Sid secretariat newsletter vol 1 for 2013

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SID SECRETARIAT NEWSLETTER Volume 1 - 2013 Here we come again! Since we are in the mood of reminiscing about our 150 years of existence as an organized Church, I thought it fitting to share some the history of the Secretariat Office in the Adventist Church. I am indebted to the GC secretariat for this history which we will share in two or possibly three parts. ENJOY.

Pastor Solomon Maphosa

A Brief History of Secretariat The Secretariat of the General Conference was inaugurated at the same time the General Conference itself was established. On May 20, 1863 the “Constitution of General Conference” was approved by the 20 delegates, and among other items, states that there “shall be a President, Secretary, Treasurer and an Executive Committee of three.” Although the specific tasks of the Secretary were not delineated, the purpose of the General Conference and Executive Committee in particular, was threefold: essentially, to coordinate evangelism and pastoral ministry (“to secure unity and efficiency in labor”), to advance mission (“promote the general interests of the cause of present truth”) and to improve the administration of the embryonic Church (“perfecting the organization of the Seventh-day Adventists”). The first Secretary was Uriah Smith (1832-1903),


elected on the same day as General Conference was incorporated. Initially, the term for the position coincided with the annual GC Sessions in which the Secretary was elected or re-elected, but later as the sessions became less frequent the terms correspondingly were lengthier. In total, Smith went on to be the longest-serving Secretary overall (22 years in all, in four separate periods), with G. Ralph Thompson serving the most consecutive years (19802000). Executive Secretaries (as the position is now known) continue to be elected at General Conference Sessions, which since 1970 have been held every five years. In the first forty years of the church’s existence the Secretary featured prominently in its governance. His views carried great weight with other church leaders in debates and discussions; in addition, every major decision taken by General Conference Sessions or the GC Executive Committee was summarized and recorded by the Secretary. These included rulings on church organization; missionary strategy and placement; creation of new church entities; and decisions on policy, doctrine, financial matters, and the denominational stance on political and governmental matters. In addition, the Secretary played a role liaising between potential antagonistic parties, brokering agreements, drafting official documents, and dealing with dissident groups.

Sacred Cows by Pastor GT Ng, GC Executive Secretary How many types of cows are there? More than 800 breeds. A sacred cow is an individual, organization, institution, etc., considered to be exempt from criticism or questioning. Are there sacred cows in the Adventist Church? Baptism seems to be of paramount importance. Nurture and membership care are often not a priority, baptism is. We choose to look the other way when it comes to nurture and membership care. Post-baptismal care—whose responsibility is it? Members: “But that’s the pastor’s responsibility.” Pastor: “In seminary I was taught how to baptize, not nurture. It’s really the conference’s responsibility.” Conference administrator: “Don’t ask me. Nurture is not really my spiritual gift.” Union administrator: “What’s the next item on the agenda?”

Pontius Pilate Syndrome CLAIMING INNOCENCE OF THE BLOOD OF NEW BELIEVERS IS: 1. Biblically indefensible 4. Socially irresponsible 2. Theologically inaccurate 5. Morally reprehensible 3. Ethically unjustifiable

“How to stop the leaks (actually the hemorrhage)?” This will be the next topic. 2|Page

God says “Go!” We say “I don’t know…” and a few minutes I worked at SDA later he came back with Language School in two suits. At this point South Korea for five I started remembering years, teaching my prayer and I literally English and Bible and started shaking. I fitted the suits on and they returned home, to were fine; too small Cape Town in for him but good December 2008. I was for me. He stepped then employed as a in a third time with Adam (in the middle of the two ladies) is seen here with four other recruiter for the some pants and on teachers and the Pastor at the SDALI where he taught in 2012. Language School. At the top was a black one. end of 2011 I was informed that my contract would not Below were three others. They all fit perfectly. I never asked him, never mentioned anything to be renewed and it was terminated on 28 February 2012. him, except that I might be going to Korea. God had I was NOT interested in going back to Korea, but used him to answer my prayer exactly as I had kept it as an option that, if God wanted me to go back, I prayed…correct in every detail…number, colour, would. So I applied for my Police Clearance Certificate weight and the order in which I had mentioned the (PCC), just in case, as this usually takes a few weeks. clothing. I was overwhelmed! I couldn't speak; tears Surprise! My PCC was done in record time. Then my welled up in my eyes and after my friend left the visa application was also processed much sooner than I room, the tears flowed freely. And here's the kicker... expected. These and other little things kept prompting he offered me a white and a blue shirt. I fitted the me to go to Korea, but I didn't want to go. white one but somehow we became distracted and I During this time, I applied for two jobs that I eagerly did not take the shirts. Afterward I remembered that I anticipated getting. I was well-qualified for both of told the Lord that I could buy them. them. But I got neither, not even a call for an interview! I I have never had a list of things granted to me in started thinking, “Maybe I should go to Korea” but I still this way...ever! I went home the Monday night and protested. told my family and friends that I was going to Korea. However, what really convinced me to go and left Many who were opposed to the idea could only agree me without any doubt was this... I stood in front of my that God had spoken. His voice was loud and clear. open wardrobe and spoke to God audibly, saying And now I don’t doubt for a second that God is something like "If You want me to go to Korea then I interested in every detail of my life. He’s interested in need a lighter winter coat because the one I have is nice yours too. but too heavy. I need more luggage weight available on Many Bible verses about missions and God’s the airplane. I only have one suit, so I can do with providence came to mind. Here are three: Matthew 6:8 another one, but let’s make it two for good measure. I “So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you have wanted to buy black pants to wear to church for a need before you ask Him.” Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you long time. It's time to get it, but maybe three more pants and teach in the way that you should go; I will counsel you for school/church would be good too." And then I and watch over you.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 “God is able to added "my white shirt and blue shirt are kind of old, but make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all I will buy new ones because they are cheap, or I'll live times, having all that you need, you will abound in every with the old ones." good work.” That was a Tuesday morning and on the Friday I pray that you and I will indeed “abound in every I went to Johannesburg to spend some time with a good work” that God wants us to do, knowing that friend who was moving to London. On the Sunday His grace is abundant and sufficient for the cause. Be morning he walked into my room with a winter coat blessed! and said, "If you are going to Korea, then maybe you will need this. Would you like to have it? Fit it on and see." I did that and it fitted perfectly. He left the room


by Adam Africa

Fellow Team Members in the Various Unions/ Conferences and Fields in the SID

Pastor Justino Paulo recorded the following interview as he welcomed Pastor Enock Chifamba, ZUC, to the Secretariat Team

During the SID Leadership Council held in February 2013, we had the opportunity to meet with all Unions/Conferences and Field Executive Secretaries, who comprise the SID. A special break-away session was arranged where matters relating to the Secretariat office was presented. Ps Solomon Maphosa, SID Executive Secretary, Ps Hensley Moorooven, Ps Justino Paulo and Sister Frankie Africa addressed Governance, Executive Committee Evaluation, Statistical reports, CMS, Service Records and AVS respectively. It certainly was a golden moment to meet with all the Executive secretaries especially those who were newly appointed. We highly appreciate the work they are doing in their fields. My prayer is that we will always remember that the work we do is to bring Glory to God and to advance His kingdom.

Thoughts to Ponder . . . “If you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln “Nothing intoxicates some people like a sip of authority.” – Author Unknown “The ability to connect with others begins with understanding the value of people.” – John C. Maxwell


Justino Paulo: Good day Pastor Chifamba. Enock Chifamba: Thank you Pastor Paulo JP: It’s good to have you here. Can you please introduce your family? EC: Constance, my wife and Daniel, Timothy, Emmanuel and Blessings, all boys. JP: WOW! That’s great; Constance is the Real Queen in the Chifamba family (laughs). You have been appointed as the Executive Secretary of the Zimbabwe Union Conference. Welcome to the Secretariat team. Please tell us, in a nutshell, about your pastoral career? EC: I started as a District Pastor in 1981 in Mabvuku, Harare, after completing two years studying Theology at Bethel College. I then completed the degree in Theology at Solusi University and a BSC in Biology at Baraton. For 7 years I worked as a Pastor and teacher in East Zimbabwe Conference and Chaplain at Solusi. I was a Field President in Eritrea, after which, I served as SID Stewardship Director and Field Secretary. I then accepted a call to serve as Dean of Theology at Solusi and then served as the President of East Zimbabwe Conference. JP: What were/are your biggest challenges and/or opportunities in your ministry? EC: I have been in Church administration before but I have never worked as an Executive Secretary. I have seen that the Secretariat Team is very supportive and my president Pastor M Choga has worked as an Executive Secretary before. This is a great opportunity for me. JP: What are your expectations while in the Secretariat office? EC: I expect to learn a lot and also contribute, by God’s grace, to the growth of the work in ZUC and SID. I kindly request you to pray for us, as it is “not by might or power but by My Spirit, says the Lord” Zech 4:16 JP: Thank you so much for sharing with us. We pray that God may continue blessing you in your new position.

Face to face

Colum of the InterDivision Employee (IDE) Background of the IDE’s column The Office of Adventist Mission informs church members not only about the Global Mission initiative, but also the wider church mission program that includes missionaries, IDEs, Adventist Volunteers (AVS), education, medical work, humanitarian work, evangelism, media, etc. Luis and Solange share their story – Our first missionary field was in Burkina Faso, in the West Africa, where we stayed for almost 9 years. Currently we’re in Madagascar since July 2012 for a 5year term. I’m serving here with my family as the Dentist and the Director of the Odontology Clinic. For my family and I it’s great to serve in the church system because our objective is not to make money or to seek professional promotion as the world suggests. We could probably do the same if we had chosen to work elsewhere and not in the church. Nevertheless, we can still seek professional excellence, but not as an end in itself, or as a matter of self-benefit; but rather, it is a way to better serve those who look for us in our Adventist Health Institutions. I plead to all who are called by God to have the same experience, and trust 100% in the guidance of God, because it’s worthwhile. For those willing to take advantage of this opportunity, I believe, they will not be the same again, because their worldview and the way they perceive people will be completely changed.

Adventist Mission News The first quarter of this year, was marked with lots of events in the Adventism Mission Sector. The first Historical Global Mission training took place in Seledi-Pikwe in Botswana Union Mission. It’s historical because, for the first time in history of the SID, the three Union Officers, the leaders from both Conferences attended the Global Mission Training. They were not only spectators but addressed important topics to the Pioneers. Their participation demonstrated the intense interest they have for reaching the unreached people in Botswana, through Global Mission Pioneers. We would be very happy if other Unions leaders follow this example.

▼GM Pioneers in Botswana

Dr Luis Eduardo Aucelio de Oliveira posing with his wife Solange Maria B. Lyra Aucelio and his daughter Isabella Barros de Lyra Aucelio.


SID Secretariat Administrative Advisory by Pastor Justino Paulo, Associate Secretary (AM) On May 22 to 23, the SID Secretariat held a Division-wide Secretariat Administrative Advisory at the Farm Inn near Pretoria. The GC was represented by Dr Rosa Banks and Jemima Orillosa while Pastors Solomon Maphosa, Hensley Moorooven and I, Frankie Africa, Lindiwe Mbinga, Patricia Papu, Jean Mabuto, Evodia Khumalo, Silas Muabsa, Marlyse Tabac, represented the SID Secretariat and Treasury offices. All the Union Executive Secretaries, together with their assistants, were in attendance. The presentations were much appreciated by all present. The objective of the programme was to give guidance on how to run the secretariat office more efficiently. Here below are a few of the faces of those who participated in this programme.

Dr. Rosa Banks serves as the Liaison to ECD, SID, WAD and the AUA. She is also the Missionary Care Program Director. ►

◄ Bedenical Ndatoya and Jose Lemos, Executive Secretaries from ZBU and SWAU, respectively.

Pastor Solomon Maphosa, Executive Secretary of the SID. ► Jemima Orillosa, assistant to Dr. Banks with Hensley Moorooven, Associate Secretary, SID. ► Chapiwa Nkosi, assistant to Baxter Chilunga (next to her), Executive Secretary of MUM. Next to them is Eugene Fransch, Associate Secretary at ZUC. ▼

◄ Boitirelo Kabo, Executive Secretary of BUM and his assistant, Connie Mbinda.

◄ Alfredo Chilundo and Eliseu Xavier, Executive Secretaries from MZU and ST&P, respectively. ◄ Trevor Kunene, Executive Secretary of SAU and his assistant, Cherry Negre.

A group picture with most of the attendees. ▼


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