MK MZODERN what if I had a girlfriend. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on January 06, 2019
Get ready for a new series from MK MZODERN called MK MZODERN what if I had a girlfriend. Examining the modern dating scene and the narrators' chance in it, the in and outs, the good and the bad and yes the dark messages caused of it.
These dark messages being; people look to the internet for company, couples are
hostile to single people and lastly people are too selfish and unlearn in true social etiquette to help theirselves and find theirselves in an abyss pondering if they ever will reach marriage-its because they do not help theirselves by being properly social and aware of dangers in people and places.
But beware my friends. This is a long series that is both to be a book and comic and maybe even both! From 2016 to 2018 is where the story takes place. A treacherous two year period that did not bode well for the author and his efforts in comic book making such that he has to be mature in not beseeching all the rude individuals met in time. Be ready for a thrill ride with MK MZODERN what if I had a girlfriend.
mk mzodern rpm 2 posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 06, 2018
mk mzodern phase 2. drawing. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 07, 2018
Night Punk.
posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 12, 2018
Brazen bats, I thought you would be chrunk and brazen bats I thought you would be chrunk but there is nothing to your luck, no gameno fuck and you have wasted all your luck when you come across the Night Punk. Cyberpunk. Ah,ah.
You come across the night and yet punk for all it is not soul and funk it is yet cyberpunk and if you ever realize its the 80s type. And not the 00s ripe. And never pandering to modernist delight. For all it is wasted in the night when it matters and when the rain pours on you. For all the things that you would have done too. Don't you think though? That the world is not all castles and funk. Nor or pop nor culture nor or poor culture of pop culture.
Brazen bats, I thought you would be chrunk and brazen bats I thought you would be chrunk but there is nothing to your luck, no gameno fuck and you have wasted all your luck when you come across the Night Punk.~ Cyberpunk. Ah,ah. you come across the Night Punk.~Cyberpunk.
Ah,ah. you come across the Night Punk.~Cyberpunk. Ah,ah.
They would easily say that cyberpunk is pop culture but it is all a lie for everyone knows nothing about reading even in this time and never could they see anything but some movie and nothing else to medium for else all they are- are pandering thots. You come across the Night Punk! Cyber, cyber-cyberpunk.
Cyber, cyber punk.
You ripe for trouble causing harm for things you note do not have the pop culture charm and in rage you reach out your arm and do harm just because you are alarmed. The world is live and it is cyberpunk. And you still stay paralyzed in your own parlor, punk!
Brazen bats, I thought you would be chrunk and brazen bats I thought you would be chrunk but there is nothing to your luck, no gameno fuck and you have wasted all your luck when you come across the Night Punk.~ Cyberpunk. Ah,ah. you come across the Night Punk.~Cyberpunk. Ah,ah. you come across the Night Punk.~Cyberpunk.
When you laugh its cyberpunk! When you sneer its cyberpunk. When you laugh its over for you thinking you can make fun of people at the expense of your own luck. And suddenly you lost in a dark alley in a rain day casted like the night realize you do not give a fuck and have lost your way. Oh in the night punk. He beat your ass and got away.
But yet you still have allegiance to pop culture say. Its cyberpunk. Its cyberpunk. Its cyberpunk...
Blood and puddles at your own luck. Of terrorism and yet in the end you do not give a fuck.
Why the magazines and progress of MK MZODERN stopped.
posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 12, 2018
I just think I should take some time to realize what is the now and how we have gotten here. I would normally include a second post but I will not. I will sum up simply in one paragraph. Around 2016 started realizing certain radical behavior as troubling to the continuing of life and liberty and one that promotes hatred and austerity to people who are black and yet of the proper friendly minority I would say or to say minority groups and black people who do not want to harm other individuals whatever their color is. Long to say and not cover ever by the news; people in minority groups struggle with an oppressive culture of white people enforcing trades and social customs that inherently make them a lesser or target of cruelty and introspection of whites to be heroes by realizing people are hurt and endangered by years and years of white cruelty to minorities in the world. They also suffer from those in their same group of race and yet other race groups harming them. Some people being so apathetic to improving their lives and others they are a liability and ultimately a harm to further advancement. Some people promote terroristic and hostile ideas and yet just want to conserve their main culture which they left for America which is not at all that bright and accepting of people.
You my reader have may lived in the pop culture bubble that today is one of equal opportunity for race and that race is this white and black thing of whites against the colored people. It is not. For the reason that people are people and no matter their fucking race can do harm. And that really today racism is just but an outdated system and people have great separations by view of race and expectations thus because of it. It is and is not the same as the system of racism. It involves many groups of people. People who come from the United States and borne here and people who are not borne and expect way too much from the United States. I mean; a dream is a dream but there is only so much that can be achieved in America. I mean; you cannot change America into
your culture and amass cultural wealth till you knock over and kill everyone who does not believe what you do. Both what is striking is that white nationalists and republicians and yet foreigners are quiet the same in wanting to detract from American cultural and promote only their need above all. I say that the failure of a movement like Black Lives matter is similar to a white nationalist because it cares about no one but black people.
Being an African American surely you should learn how to accept other people of all races and not place this selfish gambit card because believe it; unity is the only way forward and only way for salvation for minority groups. Maybe the movement would be more successful if people actually recognized that African Americans, Hispanics and Asians actually do in many instances get along and that African Americans are not this sole grunt of all. This sole bitch that is so utter disrespected as the media wold like you to believe because the media itself is racist and wants not to give black people any respect for being culturally acceptive but completely incapable of it as well as the reason to think and succeed in vast numbers without a white savior or else savior of any other color. By choosing Black Lives matter; black people essentially fell into a media trap in which ; oh look " this group of fucking terrorists" is portrayed day to day even to this day. Portrayed as anything but a force that can only understand their own plight coupled with many racist ideas of terrorism and sexual motivated ideals that they are incompetent and yet rapists. More so a myriad of mutant freaks hostile and dangerous to everyone is yet the ideal that is portrayed in showing the looting and all this other activity some people who are African American did and portraying all the same it begin all blacks who would do the same thing.
Ultimately to say that only Blacks suffer if they ever try to be so selfish as every other mother fucker else colored. White people can kill a women and no one and not even the
media rouses images that they are violent and rapists even to this day. Regardless of even the atmosphere of Me too, Kavauagh appointment( I know his name is wrong but fuck it) and countless of mentally enslaved women that idea never comes to mind is because the media is subservient to keeping the idea of racism when it was funded by it. In short to say people are people but people will only be blamed for being a certain type of person yet with a type of race attribute. Ultimately to say that racism is not enough to explain the system of abuse and hatred of people by their inner attributes vs their actual attributes.
But to say in sole that reality is not this painted happy go lucky -Martin Luther Jr is some martyr for the furthering of civil rights. It is a completely say the fight for civil rights is lost in internal conflict, people settling for less and not helping theirselves, continued racism in the government and yet education itself and most important continued ethic to nit pick people based on what a televised outlook they should be based off their physical character and who they should be race inside or race aside. Fueled ever the most by 2000s media of racist stereotypes and yet idealisms about character and class and archetypes that many carry and are not educated to properly socialize with people nor socialize with them in a granted manner of professionalism. It has become a problem that people are just settling and letting horrible crimes happen to civil rights and liberties while they are comfortable with their folks and their gadgets while their folks and rights slowly die away! This is the real problem of the generation but there are no real leaders to head any problem but a bunch of old people who just want to continue to fuck things up and wallow in despair of racism that no longer exists to the level it did in the past and they too are just waiting to die but do the most harm to the world and even reject global warming exists.
But I say in 2016 never has division of race and culture yet perception of both ideals
been so ever the strongest driving force of people. May it be the people who think they are doing the world a favor by shoving all this political correct shit into people's face who otherwise refuse to say anything. Or may it be white nationalists or republicians of any race. Or may it be minorities who do want to live in peace nor unity but just want to recreate a country out of america like a cookie cutter and cut everyone out and their culture of unity out if they do not fucking agree. Yet leaving no space for people who are foremost colored and want to be united in America any say of freedom; and try to grasp power to kill off anyone who gets in their way. I begun to observe this startling selfish group of people in university and at first I refused to admit that people were so dead set in the "past". But as a bitch as the girl truly was and not promoting hatred to women, ripped a paper I had printed out of my hands just because I wanted to check it was mine; the conception of unity of minorities quickly went away. Not namingly I wanted to beat the poor slime up in that instant as if she was afraid of her paper being touched by a black person and reared me with such hatred and thought herself so superior for doing something people have no trouble else doing. And that is living in respect and unity. The girl did not listen to me nor listen to me say " wait!" She just took it and went along her day as if right as if this was her right. Severely past that day to conserve the idea of unity; I believed it best that certain people from across the seas never be trusted in upholding unity and maybe they should all be barred from the country especially when they never give respect to America as it is and only go back to their country by merits only achieved in a free country where Christmas is celebrated. This might sound republican and yet it is. But it is the right accordance; preservation of freedoms and yet liberties and yet opportunities for the future to be one of unity and not division and slavery. Many people have no knowledge of the middle east or other foreign countries. But they are not in the modern era; they are trapped in the elements of the past and have the worst human right issues to even be a western equivalent and even wear the same fucking free clothes we wear and want to be fucking white. Listen to me
there are Africans all trapped in the middle east and they do not wear modern clothes nor do modern jobs but are slaves- share croppers and dress in 18th century rags. You can think a colorful world where Islam is not conducive to lack of human rights, racism to Africans and blacks and others, is actually a peaceful religion and allows the same culture of democracy and unity as America! It does not! ( Head slap!) If you celebrate Christmas; you cannot live in the middle east; they have no shopping centers centered around the holidays or Santa Claus and approve the myth- Santa can never go near the middle east as it would be hostile to him and all his color variations. Notice that Santa is never muslim because Muslims disregard that Jesus ever existed and that is the main tenant of their religion that has never changed. And while people can be accepting of their messiah and even Jesus at times not be a big deal for some churches that branched off Christianity protestant~ and even people accepting of alternatives in faith; people of Muslim faith can never be convinced their narrative is wrong especially in the custom of another country that is solely of the religion they persecute. They will always hold high that there is no alternative believe and will insult people who believe in Jesus forever being a warpath to designate he does not exist and that the culture they live in is purely wrong and not only that needs to be changed to their religion. Its not odd to say that frankly you never see Muslims in a impoverished black community least they be of the America variety which is not the same. You will only see Muslims in a place where there are white people as they think whites are sole authoritarians around based on how bad they treat Africans and yet blacks when they come across them and yet how they treat them in their own country. And yet they can never give blacks nor Africans any human respect and for all to be said any human contact is to keep them from scrutiny from whites or anyone they truly think is in power.
I consider Trump's bans as bad but then I realize how I never had any good relations with anyone who was either muslim or from the middle east; I had no sympathy what so
ever and to this day I am not ashamed to not share bread with bastards who are akin to be racist. Not to say all people who are Muslim are bad. But certainly they just choose to do bad in the light of the religion and culture and in my eyes many people including the women lack the ability to think and do good of their own violation. To say that some people just do not deserve the hand of unity. Some people need to be tossed into their cultural paradise it truly was not where they could not get a furthered education and yet not partake in western culture yet racism. To say that people who often come to this country offer no solutions to people who have long been here. Just want to take and destroy everything in their taking for their own cookie cutter way of validation of bringing their own country to America and replacing it with their values and political power. I trust you but I do not support even all the Muslim oriented individuals who got into congress. They frankly do not support better treatment for blacks nor African Americans and can be trusted only to try and be what can be know as "emulating western culture and western ambiguity of wrong yet superiority". In frank; these people aren't going to get old and kick the bucket but keep racism along in their tired attempts to be western/white.
I noticed such people back then and I notice them now; certain activities started to happen in my peaceful region not conductive ever before. When I went to do some more research the spawn of bad media had finally reached my area; the outsides of one of the most racist cities ever and home to much sex slavery. To say people who carry the belief of character based on race and nothing can sway them like that individual who refused to listen to me before she yanked the paper out of my hand. These people who gobble up racist tendencies and then treat the natives of a region which is about 30 to 45 minutes away from Houston as these objects to be hated and introduce race and archetype separation.
Many people get the wrong idea about Texas and Houston. Houston is not a real city; it only has fun things to do if you are either a mall thot or a kindergartener who wants to see the Zoo and the museums. Outside of this; there is nothing there but education and medical firms just as separatist and egoist as the media to assume openly and secretly that blacks mainly and other minority groups are lesser and since 9/11 just panders to what fuck who comes over the seas and thinks they own the place be it in the medical field or education! The education in Houston itself is something of a nightmare and solely representative of real life reality and not this bubble fiction of unity and happiness for all the colored people of the world. The main people who are educated by HISD-the houston school district are black and representative to the worst cruelties imaginable. People openly take assault to black youth and use that bastardized them in any manner conveyable to keep them from learning and yet keep attributing these racist ideals and regimes that they are not smart among other ideas much worse and invented worse ideas as the days go on. Such of sort is the problem in this district is that they are so gobbled by blacks being inferior; the adults never do their job in teaching nor funding the district or even having a leader! Contrastly ; the Yes prep is solely where Latinos are likely to go and yes other schools too! Because I guess they do not want to be caught up in the shit of all the black people and their school district. Parents can choose to send their children to a particular school if the school they would have been sent to is not up to standard. Such things applied to my area and yet the entire state. The News is never lenient in discussing the true matters of why the school district is poorly funded and in recent times has come to a near state take over; but always producing this bullshit of racial unity in the face of all the blacks and latinos who suffer because of it! Namely; to say where are all the whites, africans and other minorities-even Muslims of the middle east and those who are Asian go to school? To all these elite schools who have a 4.0 GPA. Never does anyone who goes to school in Houston know of diversity and become
disenchanted with reality here when people will say it is diverse and make it seem equal opportunity but it is not. Similarly black people are likely to not vote because they never see it changing anything of how they else treated by the media and yet government because like in the city and elsewhere many people take pleasure and make it their goal to show them how little power "they have". Even attributing freedom to not voting by popular figures who encourage that voting and political involvement is not important but appeasing white people and the idea of diversity so no one is offended of the true harsh reality. For the people who are strong willed enough, educated enough, encouraged to be people and not items and yet with their free realm of ideas to continue school and continue in the democrat process and do anything in life; always face retribution by those who were brainwashed and then yet of their own choice decided not to be involved in democracy or do anything with their lives. But no one will tell you this. People who are yet African American and want to be involved in democracy and yet do good in life are yet subject to racism by whites and other individuals so it is not so appalling that there is a lack of leadership when black people are just pigs put to slaughter by city politics and yet racism, self hatred, self in action and yet self destruction and mainly education and the culture at home and education that is not conductive to make successful citizens and those who want to vote! Acknowledge there is no greater injustice. No one else is treated like livestock but the swine that must be the students in HISD. Africans escape this system by not even being from this country and wanting better lives and education.
To say furthermore outside the city lies better alternatives to education but subtle ones. Ones that are nor foremently racist and that there is some type of opportunity. But yet people from this region like me are not bound to the Houston experience of indulgence that diversity is key yet racism does not exist. Often having to travel into the city may it be a contest for writing a children's book in 4th grade at the local PBS 8 or go on a field
trip or go to a zoo, award ceremony, doctor's appointment or even surgery to save one's life and even to go to college; one notices a grand difference. There is a high racial insensitivity in Houston; that grows in the multinational community as they try to emulate some feigned culture of western hood. Yet people want to celebrate these minorities when they attribute racist ideas held formerly by white people in the past which now is only held by some white people who are likely to be republican. And this grand idea of "diversity" is a new ideal. That is granted in a desperate attempt by conservatives to save the face of their beloved racist system in a new era. And conservatives here are people who believed the city ever was a good place to live for anyone who was colored when its not. All the black people live in the wards which are just suburbs whites flung from in the past and are still the constant citing of white infringement to drive up property values and force them onto the streets which just adds to how people want to perceive blacks which they are not.
The thing is that there is such a toxic host of people in Houston who decide to finally leave Houston and settle in the region and disturb long running cultures of peace and unity for their selfish foreigner want to western idealisms and at the curb of that just think its their destiny to fuck over any "nigger" they see. Simply thinking they can play the street of unity two ways. Pass off as being innocent and in need of civil rights and are so vulnerable to deportation and all this other crap; while being racist and really trying to infringe on a culture in a region.
My whole region itself is another city only which a person not caught up in bullshit pop culture can easily find. It is a outshadowed city and no one frankly gives a damn on the news of its importance in anything and the region itself. Only likely to label a fight at a school, "another ghetto uprising". Many people for years have lived in cultural unity since I have been alive. I for one; even know that we were more united before all the
damned immigrants and their not helpful views came over and just started hitting people with their "truths" like the girl who ripped the paper out of my hand; wait! These people cannot wait. But only destroyed and maybe before they come should take classes on how to behave but no one is morally sound to give them such advice or have even the right when many of these people are adults and should know how to act regardless of how fucked up their origin country was. But yet they do not.
People who live in my region know that Houston and its culture is nothing by hypocrisy, flair society of high, racism and yes evil. People in my region can be divided by race but never to extent of those in Houston. At least you can socialize and even get to understand people in my region as a possibility. With these people who swarm now from this city and try to spew its toxicity on the friendly lands outside of it where people basically live in unity and understanding of a need to be together and work for a better tomorrow; these individuals do not. And no one would be stupid to trust anyone who cares such toxic views especially if they are African American. There is only so much unity and the toxic brung by these folks removes ever aspect of it! When I saw in 2016 how people were migrating and trying to change the culture of here as if it never existed and Houston is all it is- to be truthful it is the most political inspiring thing for action and change. I woke up and realized that really; I will not have a home nor will be descendant have a place they can call home and be accepted at the current toxic culture climate that hurdles to this area. Many people do not know this but shitty hotels are places where drugs are sold-women interchanged and prostitution happens. Building such an estate in front of a community of minority people only allows evil individuals to try and bastardize everyone.
I will not be silenced and I have decided to speak up for my home. While at times I have not liked many of the people here nor the things that happen it is surely better than the
shit hole Houston is. Many of my peers would accept the commercialized view of Houston and its racism. But I never will lean into its hypocrisy.... that said I made several preparations in 2016 for the future. One to start a new political action campaign to promote that people be brought to justice for proliferating racial unity for their own expense and doing any those who need civil rights continue and wrongs righted; an ultimate wrong. You cannot pander to the left-you must stay to right. And that is right. How I am going to do that is through my works current. For too long Houston as stood as this great city in obscurity and clouded over by this pop culture Texas bullshit~ its time for people to realize its just a region near a coastal area with sum of trees and yes some remnant of livestock lifestyle. But yet on the outskirts is not this fantasy nor fairytale; anything happens in this area as much as any other and no its not throwing hooves of horses or rings of horses on a peg or whipping a rope as only children taken in to the pop culture extreme are likely to do in daycare or kindergarten- it is a real place where real people live and it needs to stay like that.
MK MZODERN RPM part 1; SUNGLASSES. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 14, 2018
It is the December 14th of 2018 and yet after ten years of working and not working on Sunglasses will finally release a story that is graphic in nature and the first part of the series. But as well; to be said one part of RPM; MK MZODERN RPM which was the focus earlier in the year up to the 6th month! Yet many people have forgotten how much the RPM means to MK MZODERN, and various different stories and yet a certain time period. Denoting an era of yet change denoted as a breakthrough. But yet have forgotten that the process of yet RPM is not over. In venturing and in journeying and having adventures!
In celebration tomorrow; will be certain written works and other features for Sunglasses and that will be it for the work. A certain element was cut from the work because I want to do something different.
Save yourself from the internet! posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 11, 2018
Don't regret don't forget-save your soul from the internet.
For it is to regret the facts of life to always think commercialized ideas of life exist as you wish to be so incongruent with life.
Save your soul from the internet do not even forget or regret for what is to happen to your soul is that you will never know what is real.
Never know what is real, repent and save your soul from the internet and never forget; save your soul from the internet! Save your soul from the internet.
Happy palms of the man in the middle of the world if he dies. Make him some item and some image of the pop culture immortality and strip of all meaning and sensibility for what is reality! You can not see it. You cannot quiet it but you will be tossed along in the world so blind because you refuse to see the world as it is but from the pop culture internet.
No one can be the true here when they are lost in there from what is there is not a care in the world but if you can three girls! And like it if you are a male or a girl but nothing of true advancement in this world!
When people are happy and they are calm in the world. With being lied to and placed in a child's pin-they are not real women nor men, no. They are man and women children when they can never take up democracy to help theirselves. Never communicate to help theirselves and just let life pass them by they are man and women children. They are man and women children!
Save your soul from the Internet!
Toss the phones and cast regret. Log off social media and be your own person, son and daughters no more of the internet! Internet.
Internet. And don't forget to be humane... internet. And don't forget to be humane on the internet and don't forget-O-don't forget to be humane on the internet.
Save your soul from the internet do not even forget or regret for what is to happen to your soul is that you will never know what is real. Never know what is real, repent and save your soul from the internet and never forget; save your soul from the internet! Save your soul from the internet.
You will never know what is real if you don't save yourself from the internet.
MK MZODERN RPM! 1&2! Apollo Vs Swan. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 17, 2018
Who in each story is the angel and who is the demon? Who endures to create and who endures to hate? These are the questions and who will win;Apollo or Swan. In a Heavy Hitters and Lighters event never to be forgotten.
Heart breaking agony year. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 19, 2018
This year has truly been the year of heart breaking agony and betrayal of trust as a right for all. Never until heard a guy say; you cannot have an attitude like that- that perfectly nothing was wrong with me and nothing was wrong with any guy for attempting to speak to a girl in life and even in this abused technology climate. Still to say one should not assume one wants to do harm to an individual just because they are male. That valid some people rather just sleep through life and have other people make their decisions and when you prompt them to act as people they do not know how to act. Much to be said many youth as well do not have the courage to often speak to a girl and if I knew what I was going to get when I talked to certain girls; I would have shut up but then one cannot expect to live if they do not work. Many males will stay timid and scared and the bad males grow more enthusiastic and wrong. Permitted by women who truly aren't women but girls and probably will never grow up ever at all.
Challenging into MK MZODERN. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 19, 2018
Kyeombi is based on many ideas. One idea is for the substance, one for the dream and other for a deeper social meaning if not often personal or some other type of message; you can find some great messages in many of the upcoming stories. When packaging the ideals in Idea Database back in 2011 and in writing and continuing to do so; there is never time for political essay or else other project but focusing only so much on what is the main because there is only so much to happen at the end of working solely on paper. If you ever have written on paper; it is most economical to type because if you want to type it later and are inexperienced it can be a pain. Now I know many people cannot type or write on paper or computer and while highschools are supposed to teach this
craft they do not but indulge that people must fuck each other and each other over. That to be said; I want to say that will not be bound by the simple and the stories will be very complex and that I would like to chase the trail of the Black Magic and yet its extra, and yes here on the net; free the ideas that could never be said and of great political mantra and else of meaning. So that you can see the strength of MK MZODERN is to coax and bring out the flavor of the packaging of the story into the water of life and yet the story and make a grand tea! Not one of these exploits that never go into their political meanings. Here I would like to announce one extra work of Black Magic now.
Rok is the main character in some regards and else not but his character is fiery and hot as his magic; hidden from everyone and they do not know his alternative beliefs that everyone supposes he would not have. He is strong but this hidden truth that only Sots will acknowledge and when he turns to Lilly and says, " my turn to surprise you". Or something of the sort; it should be noted that he can only take so much burden to tend to this " accepted normalcy" before he realizes how much of a target species of person he is and is completely alone regardless if he tells Sots. As Sots seems to fit in anywhere and yet fits well into a background. But Sots may be a good friend; he could never know what it is like to be Rok. Pretending popularity and the stances of it in charm and yet no one will truly ever get him and in the end he will be betrayed by anyone who tries to get to know him.
Maybe to say that; what if I replaced Rok with my personal instances and show how much a difference his character makes to the tea of life and that will be to say to illustrate a story of my life and yes the inner of a character in how he is in his world and yet another world. And that will be a great gesture for you to see. The specialty of MK MZODERN and its difference in showing aspects of a story that otherwise would have been forgotten.
Black Magic; Everyworld needs its fastfood. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 20, 2018
One extra feature as I turn historic page; there needs to be a restaurant all characters of main cast can eat at. One of which I call.
toxic burger.
Will be its own separate story.
Now I think I have Black Magic wrapped up for its launch.
9 emo. Junira. Real Nature. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 20, 2018
This is 9 emo.
1 In the beginning of MK MZODERN before it was really MK MZODERN, I began experimenting with different writing styles, methods and work approaches. If you actually look back at first I was adamant about this idea of a story on a blog but not a
whole novel approach and yes an approach in which I would not have to draw ever the most to communicate an idea. It was an approach to the abstract format of the phase 2 MK MZODERN. However while this record of mine talks about the work it also transforms it into what it is supposed to be.
I would like to say I worked on this in hellish library. It was loud. The people were not professional not adult like. It was more like a cyberpunk market and someone or some sort was trying to sell you some shit and it was always crowded and yet some places deepened with a dark curiosity you find in a slasher's alley. Not to mention how hard it was to concentrate; writing this at all was a miracle. There was no other place to go; because people were loud and annoying. No real privacy and not even in your dorm room. To this day; I am pretty sure one of my caps was stolen by these girls the roommate would invite over. It never reached its potential as being of many subjects. Recently in the past redefined the story but I think I can again do a better job.
So instead will give an entire Anything Kyeombi page on Real Nature/ Junira and have the different topics arranged by story. And mainly to say that in the original; the whole work started off inspired but after a week of school; I began to see a new purpose for my work and begun to mock "it" or the failings of authors who solely and slowly quit writing and give into feigned concepts of rights and morality and that art is a crime and not a real profession. But it was all a joke people took it all for real for the wrong reasons and truly it worked to the " new purpose of my work". No one else wanted to say anything was wrong at that campus but I already stood up to it just doing this. In the actual posed to move onto something else and briefly ended in a post that represents a large problem of the circumstances of wrong, "How
hard is it for you to concentrate when talking with an attractive girl?"
2 The next thing I moved onto was working on Forge, TIM and the graphic novel advent and that is where I leave it for now. Something completely opposite of the plan to not draw or color at all. And the responses to it where different and the situation of a new purpose escalated till I decried the English class and its rhetoric and wrote and typed Slayers of Wolve to decry how racially motivated and insensitive that class was and that is was full of bullshit and social toxicity. And that I could write well and actually do things in English; the english teacher probably couldn't and what that class focused on taught no one anything really to be looking on people because they were not this mind washed, devil spirited and fucked up individual who let a wrong everyone can see( as confirmed by modern events and happenings) happen and think its natural and normal and even permitted to happen to people on basis of gender, race and character. All to say those people who act like nothing was fucking wrong; were monsters as proven by modern events. The one or two other people were lucky enough that there existed another individual to watch their backs by taking the blame- by being proactive that others would not look at them and know that they knew something was wrong. Moreso that these people who allowed wrong would not be motivated to do wrong and propel a disastrous system forward.Looking back at it all; and speaking with people of today- I was truly brave because no one has the courage to defy these knows and yet unknowns and are so timid they cannot even do basic social functions. But that would be incorrect because I am not even the same as these incongruent people of today who cannot even speak. So dash that; but to say I was brave. But it cost me; for all these fuckers who could not speak up but dwell in the dark-talking to individual I liked for fear that she would be attacked or forced to believe along lies and rumors. A thing that could not be escaped later on even up til today. As many people are forced to believe along lies and rumors of their own self cocky intent. But this girl was not like that. And partially even to this day am glad I never spoke to her for what is proven in the modern; nothing good
happens when there are these rumors afloat and all these people peers and friends and else you can never ever trust because they are corrupt.
Life lessons learned here; not being able to tell anyone about a crime or disrupt the status quo by doing so and receiving harsh replies, criticism and threats and basic terrorist actions just because you said anything about a crime that happen to you as well as being basically lynched by the public. Is exactly how rape victims feel. When people do not take what happened to them seriously and blame them for coming forth. Basically these people are granted should not be blamed for how ever long it takes them to come with these "accusations" or the truth of what happened to them; because the current world and even modern world is harsh, brutal and cruel. People still think they can get away with monstrous crimes as well as social scams to deprive people of ever communicating to other people of a different race or gender or even the same race just because of someone warped perception of godhood based solely on privilege to defile based off of several things. Racial privilege and no not the white one; just the means of using one's race to validate an action. Sexual privilege because they think they are either male or female they can do certain things that encroach on people's rights to be free and no they do not ask "permission". They just go and do it and try to box people in to get what they want. Because people are spoiled- they think they can do whatever they want and get away with and think its right they intervene in natural socialization. And because people are spoiled with no brains or are crazy and just have a warped perception of reality that everything goes. People who are crazy and deprive of any sun in their life; people who have had a hard life but cannot do anything by act out and in the end it is their own fault. Lastly people who are poor of morals and proper socialization yet deprived of being spoiled but continue to not improve their lives but drag everyone down who matches a feature similar to them or they do not like. They of their own sort continue to perpetrate a reality against them and engage in terrorist acts
that do no good to anyone! But solely think they are changing the world just from their small community perspective and have no form of view of the world outside this. Many of these people were not at all hard to find in quiet honesty they made up the populace in the dorms and individuals in class that could be most clearly seen. They always have to make their plight know the world and everyone who is around. They do not context it in speaking to other people at all; but rather their problems are just to gain fame and attention in which they ultimately seek in interrupting and influencing people apart and not together. But will use the same system to try and coerce people to do things with them; they do not want to do. All to say that; proper socialization were trust is true and the rhetoric inside is true and the goal that everyone is to reach can be guaranteed by at least the school system or work system or even government or the people within is one were no one would have trouble leveling a happening that happened to them to entire public. With no form of backlash. But in colleges there is such heavy backlash to any human rights that one can say that colleges are just for the money and that really the lesson I learned is; this tortured system of commericalized and social lies yet commercialized torture and permission of students and work force to torture without any form of wrong, justice dealt or even remorse on their part cannot continue. And frankly by telling this tale; I break past the boundary of what people wish was kept silent so they could continue their nasty ways. The only way to have true fair system is one where all criminals and people who do bad acts are held accountable and no gets away with doing wrong. And that high instance of places of wrong usually are places where people have privilege in an estate that is basically a poverty run estate of money and morals and only a few rich places in which the privileged( all listed above) do all the wrong to people who are not as fucked up as they. To believe they even live in a good city or at or that this city is privy to all life besides offering functions that help life in the real places where real people live and just
not the privileged. You must do good onto the world and not contribute to the wrong. I hope that this part of the story and others reveal all the wrongs done by people in a certain university.
Developments of the MK MZODERN written feature to be continued later. Now later on will focus on Dirty Pop and Magma 109 and talk about highschool and its experiences.
Dreams of the future. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 21, 2018
Hey! When I was starting on a new path; it was agreed that I would use these new writing notes on a blog to construct a new "show idea" or story. For particularly said Kyeombi; my own collection of show ideas and stories. Real Nature as the story was to be called only continued up to a certain period of time for hardships of writing in a cruel environment and one where people evaded your privacy and tried to control how you saw the world and yourself to their own personal gain; these where physical people of which you can see in this world if you walk out of your room in Houston. But no one can fool people of their self knowledge for too long or at all even; some people who were natural corruptive will give into corruption and do bad horrible day that no one will see until a near catastrophe appears. Others will fight for theirselves and others. That being said; this story is a slap to the face to their narrative of the corrupt; those who fall to their natural temptations and others who just want to control people for their own personal gain. Many people thought the story dead; but no I reasoned that when I finished this; all the writing I had done was enough for the first part of the story to completed when I completed the first part of an engaging flight against all that is not human and inhumane. That people ultimately try to push as acceptable. Rape is not
acceptable.All else is not either.
That being said I begin the tale;
Dreams of the future. Jamie battles Henry. Ryane and Maxwell try to locate him before Henry kills him. Jyuera and the Goodielocks girls attack and save Jamie from being murdered. Henry tries to pursuit in his armor called Gathos. But Railey and Jessie in the heliocopter hover with Ryane and Maxwell fire at him stopping him.
Good Signs of a Bright Future. Jamie, Jyuera, the Goodielocks girls( Hana, Martel,Gianna, Griana, Habel, Arosse, Amy, Cannaipei Maicahceredo and Zose and lastly Montana) with the arrivals of Railey, Jessie, Ryane and Maxwell in the Admiral Base 6 have to hold off Henry. Jamie battles him when he causes the copter with Railey and Ryane to crash-thought they survive and is able to get him to retreat to another location. In their eyes; back to his original world.
Tears of the future. Jamie is able to defeat a bully called Marcos at the Hotel Highschool Farx. Henry invites him to a party where he meets Tina and Gina who want to kill him for some strange reason. Happendi and Haven try to beat him up for he might expose what the Frathclub is. The Witches of Bastards 6 attack him and he must defend against them. Jyuera, a girl he likes from Studies English class helps defeat the Witches and they escape. The hellpit expands in a search of them and many monsters of trusted allies and peers might just be monsters of the night.
bed time stories of the future.
Jamie and Jyuera go to Jamie house were he lives with his mother Alura Want Davidson and Ally Davidson where they lay together. However; a mob of bastards awaits of them at school in form of the four fearsome with a one captured; Molly, Raven, Stephanie and Forest try to kill them for something with Nia not noticing. The Caliber boys Stephen, Ronk, Seven and Dregeerder and Marceds try to murder them as well to get the favors of the girls. As well as girls else associated.
strife strive in the future. In the run again they meet Henry who did what he did to get more fighters. Ryane, Dailey, Jesse, Railey and Maxwell arrive to disprove his claim but he offers they can all work together to tackle League 16 in Centralia to stop their aims to bother and kill people in couples and not in the Valentine square.
Centralia Hell in the future. The group finds the queinstial army joining in the fight. But Hregor and Horstop are evil and corrupt along with Viny the brave.
society of tree mongers in the future. Exalted for their duties and secretly recognized as heroes by the army; the individuals must now work to route out corruption and defeat the Academia and its plots for world domination by messing in the romantics of individuals.
Opinion of science in the future. A terrorist attack occurs in the Lincoln punk tree and the group suspects Henry is behind it all on how all clues are aimed to pin on Ryane who is knocked out in the blast and the florist ruyamare confirming his whereabouts with her during the blast.
Time travel rules in the future. The group faces public scrutiny when they battle Oftis, Gritchingen,Layla,Orffendeben and the bloody ones attacking the parallel ones. Jamie and Jyuera confront Henry leading bloody ones and are helped by Tao and the Goodiegirls to defeat them all.
Unicorn racer in the future. Led into a forest; Jamie battles Henry. Modern day; Unicorn racer arrives at base,"It's mzodern!" Stephanie Gates assigns a mission to defeat Vixcxs the emperor and find Moira. The adventure has just begun.
The grand beginning of the Dreams of the future/ Junira; Real Nature.
Universe Express Chapter 1. Angels in the Surburb. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on January 01, 2019
Juin liked to party out by the sea coast with Kat, Venisse, Wisk and Hanessono surfing but he was late for class.
He had found a mysterious item that was a life some days before. Transformed he had done many various things and threw an experience or two had gone to different worlds.
He was late to play the skit of the academy of the past.
He ran and he got on his skate board till he made it to the acting hall. Wisk Fetch his teacher was not happy but all his friends, Skyper, Wess, Maka, Leo, Loyle, Clarissa and Dean were all there. His best friend Micheal chatted with the girl he liked called Ally but he would never tell. He was still getting over the bad experience he rather not speak about when he and his friends inherited the powers that be; to defeat a
Sargon 6 milta bot escaped from the Space Base Regal Nuune.
His girlfriend and a General Red's daughter had died or in a sense; she stopped being who she was and became a master of technology and yet not as she was before.
He wanted to act out but all he could do was be there for his friends. His brother Jon was there. He did not want to look sad and so he pretended. Not to notice how much Clarissa was touching on him in practice when he came to sit on the bench.
Maybe if Veronica was here; she would not dare try but this Clarissa was bold and valiant and thought she was doing nothing. Micheal did not notice as he; Juin placed her hands away. Whispering, " stay that way okay".
She touched him on his rear and pinched and he stood up and exclaimed. Clarissa laughed. The teacher paid him no mind and seemed to blame him and was about to say something. When Angels fluttered in and now he and his friends were swarmed.
A black dressed loosely angel calling itself Carnabethe attacked Juin and only Veronica came and struck as all the rest where occupied and did not see her but Clarissa did.
Veronica called Micheal away from Ally who seemed to have mentally collapsed and was not viewing anything as they were forced out to fight the angels. " book of bram" she said over and over again. "nuts" Micheal reasoned just knowing there was no responsible lie for leaving the girl in such a state tp ask her for courtship that she would accept even if she knew what he
could do. I pity him.
Jon, Veronica, I and Micheal and Skyper cornered together near bushes near a pillar somehow the angels refused an audience. Veronica forced Skyper to turn around. We transformed and went to business.
We recreated the Hazard Spell.
The Oceans Spell
and the Light spell ending in the dragon spell welcoming the nightfall spell.
The angels led by Farned the Nightlocker retreated; demanding their Book of Bram's legends not be mocked. Pretty sure soon at the hands of Mor, our instructor where sent to Doom city to dealt some new kind of pain for the Angels forced in fleeing and fleeting of dark infractions of a coming dark wave and dark hand.
But I swear for her; and this girl called Ariel I just met- I'll beat them I understand.
End and close. MM culture feature conclude.