Orignal Memory Book for Queenie Pierre

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AGED: 66


Upper Zion Baptist Church Pinder’s Point

Grand Bahama, Bahamas

Saturday, 6th May, 2023 At 10:00a.m.


Sr. Pastor Linward and Lady Lisa Knowles

Faith National Church of God


Faith National Church of God Praise and Worship Team


Pinder’s Point Public Cemetery

Pinder’s Point

Grand Bahama, Bahamas

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” (Proverbs 31:26)

The year 1957 was a joyous year for Thomas Duncombe and Cloretta Hepburn (predeceased). On January 24th, 1957, in the quiet settlement of Sweetings Cay, Grand Bahama the pair welcomed and celebrated the birth of their baby girl, whom they named Queenie Corene Duncombe, also known as Goddie. On that day, the couple felt such immense joy that they vowed to give the newest addition to their budding family all the love, support, and guidance she would need to face and survive the journey she ahead of her.


From early on, Queenie earned the name “Goddie” and was loved by everyone around her. She was a natural caregiver, always sensitive to the needs and wants of others. Though small in stature, Queenie was filled with compassion—always caring—a fighter for what was right and a motivation to all she encountered. She was known for her wide and infectious smile and her close and firm embrace.

Queenie married her long-time partner, Joseph Pierre. While married to Joseph, Queenie experienced and was exposed to a new life. The pair remained together and celebrated a happily ever after up to the day Queenie closed her eyes. Our beloved, Queenie was a devoted mother to her daughter Vivian Victoria Mitchell-Sands, and an adopted mother to Monica Leathen-Duncombe, as well as many others who called her mother. She had four grandchildren and one great-grandchild whom she adored.

Queenie battled breast cancer and other chronic illnesses for many years. Despite her struggles, she remained strong and never gave up fighting. She was an inspiration to those

around her and always had a positive attitude, even in the toughest of times. Her strength and resilience were a testament to her unwavering faith in God and her deep love for her family.

Throughout her life, Queenie was known for her kind and generous spirit. She had a heart of gold and was always there for others, even when she was facing her own challenges. Her family was everything to her, and she cherished every moment she spent with them. When others were broken around her, she stayed strong and was always a source of support and comfort.

Queenie was an active member of the Faith National Church of God, Grand Bahama and her faith played a central role in her life. Even during her time in Nassau, where she relocated in 2010 to seek medical care, she remained an active member of her church community and visited Christ Community Church (CCC) and Bahamas Faith Ministries (BFM) with her daughter in Nassau.

Despite her illness, Queenie never lost her passion for life. She enjoyed cooking and was famous for her delicious Bahamian dishes. Her warm hospitality was always appreciated by those who knew her, and she made sure that everyone who entered her

Queenie will be deeply missed by all who knew her. Her legacy of strength, faith, and love will continue to inspire those who were fortunate enough to cross her path.

Queenie worked as a Domestic Worker for years at The Grand Bahama Children’s Home and Pharma Chem Technologies G.B Ltd. formerly Syntex Pharmaceuticals and a few others.

What everyone hoped would be a great year, proved to be one filled with pain and uncertainty. On April 12th, 2023, our beloved Queenie Corene Duncombe-Pierre took her final breathe. Her departure from the world was quiet and filled with love. Indicative of the way Queenie lived her life. God heard and answered her prayer. In His grace and mercy, He answered her cries and said. “Come my child, take your rest.”

For now, we say goodbye and sleep in peace to the beloved wife and our treasured mother, grandmother, and friend.

Alfred, Zephaniah , and Catherine Duncombe Fond memories will forever be cherished by her:

Joseph Pierre;

Daughter: Vivian Victoria Mitchell-Sands;

Adopted Daughter: Monica Duncombe-Leathen;

Siblings: Wilfred (Sharon) Scott, Orman (Blinky) Johnson, George Wille, and Natacha Miller;

Grandchildren: Roscoe Raymond Demeritte Jr., Myra Leah

Selver, Kendal Jr, and Keathen Leathen;

Great Grandson: Kendryck Raimyn Demeritte;

Uncles: Elgie (Nellie), Maxwell, Ivan and Wallace Hepburn; Nieces and Nephews: Shanika Stuart, Kevon and Kimberley

Scott, George Jr., Jhani, Geoni, and Grayson Willie, Ehryn Miller, Barbara (Patrick) Roberts, Audrey Gaitor, Lisa Duncombe

Ming, Patrice Duncombe, Karen (Gregory) Duncombe Deveaux, Janet Rolle, Wayne Duncombe, Lisa Dames, Brenda Albury, Austin, Steven Sr., Tino and Tyrone Duncombe, Katie.

Major McCray (Nate), Ulee, Deloris, Maxine, Maria, Michael, Mark and Harold Major, Barbara Deveaux, Geneive Malone, Portia Duncombe Clarke (John), Patrick Duncombe, Catherine

Pavone (Nicholas), Gina Baptiste, Jonathan Duncombe (Gina), Patrick Duncombe, Keith Duncombe;

Grand and Great Grand Nieces and Nephews: Rashanda Ward, Kyle Stuart, O’Hara Knowles Jr. Thomas, Glacy, Michelle, Tamia, Skylar, Edgar Sr. (Jacquay), Edgar Jr., Nita, and Eden Brooks, Crystal Francois, Jamika, Jordan and Jamiko, and Treyvon Francois, Latayla, Ashanti and Shan’Drea Russell, Andy (Wanda) Duncombe, Shanecka Russell, Keithra (Shadrack) Phillips, Keaton Duncombe, Ceatra and Crisaud, Jaheveah and Ja’mya Bethel,Tyricka, Lashun, Latisha, Steven Jr., Roberto and Orlando, Zephrama (Jermaine) Sturrup, Jerheil and Jhor-el

Sturrup, Susan Hughes, Dauntae Dames, Montana and Dana, Alexandra, Travis and Tyrese Duncombe, Zemri, Marquest, Demetrius, Diamond, Sandy, Jewel, Bobby, Esther, Cindy, Kenny, Deangelo and Trae, Steven, Jaden, Jaliyah, Tenesha, Tyranique, Enaycia, Shadrack Jr. Brianna, Randy Duncombe Jr., Zyaire

Whyms, Angel, Whitney, Andrea, Andy Jr., Perron and Perell Duncombe, Eddie (Tandra) Prince, Nathaniel, Jabber, Anton, Tony Bernard, Nate, Sherell, Antoinette, Sherkela, Brittney, Tiffany, Nate, Mark Jr., Brandon, Ivory, Dewayne and Nathaniel McCray II, Kemeasha, Michael Devon Major, Maria, Antoinette, Shakeela, Cairo, Donnell, Steve and Joel Deveaux, Clayvon Duncombe, Graylon Roberts Jr., Dominick Nixon, Seandrea Roberts, Heidi Dean, Clemeka, Donnell, Hannah and Anfernee Duncombe, Baronique Cowan; Cousins: Issy (Dave) Bartlett, Jeremiah Stuart, Samuel Stuart, Jestina (Garvin) Burnside, Mary Stuart, Hubert (Kaylissa) Stuart, Judy Stuart, Gloria Stuart, Edward, Darrel, Michael, Franklin, and Deon Hepburn, Maydon, Essie, Joyann, Anthony and John Lightbourne, Kendrick and Brenda Feaster, Krissy, Vicky and Ivan Jr. hepburn, Wallace Jr., Toya and Leonard Hepburn, Maxwell Jr., Joshua, and Becky Hepburn, Jennifer Rolle, Vanessa

Smith, Deon and Sean Seymour, Troyann, Troyes, Tyelor, and Ethan Grant, Jazanay Rolle, Jamie Mullings, Johnae Lightbourne, Albertha Lightbourne, Harry Poitier, Edward Poiter, Nardo Lightbourne;

In-Laws: The family of the late Anne Marie Resias, The family of the Late Anthony “Tony” Resias, and The family of the late Wilson Resias;

Special Sister/Friends: Laverne Gardiner, Cherilyn (Haddy) Resias, Mary Russell, Genorosa Berkell, Evelyn Williams, Terry Burrows, Merite Jordan and their families.

Godchildren: Demetrius Turnquest, Clint Williams, Makeba Obstaint, Evanna Josue, Lakeisha Roxbury Wilson; Proud to call them my sons and daughters: Vilna Clarke, Denise Cooper, Vilner and Vernal, Philipee, Bernice Russell, Natasha Stubbs, Ronda Michel, Jennifer and Rhea Rahming, Maria Johnson, Inez Charlton, Benson Francois, Fawen Francois, Rodna “Angie”, Michel, William, Yvette and Aailyah, Styles, Anwar Stubbs, Delthea Nairn, Peter Cartwright, Terrell Hepburn (TJ), Kendra Adderley, Debbie Winter, Renee Farrington-Davis, Breeane Forbes, Kimberley Seymour, Virinia Hepburn, Deborah McKinney, Mayer Murphy, Joan and Ralph Reckley, Rita Duncombe, Laura Tucker, Kelly Rigby, Ralph Fawkes and their families;

Extended Family, Other Relatives and Friends: Donald Philippee and family, Michael Lightbourne and Derrie Sawyer and family, Julian and Sandy McPhee and family, Merilyn Williams and family, Rohan McClure and family, Kendra Martin and family, Amad Pickstock, Pastor Linwood Knowles, Lady Lisa Knowles and the Faith National Church of God, Etan and family, Bensoir Francis and family, Lounis Hilaire and family, Anthony and Cindy Curtis and family, Joan Selver and family, Roscoe Demeritte Sr. and family, Sharon Coleman, Vanessa Nelson, Emma Dawson, Chantal Christian, Greta Pardue, Marietta JeanBaptiste and their families in Texas, Pinder’s Point, McCleans Town, Sweetings Cay and Faith Gardens Communities, Dr. Locksley Munroe and Southern Community General Clinic family, Dr. Francis Williams, PMH, Dr. Larano Knowles, PMH, ER and family, Dr Don Diego Deveaux, Neville (Mop) and Bulah McDonald and family, Deandra Riley, Oaktree Medical, Randy Thompson, Alfred Newbold and the management and staff of Syntex (PharmaChem Technologies, Grand Bahama, Pastor Michael and family, Pastor Darrin Rolle and family, Sidney and Yvonne Bootle and family, the family of the late Charles and Elizabeth Sands, Zimiri, Management and staff of Commonwealth Bank Ltd.

Moderator | Sr. Pastor Linward Knowles

Processional of the Family

Prayer | Sr. Pastor Linward Knowles

Praise and Worship Team (From the Rising of the Sun)

First Scripture Reading | (Proverbs 31:10-31) | Bernice Russell (Acquired Daughter)

Second Scripture Reading | (1 Corinthians 13:1-13) | Gloria Stuart (Cousin)

Tribute (3 minutes maximum)

Natacha Miller (Sister)

Karen Duncombe Deveaux (Niece)

Laverne Gardiner (Childhood Friend)

Kendryck Raimyn Demeritte (Great Grandson)

Myra Leah Selver (Granddaughter)

Vivian Victoria Mitchell-Sands (Daughter)

Praise and Worship Team

(Every Praise, How Great is Our God, and My God is Awesome)

Message | Sr. Pastor Linward Knowles

Acknowledgements | Russell and Pinder’s Funeral Home

Prayer for the family | Sr. Pastor Linward Knowles


Praise and Worship Team

(Lord you are good)


When peace like a river attendeth my way

When sorrows like sea billows roll

Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul.

Chorus: It is well (it is well)

With my soul (with my soul)

It is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come Let this blest assurance control

That Christ (yes, He has) has regarded my helpless estate And has shed His own blood for my soul

My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought (a thought)

My sin, not in part, but the whole (every bit, every bit, all of it)

Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more (yes)

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul.

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight

The clouds be rolled back as a scroll

The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend Even so, it is well with my soul.


There was a time I traveled

A lonely sinful road

Beneath a heavy burden bending low

But now all things are different

For Jesus took my load

It’s alright now I’m His I know


It’s alright now

For I am in my Savior’s care

It’s alright now

My Savior hears and answers prayer

He’ll walk beside me

‘Til I climb the heav’nly stair And ev’rything is alright now

A-down a lonely pathway

Without a friend to guide

I walked in sin and sorrow all alone ‘Til Jesus came and found me And drew me to His side

It’s alright now for I’m His own

No more in sin I wander

No more in darkness roam

The Lord has placed

My feet on higher ground

Each day new heights I’m gaining

My soul is nearing home

It’s alright now I’m heaven bound


I will meet you in the morning, Just inside the Eastern Gate. Then be ready, faithful pilgrim, Lest with you it be too late.

I will meet you, I will meet you Just inside the Eastern Gate over there. I will meet you, I will meet you, I will meet you in the morning over there.

If you hasten off to glory, Linger near the Eastern Gate, For I’m coming in the morning; So you’ll not have long to wait.

Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning; For the Bridegroom watch and wait. He’ll be with us at the meeting Just inside the Eastern Gate.

O the joys of that glad meeting

With the saints who for us wait! What a blessèd, happy meeting Just inside the Eastern Gate


There’s a line that is drawn through the ages On that line stands an old rugged cross On that cross, a battle is raging

To gain a man’s soul or it’s loss

On one side, march the forces of evil

All the demons, all the devils of hell

On the other, the angels of glory

And they meet on Golgotha’s hill

The earth shakes with the force of the conflict

And the sun refuses to shine

For there hangs God’s son, in the balance And then through the darkness he cries

It is finished, the battle is over

It is finished, there’ll be no more war

It is finished, the end of the conflict

It is finished and Jesus is Lord

Yet in my heart, the battle was still raging

Not all prisoners of war had come home

These were battlefields of my own making

I didn’t know that the war had been won

Oh, but then I heard the king of the ages Had fought all the battles for me

And that victory was mine for the claiming And now praise his name, I am free


Queenie was a remarkable woman who touched the lives of many throughout her time on this earth. She and I met as teenagers over 47 years ago, and from the moment we met, I knew there was something special about her. We fell in love quickly and got married just two years later.

Throughout our life together, Queenie was the most loving, caring, and genuine person I had ever met. She had a heart of gold, and her love for others knew no bounds. We didn’t have any biological children of our own, but that didn’t stop us from being like parents to many. We loved and cared for many children in our lives as if they were our own, and they brought us so much joy.

Queenie was a passionate woman who lived life to the fullest. She always had a smile on her face and an infectious energy that drew people to her. Her love for life was evident in everything she did, whether it was cooking a delicious meal or planning a fun adventure for us to go on together.

We were devoted to each other, and our love only grew stronger over time. We supported each other through the ups and downs of life, and we were each other’s rock. Our bond was unbreakable, and we knew that no matter what challenges we faced, we could always count on each other.

On April 12, 2023, my beloved Queenie passed away suddenly. Her loss has left a void in my heart that can never be filled. But even though she is no longer with us, her spirit lives on through the countless lives she touched. Her legacy of love and kindness will continue to inspire and guide me throughout the rest of my life.

Queenie was an incredible woman, and I am grateful for every moment we shared together. I will always cherish the memories we made and the love we shared. Rest in peace, my dear Queenie. You will always be loved and missed.

Your King


And took my Grammy far away

My heart was heavy, my eyes were wet

I couldn’t bear the thought of letting go just yet But in the stillness of the night, I heard her voice so soft and light

She said, “Dear Myra, please don’t cry, I’ll be watching you from up high.”

“You mean so much to me,” she said, “I’ll miss you, but I’m not dead.

Jesus has called me to His side, In heaven, I’ll forever abide.”

She spoke of a place of wondrous beauty, Where pain and worries are just a memory

Where peace and joy reign supreme, And love beyond measure is a constant stream.

I’ll hold on to the memories we shared, The good times, the laughs, the love we bared.

I’ll try not to think of the sadness and pain, instead, I’ll focus on the sunshine after the rain. I know I can trust in Jesus, for He knows best, He’ll give me strength to pass this test.

And when I reach Heaven’s door, My Grammy will greet me with flowers galore.

Goodbye, my best friend, I love you so, I’ll miss you more than you’ll ever know. But I know you’re in a better place, And I’ll see you again with God’s grace.

Love Myra - granddaughter


(adopted daughter)

It is with a heavy heart that I offer my condolences on the passing of my beloved mother, Queenie. Her warmth, kindness, and unwavering love will always be remembered and celebrated in my heart.

Queenie was more than a mother to me; she was a friend, a confidant, and a constant source of support. She welcomed me into her home and her heart, treating me as if I were her own flesh and blood. Her love knew no bounds, and she always made sure that I had everything I needed and more. One of my fondest memories of Queenie was our shared love of fishing together. Those moments spent on the water, casting our lines and enjoying each other’s company, will be treasured forever. Queenie’s joy was contagious, and she had a special way of making even the simplest things feel extraordinary.

Despite the pain of losing Queenie, I can take comfort in the fact that I had the privilege of knowing such an incredible woman for over 50 years. Her legacy will live on through the countless lives she touched, including mine. Her love will continue to guide me and inspire me, reminding me of the incredible woman she was.

Rest in peace, Queenie. You will always be loved and missed.


Grammy made sure I was always taken care of. We laughed, we talked and we played. I knew how much I meant to her and I made sure she knew how much I loved her. I never left her without a hug even on her last day. I miss her, I will never forget her and I will love her forever.

My Grammy

My Queenie

My Beautiful Woman


Of a Special Auntie

The day you left and gained your wings my heart just broke in two I wish you could have stayed with me But Heaven needed you

You left me with the memories

And I love you dearly still

No matter how much time goes by You know I always will

You were a very special person With kindness in your heart

And the love we had together

Grows stronger now we’re apart I know I cannot bring you back

Although I wish it everyday

But a piece of me went with you

The day you went away

Love Shanny, Niece


My aunt holds a special place in my heart

She’s loved me from the very start. She’s laughter, fun, and crazy adventures Moments with her are ones that I treasure

Her love is gentle and overflowing

Her warm hugs and easy smiles

Make even the hardest days feel worthwhile She encourages me to follow my dreams To speak my mind and always be kind

To respect myself and others too

Without her I don’t know what I’d do She’s more than my aunt, She’s also my friend She’s loved me from the start

And I’ll love her till the end Crystal


Aunty Queenie has been like a grandmother to me. She use to cook for me, and one thing I could say, no one made pea soup n dough better than Aunty Queenie. Her and uncle took me to school, also late nights, we would stay up playing cards. I remember my mom didn’t like me eating certain foods, and when we would go out Aunty Queenie would sneak the snacks I liked that I couldn’t have. It meant alot to me, because I really like those snacks. For the people that know me, I love to record everything, and during Christmas time I was creating Aunty Queenie a script and all. We loved each other and just wanted everyone to be together.

Love you Aunty Queenie and she will never be forgotten!


Goddie, you mean the world to me. Only a heart as dear as yours would give so unselfishly. The many things you did, all the times that you were there Help me know, how much you really cared. I am grateful and thankful to God for everything you taught me The memories, love and laughter I will cherish for a lifetime Richly blessed is how I feel Having a godmother like you.

I love you

Makeaba (goddaughter)

You Were A Queen Indeed Among Queens, A Royal Diadem Whose Presence Attracts Cheers And Put Smiles In The Lives Of Many Around You. Your Words Beacon Life And Inspires Many Towards Their Dreams... Having You As My Sole Beloved Mother Made Me Realized How Fortunate I Was And Blessed By God Who Gave You To Me.

As Memories Of Loved Ones Are Like Strings Of Roses Which Never Fades But Abides In The Heart Forever, So You Will Forever Be Remembered By me and All Who Came In Contact With You Within And Afar. Mama, Your Beloved Daughter Angie Calls With A Voice Of Appreciation And Assures Your Departure Isn’t The End Of Life With You But Purposefully Assures My Covenant With You Will Remain Forever.

Thank You My Queen, Thank You My Precious Mum, Thank you for instilling values in me that I will carry on throughout the rest of my life. Thank you for teaching me the importance of diligence and hard work. The Earth Has Lost But Heaven Has Gained A Precious Soul.

Rest Well In The Bossom Of Our Heavenly Father Till We Meet Again. Your adopted Daughter Angie

A Heart of Gratitude

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the support and kindness that you have all extended to us during the time of Queenie’s passing. Your presence, contributions, thoughtfulness, and prayers have been a great source of comfort and strength for us.

The loss of Queenie has been one of the most difficult times in our lives, but your support has helped us to navigate this challenging period. Your kind words, hugs, and condolences have meant so much to us, and we are grateful for the time that you took to offer them.

Additionally, your contributions to the funeral arrangements and your willingness to help in any way possible are truly appreciated. Your generosity and selflessness touched our hearts and reminded us of the goodness that still exists in the world.

Please know that your support has made a significant impact on our family, and we will never forget the kindness that you showed us during this time of need. We are thankful to have you in our lives and we hope that we can return the favor someday.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. With sincere appreciation

The Family

Roscoe Raymond Deneritte Jr.

Wilfred Scott

George Willie

Orman (Blinky) Johnson

Thomas Brooks

Edga Brooks

Andy Duncombe


Provided by The Huyler Group Tel: 394-BOOK (2665)
(242) 818-3478 Email: info@siddagroup.com Nassau, N.P. Bahamas Russell’s & Pinder’s Funeral Home
Mile Rock, Grand Bahama Island

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