Side Sleeping: Methods of Learning to Sleep On Your Side First of all I believe just having the correct mindset is already half the job done. If you are completely convinced and tell yourself that for whatever reason it is you must now sleep on your side then your mind will resist you much less and it will be that much easier and faster to form the habit. That said, you can’t just lie down on your side and expect to remain in that position after you fall asleep and “lose consciousness”.
Side Sleeping: Home Cost Free Methods:
The good old tennis ball method spoken often on many websites involves sewing a tennis ball either in the front or the back side of your cloths depending if you are a stomach or back sleeper. The idea here is very simple, i.e. to make it uncomfortable for you to lie down in all other positions except on the side. Putting a large object in the center of your bed on which you can not lie on will create a block and make it difficult for you to lay on the back or stomach forcing you to lie down on your side or at least diagonally leaning on the object Getting off the bed and sleeping on your sofa, which is usually less wide than the bed and this lack of space creates problems (dropping off the sofa) if you try to sleep on the back or stomach sides. After some time of sleeping on your side on the sofa you can transition to the bed. You can also use multiple pillows to give yourself support to try to remain on the side, but usually pillows are not strong enough to be an obstacle and can be easily tossed away. Still, many of them, one that you hug, one between the legs and a back towards the wall might do the job.
One of very best features of a Pillows for side sleepers is that it suits side sleeper or people who want to sleep at any position. There is manual that shows you how to use the pillow properly. It may be difficult to start changing from sleeping on back to side sleeping, but after about 40 days of doing something we develop a habit and then it becomes the thing that we do without thinking about it. So it is very much doable, but be realistic and do not give up half way.
For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows