Sidsel Sander Work

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Sidsel Sander Works

2010Sketches Projects Competitions Institutions Hotels Contemporary Living Dwellings

Et Spisehus, Avedøre A House for Eating, Avedøre

Avedøre barracks consists of an heritage military facility, constructed in yellow bricks, iron windows, and landscape in terrain without plantation. Today, the site is utilized for various functions including creative industries such as film production, garages, private workshops, etc.

Avedøre Kaserne består af et ældre militæranlæg, udført i gul tegl, store vinduespartier, og med anlagte landskabelige mellemrum i terræn uden beplantning. Idag er anlægget udlagt til diverse funktioner, og kreative erhverv så som filmproduktion, private værksteder m.v.

A new cultural center is being introduced, to support locals with their cultivation of local vegetables. The House for Eating is located at the end of the military facility on the egde to the vegetation and wild landscape scenery.

Et nyt spisehus indføjes, hvor længehuset kombineres lokalt drevet køkkenhaver. Længehuset er placeret for enden af militæranlægget og på kanten af landskabet.

Cultivation of local vegetables in the cultural center combines dining and cooking: To use the center as a dining facility during the daytime utilized by local businesses and institutions, yields a dividend in the local area within ​​the exposed area of the old barracks. The ground floor plan is based on one large common area with kitchen facilities and dining, as well as direct access to the kitchengardens. The building material used is predominately larch wood. The cultural center is drawn resting on a beam construction and the light intake is skylights and windows towards the marketplace and landscape.

Dyrkning af lokale grønsager i anlagte nyttehaver kæder spisning og madlavning sammen: At benytte spisehuset som frokoststue i dagtimerne af de lokalevirksomheder og institutioner, giver et bæredygtigt og socialt udbytte i lokalområdet. Grundplanen i spisehuset er baseret på ét stort fællesrum med køkkenfaciliteter og spisning, samt direkte udgang til køkkenhaver og anlagte frugtplantager. Spisning og samværd foregår således i grundplan, mødefaciliteter på 1. sal, samt omklædning og personalefaciliteter er i kælderplan. Materialet er gennemgående lærketræ. Spiseladen hviler af på en søje-bjælke konstruktion og lysindtag er hhv himmellys i form af tagvinduer, samt vinduer mod markedsplads og landskab.

Et Spisehus Kulturinstitution Avedøre Kaserne, Hvidovre, KADK 2012 The House for Eating Avedøre Baracks, Hvidovre, Denmark The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Kulturinstitution 2012

Hotel, Kenya Usawa Guesthouse, Kenya

Usawahouse is a hotel, and built utilizing local materials: Stone façade with the incorporation of natural wind conditions in the building structure and use of cotton textiles.The materials are locally processed. Natural materials, stone facade, local fabrics and natural ventilation provides a sustainable foundation.

2015 Hotel Usawahouse Guesthouse, Riverside/Westlands, Kenya Reserch, analyse og skitseprojekt Hotel, Usawa Guesthouse Riverside / Westlands, Kenya Research, analysis and draft project,

Sustainability The stone facade and stone floors absorb the cold air in the evening and night hours with a cooling effect during the day. The canvas allows moist and excess heat to pass. During rainy periods the roof surface shields against the rain, and its structure leads the water to a common water reservoir during droughts. The stone facade and stone floors absorb the cold air in

the evening and night hours with a cooling effect during the day and the canvas allows moist and surplus heat to pass. During rainy periods the roof surface shields against the rain, and its structure leads the water to a common water reservoir during droughts. The daylight is included as an active resource, since the house's 5th facade is incorporated as an open module, so that it can be opened according to need and daytime rhythm.

Usawahouse er et hotel, baseret på lokale materialer: Facader i sten, bomuldstextiler og indføjning af naturlige vindforhold. Naturlige materialer facader i sten, lokale textiler og brug af naturlig ventilation giver et socialt og bæredygtigt afsæt. Materialerne er lokalt forarbejdet. Facadens stengulve optager kulde i de kølige aften- og nattetimer, der afgives i løbet af dagen. Teltdug lader fugt og overskudsvarme passere. I regnfulde perioder skærmer tagfladen mod regnen, og formen leder vandet til fælles vand resourvoir i tørke perioder. Dagslyset indføjes som aktiv ressource, idet at husets 5. facade indgår som et åbent modul.

GĂŚstergiveri, Letland Guesthouse, Latvia

1. Guestroom 2, Workshop 3. Flexible Multi Space 4. Flexible Kitchen all-room 5. Workshop

Disposition The teamakers Guesthouse and workshop catalyst popup events and outstanding nature experiences. The transformation unfolds a flexible and open ground level in terrain for workshops, the learning of herbs, tea, sustainable cultivation and farming, and sets the framework for the other facilities associated with the place and site area. The open plan containing workshop and a kitchen all-room, that can be flexibly included in the workshop area, but also facilitate breakfast, lunch or dinner for lodging, or for pop-up events. The mass oven is centrally located and spreads heat from the ground floor and up into the light double-high room. The multi-room next to the kitchen can be completely closed off and used for yoga sessions, events, rental etc. Bath and toilet facilities are connected to the workshop and multi-room on the ground floor. Upstairs one find separately established bath and toilets so that logging can use the shared baths and toilet facilities independently of the workshop. . Construction and materials The guesthouse provide a indoor climate due natural paint, insulation mats of flax and hemp, and linseed oilstained windows of wood.

Diffusion-open structure All materials used in the house are breathable (diffusion open). The materials are also hygroscopic, ie. that they absorb moisture and seek to achieve a moisture equilibrium, so that at all times there will be just as much moisture on each side of the material. Thus, moisture does not accumulate in the construction with the risk of advice and fungus.




Flexibility The facility’s flexibility can be divided into two groups: Flexibility in use over time, and the flexibility of the facilities in terms of function change, individualization and zones. The Teamakers guesthouse has open, flexible floor plans, so the facilities can change over time (diagram D). Recycling One can talk about two forms of sustainable recycling. Either a recycling and transformation of the building itself as a whole, or the recycling of building components, such as materials, doors e.i. The Teamakers Guesthouse is a transformation, reuse the existing structure as much as possible recycled due to rethinking facilities. Among others, one advantage of reusing an existing building is the building is

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1. Alluminium steel extention 2, Wood pillar extention 3. Core of spaces independent of envelope 4. Existing roof removed 5. Wood extention 6. New openings punched into envelope 7. Part of existing base 8. Skylights

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Konstruktion og materialer Materialerne er alle svanemærket, samt certificerede. Ideelt set opføres bygningen enten Svanemærket, LCA, eller DGNB certificeret


Konstruktionen er baseret på, at bygningen er åndbar, dvs. de prefabrikerede moduler som hviler af på trækonstruktionen er åndbarer, hvorfor de tillader luften at passere.


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already centrally located in the community and has a functioning infrastructure. The recycling of the building itself is especially desired when the building is of material quality, or provides an architectural identity to the area, as the Teamakers Guesthouse.





Konkurrenceforslag 2019 GĂŚstegiveri Letland Competition 2019 Guesthouse Latvia

Institutionsbyggeri. Haputhale, Sri Lanka Pre-school. An open frame

1. Agro-class 2. Flex-class 3. Playground 4. Music-class 5. Dance-class 6. Hub (wifi) 7. Outdoor-class 8. Natural light 9. Cooking-class 10. Flex-class 11.Outdoor science 12. Scence bus-stop 13. Science-class 14. Hub (wifi)






The pre-school embraces the landscape by outline space for agro-learning, how to grow a kitchengarden, and outdoor activities like playground, sport, health. A multihall involve the empowerment of movement due to creates music, dance and theater.


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The program creates new ways of learning by combine and connect analytical learning like science, math, IT, with creative activities like dance, music, teater etc.



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The school offers class during the day, activities after school and creates link the community due to multihall hall offering ‘Open Sundays’ for free (dancing lessons).

Weekdays & Daytime Pre-school classes


Sundays Community activities

Weekdays & Afternoon Pre-school activities

Open at Sundays Administration Closed areas

Administration Open facilities

Hub Agro class + Cafe Science /math IT Language class Administration Multihall Hub

Active Learning Spaces

An open frame Community

One large School Traditional Spaces vs. Immobile Structured Defined Limited personal Space Diconnected Desk

Internal connections, social network, active Learning Spaces Mobile , Flex-desk-spaces Science bus/science teacher shared with other schools Flexibel, Open and varied Space Group and individuel work Peer-to-peer Connected Wifi, hotspots Tablets, Shared workstations, hubs

Life Long Learners Peer to peer teaching 21st Century skill Thinking Collaboration Social digital


Konkurrenceforslag 2019 Skole, Reserch on site Competition 2019 Haputhale, Dambetenna, Uva, Sri Lanka Pre-school

Fleksible boligenheder Diversitet & biodiversitet Flexible housing units

Sustainable low height construction in black larch material, where housing units are adjacent and located offset in terrain. The landscape space between the houses, are a combination of smaller passages, courtyards and social communal areas to gather people together. The material choice is heat-treated larch in a non glossy black shade, a contrast to the landscape, flora and fauna. The accommodation units are 1 1/2 storey houses, consisting of 1 and 2 family houses, with pre-fabricated bathrooms, and kitchen units. Windows are fitted with shutters.

Bæredygtigt tæt-lavt byggeri i sort træ, hvor boligenhederne er placeret forskudt i terræn. Landskabelige mellemrum åbner op for livet mellem husene i form af mindre passager, gårdrum og nyttehaver til ophold og samværd. Materialevalget er varmebehandlet lærk, og heraf et matsort i sit udtryk i kontrast til landskab, flora og fauna.

Flexibility and removable walls allow for flexible room divisions and function as a built-in removable room-module system. The housing units are identical, but divided into three different types of homes (68, 96, and 141 sqm). This creates diversity as small, medium and medium-sized entities appealing to different segments and age groups. The sketch project is based on a flexible, sustainable component system from Mohocon, and the wooden cladding is installed subsequently, on site.

Flytbare vægge giver mulighed for fleksible rum inddelinger og fungerer som et indbygget flytbart rum-modul system. Bo-enhederne er identiske, men inddelt i tre forskellige typer boliger (68, 96, og 141 kvm). Herved skabes diversitet, idet små, mellem og mellemstore enheder appelere til forskellige segmenter og aldersgrupper. Skitseprojektet er baseret på et fleksibelt, bæredygtigt komponentsystem fra Mohocon, hvis træbeklædning er monteret efterfølgende, on site.

Boligenhederne er 1 1/2 etages, indrettet med et mix af 1- og 2 familieshuse, pre-fabrikeret wc-baderum, og køkkenmodul. Vinduer er monteret med skodder.

2015 Roskilde Masterplan, module planløsninger Skitseprojekt, analyse og reserach SSA/Mohoocon Flexible housing units, Roskilde. Master plan, modules and floor plans Sketch project, analysis and research

Mobile boligenheder & sociale fællesskaber Contemporary liveability & dwellings

Sustainable low-height construction, where housing units are adjacent and located offset in terrain. The landscape and space between the houses, are a combination of smaller passages, courtyards and social communal areas to gather people together. The material choice can be based on whatever local materials.The accommodation units are 1 storey houses, consisting of 1 and 2 families, with pre-fabri-

cated bathrooms, and kitchen units. Removable walls allow for flexible room divisions and function as a builtin removable room-module system. This creates diversity as small, medium and medium-sized entities appealing to different segments and age groups. The sketch project is based on a flexible, sustainable component system from Mohocon, whose wooden cladding is installed subsequently, on site.

Bæredygtigt tæt-lavt byggeri hvor boligenhederne er placeret forskudt i terræn. Landskabelige mellemrum åbner op for livet mellem husene i form af mindre passager, gårdrum og nyttehaver til ophold og samværd. Materialebeklædning er baseret på lokalt tilgængelige materialer, det kan være alt fra textil til genbrugsmaterialer. Boligenhederne er 1 etages, indrettet med et mix af 1- og 2 familieshuse, og pre-fabrikeret wc-baderum og køkkenmodul.

Flytbare vægge giver mulighed for fleksible rum inddelinger og fungerer som et indbygget flytbart rum-modul system. Herved skabes diversitet, idet små, mellem og mellemstore enheder appelere til forskellige segmenter og aldersgrupper og herved sikrer at flere forskellige typer af interesser mødes i hverdagen. Skitseprojektet er baseret på et fleksibelt, bæredygtigt komponentsystem fra Mohocon, hvis beklædning er monteret efterfølgende, on site.

2015 Skitseprojekt. Mobile boliger Masterplan, moduler, og planløsninger. SSA/Mohoocon Draft. Mobility Master plan, modules, and floor plans. SSA/Mohoocon

Bæredygtige boligkomponenter Contemporary Housing Components

Traditional housing with a functional-based interior is explored in accordance with modern lifestyles, new plan solutions of an inclusive nature takes shape.

Traditionel bolig der udforsker en funktionsbaseret indretning jf. moderne livsstil, hvorfor der opstår nye design- og planløsninger af inkluderende art:

New family structures changes the housing needs of traditional formed families, with rising single cultures, homework spaces, etc. leading to the need to adapt. The idea of ​​the flexible housing on a sub-basis creates a need to re-think the home, the features of the home and how spaces are part of everyday social relations.

Nye familiestrukturer ændre traditionelle kernefamiliers boligbehov, idet at stigende singlekulturer, hjemmearbejds pladser m.v. har medført at behovet for at indrette sig anderledes.

Research in postmodern structures show a divorce rate (48.6%) in Denmark, lack of small units for students, increasing elderly masses and influx of new populations, hence an urgent need to rethink traditional space classification, and focus on a new interplay of the number of sqm available, as the traditional housing is inadequate in relation to modern needs. The draft proposal re-assesses the division of space with new types of designs with components that meet modern interest communities as well as a critical attitude to the need for number of square meters in everyday life. 2015 Skitseprojekt. Mobile boliger Masterplan, moduler, og planløsninger. I samarbejde med Mohoocon Draft and research of mobility Master plan, modules, and floor plans. In coroporation with Mohoocon

The units connect to modern joint activities in the form of workshops, rooms for joint dining, etc.

Den fleksible bolig og ideen på delebasis, skaber et behov for at redesigne boligen, boligens funktioner og hvordan rum indgår i hverdagens sociale relationer. Research viser at i postmoderne strukturer viser en skilsmisse rate (DK 48,6%), mangel på små enheder til studerende, stigende ældremasse, tilstrømning af nye befolkningsgrupper. Tendensen afføder behov for nyt design der udforsker den traditionelle rum indeling, og fokusere på et nyt samspil af de antal kvm der er til rådighed, idet den traditionelle bolig er utilsvarende i forhold til moderne behov. Skitseforslaget re-vurdere rum opdeling, idet afsættet er postmoderne familiestrukturer og behovet for at re-tænke rumlige enheder. Enhederne kobler sig op på moderne fælles aktiviteter i form af værksteder, rum til fællespisning m.v.

Det Nordiske Hus, Beirut The Nordic House, Libanon

Det Nordiske Hus, Beirut, Libanon The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Kulturinstitution Master 2013 Cultural Institution The Nordic House, Beirut, Lebanon

Kulturinstitutionen Det Nordiske Hus, er indføjet i bydelen Gemmayzeh, på Rue General Geroud, hvor området er kendt for tværkulturelle begivenheder, forskellige lokale samt internationale institutioner af forskellig karakter: Universiteter, ambassader, institutter og kirker.

og store mellemrum, i form af poetiske grønne indre haverum og stille zoner hvis ro og stilhed skaber en kontrast til byens hektiske gadeliv. Materialerne er kendetegnet ved stedets traditionelle typologi, lokal porøs limsten, jordfarver, og en blanding af beton, tegl, træ.

Passagen er i brugt som hovedgreb idet passagen er et træk fra byens struktur, og leder således fra fra den anlagte plads foran institutionen og ind til husets faciliteter. Passagen knytter således husets platforme for kulturelle begivenheder, samt skaber udvekslingen mellem ude og inde.

Et poetisk frirum der åbner op i indre haverum, ro, stilhed, fordybelse, samtale og mulighed for mødet mellem mennesker der enten hægter sig på erindringen, hverdagen, eller drømmen.

Byens struktur er præget af smalle passager og gyder, der føret gennem et tæt byggeri med varieret byggestil og åbner op for små

Det Nordiske Hus er et master projekt, bl.a. tegnet på baggrund af deltagelse i en workshop med Henning Larsen ‘Levant Imagination’ (2012), The Sustainable Institution i Libanon, samt ophold og research i forbindelse med projektet.

The cultural institution The Nordic House, is located in the district of Gemmayzeh, on Rue General Geroud, an area known for its intercultural events, local and international institutions such as Universities, Embassies, Churches and other organizations. The passage is used as a central element, as it is a feature of the city structure, thus it leads from the occupied space in front of the institution into the facilities of the building, The platform flow is due the passage as for cultural events, as well as creating the exchange between the inside and out. The city's and thus the passage structure, is characterized by the narrow passage and alley that lead through the dense build-

ing with various construction styles and opens up to small and large spaces, in the shape of poetic green interior gardens and quiet zones whose tranquility and tranquility create a contrast to the city's hectic street life. The approch in the project is to create a poetic space that opens up into an inner living space with an atmosphere of tranquility, immersion and cultural conversation, an opportunity to connect with people to talk about memories, everyday life, dreams and aspirations. The materials are characterized by the traditional material of the city; local limestone, earth colors, and a mixture of concrete, brick and wood.

Havkulturhus, Fredericia Waterfront Activity House

The waterfront activity house is located at the edge of the open landscape and the water, and encompasses three different functions including an activity room and sauna facilities. Materials blends in naturally with the landscape.The features are divided into three areas with a café, kayak facilities and a sauna for winter bathers. The use of heat treated larch, makes the facade naturally resistant to weather conditions and appears in a gray-black shade. The glass structures of the facade create a seamless structure and transitions between the inside and outside, and the staging of the beautiful landscape.

Vandkulturhuset er placeret på kanten af skov og strand, udgør tre forskellige funktioner et frirum for leg og badefaciliteter. I form og materialevalg afgiver et minimalt fodaftryk i landskabet. Funktionerne er delt i et multirum med café, faciliteter til havkajak, og sauna med mulighed for at vinterbade. Anvendelsen af varmebehandlet lærk, fremtræder i en gråsort, og varmebehandlingen gør facaden naturlig modstandsdygtig overfor vejrlig. Facadens lange glaspartier skaber nye former for overgange mellem ude og inde, og iscenesættelsen af landskabet.

The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Fredericia, Danmark Vandkulturhus BA 2010 Waterfront Activity House Fredericia, Denmark

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2010 Dwelling Transformation

Bolig, Gilleleje Dwelling

The place is located in the meadow surrounded by scrubs and nature. The house is simple, with an open-plan kitchen/ living area with high ceilings and a core space for bedrooms, a bath and powder room. Above is the kitchen that opens up into the living room area and fireplace, with doors onto the terrace and garden. Scrubs, natural flora and fauna, generating natural vegetation around the house, forming a lovely view onto the countryside.

Grunden er vild natur, krat og eng. Huset er enkelt med et åbent køkken all-room, højt til kip og en kerne med sovepladser, bad og pulterrum. Ovenfor vises køkkenet der giver mulighed for ophold ved pejs og udgange mod terasse og haverum. Krat, natur og fauna skaber naturlig vegetation omkring huset, og iscenesætter fine kig fra opholdsrum og ud i landskabet. Længdesnit af opholdsrum med køkken, og pejs.

2017 Bolig og landskab Gilleleje, Danmark Skitseprojekt Dwelling and landscape Gilleleje, Denmark Sketch

To erhvervslejemål til bolig Transformation

Helhedsrenovering af villa fra 1906 nord for København, opført i skønvirke med strukturpuds, og med et delvist bevaret interiør. Facadeændringer i form af nye fløjdøre, der giver direkte udgang fra bad, stue og øvrige værelser til ny anlagte haverum.

2010-12 Fra erhvervslejemål til villa Renovering, Villa Vedbæk, Denmark Renovation, Housing

Baderum indrettet til fordybelse, ro, velvære - nordvendt og med himmellys. Nordiske, og brug af taktile overflader i form af overgange fra jord til dagslys og natur. Gulve udført i jura Grau-Blau, hvide vægpaneler i hærdet glas og vaskeskabe i corian. Armatur i Vola og Boffi interiør.

Fra Vandrekirke til bolig Transformation

The church structure was last established in Køge, and now transformed into a new dwelling in Veddinge Bakker, North of Zealand. The church is surrounded by an older vegetation and a slightly hilly terrain. The facade has been renovated with large sliding doors, black painted wooden façade, as well as roof tiling.

Vandrekirken er senest etableret i Køge, dernæst Nordsjælland. Kirken er transformeret indtil bolig, og omkranset af ældre fyr i kuperet terræn. Bygherre ønsker at åbne facaden op og at det højloftede stue alrum bliver en del af landskabet. Facaden er renoveret i form af nye brede Shüco skydedøre, og mat sortmalet træbeklædning, og på sigt nye tagplader i stål. De åbne store partier indrammer fyr, himmellys og landskab fra stue og mindre soveværelse.

2018 Transformation Fra Vandrekirke til bolig Veddinge Bakker, Danmark Transformation Veddinge Bakker, Denmark

Badstue, Skagen Bath. New extension

Skitseprojekt i Nordjylland ved Skagen. Grunden er græsser, krat og engareal. Ejendommen er bevaringsværdigt, rød tegl og mursten. Badstuen er udført i sort træ træ beklædning, o g står på et gråt betonfundament. Minimalistiske skodder sikre r privatliv. Materialevalget er valgt ud fra egenarten i Skagen, idet sort træ er stedskendt, og beton simulerer strandsand i farve og struktur. Tilpasningen flugter den røde teglstensejendom, og manifestere sig i

sit udtryk ved at være lukket om sig selv som objekt. Funktionen rummer toilet og bad, hvorfor vinduer og nicher kan åbne op mod landskab og haven alt efter behov, eller lyst. Vinduesåbninger i tagdæk ud mod vestterasse er tillukket med lameller, som tillader kig eller solen at filtrere lyset poetisk i rummet. Stort vindues åbning mod nordøst tillader himmellyset at passere. Lille luge ved badkar/ eller bruseniche giver mulighed for naturlig ventilation.

2019 Badstue Skagen, Danmark Nybyg Bath New extension Skagen, Denmark

Bolig, Charlottenlund Dwelling

Villa located north of Copenhagen, from approx. 1906, with original details. The proposal include; utilization of unused attic as part of living space, new roofing, new twigs, attic windows, and suggestions for a new staircase. Material choices are drawn from the original features of the house, with staircase in wrought iron, skylight windows in iron material for the attic room, and curved twigs with narrow flutes for the staircase. Bevaringsværdig villa fra ca. 1906, med originale detaljer beliggende nord for København. Idéoplægget inddrager uudnyttet tagetage som en del af beboelsen, nyt tag i tegl, ny kvist, tagvinduer, samt forslag til nyt trappeløb. Materialevalg er tegnet udfra husets originale detaljer, med indsnøret trappe, tagvinduer i smedejern, samt buet kvist med smalle flunker.

2018 At indrage 2. sal til beboelse i bevaringsværdig villa. Charlottenlund, København. Utilization of unused attic, as living quarter in a preserved villa. Charlottenlund, Copenhagen

2015Interior Object works Interior Design Modul

Moduler, Charlottenlund Interior

Kitchen interior and moduledesign. Tabletop proposal in limestone with integrated sink and brass faucet. Design af interiør og detaljeret optegning af inventar i privat hjem. Forslag til stenplader med intergreret vaske, og armatur i messing. Materialet er egetræ, bemalet i helmat lysegrå.

2018 Optegning af modul, og interiør Charlottenlund, Danmark Design module and interior Charlottenlund, Denmark

Interiør, Skagen Interior, Skagen

Interior og nyt køkken i bevaringsværdig villa, Skagen, bygget i bedre byggeskik. I den forbindelse med renovering og etablering nyt køkken, bevares eksisterende kammer, og spisekammer Der etableres nye kabinetter i køkken med skabslåger, og disse fortsættes i spisekammer og rengøringskammer, fordi køkkenet herved får et nyt gennemgående og optimalt flow i indretningen, se tegningsmateriale.

2019 Renovering, Interior Skagen, Danmark Renovation, Dwelling Skagen, Denmark

Interiør, København Interior

Decoration of kitchen and dining area in an old apartment in Copenhagen, demanded new thinking, in terms of functionality and use of light, as the kitchen has an irregular shape, is facing an inner courtyard and is north facing. The kitchen is redesigned into a workshop area, with space for both creativity and cooking. Built in dark veneer, the functions are built in as a type of furniture in the overall room. It creates an intimate room in the dark, where the light sets the scene for function, dining and socialization. Interior requiring innovation in terms of functions and use of light, as the kitchen has an irregular shape, is facing an inner courtyard and is north facing.

2016 Renovering, herskabslejlighed København, Danmark Renovation, Apartment Copenhagen, Denmark

Indretning af køkken all-room i ældre herskabslejlighed, København, fordrede nytænkning af funktioner og brug af lys, idet køkkenet er placeret ud mod et indre gårdrum, nordvendt og irregulært i formen. ​ Køkkenet er derfor indrettet som et værksted, med plads til ideer og glæden ved at lave mad. Opbygget i mørk finér, er funktionerne er bygget som et møbel ind i rummet. Herved opstår et intimt rum i mørke, hvor lyset sætter rammen om funktion, spisning og samvær. Interiør der fordrede nytænkning af funktioner og brug af lys, idet køkkenet er placeret ud mod et indre gårdrum, nordvendt og irregulært i formen.

2010Landscape Design Private Gardens Natural gardens Yards

Frederiksberg Allé, gårdrum Landscape

Planudsnit, syd, opholdsrum og beplantningsprincip 1:100

Skitseforslaget tager udgangspunkt i stedets mange fine eksisterende kvaliteter; det meget grønne udtryk og den eksisterende beplantning samt det karakteristiske terrænfald. Gårdrummene opleves som fine grønne lommer, omkranset af den karakteristiske bebyggelse og med Frederiksberg Allé som baggrund.

Sidsel Sander Studio

Samtidig er der en del udfordringer; de stejle skråninger er udsatte for erosion og de større træer er i dårlig stand. Terræn-støttemurene trænger flere steder til renovering og cykelparkeringen er fordelt omkring i gårdene, på steder hvor der i stedet kunne være fine opholdspladser. Endelig er legeområdet ikke optimalt placeret, idet det ligger lavt, i skygge og tæt på en indkørsel til garager.

2015 Areal 12.000 m2 Design i samarbejde med VEGA Anne Galmar, Anne Dorthe Vestergaard, Bianca Nagel, Eriko Maekawa, Katrine Urth, Luyao Kong, Sarah Jansen Frederiksberg, Danmark Landscape, design Frederiksberg, Danmark

Landskab, Vedbæk Landscape

Garden Landscape on the northern coast of Denmark, where the design for terrace and vegetation is done ‘11, and designed shed and garden gate at ‘18. Materials are Egerssund tiles as a coating, and final terraces in several levels due to diffent terrain levels. Egerssund tegl anlagt som belægning, med terasser i flere niveauer grundet terrænspring. Græshave med sydvendt akse, haverum med sort bambus, samt vestvendt haverum med lindetræer.

2011, 2018 Design af privat have, planteplan (‘11); Skitseoplæg af skur og teaklåge mod strandvej (‘18) Vedbæk Danmark Landscape, design

Landskab, Svendborg Landscape







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Private Garden on the south coast of Denmark near the see, where the design for the garden landscape is based on the Naural Garden. Materials are wood, concrete as a coating, and final terraces in several levels due to diffent terrain levels. Grass garden with south-facing axis, a cort garden with see weeds, and west facing garden with different types of perennials. Have design tegnet med forlæg i ‘den naturlige have’, hvis grundtanke er en have der kræver periodevis indsats, minimal gødning, hvis beplantning er afstemt stedets klima og hvor årets gang er en del af det æstetiske formsprog og varierende udtryk. 1. Plæne m høje græsser 2. Forskudt terrasse 3. Kostet beton 4. Ingang 5. Beboelse 6. Vest terrasse 7. Stauder 8. Bøg i)

2019 Design privat have, overdĂŚkke, og planteplan Svendborg, Danmark Landscape, design

Landskab, Skærgarden Landscape

Privat have mod den svenske Skærgaard. Faunaen følger årstiderne i lag, dvs bakkedraget ændre karakter alt efter hvilken årstid der indtræder. Vilde blomster og græsser, hvor en kantslåning langs matriklen giver mulighed for havevandring. Huset har direkte udgang fra stueplan. Langs husets vestside er der hængekøjer og plads til fordybelse og ro med udsigt over havet. Møblerne er en del af terassen, f.eks. den langestrakte bænk ud mod vandet, dvs. terrassen danner et møbel i sig selv.

2016-18 SkĂŚrgĂĽrden Design privat have, planteplan Stockholm, Sverige Landscape, design

Sidsel Sander Arkitekt cand. arch. Øster Farimagsgade 93.1 DK-2100 København Ø +45 4041 6140

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