Sidney is a landscape designer. Her work focuses on place making and memory with a focus on ecology, heritage, and community-driven design.
sidney buckingham
sidney.buckingham@temple.edu 213.507.7440
1139B Green St. San Francisco, CA
Masters of Landscape Architecture Temple University
Bachelors of Art in French Temple University Magna Cumme Laude
Landscape Design Intern
SALT Design Studio | Philadelphia | Summer 2022
• Collaborated with senior designers on all phases of design from concept to construction documentation
• Researched plant palettes, materials, and furnishings
• Participated in preparing for and facilitating community outreach
Research Assistant
work experience education skills
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign SketchUp Rhino Lumion languages French (fluent)
Landscape Architecture Foundation | Philadelphia | 2021-2022
• Completed a landscape performance evaluation at the Rail Park using established and novel research methods
• Quantified sustainable, economic and social benefits
• Participated in landscape architecture research methods training
Landscape Design Intern
Studio Bryan Hanes | Philadelphia | Summer 2021
• Developed designs from concept to design documentation
• Created sketches, renderings, models, grading, materials and layout plans.
Landscape Designer
Philadelphia Parks Alliance | Philadelphia | 2017-2018
• Assisted in community design visioning meetings
• Conducted site analysis research and produced concept renderings
leadership and awards
President Student ASLA - Temple Chapter | Philadelphia | 2020-2022
• Organized events, lectures and workshops
• Advisied regional PA-DE ASLA Chapter on student outreach activities
• Ran book club for incoming students
Steering Board Member | Design Advocacy Group
Planning & Analysis Merit Award | PA-DE ASLA
Rosemary Hodgins Foreign Language Award | Temple University
President’s Scholarship | Temple University
I.Weaving City and Sound
Nykobing Foister development plan
2. Common Ground
Susquehanna Ave. street scape
3. Goldenrod Gathering Space
Playspace design (or residential development
4. Rethink the Refinery: 2100
Revitalization and restoration strategy (or a former oil refinery
5. Mount Moriah Cemetery & Nature Sanctuary
Masterplan renovations and green burial additions to a historic cemetery
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Sidney Buckingham,
1 weavingcityand sound
Development Strategy for Nyk0bing Foister, Denmark
The goal of this project is to create a development strategy for the medieval city of Nyk0bing Falster, transitioning it from an industrial landscape to a mixed use waterfront while accounting for sea level rise.
This proposal rediscovers the harbor by breaking down existing barriers to build a new resilient relationship between the city, water and landscape through weaving the three elements together.
University of Copenhagen, Professor Ellen Braae, Fall 2021 Project completed with Eirick Bruun,Josaphine Bresson, Karen Vibeke, and Cecilie Engesgaard
Sidney Buckingham, MLA
_...__...,�.=,.t;:,!"�;:::�::; Sculpture garden --FF=---'--- Nykebing Falster Heritage Museum th-.. Playground Library Nature center GROWING CITY Projected population growth and housing demand @'�+300People 2025 � +500Residences � VULNERABLE COAST Sea level rise and storm surge prediction ,=, Flooded areas (2.5 m sea level rise)
completed by Cecilie Engsgoord Sidney Buckingham, MLA
Existing structures & circulation II Plaza [? Green space - Harbor shoreline """"'"" Large road Connecting road River shoreline
Existing buildings are reused as recreational, institutional and educational spaces.Transportation is redesigned around them in order to fully incorporate these buildings into the existing and proposed cityscape.
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weaving through time and space
Existing and historic shorelines
Climbing Silo Artists' workshops
Section E-E Entire Harbor front
Nykobing Falster Heritage Museum
Sidney Buckingham, MLA
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Paving gradient encourages direct nature interaction
Cafe Sundby
Wooden Boardwalk
Playground Nature Center Library
Nykobing Falster Heritage Museum
NYK0BING FALSTER HERITAGE MUSEUM AND GARDEN A new regional locus with bicycle and pedestrian access
public and private thresholds
Old vs. New Building Blocks
GUIDED BY HISTORY New housing strategy
The new building typology takes inspiration from Nyk0bing's existing morphology of street front fac;:ades, courtyards, human scaled buildings and a jagged roof line.
In order to achieve a new identity in the new district the fac;:ades are tilted.This weaves the public harbor front with the private of the old city by creating semipublic pathways and courtyards.
F-F Sidney Buckingham,
Boardwalk Harbor Walk
Proposed Residential Block Semi-private Courtyard
02 commonground
Street scope for Susquehanna Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Common Ground seeks to harness the rejuvenating nature of a growingTemple University by creating opportunitiesfor community art,economic advancement, and public gatheringthat will enhanceboththe historic and student communities.
Pedestrian access,a festive atmosphere,and multiple scales of gathering place all worktogetherto foster abondbetween the existing and student communities
Bike rack Bollard Storm water planter Movable seating
Sidney Buckingham, MLA
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Temple University, Professor CarterVan Dyke, Spring 2020
all arewelcomehere
Mural project brings students and residents together
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Sidney Buckingham, MLA
community mural is composed ofwritten descriptions and images ofwhat makes a place a home from both students and neighbors to highlight commonalities.
Stamped circle pattern Section E-E I4'-00" Sidewalk J2 .8 C: 0 V) ::, C: _Q CJ -£: I0'-00" Planting/Parking I2'-00" Street .Q.. f;;3 2 V) 14'-00" Sidewalk
Section E-E
Firepit section
03 goldenrod play space & gathering area
Outdoor community amenities for residential development, Bucks County, PA
This is a central gathering area to serve the residents of a new neighborhood. It features a nature based play area, fire pits, and a dog park.
To create an environment for self led nature play and spontaneous community gathering using flexible materials found on-site.
Studio Bryan Hanes, Summer 2021
Section G-G Mound tunnel
Section F-F Mound slide I.. ' \._ - .,
1:608 1:10 1:10 r r
Goldenrod Play Space
Sidney Buckingham, MLA
r r f
04rethinktherefinery: 2100
Development strategy for the former PES Refinery, Philadelphia, PA
A re-imagining of the former PES Refinery in South Philadelphia.This proposal envisions a symbiotic future landscape where nature and people benefit from each other.
To reconnect the site to both the city and shoreline and establish a new neighborhood in balance with the ecological functioning of the river
Sidney Buckingham, MLA
Temple University ProfessorAndrew Hayes and Donna Shumpert, Fall 2020 Project completed with Alyssa Hannigan
layers of history sculpture garden & environmental education center
planning for change Breakwater 2'-5'elev.Tidal Marsh KEY Open Water Marsh ■ Scrub/Shrubland Floodplain Forest Upland Forest Sidney Buckingham, MLA SLR: Sea Level Rise MHHW: Median Higher High Level Waterline MLLW: Median Low Lower Lever Waterline MSL:Mean Sea Level Rise 3'-5'elev.Scrub/Shrubland >IO'elev.Upland Forest 5'-10'elev. ---l-- ----+ --+ ----'1 +----"-- +-- �MSL: 0.5' I ---+---+--+- ------" --+-- c---_--c-_---,-- _� ------,MLLW: -3.0' I I I I I I I I I 'i"' NI 'I I I I I I I I I I I ol 'i"' '°I o NI 'i"': '° 001 I I I PLANT COMMUNITY MIGRATION WITH SEA LEVEL RISE I I I I 1 I � --.-- I I 1---�I �--- I I J �--1 -:---� I I I I _ I I 1 - ��1 I I I I I___ I I CURRENT WATER LEVEL +l'SLR +3'SLR +5 SLR Dredge Channel: -33'
Planning for sea level rise means designing around migrating plant communities and siting building above vulnerable elevations .8 CJ � 0 u CJCJ i2 Q)C: .µ � Q) -2 v v Q) I... CJ .µ CJ C: ...c: 0.. & .0V) ::, ..a 2 i;l TIDAL MARSH E E � E ::, jS 2 ::, --e v; .µ Q) Q) V) E C: CJ .Q_ Q) v 0 ::, V) C: E V) ::, E E CJ C: ::, V) C: = 0 ·o :.:J FLOODPLAIN FOREST S2 � .;::, ..S2 CJ ...c: .Q_ � CJ u .;::, = 1: .Q_ vi S2 Q) ..a 0 .......1 .!Q V) C: Q) .Q_ CJ u C: Q) .;::, CJ Q_ _§
comprehensive plan: mount moriah cemetery and nature sanctuary
original structure decay new decentralized growth
05 mount moriah cemetery and nature sanctuary
This plan revisions the formerly-abandoned Victorian cemetery as a nature sanctuary, community space, and green burial zone. Renovated spaces offer new programming from education to contemplation. New memorialization techniques such as bio-urns, memorial trees, green columbarium, ash spreading, and rapidly-decomposed soil remains are woven into the existing landscape.
As urban greenspaces, cemeteries have the potential to serve a large range of users beyond traditional burials and services. Realizing this potential requires creating new spaces for flexible gathering, learning, and ecological interventions.
Sidney Buckingham, MLA
Comprehensive plan and green burial addition for Mount Moriah Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA
Walnut Trail Memorial Grove Yeadon Circle Baptist Church Plot Navy Meadows Mausoleum Meadows
Temple University Professor Rob Kuper, Spring 2022 Capstone Thesis
KingsessingAve. SpringfieldAve.
Cemetery Ave. Memorial Groves Springfield Trail Memorial Grove Trolley Stop Springfield Meadow Sassifrass Trail Traffic Circle Memorial Grove Continuum Garden St. John’s Circle Great Lawn Cobb’s Gathering Circle 1”:450’
CREATING MULTI FUNCTIONAL SPACES Multi-functional History Tour Naturalist Cyclist Bereaved Market customer 2025
Due to the decades of deferred maintenance at Mount Moriah Cemetery there is an abundance of spontaneous vegetation. This provides amble opportunity for ecological interventions. The establishment and enhacement of meadows will provide critical habitat for endangered grassland birds. The ecological restoration will also have social utility by providing for educational and volunteer programming.
• Increase diversity and abundance of native plants, insects and birds
• Placed in areas of high visibility in order to enhance educational potential
• Establishment/maintenance/monitorying are an educational opportunity for volunteer groups
Measurable Outcomes:
• 85% native plant cover in 5 years
• Increase floristic quality index to between 4.5-6 within 3 years of establishment
• Increase in grassland bird population to more than 20/year
• 4 annual events related to education, planting, and management of native plant communities
clearing existing vegetation smothering herbicide
low mowing
establishment hand seeding broadcast seeding covercrop regular mowing
volunteer-led micro meadow education oriented monitoring
maintenance mowing grazing hand weeding
Sidney Buckingham, MLA
125’ 250’ 500’ 5.4 ac 1.3 ac 0.5 ac 1.3 ac 3.1 ac 1.9 ac
Season Grasses and Wildflower Seed Mix
to Dry
Seed Mix
Wildflower Seed Mix
continuum garden & circle
A new green-burial garden is established in a formerly • C , . .., Sidney Buckingham, MLA
The continuum garden presents the end of life as a part of a cycle. Loved ones remains nourish new plants and trees in the small memorial gardens, which gradually grow with each burial. The winding processional experience and small gathering areas are designed for contemplation and communion with the landscape.The path culminates in the Continuum Circle, a ceremonial gathering area.
C) 1:40 DAY I
area Woodland Sanctuary
The planting plan relies heavily of quickgrowing early successional species with annual seasonal interest.The cyclical nature of both succession and seasons signifies the higher power of nature and the continuity of new life springing from death.
Latin Name Common Name Container Height Spread Trees
Nyssasylvatica Black gum #4 30-50' 20-30' Quercusrubra Northernredoak #7 50-75' 50-75' /Vlagnoliavirginiana Sweetbay magnolia #4 12-20' 12-20'
Sassifrassalbidum Sassifrass #5 30-60' 25-40' Pinusvirginiana Virginiapine #3 50-70' 25-30' Betula/enta Sweet birch #7 50-80' 35-45'
Prunus serotina Black cherry #4 50-70' 20-50' /lexopaca Americanholly #4 40-50' 18-40' juniperus viginina Easternredceder #2 40-50' 8-20'
Cornusflorida Americandogwood #5 20-35' 25-30' Cercis canadensis Redbud #3 20-30' 20'-35'
Amelanchierarborea Downyserviceberry #3 15-25' 10-12' /lexglabra lnkberry #3 5-8' 5-8' Kalmia latifolia Mountainlaurel #2 3-9' 5-8' Ceanothusamericanus NewJerseyTea #2 3' 1.5-3'
Meadow Mix
% ofSeed Mix
Anemonecanadensis Canadaanemone 5% 12" 6-12" Sisyrinchiumalbidum Commonblue-eye grass 10% 6" 6-8" Carexblanda Commonwoodsedge 10% 2' 2-3' Coreopsis/anceolata Lanceleafcoreopsis 5% 2' 10-16" Rudbeckiahirta Black-eyedsusan 3% 2-3' 1-2' Pycnanthemumvirginianum Mountainmint 2% 3' 12-18' Asc/epias tuberosa Butterflyweed 3% 2' 1-3' Conoc/iniumcoe/estinum Mistflower 2% 2' 1-2' Oenotherafruticosavar.fruticosa Narrowleafsundrops 3% 1-2' 1-2' Chamaecristafasciculata Partridgepea 2% 1-3' 1-2' Schizachyriumscoparium Littlebluestem 25% 1-3' 1-2' Koe/eriamacrantha June grass 15% 6"-2' 1-2' Eragrostis spectabilis Purplelove grass 15% 2' 1-2'
communal gathering in every season 0 IG Sidney Buckingham, MLA SA
cc □ Code NS QR BL MV SA cc PV BL PS 10 JV CF cc AA IG KL CA NS 10 □ IG IG □ D 0
sidney.buckingham@temple.edu 213.507.7440 1139B Green St, San Francisco, CA
Sidney Buckingham, MLA