schedule for an animal that is not registered, tagged or vaccinated is as follows: 1st pick up - $94.50. 2nd pick up - $141.75. 3rd pick up - $204.75. Subsequent pick up - $315. Food and lodging - $31.50 per day. Rabies quarantine - $26.25 per day. Be sure and register all pets with the POA as soon as they arrive in your household. Also make sure that all pets have their rabies vaccinations at the time they are registered. Residents can register their pets at the POA Administration Building at 895 DeSoto Blvd. 10
2012, it really is only building a reserve to do the needed projects I mentioned earlier, that have been our “poorly maintained home” for the last several years. Cash reserves at the end of 2014 are projected at $1.6 million. Our revenue forecasts for 2012 through 2014 are very conservative now. Instead of planning on a $1 million increase from 2011 to 2012, we now are forecasting that same $1 million from 2011 to 2014. This will make us budget more wisely, and continue the drive to get more productivity and efficiency improvements at the POA. While many still will not like the fee increases in this budget, I hope you can better understand why they are necessary, and I still truly believe they do not weaken our position as a strong competitor in attracting new retirement/active lifestyle residents to Hot Springs Village. Thank you for your comments, and constructive feedback. We heard you, and have tried to do the best we possibly can for all the property owners and the future of Hot Springs Village.
Bank Draft Program offered The Hot Springs Village POA would like to encourage members to take advantage of the Automatic Bank Draft Program. Whether you pay monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually, the Automatic Bank Draft program allows members the freedom from writing a check and the hassle of finding a stamp and mailing the envelope. Automatic Bank Draft also reduces the cost of payment processing for the POA. Automatic Draft is available for assessment and utility payments as well. If you have any questions, contact Property Owner Services at 501.922.5556.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Recreation News Spend the night at Coronado RV Park
The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association created the Coronado RV Park in 1987. It is located off Balearic Road near Lake Coronado and the Lake Pineda spillway. The park has 10 gravel parking pads available to self-contained recreational vehicles only. The park is open year round with 30/50 electrical hook ups. No tent camping is allowed. Water hook ups are available from April 15 through October 31. Grills and picnic tables are provided at each site. There are no bathroom facilities at the park. There is also a central dump station that is provided for users. The POA reminds users of other regulations such as: *All pets are to be kept on a leash *Absolutely no camp fires. *Noise levels kept to minimum after 10 p.m. *Destruction of common property, such as cutting trees or removal of wild flowers is prohibited. A $12 fee plus tax is charged per night for property owners with a maximum stay of 14 days.
Guest sites are available on a reservation only basis for a fee of $17.75 per night plus tax and maximum length of stay of seven days. Campers can register between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the POA Administration Building or to make reservations or for more information, contact Karla Dannels at 501.922.5519.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Coronado Tennis Center open for play The Coronado Tennis Center is open for play. This is a premier facility with ten clay courts and three hard surface courts. The clubhouse features a lounge, kitchen and pro shop. In addition, there is a 400 square foot pavilion with an ice machine room, picnic tables and restrooms with showers. A ball machine and practice hoppers are also available. Tennis players may choose from a variety of programs ranging from league play to fun social events. Once registration is completed, property owners can make court reservations online up to three days in advance. Visitors should call the tennis center one week in advance to set up play. After a hard day on the court, you can relax on the center’s beautiful lake view patio! •HSV Tennis Association – The Hot Springs Village Tennis Association is very active and has approximately 400 members ranging in ability from 2.5 to 4.0. The HSVTA offers organized
play for men, women and children of all competitive levels throughout the year. For more information, visit • USTA League – This is a tennis league where players form teams and play locally and can move to state, sectional and national championships. Hot Springs Village has many championship teams. Teams compete by age and ability. • Tennis for Juniors – The Coronado Tennis Center offers lessons for children at various times during the year. Please check with the center for information about Junior Tennis Programs. • Tennis lessons – Private, semi-private and group tennis lessons are available for children, juniors and adults year round and are given by our three tennis pros, Bob Wagstaff, USPTA, Derek Nordentof, USPTA and Pete Lazansky, USPTA.
Coronado Center New Year’s Dinner and Dance Tickets on Sale Now Tickets go on sale Friday, December 2, 2011 for the New Year’s Eve Dinner and Dance being held at the Coronado Community Center by the Village Merry Mixers Dance Club. Ticket prices are $40 per person for a catered sit down dinner by Home Plate with music by the Mullen Band and a champagne toast at midnight. A cash bar will also be available. Tickets will be available for purchase at the Coronado Community Center beginning December 2, and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. through the week of Christmas or until tickets are sold out. 12
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Coronado Fitness Center offers membership program The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association will offer a new Coronado Fitness Center membership opportunity beginning in January 2012. A perpetual monthly membership will be offered that will not expire in December of each year, but will continue until notification of your intent to discontinue the program. A monthly fee is drafted from your checking or savings account each month instead of paying for an annual membership each year. The program is a 12 month commitment but designed to offer
the affordability of paying monthly. The monthly fee is based on the approved annual fee divided by 12. A $15 fee will be due at sign-up. If for any reason you choose to discontinue or suspend the membership, the $15 will again be assessed, if you resume at a later date. Forms are available at the Hot Springs Village POA Administration Office and the Coronado Fitness Center. Contact Amy Holloway or Fern Hancock at 501.922.0322 for more information.
HSV trails good for hiking in winter Hot Springs Village has numerous trails for hiking, especially during the fall and winter months, that will help you get exercise, explore the Village’s wilder areas and get the family out of the house during these cool, invigorating days. Below is a list of the trails that are best for individual or family hiking trips: Desoto Multipurpose Trail and Desoto Marina Trail – 4.1 miles. Hernando Trail (East and West, one way) – 8.0 miles. Desoto Spillway Trail and Desoto Nature Trail – 1.2 miles.
Magellan Beaver Dam Trail – 1.4 miles. Lake Balboa Spillway Trail – 1.6 miles. Cedar Creek Trail – 3.1 miles. The Trails Committee has a vision of a trail crossing the village from end to end. Although plans change based on many factors, current plans include: * Extension of Hernando Trail to the east. The trail will ultimately run between Carmona, past Woodlands, to the east crossing of Ponce de Leon Blvd and Desoto Blvd. This would add 6 miles to the Trail and will enhance access to the trails in the eastern sections of the Village. * Connecting the extended Hernando Trail to the Balboa Spillway Trail, along Ponce de Leon Blvd. * Connecting the west end of Hernando Trail to the Desoto Spillway Trail, making it possible to walk via trails from Desoto Dam to Balboa Dam. * Connecting the Desoto Spillway Trail with the Desoto Multi-Purpose Trail, providing a major step in the vision of trails crossing the Village endto-end. * Improvements to existing trails. Maps and locations of all trails are available on the HSV website: and click on recreation.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
2012 Musical Acts at Woodlands Woodlands Auditorium is proud to present three fantastic musical acts in 2012. Whether you’re rock and roll, country or looking for the oldies, Woodlands Auditorium will have it all in 2012. The first presentation, “1964 the Tribute” is an accurate re-creation of a Beatles Concert Live from songs, voices, instruments, suits, haircuts, down to the Beatle Boots. “1964 creates the Magic of The Beatles,” Dick Clark says. Performing for two nights, June 6 and 7, “1964 the Tribute” have performed at Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Denver, Carnegie Hall in New York City, as well as many stadiums and arenas worldwide. Tickets are $25.00 each for reserved seating and go on sale Monday, January 9, 2012. On September 8, Mickey Gilley is performing live for two outstanding performances at 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Gilley grew up alongside his two cousins Jerry Lee Lewis and Jimmy Swaggart in South Louisiana, where he developed his classic Rhythm and Blues Honky Tonk sound.
With hits like “City Lights”, “I Overlooked an Orchard”, and “Don’t the Girls Get Prettier at Closing Time”, these tickets will sell fast, so mark your calendar and don’t miss this amazing artist. Tickets are $25.00 each for reserved seating and go on sale in April 2012. “Colt and the Old 45’s” are making a repeat performance on November 24 with a tribute to Frankie Valley and the Four Seasons. With Brian Stout on lead vocals, this popular and talented group has thrilled audiences in Hot Springs Village for the past four years. Tickets are $18.00 each for reserved seating. Tickets go on sale in June 2012. For rock and roll, country, or the oldies, mark your calendars and join us in Hot Springs Village for these outstanding concerts. Additional information on other exciting shows coming to the Woodlands Auditorium, including Keith Allynn’s Neil Diamond Tribute in April 2012 is available on the Woodlands Auditorium website at
DeSoto Club Event Center Opens The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association is proud to announce the opening of the DeSoto Club Event Center. Opened in late November, the event center is available for weddings, conferences, proms, seminars, meetings, luncheons, garden parties and more. The DeSoto Club was built in 1972 and was the premier facility in Hot Springs Village for many years. The club was designed by E. Fay Jones, an apprentice of Frank Lloyd Wright. The building still maintains the original fixtures and architectural design since 14
its construction, including recent renovations to the facility. After many years as a variety of restaurants and clubs, the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association is proud to add the DeSoto Club Event Center to its’ line up of world class facilities. Reservations are now being accepted for rental of this magnificent facility. Call the Coronado DeSoto Club Community Center at 501.922.5050 to book your reservation today or email for more information.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Hot Springs Village HSV Paving Project for 2011 Completed in October
Public Works
The 2011 paving project for Hot Springs Village, which began September 26, was completed in late October, according to the Public Works Department. The final bid for the project was $768,724 awarded to Cranford Const., Inc. The program included the following streets that were resurfaced: Barcelona Rd. (DeSoto to La Coruna Way and DeSoto to Villena), DeSoto Blvd. (Calella to Sierra E.), Sierra Dr., Badajoz Way, Arias Way, La Mancha Way, Carballo Lane, Arjona Way, Costa del Lago Lane, Delavega Cr., Baeza Way, Cortez Dam, Jarandilla Dr., (Cortez to Mesero) Castano Way, Mollera Ln., Mollera Pl., Patrulla Ln., Gorrion Ln., Desoto Blvd (Saldana to Ponce de Leon), Maderas Dr. (Country Club to Alteza), Cordoba Way, Dulzura Way, Finana Pl., Iniciador Way, La Canada Ln., La Granja Cir., Largo Dr., Magellan Clubhouse Dr., Oliete Ln., S. Pego Way, Tomisa Ln., and Ponce De Leon Dr. (culverts).
The Village Employees Benefit Fund provides property owners with an opportunity to show our appreciation.
POA Imposes Water Restrictions The POA is still imposing an odd/even watering restriction. Residents and businesses with odd number addresses are restricted to watering their landscape on odd number days. Residents and businesses with even number addresses are restricted to watering their landscape on even number days. All townhouse courts, regardless of their address, are assigned to even number days. All landscape watering is required during non-daylight hours. Continued excessive use of water limits the Hot Springs Village Fire Department’s ability to fight any type of fire, could limit the availability of tap water and in some cases, can cause boil orders due to loss of pressure. This water restriction will be in place for some time, so please adjust your landscaping timers to accommodate. For more information, please contact the Hot Springs Village Department of Public Works at 501.922.5524.
The fund is used to purchase gift certificates at Christmas for Property Owners’ Association employees. The fund is also used in cases where employees experience a personal catastrophe and are in need of financial assistance. Please mail your contributions to:
Village Employee’s Benefit Fund PO Box 8403 Hot Springs Village, AR 71910 BOARD MEMBERS BILL BRUSENHAN 501.922.9121 BOB SMITH 501.922.2966 GENE LICHLITER 501.922.6694 SUSAN VEAL 501.922.3478 JUDY OWENS 501.922.1317 MARCY & AL WYGANT 501.922.1166 Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Planning & Inspection 2011 Urban Deer Hunt
The 2011 Hot Springs Village Urban Deer Management hunt is now complete. The no-bag limit, archery only hunt was managed by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. The two week hunt , which ran from September 24 - October 8, yielded 118 deer in the Village, 3,600 pounds of meat was processed and more than 14,400 meals were prepared. Ninety of the deer were donated to Arkansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry. The hunt would not have been successful without the help of community volunteers who helped check the deer. A special thanks is extended to John Ross, Dan Webb, Guy Yates, Jim Owens, Drew Kahle, Cathy Ament, Ted Schram, Cathy and James Williams, Amy Ball, Bill Wood, Craig William, John Harper, Ruth Kosoglow, Rick and Car Barnes, Joe Burleigh, Louallen Thomasen, Bev Thompson, Wilbur Smither, Frank Ames, Bruce Caverly, Sam Justice, Jim Scott and Frank Pederson. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission manages the Hot Springs Village no-bag limit archery only urban hunts. Permits for the hunt were awarded in August 2011 by the Game and Fish Commission after applicants successfully demonstrated their accuracy with a bow and arrow. Usually an additional January hunt is held, but there is not one scheduled in 2012.
20% of damaged lots cleared Clean up of private lots that were damaged in the April 25 tornado that hit Hot Springs Village has been slow. Out of 1,151 damaged lots, as of Nov. 17, only 20% have been cleaned up. Letters have been sent to affected property owners, asking them to clean up their lots. More than 300 homes sustained some type of damage with 175 considered significant. Also, nine commercial buildings and two churches sustained damage. Thanks to the Public Works and golf course maintenance, clean up of major debris was completed over the summer. Any bare areas on the golf courses were seeded and strawed during the fall. Property owners are encouraged to clean up their lot if they have not done so.
Contractor’s License required on January 1 Effective January 1, 2012, Act 1208 of 2011 will require almost anyone doing work at a residence, when the project is $2,000 or more for labor and material, to have a license from the Contractor’s Licensing Board. During the grandfathering period, July 27 – December 31, 2011, no test will be required to obtain a license. Beginning January 1, 2012, the penalty for performing work at a residence without a license can be up to $400 per day. Contractor application packets are available from the Planning and Inspections Department at the POA Administration office or contact the Contractor’s Licensing Board at 501.372.4661 or online at
Board of Directors meetings recorded by Jessieville High School The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Board of Directors work sessions and regular meetings, held at 9 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Ouachita Building, can now be viewed on the POA’s website, courtesy of the J e s s i e v i l l e 16
H i g h S c h o o l B r o a d c a s t i n g Department, taught by Village resident Amanda Sarver. Go to, click on about us, click on Board of Directors and click to view recordings of the POA Board of Directors meetings.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Phase 8 of Forest Management Plan completed In 2004 the Hot Springs Village Board of Directors selected two respected, registered by the State of Arkansas, experienced, graduate foresters. Both had extensive tenure in managing the National Forests of the Ouachita and Ozark Mountains. They conducted a scientific empirical field survey of the Village common property and over all forest composition and the health of the Village. The P.O.A. Natural Resources Committee and P.O.A. Board studied their preliminary conclusion and findings. The Board accepted the recommendations of the professional foresters. Limited and selective logging under the careful supervision, administration and P.O.A. Natural Resource Committee oversight, would benefit the Village’s forest and its environment. The goal is with appropriate professional forest management methods carefully applied, the overall health of the Village forests would improve over time. Also forest aesthetics, wildlife, and watershed values would be enhanced. There would be also some reductions in forest fuels, which would aid in the current Village Fire Wise program. The Forest Management Plan recommended reductions in the number of trees per acre on common property to maintain healthy growing stands of trees. The ideal number of pine trees per acre is 70; if it’s a mix of pine and hardwoods it’s about 60 trees per acre. Most of the common properties are about 120 trees per acre, which in turn is unhealthy for the forest. This is where a selected thinning program can improve the health of the forest by removing older trees and reducing the number of trees per acre. Over time native grass-
E-BLAST UPDATE The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association is excited to announce over 1,757 subscribers to our new E-Blast, which keeps property owners, businesses, visitors, guests and others interested in news from Hot Springs Village. Users of the system can choose the kinds of information they receive from the POA. To sign up go to and click on ‘Subscribe to our Mail Lists’. Fill out the information and choose your categories, then click ‘Subscribe to the Selected Groups’. An email will be sent to confirm the sign up. If the steps included in the email confirmation are not followed, the registration is not valid and information from the POA will not be received. Subscribing to the e-blast is the only way property owners will be notified of golf specials. es, Forbes, and soft mast vines will dominate the opening. This provides small seeds, fruits, and insects for songbirds and other non-game wildlife. According to Steve White, Director of Planning and Inspections, the POA has completed Phase 8 of the Forest Management Plan the last week of October. White said the program will be reviewed to see if it will be continued next year.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Hot Springs Village
Economic Impact Study In September 2010, the Property Owners’ Association commissioned an economic impact study of the Village. The study was prepared by Wayne P. Miller of the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. The contribution of Hot Springs Village to the local economy, school districts and county governments is substantial. This economic activity adds $201 million of value to the local Garland and Saline county economies. Hot Springs Village generates employment opportunities and additional income for local residents and generates additional revenue for county governments and school districts. As Hot Springs Village grows, the contributions will also grow. In 2010 some 3,684 jobs and nearly $119 million in income were generated by the economic activities associated with Hot Springs Village. The population of Hot Springs Village continues to grow, increasing from an estimated 11,895 in 2004 to 13,748 in 2010. As the population grows, household spending also increases and is the primary Hot Springs Village contribution to economic growth in the region. Household spending by Village residents and visitors generated 2,774 jobs and $156 million in value added in 2010. New residential construction in Hot Springs Village also increases the size of the local economy. New home construction increased significantly during the 1990s and remained strong from 2000 to 2007. There were a total of 997 new housing units built in the six-year period from 2004 to 2010. This new home construction generates an average of 518 jobs per year and annual income of $16.7 million with about $24 million of value added to the local economy. As new homes are built on previously purchased lots, residential construction will continue to provide a substantial contribution to employment and income of local residents. Although substantial, investment in site and infrastructure becomes a smaller share of Hot Springs Village’s contribution to the local economy as the population of Hot Springs Village increases. Infrastructure development generated 66 jobs and $2.2 million additional income in 2010. This adds $2.8 million of value added to the local economy. Although the population of Hot Springs Village is less than seven percent of the total population of Garland and Saline counties, Hot Springs Village property tax assessments account for 13 percent of total 18
assessments in the two counties. Hot Springs Village property owners paid an estimated $16.1 million in real and personal property taxes in 2010. Of this, $13.6 million went to the Jessieville and Fountain Lake school districts and $2.5 million went to the Garland and Saline county governments. Both the county governments and the school districts benefit from Hot Springs Village. Revenue received from Hot Springs Village residents, visitors and property owners more than pays for the cost of services provided by county governments. It is estimated that Hot Springs Village residents paid a total of nearly $3 million in property and sales taxes to the Garland and Saline county governments in FY2010. Cost of services provided to Hot Springs Village residents is estimated to be nearly $900,000, leaving a net benefit to the two county governments of $2.1 million.
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
Lots of exciting things will be going on at Hot chase their allotment of two coupon books per Springs Village Golf Courses in 2012. lot for 2011 will be December 31, 2011 or while Magellan Bermuda Greens supplies last. Magellan will be closing on June 4 as prepaCoupons will continue to be accepted at all rations to convert the greens to Bermuda grass Pro Shops, since they never expire. However, begin. This process will take a their value is diminished over couple of months to prepare prior years and varies by the greens and collars, and course. to grow in the new grass. Golf Week Magellan has struggled with The week of October 14-20 the heat over the last few has been officially proclaimed years so the Board decided “Golf Week” in Hot Springs to invest in a hardier type of Village. Activities will include Cortez Club House golf clinics, tournaments, and grass for the climate. The driving range and practice lots of specials! Watch future facilities will be open throughout this period editions of the Advocate for additional details. though the Pro Shop will be open on a limited Annual Couples Tournament basis. To be prepared, please bring your The dates have been set for the 2012 Hot tokens with you. Tokens purchased at any pro Springs Village Couples Invitational Golf shop will work at Magellan. Magellan is Tournament. The tournament will be held from expected to reopen by Labor Day weekend. May 31 to June 2. New Guest Rates for 2012 Invitations will be sent in the first quarter of As we continue our efforts to attract new 2012 so be on the look out if you have particigolfers to the great courses at Hot Springs pated in the past or if you have signed up to be Village, we have restructured our fees for added to the waiting list. guests, family and reciprocals in 2012. The new Looking for the Perfect Holiday Gift? fees are significantly less than in 2011 and You don’t have to go any further than your include the cart fee. Check out our website nearest Village Pro Shop. We have lots of golf soon for details. clothing and merchandise items for the golfer Elimination of Reduced Rate Golf on your list. Coupon Books You can also put money on any property As the guest rates have been dramatically owner’s POA card to spend on greens fees or reduced, Coupons Books will not be offered in however they choose at any POA facility. You can also 2012. The last day for property owners to pur- purchase a Range Card to save on range tokens.
Dannet Botkin hired as Marketing Manager
Scott Randall, Hot Springs Village POA General Manager, is pleased to announce the hiring of Dannet Botkin of Tampa, FL to serve as marketing manager for Hot Springs Village. Dannet brings over 16 years of experience in marketing, advertising, media buying and event marketing management. She has worked for international companies as marketing operations manager and in 2008 lived in Barcelona, Spain marketing the North American side of a Spanish-owned company. She has successfully developed and launched numerous marketing programs. Upon returning to the U.S., she relocated to the Tampa Bay area to manage marketing programs nationally for Well Care Health Plans, a Fortune 500 company. “I am very honored and excited to be joining the Hot Springs Village POA as the new marketing manager, as well as thrilled to reside in and work for such a beautiful community,” Botkin said. Dannet began her duties on October 17, 2011. Her parents are residents of Botkin Hot Springs Village. Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
CommunityCalendar Hot Springs Village
1: Newcomers Coffee at Ponce de Leon Center 1-3: ‘My Three Angels’ at Woodlands Auditorium 2: HSV Evening Lions Bingo at Coronado Community Center 5-6: Cedar Mountain Singers at Woodlands Auditorium 7: Hot Springs Village Board of Directors Work Session at Ponce de Leon Center 8: Hot Springs Concert Band Christmas Concert at Woodlands Auditorium 11: POA Children’s Christmas Party at Ponce de Leon Center 11: HSVTA Christmas Party at Coronado Tennis Center 13: Village Chorale at Woodlands Auditorium 16: Coronado Baptist Church Gift Wrap at Coronado Community Center 19: Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert at Woodlands Auditorium 20: Blood Drive at Coronado Community Center 21: Hot Springs Village Board of Directors Regular Meeting at Ponce de Leon Center 25: All POA facilities closed including recreation and golf 31: New Year’s Eve Dinner and Dance at Coronado Center
Fo r mo re ev en t s go to www .h sv p oa . org a nd cl i ck on C ommu ni t y Ca l en dar 29: Balboa Golf Course aerify
1-2: DeSoto Golf Course aerify 5-6: Granado Golf Course aerify 7: Hot Springs Village Board Work Session at Ponce de Leon Center 7-8: Magellan Golf Course aerify 12-13: Isabella Golf Course aerify 14-15: Ponce de Leon Golf Course aerify 19-20: Cortez Golf Course aerify 21: Hot Springs Village Board Regular Meeting at Ponce de Leon Center 21: Adult Golf Clinic at Magellan Golf Course 22: Adult Golf Clinic at Coronado Golf Course 29: Arkansas Oil Marketeers Golf Tournament at Granada Golf Course
4: Hot Springs Village Board Work Session at Ponce de Leon Center 18: Hot Springs Village Board Regular Meeting at Ponce de Leon Center 19: Isabella Golf Course closed 23: Magellan Golf Course closed 24: DeSoto Golf Course closed 25: Cortez Golf Course closed 26: Balboa Golf Course closed 27: Coronado Golf Course closed 30: Granada Golf Course closed 31: Ponce de Leon Golf Course closed
1: Isabella Golf Course closed 1: Hot Springs Village Board Work Session at Ponce de Leon Center 2: Granada Golf Course closed 3: Balboa Golf Course closed 6-7: Cortez Golf Course closed 8-9: Magellan Golf Course closed 10: DeSoto Golf Course closed 13: Snowman Golf Tournament at Isabella Golf Course 13: DeSoto Golf Course closed 14: Balboa Golf Course closed 15: Hot Springs Village Board Regular Meeting at Ponce de Leon Center 15: Granada Golf Course closed 16: Granada and Coronado golf courses closed 17: Coronado Golf Course closed 21: Isabella Golf Course closed 22-23: Ponce de Leon Golf Course closed 27: Coronado Golf Course aerify 28: Coronado and Balboa golf courses aerify
- January 7
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Advocate - Winter 2011
CONTACT US General Manager - 501-922-5530 ( Property Owner Services - 501-922-5510 (
Golf - 501-922-5549 ( Advanced Tee Times - 501-922-2858 Balboa Golf Shop - 501-922-1504 Coronado Golf Shop - 501-922-2355 Cortez Golf Shop - 501-922-1590 DeSoto Golf Shop - 501-922-0001 Granada Golf Shop - 501-922-3095 Isabella Golf Shop - 501-922-5505 Magellan Golf Shop - 501-922-4497 Ponce de Leon Golf Shop - 501-922-4250 Planning & Inspections - 501-922-5562 ( Public Safety - 922-0762 Emergency - 911 Public Works - 501-922-5524 Recreation - 501-922-0322 ( Coronado Library - 501-922-3555 Coronado Community Center - 501-922-5050 Coronado Fitness Center - 501-922-1230 Coronado Tennis Center - 501-922-5054 DeSoto Marina - 501-922-1500 DeSoto Pools - 501-922-5051 Ponce de Leon Center - 501-922-4231
Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association 895 DeSoto Boulevard Hot Springs Village, AR 71909