jy hnuman }an gun sagr,
ïI hnuman calIsa
jaya hanumäna jïäna guna sägara |
jy kpIs it÷~ laek %jagr.
çré hanumäna cälésä
jaya kapésa tihuð loka ujägara ||
Glory to Lord Hanuman who is the boundless ocean of knowledge and virtues. Glory to Lord Hanuman who is the king of the monkeys and the light of whose fame illumines the three worlds.
ïIgué crn sraej rj inj mnu muké … suxair, çréguru carana saroja raja nija manu mukuru sudhäri |
ram Ët Atuilt bl xama,
brn^~ r"ubr ibml jsu jae dayk… )l cair.
räma düta atulita bala dhämä |
A<jinpuÇ pvnsut nama.
baranaüð raghubara bimala jasu jo däyaku phala cäri ||
aïjaniputra pavanasuta nämä ||
After purifying the mirror of my mind with the dust from the lotus feet of my guru, let me describe the shining, untainted glory of Lord Hanuman, a member of the Raghu dynasty, one who is capable of bestowing the four purushārthas1 on his devotees.
O Lord Hanuman! You are the messenger of Lord Rama, the abode of incomparable strength, the son of Anjani, and known also by the name Pavanasuta (son of wind god).
mhabIr ib³m bjr<gI,
buiÏhIn tnu jainke suimraE< pvnk…mar,
mahäbéra bikrama bajaraìgé |
buddhihéna tanu jänike sumirauà pavanakumära |
kumati nivära sumati ke saìgé ||
k…mit invar sumit ke s<gI.
bl buiÏ ib*a de÷ maeih< hr÷ kles ibkar. bala buddhi bidyä dehu mohià harahu kalesa bikära || Knowing myself to be ignorant, lacking in intelligence and wisdom, I remember Hanumanji, the son of Pavana (the wind god) and invoke His grace to forcibly remove all the afflictions of my body and impurities of my mind and bless me with strength, wisdom, and discriminative knowledge.
You are the greatest warrior, possessed of valor with a body that is as strong as steel. You have the power to destroy all the negative tendencies of the mind and You are the constant companion of those who are discriminating and wise.
k<cn brn ibraj subs e a, kaïcana barana biräja subesä |
kann k…f < l k…i< ct kesa. känana kuëòala kuïcita kesä || Your complexion has a golden glow and your appearance is enhanced by your beautiful clothes, earrings and curly hair.
Four-fold fruits of life - dharma, artha, kāma, moksha
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haw b¿ AaE Xvja ibrajE,
bikaöa rüpa dhari laìka jarävä ||
hätha bajra au dhvajä biräjai |
Having reached Lanka, You assumed the most minute form and appeared before Mother Sita. With her permission, You then assumed a huge, fierce form and burnt the city of Lanka.
ka~xe mUj ~ jne^ sajE. käðdhe müðja janeü säjai || You have a thunderbolt in one hand and the flag of Lord Rama in the other. The sacred thread made of munja grass on your shoulder adorns you.
ÉIm êp xir Asur s~hare, bhéma rüpa dhari asura saðhäre |
ramc<Ô ke kaj s~vare.
s<kr suvn kesrIn<dn,
rämacandra ke käja saðväre ||
saìkara suvana kesarénandana | In order to accomplish the mission of Lord Rama, You took a gigantic form and slew many demons in Lanka.
tej àtap mha jg b<dn. teja pratäpa mahä jaga bandana ||
lay sjIvn lon ijyaye,
You are the incarnation of Lord Siva and the son of Kesari. The whole world sings the glories of your shining prowess and valor.
läya sajévana lakhana jiyäye |
ïIr"ubIr hri; %r laye.
iv*avan gunI Ait catur,
çréraghubéra harañi ura läye ||
vidyäväna guné ati cätura | You brought the sanjīvani plant from the Himalayas, which revived Lakshman thereby bringing great joy to Lord Rama’s heart.
ram kaj kirbe kae Aatur. räma käja karibe ko ätura ||
r"upit kINhI b÷t b–fa$,
You are possesed of knowledge, great virtues, a sharp intellect, and are ever eager to serve the lord of your heart, Rama.
raghupati kénhé bahuta baåäé |
tum mm iày Értih sm Éa$.
àÉu cirÇ suinbe kae risya,
tuma mama priya bharatahi sama bhäé ||
prabhu caritra sunibe ko rasiyä | Lord Rama praised You profusely and said that You are as dear to Him as Bharat.
ram lon sIta mn bisya. räma lakhana sétä mana basiyä ||
shs bdn tuMhrae js gavE<,
You take great delight in listening to the glories of Lord Rama, who along with Mother Sita and Lakshmana have take up permanent residence in Your heart.
sahasa badana tumharo jasa gävaià |
As kih ïIpit k<Q lgavE<. asa kahi çrépati kaëöha lagävaià ||
sUúm êp xir isyih< idoava, sükñma rüpa dhari siyahià dikhävä|
ibkq êp xir l<k jrava.
“The thousand-headed snake (sheshanaga) sings Your glories”, thus saying Lord Rama, the divine consort of Mother Sita, embraced Hanuman. This also refers to Lakshmana who is considered an incarnation of shesha.
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snkaidk äüaid munIsa,
jug shô jaejn pr ÉanU,
sanakädika brahmädi munésä |
juga sahastra jojana para bhänü |
nard sard siht AhIsa.
lILyae taih mxur )l janU.
närada särada sahita ahésä ||
lélyo tähi madhura phala jänü ||
Your glories are also sung by great sages like Sanaka and Nārada, gods and goddesses like Brahmā and Sarasvati.
As a child You leaped up thousands of miles with ease and swallowed the Sun thinking him to be a sweet fruit.
jm k…bre idgpal jha~ te,
àÉu muiÔka meil muo mahI—,
jama kubera digapäla jahäð te |
prabhu mudrikä meli mukha mähéà |
kib kaeibd kih ske kha~ te.
jlix la~i" gye Acrj nahI—.
kabi kobida kahi sake kahäð te ||
jaladhi läðghi gaye acaraja nähéà ||
Yama, the Lord of Death, Kubera, the god of wealth, the guardians of the directions, great poets and scholars have all tried to sing Your glories, but they have not been able to do justice.
Therefore it is not a subject of wonderment that You flew over and crossed the ocean with Lord Rama’s ring in Your mouth.
tum %pkar su¢Ivih< kINha,
durgama käja jagata ke jete |
tuma upakära sugrévahià kénhä |
sugm Anu¢h tuMhre tet. e
ram imlay raj pd dINha.
sugama anugraha tumhare tete ||
räma miläya räja pada dénhä ||
All the tasks of the world, regardless of the level of difficulty, are accomplished easily by Your grace.
You obliged Sugrīva by introducing him to Lord Rama who helped him to regain his kingdom.
ÊgRm kaj jgt ke jet, e
ram ÊAare tum rovare,
tuMhrae m<Ç ibÉI;n mana,
räma duäre tuma rakhaväre |
tumharo mantra bibhéñana mänä |
haet n Aa}a ibnu pEsare.
l<kSe vr É@ sb jg jana.
hota na äjïä binu paisäre ||
laìkesvara bhae saba jaga jänä ||
You guard the entry to Ramji’s palace where none can enter without Your permission.
Vibhīshana became renowned all over the world as the king of Lanka by heeding your advice to surrender to Lord Rama.
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sb suo lhE tuMharI srna,
You remove all the difficulties of those who meditate on You in thought, deed and speech with sincerity and faith.
saba sukha lahai tumhäré saranä |
tum rCDk kaø kae frna.
sb pr ram tpSvI raja,
tuma racchaka kähü ko òara nä ||
saba para räma tapasvé räjä |
All joys are to be found in Your refuge and with You as the protector there is no cause for fear.
itn ke kaj skl tum saja. tina ke käja sakala tuma säjä ||
Aapn tej sMharae AapE,
You were successful in carrying out the missions of Lord Rama, the supreme ascetic, who is the ruler of all.
äpana teja samhäro äpai |
tInae< laek ha~k te< ka~p. E
AaEr mnaerw jae kae$ lavE,
ténoà loka häðka teà käðpai ||
aura manoratha jo koé lävai |
You alone are capable of controlling the blazing splendor of Your powers. The three worlds tremble with fear when they hear Your thunderous roar.
soé amita jévana phala pävai ||
ÉUt ipsac inkq nih< AavE,
You grant the desires of all seekers by giving them the fruit of immortal life.
sae$ Aimt jIvn )l pavE.
bhüta pisäca nikaöa nahim ävai |
carae< jug prtap tuMhara,
mhabIr jb nam sunavE.
cäroà juga paratäpa tumhärä |
mahäbéra jaba näma sunävai ||
hE prisÏ jgt %ijyara.
Ghosts and demons do not dare to come near when they hear the name of Mahavira being chanted.
hai parasiddha jagata ujiyärä || Your glory is renowned in the four yugas2 and its glowing radiance shines forth all over the world.
nasE raeg hrE sb pIra, näsai roga harai saba pérä |
saxu s<t ke tum rovare,
jpt inr<tr hnumt bIra.
sädhu santa ke tuma rakhaväre |
japata nirantara hanumata bérä ||
Asur ink<dn ram Êlare.
All ailments are destroyed and all pain and suffering are removed by constant repetition and rememberance of Your bravery.
asura nikandana räma duläre || You are the protector of all who are righteous, the destroyer of those who are evil and very dear to Lord Rama.
s<kq te< hnuman Du–favE, saìkaöa teà hanumäna chuåävai |
mn ³m bcn Xyan jae lavE. mana krama bacana dhyäna jo lävai ||
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satya, tretā, dvāpar and kali
Aò isiÏ naE inix ke data,
AaEr devta icÄ n xr$,
añöa siddhi nau nidhi ke dätä |
aura devatä citta na dharaé |
As br dIn jankI mata.
hnumt se$ sbR suo kr$.
asa bara déna jänaké mätä ||
hanumata seé sarba sukha karaé ||
Mother Sita has granted You the boon of having the power to grant eight kinds of suddhis3 and nine forms of wealth4 to seekers.
One who worships Hanumanji with singlepointed devotion enjoys all bliss.
ram rsayn tuMhre pasa,
saìkaöa kaöai miöai saba pérä ||
räma rasäyana tumhare päsä |
jae suimrE hnumt blbIra.
sda rhae r"upit ke dasa. 32
jo sumirai hanumata balabérä ||
sadä raho raghupati ke däsä ||
All difficulties and sufferings are destroyed for the devotee who lives in the constant rememberance of the valiant Lord Hanuman.
s<kq kqE imqE sb pIra.
You possess the elixir of devotion to Lord Rama, and You remain His ever-devoted servant.
jE jE jE hnuman gaesa<$,
tuMhre Éjn ram kae pavE,
jai jai jai hanumäna gosäéà |
tumhare bhajana räma ko pävai |
k«pa kr÷ gué dev kI na$<.
jnm jnm ke Êo ibsravE.
kåpä karahu guru deva ké näéà ||
janama janama ke dukha bisarävai || Singing Your praises, aspirants attain Lord Rama and forget the misery of countless previous births.
Glory, glory, all glory to Lord Hanuman who is the master of His organs of perception and action. Please shower me with Your grace just like my own guru.
A<t kal r"ubr pur ja$,
jae st bar paQ kr kae$,
anta käla raghubara pura jäé |
jo sata bära päöha kara koé |
jha~ jNm hirÉ´ kha$.
DUqih b<id mha suo hae.
jahäð janma haribhakta kahäé ||
chüöahi bandi mahä sukha hoé ||
At the time of death such a person will go to the abode of Lord Rama where he will take birth as a devotee of the Lord.
He who recites this Hanuman Chalisa a hundred times is released from the bondage of birth and death and enjoys the absolute bliss of immortality.
animā, mahimā, garimā, laghimā, prapitih, prakāmyam, ishitvam, vashitvam 4 mahāpadma, padma, shankha, makara, kacchapa, mukunda, kunda, nīla, kharva
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jae yh p–FE hnuman clIsa, jo yaha paåhai hanumäna calésä |
haey isiÏ saoI gaErIsa. hoya siddhi säkhé gaurésä || Lord Siva Himself bears witness that one who recites this Hanuman Chalisa regularly will be successful in accomplishing his goal of attaining perfection.
tulsIdas sda hir cera, tulasédäsa sadä hari cerä |
kIjE naw ùdy m~h fera. kéjai nätha hådaya maðha òerä || Tulasidasji says that he is ever in the service of the Lord and requests Him to come and reside in his heart.
daeha dohä
pvntny s<kq hrn m<gl mUrit êp, pavanatanaya saìkaöa harana maìgala mürati rüpa |
ram lon sIta siht ùdy bs÷ sur ÉUp. räma lakhana sétä sahita hådaya basahu sura bhüpa || O Lord Hanuman, You are destroyer of all miseries and the very embodiment of all auspiciousness. O king of the gods! Please come and dwell in my heart along with Ramji, Lakshmanji and Sitaji.
. #it. || iti ||
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