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The Bahamas Red Cross Society LIST OF SERVICES

Backyard Farming

This program seeks to address food security and increase healthy eating habits.

Climate Change Initiative

The earth is beginning to experience adverse weather patterns due to climate change. We seek to heighten public awareness and promote healthy practices in this program.

Disaster And Emergency Relief Assistance

The Society offers a wide range of assistance to members of the community who suffer loss from any disaster. Assistance is also available for persons experiencing hardship.

Family Island Services

The Society provides Welfare and Emergency relief services as well as training in First Aid, CPR and Disaster Preparedness to residents in the Family Islands. The Society also has member groups in all of the major islands. Annual food parcels are distributed to persons in the Family Islands.

First Aid Services

Trained volunteers of the Society provide First Aid Services to national events, sports meets, road races and other public events.


The Youth Department provides a variety of activities for the school children. These include seminars, exchange programmes, training, sporting activities, service to handicapped children and senior citizens, residential and day camps.


A daily hot meal is delivered to the shut-ins and physically challenged persons who are unable to prepare a meal for themselves.

School Milk Scheme

Fresh milk is provided twice per year to vulnerable children in the Family Island Schools to supplement their daily diet.


The Society offers a wide range of courses in Emergency, Basic and advanced First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Disaster Preparedness and Shelter Management.

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