By John Chaput John Chaput, born and raised in Montreal, eventually morphed into a Westerner. A retired writer and editor. he occupies much of his time as president of the Regina Little Theatre.
MAY 18, 1152 Eleanor of Aquitaine marries King Henry II of
MAY 17, 1692
England, thus setting in motion a most spirited and
John Roberts, who would change his first name to
protracted marital quarrel between two of the most
Bartholomew, is born in Little Newcastle, England, and
headstrong people of the Middle Ages. Their 37-year
is destined to become the most prolific, daring and
love/hate relationship is magnificently portrayed in
feared pirate in history. Not everyone who watched
the 1968 movie The Lion in Winter, wherein Henry
The Princess Bride knows this, but there really was a
keeps Eleanor under house arrest in the company
“Dread Pirate Roberts,” and he was the inspiration
of their three children and Henry’s mistress. Their
for the movie character. In fact, he even drew up an
offspring include the future King Richard the
11-article Pirate Code, which was a real thing (and
Lionheart and King John I, whose rule would be
not everyone who watched Pirates of the Caribbean
marked by a rebellion of the nobility that produced
knows that). Bartholomew Roberts had a benevolent
the Magna Carta. Not everyone knows this, but many
side as a ship’s captain but also a ruthless streak that
women identify with the character Eleanor (played
left dozens upon dozens of dead men in his wake. So,
by Katherine Hepburn), especially in these times,
when Fezzik bellows, “The Dwed Piwut Wobuhts has
when she sarcastically observes, “I’m locked up with
come for yoh SOOOOOOULS,” the guards are running
my sons. What mother doesn’t dream of that?”
away as much from fear of Roberts’ reputation as from
(This first portion of Not Everyone Knows This is
the sight of an oncoming, burning, thoroughly soused
sponsored by Hooked on a Ceiling, the most trusted
colossus. Now you know.
name in professional chandelier installation.)
(Brought to you by Hell Toupee wig liquidators.)