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Sciatica is a condition characterized by a sharp pain in the lower back, hip or leg as well as tingling, numbness or weakness in the leg, usually on one side. Sciatic refers to a condition where the sciatic nerve is damaged or there is pressure being put on it. Sciatica symptoms can be difficult to treat because there are many different causes for sciatica, however once these causes are targeted it is possible to treat the condition. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, running from the lower back, down the hip, through the knee and to the ankle. Because it is such a deep nerve, sciatica symptoms can be characterized by a very deep pain which is hard to alleviate. This pain can be worse when a person has been sitting or standing for too long. Sciatica can be caused by a number of things. Piriformis syndrome is one of the causes of sciatica, resulting in sciatica symptoms deep inside of the hip joint. The piriformis muscle crosses over the sciatic nerve at the back of the hip joint, and when this muscle is too tight or tense it can squeeze or choke the top of the sciatic nerve, putting enormous pressure on it. However this can be treated to relieve the sciatic symptoms by doing stretching exercises to loosen the muscle. Massaging and anti-inflammatory drugs can also be prescribed. Acupuncture has been recommended as an alternative solution, however if the sciatic symptoms do not ease up after a long period of time, surgery to loosen the piriformis muscle may be an option. Pressure on the sciatic nerve, resulting in sciatica symptoms can also be a result of spondylolisthesis where a vertebra has slipped onto another vertebra. This puts enormous pressure on the sciatic nerve as well as the lower back. Stretching exercises may help the spondylolisthesis as well as strengthening the surrounding back muscles, to take pressure off the sciatic nerve and relieve sciatica symptoms. Anti-inflammatory medication and painkillers may also be prescribed. However, if the pain does not cease surgery to fuse the vertebrae may be considered. When the spinal cord canal has narrowed this can also put strain on the back resulting in sciatica symptoms. This is referred to as spinal stenosis. It is often recommended that someone suffering from spinal stenosis should put ice packs or heat packs on the tender area as well as avoid activity for a while and possibly take painkillers. Cortisone injections may also be administered to alleviate the inflammation. The last resort again would be surgery to help the cause of the problem and alleviate symptoms and pain. When a disk in the back has slipped, is bulging or is herniated, this can also put a lot of pressure on the back and result in sciatica, often with painful sciatica symptoms. Physical therapy is often recommended in the case of disk problems, to strengthen back muscles and take pressure off the
sciatic nerve. Anti-inflammatory drugs as well as painkillers can also help to alleviate some of the symptoms. Surgery too may be considered to tend to the herniated disk and repair damage. Other causes such as a tumor or osteoporosis may also result in sciatica causing intense sciatica symptoms. A physician would be able to diagnose this as the cause of the sciatica. Sciatica symptoms can thus be caused by a variety of factors, conditions or illnesses. It is important to consult a physician when treating the sciatica symptoms to ensure that the cause is being targeted in the treatment. The pain can sometimes be intense and crippling so it is also important to remember to keep up regular strengthening exercise to avoid putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. Sciatica symptoms can be treated, but the cause needs to be investigated.
Jeff parks is a past sciatica sufferer and witness to a colleague who underwent surgery for sciatica caused by a herniated disc, and knows only too well the gravity of this condition. Learn more about how the correct treatment for sciatica symptoms can bring quick pain relief to sufferers without drastic surgery. ==== ==== If you want more information on what is sciatica and its cure, subscribe to the free email course at no cost at the website mentioned www.sciaticasecret.com ==== ====