mk fashion posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on December 09, 2018
Castille Ida Belle Castings
the media of despair posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on September 27, 2018
In this life there is no doubt devil; real devil and the devil of people. People who live in reality and choose to live in reality are faced of the reality influenced by the corrupt and the demon. And yet the corrupt and demon keep on influencing to try to make the everyday struggle worse. In any way they can. Because everything must come easy to them or with benefits or with nothing at all. They recognize they ever have to suffer in the wrong of the world because they benefit from it in just immoral
assurance,or contribute to it and yet and yet deny what their privilege truly means so they can live without recognizing the wrongs of the world and their own actions that contribute to ills and so such they would rather commit wrongs disguised as rights to keep inside their damned images of assurance they are given chosen people of the human race. But I ascertain that you are not but demons. Demons who contribute that the world is peace and that they are make a change in a pipe dream for a city! When they pursuit tactics to rob humanity-yes does who see wrongs in the world and try to interesting ways to get them to self destruct and die because they think its their demonsend duty to do. However,no one has such power but instead of helping people in need they push them down because they are apart of the wrong of the world that influences why people are even down or afflicted in the first place.
The media does not see the dangers of the world because it is not used to seeing the full picture at all times in the world and will risk rather being bias to the side of the devil and the those who only want to try and push people down and control them-for the fact that they will believe this is " society" however it is not. Even the people apart of the media mainly so and not the ones who commit sexual heinous acts and other things; will be inflicted by non society and their actions supported ever even by them to the degree in which they will suffer and ultimately not agree. Can you imagine a world where people are so bent on causing harm that they refuse to acknowledge it so they can continue to cause harm and believe the myth they are "sovereign" or divine- no such individuals are demons. And this is the reality. Many of us today live under the guise of media and media news but it only promotes hatred and said demonry by not speaking about things as they should or showing the reality of the world as it truly is. Ultimately; failed by their own sensationalist rhetoric-they betray us all and allow great demons to be aided by the belief of their own invincibility and that what they are doing is commendable and to be praised. Enough is enough; they ultimately condone the darkness that many seek as the
wrong of the world.
Perhaps this is what republicans speak about in regards to "liberal" news being fakebecause it does not come from the sake heart concern as their said media or rather in their eyes expose the true "evil" of the world. But seems to only say that maybe the concern with all the rights is just a farce when the media just wants control when backing other things that maybe do not help people at all.Yet this being said;while they might be able to see that the interest of liberal media and news being just to garner people and yet they are brainless to what they are actually supporting and doing does not set off the fact of their hatred for people who are said liberals. Usually when you see people being tagged along you feel sorry for them, not hateful towards them because they are "brainwashed" to compete in a society with you for things you want! Ultimately they are only brainwashed because you aren't. You do not take the news of a certain media to the extremes of truth and dignity to insult real life and nature outside the borders of what you see. While you may have troubles it is so solely of your own dong to be brainwashed. To follow the people you follow, trust the people you do and traitor everyone else just for the sake of the "American Dream" which many people who are not like you- said people who are brainwashed yet incompetent to make enough the bad decision ultimately are not good enough for.You want to live over and over that certain people of color and yet else origin than white are not good enough for the American Dream. Doing as you can as your said ancestors did to stop people from being successful because they were afraid of them for the color of their skin or sex. Doing all they could and whatever they could and never lay a helping hand. Now when a farmer not to lump farmers in as haters but when farmers now have to get a bail out check from China it is simply entitlement money they ask for when life is not this blissful white reality land. Its welfare and that is what they asked for in following the people they followed and its only right they get what they have for you. And by they- it is just the people who they support
that got them here. No, perhaps. There is no perhaps here. When you go to a said improvished school only because minorities go there. But wait, minorities is a derogative message only promoted by the media. I would say more like everyday people who at least know what a right and wrong is and ultimately assume that first that wrong is not a right. They might do wrong but it is never in privilege to ultimately believe its right. Only in the sum of flight and survival. Yet you have trash here even who seek to believe that its their right even when they are not white to assume that everyone is against them and that their fashionable life is more tolerable than living in peace. Forcing ultimately the question of war due to their feigned superiority. But no, it is no longer the whites as the media has always led you to believe that other people cannot be human but yes they can. The media will never be accurate to this model.
Black people can be the most racist and yet evil people. People whom many do not have enough association with would be too. Like said people from areas of the middle east yet India. But they will not know that when their main focus is just to hate people for the sum of their color and never realize that no matter what culture and what color, the greed of insanity to hate humanity runs deep and strong. You can say that certain black people are accustomed to try to hurt others of their similar skin color because they believe it just to them to be something commendable to do to shout this nonsense of " black enough" or not. Live in these boggies of misinformation and yet swindling culture that only promote hatred views to all who carry the skin tone. By swindling culture; I mean want to act as if they are the main and only people. Want to act as if they are only legitimate. That only their concerns represent black people and the culture they grew up with is how all black people grow up. But here you can see if you have eyes of reason and acceptance and not hatred and doubt that there are many types of people confined by race as any as well as cultures. But what to say much of such of people today no matter their skin color want to associate together images of "a castle on a hill" that reaches to
destroy all other places of culture of which entails unity foremost than hatred and bigotry. People simply are going the opposite way, forming the anti christ and allowing theirselves the thought of succession and liberation from being amongst people. They only want violence and no one is ever the wiser in this society to even know that people are dividing and not uniting and why gun violence goes up is because children realize the myth and seek their own convoluted and twisted gestures by the way which is of this world with their flavor and turmoil to seek a solution from them damned people they better not be bothered with. And that of today consequentially is all their fellow students and civilians.
I say that the media while covering these events of tragedy and political division and social division not seen nor heard.Never covers the angle of the Republicians being said legitimate for it would reveal a plot hole. A plot hole in which they are conveniently mindwashed and moral absent of being responsible for their actions and yet beliefs which are not tolerable in this era. Only supportive of keeping women as broken objects who ultimately are just bred and made never to consider anything of life but in this particular republican culture and can never truly think for their selves. Morally absent in only caring about their own needs over the facts of reality and the facts of morality- too long and grievous to represent. So mindwashed they are that they are real citizens of promise and ones that God would be happy to help. When it could not be further from the truth. While they suffer they close a blind eye just to believe a myth, continue their hate and believe they are the chosen "good" people and nothing else. They are not guilty of anything by their acts and they are not responsible for their actions. And that is what the media continues to prosper republican or said "liberal" (rather democrat as that is the proper non sensationalization speak) media.And what gets worse is the people who come here with this belief that they are somehow yet superior to everyone and even these said "white people". They can do anything better than anyone else including be
disillusioned with the purpose of what they are even here for. Namely to say this country is called America and frankly there are reasons why people would be accepting of folks who go out of their way to gather together and form communities where they never speak to anyone else and then go out of their way to discriminate against the discriminated-believing it their right to deprive people of the liberties of this country. Go out of their way to pin people down and pin people up in precarious ways and manners just because they can and want to prove that they can continue their said often racist and self harming culture here. Self harming in the aspect that they allow no equality for anyone but a few. And only garner education as a myth for equality and acceptance into society. When they never have the intention of meeting you on and on the same footing. Only wanting to make this country their own with their own cultural practices of wrong. Only continuing a culture of hatred and yet despair. One that certainly will never accept anyone foremost else asian, anyone black or anyone white and now maybe they would not know what the fuck to do with latinos or latinas because maybe the media does not talk about them as much as the other groups with any damn type of importance but to be a problem!
Namely to say the world is not this image of you are colored you are for equality. Such a myth only tolerates that colored folk are people at all and only white people are people and such is a mentality tolerated by democrats and media today making them guess what; racist and blind to the actual life of reality in America. And yet you have people who will be these people just to come with some air that some people are lesser than them and let's build up our resources to impress them, force them into assimilation as a secondary class or kick them to the curb or even worse. Many of much to say the media allows no truth, only disenfranchisement. Or should I spell it with a "z" because like a zoom people are quick to gather and disenfranchise and I have seen too many issues of this in my life and have written of it here.
What is modern or shall I spell it with a "z"- mzodern is to be quick to reach foolish judgments just for the sake of torturing or coming up with myths and excuses to torture people and try to make people into things in which no one is; all for the sake of belief that you are not apart of the wrong. That you are legitimate. And have no duty to unity. No duty to help people and not come to our own quick conclusions.I started this blog at the turn of when I was 18, I never felt more betrayed by the education system and just felt it a route of mistrust, just something to do and clearly not learn because that was all that was taught. But at a point I would not tolerate living like this any longer. And saw things that certainly the media should be covering but were not. Just playing games as they are just playing further fucking games. I want and have shown the actual here. But not to any great depth. But I have shown through action that anyone of human identity and structure as a people can do anything such as create a bunch of comics and give no excuses until why it should or not should not be done. That expendable as art people think it to be that it is not. "MK" the impression of stylist making. Is to twist your foolish judgments against you. And yes you have been ousted by a" nigger". I'll say this first before anyone gets to say my fucking name and contribution. My name is not African American. My name is me. Not of one people but many people. And when anyone looks this up or makes any type of gesture let it forever be known that I acknowledged your " first black -whatever" myth game first. That maybe it should not be a game of first but the right of humanity for actually black people and other people of color to succeed without these violence tactics to consume unity for the sake of feigned authority. Or more so, take upon theirselves an identity of those who likely and much said today and in the past are the great breakers of humanity itself. Just hate people by the demerit of their skin. And this is not debatable as modern media will have you believe, while there is a bias there is a right way and there is a wrong way of portraying
information and the current media makes a joke of what is ultimately right for unity and only consumes the idea of separation, violence and yet frustration of violence and yet the sexual kind!
MK FASHION! December 08, 2018
At long last after MM culture magazine after mm culture season; finally have reached the endgame. That being to create a story called MK FASHION! A particular story that goes with the Nylon and yet Nixon land theme. Which themes will be capitalized in this tome. Will reveal in the fashion; characters and then advertisements.
There are a quiet lot of characters and maybe will be updated as the story is fashioned.
Dante. December 08, 2018
Bony "beny" + wendy December 08, 2018
and Wendy-a couple.
1+1=2 November 02, 2018
" The first time I did it with a girl in the fall of 2013; it was with a gymnast type and a dancer. Surprising how willing she was when I asked never signaled anything wrong with her but yet there was a lot of things wrong with her. How fast I went; I felt a bit guilty as she seemed too fervent to be "exploited"
and leaving me as if I was not with her. As if she was with another "me" that she thought I was and just doing it for the sake of that. I tried to tolerate it for a while and we did it many times later on. I kind of was tried of her not actually seeing me for who I was...even during it."
magazine 1 Cartoon Resistance. November 25, 2018
I watched a bunch of shows this turn. But yet to say they do not make shows as they did in the past. Some are good but some are bad. I find that the cartoon network variety is just garbage promoting its superiority on trashy rhetorics, bad comedy and just bad art style and over promotion of adult themes in a material for younger audiences and not in a positive light. An overt attempt to shun normalcy and promote political facsmiles within and rather some of it can be said to be a propaganda. A cartoon resistance has begun and even though some cartoons on streaming are as bad as those on Cartoon Network with their overt political agenda shoving it into everyone's face of how bad they
really do not care about this or that~ nor feel any guilt for being normal; the cartoon resistance is bringing back life into a dead medium. In cartoon; I frankly speak of America cartoons as Cartoon Network is an American company in origin to the region. Probably one of the only remaining great animation examples that common everyday people will know. Disney does not really make animations anymore besides its Pixar and other animated elements for its little animated estate channel. Nickelodeon may have made cartoons in the 2000s period but really has ceased all such functions namely much in this era but some frivolous and yet not noticeable cartoon compounds.
However I am not here to speak about cartoons. I am here to speak about women. And yes, women and how they have been revealed to me in my journey to try and just become a creator of sorts.
And yes to discuss how much I have just realized that comics are not even my original goal. In sum of it all;how just important the MK MZODERN element and this very element of Magazine is.
Ah, yes. I have begun to speak about women but not in true. I say that there are good women but all to say that some who are fed on commercialism; some fed on faulty ideals of greed and quick to assume and quick to hate and quick to want to gain sexual favors; quick to think they are even the one and assume this to protect theirselves from someone who does not even exist in some over garnished self centered and self achieving rhetoric- so quick to come to guilty self achieving rhetorics in which they pawn their true feelings and make consideration they are doing the right thing by hiding that they feel anything and blaming their feelings on someone who has nothing to do with them; a stranger. Just to match some superficial society has about people by the sake of their appearance and who they could be. These people do not want to get to know these people for all the interest they peg on them which I note is never returned at all. They want to continue and validate their harmful ideals that shoving down people's throats that they are odd and bad people out of the norms of society; is the same as what is currently happening in cartoons. People just using the opportunity of standing and supposed power of their "legit" or feigned superiority-that they are right and cannot be wrong and everyone else is the enemy they see and they are the hero. They can
shove down the narrative that these people are bastards and evil and just to get their way.
If many people thought Hitler disappeared from the world he did not; slowly a terrorist operandi has been adopted for people to continue to disobey social laws and with conviction validate their immoral monstrosities and immoral monstrosities of improper communication. Much to say in the past; black people were so validated as enemies people thought it well to massacre them and lynch them and everything of the sum and yet sort. An entire city called Greenwood bombed and so brilliantly never was that terrorism when it was filled with successful black people. Ultimately to say; sane people are the modern target today and many of the crazy belligerent folks have too much say and motivation promoted by the government, work place, schools and politicians and it needs to end.
Like many women; some people think they can use something that occurs natural and use it to bastardize people because they are not up to their certain standards of what they expect and seek to make it as if they were never ever
supposed to exist or have a place in reality and try to remove them from the very mark of existence. With their speech, actions, communications and yes political involvements seek to box people in conditional statements and ignore the fact of their existence and their legitimacy as people and right to be left alone. For instance; there are some people who would rather you lower your head to them just because they are not comfortable with what they feel inside for you. These people are nothing but terrorists demanding you to do something to make them comfortable when you do not even know this person and even if you did-you still would not do their outrageous demands. You are strangers and yet still have to see this person everyday at work or school or whatever; but while you recognize this as a mutual attraction-they cannot recognize this and refuse to even give you a proper human chance. Thinking you are some type of beseecher to drive them away from the envisionments set by their folks and all the conditions for dreams and reality goals being that you are the deterrent-these individuals are mentally insane and when they seem to blame you from appearing at the places you do because you have to go to class or this workstation or cubicle or else-they refuse your right to humanity and right to be in a place of your choosing and not be harassed to be some demon out to get another. But are
you are a demon? The only think that you would want to do is talk to them but seeming in their self righteous know it all behavior. That cannot just be done at all when they think they are entitled to question existence, right and purpose as but an inconvenience to them and their dreams that paint you as a demon to them. Afraid that something bad is going to happen to them because you keep appearing is but their haunty entitlement that needs to end. These bastards need to be struck down as the villains as they are and not supporting them in character tropes being acceptance. Simply because they feel so they think they do not have to garner any respect because they feel some type of attraction but want to hide that they do have any such thing and insult you and your right to freedom with persecution and a constant target on your back.
You do not have to explain anything to anyone who cannot look in the eye as a human with the respect of one. Nor an individual who is a retard who cannot grasp basic conversation to even properly speak to people in any sum or any sort or yet treat them well. Listen; while it may have been mutual at first when someone crosses the line and tries to take advantage of the other individual because they think they know them and what they future holds
with them- to try to harm them or intimidate or even bully them and deprive them of just humane rights-no one will feel any attraction to this individual. So stop trying to paint it as if you are so damned wanted. And as if reality will give you the results you want from such low knowledge of life and people there even is from your collective circle of hate, terrorism and bastardization of what life and living is all the fuck about! Condemn people for being so damn comfortable with people's main true uncomfortability ! Fuck you all and yes if you believe in such gambits of childish getaway, fuck you too!
I have dreamt of the women, been bled by them and I have ultimately been betrayed by people who seemed good at first but all in the end for any goal of importance of addition for me and onto them; they refuse any since of importance of what good they could do for me and what I could do for them. Turning away and running away from what could been a good grouping but yet inspired by " dreamy characteristics" of a HITLER-they turn their backs to serve the tails of demons and eventually Satan himself as they climb the job ladder and education ladder. But many people are encouraged to be of this and religion promotes it so. Only a resistance of might and dignity can
shone how terribly commericalism out of the 90s and in the 21st century as failed humanity and values. All terrorists must be made to pay! I am going to write about various women and how they tie into how I suddenly today just realize; I really am not a comic book artist.
mm 1 November 25, 2018
When I created MM1 it was to represent the current happenings and best advancements of mine in the pursuits of my comics and other goals. I did not dare put my actual life happenings there in at the time. Was practicing mockery of professionalism to remove any sort of humane involvement in its practice and to refuse the ideal that people do right and people do wrong and rather its just best what is good for the company and its money and dealings with people to ensure the company does good and does make its money. PR firms in the business and yet human relations to treat people well and goodonly in some of consort to make people some heavy lending money that can be paid back in surviving suffering and rebuke of moral values and cursing of individuals and children. The business is but the devil and construed are morals of god just to make people feel better they are contributing to people only getting richer to offer nothing to the world but strive, abuse, rape and
even murder and just die with no importance. Only importance that is self given but mother fucking meaningless. Some business can claim great humanity and others do not even attempt but both are the mother fucking same. But for the sane individual and the guy of the politics you will have to choose which one just to survive and that is the moral of human survival. But you should choose the one that makes it possible for you and yet your morals to win!
To say conservatives and liberals are not different much at all-they all seek to make rich on people to have this career and frankly if one wanted to benefit the world-they would target the business world and fund all these politicians to follow their mandates. That is the winning strategy! And most moral sound when there is nothing else to advantage salvation. But all to say the modern fool cannot even reason to support anyone to support their own life and seek that voting is not a necessity and can be tossed away because there is not a color valuable. Or some acquire feasible vision to gain! Bullocks! So trapped in a commercialized vision to even see that people else do not even need some colorful regime to vote. To vote is their way of life, to continue oppressing and believing they are the heroes of the world. It is apart
of their belief of superiority and to breathe they must continue it. Yet, people so pleasant in fictionalized non fiction of civil rights liberty and how good it is to escape bonds that never disappeared and ultimately commercialized and disrespected liberty-think that someone will always step up to keep the minimal liberties they reach for and have in check and that it is okay not to vote as it is necessary to breathe for life is going to get them anywhere-they are fools and they need to be silenced. Too many times we have fools grabbing microphones and leading voices and leading voices to nonsense movements that only assert inferiority and acceptance of inferiority! The truth is no one can speak for you and they cannot certainly speak for you just because of the same color, heritage, background, leaning, learned talent and learned trade or political background. You have to speak for yourself and offer agenda and positions for yourself to have. Ultimately your own voice cares routes into great democracy and its effects of position power to people being reached and not ignored.
MM culture is my own voice and yes people I trusted tried to silence it and thought it a game and yet a joke to take the liberty to speak and even exist from a person. Which to say often they only want to promote their self
achieving immoral goals in which are distanced greatly from reality which they place outcomes that is disproven greatly in some of knowledge and work by the world time and time again. And never will these people be silenced yet till they are reminded of the great distinction of their plans from reality. I have may tolerated such freaks as I grew up but as they seek to be the majority these people who communicate on the phone all day with rude and terroristic behavior seeking to take people's lives through guns and internet words. Its time to take back the society of peace for the people and where people truly have a say without garbage being shuttled at them as they watch a show or animated feature! But listen. At first when I wrote the first words to the small MM 1 edition; I was not going to reveal these people in solidarity to knowing who they were and their corresponding actions. But this my friends is a sin! Is just to live in tolerance of such freaks. Intent on murder I have come to find out of many people by old age racism and ideals and yet new ideals here and abroad. In the attempt on my life in a medium you may have come to know well by now, through intimidation, peer led assaults, mental slavery on folks unseen( strangers who just fall to assist and those who assist because they are forced to) and yes fear and threats and threats of violence and even acts of violence and social harm! But I will not be bullied
nor harassed. And will continue from the current moment as then to record my progress and happenings; please bare witness.
In a Shower. November 02, 2018
It was a shower we did it. Met on the move in date. But I say saw her a spot before an incorrigible tried to ruin it all with his type of showmanship so fake and wretched and so poor and could only be gossiped on in better air later. I tried to displace the idea this bastard had given. I wanted to show her the "true" me. I asked her. "yes" she said. About five times we did it and always in a shower. Her clutch was tight. But in the end it was not right. I was just a damn jerk. And I should not be in her sight.
the sort of ending of that " new" season. November 02, 2018
The one times I did it with two individuals who were both friends. Each separately;alone but they never knew the connection~between me or the other.I did it with them both; the one times were like fire where I let go-it felt quiet good. But then one day I happened to experience one do something so terrible I felt sick to my stomach and could not say anything. The other was like an accomplice of sorts and did not say a damned thing either in light of what her friend had done. This would be the end of doing "that" again for a while. Maybe the rest of the year except two other times. "Maybe even three."
Prior Death and Poison. November 02, 2018
There were some nice times before there in but only one more or two times. One other time spurred a want and jealousy but I did not know how to reach the individual without getting into trouble and attracting too much to parties that were not friendly and I do and do not speak of the previous girls. The previous girls who happened to be as well the deterrents of natural order effected situations in the manner "bad"and it was growing in influence making it hard to do things at all in the social romantic life. But I would say if I had known that there existed such functions prior; I would not have done such a thing to even ask such things. With those people as they cut down the very availability of a safe and opportunity well filled sexual life just by their power trip;
the retarded bastards. What made me sick was that I had fucked with about three retarded bastards and used a poor girl as my own "need to say something". It sounds wrong but in the life afterwards; those people were retarded bastards. The girl however did nothing wrong. She was quiet sane and forgiving when I explained why I had even contacted her or its true origins. But I still felt like a bastard myself. But these were the last time I could even be proud of what I was doing. Afterwards I felt wrong and defiled that I fucked with someone of lower morals and possible killing fiend. And could not speak with it to anyone. No one liked me ever enough to care about these ideals. I failed in the ambitions I was doing and it took a lot of extra energy and motivation to keep going. I pondered usually in the mornings after a said shower of the wrong I had been doing. By trusting those individuals who were out defiling people and their romantic substance. Obviously by their interaction thought they could go about "influencing" things and no one would notice. But I did for being around them and noticing things certainly that were propped to be like that when certain people appeared.
One time prior; was a public encounter. It was a room no one was in and we did it in there amongst all those computers. It was great.
But here after had to wake up. SHARE
Rainy Day Girl. November 02, 2018
I did meet her when I was completely wet. But it was later that the scene of promise inspired. Yet; it was a time that seemed to cast a reason to forget about the past at least in the sense of being guilty and hindered by it. I promised to do something about it later what had inspired.
A dream. November 02, 2018
This one time I will not tell you about. But it was like a dream come true.
Latte Makings. October 14, 2017
Wintertribes: a special site of cold and great stories. That bring on the feelings of cold. I may tell of a winters and falls, but they are all cold feelings. To tell you the truth; I have been working on this idea ever since 2016 spring and well its time to spring the ice in the icy casino against a noir
outprop. You may find several things here; alternate cold appearances of characters; alternate cold scenes;edited news to be cold and story-fied; sneaking christmas; hot and cold sex in apartments and such; unique stories; a large missing swatch of MM Culture and well cold versions of the different stories to be presented elsewhere. Its going to be fun. I have prepared all year for this as well as last year; well mostly two years. I want to start by telling the story of this year as I have been saying: will be complied into different stories.
Frosty Hopes and Dreams. If bitten. Transdimeni the Tucker Wron. Candy Cart I carry. Fucked up. Absences and recoveries. Secret Back Story. Latte Makings.
Stories may tell of different times over different months and it is really not
that all a well story. For people to be watching and it might as well make you faint...! If not throw up. But it is a cold story.
However: this is not at all what Wintertribes is. Wintertribes is a new medium all together and could not fit in the Measure/ Markings/ Meno Medium. Or whatever words that could make sense for what MM culture means. It is a style, and very distinctive feel. I have worked to convey a feel of dred in the early part of the blog that this was delayed. But now I cannot but express the hope of getting here and the success of getting here to launch the blog properly as it should be. And how much sacrifice was needed to create this all; as it should be. I think we will have some fun; I got some awesome series lined up and its going to be swell.
The series here will contain series that were postponed in development from the summer originating from the fall. Marking a hidden part of 2016 that was never to be told. I will say that the content here will be more joyful but will be more mature than that on the main MK MZODERN. Check back on this form later for updated stories and some new information.
Homecomming. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on July 02, 2016
For the last few weeks, I have tried my hardest and I have succeeded. But not with much hard trails.Kindly are the people around to let you down. Kindly, are the circumstances of people to hate the creativity within.
If nobody knew, I was entering a sort of contests for authorship. Lezhin,a great comic online company is the sort of company in which I have been vying my talents for. The project, I will not say much about. But its a grand project that I created myself. In past weeks, I have been rebuilding from the Board of Director disaster. Basically I was building a trust fund like a sphinx on four large tower legs of sand. But, " brrxxkkRT!". In just a second of the day of sunday my trust fund was turned to glass and not the beautiful kind or one that holds together. But rather the one that shatters. And sprains into the air causing madness. The sandy fleet of distrust and fear for one's life, took off and left the sphinx to fall blazing aflame, me and my ideas I have entrusted along with it. I wondered in my abandonment why I should do anything about it. I just focus my energy into one thing. But, many people focus their lives into one thing and never do anything else. That is not what I want. To be doing it begrudgingly and lamely in the shadow of the shame of never being to bring all my stories to life. There may be a limit for normal people. But there is no limit for extraordinaire thinkers and creators who can see diverging and converging timelines. So I have no limit. 25, that is which I fund through an exclusive method you will see soon. In the form of a
A 2 stories. There are only three ideas which I am going to be working on. One for this website and one for another, called S-academy. I will explain later the locations and the details.
Technofind. There will be a large hunt for the best ideas and art online, something which I have been wanting to do a proper event for.I will call it technofind. More had happened in those weeks than what I can say. I am not at the liberty or laughter to say. So the weekends say. When I can play, love, eat and sleep, never. Weekends Say is a story I will make to express my time in the near month absence.
{REacreabro.} I am starting a service soon where you can ask to have your comic created in the format I will use and funded in the similar matter.However, I will post a $500 dollar fee to do so. This will make it in the format of a book too, So basically, it can be dashed out to places and read to gain support. Additional pages of artwork and summons(addition material you want to add, like your written work and scripts if you want, self interviews or whatever) will cost 50 dollars. And for using the method a 25% deal of profits. However, if you agree to join me in my adventures for passion and loyalty to the cause of stories and not just self, the price is zero. Only if I say so. Don't expect me to like anyone
and everyone just so your fee can be waved. Don't expect me to even let many people join, the best chance of having your full ideas of your comics and stories drawn out. Are with me. There is no one who will map out your entire series and stuff for as low as 500 dollars. Its cheap in comparison to the 50 dollar page rate all artists on comics usually charge if not more. What you are getting here is something that is well made and in a book format with not 50 dollars per page. 500 dollars for the whole thing. Lets break it down. If you have 500 dollars and each page of your first serial costs about 50 dollars? In comparison, there is a ten page versus contrast to the usual format. Meaning this service serves you at a better quality of 500 dollars, than which a regular pricing system would cost. Here what is equated to ten pages worth in usual standard can buy you an entire series. Its basically a chance for your idea to get out there and gain greater resources and audiences by having a better format than usual one or ten issues.
That concludes my report. HC, JH.
apothogyme crisis. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on August 02, 2016
There is very good news. I have decided on a regular schedule and what to do each week day and weekend to reach my goals. But really, it has not been that simple. There will be an event to cure all current ills and this is called: S-academy. There will be 9 volumes of 20 something serials focusing on series in each prospective volume and the methods that can be used to solve problems of them, problems that usually arise in the process of creation.
Listing possible apothogyme covers: public things I hate. Public stridant laws and approaches. Hunter and the hunted benches timeframe CaptkutikE! Beds Hospitals Dorms streets of worlds houses
There should be a special event this week. But it will take a bit.
I will be taking time to reflect through writing and writing activities here. The final push is coming and you had best be ready.
The first look at the poster for Cosmica 1. Featuring Polards crew and Cosmica and her bodyguard, I won't say who is who.
But this is going to be good.
Have seuxeess. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on September 01, 2016
Entering following competitions. this one too. and this one.
This one as well this one too be.
Have managed to compile all the MK MZODERN years into pdfs. This time. ( If I am to recall...I might have done one collection before but then lost it). I will be using these to create an aggregate of the best posts and my memories on them with special features. Will be called : read the lines: MK MZODERN back history and posts. other graphic design programs as well.
eadthelines edition1. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on August 22, 2016
Further more the difference here will be the style and the pricing of the tiles. The customization function will not appear until later and is likely to cost up to $200. Rather than being simplistic, the m&m culture tiles will be more upgraded, have more themes inside and will be more complex and with drawn features. Will create different versions to correspond with the glitch tile versions. There will be another site for this. More on that later. *180p3r/ hour of ratings(number of images) toward drawing goals.
99! issue of read the lines. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on September 02, 2016
cosmica 1 link:(1) (2) Which is the beginning? Cosmica Arc one Chapter one Cosmica. Actually this recent one I'm reposting on Tapastic, is the original stand point for the series, the original opening. The previous is actually, the prequel in terms of explaining of what happened in a way to Cosmica's world, in the original not much is known about her world. Though this series will probably not be finished until next year.
What is missing from the issue is: Romu: the future of stories for mk mzodern/kyeombi from the vantage point of last year and this year if not other perspectives.
My new writing spirit.(RR) posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on September 26, 2016
The answer to where the writings went, has now been answered!
For a while I had stopped writing. For a while I had stopped envisioning writing. But its all back and its never going away again. A life without reading is a life akin to sleeping. A life without writing is akin to a life of dying, this is what I have decided. Its not cost effective at all. To skip on writing, even when no one will read it. That's not what reading is all about. That is not what writing is about, nor its purpose, its purpose is to convey an idea.
I had lost the ability to develop and build my ideas and be able to explore them. A certain injury can produce such ills and for a time, I had lost myself and my core beliefs because of this certain injury which was not once, but not twice and if not thrice, moreover so any numerous multiplication of how tin shards of a dead glass heart can become.
There are times were I have cried and times where I have been so damned depressed and yet not one person could have given a damn. People so righteously in their own decisions and own morals which they believe so right and so destined to be good are actually corrupt and evil have come to vanquish me at the time of my weakness. But, that time is at an ended and rather ended.
Today, the true intentions of MK MZODERN are to be realized, it is all to revive my exploration and development thinking about all my series affected by my mental injury.
How will I do this, you ask? First- all shows and ideas have been split into two categories. Halloween Bat Beat Parade_ will be produced as if comics. Krom_(Red) Button. will be produced like shows but include comics in there process. More complex than the Halloween Bat Beat parade.
Second,daily if not multiple times make a story ten frames long and ten frames in length.. Where these frames come from? Images! That is Tumblr! My blog since 2011, called Cakebusters. Quiet a bit of good material on there. This is the new basis.
From the new basis, more ideas and ideals will come to add to the art and make it better and eventually in time, there will be a great development.
There is a new grouping that includes Chainman and Duster afterhand and Such Daredevil at the forefront and it contains such subject matter as "A rex called Barney". And "mindgames" introduced at the beginning of this enn.
Beryond 13 is at the end of this grouping, four groupings are left. Some which will be moved around or changed.
Current listings:
MM magezines: Halloween Bat Beat Parade (ones highlighted in an orange are done in primary artworks). mm1 e037harkesykevye
Danny Valero Revengers Roman Girls. grothermen mm2+mm4 Such Dardevil -A rex called barney.1(55)2(54) 3epilogue(4) Beryond 13(44 chapters each) Chainman and Duster mm3 Yellow hat Chainman and Duster Tokyo Jake and the morphs mm4 mm5 Hedo Yourei My senpai Purple Teenager. mm6 Bat Beat Parade magezine. roman girls metromoons. mk fashion remu.(44 chapters each).
mm7 shark on campus. mindgames
At the end of this there is one large grouping, Ravens which be later.
Finally what is left is to follow the ideas listed on this blog. There has been a collection of posts from this year and last compiled into a pdf/ But the limited ways of being able to design, has given dreams a new chance to grow. Instead of doing one by one, I will do it as each blog post is published, each with a format. This will take another blog to format and be able to easier compile posts and information together.
I will tell you about the following series. Such Daredevil follows the adventures of me in love. Such Daredevil is simply a collection of comic letters.
That is all I will say for that matter. The end.
fff posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on March 26, 2017
what happened over the course of the apotogyme posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on April 29, 2017
From the author's own perspective, and not including the specifics of his work. But rather the inspirations and the stories behind the mm culture, the new styles most importantly flamingo, will explain to the best what each is, without giving people information they do not need and will be about 72 posts long on the feature of MK MZODERN 2.
Card One. Persona. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on June 29, 2017
Who is this mystery lady, and what can she have to do with the rest of the prior
redeme324445 posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on June 20, 2017
A comic book artists on the net is what gives him influence to grasp a new version of his prescribed world. And that gives him influence, to clarify, he does not want to be like this fellow at all, but its his presence that gives him certain strength and certain pleasure. That is so modern. That is so with the times, that enables, him to believe that a world of creators exists and that the world is not swarmed upon the millions of dullheaded, bull headed, whore headed and mine headed folks.
MM culture magazine 1. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on July 29, 2017
bikes. motor. zoom. zoom. People living like they zoom, zoom and if you ever see the fall of the man it is doom. It is doom. Strawberry. Doom. with rainbows after miracle cloud. A sunshine in miracle of a downpour have you wishing for more. Mall, ships and pie tarts. Doom, when you are under the umbrella of false impressions from someone's misconceptions of alternate reality. Try to make you drunk on this poison. This twisted melody, spelling the end of sanity. Get drunk on this malady of bad dreams of altered reality, a bastard's dream, when the cream is so bad and the people you wish you had. Never met, don't beat down. Don't drink in the virtual reality as they see. See, the truth. Of reality as it is. bikes in realities differ from another and we will never be on the x games together!
...... Never eating all them snacks, and clever games. But the poison has convinced it is real that it can be, but it never will be, that is another reality. That is insanity; to believe its gonna appear here.
all this is not enough. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on July 13, 2017
I work and work till I'm raw, but it is not enough, ah!!! Bubble wrap, prism sponge filter on photoshop, everyone
everybody, everyone, don't stop the party the techno party when all this is not enough. don't stop the the party, the techno party when this is not enough I had an adventure and know it came to an end and everyone to pretend, they don't remember when we were 4th grade friends mother fucker. mother fucker.
We had keys from the spears. And I had solemn, solemn tears.
o, how it came to an end. I won't pretend, that I did ever give in, when I found something better on the insider of the walls of architecture in the stories of the heart
everyone , everyone don't stop the party till, till, tillapoclaypse end! That is all life must be living like to you
my clever friend when all this is not enough! When all of this! Is not enough!
a puritan anarchy! posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on August 21, 2017
page 1: "Talks about what MK MZODERN means to the author in that specific time period. And about what basically they are going to do with it; change the world." The preacher says. And smiles at his many concubines. And the crowd goes wild when Jamie Hinte appears and beats the preacher up for discussing destroying his medium forum in the town hall and his printing press. He and his followers have brought torches. That is the settlers of english and local tribe origin. Jamie Hinte is capture by Alyssa A wirye and they have the deed. And buy the town.
page 2: You might think this happens in the past, but no, it really does not. The church of evening is a very hard place to dwell in and defeating them and their organization to shut down MK MZODERN spreading its truths about certain people and politicians. And systems of thought and ways of creating your own medium. Having sex in your enemies base is the best way of revenge. And having the concubines watch is the worst punishment. "Introduces the very best source of matter, to get some time of special information,if not some type of special information or if not some type of special feel."
Page 3: The riders of night are techno blast, the samauri fight and they are technoclad and the night is
morning to them, the morning of blood in an eclipse. They drink too much and Jamie Hinte and his crew record them sleeping at their base! A comic of Runecasters Ninja Noir. "A song about drinking too much. Can be considered a mm culture song."
Page 4: The wine cellar that had wine to be unlocked in ten years and has wine from ten years ago, all of the wine for ten years on has been stolen by Barada Mooki and Klomi Young, a pair of bandits who revel in beating up the puritan revivalist of 2014. And beating the wineyard leader, Helena Pretich and her brother Orion Daily and their preacher Vyer Monne and his wife Connie Flazx( who is reveling with Orion) in battle before they can burn their friend, Saelscanisanae Maebirthe. The techno thieves reunite!"The progress to be made ten years into the future, however in just three, most items have been completed."
Page 5: Jamie Hinte's building is attacked and he is forced to hold down in a literal warzone until he can get the Runecasters to come and save him. But he will continue on to survive, and hold onto his morals. Only strengthen them. "That there is not alternative way to go and really. No, way is anything going to be conceded."
Page 6: "Seems like the 2nd reprint, enforces the meaning before with repetition and such." Jamie Hinte battles the Onlooker Bullet 2000, which casts many Witches, Red, Yellow and Orange at him and out of the contraption comes Svlut Macujinia. And Awwa Pitchers. Then comes crazy samauri Kelena Machine Of the Dragons of Halloween East. Then the poison queen,Vickne Sheen. In the battles, Jamie is badly injured and the ninjas look for him only to find that he is a love
hostel and bar most of the time inbetween fights, having sex?
Page 7: Jamie dreams of his forgotten love life. And how, Witch Red, reminds him. And how Sorceress Black and Sorceress Green remind him of a different path of life and different dreams. How the grand Park Ranger of Geographica, finds him a special person, when he does not think so, and how much he does love her, to avoid everyone else, who he might otherwise, fall in with. But is this right? Who can decide these things as fair or unjust? What to do even? Meanwhile the rest find out that the Onlooker Bullet 2000 piloted by Svlut Macujinia, makes him do sexual acts of curiosity. And that he has been driven out of his mind thanks to her manipulations, but even he tries to be sane by promising to come back for each women he sleeps with? "A mediation by a character during an event. Seems to give new voices to a site desolate of them."
Page 8: In the cinema, Jamie makes a slow come back and nurses himself back to health and beats his enemies off one by one. Jamie destroys the mountain of which the Slvut sleeps. Witch Red, he finds himself protecting from enemy fire, Witch Yellow appears and something strange happens. They just look at each other with social disgust. "A showcase of edited pictures, making a contribution to what are the images edited today and tomorrow are like."
Page 9: The Runecasters and their story of fighting Nikita Black and the Awesomers of Summer House Black Noir Night. Jamie makes the pledge to return to where he can recover his answer to his love qualm.
There awaits many teams in ahead of him,"During an event, called Moira Tour, they were introduced as a team, in a specific story during the event." and "Another team during the Moira Tour."
Page 10: "a quick experimental story about not giving up" The battle is hard, and the technotheives find danger in the sound of the voices of the Anarcharist Puritan. "a quick experimental story about not giving up." The Ninjas of the Runecasters, after fighting the Noirnight, have defeated Nikita Black and go to check on MK MZODERN. Forgetting Jamie?
Page 11: The Anarcharist Puritan attacks and the Public in the Mall of the Evening Dawn is at his Mercy, his prized assassin. Jamie and the Techno Theives team up to reach the mall and defeat him. "A place were a question was asked to conclude with an event, but no answer was ever given from the public."
Page 12: The August War starts when Sed Noch has taken over MK MZODERN and cast Jamie Hinte out as leader! "War is coming and a puzzle is presented. Coincidentally concedes with August War, however, not one could know of that event's name."
Page 13: The Dorms of Cosby suffer in a meteor attack. And Jamie Hinte and his allies must choose to rescue the denizens or defeat Sed Noch in his August Wear. Jamie Hinte goes alone to defeat Sedd Noch. He faces his many Butterfly August Magazines. Jamie Hinte battles, he is the superior persona!
Page 14: Dodging the lighting of sniper, Owlis oo Owlka, Anaracharist Puritan gives his great racist speech that ignores everyone in country really and parties to those in hate clans and such.
Page 15: "No one gives a care about the author and what he is going through, so for satire, he wrote this piece." A bloody fight between Sed Noch and Jamie Hinte.
Page 16 of Block Earth: The Moirans attack and the MK MZODERN building is toppled and destroyed in fire, and the Puritans including Anaracharist Puritan are killed. Owlis oo Owlka revealing to be a Moiran. Jamie Hinte and Sed Noch fight until both remember their love. Each a different person at a different time. "A magazine about the graphically drawn adventures in different cities on this world."
Now, that we caught you up prepare to read Dream One Newyork.
Epilogue: I am Jamie Hinte of Manchester. I am Sed Noch of Real Madrid. (Lol!).
W. I. T. C. H. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on September 09, 2017
I made these all on photoshop today, quiet a challenge and is of that W.I.T. C. H show that only kids with cable could watch back in the day. To where it was not a special thing at all, but I have since been able to watch this show and read the books. So far an amazing series.
Regalia Bear Airs. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on September 20, 2017
Looking into the air don't know where to fly and I am looking away and saying goodbye. I am saying goodbye. I turn my back on what was not good to turn to a life in and under the hood. Is it all good, looking into the air don't know where to fly and I am looking away.
To not yesterday but somewher far away, I spread my bear wings and leave this place far behind to where I am an owl of somekind.
The following is the effort of much of what I have endured for the last two years. And finally with all of this it can end. These are stories, that are a taste of what is to come and I finally step out into the future. And into a new way of living, that is constructed by bad will of hindering and I will continue to create more stories on this site and not hold it all back, no more to recover my ideas. I have to admit that creating the proper ways and knowledge to continue writing and drawing in this world is hard and ridiculously so for some people. If not many people, but no more. Because slowly I will help teach these methods I learned through Killpen, and else
Teenagers 99 Great gods, the Teenagers 99 in their hideaway from Advict controlled adults, search to fight back and gain back their world from Advict in the world of Gothos Meddaiyahn. Join Tommy Rogers, Neil Mathachamp, Lionelye Giannamarte and Alex Singer and Strayeah Machase and Donny park as they fight against the older Hippsters 08. Lilly Foog, Mikos Medianm, Kinetico Giodoe, Maya Precupizza, and Linelly Lay.
zoo killer Join Alex Singer and Strayeah Machase in their chase to defeat all the demon possessed animals in a large zoo, called Ataceadia Muesum, where humans with animal masks have captured the place that used to be Ataceadia Village Highschool Neighborhood of Arts and let animals loose on the places humans not in masks call home. The tennis park and the landscape bar of virtual ware. The surbia streets and Claked Park, and Caled Park Highschool are all the locations taken over by these animals. Together they meet the Zoo Killers, Jerrod Majors, Amy South, Lik Nightdaysome,
Amani Garthered, and Luke Haze.
a slight reason "It was for a slight reason, I met your gaze". Dresden Warden in the fire brancher program meets Macy Girefede and Lacadekley Mouthendedo. However, the Fire Trooper Gadiene wants to ruin her potentials as a good leader and strikes to kill him in several exercises, and over the semester, finds that he is though to kill and that he will not give into wanting to be with people, just so she can pit their deaths on him. However, Dresden Warden figures she is the one sending fire foxes to each one of his times of rests and goes to confront him.
4yre destiny Serama Quest and Noorde Marksmith, come across, Preacher AIM (archam) , Shock Rock, Polly cam trying to defeat the Cyber Doll Belina Crossgrovektv in the media Bar, when it is attacked by her and discover that when another villain called Skrulla Lipazard that they have their own abilities of map and creation! The trio of endeavrers must defeat vampire, Mickey Westinedenide.
Big sun Three friends, Adam Weost, Sarah Smith and Eroke Dame, fight! For the sake to either kill, marry or help the maiden of Sarai Machine reach the Pillar cross. However, the Druke Madiatsahsa Parker, the Spider Troop of Cindy Waterfall, Gianna Starcros and Iron Song, come along to steal her, before she can accomplish her quest and makes the group work together to reach the Pillar Cross, to find she is the Goddess Ahaticu and was trusting whether they would be good adventurers over the Spider Troop for the various adventures she has in store for them. But what if they do not want to be her
adventurers? What then? They go to save Natalie Day and Paleni Notthey at the Duchanney Bar Village over taken by The Gojantaar Medias Vikings.
rev and collier The adventurers of a favorite couple, called Max Revc and Ruebuye Collier against the Endscoper and the Scriber but who are these folks. Could they be Delma Modes and Mire Gieythh? Or Ally Wester and Peter Madaker? Reyc and Rue will figure out at become good detectives too. The Iron street Monkeys, Mamie Gorge, Littedi Madjerede, Gangeis Modregregor, Maddney Picketney and Colorboy Symphony arrive and witness their skill and need their help to find Peter Madraker's sibling, Pidieina Morrose, lost in the Acadmea Forest of the Elk Runners. All this at Elkmann College.
Gate Runner Myso Reds and Brianna yates, on a date encounter the Target Master, who makes them Rangers in the Deer world of Bietshpalsouama. And they must take on Midrasota Chanceliedeer and her minotaursdeers, who are people captured inside her deer creatures. Can they survive the day with Herlum Agata's help?
popcasters Levi Machume, Cassidy Machume, Makonara Claude, Cassandra Miechelle and Luke D.fryers, travel the world of popcasters to uncover the mysteries hidden deep in legend. However, must battle TopphenGade, a serial killer and multiple wanduser. Santis and his fellow students come to help them out. And meet Agatha Morsoso, a beautiful scientist and her innkeeper, Ghaul Madres Madison in the Hotel Dawn Keeper where TopphenGade kept them captive. However, they discover that lately, she notices more people popping up like TopphenGade because of an Adam Stone nearby. However the
Angels Dragon led by Caathina Lurges and featured by Acata Doormers , Jemi Weight and Lodras Rune, leads that Ghaul Madres is the fifth Angels Dragon in which the rest have begun threatening lower magicians and normal people to get her to come back with them to steal more stones like the adam stone from the Dragon's floor.
x-team Sig Fire battles the X-guard in search for the X- Team to save his daughter Alfremea Tophatane. However, the X- Team shows up and saves his daughter. Giggade Maclifre, battles the Yguard in search of the X-team, however finds they are the ones who captured her daughter to make her pay.
chainman and duster Marico and Duster with Leela, Mark Volner, Cosmo Grayson and Len along with Tim Volner attempt to battle, another worlder, called Kevin M, looking for the books of Myx in which Orienalina has stolen. In the event of defeat dragons for them from Ordmeu Tech, Marico and Duster have intrusted Orienalina with her dimensional duplicate's ( Ormeni Maxwll) Myx books to control the powers and wills of others and are able to enhance them greatly. Sadly Orienalina turns on them, and they discover her true intentions for her fellows, Kevin M however is able to steal the books and with the chains of Marico and Duster and Mark Volner is able to return home with Orienalina.
cowboy bulluren In the WollyStock cafe palace, Andy Writechers and Mio Mires and Molanda Grayson are on a date, however it gets held up by Palace Gater and the Graters( Molly Gayms, Petter studmsts, Mayendi Mahajtys, Orienalina Maksa and Lionel Fagahanmao.) However, Orienalina of the Great Day Society within and Peter Studmsts and Mayendia
Mahajtyhas also within decide the punishment of the other three for this farce, to accompany Writechers on a Cabin Quest in and on the Atrcam Mall of Dompey. To retrieve the magical books Myx but have to beat Kevin M, the summoner of grand books and treats and his pals. Abepril Holleys and Malcom Hurleys watch in glee on their graphic designer book of MK MZODERN.
Deskin Warden Killed nearly after his date with Monday Lighters, by the Big Bad Long Monkey Carlo Monteres Happeneday. Deskin warden joins the Fighters Club, with Alexa Darlings, Elizabeth Unicorna, Jakie Macabeth, Ryan Seacath, Liye Forest, Herlum Sataband, James Deam, Bikers Rangers Niko Pleasado and Lakely Make. Together on the Forest Coast of LA. Noir of Calidornia. They travel to the pleasant hill of Daters to defeat Carlo Monteres only to discover, that is and is not Monday Lighters, and has sucked her into his personality and Deskin Warden must defeat his guardian Crystal Amierede, to see Monday Lighters and 300 other girls free. Monica Debugotha appears at the Forest bridge Inn and reveals that she is the one who let Carlo Monteres loose under the table on their date.
A1: China's best Yes Majena and Tok Rofter with Mina Grace and S. Gina Davis with Allardis Majthenia the Magician, summoner and at time vampire, chase after freedom gangsters Barrey Candor and Harmedihime Majahsen who ally with the Nude Empire, in supporting Biran Issac and the Allardirenes to take over China. They battle Mira Dawn when the battle becomes hot.
Goidara Arthura Features Ardie Machina and Zero Machine, fighting RR Minster to save their friends, Harry
mcbarnes, Jeremy Picintes and Hannye Lucky and together with them must battle to rescue Imferta Machi of the Amnina Army from the Benchmarkers March. However, Elkemetta Liverk , Jason Jersey, Jersianaya Jersey and Markuenia Loubethaney are set on killing their former school friends.
Wands Sabra Admra and Santis Macbramiana fight each other in the face of battle, for the Duty Crown Minister at Aprheco Tethciecana High for Wandusers. Eliscameuthe and Mejare Borwnbroewn, attack Sidney and her boys, Mare Leaf, Zack Kidney and Haidedes Muchseneched for the fact they attend to breakdown the Heyboys competition(by Bolly Recht and Agami Daye with Skunk Pairrs Paris and Howel Mayen with singers Neddmiama and Giannada Canada) to reach Allaye Loonme and Esclada Dare, in which Allaye is being forced to awaken the crown Prince Ardamoto by Esclada of their trio.
Aokianders Mamie Gorge, Littedi Madjerede, Gangeis Modregregor, Maddney Picketney, Aenegla Martcueqz, Colorboy, Jeremy Field Day and Lora Mabathe in their daily adventures to find their missing friend in the Acadmea Forest of the Elk Runners. Who Elsa Dame and the Shadow Workers have an issue, with them and intend with a mysterious Detective Misery Cangedemuo in the forest, these very days before they ask of Rev and Collier's help.
Arsnd This world is terrible, here, humans must fight the ancestors of Dinos. Amesserca and Donney Roddirose must battle the Snake Empress Segana Makei and her sister Fawlr Makena maggueine in order to rescue their friends being targeted by these assassins, for their research in being able to command control of dinos and begin able to summon
them. Rood Mick and Silkiana Davmidavis battle the flaming dragons of Magma 998, water dragons of Sonica j67 and leaf dragons of Marvedi 78 who do not want regular people in control of dinosaurs. Sadlack Jones and Martena Wayneyaway and Clade Mikfish with Maki Defina come to lend a hand, however, a surge of dinos in the museum will make survival not well.
Titan Andy Andy Titan Andy Groganate faces, certain hunger. He is ignored, he has no friends, in mererealms were everyone has someone. He fights and he fights for survival against giants. A Pretty Pepper Peso Company, a Vico Vairom Company and a Cocokimo Company, however he has no friends. Avirae Company threatens his life,and Dima Sanchez and Lorgeiame Daaomes, are too psychopaths out to murder him. Army Jeagered, Maddy Preditor, Medicine girl Munez and Snake Fowl are out to kill him. And he will find the evidence they are, by drawing all the MM culture way to his new home. Talking to girls who don't want him and dreaming of being with a girl called Sammantha Lions that Danny Valero hangs out with. Descrieana Hangout is someone likely in his range but it just does not work out like that, she will only talk to him and nothing more. While he is bloody and battered, he finds that Hangout is just another psychopath just like the rest after him. He decides enough is enough and commits fully to destroying the forces that be, hiding behind corporations, schools and people.
Ignitis Knights A normal teenage boy ends up in a different world and must defeat a dark Knight called Vacko Majinixa in order to save Owlisa Lisandra Parcheimenete. And he must hold enough to defeat the dark knights who come after, under Vacko. However, the Dragon knights, Areim Stroud, Maegan Donders, Amandie Magou, Lally Fitch and Manders
Fallout arrive to save them. However, Coney Erish ends up begin taken away by Persona Mabethisa and rescued by Wrocky Wayne and Divina Loredes. They discover Argus and Milley Mood, from the dark knights believe the Dragon Knights to be taken a role that is only for Coney to sire in. That is for an outsider to bring on the Ignitis Knights, from those who would dare to accompany him honestly. They must battle to reach the control of the Destin sword! Into the Catastrodom, the Maeryers adam and the Princess Yield Field.
Egypt 99 A medical student and her boyfriend, in Egypt of Arcyhland are attacked by the Dragons Coast Vampires, however Munnies Bial and her henchman Draco Feial save them and now they are stuck as her henchmen workers to defeat Happenide Macrossk, threatening to invade the Hall of Jeu treasure Castle to steal the Iron Scythe and Wranthes. They meet Denny Moodrec and Sunni Trigaemouns in the advent of looking into the disappearances of the Hang Woman Ligack Moodrec, a famous singer often connected to Macrossk and Denny's sister. And when coming upon the Dragon Coast Vampires and the Lillith Irokneys, led by Canada Gretgreat and Maejors Makinete and Likenda Maoas, they meet the famous twins Kampa Dunes and Allie Dunes, who help them survive with an insider on the Irokneys called Makisnda Marybetgshs. Will the fun times end?
Amazia Chase Chased by Corp Cop for trapping his girlfriend, Vannessa Cage inside the Garden of Hippolytijima, making her sex crazed... Amazia must find the cure for the flower of Damerous. Before Alex Mokiena kills her and her study of worlds comes to an end.
Duby Duby Assassin and Racer driver by the same speed and skill team up to protect each other
from Mars Warren the destroyer and his many friends and associates by the same brand or going by the name in secret, Kindne Mu, another assassin is after Duby the assassin for revenge and convicts her of killing his lover, Penelopia Mars Warren but discover together that in her house of bakery and house style design much of a hallmarker card, that she is the one and only Mars Warren the destroyer in charge of the others and alludes the story of Duby Mints to his ancestor Mints Mints and Mars Warren breaking up while in the middle of sex, a snipper attacked and shot horse racer warren in her leg and never could she command horses well, by physical skill alone. It is a hardy battle that rekindles,a potential tie, between Duby Mints and Penelopia Mars Warren. Features, ADVENT warren, Max Warren, Zero Warren, Amandi Warren, Ckilokiocane Warren, Bats warren, Physoco Warren and James Warren if not Elizabeth Warren. And in secret Love warren and Rlikthe warren, the forgotten children.
Shark on Campus. The Major October Fair begins and Makendo Gregfiinn takes his girlfriends, Nancy Scott and Agienda Mires. However Scarecore Higgins and Maddy Pints look to spoil their fun by inviting Kate Waeyene into the day. Delinada Coast records the happenings as she is doing something special for MK MZODERN.
The end of Regalia Bear Airs.
Day 32 posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on March 13, 2018
Records entire day I was all free in my own room, room mate, I had none and frankly was freed and liberated and could not believe the things I could do. Watch porn out live for instance. Which basically took over the urge to draw women naked in most part saved of the papers and the waste and volatility of the turn over in which I would actually destroy the images in ashame of what I drew.
I watched anime most sat on that bed and watched it. I did many posts in which I could not do in public and I basically was able to work on ideas in the binder I kept for such new ideas of MK MZODERN. Believe it or not- the website brought much of a physical component that was art oriented and indeed a new style was created as I pondered on the future and all the things that had happened. I tried to stay away from the ideas of the comics of the past and drafted this particular comic Big Sun but this was in the library on another day. I never liked being caught in that room for a particular reason it reminded me of being in abandoned estate all much alone just to wait for flood waters to come up and drown you. And the waters that be are the stagnation to move and the
hinderance of an entire estate that works not for you but against and staying put often just the effect of staying still and ultimately falling back when you cannot have a goal plan to get to where you want to be.
I however wished I did more than try to prove my worth as an author and just wished I made more plans for actual comics instead of enlisting only on Forge to do so. But it was better for me to not push the the ideal until I was absolutely sure I could create methods for comics instead of jumping and then crashing all the same would be a bigger failure than anything you could ever do. Especially if you crash and burn in this climate where everything is vicious and no one supports you- you might burn and never fall back to anything at all. So rather than cast the craft as something that is absolute necessary I practice self control and focused on bettering my writing skills before continuing onto comics and all else creating stories. And then there was no other point nor opportunity but waiting until the day I would be able with my acquired within methods and drawn ones to lead a journey to my ideals and comics and as shows in which people could watch. I hardly begret doing anything I did and anything that if so befell me was not of my fault, but that entire estate as I am not some one who plunders nor rapes nor kills.
Removing lines from sample and different coloring styles. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on March 21, 2018
The original
removed lines mode 1multiply
removed lines mode 2
mode 1 + filters
Basically used the different photoshop entries of certain parameters to test the different coloring styles and if the lines can be removed from normal paper on photoshop to make a cool image. The answer is somewhat but really still does not have the strength to be as meant. However this is an old image and this of here is what was meant from finding out different color styles. A test of sorts.
Torture in Art Class. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on March 23, 2018
I combine Black Pepper, Dark Valentine and more to create this story. Many of which the previous stories from Altar Pained Starfight were to break a new air into creating your own works. And one of which people had beaten the air from out of you, you come back. With a better story. This one is of Torture in Art Class and desperately wished to be somewhere else because that teacher was nothing more of a predator and those who followed her complacent
enlisted slaves you could also say at that would run over a person and not check if they are alive. That be as it may. The class was torture because it was two classes. The classic savages of art hill prime pride. And the nicer lesser estated prideful folks. And note this is a community college, you should not be prideful in having a so called car and job to add into something of a club. It is sick. A freaking community college. Just go there to learn and that's it, no one cares about you and not about your shit-its not highschool and go to hell and fuck off literally is all this story is not about. And what do you think this means, these bastards who no nothing of art-think they are advents and geniuses and its pretty sick and if not annoying. Where your hope comes from literally driving to community college with some lame lesser job in which probably do not even do well thus it being lame and the lesser. You are trash that literally is trying to build itself up to be something its not. I must say "its" is terrible to describe people but that is truly how I fell about racist fools who know nothing of society and nothing of art and basically teaching hicks of the country does not solve everything at all of their particular could be problems that are very plaguing to our society.
You see, its is what I can say-these people are just zombies trying to be people. And such of the course, I may have liked particular individual. But really in that atmosphere, there was no point at all and I really did not like it and if anything how? Could you reach such a person so coated? And rather to give them a chance is to risk being stabbed by these faggots. But I made the effort and was stabbed and so you see, if you face aggression in getting to talk to people, you should not openly speak were these bastards can intervene and try to fuck with you. But that is the ill of this fake world. But come now in the next post will explain what I have been preparing for two weeks.
Pain and bleeding and a horn to headscape. Nasty fucking people just go away from me.
Apollo the main story. posted by Sedd maggsnow Nochoriana. on April 05, 2018
Apollo of course is a story I have tried to do many times.; The sum of the following is based off of the times in the past in which there was another story and then in the present there is another story. One of which links to different stories as well. In short has tow different parts one of the daily suburban life and one of the structure of the story and one of the inner heart and inner structure of the character and his particular adventure. Together create the entire story, that begin said ;this is just a said placemarker for the actual story-what of course what I am actually going to say is a real lead into mk mzodern rpm as the events of therein happen particularly before and after one page of the inner heart. This is significant because the proposed storyline of that one page is to be followed as.
Apollo has a rivalry with Swan.One that he refuses to admit for the sake of the " happiness" of the girl he likes. But in the end, he will learn that in particular the only person he is hurting is his self. And that ultimately no one will respect him until he learns and truly acknowledges this self truth.
Such of this story is important because self reflection is such an advent that people refuse to do in this society but just follow a scheme of how life is supposed to be, there is no scheme and their is no ultimate way to live your life but what you want it to be. And if you want it to be lesser when the estate is corrupt and targeting you for your particular interest as succeeding as others succeed and will do everything in its power to make
your life and goal lesser than what you aim-do so. No one is stopping you from dying a painful death. There is no one and no one cares if you do. That be the cyberpunk lesson of herein.... you must acknowledge and you must fight and if you do not will not succeed. You are not an equal when people target you, begret you, mistreat you, manipulate and take advantage of you. You are only an equal when are treated fair and just. Not foul and mistrust...herein we begin the lessons of these different students of different worlds. Celestia. Danny Valero. Vesper. Apollo. Levi. Cosmica. Cosmica Owl. Daphenei. Aphrodite.. concludes the tale as well of the preparations of 2014 and onward for the story of here. Trust in these stories as they are an equal opportunity to see the world in a new light ever mentioned before here. And completely if not forgets the previous mantras. As being solely exclusive and relative alone.
“ a wannabe unified multicultural terrorist monster seeking on the availability of people to seek Muslims as friends�. A true demon who swore their only goal in life was to be god and separator and tried to recreate a solid world by such a nasty inspiration of hatred and destitution on a person and peoples of color. I may have give said demon a chance but there is no forgiveness for believing sole authority as
right and right always when totally and totally fucking wrong. Art is a valid form of education and such idea of it should be beaten over faggots like this; heads. That in America people can be free and choose to have careers in art. Not in violence shall it be beat but in many sums of works that this non progressive behavior by some immigrants is even acceptable. Learn to love everyone or no freedom nor rights. Respect the image of unity of the many peoples of different skin colors to grace a modern peace and harmony. And not a tribal need of foreigner communities attacking those who were here first for power and resources.
If many people actually did respect unity; I would not have to had struggled to create anything but I have and through my works will fight against this disharmony! Behavior of a terrorist is nor cute nor funny and people like this should never be respected as citizens. The end.
MM1 magazine end.