27. Venice International Film Critics’ Week RaroVideo Audience Award goes to
ÄTA SOVA DÖ (Eat Sleep Die)
by Gabriela Pichler The RaroVideo Audience Award to the best film in competition at the 27. Venice International Film Critics’ Week – independent section organised within the 69. Venice Film Festival – goes to the Swedish film ÄTA SOVA DÖ by Gabriela Pichler. The award, consisting of 5,000 Euro, will be presented today, Friday 7 September, 7.45pm at the Lancia Café (Hotel Excelsior terrace). Gianluca Curti, President of the editorial group Minerva RaroVideo will present the award to the main actress of the film, Nermina Lukač. Director Xan Cassavetes and the cast of Kiss of the Damned, closing film of the Venice Critics’ Week, will be attending the award ceremony too. An additional screening of ÄTA SOVA DÖ is scheduled tomorrow, saturday 8 September, 11.30am, Sala Volpi. Press Office Barbara Perversi +39 347 9464485 - barbara.perversi@gmail.com
Info www.sicvenezia.it