1 minute read
Alicia Pinder

Avery Happy and prosperous New Year Greetings to you all! It is such a pleasure to share this exciting return as we celebrate The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball.
The journey from the 48th Annual Red Cross Ball (2020) to where we at this time has been truly phenomenal! We have experienced and overcame the challenges of the worst natural disaster in recorded Bahamian history; also, while still in recovery mode we watched in unbelief as a health crisis that reached pandemic proportions temporarily disabling the country’s major economies. This resulted in financial setbacks that has further increased the vulnerabilities of the people we serve. Guided by our seven fundamental principles, our commitment however remained to our Country, Communities, and the many recipients, who have come to rely on us.

Challenged yet focused, this meant that we had to think of new and creative ways to continue to sustain our various programs, while reintroducing the former methods that had brought successes in the past. On our road to resilience from the trifecta of Hurricane Dorian, The Covid 19 Pandemic, and the negative economical impact on the Nation at large, we have been truly humbled by the support of so many true humanitarians who willingly partner with us in this journey.
We say thank you for all the support given to us by Volunteers, Corporations, Civic Organizations, Faith Based entities, and private citizens for supporting us. You make possible our programs such as daily Meals On Wheels, Disaster and Emergency Relief Assistance, Junior Red Cross, First Aid/CPR/ Life Guard Training, Psychosocial Support, and Food Security programs. Our nation is stronger because of your love and support. We admit the road ahead still promises to be challenging, however with faith, courage, strength as the foundations that we used to buoy us this far we stand poised to face all obstacles. So with all the poise and grace that is distinctively you I say ENJOY: ‘WE BALLIN’ LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION !!!