4 minute read
Feast of Title Festival
Provincial Prayer Book.
4. Abbreviations used in this Lectionary: BCP-Book of
Common Prayer, MP-Morning Prayer, EP-Evening
Prayer, O.H.-Office Hymns, A&M-Ancient and Modern,
CPWI - Church in the Province of the West Indies
Hymnal, Ps.-Psalm, and, a, b or c - first, second or third parts of verses, AvD -Anniversary to the Diaconate,
AvP - Anniversary to the Priesthood, R -Rector,
AC - Assistant Curate.
1. The Dedication and the Patronal or Feast of Title of a church is observed on the actual date of that Festival.
2. In churches where the actual rededication date is unknown, it is the custom to observe the F FEAST on the first Sunday in October.
3. In addition to the actual date stated in the calendar, the
Patronal or Feast of Title as well as Dedication Feast may be celebrated also on the Sunday B BEFORE or A AFTER the F FEAST. That Sunday is usually called the External
Solemnity of the F FEAST. (See pg. 11 BCP). On that
Sunday, in that Church, the Collect and Readings for all services are those of the F FEAST Day.
4. In this Diocese, when the F FEAST of Dedication,
Patronal or Titular F FEAST occurs during the season of
Advent or Lent, on the Sunday B BEFORE or A AFTER the
FEAST, one service only, preferably a Mass, is allowed in celebration of the F FEAST. The other services must be of the season.
5. The Patronal Festival of the Diocese, “The Nativity of St.
John the Baptist,” is observed in A ALL Parishes as a
Principal Feast (See pg. 10 BCP). It is observed as well on the Sunday B BEFORE or A AFTER the F FEAST D DAY depending upon that chosen by the Diocese.
6. The following Readings and Collect are used for the
Dedication Festival:
First Evensong on the Eve: Psalm (s) 147, Genesis 28:10-22, O.H. 396 Part I and Doxology,
Revelation 21:9-16, Collect pg.199 #12. Morning Prayer: Psalm (s) 103, 2 Chronicles 29:6-11,
Ephesians 2:8-23, Collect pg.199 #12. Evening Prayer: Psalm (s) 122 & 132, 2 Chronicles 5:6 - 6:2, OH 396 Part I and Doxology, Hebrews 10:1925, Collect p199 #12. The Eucharist: 1 Kings 8:22-30, Psalm (s) 84:1-6, 1
Peter 2:1-5, 9, 10; Matthew 21:1216; Gloria,
Collect pg.199 #12, Creed, Preface of Dedication.
7. The Readings and Psalm (s) for the Patronal Festival or the Feast of Title are:
If the Feast is a Principal or Major Feast (pg.10, 11, 12
BCP) the Readings for Morning and
Evening Prayer, the Eucharist and the Evening Prayer on the Eve are those printed in the Lectionary for all
churches for that day.
On the Sunday B BEFORE or A AFTER (not both) the same Readings or Collect as indicated above are used.
If the F FEAST is a Memorial or Commemoration (pg.16, 17 BCP) the Readings and Collect for Morning and Evening Prayer on the Feast Day are those in the
Lectionary for that Patron Saint’s Church or Feast of
Title’s Church O ONLY; the Eucharistic Readings are given for all Churches in the Diocese to manifest our solidarity with that particular Church. This is the practice even for those feasts dedicated to St. Faith and
St. Christopher Churches, which are not in our Book of Common Prayer.
November 2022 30th St. Andrew
D December 2022
St. Nicholas of Myra 7th St. Ambrose of Milan, Bishop 21 St. Thomas or July 2 26th St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr 27th St. John, Apostle and Evangelist or May 6 28th The Holy Innocent
J January 2023
The Epiphany of Our Lord Holy Family The Confession of St. Peter
21st St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr of Rome 25th The Conversion of St. Paul M March 2023
St. David, Bishop of Menevia in Wales 23d St. Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, Missionary 17th St. Patrick, Bishop of Ireland 20th St. Joseph of Nazareth (Transferred) April 2023 24rd St. George, The Martyr [4th Century] (Transferred) 25th St. Mark the Evangelist 30 Good Shepherd Sunday
M May 2023 1st Sts. Philip and James, Apostles 2rd St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria and Teacher of the Faith 4th St. Monica, Matron 18th Ascension 26th St. Augustine of Canterbury, First Archbishop of Canterbury 28 Pentecost Sunday
June 2023 4 Trinity Sunday 9th St. Columba, Iona, Abbot 12th St. Barnabas, the Apostle (transferred) 22nd St. Alban, Martyr of Britain 24th The Nativity of St. John the Baptist: Patron Saint 29th St. Peter and Paul
July 2023 11th St. Benedict of Nursia 20th St. Margaret of Antioch, Virgin and Martyr 22nd St. Mary Magdalene 25th St. Christopher St. James, the Apostle 26 Sts. Anne and Joachim
A August 2023 6th The Transfiguration of Our Lord: Christ Church Cathedral 15 The Assumption of our Lady 24th St. Bartholomew
S September 2023 4rd St. Gregory the Great, Teacher of the Faith (Transferred) 8th St. Mary the Virgin 14th Holy Cross 21st St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist 29th St. Michael and All Angels
October 2023 2st St. Theresa of Liseaux (Transferred) 5th St. Faith of Aquitane, Virgin and Martyr 18th St. Luke, Evangelist 28th Sts. Simon and Jude
N November 2023 1st All Saints Day 6th St. Leonard, Hermit 11th St. Martin of Tours 23 St. Clement