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t akemef orwhoi am bl amemef orwhati do acceptmef orwhati was andwai tands eewhatI become.



Thi si snotanot herl ov epoem Thi si sar ant Thi si ss omet hi ngt hatwi l l cons umey ouf ul l y , i twi l l eaty ouupandt hens pi ty ouout , l i key oudi dwi t hme. I t ' l l makey ouf eel t hehu t hatal l mys car sr emi ndmeof , i twi l l et chont oy ourmemor y j us taf r act i onoft hepai n t haty oumademef eel , andt hatwi l l beenought omakey ougomad t ot i py ouov er , butj us tbef or ei tcanev er y t hi ngwi l l v ani s h. . . . . . . Thepai nwon' tbet her enomor e Y ouwi l l befine Ext er nal l y . Y ouwi l l cr av et hepai n Y ouwi l l f eel r emor s ef ul Aswhaty oudi dwaswr ong andy ouar en' tbei ngpuni s hedf ori t Y ouwi l l getwhatIhav ebutt hefli ps i de Y oumademehi tr ockbot t om andnowIonl yflyup AndIwi l l makes ur et haty ouf al l t owar dsi t andnev erhi ti t .

yourl ovei sal l i s eek s omewar mt hi sal l i want t hewal l sar ecl os i ngi nonme ourl i t t l ewor l dundert hes ebl anket scol l aps es



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yourt al kf eel sl i kenost al gi a l i keaďŹ l m camer ai snar r at i ngast or y l i ket her eel hasl oveencapt ur edi ni t l i keever yt hi ngwi l l beal r i ghti fwej ustsi tback, ni ceandsnug, andwat chourmemor i espl ayoutont heVCR

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I pr ayt ot hel or dt hatbr oughtust oget her Anoceanwavemor evi ol entt hananyt hi nganyonehadeverseen Andaf or estďŹ r e, br i ght erandbi ggert hanevent hebur ni ngi nsi deofme Wewer eamat chmadei nheavent heysai d Butwewer eonl ymeantt o Def eateachot her Butal l wedi d Wasdef eat Our sel ves Sot oni ghtI pr ay, I pr ayt hatyou' l l beďŹ ne andwhi l eyoumayendme i twon' tbef ast er t hanI endmysel f

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go t her egoesyourhea t her egoesyoursoul t her egoesmyl i f e wear en' tawhol e wear ej ustpa s pa sofyourpl an yourpl anwi l ldest r oy dest r oymenow T akemeaway i nt ot hedar k we' l lbeal one andyou' l ll eaveyourmar k. l et ' sr unaway , awayf r om t hepai n yourl ovehu smeso It hi nkIshoul dgo It hi nkIshoul dgo

Myhandscar es syourhai r t hey' r eal l t angl edup l i kemyr el at i ons hi pwi t hyou Bei ngal one was n' tokay s oyous t ar t eds cr eami ngagai n andagai n Andagai n Ti l l I ďŹ nal l yr ai s edmyvoi ce I l oveyou I don' twantust ohat eeachot her Wecanbei nl ove andi tcanbeokay I don' tknowhow I j us tknowt hati tcan, AndI knowyoudot oo Sol eavet hecompl i cat i onsandt akemyhand wewi l l pai ntt hi suni ver s eal l t hes hadesofcont ent wes cr eam al l t hes adnes soutofours ys t em wewi l l embr aceeachot herandneverl etgo we' l l bei nl ove. andwe' l l knowi t ' sokayt ol oveeachot her . al et t ert omys el f

youc t r us tm i pr om y youar et hes af es paceI cr ave, apl acewher eal l t hedar knes si soutofr each wher el oveengul f smeandmakesmef eel s ocompl et e babei t ' scr az yt hatyouhavet hepower t omakemef eel s omet hi ngI haven' tf el ts i nceI was5 wal ki ngdownt her oadt ot hepool wi t hmymot her t hatyoumakemef eel s omet hi ngt hat di s appear edass oonasI j umpedi n andr eal i s eds hewon' thel pmes t ayaoat t hatyoumakemel i ket hewat erar oundmeonl yenr i chesmyl ungs andnotďŹ l l t hem t hatyoumakemef eel l i kemaybe, j us tmaybe, ever yt hi ngwi l l beal r i ght . s af e

can tme mi s e you dont br ea kme a ga i n.

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