Franschhoek Tatler - July August 2017

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July | August 2017

FRANSCHHOEK Scan the QR code to read the Tatler online

La Petite Colombe - coming soon!

Airbnb intervention necessary

Q&A: Sheenagh Tyler

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First winter storm brings first snow

Photo: Margie Ellis


The first winter snow on the Wemmershoek Mountains as seen from the Mont Rochelle Nature Reserve

The first major winter storm hit Franschhoek and large parts of the Western Cape on 6 and 7 June. In anticipation of severe conditions the Western Cape Education Department had taken the precaution of closing all Western Cape Schools on the seventh. Gale force winds hit the Tuesday evening, accompanied by rain, which continued on Wednesday. Approximately 45mm of rain fell over the two days, while the first snow fall of the winter was also recorded. Electricity supply to much of the valley and other nearby areas, such as Kylemore and Lanquedoc, was disrupted as a result of downed powerlines. Supply was restored to Franschhoek in less than 24 hours, but in other places it took much longer. In total 140 families were affected with incidents ranging from complete collapse of structures to leaking roofs in the informal settlements and the village. Twenty-one structures were destroyed. In addition to the inclement weather disaster management staff and volunteers also had to contend with downed electrical cables. At Bridge House school some damage was done to a classroom ceiling, prefabricated workshop buildings, some gutters, fences and trees. As is often the case the disaster brought the community together with generous donations of food and materials being received. A local disaster volunteer WhatsApp group was created with many community members participating. This platform was used as the primary means of communication between Stellenbosch Municipality’s Disaster Management Department and volunteers.

A request from the Disaster Management Department for sand bags led to 400 sand bags quickly being donated and delivered to the La Motte Fire Station. Local disaster management volunteers filled the bags with sand from the nearby La Motte Plantation. The operational team worked throughout the night distributing sand bags to divert water and placing them on roofs as a precautionary measure. Batho’s Place was turned into the base camp for relief efforts. From here the operational team also coordinated the feeding of both the displaced and volunteers. Foliage Chef Chris Erasmus was one of the first to volunteer. The restaurant took on the responsibilities of receiving food donations, preparing food and distributing it. Soup and bread was provided to between 300 and 400 persons. According to Hemisphere EPC’s Ashley Bauer, who was at the centre of relief efforts, community resilience was again highlighted in the disaster. “The council is in the process of conducting ward-based risk assessments which will provide clear information on the risk in our valley. Going forward the community should use the information to implement mitigation and response protocols,” he said. The first winter snow was welcomed as it provided much-needed slow-runoff water for the almost empty dams in the area. Areas affected by veld fires during summer also benefit more from slow runoff / rain rather than sudden downpours that increase the risk of severe erosion. Dam levels on average increased by approximately 1,5% after the storm.

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July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


Franschhoek Theatre project reaches a milestone

The team working to create the Franschhoek Theatre at Franschhoek High School are making steady progress. In June they reached an important milestone when building plans were submitted for approval to Stellenbosch Municipality, Heritage Western Cape and the Western Cape Departments of Education and Public Works and Transport. Speaking for the group, Reg Lascaris, said “We’ve raised sufficient funding to allow us to begin with construction. As soon as we have all approvals in place, we’re starting with the exterior renovation of the centenary library building and construction of the required addition. We’re hoping that by the time we

FAK vereer Sleigh in Franschhoek

complete this part of the work we will have raised enough funds to be able to immediately continue with the interior work and fit-out of the venue.” During the winter months most of the randomlyplanted, non-indigenous trees that currently obscure the centenary library from the street will be removed. In time they will be replaced with more appropriate specimens in properly considered positions. “We are also proud to introduce the theatre’s logo that was designed by a Franschhoek High School alumnus and well-known wine label designer, Eddie Haumann,” Reg continued. The logo features the art deco-influenced portico of the centenary library.

Rakkers kerjakker nou lekker

Die kleingoed van Juffrou Elda-Marié van Teijlingen se Graad R klas by die Hoërskool Franschhoek het ‘n lekker verrassing gekry toe hulle op Maandag, 5 Junie, by die skool opgedaag het. Danksy ‘n groep weldoeners is die kleingoed se eens lendelam klimraam nou weer ‘n kinderparadys. Johnathan Peach van Franschhoek BuildIt, wat die projek bestuur het, sê dat hy besef het dat iets gedoen moet word toe hy die lendelam klimraam op die skoolterrein gesein het. ‘n Bietjie rondvra het gou resultate opgelewer: Col’cacchio het die glyplank en ander dele van hulle vorige klimraam geskenk, Darielle Robertson het nuwe nette gegee en oudskolier Ludwig Malherbe en sy span het die klimraam oorgebou. (Die span het hulle vrye tyd opgeoffer om die werk te verrig.) Myles Agar het die omringende bome gesnoei en die Franschhoek Tatler het finansiering verskaf om die nodige aankope te doen. Juffrou Elda-Marié het intussen ook van die ander onderwysers en vriende nadergetrek om die klimraam met helderkleurige verf verder op te vrolik. Verdere planne met die oorblywende fondse sluit in om ‘n vaal muur met vrolike kuns op te helder. Hoërskool Franschhoek bedank graag al die donateurs en helpers vir hulle onderskeie bydraes.

Die uitvoerende hoof van die FAK, Dr Danie Langner, het die NP van Wyk Louw toekenning aan die skrywer en historikus Dr Dan Sleigh oorhandig.

Die klimraam is ‘n treffer

MOT SA youth leadership and life-skills training camp

Young MOTivators With MJ Li and Janice

During May 2017, MOT SA hosted two youth leadership and life-skills training camps for 93 Western Cape TVET college students and high schools learners at Bridges Academy outside Franschhoek. MOT, a registered NPO, specialises in life-skills development among the youth. The name “MOT” was chosen because of its simple strength, and its double meaning: the Norwegian ‘mot’ denotes both the ability to show courage, and the ability to take a stand against something; in this case, the prevalence of violence and drug use. The MOT training programmes give young people the strength to manage peer pressure, to believe in themselves and to take responsibility for their own lives and future. MOT focuses strongly on the development of self-confidence, sound values, positive attitudes and behaviour and to respect and care for others. MOT encourages youths to live by the MOT motto ‘Courage to Live. Courage to Care. Courage to say NO.’ During the three day camp, participants enjoyed motivational talks presented by the Director for Institutional Management and Governance at the Western Cape Education Department, Mr Makhonsandile Ndzuzo; MOT SA Chairperson, Professor Eltie Links; Chief Director at the DHET Regional Office and MOT SA Board Member, Zozo

Siyengo; MOT Brand Ambassadors, International Kung Fu/TaiChi Champion, MJ Li and local singer and songwriter, Janice. Colleges in attendance included Boland College, College of Cape Town, False Bay College, Northlink College and West Coast College. Participating schools included Buren High School (Brooklyn), COSAT (Khayelitsha), Desmond Mpilo Tutu Secondary School (Paarl), Ihlumelo Senior Secondary School (Mbekweni) and Simon’s Town High School. The MOT programmes are currently run in 29 high schools in the Western Cape and 40 TVET college campuses in the Western and Eastern Cape and have so far reached over 13 000 youth. This year, MOT aims to reach 15 000 youth with the help of potential donors and collaboration with like-minded organisations. The MOT programme achieves immediate, tangible, and visible results in the lives of the youth, while at the same time affecting long-term changes in the classroom and in their communities. MOT ambassadors include local celebrities and media personalities JP Duminy, Siya Kolisi, Robin Banks, Mishka Patel, Carl Wastie, Janice, MJ Li, Sasha-Lee Davids, Natalie Becker, Danny K, Ayanda Dlamini and Hilton Langenhoven. Martine Bauer

Die Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurverenigings (FAK) het op Saterdag, 20 Mei, die NP van Wyk Louw toekenning aan dr. Dan Sleigh oorhandig. Díe toekenning is deur Dr. Danie Langner, uitvoerende hoof van die FAK, aan Sleigh oorhandig as erkenning vir sy bydrae tot die Afrikaanse taal en kultuur. Sleigh het reeds etlike ander belangrike skrywerspryse vir sy historiese romans Eilande en 1795 gewen. “In sy meesterwerk, 1795, vertel dr. Sleigh die verhaal van William van Rheede van Oudsthoorn se liefde vir die Kaap en sy geskiedenis, sy verdediging van die Kolonie teen die oprukkende Britse besetters, sy rebellie teen die lamsakkige VOC-owerheid en sy strewe na ’n eie Kaapse Republiek. ’n Groot deel van die verhaal speel af in William se huis, Saasveld, wat destyds aan die voet van Tafelberg gestaan het. Saasveld is in die vyftigerjare steen vir steen na Franschhoek verskuif en herbou as die Hugenotemuseum. In 1795 beskryf

dr. Dan William as die laaste goeie man. Ek dink William sou bly wees as hy kon weet dat sy Saasveldhuis eeue later ’n bymekaarkomplek was om aan nog ’n goeie man erkenning te gee vir sy liefde vir die Kaap en geskiedenis,” skryf Langner in ‘n verklaring op Facebook. Sleigh wat in November 79 jaar oud word, het die toekenning met die volgende woorde in ontvangs geneem: “Hierdie toekenning span vir my die kroon op my skrywersloopbaan en dit is ’n groot eer om op dié manier deur die FAK vereer te word en met Van Wyk Louw geassosieer te word.” Hy het verder gespot dat hy die toekenning bo sy bed gaan ophang. Sleigh het ook vir Helena Schaefer, kultuurhistoriese kenner wat hom reeds vir 20 jaar bystaan in sy navorsings- en skryfwerk, sy dogter Jean, asook die uitgewers by Tafelberg bedank vir hul ondersteuning deur die jare.

Bridge House mom is number one in the world

Back in December 2015 we published an article about a Bridge House Mom, Estelle Jacobs and her son Scott Jacobs (then Grade 9), who were both awarded Western Province as well as SA national colours in archery. Since then this Bridge House mom has been taking the South African and world archery scene by storm. In 2016 Estelle was awarded Western Province and SA national colours again and became one of the few people ever to win both the International Field Archery Association (IFAA) Adult Female Freestyle Unlimited Indoor SA title as well as the World Archery Compound Master Women Indoor SA title. These achievements were noticed by the South African Protea archery team selectors and in December 2016 Estelle was selected to be part of the Protea archery team that would represent South Africa at the IFAA World Indoor Archery Championships (WIAC) to be held in Romania in March 2017. A very excited South African archery team left Johannesburg at the end of March 2017 during a heatwave of 380°C and landed in Romania in the snow at -50°C. The WIAC were held in Brasov over the course of 3 days and attracted 340 of the top archers from over 30 countries around the world. Day one of the competition saw Estelle shoot a full score of 300/300. On day two the nerves set in and Estelle achieved 275/280 and on day three she settled down to another full score of 300/300 to take the world title, gold medal and become the number one IFAA Adult Female Freestyle Unlimited Archer in the World. Back home Estelle has already defended her 2016 IFAA Adult Female Freestyle Unlimited SA title during the South African IFAA Championships held in Pretoria in May 2017. She is now training to defend her 2016 WA Compound Master Women title around October of this year.

Estelle Jacobs emerged victorious at the IFAA World Indoor Archery Championships in Romania

Urban edge changes postponed

In its June issue the Tatler reported on proposed changes to Stellenbosch’s urban edges that were included in the draft 2017 MSDF (Municipal Spatial Development Framework) which forms part of the annual IDP (Integrated Development Programme). By law an updated IDP has to be adopted by council along with the municipality’s annual budget. After the publication of the draft MSDF and IDP several organisations objected to the proposed changes to the urban edge, especially on procedural grounds. The objectors included the Huguenot Society of SA, Franschhoek Trust and Ratepayers Association, Friends

of the Stellenbosch Mountain, Stellenbosch Ratepayers Association and Stellenbosch Interest Group. Following these objections the majority of the proposed changes to the urban edges have been removed from the final IDP that was adopted by the town council at its meeting on 31 May 2017. The ‘removed’ changes will now form part of the 2017/2018 IDP process with a view to adoption along with the 2018/2019 budget. Only two of the proposed changes were incorporated into the 2017/2018 IDP. These relate to James Town and the northern expansion of Stellenbosch.

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


Municipality to trial Namola app to improve safety and security

Stellenbosch Municipality has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Happimo NPC to trial their Namola smartphone app for 6 months at no cost. This app allows citizens to report crime using their smartphones to send their information and GPS coordinates directly to the Stellenbosch command centre. The nearest emergency vehicles will then respond. In cities and towns where the app is deployed it eliminates having to wait for a call centre to answer an emergency call or even language problems that may delay emergency response time. Stellenbosch Municipality will be the first municipality in the Western Cape to use this application. Stellenbosch Mayor, Adv. Gesie van Deventer, said

at the announcement that she is “determined to make every effort to improve the safety and security of all residents and visitors across the entire municipal area.” She continued to say that continuing crime problems highlight “the need for innovative thinking from local government to find and implement workable solutions. Namola provides a unique approach to improving safety and security and allows for multiple stakeholders to work together, including the municipality, the South African Police Service and private security (firms).” The Namola application went live for the entire Stellenbosch municipal area on Thursday, 15 June 2017. It is available as a free download from the iTunes and Google Play stores.

New school for valley?

La Motte (Bosbou) may in a few years be the site of a new school for Grades 1 – 12, that is to replace the current Wemmershoek Primary School. The construction of the school could be funded by a UK-registered charity, Brenley Trust, if negotiations with relevant authorities can be successfully concluded. The site of 2.14ha identified for the school is diagonally opposite the La Motte Fire Station. Currently the site (a portion of the remainder of Farm 1653) is owned by the Cape Winelands District Municipality, but is in the process of being transferred to Stellenbosch Municipality. The Stellenbosch Town Council at its meeting of 29 March 2017 resolved that it supports, in principle, the gratis transfer of this land to Provincial Government of the Western Cape (Department Transport and Public Works) for the purpose of the new school and to enable the Provincial Government to do the necessary feasibility studies. The Council further resolved that, “following the transfer of Remainder Farm 1653 to Stellenbosch Municipality, and after compilation of the feasibility studies conducted by the Provincial Government, a further report be submitted to Council to make a final decision regarding the possible disposal of the portion of land.” While Council has in principle agreed to the transfer some municipal departments do not fully support the initiative in its current form. The

Directorate: Planning and Economic Development indicated that it believes the “school should be located abutting the current residential area to the west of Robertsvlei Rd.” The New Housing Department of the Human Settlements Directorate is also opposed to the proposed site. This department is working on an approximately 450 house integrated housing development in La Motte, which included a different school site that would act as a buffer between the new residential areas and surrounding land uses. From correspondence, dated February 2017, included in the item that served before the Town Council it appears that the funder’s plan is for a number of houses to be built on the school site. These are to be let to the public to create additional income for the school. The correspondence also states that “Government (is) to pay normal school fees”, “Brenley (is) to have control of the school in respect of a Board” and “Brenley (is) to top up fees each year.” The practical and legal implications of these ideas aren’t immediately clear, particularly in as much as an outside entity may have control of a state school. More work will required to make the proposals fully compliant with relevant legislation. The Franschhoek Tatler understands that the potential donor has declined the offer for the abovementioned site on the grounds that it is too small for what is envisaged. Negotiations continue.

THE RESTAURANT AT GRANDE PROVENCE WINTER SPECIAL Join us for our annual winter special to celebrate our new winter menu at The Restaurant. Enjoy a delicious two-course lunch, with a complimentary bottle of Grande Provence wine per couple, for only R395 per person. Alternatively, join us in the evening and enjoy an exquisite three-course dinner with a complimentary bottle of Grande Provence wine per couple, for only R595 per person. This offer can also be taken advantage of while staying in our boutique accommodation at Grande Provence Estate the Owner’s Cottage and La Provencale Villa in the Vineyards, both offer fabulous value at this time of year with our Heartland Offer (Available until 30 September 2017). Excludes gratuity, any additional beverages and flagship wine range. Please book in advance to avoid disappointment. Available from June 2017 - September 2017. Terms and conditions apply.

THE GRANDE PROVENCE SENSORY EXPERIENCE 28 July 2017, The Bordeaux Expression (Bordeaux Blends)



16 9 4

25 Aug 2017, The Burgundy Expression (Chardonnay)

29 September, The Loire Expression (Chenin Blanc)

As the cold settles in, our tasting room adds wood to their fire, making venturing out all about comfort this winter.

Main Road Franschhoek PO Box 102 Franschhoek 7690 Western Cape South Africa For reservations please contact T 021 876 8600 or E For accommodation bookings please contact Owner’s Cottage Guest House E

TASTING ROOM Monday to Friday: 09:00am – 17:00pm Saturdays & Public Holidays: 10:00am – 17:00pm Sundays: 11:00am – 16:00pm Cellar Tour followed by Sabrage Monday to Saturday: 11:00am Contact 021 876 8500 RESTAURANT Haute Cabrière Restaurant is currently closed for the annual winter break from 26 June to 8 August. Bookings reopen from 9 August 2017. Website and Online Shop: WWW.CABRIERE.CO.ZA

Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Enjoy Responsibly.

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


Haute Cabrière

Haute Cabrière Restaurant

Pinot Noir Reserve 2014

Grilled venison, vegetable pave, sauce cassis

2014 expresses a beautiful vintage, elegant to the eye, but strong in character. It is filled with a wonderful abundance of spices, which are well integrated and respect the delicate fruit. The palate follows through perfectly, confirming the wine’s character and style, which is filled with hints of tobacco, fine cedar wood ending with the finest dark chocolate. Cellar Price: R190 per bottle Haute Cabrière 021 876 8500

INGREDIENTS Vegetable pave: 4 carrots; 4 parsnips; 1 small butternut ; 1 sweet potato; 1 onion; melted butter; salt & pepper; Sauce Cassis: 75g brown sugar; 5ml white wine vinegar; 125ml cassis; 1l beef stock; 1.5 star anise; 1/4 cinnamon stick; 1 clove; 65g frozen mixed berries; 20g frozen cubed butter; Venison loin: 180g-200g venison loin per person; oil; butter; thyme; salt & pepper METHOD Pave: Set oven to 160°C. Line ovenproof dish with tinfoil. Coat with butter. Peel and slice vegetables (120g per person). Layer vegetables, season and brush with butter every 3rd layer. Stack to 5cm high, finish with layer of butternut and coat with melted butter. Cover with foil and bake for roughly 80 min. Sauce Cassis: Caramelize brown sugar, deglaze with white wine vinegar and reduce till all liquid has evaporated. Deglaze again with

La Petite Ferme

La Petite Ferme Restaurant

Verdict 2015

Pan seared duck with honey and wild pepper roasted parsnips and butternut mash

The Verdict is elegant with a captivating complexity. Rich in black fruit flavours like cassis and black cherry that spills from the nose onto the pallet. The time spent in oak delivers aromas of cigar box and mocha finishing with a sweet hint of clove spice that lingers at the end. Cellar Price: R395 per bottle

La Petite Ferme 021 876 3016

INGREDIENTS: Duck breast Butternut Parsnips Honey Melted butter Szechuan pepper Salt Baby Pak Choi METHOD: Peel and roast butternut in the oven covered in tin foil and lightly salt. While that is in the oven, peel and slice up the parsnips and drizzle with honey, melted butter and a sprinkle Szechuan pepper, salt and roast in the oven. Season duck breast, place

cassis, reduce by 2/3. Add spices and stock and reduce again by ¾. Add berries and reduce till sauce consistency. Strain out berries, whisk in frozen butter - do not let boil. Venison: Season and rest for 5 minutes. Heat oil in skillet until smoking, brown the venison. When almost brown add butter and thyme sprig and nape (tilt pan and spoon on the butter mixture over the meat) with butter. Transfer to an oven dish and roast at 200ºC for +/- 2 to 3min. Take out of the oven and rest for 5 minutes before. To plate: Slice venison, and add to plate, cut pave into squares, and place a square on each plate. Drizzle generously with sauce. Serve with poached pears and crispy kale. Haute Cabrière Restaurant 021 876 3688

breast in a medium heated pan skin down, slowly cook until skin is golden brown. Add butter and slowly just spoon it over the breast, flip the breast over, add baby Pak Choi and cook and just continue to baste. Take off the heat, let it rest, while that’s resting blitz cooked butternut. Plate up and serve.

La Petite Ferme Restaurant 021 876 3016

How to enter

Who tweeted “Make our planet great again”?

Send your answer to: The winner will be informed by return mail before 15 July 2017 Prizes have to be collected from the Franschhoek Info Office before end July 2017 or be forfeited.

MONNEAUX RESTAURANT Tel: +27 (0)21 876 3386 email:

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July | August 2017

Cellar Chat

Mark Tanner Early in my wine career I became aware that one only has to know about 10% more than the next person to appear an 'expert' or 'connoisseur'; two words I prefer to ignore. But the inevitable question follows, "What is your favourite wine?" Or, "Do you have a favourite wine?" Of course I do. Doesn't everyone? My problem is that my favourite wine comes from vineyards very far beyond Simondium. From La Confrèrie des Vignerons des Cotes du Ventoux in fact, an area between Vacqueras and Gigondas near Capentras in the southern Rhone Valley in France. Here unusual varieties like Grenache, Carignan and Bouboulenc give red wine a sense of burned sugar, caramel and tobacco; very different from our reds. There is a considerable difference between a favourite wine and a wine of choice. Sadly for me I am unable to enjoy my favourite wine without considerable expense and a passport renewal. So what about my wine of choice? Most evenings around sundown I may be found at a terrace restaurant on our main road. There I enjoy a wine simply labelled 'Good Wine' in Italian. This

Franschhoek Tatler comes from much nearer, just outside Paarl in fact. And I am not the only one enjoying this wine, others have found its appeal. The gentleman who introduced it to Franschhoek is justifiably proud and, with typical modesty, prefers to remain anonymous. For the record therefore I shall simply refer to him as Piet. Piet quickly saw that 'Good Wine' came in two colours, one for summer and one for winter. The producer says the following: “A fruity, slightly wooded versatile dry red wine with blackberry aromas and is a blend of different grape varieties.” The white 'Good Wine' is from a number of vineyards and is a blend of Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling. An everyday drinking wine, with some guava and tropical fruit flavours, it has won both a Gold and Double Gold Veritas Award. So much for my wine of choice which is of course limited and other choices come to mind elsewhere. At least some knowledge is useful when out on the town. Should your favourite not be on the wine list you need to take care with your choice. The alternative is to ask your waiter for a suggestion which in turn is an invitation to extend your spend for a greater gratuity. I know of restaurants that add a huge mark-up to a wine. This is doing no favours for the wine or the restaurant and just goes to show that one needs to be vigilant. How to choose from the veritable minefield available? Find one you like and stick to it, until the next time!


#blush #navy #rose gold

Three Golds for Franschhoek at the Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show

The Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show is South Africa’s premier wine competition that recognises the top local wines and winemakers, and honours excellence in the wine industry. The judging panel had to sift through more than 1 000 entries and was once again chaired by wine authority, Michael Fridjhon. This year three Franschhoek wines were honoured with gold medals at the awards ceremony. They are: Boschendal Jean Le Long Prestige Cuvée Blanc de Blanc 2007, Allée Bleue Pinotage 2015 and La Motte Pierneef Syrah Viognier 2015. The Boschendal Cuvée Blanc de Blanc also secured a spot on the list of Top 10 Sparkling Wines. GlenWood Vineyards’ Grand Duc Noblesse Noble Late Harvest earned a place on the list of Top 10 Dessert Wines - Unfortified.

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HANDMADE IN FRANSCHHOEK designer craftsman · ceramic studio · gallery


Two Eléphants of Franschhoek

The Franschhoek Feeling

Franschhoek Tatler


De Villiers for coffee & chocolate

SA’s first premium rosé released by Anthonij Rupert Wyne

Anthonij Rupert Wyne has introduced a first for South Africa – a premium Provençal style rosé. The wine pays homage to Jean Roi, the French Huguenot from Provence who pioneered the L’Ormarins Wine Estate’s 300-year-old viticultural history. The Jean Roi Cap Provincial Rosé 2016 – a blend of Cinsault, Grenache and Shiraz – is a premium style of rosé which takes its cue from the international summer drinking styles, in particular in the United States, a trend thatis gaining ground globally amongst fine wine enthusiasts. The bespoke regally-styled bottle embossed with Jean Roi’s initials, JR, adds extra appeal to this maiden vintage. Besides the eye-catching bottle, the wine appeals with its pale copper pink blush colour which filters through to alluring aromas of peach blossom and honeydew melon. It perfectly fits the description of

The De Villiers Chocolate Café in Heritage Square

We can’t think of a nicer way to spend a wintery Franschhoek morning than sipping coffee and nibbling chocolate at one of the valleys new kids on the block! De Villiers Chocolatiers is a true artisan success story that started in a garage with machines built out of recycled home appliances. Originally an engineer, Pieter de Villiers, together with his wife Cornell have turned their hobby into one of South Africa’s proudest artisanal brands. De Villiers Chocolates is the first ‘bean to bar’ artisanal chocolate maker in South Africa. All their chocolate is made from carefully sourced cocoa beans. Pieter has a hand in every aspect of production from farm level to the finished product. Most of the cocoa beans are sourced from the Bundibugyo district in Western Uganda and are produced by small scale farmers who are also responsible for harvesting, fermentation and drying. All of the cocoa beans from these farmers are UTZ certified which means that De Villiers Chocolates support sustainable cocoa farming where farmers implement practices that respect both people and the planet. The De Villiers Chocolate Café in Franschhoek offers a selection of handmade chocolate and ice-creams, coffees and delicious pastries. Everything on offer at the café, including the cakes and ice-cream cones, are

LEOPARD’S LEAP QUICK BOEUF BOURGUIGNON Joining the Franschhoek Valley’s French Celebrations in July, Leopard’s Leap pairs the latest vintage of its limited release Family Collection Cabernet Sauvignon with a hearty Boeuf Bourguignon. Time-honoured as dinner table partners, Chef Pieter’s recipe for a quick version of the French classic will not only beautifully combine with the wine’s complexities but will ensure a fuss-free get-together with family and friends.

INGREDIENTS Serves 4 - 6 main course portions 2 tbsp oil for frying 600 g beef sirloin salt and pepper 150 g mixed mushrooms 1 onion, finely chopped 50 g smoked bacon 1 tbsp tomato paste

2 garlic cloves 1/2 cup Culinaria Pinot Noir 2 cups beef stock 4 thyme sprigs 1 tbsp corn flour 1/2 cup double thick cream chopped parsley

8315 LL Tatler Boeuf B 197h136w ADVERT FA2.indd 1

made on site by the De Villiers team using authentic ingredients that are GMO free, gluten free, and free from any artificial colourants, flavourings and stabilisers. A complete chocolate and confections range, from bars to truffles, chocolate nougat, butter caramels and coated nuts and berries are available at the café together with a full coffee menu (think espressos, cappuccinos and lattes). Not to be missed is their icecream tasting which consists of 5 flavour “tasters” of your choice, a firm favourite among the little ones! The self-tutored chocolate tasting menu allows for the opportunity to sample chocolates from the 3 collections: Single Origin – for the dark chocolate lover, African Collection – mostly dark, flavoured chocolates, all made from Ugandan beans and the Treats Collection – mostly flavoured milk chocolates, for the sweet tooth. De Villiers has also created a chocolate fondue experience for two. A pot of melted chocolate accompanied by biscuits/fruit and nougat. We are delighted that De Villiers chose our beautiful valley as their new home. The De Villiers Chocolate Café in Heritage Square is open Mon – Sun, 09h30 – 17h30. | 021 874 1060

METHOD 1) Heat a non-stick pan over a high heat. 2) Cut the beef into 2 cm x 2 cm dice and season generously. 3) Seal the meat in 2 tablespoons of oil in the pan on one side. Once brown and caramelised, remove from the pan. 4) Add the onion along with the bacon to the same pan. Cook for 2 minutes until the onion is translucent. 5) Add the tomato paste and cook for one minute. 6) Deglaze with red wine and reduce until nearly evaporated. 7) Add beef stock and reduce by half. Add the thyme. 8) Mix a tablespoon corn flour with water to form a paste. 9) Mix 2 tablespoons of the hot sauce from the pan with the corn flour paste. Now mix the runny “paste” back into the sauce and cook through, to thicken. 10) Once the sauce starts to thicken, add the beef back to the pot and allow to cook briefly. 11) Once the floury taste has left the sauce, remove from the heat and add the double thick cream and parsley. 12) Season to taste and serve with toasted sourdough. 13) Serve immediately.

2017/06/19 09:28

July | August 2017

“summer in a glass”. A fusion of fresh summer fruit flavours of melon, peach and nectarine makes its presence felt on the palate. The refreshing acidity perfectly balances out the fruit flavours, which adds an unexpected yet welcoming lemon zest twist to the mouthfeel. The Jean Roi Cap Provincial Rosé 2016 is perfect on its own but also partners beautifully with a delicious summer nectarine Caprese salad; grilled prawns and crayfish; or seared duck breast served with a raspberry jus. As expected from a premium wine, this is a limited release which is available directly from the Anthonij Rupert Wyne online store, directly from the Cellar Door or select specialist wine stores nationwide. The recommended retail price of the Jean Roi Cap Provincial Rosé 2016 is R300 per bottle.

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler

Boschendal white wine is best in SA

Boschendal’s Appellation Series – Elgin 2015 Chardonnay has been awarded the Best Elgin Chardonnay Trophy, Best Chardonnay Trophy and ultimately the Best White Wine of South Africa Trophy at the 2017 International Wine Challenge (IWC). Additionally, Boschendal was awarded Gold for its Elgin Pinot Noir 2015 at the IWC and to add to these impressive awards – it was also announced that Boschendal has garnered Gold at the prestigious Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA) for its Boschendal Elgin Sauvignon Blanc 2016 and Boschendal 1685 Shiraz 2015. Accepted as the world’s finest judged wine competition, the IWC’s coveted trophy title follows a rigorous judging process. Each medalwinning wine is tasted on three separate occasions by at least 10 different judges deeming the Elgin Chardonnay the best white wine in the country. Having won multiple international awards for her Chardonnay, Boschendal winemaker and Chardonnay expert Lizelle Gerber says, “It’s a tremendous honour for our Chardonnay to be named the best white wine in South Africa

this year. There are just so many fantastic Chardonnay’s now coming out of SA, particularly out of the 2015 vintage and to be judged “the best” by this acclaimed international panel is great praise indeed.” Boschendal was one of the first Chardonnay producers in South Africa and has been making its Appellation Elgin range since 2012 – sourcing

grapes from the 40-hectare Highfield Farm for over ten years. This led to parent company DGB’s decision to purchase the farm in 2017, in order to conserve it for winemaking, when many other farms in the area are reverting to apple crops instead. Says Stephan Joubert, DGB Group Viticulturist, “A sense of place is very important for our



wines, and the Elgin area imparts a freshness and flavour that is hard to find anywhere else, even in the world. We’re very proud of our 2015 Elgin Chardonnay. These awards shows that our winemaker’s fusion of wonderful terroir with non-interfering wine making techniques is garnering incomparable results.”

Franschhoek Tatler


Boschendal wins at Concours Mondial De Bruxelles

The results from the 24th Concours Mondial de Bruxelles wine competition were announced in late May, and Boschendal has garnered one gold and four silver medals for its wines. More than 9000 wines from 50 countries competed for coveted grand gold, gold, and silver medals. The 2017 Concours Mondial de Bruxelles were held in Spain from 5-7 May, with an international panel of 320 judges comprising buyers, oenologists, journalists, and sommeliers. Such a large gathering of experts is inevitably an influential occasion, revealing important insights into the latest viticulture trends. Aside from this, it’s also an opportunity to celebrate excellence, and the wonderful diversity that makes the world of wine unique.

The gold medal was awarded to the Boschendal Lanoy 2015 – known for its enticing fruitiness and gentle notes of cigar box spiciness – while silver medals went to the Boschendal Sommelier Selection Chenin Blanc 2016, the Boschendal Sommelier Selection Pinotage 2015, the Boschendal The Pavillion Chenin Blanc 2016, and the Boschendal The Pavillion Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 2015. Says marketing manager Shirley van Wyk, “We are honoured to be recognised by one of the world’s foremost wine tasting championships. One of the defining features of this competition is the diversity both of its entrants and the judges so it’s wonderful to know that our wines compete at such a high level internationally.”

Holden Manz launches new winter menu

The Franschhoek Tatler was recently invited to experience a food and wine pairing at Holden Manz Estate with wine maker Thierry Haberer, new chef Ricardo Le Roux and the Holden Manz management team. The estate, owned by Gerard Holden and Migo Manz, houses a state of the art winery, spa and fivestar guesthouse. The guesthouse is adorned with an outstanding selection of contemporary South African art from the Holden Manz gallery that is situated on the main street of Franschhoek and the brilliant backdrop of the estate often plays hosts to weddings, picnics and various events. At the luncheon, we were introduced to the newest addition to the Holden Manz wine portfolio – a Chenin Blanc, that along with the Holden Manz Chardonnay, are the only wines made from grapes bought from elsewhere, all other grapes for the award winning collection are grown on the estate. According to Chef Ricardo “a meal is an opportunity to show those gathered around the table that they’re loved”. Guests enjoyed a citrus salad starter paired with the Holden Manz Chardonnay 2016, followed by a Romesco risotto, served with pan-fried prawns and paired with Holden Manz Visionaire 2013. The third course (a signature dish of Chef Ricardo) was braised beef cheeks, paired with the Holden Manz Big G – named in honour of owner Gerard Holden. Our final course was a Chèvre

July | August 2017

La Petite Colombe set to open soon

As one era ends another commences. With The Tasting Room at Le Quartier Français having closed recently La Petite Colombe will take its place from 1 August. La Petite Colombe is a new partnership between the Leeu Collection and the proprietor chefs of La Colombe, Scot Kirton (Eat Out Chef of the Year 2015) and James Gaag. Kirton and Gaag will be directing a highly talented team “to honour the heritage of this fine venue and marry it with the La Colombe magic”. The Franschhoek kitchen will be headed up by the talented La Colombe chef, John Norris-Rogers, who will be working side-by-side with chefs Scot and James. La Petite Colombe will feature a striking new interior, styled by architect Rohan Young and the Leeu Collection’s interior designer, Beverley Boswell. The interiors will be classic, with a modern-country accent. Eight- and twelve-course tasting menus will be offered. The menus will share a stylistic and flavour familiarity with those of the award-winning La Colombe, focusing on the finest local and seasonal produce, and recommended with a rare and fine wine selection. Along with the familiarity a surprise, or two, is also promised… La Petite Colombe will open on the 01 August 2017, with online reservations now available via the website

La Petite Colombe promises a surprise, or two…

Leeu Collection introduces Leeu Loyalty

Liver parfait starter with Holden Manz Big G

terrine, consisting of goats’ cheese and preserved figs, paired with the Holden Manz Syrah Reserve 2014. Chef Ricardo sources local ingredients and fresh from the farm wherever possible. He says that the 4-course lunch was created as a “story of flavours, a collision of experiences and influences.” Holden Manz has long been a favourite amongst tourists while often overlooked by locals. we have a feeling that is about to change. The new enter menu offers from a 2-course option at R295 p.p. to a 5-course option priced at R550 p.p. Martine Bauer | 021 876 2738

Leeu Collection has introduced an exclusive discount programme for dining and spa experiences at its properties in Franschhoek. The limited number of Leeu Loyalty cards allow card holders to enjoy 15% discount at all Leeu Collection food and beverage establishments. These include The Dining Room at Leeu Estates, The Conservatory at Leeu House with all-day dining menus and innovative cuisine, Marigold, where one can enjoy dishes inspired by aromatic North Indian cuisine, Tuk Tuk, a craft beer microbrewery in partnership with the awardwinning Cape Brewing Company (CBC) team which offers bespoke brews and Mexican-inspired food, as well as all spa treatments and spa dining at Leeu Spa. Other establishments where the Leeu Loyalty card is welcome are The Garden Room at Le Quartier Français which offers a legendary breakfast buffet and a lunch menu from midday, as well as The Bar at LQF with its trendy, sociable and well-stocked bar with a wood-burning fireplace and outdoor seating, perfect for a signature G&T or classic cocktail.

The Leeu Loyalty cards are available now and valid until 31 September 2017. Cards are available at any of the participating establishments. T&Cs apply. | 021 492 2222

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


Protea range takes an unexpected twist

Anthonij Rupert Wyne produce wines with an uncompromising commitment to the environment accompanied by a singular dedication to innovation. All this is personified in the estate’s Protea wine range, created for immediate enjoyment but also with unique packaging that has been designed with “upcycling” in mind. The award-winning estate has now taken its dedication to innovation a step further by announcing that its Protea wine range is now available with a Helix closure. This closure combines tradition with convenience since the unique, ergonomically-designed cork- and glass packaging solution combines the benefits of traditional cork with a user-friendly, re-sealable closure. The Helix closure has a twist-out cork from Amorim, the world’s biggest cork supplier, matched by a threaded bottleneck from Consol, an equally renowned glass bottle manufacturer. In this manner the Protea wine bottles can be opened and closed creating an airtight barrier with a simple twist of the wrist!

According to research, consumers prefer cork and associate this with quality. Helix retains the tradition of cork, while at the same time providing functionality. The Protea flower is highlighted on the bottles. These flowers are indigenous to the Cape Floral Kingdom, which is not only the smallest, but also the world’s richest floral region. Eye-catching prints on the bottles encourage re-use and recycling, thus prolonging the lifecycle of the product and ultimately contributing to the preservation of the environment. The wines are available directly from the estate or from select specialist wine shops and retail outlets nationwide. The white wines and rosé in the Protea range retail at between at R50 and R60 per bottle, while the reds retail between R60 and R70 per bottle. The range consists of a Sauvignon blanc, a Chenin blanc, a Chardonnay, a Pinot Grigio, a Cabernet Sauvignon, a Merlot, a Shiraz and a Rosé.

Rickety Bridge’s Foundation Stone Range

This experimental craft range, which winemaker Wynand Grobler particularly enjoys making, is adorned with a creative, eye-catching label reflecting Wynand’s innovative approach to the three wines. The blends are constantly evolving, being tweaked by Wynand every year. Although they say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, the intricate label, designed by the talented Fanakalo team, may make you wonder at what’s within. Chances are that you’ll like what you find! Named after the cornerstone of the original ‘rickety bridge’ which straddled the Franschhoek River and ushered one into the estate, the Foundation Stone wines – edgy, complex and full of promise and intrigue – boast an award-strewn track record, including several appearances in the SA Top 100 wines list. The Rickety Bridge Foundation Stone range of Mediterranean-style blends consists of: • The Foundation Stone Rosé 2017: A popular new vintage, Rhône-style blend release; • The Foundation Stone White 2016: A distinguished, recently-released new vintage Chenin Blanc-led Mediterranean-style blend; and • The Foundation Stone Red 2014: A highlyacclaimed Shiraz-led Rhône-style blend; When visiting Rickety Bridge today, one still crosses a bridge over the Franschhoek River – thankfully no longer rickety! Another change is that today this

EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC OF LA RESIDENCE Join us for a classical Sunday Lunch in the most exclusive of settings RESERVATIONS +27 (0) 21 876 4100

La Residence is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner by prior reservation subject to availability

wine estate boasts a host of offerings. In addition to the modern boutique-style winery, a ‘tasting room in the vines’, Paulina’s à la carte restaurant, luxurious 4-star accommodation, a romantic wedding and function venue and a conference centre there is also a playground for children and a boules court. | 021 876 2129


July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


Ditching maths myths: the path to mastery starts in early childhood

Dr Glynn Till DC (USA), FCCS (Can) Practice Number: 040 1110 Registration Number: A07609

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The best start parents can give children to ensure they master maths throughout their school careers, is to ensure they banish negative attitudes towards the subject right from the start, an education expert says. “Parents and caregivers must ensure they don’t pass on their own negative feelings about maths, or any other subject, because they themselves struggled in the past,” says Barbara Eaton, Academic Development Co-ordinator for the Schools Division at ADvTECH, Africa’s largest private education provider. “Children should be allowed to embark on their maths learning in the secure understanding that they are competent and capable, without any kind of preemptive fear for the subject,” she says. Eaton notes South Africans regularly hear about our country’s dismal performance in international maths and science benchmarking tests. “Those of us who work at the pre-primary level are well aware that the results of the children at prep and college levels will not improve if we do not focus on the correct teaching of maths concepts within the three to six-year age group,” she says. But she warns that early learning should be ageappropriate and concentrate on ‘hands-on, brainson’ activities. “Early mathematical experiences have to be presented in kinaesthetic and concrete ways, leading to semi-abstract activities in Grade 0. We certainly do not favour worksheets for children at this young age,” she says. Eaton adds that while many young children enter pre-primary school with knowledge of counting, numbers and shapes, it is also important to expose them to more challenging content. “Young children are ready to learn more advanced concepts as long as they are presented in an engaging and developmentally appropriate manner. This does not equate with ‘pushing down’ the curriculum content to younger and younger children, as that could have the opposite of the intended effect.” Eaton advises parents to take a keen and active part in getting their children excited about maths, and says that the foundations of later maths mastery can be achieved through play-based activities in the early years. Activities which promote the acquisition of maths concepts include:

• Singing number songs and rhymes. • Counting out everyday items such as plates and cutlery for supper, potatoes for cooking, biscuits for tea. • Matching how many times you clap with items such as bottle tops. • Baking, which involves counting and measuring of ingredients. • Drawing attention to numerals on gates, cars, buses – anywhere in the immediate environment. • Sharing out sweets amongst the family or the teddies at the play tea party, which teaches division. • Dividing fruit, veg and cakes into pieces and talk about halves and quarters, which teaches the concept of fractions. • Working out how many sweets we need if everyone is to get two, which teaches multiplication. • Matching, identifying and counting coins, and giving coins to spend on small items in the shop. • Comparing the sizes of clothes and shoes that the family members wear and arranging them in ascending and descending order. “Research tracking American, British and Canadian children found that children who entered pre-school with a strong grasp of numeracy, counting, relative magnitudes and ordinality achieved better maths scores in later years, and that these skills were more predictive of general scholastic achievement than were language, attention or social skills,” says Eaton. “But parents should not, in an attempt to ensure their child’s future maths mastery, try to get them to learn something now, with difficulty, which they will manage more easily later. Helping your child at this stage does not entail the teaching of isolated maths skills through memorisation, rote or the reliance on worksheets. “Parents and guardians who want to make a substantial contribution to their children’s performance later in life can ensure they lay a solid and positive foundation in the early years, simply by making maths meaningful and relevant to everyday situations. Quite simply, maths should become child’s play.”

NATURAL ATHLETES WORKSHOP COMING TO FRANSCHHOEK 15 & 16th JULY Join Werner Daniel (barefoot runner and superfoods expert) and Chantal Deacon Daniel (four year Diploma in Nutritional Medicine, Honours in Clinical Psychology), for an exciting nature based athletes workshop at The Secret Wellness.

THERAPY Facials | Dermapen | Manicures Pedicures | Therapeutic Massage

AESTHETICS Skin Threading | Botox | Fillers Vitamin Drips | Bio-identical Hormones Integrative Medicine Consultations with DR LEILA every last Friday of the month.

OZONE TREATMENTS Heal and detoxify the body through transdermal ozone application.

The days will include: • Guided trail run in Franschhoek. • Guest speakers. Cutting edge topics will be covered such as: superfoods and nutrition for athletes the importance of gut health, and much more. • Superfoods demonstrations. • Lunch and a light dinner.

HEALTH PRODUCTS CONTACT: 071 255 1740 Franschhoek Main Road

Bookings will be taken from June for the Saturday/Sunday workshops which may include accommodation at La Terra du Luc Estate. LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE

Contact: chantal@naturallynourished. for more information

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler

Gardening in July Natie Ferreira

And then the rain came. In injury time, but it did. Some years we get less than others, but one thing we can bet on is that it is going to rain in winter. The surety of winter rains makes the Western Cape on of the most predictable in terms of climate in the country (some say the world). But as optimistic as I like to be, we will need a lot more rain this winter to avert a disaster. Our natural resources simply cannot keep up with the rate of development in the Western Cape. Some say we’ve had the worst drought ever; maybe we just use too much water. Now that winter is here it is easy to fall into hibernation mode and let nature take its course in the garden. Unfortunately July is actually quite an important gardening month, mostly because it is pruning time. Pruning can be a daunting task. Most gardeners are afraid that they will do something wrong or kill a plant. I will try and give a few pointers here, but remember that plants want to grow and are usually very forgiving of even your worst mistakes. When pruning there are two concepts that need to be on your mind – renewal and stimulation. We want to stimulate the plant to flower, fruit or grow into what we want it to become by selecting the strongest branches and allowing for air flow and light to reach all parts of the plant. At the same time we want to renew it by cutting away old and diseased wood. I hardly “prune” my roses nowadays – it is more of a cutting back. The bush gets cut down to about knee height after which I remove all dead, damaged and funny looking stems down to the base. Then I will look at the overall shape – cut away a few crossing branches and leave it to form a cup shape, no matter how many branches that will take. That is it. Mulch with a thick layer of mulch and only start feeding when actively pushing new shoots in spring. Pruning fruit trees can be somewhat more complicated because

they bear their fruit differently. Again common sense should prevail, but here are some pointers. Apples and pears are spur bearers – fruiting on old wood. New shoots should therefore be cut back to about 5 shoots. Established trees require little pruning – mostly thinning the spurs and cutting out old wood. Plums need little pruning except for the removal of suckers and diseased or damaged branches. Peaches and apricots bear on 1 or 2 year old wood, so require more vigorous pruning with most of the branches that have fruited removed down to some new growth. Now that we’ve finally had some rain it is also planting time! Looking around the neighbourhood I have found some old favourites that seem to not only survive, but thrive in water restricted gardens. One of these is common old plumbago – I’ve often struggled to grow these well, but now realise that I might have been overwatering them. The same goes for the Cape Honeysuckle and Mexican Sage. Local Fynbos favourites are an obvious winner, with restios, Ericas, salvias and Mimetes species flourishing in dry gardens. Aloes, crassulas, the mesembs and other succulents love dry summers and wet winters. My proteas and pincushions disappointed me however. It seems as if the drought exacerbated the ever-present root diseases. They’ll be alive the one day and dead the next. All summer bulbs must be planted now and you can colour up your life with some nursery seedlings. Not much in the vegetable garden to harvest now, but we will soon have the first broccoli and cauliflower. Broad beans are slowly coming to the table; as are peas. Citrus fruit is in abundance and now is the time for marmalade! My ferments have seriously slowed down – I think it is not only the cold but also a period of winter hibernation for all the microbes. Happy gardening. Stay warm.


Plant of the Month Frankie Brookes

Colourful Winters Pansies and Violas One of nature’s gifts to us during winter is the sweet, fragrant face of pansies and violas. These gorgeous little plants really take the bite out of winter. Bring

some joy to your winter garden with these special flowers which are extremely easy to grow! Pansies have bigger faces and leaves than their cousin the viola which is also known as Heart’s Ease. Pansies generally have fewer blooms per plant, but make up for it with much larger flowers. Violas have small, dainty flowers, but they are very florific. Both perform well in a sunny or partially shaded position, so planting under deciduous trees in autumn is ideal. Violas are even happy in quite shady positions, so are perfect for brightening up dull areas.

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designed by hf desigfns •

Rainfall Figures Measured at La Cotte/Nerina Street for periods indicated mm/year 2005








mm/month 2017

2016 Month










































Dam Levels


Steenbras Upper


Steenbras Lower








Berg River Dam
























Total Storage This Time Last Year


Total Storage



Franschhoek Tatler

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


Tatler Motoring Michele Lupini

E-Z Rider

Road trip brings best out of awesome E We needed to drive to Jozi and I had this bright idea to try make the trip on a tank of fuel, so I arranged a Mercedes-Benz E350d for the trip, but we took the scenic route to see a few dams and sights along the way to remind ourselves there is still water in the world. We never quite pulled it off. But we did beat its stated range by over 100 kilometres, which goes to show that Merc’s measly 5.5l/100km fuel claim is pretty sound. Never mind managing sub-sixes in both 0-100km/h acceleration and actual fuel consumption, which is pretty impressive. Also, despite of it being a diesel, this E350d Avantgarde sits surprisingly close to its petrol rivals in every respect – except that it will go a good 300km further on a like-sized tank. Driving long distances on the open road also allowed me ample time to tinker with the E-Class’

ample onboard systems, which I found to be pretty well balanced. The Merc maintains a high degree of manual switchery – it has more control outside of its cyber, which means that there’s no reason to delve into vast layers of cyber control to carry out a simple climate or a basic car control change. Best of all is that you control most of it via your left thumb on a tiny steering wheel pad reported by a secondary monitor right in your line of sight in the middle of the dials in the most user-friendly driver interface – I may be old fashioned, but it works best for me… On top of that this Merc drove brilliantly, frugally and serenely and when needed, kicked down to deliver great performance too. If there’s any complaint it’s solely with Merc’s mini-me China doll styling that causes me to struggle to differentiate it from a C class, which is not cool. But then it also looks like a mini S… I’d prefer if E’s design better reflected its own status though. That aside, the Mercedes does more, goes further and is a little easier to live with than the petrol cars that call themselves rivals. As an all-rounder it’d also be my choice. Bravo Mercedes-Benz! Read more of Michele Lupini and his team’s motoring views in Bakkie & Car magazine on sale on village bookshelves now.

Photo: Giordano Lupini

July | August 2017



New doctor in town


Die Franschhoek Village Market het deur hulle boeke-uitruil projek ‘n groot aantal boeke ingesamel. Elsuna Nel, wat saam met haar dogter Elzahn eienaars van die mark is, sê dat hulle graag as aansluiting by die FLF (die Franschhoek Literêre Fees) die boeke aan biblioteke van die plaaslike skole wou skenk. Madelein Koegelenberg was reeds betrokke by een van die skole se biblioteek en het toe namens die mark die boeke vir Margie Cunnama, die FLF bibliotekaris, geneem. Margie het gesorg dat die boeke by die skole uitkom en sê Franschhoek Hoërskool was veral in hulle noppies met die boeke vir meer volwasse ouderdomme en die handboeke vir hoërskool leerders. Die Franschhoek Village Market werk deur die jaar aan verskeie gemeenskapsprojekte in ‘n poging om ‘n verskil in mense se lewens te maak. Hulle is besonder bly oor die reaksie van lesers wat boeke vir hierdie projek geskenk het.

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


Riana Pretorius

Madelein Koegelenberg en Elsuna Nel met sommige van die boeke wat die Franschhoek Village Market aan plaaslie skole geskenk het.

Museum celebrates Youth Day 2017 Alexander welcoming Dr Nicolas Els to Franschhoek and the medical practice.

Bridge House School donated shoes to ACVV Franschhoek

Drs Alexander Heywood and Hannes van der Merwe recently welcomed Dr Nicolas Els to their practice. Dr Els hails from Bloemfontein. Dr Heywood would like to thank all his patients and friends for all their concern, messages, cards, flowers, cake, wine and meals while he was recovering from his heart surgery. All the care made his healing take a lot less time. He is now fully recovered and back at his practice.

Every year in June we see the changing of beautiful autumn into cold, wet weather! ACVV Franschhoek then joins the rest of South Africa by committing to Project Winter Hope. The purpose of the Winter Hope campaign is to appeal to the public to join hands and collect and distribute warm clothes, blankets, toiletries and non-perishable food items for persons in need during this winter. Thank you Franschhoek for all the donations – blankets, shoes, food and clothes. Bridge House College deserves a special thank you. They donated a bakkie load of shoes and some students and teachers went to school without shoes to feel what the less-privileged feel! To learn more about the wonderful work that our Social Workers do watch the our video on Youtube. ( Give love and take care…

Hospice News

Colleen Douglas The Huguenot Memorial Museum celebrated Youth Day on 16 June 2017 in collaboration with Franschhoek Youth Forum. Their theme for the day was “Youth taking South Africa forward.” The youths were welcomed by the acting museum manager, Elizna Davids, before undertaking a guided tour of the Huguenot Memorial and Museum. After the tour the motivational speaker – Maties rugby player, Logan Boonzaaier – shared some of

his experiences and encouraged the youths to “take South Africa forward.” The talk was followed by musical numbers by Mpho Qalekiso and Esmeralda & Brian, and poetry by Ayabonga. Tyron Boonzaaier thanked everybody who contributed to the event, including Franschhoek Vrugteverpakkers for the naartjies and Trevor Jefthas for the transport, before the group headed of for curry and rice at the Oude Slavenhuis Restaurant.


auction items from our very generous supporters that helped us raise R73000 for Franschhoek SPCA thus making our second Annual Charity Golf Day another successful fundraiser. Boules Tournament Bastille Festival: 15 and 16 July 2017 Book your team now! The entrance fee per team of 3 players is only R180 to participate in this very enjoyable tournament. Contact Pat Morgan on 073 255 7636 to secure your place. Start times are 09h00 on Saturday and 10h30 on Sunday. Pat is also keen to hear from you if you can help in any way with donating a prize – all welcome! 100 Club – Friends of Franschhoek SPCA: Donate & Win Join 100 Club Members by donating R100 per month for 12 months and have a chance of winning the monthly draw (R1 000 for 11 months & R2 000 for the final draw). E-mail: to confirm your participation or for any questions. Thank you to everyone who supports Franschhoek SPCA – on behalf of the animals and team we really appreciate your assistance. Franschhoek SPCA Bank Details: Please use as deposit reference: Your Name (E.G. B.A. Smith) Bank Details: Nedbank Franschhoek, Branch Code: 167005, Account Name: Franschhoek SPCA, Account Number: 1670019365

Errol Cunnama & Graeme Comrie Great News - 383 animals sterilized in a year! This vital programme continues month on month to help reduce suffering and unwanted animals in our valley. Our May sterilization day saw the team and Vet, Dr Ilse on outreach to Bosbou to help 50 cats and dogs. June’s sterilization was held at our clinic in Groendal. Donations are always needed to support this important project. Please give just R375 to sterilize one cat or dog – it means so much to them. Our AGM is confirmed for 20 July 2017 at 18h00 at the Hospice Hall, Akademie Street. If you love animals why not consider joining Franschhoek SPCA’s friendly Committee? Come to the AGM to hear about the progress we have been making and join us in the planning for the future. For further information and an informal chat about what’s involved please call Graeme Comrie on 083 795 8452. We’d love to hear from you! Charity Golf Day Thank you to all the golfers who joined us on Tuesday, 24 May 2017, for a fun day of golf at Pearl Valley Golf Course. We received amazing prizes and

Franschhoek Hospice will once again be selling berets, scarves and rosettes to add that authentic touch to your Bastille Festival outfit. Buy them now from the hospice office, or at the Town Hall during the festival. Berets (Red, Navy and Royal) R70 each Scarves (Red, White, Navy and Royal) R35 each Rosettes R 10 each

Jeremy Davids

Franschhoek Youth Forum Presents Vanessa Fischer

“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.” Vanessa Fischer is the current Miss Stellenbosch. With this title comes huge responsibility and that is what motives Vanessa, rather than the fame that also comes with the title. She matriculated from Franschhoek High School in 2015 and decided to join SCORE. Here she had the opportunity to work with young people by assisting them with their homework. She takes her duties as Miss Stellenbosch very serious as she realized that the best way she will

Developing Supporting Youth Leaders in the Valley Contact Jeremy Davids (Director) 082 472 5156

be remembered as a title holder will be through what she did for others. Vanessa’s dream is to ultimately become a Somatologist. After participating in many beauty pageants, and winning them, she realized that the “behind the scenes” action of getting models ready for the catwalk is something that she would want to pursue. Making people look good and feel better about themselves will give her great satisfaction, she says. Because of a lack of financial assistance, she could not immediately enrol for a somatology course and decided to undertake Cabin Crew training this year. Her plan is to fly around the world as an airhostess and save money so that she can pay for her own future studies. Vanessa cares deeply for people and is concerned about the wellbeing of others, particularly kids and young people. She hates it when a young child’s dignity gets taken away from them and that so many kids and young people still today do not have access to quality basic education and health care. She wanted to do something about this and decided to join the Franschhoek Youth Forum. She knows that she is a role model and found that by joining the Youth Forum she has the opportunity to work together with other young leaders as all of them have the same vision. Rolemodels are important to Vanessa and she would like to see that the members of the Youth Forum are continuously reminded of their responsibility.

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler

Letters Please identify yourself Dear Franschhoek Dweller, Once again I write to you please request people who have something to say about Franschhoek, to also have the guts to put their name in the newspaper. Writing to the Tatler with no name and no intention of doing anything yourself is worthless. I have found Franschhoek to be so full of self-driven wonderful people who are so involved that they do not have time for other support suggestions. If one really is serious about a matter, you have to drive it yourself and look for people to support you. We are all very aware of the Franschhoek School, and you may not be aware of it, but there are things happening there behind the scenes that you are perhaps not aware of. We do however need someone, or perhaps a group, with vision and lots of money to drive your suggestions. Kind regards, Alta Malherbe

Driveway cleanup Dear Despicable Franschhoek Resident – You will know who you are: To the rude and inconsiderate Franschhoek Resident walking his BIG dog down Van Wijk Street: Although I have respect for you in so far as you take your dog for a walk, I find you a despicable being for not picking up die huge piles of @#$% your dog leaves on my driveway at 26 Van Wijk Street on a daily basis. There is no way you could miss your dog’s actions which proves you are deliberately leaving the piles after your dog has finished with its business. This of course proves the kind of person you are, that you have no consideration for other home owners that have to deal with your crap – it says a lot about you!! You clearly do not deserve respect at all. I will be going to the expense of getting a camera focused on my driveway for the sake of safety and also to see who you are. I will then make sure that your and your dog’s identity is widely circulated. I will also see to it that you experience the same level of inconvenience as we have had to in the past weeks. With utter disgust Elsa Post

FWV News Reinher Behrens

Franschhoek Uncorked Festival

16 & 17 September 2017 The Franschhoek Uncorked Festival, which takes place over the weekend of 16 and 17 September, is the perfect excuse to bid winter farewell and embrace the splendour of spring, as your taste buds are treated to a plethora of superb wines from one of SA’s premier wine destinations. Sample new-release wines as well as a handful of gems as you travel from farm to farm throughout the weekend. The Franschhoek Vignerons will be pulling out all the stops to ensure you have the most amazing wine experience. New-release wines may include summer-inspired rosés or lighter styled reds, while the gems are anyone’s guess! One thing is for sure: If you’re not there, you’re missing out. The festival offers a great opportunity to stock up for the upcoming festive season or that special celebration that you have planned. Adding to the festivities visitors will be kept entertained for hours with the activities on offer at the participating farms. These range from live music to giant Jenga and Spanish-inspired entertainment. There is guaranteed to be something for everyone. Wine tasting is bound to create an appetite and here the farms have it all sorted out. Choices include gourmet sit-down meals or mouth-watering tapas

style food that is guaranteed to fill any gap. With so much on offer be sure to make a weekend of your Uncorked experience. Choose from a wide selection of accommodation establishments in and around the valley to make your weekend so much more memorable. Valid for the entire weekend, the Franschhoek Uncorked Pass costs R150 per person and prebooking through is essential. Your pass includes entry to the participating farms, a complimentary tasting glass and tastings of the wines on show. For more info contact the Franschhoek Wine Valley offices on 021 876 2861, visit www. or follow us on Twitter @Franschhoek_SA, for regular updates.

Rotary News Mark Tanner

New President for Rotary Club

The induction of the incoming president of Rotary Club of Franschhoek Valley 2017/18 took place at Haute Cabrière on the evening of 25 May. Hannelore Berg was inducted into the chair by Past District Governor Geraldine Nicol. Prior to the induction, outgoing President Brian Rickard on behalf of the club donated a vehicle to Hope Through Action (Franschhoek Valley Community Sports Centre) and their partner SCORE, who use sport to provide children and youth with valuable skills and opportunities that they need to succeed in life and contribute to their communities. Barry Fletched received the vehicle on behalf of HTA. The donation of this people carrier for the sports centre was made possible through numerous generous contributions notably those from Karlsruhe Club in Germany and Claremont Rotary.

Editor’s Letter

Siegfried Schäfer

Dear Readers On 1 June Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accord. Condemnation was swift and rightly so. On 5 June World Environment Day was celebrated. While Trump seems to intent on swimming against the tide of history the anti-Trump seems to be rising in Europe. French President Emanuel Macron wasted no time in stating that France and the rest of the (rational) world will stay the course on the climate deal. What made President Macron’s statement really interesting though is that he made it in English. No previous French president has ever dared speak English while on French soil. Not only that, President Macron pointedly turned Trump’s campaign slogan against him when he concluded his remarks by declaring “Let’s make this planet great again.” When the French president tweeted these words he almost instantly became the most retweeted Frenchman ever. His orangeness must be seething… I had been wondering for some time whether there is a single piece of evidence that one can use to conclusively argue that natural climate change cycles are exacerbated by human activity. For me the single most conclusive piece of evidence I’ve been able to find is the relative level of different carbon isotopes in the air. Certain carbon isotopes are specific to fossil fuels and are released into the air when these fuels are burned. The relative levels of these carbon isotopes have been steadily increasing since the start of the industrial revolution and in sync with average global temperatures. That pretty much clinches it for me. Of course, it won’t do it for the one who is still trying to convince us that there were millions at his inauguration! Some notable things also happened on the local environmental front in June. The Franschhoek Conservancy was formally registered and aims to address environmental challenges facing the valley – starting in the Bohoek where most of its founder members are located. At an information gathering organised by the conservancy I was delighted to hear that contractors working for the Cape Winelands District Municipality will soon start clearing invasive pine trees in the Bohoek. Furthermore work on clearing the Franschhoek River of alien invasive tree species will also soon start in association with affected landowners. Here it seems that Black Wattle and Eucalypts are a particular concern. In fact, I know of

15 large parts of the river where there are hardly any plants to be seen other than towering Eucalypts. Given that a large Eucalypt can use several hundred litres of water daily, the impact of their removal on water levels in the river should be significant. In early June I also attended the launch of a number of biofiltration ponds at the site of the former Franschhoek Waste Water Treatment Works. This site is intended to become The Waterhub, a place where science, tourism and commerce meet around the theme of water. The event was attended by representatives of the provincial government, which is driving the project as part of its Berg River Improvement Programme, and representatives from all the Western Cape universities. There is already a PhD student doing research at the site and with the increased awareness hopefully he’ll soon be joined by more researchers hoping to make a difference to our water future. To learn more about The Waterhub visit and watch the very informative video. After much anguished waiting – at least on my part – the first decent winter rain started falling at the beginning of June. It did cause a few problems, which is normal for a Cape winter, but more importantly it starts to address our really big problem – the drought. Let’s hope much more winter rain is heading our way during the next few months! The Tatler is taking a winter break this year, so there will be no August Tatler, but we’ll be back in September. Until spring!

Like much of Franschhoek, the Franschhoek Tatler will also be taking a winter break this year. As a result we will not be publishing an August issue. We will be back to usual in September. The Franschhoek Valley Community Sports Centre were donated a vehicle by the Rotary Club of Franschhoek Valley. FLTR are: Barry Fletcher (Hope Through Action) Svein Tande, Rotary Club of Franschhoek Valley President-Elect Hannelore Berg and outgoing Rotary President Brian Rickard.

Deadlines - September 2017 Issue: Ad Bookings: 15 August 2017 Artwork: 15 August 2017 Editorial: 15 August 2017

Don’t miss out on our amazing accommodation packages and wine & food experiences this winter. La Petite Ferme is offering you two amazing experiences this winter season. Make sure to book one of the four winter accommodation packages during 1 May until 30 September which offers discount on the luxurious vineyard suites and also gives you the option of experiencing a winter winelands tour. The other is four exclusive Wine & Food Experiences on the 4th of May, 8th of June, 6th of July and 3rd of August. Winemaker Wikus Pretorius will take each guests through a tasting of 4 wines followed by a 3 course dinner paired with La Petite Ferme estate wines. For more info or bookings please contact La Petite Ferme on 021 876 3016 or or visit the website

Franschhoek Tatler


Business Leadership Tony Frost

Blondes have more fun!

How often have you heard this expression?! There are a few fundamental issues relating to it that have relevance in the world of organisations and the way we relate to each other. Let us unpack it a bit. First of all, why is this kind of comment uttered in the first place? Generally we make these kinds of comments out of envy. We feel that others have it better than we do and feel a sense of unfairness. These comments are seldom based in fact; and are most often emotion driven. Secondly, these statements reflect our own sense of inadequacy, and sometimes, loss. We wish that we could be different, have more, be more. These are all unrealistic. Oftentimes comments like these are nothing more than wish-fulfilment fantasies. Be these all as they may. Perceptions are often, maybe even always, our reality. Why is it that we always strive to be more, want more, be different? This is the nub of the issue. It is a huge issue inside organisations because people spend an inordinate amount of time comparing their positions to those of others in the organisation. And we do it in families too. Brothers complain that sisters have it much easier; sisters complain that brothers are spoilt. You have heard these, haven’t you? The reality has a lot to do with the brainwashing we are subjected to by the media and society around us. Look at any magazine, print or electronic, and it will be trying to tell us what we should eat, drink, drive, wear, which parties we should attend and where we should have holidays. And social media exacerbates the process so much more. These in themselves are not the evil. It is what we do with them that turns

PSG Winelands Market View Dawid Botha

Buy and hold or buy and sell?

Previous articles dealt with shares that were either bought or held in the international equity portfolio. I have not dealt at all with shares that are sold or a selling process and discipline. In a perfect world, the initial analysis will always be correct and shares in the portfolio will be held for the long term. The reality is often different and investors do not hold shares forever. Using the investment guru Warren Buffet as an example, investors often assume that Buffet “buys and holds” all his investments for the long term. An academic study, published in 2010, for the period from 1980 to 2006 indicates that Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway only held 7 of the 230 shares owned during this period for more than 12 years. There is more detail behind this statement, but according to the study he sold more than 80% of the shares purchased within 5 years of purchase. “Buy and hold” for a lifetime did not happen for this period, as is often believed. It is critical to have a sound process and discipline for the purchase decision, but the same applies for the sale decision. It is empirically proven that behavioural factors play a role in the sale decision. Logical and knowledgeable investors can sometimes knowingly or unknowingly make irrational and inconsistent decisions that hamper performance. As Goethe said: “To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking.” There are various behavioural traps. In terms of the sale decision, this includes biases that the investor has in the processing of new information that differs from the initial view (purchase decision). It is often

them into an evil. Each of us is uniquely privileged. There is not another soul of the roughly 8 billion people on the planet who has identical DNA to our own. We are truly, each of us, one of a kind. However we are also herding animals. We are gregarious. We need others to affirm who we are and to reflect back to us our unique importance. It is these elements of our togetherness that drive us to strive to be what we are not. Even amongst those animals that we recognise as natural herders, like zebra, each zebra is unique with its very own configuration of stripes. One of the wonders of our world is our diversity. Why then do we do all that we can to diminish it, rather than to revel in it and to learn from it so that we can all, collectively and individually, be the very best that we can be?! Why do we make every attempt to lump all of “them” together when there is really no “them” in the first place? Imagine a rugby team with only short guys in it; or only those who are 2 metres tall or taller? What kind of game would unfold? How interesting would it be? What would happen to the game itself ? Each of us has unique capabilities. The very best that we can be requires that we focus on and strengthen our own uniqueness and not try to be like others. In our modern uber-connected world this is a difficult ask! But our most important contribution, our highest recognition, the source of the most personal fulfilment and satisfaction will come from being as much our unique selves as we can possibly muster. We need to look to ourselves to recognise our unique, one-of-kind talents and strengths that we can offer to our team, organisation, family, community and then figure out how we can deploy those to best effect by being the very best that we can be at whatever it is that we can be. Avoid the temptation of copying others because it seems like the sexy thing to do. There is no doubt that being the best at who we are is much more sustainable and much more exciting for all concerned in the long run. painful to interpret new information that differs from one’s original assessment. Sometimes investors suffer from loss aversion. In such cases investors may not fully weigh and analyse negative expectations and hold on to a loser and hope that the investment will improve in the future. Investors often also suffer from overconfidence. This partially originates from our memories frequently being selective and only remembering our successes. When we review situations, we often see outcomes as obvious, when our initial assessment was far more uncertain. We tend to think we have more control over results than we actually do, and overweigh our assessment of potential outcomes. On the other hand we want to avoid regret and will then refrain from selling a share out of fear that we may miss out on performance. A combination of these issues may cause investors to hold on to excellent performing shares that become too expensive. These shares mostly revert back to their intrinsic valuations which can result in severe underperformance and permanent capital loss, especially if the share was in a price bubble. The above mentioned are only some of the behavioural stumbling blocks that investors need to consider. It is clear that buying and holding shares in “good” companies, is probably an inadequate investment strategy. Sale decisions can be determined by a single or a combination of factors such as price-earnings-ratios, profit declines, change in management, cash flow deterioration and share price behaviour. In order to be a successful investor one has to know the different factors, measure them correctly and apply that process consistently. If a disposal process and discipline do not exist, behavioural factors might take its toll on investment performance. It is imperative for every investor that has a personal equity portfolio manager to ascertain the process and discipline that the portfolio manager applies with regards to the above challenges.


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Let the Lawyer Handle It Graeme Falck

Buying to build in a development

There are many advantages to buying a vacant plot on which to build your dream house in a property development, but there are also potential risks to be managed. Discuss the pros and cons with your lawyer before you agree to anything. “Build, or Lose the Plot” A recent High Court case illustrates one such danger – not building on your plot within whatever time limit is specified. Often developers will impose penalty levies for such failure (the penalties must be reasonable, but will still hurt your pocket) but in this case the defaulting buyer stood to lose the whole property. • In 2009 a buyer bought a residential plot in a large development for R560 000 • A condition of the sale (recorded in the title deed) was that the buyer had to build a house within 18 months • If the buyer failed to build by the deadline, the developer could either extend the period or demand retransfer – in which latter event the buyer would get his money back, but without any interest • Twice, the property was on sold. Both times the sales lacked the developer’s permission as was required, but both times the developer regularised the sales by entering into new agreements with the buyers. The final buyer (in 2013) was a trust which had paid R840 000 to the second owner. The trust agreed with the developer to build within 9 months. The agreement was that if the buyer failed to build on time it would transfer the plot back to the developer against payment of the original R560 000 (not the R840 000 it had actually paid)

Financial Matters Celia McGuinness

Lean times ahead: 6 steps to help you through them

“We have seen better days” (Shakespeare) When you read that nearly 75% of the middle class experience financial difficulty and a similar percentage are in debt, it is time to worry. Add to this the economic difficulties the country is going to experience flowing from the ratings downgrades and it will not be just the poor who will suffer – many middle class South Africans will also find themselves in a crisis. The “phony war” In the Second World War, the winter of 19391940 saw no activity but in the spring Nazi Germany blitzkrieged Europe and all hell broke loose – the “phony war” was over. It seems inevitable that our own “junk status phony war” will soon be over. Don’t be fooled by the fact that the country has successfully weathered the first month or two of the downgrades. Remember that only our US Dollar denominated debt has been downgraded and this amounts to ten percent of South African bonds. The rating agency, Moody’s recently downgraded the government of South Africa’s debt rating to Baa2 from Baa1. This was largely expected by the market given prior rating downgrades by S&P and Fitch. There are several rungs in the ladder below junk

July | August 2017 • The trust failed to build within 9 months and the developer asked the Court to order retransfer of the plot to it. It offered to repay the trust the full R840 000 it had paid to the second owner – a “rather gracious gesture” said the Court since the trust was only actually entitled to R560 000. The outcome - “Bye-bye plot” The trust’s defences to the developer’s claim for retransfer all failed: 1. The Court rejected the trust’s argument that the trustee signed the agreement without authority on factual grounds. In any event the trust had from day one been in default of the building requirement 2. Secondly the trust claimed protection under the Consumer Protection Act’s (CPA) unfairness provisions but the Court held that there had been no contravention The CPA didn’t apply as there was no “transaction” (as defined in the CPA) between the developer and the trust, which had bought from an interim owner not from the developer; and anyway the obligation to build wasn’t “goods or services” supplied by the developer to the trust Moreover, the agreement was not “unfair, unreasonable and/or unjust” - the trust wasn’t forced to sign, it understood what it was committing to, it was in a position to build, and there was no suggestion that the 9 month building period was unfair 3. Finally, the Court rejected the argument that the agreement violated public policy or was “contra bonos mores” (against good morals), commenting that “in general ... parties should comply with contractual obligations that had been freely and voluntarily undertaken”. The trust was therefore ordered to retransfer the property to the developer. It loses the plot itself, all capital appreciation in it, and 3 years’ interest on its R840 000. (This article first appeared in LawDotNews and is reproduced with permission from the copyright holder DotNews and from Falck Attorneys.) status. When this happens to a country its economic growth, currency, unemployment and investment show further declines. If South Africa takes no action to improve State Owned Enterprises and corruption, we will face such further downgrades. 6 steps to take and avoid Lock down for the lean times with these: Don’t take on more debt to supplement monthly living. This amounts to postponing a day of reckoning, which more debt will only worsen. Budget carefully and understand your spending patterns. For example, analyse the times when you spend unnecessary money and consciously avoid these occasions. Make a plan to cut spending and be disciplined about it. Plan to live below your current means. This may sound daunting but will enable you to become frugal. Some simple planning around your habits and strengths (if, for example, you are good with your hands, maintain your own car and home) will help you achieve this. If you succeed in either breaking even or saving money, think how it will improve your morale – just think of not waking up at 03h00 with a knot in your stomach as you worry about money. Learn to distinguish between a want and a need. Once you have done this, reduce or cut out things you want. The most important thing is realising your situation will get worse unless you cut costs. Then you must have the willpower to implement living frugally. Employers, why not help your staff through this? Why not share these ideas with your staff – not only can it help them navigate these choppy waters, but it will improve morale and productivity in your workforce.

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler

Gee jou opinie

Konsepbeleid vir telekommunikasie infrastruktuur Die Burgemeester, Adv Gesie van Deventer, het in Junie‚ ‘n verklaring uitgereik rakende bogenoemde beleid waarin sy die publiek uitnooi om hulle insette te lewer. Lees meer hier onder. Die afgelope tyd is daar baie geskryf en gesê oor die oprig van sellulêre kommunikasie infrastruktuur of te wel selfoontorings in die groter Stellenbosch omgewing. Ek is oorval met boodskappe met verskillende opinies hieroor en kommentaar wat vir en teen die oprig van hierdie torings is. Na vergaderings met belangegroepe hieroor het ons tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die opstel van ‘n beleid hieroor noodsaaklik is. Die vinnige uitbreiding van die telekommunikasie industrie het ‘n enorme behoefte en aanvraag geskep vir die oprig van hierdie tipe infrastruktuur. Die tipe dienste wat sellulêre en draadlose (wi-fi) kommunikasie verskaf het ook ‘n belangrike dryfveer en hulpbron geword in ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Die installering van infrastruktuur wat dit dus moontlik maak is belangrik. Ons woon egter in ‘n historiese omgewing, wat gekenmerk word deur die argitektuur, kultuur en

ander erfenis komponente wat beskerm moet word. Daarom is dit belangrik dat wanneer tegnologiese verandering plaasvind, dit soveel as moontlik in harmonie met ons bestaande omgewing gebeur. Om al die kwelpunte wat die publiek onder ons aandag gebring het in ag te neem en seker te maak dat enige toekomstige besluite tot die bes moontlike voordeel van ons dorpe sal plaasvind, het die munisipaliteit nou ‘n konsepbeleid saamgestel. Die beleid sal die riglyne daarstel vir toekomstige oprig van sellulêre infrastruktuur. Die konsepbeleid is nou beskikbaar vir openbare kommentaar en insette vanaf die publiek. Ek wil graag alle inwoners aanmoedig om die konsepdokument te bestudeer en hul insette hierop in te dien. Die beleid is beskikbaar by die munisipaliteit. Vir meer inligting kan u Barbara-Ann Henning kontak by 021 808 8656 of stuur ‘n e-pos na Barbara-Ann.Henning@ U kan ook die webblad besoek by Alle kommentaar moet die munisipaliteit bereik teen 17 Julie 2017.

Boschendal cycle hire and cycle touring

New entrepreneurial enterprise

The coffee hut, situated close to the manor house, is where cyclists can refresh themselves before and after rides. The deli and bistro are also close by.

The careful fostering of independent enterprises handling work related to Boschendal Estate has for some time now been an integral part of the farm management’s business philosophy and according to Rob Lundie, CEO and Managing Director of the estate, the initiatives taken so far are likely to be followed by others. Recently Lundie announced that another independent enterprise is now up and running at Boschendal to provide a cycling hire and guiding service to visitors. The new initiative has come about as a result of a proposal put to Lundie by a Boschendal employee Elrico Pietersen who has been at Boschendal for six years and prior to that studied project management at Boston City Campus. Later he became involved in expanding the Spaza shops network and it was here, he says, that he learned that to strive for independence in one’s career is a worthwhile goal and can be very satisfying. Noticing that both Lundie and his marketing team are enthusiastic MTB cyclists, Pietersen suggested that he be allowed to establish a Boschendal bicycle hire service. The new business has ten Trek MTB bikes and two Trek road / racer bikes and these they hire out for half and full day rides. Playing a crucial role in the new enterprise is Sandile Xetu who, riding for BMT, has just completed his first Cape Epic. He is an experienced bike mechanic with

several years bike maintenance work at BMT to his credit. He not only cleans and repairs all Boschendal’s bikes but also acts as a guide to visitors if they so wish. Tours can take in the roads of the estate or 30km of developed MTB trail, which can be extended into the Banhoek Conservancy which has some of the best trails in the Western Cape. Also on offer are road trips to Franschhoek, Stellenbosch and Paarl (the last via back roads). These are all within easy cycling distance for a moderately fit cyclist but for the really fit Elrico offers a tour that takes in the Franschhoek Pass and Theewaterskloof dam. On all road trips a vehicle accompanies the cyclists to pick up any who become weary or who need help with technical problems or punctures. Pietersen said that he hopes in the future to be able to offer cycle hire and tours on other Boland Estates. “Twenty or thirty years ago very few tourists or visitors would have responded to a suggestion they spend time on a bike. Today however on and off road cycling is immensely popular and many visitors to the Cape expect to be offered cycling opportunities. We are already averaging over ten hires per day. I think, therefore, we are providing a much appreciated service and the business will grow.” |


Recession may affect consumers badly

Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) has announced in early June that the South African economy has moved into recession, this after a decrease of 0.7% in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was reported during the first quarter of 2017, following a 0.3% contraction in the fourth quarter of 2016. “This announcement indicates a gloomy picture ahead for consumers”, says Ms Mpho Ramapala, Manager Education and Communication at the National Credit Regulator (NCR). Ramapala cautioned consumers about taking on unnecessary debt during these trying times. “We would like to reiterate our advice to consumers on how to attain financial well-being, and in this regard we recommend that consumers should scale down on unnecessary and luxury expenditures and to live within their means. Consumers should also continuously assess their financial position in order to make realistic financial decisions”, says Ramapala. “Consumers who are debt-stressed should not despair, and should communicate with their credit providers for solutions into their situations. Overindebted consumers can also seek advice from registered debt counsellors or alternative dispute resolution agents”, added Ramapala. The National Credit Regulation reminded credit providers to lend responsibly to consumers in compliance with the affordability assessment provisions of the National Credit Act. | 0860 627 627

Intervention necessary to address Airbnb’s non-compliance – FEDHASA

The Federated Hospitality Association of South Africa (FEDHASA) has called on government to intervene to ensure online hospitality platform Airbnb becomes industry complaint and regulated to safeguard the tourism sector. Speaking at the Indaba Ministerial Session at the Tourism Indaba in Durban at the end of May, FEDHASA’s Chief Executive Officer, Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa expressed his concern at the hospitality service’s “non-compliance” and called on the Department of Tourism and key industry role players to get involved. Tshivhengwa stressed the importance and need for all accommodation providers to abide by the same set of rules and regulations at all times. “The hospitality industry as a whole has an obligation to adhere to these various guidelines, they have been created for a reason and it’s vital that they are upheld,” Tshivhengwa said. Airbnb is an online booking platform that enables homeowners to rent space in their homes to guests for short-term stays. The concept has grown in popularity as travellers seek cost-effective alternatives to hotels. “We are not concerned about competition if we are all playing on an equal field. What concerns us are new industry players – some of whom are not even registered businesses – that are listed on Airbnb that doesn’t follow any regulations,” he said. According to Tshivhengwa, Airbnb would be a ‘valid segment’ of the country’s tourism industry, provided the hospitality platform abided by a set of industry rules and regulations.

One of the issues that demonstrates the hospitality platform’s non-compliance, said Tshivhengwa, is its failure to verify compliance with the South African Liquor Act, leaving it open for an informal renter to supply a complementary bottle of wine, which slight as it may seem, can unfairly tip the scales in Airbnb’s favour. Often Airbnb-listed properties also have residential zonings that do not allow them to provide paid-for guest accommodation. “These are just two examples of a myriad of ways that the formal sector can be disadvantaged by those operating outside of the regulation.” “There are rules of engagement and Airbnb needs to adhere to these rules. There can’t be a different set of rules to benefit only them. I know many will say it’s different, it’s a sharing economy and not part of the industry. Well, if you provide short-term accommodation for gain, it’s not sharing” he said. Tshivhengwa explained that in the tourism industry, sharing usually happens when people are visiting friends or relatives (VFR), a visitor doesn’t have to pay to stay at a friend or relative’s house, that’s sharing, he said. To address the matter, Tshivhengwa recommended that FEDHASA, along with key industry role players and the Department of Tourism, partner to discuss the best way forward to ensure the hospitality platform becomes compliant. “We need to escalate this matter; we need to have the necessary discussions with stakeholders. It’s at a point where it’s now serious and we need to address it as a matter of urgency,” he said.

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Franschhoek Tatler


July | August 2017

Book Review

Charlotte van Zyl

The Sympathizer

Q & A with Sheenagh Tyler, manager of the FLF You have been involved with the Franschhoek Literary Festival (FLF) since its inception in 2007, what is the job of the FLF manager? The position evolved into what it is today. I manage the logistics of the festival; queries throughout the year, securing the venues to be used, the sound engineers, all travel, accommodation and honoraria for the visiting authors, then supervise the lead-up days and general running of the festival. I have already booked accommodation for FLF 2018. The budgets and financials have to be managed and accounts paid. This year’s festival appears to have been as successful as the previous years. Did it meet expectations and how many tickets were sold? Yes, we are very pleased with the results, the feedback has been great. We sold 13 827 tickets this year. How many authors and panellists were involved and who was the most popular? There were 159 authors and panellists – and different presenters appeal to different people. Philippe Sands QC, wowed everybody who heard him. Philippe is a human rights law specialist who wrote East West Street. At what time of the year do you start organising the next festival and what is the biggest challenge? FLF 2018 is already in the planning stages and several international authors have been invited. There are now so many festivals around the world that you have to get the invitations out early. The biggest challenges are securing a broad range of recently published writers and putting together interesting events with participants who interact well. Choosing the correct chairperson can make or break an event. When the FLF started it ran in four venues over two and a bit days and now it runs for three whole days in nine venues. Can it get bigger or have you reached the maximum? What is the future of the FLF? Our philosophy has been for everything to be within walking distance. Maybe this does restrict us a bit – but it works well for festival goers. The future looks good. The FLF is an established brand and recognised as the festival to go to. We intend to do more interesting things with poetry events and would run more writing workshops if we could find a suitable venue (unfortunately the library closes at 12 on Saturday). I’d welcome suggestions for additional venues.

What about the volunteers, how many of them work at the festival and are they the same ones every year? Verl Roux, who is on the FLF committee, uses all her contacts for the volunteers – we had 14 people this year. Very often they are the same each year. The volunteers do an amazing job; we receive such good feedback from festival goers. Their presence at the venues contributes to the atmosphere and gees of Franschhoek. What is the best part of the festival for you? The best part is that everybody who visits Franschhoek over that weekend just loves it and always wants to come back. The international writers are in awe of the beauty, the friendliness and level of sophistication. It makes one very proud to have this as our home. What happens to the funds raised by the festival? It costs quite a lot to run a festival, and we are fortunate to have 2 sponsors – Porcupine Ridge and the Sunday Times. Our vision is to encourage a love of reading amongst the children in Franschhoek. Through the FLF Library Fund we are able to employ a librarian, Margie Cunnama, and have established and stocked functioning libraries with trained assistants in four primary schools, and for six years the Book Week for Young Readers preceding the festival has brought over 50 children’s and young adult’s writers, storytellers, illustrators and rap poets to visit every class in eight schools in the valley. Books come alive in Franschhoek! You come from a successful business career, to what extent are you still involved in that? I am no longer involved, but what I learnt in building up and running a business informs every facet of my work as festival manager.

Cave2Coast runners to pass through Franschhoek

Offering quality sporting facilities is an essential part of providing a holistic education. This is the view of Fish Hoek High School that has embarked on a massive fundraising drive to improve their sports facilities. Part of the drive is the Cave2Coast Relay. The relay race, sponsored by Lew Geffen Sotheby’s International Realty (False Bay and Noordhoek), will see ten pupils run from the Cango Caves to Fish Hoek High School, a distance of 500 kilometres, in five days. Each runner will complete 10kms every day. The relay takes place from 19 – 24 July 2017. On Sunday, 23 July, the runners will spend their last night away at the Franschhoek Travellers Lodge before heading off bright and early on

Monday, 24 July, on the final leg of their race. The lodge management is kindly letting the groups stay over for free. The public – especially runners – are invited to meet and or see the group off. They are expected to arrive in Franschhoek approximately 17h30 on Sunday, 23 July, and depart on Monday, 24 July, at 06h45. Anybody wanting to obtain more information is welcome to contact the race co-ordinator, Steve Mitchell, on 083 449 2086 or sv.mitchell1@, alternatively visit the following URL:

By Viet Thanh Nguyen Publ: Corsair. 498 pages By now, those of us of a certain age only remember the Vietnam War in terms of certain place names like Saigon, Hanoi or Hue, or because of certain atrocities like the My Lai massacre. Yet it was a war that spawned a huge journalistic reportage as the disastrous decisions made by the White House and the Pentagon were chewed over again and again. Novelists and short-story writers like Robert Olen Butler, Tobias Wolfe and Tim O’Brien have written passionately about the insanity of the war. But, ironically, all this literature, fiction and non-fiction, was written from the point of view of the losers. One of the strengths of this Pulitzer Prize winning novel is that it gives a voice to the winners, the Vietnamese. The writer was born in Vietnam, but grew up in the United States and presently teaches English and American Studies at the University of Southern California. So he is uniquely qualified to give a voice to the narrator, an English-speaking Vietnamese double agent during the war. The tone is set in the very first words we hear from him “I am a spy, a sleeper, a spook, a man of two faces.” And then he adds “I am also a man of two minds.” The story that follows could have been written by John le Carré or Graham Greene, because it is not just a straightforward account of a war. It is a highly complex narrative, at once a spy-thriller, a coming-ofage story, a meditation about the nature of loyalty and an account of how a sensitive, clever young immigrant comes to terms with his Asian-American ancestry. When the story begins, Saigon has already fallen and the narrator, a captain in the Vietnamese army sympathetic the Americans (in other words opposed to the Viet Cong) has helped his old commanding officer to escape to the United States. Here the former boss accepts a pathetic job in a liquor store while plotting a return to Vietnam with a ragtag band of sympathizers to overthrow the new regime of Ho Chi Minh. This subplot simmers on with numerous heart-stopping moments of near-discovery and betrayal. The cast of characters grows and the captain begins an intricate affair with an older Japanese-American woman.

Meanwhile he becomes involved as an expert adviser to a Hollywood film director (who bears a strong resemblance to Francis Ford Coppola) who is writing the script for the ultimate Vietnam War movie (which bears a strong resemblance to “Apocalypse Now.”) This is by far the funniest part of the story and has strong affinities with the absurdities of Joseph Heller’s classic war novel “Catch 22.” For instance, the narrator is taken to a Philippine refugee camp where Vietnamese refugees are roped in as extras. He tries hard to de-Americanize the script by insisting that the Vietnamese extras be allowed to speak in their own language and even signs on as an extra himself, to give the film some authenticity. Of course, all his efforts fail as the Hollywood machine relentlessly creates its own reality. However, these scenes of farce mutate into far more grim and tragic scenes of torture and betrayal. The power of this novel lies in its ability to go beyond the historical dimensions of the Vietnam War to the more universal themes of the eternal misunderstandings between Asia and the West, and the moral dilemmas of ordinary humans being forced to choose between good and evil. Or rather, choose between variations of good and evil and of right and wrong. This ambivalence that the narrator has about his loyalties leads inevitably to the shocking final chapters, which require a lot from the reader. I look forward to this author’s recently published novel “Nothing Ever Dies.”

They laughed all the way to the bus

It was a case of the evening that went right for the Franschhoek Culture Vultures when they went to see The Play that goes Wrong at the end of May. A comfortable Davids Transport bus picked them up in the village, there were Leopard’s Leap wines and bubbly for the evening, snacks were on board and after a pleasant drive to Camps Bay, Patrick dropped them off at the front door of Theatre on the Bay. The play was everything they had been promised, comedy at its slapstick best. The cast members were funny and agile with spot-on timing. It is hard to

believe so much can go wrong in one evening, but it was delightful entertainment. The laughing provided as much exercise as one could expect while sitting in a seat. For both cast and audience it was probably a wonderful break from the political and weatherrelated worries that filled so much of our days. The happy group enjoyed a safe journey, during which nothing went wrong, back to Franschhoek and were home before midnight. If you would like information on future outings, please send your name, email address and cell phone number to

July | August 2017

Music Alchemy James Stewart

Singularity & The Bieber Factor

In 1965 on American live TV a seventeen-yearold high-school student called Raymond Kurzweil demonstrated a contraption which he had built. It was suitcase sized – clacky, clunky and hooked up to a typewriter by way of string lanyards tugging at the keys. He had programmed his computer to write a piece of music which he then played on the piano to the panel and audience who were oddly blasé about the portent; more concerned with his tender age than the marker he had put down for the future impact of machines on our day-to-day lives. Kurzweil went on to make several fortunes designing and manufacturing synthesizers amongst other things, but never stopped obsessing about what he predicted as an inevitable and imminent time-event when computers would achieve the capabilities of something comparable to, or even indistinguishable from, human intelligence. Given the exponentially compounding rate at which computing power increases, this event monikered the ‘Singularity’ is calculated to occur in the year 2035. The very reason for technology is to be useful – to perform complex and mundane tasks for, and better than, humans. But where do we feel comfortable drawing the line? And what about music? Surely creativity is reserved for humans as an act of self-

Franschhoek Tatler expression; you’re not supposed to be able to do it if you don’t have a self, right? ‘Autotune’ has become a standard prop for singers, its algorithm designed to automatically correct bum notes to the nearest correct key in the scale. A similar programme called ‘Quantizing’ which pulls a squiff rhythm performance into a grid has been rescuing imprecise drumming for years. Real, virtual and augmented creativity is being inexorably blurred by technology (ironically derived from ‘tekhne’; Greek for ‘sleight of hand’). We were outraged when Milli Vanilli were rumbled for pretending to sing on their Grammy winning album. Granted that was wholesale fraud, not the petty larceny of lip-syncing which has become de jour for many millennial entertainers. Yet paying audiences seem to be unfazed. Actual singing may only be an accoutrement to the grander spectacle but it’s a bit of a cheek calling it ‘live’. Justin Bieber’s vocal abilities cannot be disputed so why on earth would he agree to miming his live performances? Is this some kind of millennial post-punk nihilistic rebellion? I’m not into him enough to make a federal case, but it disturbs me that his fans don’t mind that he’s faking it right in front of them without feeling cheated in the least. I’m not saying old school is better. Progress is good. Pushing the bounds of human creative endeavour is what separates us from the machines, what makes us look up from our phones. But our modern landscape is becoming an Instagram photo opportunity without us pausing to think that it’s losing its soul. I’ll bet Justin is bored out of his mind, but I’ll observe with interest because he’s good enough to turn it around.


Cape Rouleur 2018

HotChillee, organisers of the Cape Rouleur cycle tour, have confirmed that the Franschhoek Protea Hotel will once again be the event HQ for the 2018 event, which takes place from 4-8 March 2018. This 5-day tour of the Cape Winelands is fully supported by rolling road closures, medics, mechanics and motorbike outriders with guaranteed seeded entry to the Cape Town Cycle Tour. The poolside post-ride recovery afternoons at the event HQ have in the past been much anticipated after clocking up some miles in the summer sun. It’s even more convenient for those participants who opt for a Protea Hotel accommodation package. “Non-riding” partners can join participants on the event and explore the offerings of the Franschhoek area, relax by the pool, or join the organisers for a social 30km spin each morning before warm evenings of fine dining. Non-riding partners who take up the join the 30km ride aren’t charged for the option, but do need to bring or hire a bike and be able to ride 30km at a leisurely pace.

Post-ride poolside relaxation at the event HQ.

The ride will be supported by two friendly, experienced HotChillee riders. Entries are currently open.

Boschendal to host Fedhealth MTB Challenge

Enjoy A Winter Sunday Lunch with Salleras and Duigan

The Boschendal Wine Estate is the new venue for the 2017 Fedhealth MTB Challenge that takes place on Saturday, 16 and Sunday, 17 September. In addition to wonderful scenery the day promises plenty of mountain biking challenges and heaps of healthy family fun. Seen here: Mountain bikers enjoying the Boschendal routes.

Photo: Val Adamson

Virtuoso saxophonist, David Salleras, is currently touring South Africa with Pietermaritzburg concert pianist, Christopher Duigan. Since his first visit in October 2012, Salleras has been collaborating on a project of concerts and has recorded two albums with Duigan – Indigo and Midnight Blue. The Barcelona-based musician has attracted international attention through his fluency in a variety of musical styles. His compositions, which incorporate traditional flamenco idioms with contemporary and avant-garde performing techniques, are performed by saxophonists worldwide. Duigan, meanwhile, is widely regarded as one of South Africa’s leading concert pianists. He has performed extensively with the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic, Cape Philharmonic and Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestras and has a popular following through his innovative Music Revival concerts. For this event, the two musicians will perform works from the traditional saxophone repertoire by Jules Demersseman, JS Bach, Darius Milahaud’s Scaramouche and music from Spanish composer/saxophonist by Pedro Itturalde. Itturalde’s Suite Hellenique traditionally offers pianist and saxophonist plenty of opportunity to explore a wide range of dynamic interplay through a variety of musical styles. Also on the programme will be Salleras and Duigan’s own creative arrangements of music by Astor Piazzolla, Salleras’ own solo work, Caprices, and Duigan’s compositions from Indigo and Midnight Blue. Copies of Indigo and Midnight Blue are available to purchase at all concerts and are available on iTunes.

Photo: Hayden Brown Photography

Café Bon Bon | Sunday, 2 July

Saxophonist, David Salleras, and pianist, Christopher Duigan.

Tickets for A Winter Sunday Lunch are R500, which includes a three-course meal. 12h30 for 13h00. Booking is essential. The concert is supported by Ian Burgess-Simpson Pianos. 021 876 3936

Franschhoek Tatler


Smalls Smalls R30. Text only, maximum of 30 words Leave, with payment, at Franschhoek Pharmacy before 15th of preceding month

BOOK BINDING AND BOOK REPAIRS. Contact John 021 876 4129 or john@thearmchair PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE REQUIRED? Keep it local! Get a quote. Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355 ASSISTANCE OFFERED: I am a caring, friendly, older woman who can assist you in your house, shop or office. I can run errands or drive you around. Available afternoons, evenings or weekends. 083 2709555. EXCESS BOOKS? Shelves creaking, moving house or just thinning out your collection? Contact John Hicks 021 876 4129 CHANGING TO A SALT WATER SYSTEM? Let us advise & quote for you! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355 LOOKING FOR THAT SPECIAL BOOK and can’t find it? Call John at the Armchair Explorer, we will source it for you. Contact John Hicks 021 876 4129 POOL PUMP PROBLEMS? Noise? We quote and help you out! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355 DO YOU STILL HAVE THAT POOL LEAK? Loosing water all the time? Let us quote and take care of the problem! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355 RE-FIBRE GLASS YOUR POOL in any colour you like. Call RiaPools for a quote: 072 347 5355 PRIVATE TUTORING: Scholastic help, Grades R-9. I completed NILD, an American qualification for assessment & addressing of learning difficulties, in South Africa known as Brain Dynamics. Prior experience. Did homeschooling for 11 years. Contact Wilma 078 475 2710

PET-SITTER / HOUSE-SITTER / CARETAKER: I am a responsible, mature woman who adores animals. I can also supervise domestic staff, pool/ garden maintenance, car care etc. You can trust me with your precious pets & belongings. Franschhoek only. Contact Sue at 083 2709555. DOMESTIC WORKER looking for a position. My name is Clepher, a Malawian lady. Contact 074 7331603. ASSISTANCE OFFERED: I am a caring, friendly, older woman who can assist you in your house, shop or office. I can run errands or drive you around. Available afternoons, evenings or weekends. 083 2709555. HOUSEKEEPING POSITION WANTED: I am Anna Lungu, a Malawian lady, who has worked at Grand Provence Guest House for 2 years. Contact 074 3468161. TO RENT: Furnished garden house, professional or couple available from 1 June. Uitkyk Street R7 500 p/m. Call Gerrit Maritz on 021 8763950. GARDEN BOY. I have considerable experience in gardening. Available immediately – currently unemployed. Malawian living in Franschhoek. Contact Pertie 074 0341479 / 061 7980189. MALAWIAN LADY looking for housekeeping, baby care or domestic work. Live in/out. I am 28 years old. Contact Sellina Banda 060 3484602 / 083 3555790. APPLE TECH SUPPORT: Need help with your iPhone, iPad or Mac? For support, training and set up services, call John on 081 3617228. HOMESITTING/CHILD CARE/ PETSITTING/GENERAL ASSISTANCE: Responsible, trustworthy, mature lady. Contact Wilma 078 4752710. MALAWIAN LADY, aged 38, looking for position as housekeeper, porter, baby sitter and/or domestic worker. Live in / out. Contact Lizzie Mhango on 073 2094976.


FOR BUILDING • GARDENING • RENOVATING SITUATED BEHIND BP GARAGE • WE SPECIALISE IN: TOOL & EQUIPMENT HIRE Brush Cutters, Lawn Mowers, Chain Saws, Concrete Mixers, Drills, Compressors, Pumps, Jackhammers SERVICING & REPAIR Light Industrial Equipment RUBBLE & REFUSE REMOVAL DELIVERIES LIGHT DOMESTIC MOVES PORTABLE LOOS CLEANING of businesses and other premises Copyright: All rights reserved, reproduction in whole or part prohibited. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Publication of editorial or advertising matter does not imply endorsement or warranty in respect of goods or services therin described.

always at your service

072 378 1916 or 021 876 4123 Email:

July | August 2017

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler



+27 (0)21 876 3640 Unit A, Fabriek Nationale No 1, 9 Fabriek street, Franschhoek 7690

074 313 7829


Very easy

July/August Calendar 8 9 6 July

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler



9 August 6 2

Wine and Food Experience Venue: La Petite Ferme. Time: 18h30. Cost:R750 pp Booking: or 021 876 3016.

15 July

2 Special 4 9 Ladies Day


Classical music concert: Levy Sekgapane (tenor) & Albie van Schalkwyk (piano) Venue: La Motte. Time: 19h00. Cost: R200 pp Booking: or 021 876 8000 4

15 & 16 July



Venue: Holden Manz Estate. Time: 10h00 to 18h00 6 pp. 8 Booking:9 0214 8762738 or info@ Cost:R450


9 August 3




Women’s Day Fynbos Tea Ceremony 7 Grande Provence 2 Estate. Cost:9R650.1Booking: Venue: 021 876 8600 or




DSTV Franschhoek Bastille Festival Venue: Huguenot monument. Time: 12h00 to 17h00 Cost: R280 pp for the marquee. Booking: Webtickets Info:

3 August






Alcoholics Anonymous Contact 021 433 2709 or 073 125 0188 (Jeffrey)



Food7and Wine Tastings 6 5 4 Venue: La Motte Tasting Room. Time: 10h00 to 11h00. 3 1Cost: R1304pp. Bookings: tasting@la-motte. 9 or 021 876 8820

Wine and Food Experience with Cape Blends Venus:La Petite Ferme. Time: 18.30. Cost: R750 pp Booking: 021 876 3016 or

5 Saturdays 9 7 5 August 2 4 Village 6Market Franschhoek Bread Making course Venue: Breda and Wine at Moreson Farm. Time: 09.30 to 14.30. Cost: R985 pp. Booking: 021 8786 3692 or 7

9 August 1 Women’s Day Food Garden tour Venue: Boschendal Werf Garden. Time: 10h00 to 11h00. Cost: R80 pp. Booking: reservations@ or 021 870 4274













Church Services

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63 5 7 1 2 8 9

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c ⃝2005-2017 barriers of earthly desires. Initiation is to take a

step forward in a direction which one does not know. In the sense of honour there is hidden the divine spark. Libra, 23 September – 22 October: Jupiter is in retrogression in this sign and creates the circumstance of reconciliation and new opportunities. No sacrifice is ever too great to be offered in the cause of liberty. That success is proved only by durability. All that is good and worthwhile is difficult to obtain. Scorpio, 23 October – 21 November: When fiery planets like the Sun and Mars are in water signs, they create natural aspects to all water signs. In the fixed water sign of Scorpio, the soul establishes the depth of intense feelings and becomes the playground of sorrows or the height of joy. Impulsive action will make you aware of that. Sagittarius, 22 November – 21 December: Saturn in this sign is best interpreted by going slowly and contemplating, so that every facet of new ideas is considered. Principles that have been proven over a long time have to be revaluated and put into practice. Pay attention to the little details. Capricorn, 22 December – 19 January: The emotional Sun in Cancer is in opposition of Capricorn and challenges you at those equilibriums. Your concern is with what is real, the fantasy of emotional drama has very little value for you and you have an odd or unusual sense of humour about it. You want to be taken seriously. Aquarius, 20 January – 18 February: Your interest in everything that is new and different is evidence of a very changeable mind. On the other hand you are stubborn, which confuses people. That conflict can be solved by making sure that everyone gets the same deal. Stand up for anyone who is not being treated fairly. Pisces, 19 February - 20 March: Your sensitive and emotional vehicle is on high alert this month and you’re quickly picking up moods and emotions from other people. As a result, you find it difficult to be around stressed people. This transit makes it easy for others to hurt your feelings.

New Apostolic Church: Le Roux Weg, Franschhoek.Sundays 09h00, Wednesdays 19h30. Rector: Charles Leibrandt

Sport Fhk Cycling Club Outrides Regular road rides on Saturday mornings from BP garage to Stellenbosch/Jonkers and back (75 kms) followed by coffees. Meet at 08h00 winter months, 07h00 in summer. To check timings during shoulder seasons contact Paul Barkley 083 302 9096 Hard Franschhoek Tennis Club Social tennis is played at the Franschhoek Tennis 4 1Sundays 9 3and6Public 2 7Holidays 5 Club on 8Fridays, from 08h30. For more information contact Ross 3 9 2 5 7 8 4 6 1 078 278 4843.

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Very hard

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Useful Numbers

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Aries, 21 March – 19 April: Mars, the lord of this constellation, has moved into Cancer and can create some challenging ‘motivation’ issues and leadership demands in a restless mind. If your heart is large enough, there is nothing it will not accommodate. The truth is not acquired but discovered. Taurus, 20 April – 20 May: Venus is on her way into Gemini and likes to reason in idealistic ideas. It is a natural fact that heavenly reason does not agree with earthly reason. So reason is a great factor and has all possibility in it of every curse and every blessing. Outward things matter little, realization is a bare necessity. Gemini, 21 May – 20 June: Mercury is still in Cancer for a week and travels into Leo, where the creativity of the mental concept will bring promotional potential. When you do not concern yourself with consequences, feel free by expressing your impulse. The ideal is the means, but its breaking is the goal. Cancer, 21 June – 22 July: The month of the emotionally sensitive persona. These are archetypal feminine values and need to be understood. Then in repressed emotions, they will survive only in inferiority and express themselves in fears and anxieties – especially when Mars is transiting this constellation. Leo, 23 July – 22 August: The fifth sign stands for the creative impulse at all levels of existence whether in the universe or in the individual. The primordial male function struggles to express the feminine energies of Cancer and demands the care of nourishing desires. Consideration is the sign of the wise. Virgo, 23 August – 22 September: True spirituality is not a fixed faith or belief; it is the ennobling of the soul by rising above the


Parkrun Venue: 9 2Rickety Bridge, Time:8 08h00, Cost: 7 Free, Register:

2 Rittel 9 Yoga6Class5with Danielle Venue: The Artemis Barn. Time: 08h00 to 09h00. Cost: R100 pp

Robert Rittel



High Tea on Women’s Day Medium NG Kerk Franschhoek: Sondagdienste 09h30. Geen Venue: Rhone Homestead at Boschendal aanddiens meer nie. Ds Peet Bester. 021 876 2431. Time: 14h00 to 16h30. Cost: R295 pp. Booking: 7 Uniting Church: Sunday service: 4 Reformed 2 or 021 870 4274 09h30. Minister: Dr Shaun Burrows, 021 876 2632. All visitors most 1 welcome 9

Jyotish Vedic Astrology

8 3 1 3 1 9 Very hard 5 92 4 2

Breads, olives, ginger beer, pastries, plants, seedlings, 5 breakfasts, coffee, 3 crafts and more. 2 Venue: Dutch Reformed Church Grounds. Time: 09h00 – 14h00

7 Sundays

9 August

Shofar Christian Church: Sunday Services: 09h00 English at 7 Lambrechts St 18h00 Afrikaans 1 Rugby Klub, 9 Groendal. 6 Ps3 Theuns at Franschhoek Pauw 021 876 3348. All welcome! 6Roman 5 Catholic 4 Church: Mass every 8 2nd Saturday of the month at the Methodist Church, Bagatelle Rd, Fhk. 9 073 488 6816 7 Trinity Church: Anglican Communion Service Sundays 10h00. 5 Weekday 7Communion with Prayers Wednesdays 10h00. All services at L’Ermitage Chapel. Fr Gavin Mitchell (083 799 0726) 7St George’s 6Anglican 3 8 Church Groot Drakenstein. VeryHoly easy Sunday Services: Communion and Sunday School 8 – 073 56023566 10h00. Rector Fr Joe Humbles 5 1 Church: 2 8 Sunday 4 9 service 3 7 Franschhoek6 Methodist 2 Nuno Vergueiro 5 021 872 3580 09h00 All welcome. Rev 7 9 3 6 1 5 8 4 2 or 082 662 4509.

Magic Sudoku 2 4 3 1 5 9 7 8 6 ACCOUNTANTS 5 8 9 2 7 6 02194876 32676 1 Tax Shop ATTORNEYS 7 1 6 021 3 876 8 2592/072 4 2402 59469 9 Susan Charlesworth Snipelisky & Killian 4 6 7 083 8 250 9 0943/021 2 3876 12084 5 BURGLAR ALARMS Pepler 4 Alarms 9 3 1 7 5 6 5 0218876 23308 4 CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS 8 2 5 4 1 3 0219876 63031 7 Boland Bridge Club 3 Franschhoek Tennis 1 Club5 8 9 3 7 0826557 40278 2 Franschhoek Trust & RPA 021 876 3460 3 7 4 6 2 1 0215874 91906 8 Grt. Drak Games Club Lions 876 3775 6 Lodge 9 (Chris) 2 5 4 8 021 Stellenbosch Masonic 0721211 7 9991 7 8 3

4 2 1 6 8 9 5 7 3

Library Huguenot Memorial Museum Magic Sudoku Post Office Welfare (ACVV) 7 1 2 4 SPCA

021 808 8406 021 876 2532 021 876 2342 021 876 2670 0219876 3 4808

6 8 5 2 9 1 6 0218874 78100 3 4 5 Bridge House School Franschhoek8High9School 1876 42079 6 5 7 3 2 021 Groendal Primary School 021 876 2448 Groendal Secondary 5 8 School 1 3 2 7 9 0214876 62211 Wes-Eind Primary School 021 876 2360 4 8 5 6 1 0213876 23957 9 7School Dalubuhle Primary STORAGE 6 2 3 1 4 9 7 0215876 82174 Franschhoek Storage TOURIST INFORMATION 2 3 9 & SERVICES 6 1 4 8 7 5 Info Office 021 876 3603 1 6 8 7 3 5 4 0212876 94042 Winelands Experience TRANSPORT GOODS 4 5 7 9 021 2 2940/082 3 6821 15234 8 876 Gerald Fourie SCHOOLS

Franschhoek Rotary Club 082 773 9217 VETERINARY FranschhoekcProbus Club 021 876 3179 Huguenot Animal Clinic Solution of Sudoku 021 876 4278 ⃝2005-2017 #4258 1 2 COMPUTER SERVICES Surgery (pm only) 021 876 2504 Franschhoek IT Services 082 356 0226 Emergency 082 577 9900 Solid IT Solutions6 084 015 8808 EMERGENCY NUMBERS Apple Tech Support (John) 081 361 7228 Stellenbosch Fire Dept. (Buildings on fire) 021 808 8888 ELECTRICAL Cape Winelands Distr.Muni. (Bush & veld fires) 021 887 4446 Franschhoek Electric 082 823 7119/021 876 3640 021 886 9244 Rensburg Electrical 021 876 2120/083 309 2923 Police 10111/021 876 8061 EXCAVATIONS Eskom 086 003 7566 Andrew Schmidt 021 876 4431/082 972 5755 Neighbourhood Watch 083 493 7778 Sudoku #4342 Burger Excavations 072 3408518 Omnipage Farm Watch 021 852 3318 HEALTH & BEAUTY Plaaswag 021 876 2346 Franschhoek Pharmacy 021 876 2261 N1, N2 & R300 Emergency number: 021 946 1646 Franschhoek Health Club 021 876 3310 DENTISTS HOUSE & GARDEN Dr Schalk du Plessis 021 876 3070 Clock Repairs 028 840 1716 Dr Rob Hammer 021 876 2634 Lighting & Accessories 021 876 3640 DOCTORS Paarl Pool Services 021 872 0747/083 658 4944 Dr Karin Eksteen 021 876 4622 Ria Pools (Franschhoek) 021 876 2612/072 347 5355 Dr Shelley Hellig 021 871 1063 INTERNET ACCESS Dr Alexander Heywood 021 876 2474 Franschhoek Photolab 021 876 3921 Dr Hannes Van der Merwe 021 876 2304 PostNet 021 876 3025 EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONSE OPTOMETRIST Medicare EMR 074 363 7744/021 876 4316 Marelise Bester 021 872 3530 MUNICIPALITY PHOTOGRAPHIC (Ward 1) Councillor Frazenburg (DA) 021 808 8490 Franschhoek Photolab 021 876 4741 (Ward 2) Councillor Petersen (DA) 082 404 5055 PHYSIOTHERAPY (Ward 3) Councillor Manuel (DA) 074 686 2364 Claire Horn 021 876 4234/082 582 1029 (Ward 4) Councillor Johnson (DA) 021 808 8019 PLUMBERS Municipality (Office Hours) 021 808 8700 Franschhoek Plumbing 021 876 3759 Municipality (afternoon only) 021 808 8890 PUBLIC SERVICES Municipality 24hr Service 021 808 8700 Hospice 021 876 3085

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler

Boland Winelands and West Coast win big at annual Seeff Property Awards

Boland Winelands and West Coast win big at the annual Seeff Property Awards walking away with no less than five coveted awards Pictured left to right – Samuel Seeff (chairman of the Seeff Group) and Pierre Germishuys (MD, Seeff Boland Winelands & West Coast)

The Boland Winelands and West Coast areas have walked away with a number of coveted awards at this year’s annual Seeff Property Awards functions. The annual Seeff Convention, held in May at the 5-star Boardwalk Hotel and Casino in Port Elizabeth yielded five top national awards for the team according to Pierre Germishuys, MD for Seeff ’s operations in the area. These are: • National Board Member – Pierre Germishuys • Agricultural Licensee of the Year – Franschhoek (runner-up), Tulbagh (winner) • Most Improved Licensee of the Year, Division 5 – Tulbagh (winner) • Most Improved Licensee of the Year, Division 4 – West Coast (winner) • Licensee of the Year, Division 5 – Franschhoek (winner) Germishuys says this follows on from the very successful showing at the Seeff Western Cape Country Agent Awards held just prior where the

area also scooped a number of top achievements. These include the coveted Seeff Chairman’s Award for Nelia Retief from Tulbagh along with the highest achievement in sales, both units and value in various areas including agricultural along with rental awards. The Boland Winelands and West Coast areas can be some of the most challenging to operate in when the economy takes a turn. Germishuys however, says that as these awards show, hard-working, skilled and committed agents can make a significant difference in the market. The Winelands/West Coast license now boasts 89 agents across nine main branches in towns such as Stellenbosch, Franschhoek, Paarl/Wellington, Ceres, Tulbagh, Worcester, Brackenfell, Port Elizabeth and Langebaan although Seeff has offices in just about every main West Coast town. Germishuys says that these are some of the most desired property locations in the Cape with people investing into these areas from across the country. | 021 863 1616



Franschhoek Tatler

July | August 2017

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


Pearl Valley at Val de Vie Estate La Vue II at Val de Vie Estate Boschenmeer Golf & Country Estate

Boschenmeer Golf & Country Estate

Web Ref: 2182480

R 5 499 000

Feel your spirits lift as you absorb the luminosity and breath-taking aspect of this stunning house with uninterrupted views over the golf course. This Amazing Property, with its superb finishes, is the ideal home for a family, or a young executive couple who loves to entertain. A Majestic gas fireplace stands proud in the open plan living and dining areas. Creating a sense of air and space - leading out onto an amazing undercover terrace with private pool. Contact: Marinda de Jongh 082 573 2204 or Marilize Brown 083 241 1580

Boschenmeer Golf & Country Estate

R 8 400 000

Immaculate Family Villa on a Double Boschenmeer plot. Immaculately presented and maintained. This is an extraordinary family home offering exceptional internal and external living spaces. The flat driveway widens to provide extensive extra parking space. The open plan lounge and dining area opens seamlessly onto the impressive under-cover braai and entertainment area with a sensational pool. The separate TV room/ pyjama lounge upstairs are practical with well-designed spaces perfect for a family living environment. Contact: Marinda de Jongh 082 573 2204 or Marilize Brown 083 241 1580

Pearl Valley at Val de Vie Estate

Pearl Valley at Val de Vie Estate

Web Ref: 2197223

R 12 750 000

We are very proud to have this beautiful property to market. On entering this home you are struck by the views through the glass doors, over the patio and pool on to the golf course and beyond. Positioned overlooking 3 fairways with uninterrupted views directly on to the iconic Simonsberg mountains this is an immaculate 4 bedroomed home that has been planned and maintained with such attention to detail. Contact: Leigh Robertson 082 882 8243 or Annelize Reinmüller 076 788 9918

R 8 400 000

Web Ref: 2054505

Pearl Valley at Val de Vie Estate presents an ultra-luxury, all-inclusive plot and plan design offering from one of South Africa’s most celebrated architects, Stefan Antoni. The Stefan Antoni Signature Series offers this exclusive 477m² double storey design that enable any buyer to choose a top quality and contemporary design paired with any developer plot on Pearl Valley, Val de Vie Estate’s premium neighbourhood located on the Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course. This is an ideal choice that eliminates the often lengthy and stressful process of conceptualising, designing and finding a builder to build your dream home. Contact: Sandra Steenkamp 083 659 2988 or Jacques Nortje 082 084 0860

Office at Pearl Valley Clubhouse +27 (0) 21 867 0161

Web Ref: 2233930

Well-constructed and maintained 4 bedroomed family home on Pearl Valley at Val De Vie. An elegant 4 bedroom spacious home with impressive finishes overlooking two fairways with a double volume entrance hall, separate formal lounge, open plan dining room / kitchen with scullery, a fitted bar, an enclosed patio leading opening onto an established garden bounded by trees and solar heated pool. The home is in perfect condition and is ideal for a family and entertainment and has many added features such as ducted air-conditioning, gas fires, Jacuzzi baths, underfloor bathroom heating and towel rails Contact: Leigh Robertson 082 882 8243 or Annelize Reinmüller 076 788 9918

La Vue II at Val de Vie Estate

Pearl Valley at Val de Vie Estate

R 11 242 500

Web Ref: 2247655

From R 1 997 000

Web Ref: 1907348

Exciting plots available on La Vue II at Val de Vie Estate. Situated adjacent to Pearl Valley nature stands with views over Simonsberg and Paarl Mountain. Ranked the Top Residential Estate in South Africa 2015 & 2016. Stand sizes range from 724m² to 1 566m² and Prices from R1 997 000 to R3 997 000. Phase one selling out fast. Enquire immediately to avoid disappointment. Contact our onsite sales team located in the Pearl Valley Clubhouse to secure your stand in the valley of life. Asking Price: From R1 997 000 Contact: Sandra Steenkamp 083 659 2988 or Jacques Nortje 082 084 0860 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

Office at Boschenmeer Golf Estate Clubhouse +27 (0) 21 863 0266

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


R 12,500,000




Garages 2

R 4,000,000

429421 COUNTRY LIVING OPPORTUNITY. A rare opportunity to acquire two diagrams of land bordering the famous La Provence Farm offering beautiful mountain views and excellent proximity to the village of Franschhoek and Bridge House private school. Ripe for development!


R 3,750,000



OLDE WORLD VILLAGE CHARM An opportunity to own a very special home in the heart of Franschhoek village on a large stand with exquisite front and rear gardens, wonderful mountain views and a fabulous ambience. The main house benefits from expansive covered verandahs, double garage, swimming pool and a separate self contained flatlet. Wonderful location within a stone’s throw of all the excellent local amenities on the main road of our vibrant town.



R 3,950,000


OWN A PROPERTY IN THIS SOUGHT AFTER ESTATE. Be the new owner of the last plot left in the exclusive La Grange De Cabriere Farm Estate with river frontage and majestic views of the mountains and untouched landscapes. The plot currently has two semi-detached staff cottages on it, which can easily be transformed to be part of the new main house or simply demolished and start from afresh with the home of your dreams. For the lovers of the finer things in life, Franschhoek offers heritage, culture, relaxed lifestyle and perfect weather, which is much sought after by locals and internationals alike. PRICE EXCLUDES VAT.

L’AVENUE DE FRANSCHHOEK, SECURE COUNTRY LIFESTYLE. Located in the heart of the Cape Winelands, Franschhoek has an enviable international reputation, attracting net worth individuals and interesting personalities.We are privileged to offer a unique opportunity to acquire this magnificent 1539m2 north-facing plot, situated in the exclusive L’Avenue de Franschhoek.The plot offers breath-taking mountain views, yet is a mere stroll from the Village, known as the culinary capital of SA with award winning restaurants and wine estates, the perfect destination for lovers of the finer things, offering heritage, culture, relaxed lifestyle and perfect weather.This is a must see for those who are looking for something very special to build their dream home.



R 19,000,000



LUXURY 4 STAR GUEST HOUSE ON A 2 HECTARE SMALLHOLDING. Located 1.7 kilometres from the world famous Franschhoek village is this Agri-Tourism opportunity offering an eight bedroom 4 star luxury guest house, 2 large self-catered units, 1 large two bedroom self-catered unit and a cottage with open plan lounge/eat in kitchen and a king sized bedroom. The rooms have been tastefully decorated and have en-suite bathrooms. Both the property and business are VAT registered so they can be sold as a going concern.The new owner can literally move in and continue with this very successful business. PRICE EXCLUDES VAT



R 5,500,000


Garages 3

BRAND NEW TO THE MARKET! FAMILY JEWEL IN THE HEART OF THE VILLAGE. A fabulous, wellmaintained family home on a large corner stand in the heart of the village offering 3 bedrooms, ample reception space, comfortable bedrooms and three garages. An added bonus is a well presented separate one bedroom flat, perfect for guests or an excellent income generator. The property is further enhanced by a water wise garden, pool and jacuzzi and is within walking distance of all the world class facilities of our town.

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler

R 27,000,000




Garages 3


MAGNIFICENT HOME IN SECURITY ESTATE. This magnificent property occupies two portions of the La Bella Vita Security Estate, situated in the Cape Winelands. Set in 3.2386 ha of landscaped gardens with dam and vineyards, this 6 bedroom masterpiece commands majestic views of the Simonsberg and Drakenstein Mountain ranges. Double volume entrance hall with two sided staircase, gourmet kitchen with walk-in fridge, family room with surround sound, double volume dining room, large lounge and undercover patio, staff quarters, 3 garages and 2 storerooms.There are 4 luxurious en suite bedrooms inside the main house and 2 guest cottages.The high quality finishes include underfloor heating, gas fireplaces, air-conditioning, heated marbelite pool and feature garden lighting.

R 5,450,000




Garages 2


MODERN HOME ON SOUGHT AFTER ESTATE. This unique opportunity to own an ideal single storey lockup and go, situated in the centre of the estate this lovely modern home offers large open plan living spaces which open out onto an entertainers undercover patio with built in braai. There is a well-appointed kitchen with separate scullery, three bedrooms of which the main has ample cupboard space and a full en-suite. The two other bedrooms share a full family bathroom. To complete the picture there is a double garage and a landscaped garden. Finishes include air-conditioning, under floor heating. a log burning fireplace and exposed beams in the lounge area.





Parking 1


OUT OF AFRICA ON AWARD WINNING ESTATE. Designed for entertainers, this thatch roof home has extensive living spaces with magnificent views. Generously sized living spaces include an open plan lounge with double volume, dining room, kitchen, built-in-bar, sun patio, enclosed braai patio and 4 en-suite bedrooms with the main having a balcony, walk-in dressing room and double shower. In addition there is a completely separate wheelchair friendly two bedroomed flatlet with own lounge/dining area, kitchen and private patio. Currently there is no garaging however, the one bedroom can easily be reconverted to the original double garage or alternatively there are plans for a new one.




R 6,750,000


Parking 2


MAGNIFICENT TRENDY SECURE FAMILY LIFESTYLE. Well designed family home with space, privacy and open plan living at its best, offering flowing reception rooms with fireplace and sliding doors leading onto a undercover patio with magnificent views of the golf course and Simonsberg. Separate downstairs TV/study area leading onto a patio and pool area, wine cellar and beautiful kitchen with separate scullery. Upstairs: 4 bedrooms, 2 of which are en suite and 2 with shared bathroom. Magnificent main bedroom with fireplace and balcony overlooking the pool and Juliet balcony overlooking the lake. Centred TV room/pyjama lounge with balcony commanding majestic views.



R 13,750,000


Garages 2.5


ENTICING PROPERTY OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS. This innovatively designed home has an emphasis on personal comfort and entertainment with double volume reception room leading to covered patio overlooking the lap pool, 10th fairway and Wemmershoek Mountains. Set in a quiet cul de sac with inviting entrance hall, family/TV room with fireplace. A wrought iron staircase leads upstairs to reading/TV room and study, kitchen with separate scullery and outside laundry room, 4 king size bedrooms, main suite has his and her dressing areas. 2.5 garages. Features include airconditioning, lockable aluminium shutters, feature lighting, and high tech backup power supply.


R 2,000,000

WEB REF 41950 ON THE WATERS EDGE. One of the last remaining plots available on the water’s edge, measuring 571m2 and facing NE with views across the water to the Drakenstein Mountains. Under the current guidelines you will be allowed to build your dream double storey home to a maximum size of 499m2. The award winning Pearl Valley Golf Estate offers owners an 18 hole golf course, clubhouse with restaurant, bar, health spa, gym and saunas. Also, an island pool with submerged bar, kiddies pools, tennis courts, equestrian centre, boma on the Berg River. Within close proximity to top schools, medical facilities and shopping centres. ASKING PRICES EXCLUDES VAT.

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


Harcourts South Africa has teamed up with Melina Visser and Adell Ferreira to open a new premium property brand franchise in Franschhoek. Melina and Adell are two seasoned Franschhoek property specialists who have 18 years of ‘area’ experience between them.

Harcourts Luxury Property Selection will be located in Bordeaux Street, Franschhoek in the new contemporary gallery space with Ebony Curated Melina Visser knows that there is most definitely a need for a ‘select property agency’ that will offer a bespoke service to discerning clients, whether local or international. A service that is tailored to the client’s specific needs is becoming the norm in Franschhoek when dealing with the upper end of the market an approach that Harcourts Select represents.

These services include assistance with and facilitation with, home relocations, the opening of South African bank accounts, introductions to service providers and educational institutions. Guidance with planning applications, decorating and furnishing of homes. In other words, the transformation of the house that you have just purchased into a home for your family and settling into the lifestyle you have chosen.

Sellers can also expect superior service at market related commission levels.

High-end sellers and buyers often require a greater level of discretion and confidentiality when it comes to the marketing of and access to properties, pricing and personal information. Our structure, combined with personalised service, is geared to doing exactly that.

The Franschhoek team work in close conjunction with top performing Pearl Valley, Val de Vie and Stellenbosch offices and cover all sales aspects from Agriculture, rental, commercial, residential and developmental projects. The Winelands group achieved the first position in terms of performance in the Harcourts Group in SA for 2017.

Melina and Adell extend a warm, friendly and open invitation to all friends and newcomers to visit them at their splendid new emporium in Franschhoek.

4 Bordeaux Street, Franschhoek | |

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler

Fransche Hoek Estate

R14 200 000



R25 000 000 New Contemporary Home Nestled in Fynbos & Vineyards Unashamedly contemporary in the architectural language and interior detailing. This newly built property is situated on an exceptionally beautiful piece of land, set amongst the fynbos. The views are extensive, uninterrupted and offer breathtaking moments. Contact Adell 083 964 1155







R8 500 000

Franschhoek The White House

With emphasis on village living situated in the historic and well sought after Cabriere street. Charming appeal, a refreshing take on the well-known architect Michael Sutton’s love of good proportions, simplicity and honest materials. WEB REF: WWS6822






Magnificent Newly Built Contemporary Eco Home on Secure Estate Contact Melina 082 419 9928

This beautiful eco home is newly built and very contemporary in style. North facing with breathtaking views. This high performance home is built with new state of the art building technology. WEB REF: WWS6968

Contact Adell 083 964 1155 |


R19 000 000 excl VAT



R890 000 excl VAT With lease agreement or opportunity to purchase sectional title premises.

Contact Melina 082 419 9928

Contact Melina 082 419 9928


R5 950 000

Val de Vie

R13 900 000

Village Charm

Sophisticated Tranquillity

Refreshingly styled home with beautiful double volume living area and tranquil private garden. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, French combustion fireplace, study cum 3rd bedroom and double garage

Situated alongside an olive grove in a quiet cul-de-sac this modern family home has dynamic open plan living and a fully equipped entertainment area. Sleek and sophisticated.

Contact Adell 083 964 1155


Contact Maureen


Pearl Valley



R6 290 000



Village Florist Business for Sale




Perfect country retreat, business and/ or lifestyle opportunity. 8 en suite bedrooms. 3 stylish self-catering units. 300 olive trees. Sold as a going concern.




Country Style Guesthouse











R9 975 000

Priced to sell

Magnificent Vistas

Excellent design, easy living, with designer Canata kitchen, modern finishes throughout, picturesque views of mountains and weather protected entertainment options

Situated on just over 4ha high up on the slopes of Paarl Mountain Overlooking the Paarl Valley and mountains beyond, it has breath-taking views from every angle.

Contact Mercedes 082 555 2043

Contact Louis 072 057 8620



4 Bordeaux Street, Franschhoek |







0 4

0 |

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler


R 7 350 000 VAT Incl

Light contemporary new home This stunning Contemporary home is situated on the delightful Fransche Hoek Estate and has the most magnificent unobstructed views over the valley. Comprising 4 beds 4, the main bedroom ensuite has a walk in dressing room and full bathroom with double showers and “non-misting” mirrors as a super added feature. The second bedroom has a full ensuite bathroom while the other 2 bedrooms have shower basin & toilet ensuite. The gourmet Kitchen is finished in two tone neutral colours and has top of the range finishes which complement the open plan living areas. The open plan living area has stunning views out of the numerous windows and balconies on either side of the sitting room, which has a slow burning wood fireplace. There is a feature wine cellar enclosed with double glass doors. There is underfloor heating on the entire top floor together with climate control air conditioners throughout. There is a double garage and a very private pool with outside cloakroom/storeroom. ERF SIZE: 450sqms

HOUSE SIZE :410sqms LEVY: R3950.00 Rates : R2000.00

Janice Hicks 072 991 6272

R 5 100 000

New 3 bedroom house for sale in a fynbos estate This newly built home is situated on the well-known Fransche Hoek Security Estate and will be ready for occupation February 2017. As you enter the house on the ground level it comprises of kitchen and lounge/dining room which are open plan with stacking doors that open up onto an expansive veranda/entertainment area that overlooks the valley with stunning views. The scullery is off the kitchen which is separate. The lower level comprises 2 bedrooms both en suite the main bedroom has a dressing room both rooms open out on the lawn with slidingdoors. On the mezzanine level is the 3rd bedroom en suite and separate to that is a large TV lounge / storeroom. The house has a double garage with automated doors. This Estate is known for their excellent security and is exceptionally well run.

Janice Hicks 072 991 6272

R 15 000 p/m

Top floor apartment with beautiful views This immaculate apartment is situated in a small safe and secure complex which is a rare find. Within walking distance of the pulse of the centre of the village where the shops and restaurants make our village famous. It comprises of 2 beds 2 bath with climate control and ceilingfan. The kitchen and living area are open plan and share a balcony with the main bedroom which is en-suite. The lounge has a gas fireplace which is a great feature and warms up the apartment in winter. There is also underfloor heating and travertine tiles. The extra-large garage houses the laundry and the communal pool is a fantastic bonus. It also has a guest parking within the complex. The apartment will be available from the 1stof July to end of November, rented fully furnished.

July | August 2017

Franschhoek Tatler






Franschhoek Tatler


July | August 2017

Local expertise, national presence and international audience


R 05 000 400 000

THREE BEDROOM VILLAGE HOME IN THE HEART OF FRANSCHHOEK Character property on a quiet residential street in the heart of the village. Downstairs features an entrance hall, study, living/dining room with separate kitchen and a bedroom with family bathroom. Upstairs are two large bedrooms both ensuite. A covered stoep to the rear flows out into a compact walled garden leading to a large garage incorporating a granny flat with separate shower room. Tom Clode +27 (0)79 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George +27 (0)82 650 9194




Tom Clode +27 (0)79 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George +27 (0)82 650 9194


R 08 000 500 000 000 R

CHARACTER PROPERTY IN PRIME VILLAGE LOCATION This double-fronted property offers charming vines and olive trees. Interior spaces combine old world with contemporary touches. Large kitchen with stacking doors to spacious garden, and open-plan double-volume dining/living room is divided by wood-burning fireplace. Upstairs mezzanine is ideal as a TV lounge/office. 3 en-suite bedrooms with garden access. Scullery & double garage complete the interior space. Tom Clode +27 (0)79 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George +27 (0)82 650 9194

Regionally 119/121 Park Lane, London, W1 +44 (0)207 079 1515

RR50550 000000 000

VILLAGE HOME Spacious 3 bedroom family home with 2 bedroom apartment on 1166m2 plot. Entrance hall, open plan living/dining room and separate kitchen with scullery.There are 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (main en-suite) and an office. Lovely views of the Franschhoek Mountains from the main house. Integrated into the house with both internal & external separate entrance is a two bedroom flat with open plan kitchen. Large double garage, store-room, and mature gardens to the front and rear. Tom Clode +27 (0)79 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George +27 (0)82 650 9194

500 000 R 06 000

FOUR BEDROOM VILLAGE HOME IN A QUIET CUL-DE-SAC IN FRANSCHHOEK VILLAGE This lovely four bedroom property is set in an elevated position with stunning views. Featuring a large open-plan living room with fi replace, dining room and kitchen with patio doors out to a covered stoep overlooking the pool area . Upstairs is a pyjama lounge with a terrace with magnifi cent views over the village to the mountains.

500 000 R 05 000

POSITION, CHARM & VIEWS This gorgeous village home is set on a large corner plot within strolling distance to the high street. Generous living areas include a large kitchen, open-plan lounge,TV sitting room and dining room, all leading to covered patio and courtyard garden with pool, jacuzzi and mountain views. 3 bedrooms with 2 full bathrooms (main en-suite) and separate toilet. Includes separate flatlet with own entrance ideal for guests.Three garages and a low-maintenance water-wise garden make this a must-see property. Tom Clode +27 (0)79 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George +27 (0)82 650 9194

R 09 000 950 000

HISTORIC ROUBAIX HOUSE IN FRANSCHHOEK. This landmark, in the historic quarter of Dirkie Uys street is claimed to date to around 1840 and, while renovated over the years, still presents as a period home with all its quirky and timeless features. With business rights linked to its current usage as a gallery & pottery on the ground floor and it’s upstairs conversion to the current owner’s home, this property offers many redevelopment opportunities. Set within a glorious 2500sqm park-like garden and bordering a natural stream. Tom Clode +27 (0)79 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George +27 (0)82 650 9194

23 Huguenot Street Franschhoek, 7690 +27 (0)21 876 3322


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