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Wow, I never thought this day would come, where I can’t see you, talk to you or cry to you. Mommy, you were one of my best friends and one of the people I talked to for advice on everything. I’m still in shock and disbelief because we spoke 4 times that day mommy. How are you not here right now to see Kion. You’ll spoke everyday just like us and now he can’t hear your voice anymore say “How Grammy baby doing, Grammy love the boy”. I haven’t been able to cry or grieve properly because I don’t want him to see me sad, but I know he feels the void and misses you.
This is hard to swallow mommy. We just spent a month together and said see you soon with tears falling down our face when you had to go back home to Nassau. I never thought I would be coming home early, because you’re gone. If I knew this would happen I would have come home sooner to spend more time, but I know you understood why I couldn’t. I haven’t seen you physically or hold you since February 4th when you left and this is tearing me up inside, because I’ll never get the opportunity again. I wish I could kiss you, hug you and tell you how much I love you one last time.
You have been my rock mommy for my whole life and I am so happy I was able to give you your flowers while you were here with us. I’m going to miss our mother daughter movie dates, our Saturday hangouts, our debates on different topics and our endless hugs and kisses. I’m going to miss you calling me “Ms. Kissy Wisy”, because of the amount of kisses I gave.

Rest on Mommy. I know you will always watch over us, our heavenly angel. Tell Grammy and Papi we said hi and we miss them. Let them know I had a son. I love you mommy.
Love Always, You’re Baby Girl and Grandson
Nessa & Kion
“Rise” was my first roommate other than daddy and mummy; my first playmate, my first friend.

We played almost all of the childhood games together My sister was my protector in primary school.
When it was time for household chores to be done “Rise” never failed to remind me by saying “those dishes need to wash and you washing them.” As soon as she was able to mummy allowed her to become my hairdresser.
My sister and I shared the same middle name, we both were blessed with being mothers to two daughters, and we both shared the same work environment for the past fifteen years. I am thankful that both her and I never allowed our personal relationship to interfere with our professionalism”.
She gave me the nickname “Martha” because at family gatherings that meant I had to get up and serve especially the late comers while she sat down. I will always cherish the times we spent together going to lunch, checking out sales and often praying together. I will miss her expecting me to give an answer in an instant whether it was adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing or percentages, she would say “I don’t feel like thinking right now” and me being able to ask her the difficult questions I needed answers to, trust me in the last two weeks I attempted to, a number of times.

When ever I would say to my sister that I was not feeling well she would always pray that “whatever is out of line, line up in the name of Jesus.” As sisters we shared our joys, sorrows, fears and expectations.
Almost every afternoon my sister would dial my extension or cell to tell me she was leaving and that she will talk to me later or see me in the morning, she would always end by saying “don’t get locked in the building, love you”. April 11, 2023 I did not get that call, not realizing the usual time had passed I picked up the phone and called her but did not get an answer. I did not get a chance to say good night, see you in the morning, talk to you later or I love you to. “Rise was my beautiful, caring and supportive sister. This chain has been broken.
Ivy Rolle (sister)
Rosetta’s death leaves a heartache no one can heal, her love leaves a memory no one can steal.. My sister was a fun loving individual. She was always well attired, well spoken.
The lost of a love one is a very traumatic experience, especially when it’s a sister. Death will not extinguish the light ; It is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. The book of Revelation says, blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.

By God’s grace we will meet again. Lennis (Brother)
Never in my wildest dreams did I think the night of April 11 2023 would send shock waves through my body as I would receive one of the most devastating calls of my life . I will never hear her voice again saying “Morning Philly, you alright? and where my ‘tista’ as she sometimes affectionately refer to my mom. My Aunty was truly a breath of fresh air, I loved her sense of style and beautiful smile. She always ensured I knew how proud she was of my accomplishments even when she was unable to physically be there.
I will forever cherish the memories of our family trips, she brought an extra layer of excitement, and oh how we love to shop.
My Aunty I will remember with warmth, pride and cherish the love we had for each other! Until that great getting up morning when we shall RISE!

With Love, Philly (niece)
You have always loved and accepted me as your son. You have blessed me with my wife and have always supported us and prayed for us. We always talked about how our anniversary is right after your birthday and how all of us would celebrate. You always made sure I ate every Sunday while Nessa was in the states and went above and beyond with giving me enough for now and later. I’m going to miss your laugh, hugs, smile and loving embraces.
This is not easy, because I just saw you that day. Nessa and I will tell Kion and all other children that come after, how much you love him and would have loved them and show them photos of you.
Love Your Son-In-Law, Kino