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Sidne Byars
sidne has lived in la paz since 1986 first teaching English as a second language for 4 years 1990 worked for Century 21 in La paz 1994 started her own real estate company La Paz Real Estate Artist and designer she also owns galeria La Paz NEW HOME ART HOUSE LOCATED REVOLUCION 655 BETWEEN MORELOS Y VICTORIA LA PAZ BCS MEXICO 612 165 5020 both La Paz Real Estate and Galeria La Paz have moved to ART HOUSE located at Revolucion 655 between Morelos and Victoria in El Centro norte La Paz the hip area living in la paz over 25 years came to create art and live in paradise I do create art and sell it but also have two businesses Real Estate over 20 years and a Gallery that has a eclectic assemblage of furnishings fine art and arte popular Raised my daughter here single mother of a very talented woman and a very talented son whom I am getting to know and love