Franschhoek Tatler - March 2019

Page 1

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Page 2 Sexy Socks

Page 6 Two Olive Oil Savantes

Page 16 Q&A: Claire Horn


Leeu Learning Centre Facilitates a Fine Future M







FLTR: Hardik Manek, Leeu Collection Group COO & South Africa Country Head and Analjit Singh, Leeu Collection Founder, with some of the youngsters who will benefit from the new Leeu Learning Centre.

The Leeu Learning Centre enables youngsters to embrace the digital and information age. Combining a congenial venue with up-to-date equipment and professional support, the centre provides all the essential elements required for young people to study, discover and absorb knowledge while reaching required academic standards and attaining their full development potential. The Leeu Learning Centre officially opened M on 1 February 2019 at the Franschhoek Valley CommunityY Sport Centre, established by Hope Through Action in 2015. CM The Leeu Collection identified the need for a centre MY where young kids and youth of the Franschhoek CY Valley can access free quality online education: an essential component in qualifying for employment CMY in the 21st century. Embracing the fourth industrial K revolution through digital prowess will play an important role, one that now forms a core part of the learning centre’s facilities and resources. Thanks to a considerable financial injection extending over three years, the Leeu Learning Centre is able to operate from 09h00 to 19h00 every week day. A dozen modern computers provide internet access, accompanied by printing and photocopying equipment. The small existing library is being expanded to provide school

curriculum material, adult fiction and children’s titles, along with newspapers and magazines. The facilities are available for adults in the mornings, while afternoon programmes focus on school children and homework. Educational film screenings will also be offered. Academic support with both online and subjectspecific tutors is offered, along with skilled computer assistance to help with assignments and extra classes. School assignments today often require information obtained online. Many scholars do not even have a quiet space in which to study, nor do they have computer access. The centre hopes to reach at least 200 children per week during the first year. Older students require computer access for employment and other applications where handwritten documents are no longer accepted. Continued on page 2...

La Motte Tasting Room Mondays to Saturdays: 09:00 – 17:00 Wine & Food Tasting on Fridays: 10:00 – 11:00 (reservations essential) Contact: 021 876 8820 | Pierneef à La Motte Restaurant ´A la carte lunch: Tuesdays to Sundays Garden Menu lunch: Tuesdays to Sundays (Only October - March) Contact: 021 876 8800 | La Motte Museum Tuesdays to Sundays: 09:00 – 17:00 Art Experience on Tuesdays: 10:00 – 11:00 (reservations essential) Historic Walk on Wednesdays: 10:00 – 11:00 (reservations essential) Sculpture Walk on Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:00 (reservations essential)

La Motte invites you to experience its beautiful Franschhoek Valley setting, historical charm, stylish offering in the enjoyment of wine, cuisine and the arts, its environmental care and, above all, its people’s warm spirit of sharing. We look forward to welcoming you to La Motte!

La Motte Hiking Trail Mondays to Saturdays: 09:00 – 17:00 Contact: 021 876 8820 |

Visit our Farm Shop for a take-home reminder of La Motte. Join us for one of our monthly Classical Music Concerts.

Visit for more information.

2 | March 2019

Leeu Learning Centre ...Continued from page 1 These facilities are now integrated with those already existing at the Franschhoek Valley Community Sport Centre, such as on-going sports, leadership and life skills training. The sport centre was established in 2015 and is one of several operated by the Hope Through Action Foundation, a non-profit South African company, together with its partner SCORE, in Franschhoek and in Paarl. A new centre will be opened in Malmesbury in May 2019. The Leeu Learning Centre and the Hope Through Action Foundation are collaborating on projects to provide space and online learning facilities, along with educational resources and support to learners from both professional staff and volunteers. The Leeu Collection, an international portfolio of luxurious lifestyle hotels and gastronomic destinations, which operates several hotel and culinary venues in and around Franschhoek, will promote the educational project, provide funding, and seek additional ways to support the centre and its objectives. The Leeu Collection has identified the children

and youth of the Franschhoek Valley as a primary target group for its corporate social investment strategy and has committed to the establishment of a safe, comfortable and well-resourced centre that will help improve academic performance and encourage life-long learning. Together with its Foundation partner, the Leeu Collection will explore further ways in which to transform the lives of young people in the region. Through publicising its goals, guests that visit its establishments internationally can volunteer to provide funds or donate suitable books for the library and offer their services to read to children at the centre. Such contributions will add enjoyment and unique value, while equipping the valley’s youth for success in a future dominated by the digital and information economy. Analjit Singh (known as BAS), Founder of the Leeu Collection sums up the project’s overall philosophy simply and succinctly: “Learning and education are the keys to personal development. In training ourselves to become worthy citizens at home, at work, or anywhere else we contribute toward building our society. I wish the programme every success!” Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Supplied

Congratulations Class of 2018!

Sexy Socks – Warming Franschhoek’s Toes Sexy Socks is a Cape Town-based social enterprise, using business as a force for change. For every pair of their cool and funky bamboo socks that they sell, a pair of school socks is donated to a child in need. What’s even more important is that this is a chance for founder Dave Hutchison to engage with the learners and leave them with a message about entrepreneurship. On Friday, 25 January, the Sexy Socks team partnered with Franschhoek Resource and Networking Coordinating Organization (Franco), who had organized ‘Sock Drops’ at five of the schools in the region. These were: Wemmershoek Primary, Dalubuhle Primary, Groendal Primary, Wes-Eind Primary and Franschhoek High. It was a successful day out for the Sexy Socks team with an amazing response from the children. Big smiles, new socks being shown off and chants of “Sexy Socks!” rang through the assembly halls. After Dave told his story of how Sexy Socks started, and that he had started his first business when he

FLTR: Warren Handley, Akwa Chimphepo, Cameron Froud and Dave Hutchison with the learners of Groendal Primary.

was just 12 years old, when he asked the learners who wanted to start their own business almost every hand shot up. “The point of what I’m trying to tell you is that you are never too young to start,” Dave said. “Our future starts with you, today. So when you put on your pair of socks in the morning, I want you to ask yourself: What can I do today to make my school a better place?” Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Supplied

21 Bicycles for Change4Twenty1

Gordon Laing, Tarryn Corlett and the Franschhoek Hospitality Academy’s Class of 2019 with the students’ new bicycles.

On Thursday, 31 January, The Franschhoek Hospitality Academy’s students were given an amazing gift that will change their lives in so many ways.

Franschhoek Hospitality Academy’s Class of 2018 celebrating their graduation, after receiving their Certificates of Achievement. FLTR: Siseko Elijah, Dowyne Eksteen, Malunga Funcusa, Khanyile Mankayi, Amos Copiso, Michael Ngoane, Athwell Polisi, Bongelwa Mbakuse, Annique Sias, Fezeka Witbooi, Zimkitha Xaba, Izelda Davids, Lilitha Mvimbi and Shaandre Daniels. Jodine Korkee and Babalo Phitsana were not present as they are studying at ITM in Austria on 2-year bursaries.

The Franschhoek Hospitality Academy and Learning Centre’s (FHALC) first class, the Class of 2018, graduated on 11 February 2019 – precisely 19 years after the release of Nelson Mandela from the nearby, then, Victor Verster Prison. Change4Twenty, as this skills development and youth upliftment programme has been dubbed in the local community, started in January 2018 with 20 historically disadvantaged local students, who subsequently completed 8 months of classroom learning followed by a 4-month internship at local establishments. At the end of the year 16 confident students graduated and found employment or gone on to further studies. The two top students are currently studying towards international qualifications in Austria. The graduation ceremony was marked by many wise words and tips for the graduates’ futures from Michaela Julian (Co-Founder of the Academy), Reinher Behrens (CEO of Franschhoek Tourism), Chris Erasmus (Ambassador and Owner of Foliage

Restaurant, Jeremy Davids (Academy Head) and James Eksteen (Father of Student, Dowyne Eksteen). Graduate Athwell Polisi concluded proceedings with a touching account of his experience and the impact the Academy has had on his life and the lives of his classmates. The Academy would like to thank Franschhoek Cellar for donating their venue for the ceremony, Rotary Franschhoek for their contributions towards the Class of 2019 uniforms and T. Birch & Company (Pty) Ltd – who donated the beautiful graduation gowns. | Facebook: @FranschhoekHospitality Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Supplied

After striking it lucky by winning a competition on Cape Talk radio just before his birthday, Gordon Laing, one of the Pedal Power Association’s (PPA) Exco members, decided to use his prize to Pay it Forward. Gordon had the great idea of getting his friends to donate to Bike4All instead of buying him presents. Thanks to their generous responses, he raised enough money to donate 10 Bike4All bicycles, but that’s not where it ended… Inspired by this generosity, a few corporates joined in and the Pedal Power Association (PPA) also matched these donations. Towards the end of 2018, Claus Peter Jakobsen – Owner / CEO of CPJ Investments / Scandinavian Brand House – heard about the Pay it Forward Campaign on Cape Talk Radio and contacted Bike4All immediately, as he thought that it is a great initiative and wanted to donate 10 bicycles to deserving recipients in the Western Cape. These 10 lucky recipients were students from the Franschhoek Hospitality Academy’s Class of 2019. Upon hearing that there were 21 students in the class, the Bike4All joint initiative together with PPA and BEN decided to match the contribution from Claus and sponsored a further 11 bicycles to their students! But that’s still not where the generosity ended.

All the students also received a safety briefing, helmets, safety vests, locks and chains to ensure their safety at all times. Some of the students even received cycling lessons on the day! The Franschhoek Hospitality Academy would like to thank Gordon, Claus, Jannis, Bike4All, PPA, BEN and Cape Talk for this phenomenal gift to their students. This new partnership is an exciting and new one for the winelands. Representing Mayor Gesie van Deventer and the Stellenbosch Municipality, Speaker Ms Minnie Peterson, Ward Counsellor Aldridge Frazenburg, Portfolio Chair of Sports Manie Pietersen and Mayco Member Salie Peters, attended to show their support for this initiative and addressed the guests. Academy Ambassadors Reuben Riffel, Matthew Gordon and Chris Erasmus also attended in support. “Transport has always been an issue for our Academy and our students. Now our students are able to get to class (on time without excuses) and cycle their way to a very successful future that lies ahead. Thank you for making this possible,” stated Tarryn Corlett, co-founder of the academy. Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Supplied



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March 2019 | 3

Rebellious Vintners Paint a Mural Black Elephant Vintners (BEV) describes themselves as ‘Rebels of the Vine’. Leaving their libations aside for a moment and judging by their marketing efforts alone, they certainly aren’t mainstream! Those schooled in classic marketing theory may wonder whether their rebelliousness is just a touch iconoclastic, daring and brave, or sheer folly. Consider some of the evidence. Who calls a wine ‘Two Dogs, a Peacock and a Horse’? Or puts black text on a black wine label? Any interest in attending a ‘Silent Disco’? Thought so. The music and wine pairing may be more to your liking – not being silent and all… Do you think that the public will stampede to buy ‘Three Men in a Tub’? Really? Yet I’m assured that sales are in the pink. Confounded? Well, there’s more! Late last year village folk awoke to the sight of La Cotte Inn Wine Sales undergoing another of its every-decade-or-so exterior transformations. As white paint took the place of the previous dark brick colour stick in the muds could have been forgiven for thinking that perhaps the aesthetic authorities had prevailed. Then bold black designs started appearing and – hold your breath! – wine drinkers thought they looked vaguely familiar… Further investigation was warranted. A serendipitous village encounter with Kevin Swart – he’s the Black in BEV – meant that I was soon committed to explaining the story of the mural to those not in the know. A few days later I meet Kevin at La Cotte Inn Wine Sales, where we’re joined by owner Ludwig Maske. Kevin explains that BEV feels it is important for them

Black Elephant Vintners are responsible for the new mural at La Cotte Inn Wine Sales.

to have a presence in the village. So, in the interest of compositional brevity: Take one village presence requirement and add one flaking mural… Enough said. Ludwig says the eye-catching mural has already had a positive impact on his business. “In the past tourists often didn’t walk further down Huguenot Street than the pizzeria. Now they get there, spot the mural and have to have a closer look. Of course, once here, we invite them in!” A design similar to the mural has also found its way into BEV’s print advertising and, Kevin says, will soon appear in some other places in the village – including their cellar and… a restroom! The familiarity of the designs unexpectedly turns out to be proof of the success of BEV’s marketing strategy. There are, amongst others, two dogs, a peacock, a horse and even three men in a tub to be found on La Cotte Inn Wine Sales’ walls. You’re right; they’re motifs from their wine labels! BEV might be rebels, but their cause is pretty main stream – making and selling wine, and having fun doing so.

Discover the vineyards of Franschhoek... breath-taking breath-taking, Franschhoek... scenery, world-class cuisine, fine wines and a three hundred year history. The Franschhoek Wine Tram hop-on hop-off tour is one of the best ways to discover the true essence of the Franschhoek Valley. Passengers aboard the hop-on hop-off tour will experience a unique and leisurely way to see the Franschhoek Valley as they journey through rolling vineyards in a double-decker tram and open-air tram-bus stopping in at some of South Africa’s oldest and most distinguished wine estates.

Now offering direct and exclusive transfers at affordable rates from Cape Town and surrounds including all hotels and guest houses.

Text & Image: Editorial Desk

PHOTO COMPETITION: Win R5000 worth of wine & cheese! Details on Franschhoek Life’s Facebook page.

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C • L A O UR



Everest Award



















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The Everest Award was presented be made. In addition, if more to the school by the Van Marken than one individual qualifies then family. Tony van Marken, is a past multiple awards can be made in any parent of Bridge House and the first given year. The decision to make the South African to climb the original award for 2018, was ratified in midseven continental summits of the January in consultation with Tony. world. His sons, Matthew and Joshua The Van Marken family will make a attended Bridge House. donation to facilitate funding of design Before the Van Marken family of the floating trophy, a miniature to emigrated to Canada in 2016, Tony keep, and a monetary component for suggested that he would like to fund the vision built on the value of extreme an award for extreme achievement as physical and mental fortitude. a lasting gift to the school. This award For the past four years no award has would recognize the completion of been made, such is the challenge a significant and difficult physical set down in the criteria, but for 2018 Jonathan Pellow-Jarman challenge that requires a long-term commitment to there is a recipient. Last year Jonathan Pellow-Jarman the ultimate goal over an extended period of time. (Matric 2018) cycled 12 772km. In December alone, he The individual would have had to not only put in rode 1778 kilometres, with an elevation gain of 20 440 long hours of preparation over many months – and metres. Everest is a mere 8 848 metres high. This earned potentially years – from a physical perspective, but also him sixtieth place in South Africa for the December prepared in terms of potential mental challenges and climbing challenge. Jonathan’s total ascent in 2018 was technical skills development in a particular discipline. 129 864m – 14 times the height of Mount Everest. The individual does not necessarily have had to Jonathan has a para-cycling classification C4. In the produce an outstanding outcome in the particular simplest terms C1 is the most compromised and C5 is challenge or event, but it needs to be apparent that the least. He has this classification because of a condition this was a significant achievement that was not easily he was born with called congenital neuropathy. Later attainable without considerable self-discipline, desire, this month he will compete in the SA Para games. focus and persistence. In the words of Tony van Marken, “this guy is training The original idea was that the award would be at world class professional athlete level.” made annually by Bridge House to any pupil in Grade Congratulations, Jonathan! 10 to Grade 12. However, if the selection committee HC Tatler Ad Best Restaurant F.pdf 1 2018/11/15 9:57 AM felt that no individual qualifies then no award would Text & Image: Bridge House

C • L A O UR

The Bridge House College Awards Ceremony for 2018’s Grade 8 - 11s took place on 31 January 2019. Jonathan Pellow-Jarman (Matric 2018) received the first ever Everest Award.


SA: DS AN eek L E W t WIN ra n




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4 | March 2019


Noble Hill Syrah 2016

Allée Bleue Isabeau 2015

Our Syrah shows umami in spades: a velvety structure with fine tannins and black pepper and olive purée aromas. We add a bit of Mourvèdre and Viognier to bring out the grape’s subtle floral aromas & earthy notes. Perfect for slow-roasted meats. Cellar door price - R114

Abundant citrus and dried apricot aromas welcome you on the nose, followed by layers of spicy cinnamon and soft vanilla.The palate is silky and smooth with elegant flavours of summer fruits and a lingering lemony aftertaste. Cellar door price - R86

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Cosecha Restaurant

Bistro @ Allee Bleue

Carnitas tacos - Spicy slow-cooked pulled pork, avo smash, & green apple salsa in homemade tortillas

Pan-fried Three Rivers trout, cherry tomato, olive and baby potato with caviar butter sauce Ingredients 250g trout fillet, 150g baby potato, 80g cherry tomato, 40g olives pitted, 80g baby corn, halved, 100g butter, 20g onions finely chopped, 50ml Allée Bleue white wine, 10g caviar, salt and pepper to taste.

Ingredients 1 pork shoulder; 2 bay leaves; 1 brown onion, chopped; 2 cloves garlic, crushed; 1 Tbsp cumin; 1 tsp coriander; 1 Tbsp oregano; 2 jalapeno chiles; 1L orange juice; 1 Tbsp salt; 6 Tbsp chipotle; oil Method Place all ingredients (except chipotle and oil) in slow cooker on low for 13-14 hours, or until fork tender and falling apart. Remove meat from juices and rest. Strain juices and add chipotle. In a pan over low heat, reduce the juice and chipotle sauce by half. For crispy bits, fry a serving of meat in oil until crispy and add a few spoonfuls of sauce. For the salsa, cut 2 green apples into matchsticks. Add 1 red onion, thinly sliced. Add 6 Tbsp fresh lemon juice. To serve, line warm corn tortillas with avocado guacamole. Fill with carnitas and top with salsa. Finish with a splash of mojo verde and fresh cilantro.

021 874 3844

Method Boil potatoes until soft and then cut in half. Fry onion in small saucepan until translucent and add wine. Reduce until liquid has evaporated, then add butter a little at a time and mix continuously. When all the butter is mixed in, set aside. Cook the trout for 3-5 min a side over medium heat, skin side down first, and add tomatoes and corn to the pan. Mix olives with potatoes and season. Plate cooked trout with potato and vegetables. Add the caviar to the butter sauce and pour over trout.

021 874 1021


6 bottles of each featured wine!


ANSWER THIS EASY QUESTION! Who received the first ever Everest Award?

Send your answer to Winner will be informed by email before 15 March 2019. Prizes to be collected from Franschhoek Info Office before end March 2019 or be forfeited.

Chef Margot Janse Teams Up With International Chefs for Isabelo Charity

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Margot assists a youngster with breakfast.

Margot Janse – former Le Quartier Français chef, mentor, and Eat Out’s chief judge – has not been idle since the iconic restaurant closed. Margot’s fans will know of her Isabelo Charity that provides nutritious meals to indigent children in the valley. Last month she headed to Belgium to work with some top international chefs in aid of the charity. Three top Brussels restaurants (Bon Bon, Bozar and Le Chalet de La Foret) hosted 25 of the world’s best chefs, who cooked a 10-course dinner for this one-night-only event – all in aid of Isabelo. (Loosely translated from Xhosa Isabelo means ‘sharing is caring.’) “This was a super special event for us as it’s Isabelo’s tenth anniversary year and it feels almost unreal that all these chefs have come together to help”, said Margot about the event. A few of the chefs that took part in the event are: Virgilio Martinez, Alain Passard, Ana Roš, May Chow and Pascal Barbot. Each chef’s dish was inspired by indigenous South African ingredients that Margot shipped over.

These included buchu, baobab, honeybush, marula nuts, sorghum and even Baleni salt from a natural hot spring in the north of South Africa. Isabelo was founded in 2009 when Margot, assisted by a dietitian, developed a highly nutritious muffin recipe. From feeding 70 children at a local crèche on a Friday Isabelo now, in association with The Kusasa Project, provides daily nutritious breakfasts for 1300 primary school learners as well as breakfasts and warm lunches for 200 pre-schoolers. Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Isabelo

PRINT ED C A N DLES Weddings • Memorials • Decor Anniversaries • Baptisms Confirmation • Special Occasions Gifts • Promotional Items

March 2019 | 5

Cellar Chat Mark Tanner

I first recognized how cruel the world can be when I discovered that “Two Minute” noodles actually took considerably longer. The world of wine is of course no stranger to disappointments either. Take the Austrian wine scandal of 1984 when the whole country reeled in disappointment. Being a cold country as far as wine production is concerned, Austria is not endowed with very much sunshine. This results in rather thin, tart wine while their customers preferred something a little sweeter. To address this problem many producers decided to sweeten their wines. As sugar could be detected they instead added diethylene-glycol, something more often associated with motoring and antifreeze. The ruse went undetected for some time. However, one producer claimed for diethylene-glycol as an expense on his tax return. The result was a complete disaster for the industry. Orders were cancelled and bottles were pulled of shelves. As it turn out this incident proved to be of inestimable value. The Austrian wine authorities waved a big stick and introduced some of the strictest wine laws around. Austrian wines are better than ever today and their Grüner Veltliner is world famous in the spicy, dry white category. Durnstein Castle lies on the banks of the Danube in Austria’s Wachau wine region. Returning from the third crusade in 1192 the English King Richard the Lionheart travelled this way. He refused to share his spoils with Leopold V, Duke of Austria, and found himself incarcerated in the castle for nearly a year. His disappointment can be understood, even if his quarters overlooked vineyards of Grüner Veltliner. His depressed state must certainly have lifted when he heard a ballad he knew being sung by a passing minstrel. He responded by singing the refrain. The English had sent the fellow to sing

at every Castle he could find en route. After paying a ransom of 150,000 silver marks (100,000 pounds of silver) Richard returned to England. Another disappointment must have been when the first colonists arrived in North America in the early 1600s. To their delight they found almost limitless grape vines growing up trees and crawling along the ground. To their disappointment they found that it was impossible to make decent wine from them. They were the wrong sort of vine – Vitis lambrusca instead of Vitis vinifera. However all was not lost thanks to the Spanish Franciscan missionary, Father Junipero Serra, who planted Vitis vinifera in California in 1796. Yet another example of viticulture spreading for religious purposes. As individuals we can experience disappointment when a wine is ‘off’, or as the experts so politely put it, ‘out of condition’ – an expression that covers a multitude of sins. Usually the wine taxes flat and is seriously lacking in fruit due to air slipping past the cork. The wine becomes oxidized or ‘maderised’ (from ‘Madeira’, but unlike Madeira it is definitely out of condition). A dull, musty taste tells all. Blame it on TCA (2,4,6- trichloranisole), a chemical produced by fungi on the cork. In a restaurant, send it back, the proprietor can claim a replacement from the supplier. If at home, bad luck. Now, about those disappointing wine prices…

Grüner Veltliner planted in the shadow of Durnstein Castle

International Award Reaffirms La Motte as Leading Wine Tourism Destination

La Motte CEO Hein Koegelenberg celebrates the estate’s exceptional performance in the Drinks International Wine Tourism Awards with Cellarmaster Edmund Terblanche and Pierneef à La Motte Restaurant’s Executive Chef Eric Bulpitt.

La Motte Wine Estate has been judged as the 2019 Drinks International Wine Tourism Awards Winner for Best Food and Wine Matching Experience for an unprecedented fifth time! The historic estate has also received this exceptional recognition in 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2018. “Our wine and food experiences are developed with our guests in mind”, says La Motte CEO, Hein Koegelenberg. “While quality is at the heart of what we do, we are passionate about sharing our love for food and wine with our guests in a way that intrigues and entertains. We are delighted at the judging panel’s consistent confidence in our offering and we are truly honoured for such international acknowledgement.” The La Motte Tasting Room and the estate’s Pierneef à La Motte restaurant offer a comprehensive Food and Wine Experience, introducing guests to food and wine in a host of innovative ways. From dedicated food and wine pairings to authentic South African heritage cuisine, the novel La Motte food

and wine experience extends to the estate’s comprehensive tourism offering and is included in themed pairings and dinners, classical music concerts, educational walks such as the historic or sculpture walk, a guided mountainside hike, art experiences and the charming farm shop. Food and wine are also celebrated through seasonal events such as an interactive Harvest Experience during the pressing season and the popular Evening of Vintage Wine & Venison in winter, to name but a few. The Drinks International Wine Tourism Awards aim at recognising estates that successfully implement wine tourism to support their focus on wine making. | 021 876 8000 Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Supplied



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6 | March 2019

Franschhoek’s Two Olive Oil Savantes Associates In 2017 two Franschhoek friends, Jackie Loubser and Marlene Loubser – no relation – joined a social Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) tasting event staged regularly by Linda Costa’s OlivesInFact Company. The purpose was to learn more of the unique qualities and uses of this golden liquid. They both released that they have a special olfactory talent allowing them to identify and judge extra virgin olive oils. Now they are both EVOO savants. This status is bestowed by the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Savantes, an international organisation founded by Australian olive grower Simon Field. Marlene received her Savantes Associate status early last year together with another two South African ladies, Benedetta Lami from Stellenbosch and Fontini Balassis from Johannesburg. Earlier this year Jackie also obtained her Savantes Associate status. South Africa now has four EVOO Savantes Associates. (There are 100 Associate Savantes and Savantes worldwide.) The Inaugural South African EVOO Team Tasting Championships hosted by OlivesInFact and Rafael Muela (from Priego de Córdoba in Spain) was held in Stellenbosch on 29 and 30 January. Jackie and Marlene teamed up with Fotini and emerged as the winners of the Championship. They now have the opportunity to represent South Africa in Spain at the inaugural EVOO Tasting World Championships to be held in Priego de Cordoba Spain on 4 and 5 October 2019. Practice will be a challenge for the team with teammate number three in

FLTR: Fontini Balassis, Jackie Loubser and Marlene Loubser know their olive oils!

Johannesburg, but they are looking forward to a wonderful experience and possibly bringing back a trophy. (The SA runner-up team was Benedetta Lami’s team and they will also represent South Africa in Spain.) The format of the Championship requires competitors to undertake an individual taste test before combining as a team to complete two team tests. The tests cover intensity ranking, variety identification, defect detection, international regional varieties identification and blending. Marlene is the GM of Lamara Two Rivers farm where they grow olives, among other things. Jackie works for Vinco Steel and is a passionate cook who loves different tastes especially good extra virgin olive oil. Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Supplied




PENCHANT DESIGN CC 62 HUGUENOT STREET, FRANSCHHOEK +27 21 876 3094 instagram: penchant_design

March 2019 | 7

Ballroom in the Church Hall If Strictly Come Dancing were to come to Franschhoek, or more appropriately Danse avec les stars, there is one man who will be in very high demand. His name is Gary Mantile and there is no doubt that he is Franschhoek’s best dancer. Gary, who has been living in Franschhoek since 2016, is a ballroom and Latin dancer who is currently ranked third in South Africa in the adult championship section. Originally from Port Elizabeth, where he attended Papenkuil Primary School and graduated from Hillside Secondary School, he is also the undefeated Eastern Cape ballroom and Latin Champion for the past 10 years. You’d be forgiven for thinking that Gary probably comes from a long line of ballroom dancers, but you’d be wrong. Nobody else in his family practices ballroom dancing! Gary says he started dancing the ‘boots dance’ at three years old and took part in his first competition at age five. Gary always wanted to be self-employed so he opened a dance studio in Cape Town in 2008/9. In 2011 he left for the UK for two years to learn

the international approach to ballroom and Latin dancing at the Nice & Easy Dance Academy in Bournemouth. He also competed and trained in London with the some of the world’s top trainers, including multiple UK champion Warren Boyce and Anton Sboev. With 22 years of dance experience, including over 10 years of teaching experience, it is little surprise that Gary has taught children that have gone on to win the juvenile section of both local and international competitions. Turning to the future Gary says that he’d like to start his own dance academy. Two aspects that he’d like to specifically focus on are the integration of children from different backgrounds and teaching persons to become dance instructors and so also gain economic independence. Gary says dancing has numerous benefits – not




TASTINGS: CANAPES & SALES Mon-Sun 10:00 - 18:00 LUNCH Tues-Sun 12:00 - 15:00 DINNER (from 4th Jan) Fri-Sat 18:30 - 20:30 Le Lude Cellar 021 100 3465 Orangerie Restaurant 021 100 3464 Lambrechts Road Franschhoek ·

all of which are immediately obvious. Did you, for example, know that dancing aids in learning mathematics? Dancing also unlocks creativity and provides a full-body workout. Another benefit of dancing is that it teaches partners to treat each other with respect – something that is often missing in today’s high-paced, rat-race life. The next time you walk past the NG Church Hall and hear music do go in, you may find yourself waltzing to creativity, tangoing to fitness and salsaing your cares away. Salsa Evening: Last Thursday of every month. NG Church Hall. 18h00 – 20h00. R180. Latin Fitness Class: Tuesdays and Thursdays at (time). R50 per class | 083 898 4819 (

Dance champion Gary Mantile and his former dance partner Nadja Snegireva.

8 | March 2019

Danish Chiropractors Visit

During a break from enjoying Franschhoek hospitality the visitors found time to pose for a group photo.

A group of Danish chiropractors visited Franschhoek in January and were hosted to a presentation at Rickety Bridge by Doctors Glynn and Hettie Till. The group of visitors was led by Prof Corrie Myburgh, a South African chiropractor who studied under Dr Glynn Till in Durban. He then went on to Stellenbosch University for his D Phil, after which he moved to Denmark where he currently is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. Dr Glynn Till, who has a practice in Franschhoek, is the only chiropractic specialist clinician in South Africa. He did his under-graduate studies in America and later specialised in Canada. In 1989 he and Dr Hettie Till started the teaching programme for chiropractors at the Durban University of Technology where Hettie was Dean of the Faculty of Health Services and Head of the Department of Human Biology. Glynn developed the required clinical courses for the programme. At the presentation Glynn told of the first chiropractor in South Africa, a Dr Henry Otterholt, who had a practice in Cape Town in 1926. At the time chiropractors trained overseas as there was no training in this country. It took time and effort for things to change. Years of working with the Department of Health eventually resulted in some of the required legislation. At last a Minister of Health listened to the chiropractors and things got moving. “In 1982,” Glynn said, “we got the legislation we wanted, except for education and registration which got sorted out in 1985.” Today the training started by the Tills in Durban continues and now there is also an excellent department at the University of Johannesburg. The chiropractic programme lasts five years, including a year of supervised clinical internship experience at the university clinic. An additional year of internship with an experienced chiropractor is a requirement for registration with the statutory council. Qualified chiropractors have a Master’s Degree, which includes an individual research project. Since 1982, all chiropractors have to register with the Allied Health Professionals Council. Both courses have international accreditation with the European Council on Chiropractic Education. Interestingly chiropractic is not included in South Africa’s public health care system, but hopefully, that will change in time. At the wine tasting and lunch after the presentation, the Danish group peppered Hettie with questions on teaching and learning. They seemed to think Denmark could learn something

from South Africa in this respect. There was also animated discussion on an ‘integrated curriculum’ in which the basic sciences, such as anatomy and physiology, are taught throughout the programme, linked to the clinical subjects. This approach is the cutting edge in health care education and was introduced by Hettie. In Denmark and Switzerland, chiropractic students for instance spend their first few years of education alongside medical students. Another discussion point from both sides was the need for some South African graduates to go on to the PhD level. Prof Myburgh said that the group of Danish chiropractors visit various countries to find out about their health systems, how the systems work and what the issues are. They were very aware of the imbalances in South Africa and pleasantly surprised to see how things actually move forward and get done. He added that as far as helping the underprivileged is concerned, they have a policy of rewarding competence, which they were pleased to have found. Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Supplied


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March 2019 | 9

Gardening in March NATIE FERREIRA

March is a month of consolidation; slowing down to recap on the year so far and having a final look at all the discarded New Year’s resolutions. It is also a great time of increase – harvest time for the wine and fruit farmers, vegetables and berries in abundance and plenty of wonderful produce around to preserve, freeze, bottle or dry for the winter that lies ahead. In the garden it is also a time of multiplication – March is one of the best months to split, divide, take cuttings, transplant or share all our lovely garden plants. Agapanthus, Watsonia, Dietes, daylilies, Iris, Aristea and most other spring and summer flowering perennials can now be divided. Do this to renew old plantings, but also to increase your garden (remember that we want to get rid of as much lawn as possible) and share and swop with friends. Split only healthy plants and discard all the old and unhealthy bits. Agapanthus should be dusted with an insecticide powder and also some sulphur if you had a problem with rot in the past. Plant the splits in enriched soil with bonemeal or super phosphate added. Dipel is a very effective biological control against the caterpillar that is often a problem with agapanthus plantings in the Western Cape. Roses still need some care. If you kept up your rose care program throughout summer you will be richly rewarded with the flower flush in autumn. Cut as many roses as you can and share with everybody, roses bring joy to giver and receiver alike. Deadhead regularly, spray against mildew and black spot and deal with insects as they arise. Roses should be given a fertiliser that is high in potassium this month – a 5:1:5 or 5:1:8 will be perfect. Ludwig’s Vigorosa is an enriched fertiliser and popular for good reasons. Your vegetable garden should be spoiling you with all sorts of delights – mine is brimming with sweet corn, pumpkins, butternuts, watermelons, tomatoes, aubergine,

chillies and green beans. Pick daily and discard all fallen or diseased fruit. Pumpkin leaves that have gone pale with powdery mildew can be removed and burnt or thrown away – don’t use it for compost. I have found that this often gives a pumpkin plant a new lease on life and might lead to a second crop of late season squashes or pumpkins if I can manage to control pumpkin fly. Spent plants should be removed now and the beds prepared for winter planting. Sow cabbages, broccoli and cauliflower in seed beds for later transplant. It is too early for peas, but a final sowing of green beans can still be made. Some nurseries are still selling tomato and pepper seedlings; I won’t bother too much with them now. Cover crops can also be sown now – sweet lupins work really well to trap nitrogen and be dug in as a green manure later. Citrus trees need regular watering and feeding with a high nitrogen fertiliser. This is the last active growing month for olive trees and they will require a final high potash fertiliser. On the preserving front I have been quite busy making jams, chilli sauce, pesto and tapenade. It is time to start thinking about stocking up the freezer for winter soups and stews. Blanching vegetables for a minute or two in boiling water and then cooling it down in ice water is an easy and efficient way to preserve all sorts of vegetables. Beans, courgettes, patty pans (dice the bigger ones), diced butternut and pumpkin, kale, carrots and beetroot can all be frozen this way. Portion into plastic bags, remove the air by hand or vacuum sealer and freeze as quickly as possible. May your garden bring you great joy this month!

Plant of the Month

Chrysanthemums indoor flower




Bursting with brightness and available in all shapes and sizes, Chrysanthemums potted will add a subtle but immensely powerful spark of life to a room. Their variety of colours, affordability, and easy care instructions make them an ideal and dependable option for anyone! Caring for indoor Chrysanthemums Chrysanthemums have long-lasting blooms, so enjoy them indoors while they flower and plant them in the garden thereafter. While you’re enjoying them indoors, take care of them using the following guidelines: 1. Gentle light Chrysanthemums enjoy lots of light, but no direct sun. Keep them near a window so that they can enjoy the light that floods in. Early morning sunlight can be tolerated, if necessary. 2. Medium temperatures Chrysanthemums do well in the general temperature offered indoors. They prefer slightly cooler areas, 10 – 18 degrees. Another reason to shield them from the sun – their flowering period can be extended in cooler areas. 3. Water well Chrysanthemums enjoy moist soil, so water them frequently. Twice per week should suffice, you can check by feeling the soil. It should never dry out completely. 4. Feed well Ensure your plant is well-fed. They enjoy a good dose of liquid fertiliser during their flowering season.

Fertiliser can be given every two weeks. What to expect from your Chrysanthemums Chrysanthemums come in a variety of shapes and colours. They typically grow to 30cm in height. Select a space for them to grow into, as they may be slightly shorter at your time of purchase. Their spread will be about the same, bushing out to around 30cm. Their flowering season is from spring through to autumn – giving you 3 seasons’ worth of beauty. After their flowering season is over, it is best to plant them in the garden. At the end of their flowering season, they will die back. Simply deadhead them and leave the stalks. The following spring, they will regrow and the entire bush will increase in size. This will continue each cycle until the bush reaches its maximum height and width. The symbolic giving of Chrysanthemums In some cultures, Chrysanthemums symbolise motherhood, rebirth, and life - the perfect gift for someone who has just had a baby. In Europe, Chrysanthemums are given to symbolise sympathy, while in America they represent honour. The colour of the Chrysanthemum is also symbolic. Yellow Chrysanthemums represent neglect of love - or sorrow. White represents loyalty and devotion. Red, like roses, represents love.


Rainfall Figures Measured at La Cotte/Nerina Street

2009 978mm

2010 740mm

2014 1033mm

2015 661mm


2018 January February March April May June July August September October November December

2011 2012 830mm 1079mm 2016 754mm

2017 501mm

2013 1471mm 2018 867mm

Dam Levels






4 22 23 84 109 227 108 104 113 12 18 43

4 26 49 133 242 469 577 681 794 806 824 867



As at 11 February 2019 Steenbras Upper


Steenbras Lower








Berg River Dam


Total Storage


Total Storage this time last year


10 | March 2019

Gio Ready to Race

Tatler Motoring MICHELE LUPINI


Lupini set for 2019 season

Sublime Stinger GT delivers brilliantly on Granturismo promise Would anyone ever have guessed that South Korean automaker KIA would today offer a machine as stunning as this Stinger 3.3T GT? Car fans will tell you that ‘GT’ comes from the Italian ‘Granturismo’ … a performance-cum-luxury 2+2 that should star in high-speed long-distance driving. And therein lies the rub! Yes – Stinger delivers on the true full-blooded heights of a Granturismo, epitomised by conceptlike design in a superb Coke bottle shape that’s graced the finest cars ever built – from Ferrari’s 250 GTO to the Dodge Charger. Stinger’s steeply slanted windshield and fastback silhouette endow it with truly classic GT proportions. But it doesn’t end there. Stinger also offers true grand tourer handling, genuine Gran Turismo poise and pukka GT pace – see, there’s even more good news when it comes

to performance. Stinger’s 275kW biturbo 3.3-litre V6 sees to it that this slick Korean underdog shapes very well, in at a claimed 4.9 seconds in the telltale 0-100km/h stakes – slap bang in the middle of hallowed territory so well ring fenced by that trio of Germans that have had this neck of the woods all to themselves for way too long now. Not bad for an interloper, hey? That’s thanks in part to a Stinger GT development programme that included testing on the Nurburgring Nordschleife to instil handling pedigree like rear wheelspin and slick gearchanges on launch, followed by energetic drifting easily managed and maintained by experienced drivers

in Sport+ mode. The sporty flat-bottom steering wheel with controls for audio and screen display and cruise control is of the variable ratio variety to offer quick response and spirited feel at lower speeds and more stable performance at headier velocities. Stinger GT’s MacPherson front and multi-link rear suspension provides optimal feedback and a rearwheel-drive arrangement to offer the necessary come-on with light and comfortable ride and dampening over bumps and humps, becoming a touch firmer in Sport mode. Perhaps the jewel in Stinger GT’s crown, its allaluminium direct petrol injection biturbo V6, has already earned a prestigious global 2018 Ward’s 10 Best Engines Award, walking away with a win in its most competitive class. Delivering a heady 275kW and 510Nm torque, churned out at a low 1300rpm. A slick-changing, 8-speed automatic gearbox is well suited to this fast and capable tourer, while Stinger’s armoury incorporates a wide array of technology, convenience and safety features to satisfy the most discerning owners’ needs. Backed by KIA’s industry-leading 5-year unlimited kilometre warranty, a 5-year/90 000km maintenance plan as well as five years’ worth of roadside assistance, the KIA Stinger GT retails for a mouthwatering R859K to well undercut and match or overpower the R995K 287kW Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe; the R898K 240kW BMW 440i Gran Coupe and Audi’s R936K 260kW S5 Coupe Quattro too. Find more of Franschhoek car scribe Michele Lupini and his team’s effort in Auto Bakkie Race! magazine in village bookshelves and online at

Giordano Lupini and his yellow Accelerate 102/CIR Construction/La Vie de Luc Golf 1 GTi were hard at it during the off season and the Franschhoek youngster could not wait to get on with the new race season as we closed for press. Lupini was preparing for his Class C attack in the Burly Pro GTi Challenge, starting at Killarney Saturday 23 February. “My car is quick, I am ready and we cannot wait for the season to start,” Giordano confirmed. “First of all, I have to thank all our sponsors who continue with us for 2019 — Class C of the GTi Challenge is one of the toughest racing championships in the country, but GAP Motorsport has done a splendid job on my Accelerate 102/CIR Construction/La Vie de Luc Golf 1 GTi racing with acciDent Guru and I am ready to exploit its full potential. “I hear that there will be some very fast and very experienced drivers in our class this year and that some of my old karting rivals will be moving up to join us too, so it should be a great season — bring it on!” The Burly Pro GTi Challenge is one of the jewels in the Wingfield Killarney Power Tour’s crown and certainly worth following through the season. Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Supplied

March 2019 | 11

Dragons Pip Dutch Team

The visiting Gooische Club hockey team with the Franschhoek Dragons, young Bridge House players and supporters.

The first team of Franschhoek Dragons, the hockey club that was founded last year by Bridge House School teachers, played their pre-season opener against a touring Dutch hockey team from the Gooische Hockey Club on Tuesday, 12 February. Forty-two years ago a group of 10-year-old boys started playing hockey at this famous hockey club in het Gooi – not far from Amsterdam. Still loving the game all these years later they visited Franschhoek to play the sport that first brought them together at such a young age. One of the players on the Gooische team was Hugo Blaisse who, as a Bridge House parent, saw the opportunity to promote hockey in the Franschhoek Valley. Hugo, along with David Sutcliff – chairman of the Dragons, planned the match several months ago with the aim to make it a celebration of hockey and to give young Bridge House players an opportunity to meet and mingle with both teams.

The Dragons managed to come away with a narrow 4-3 victory; seeing off a surge by the Gooische team that lasted almost too long for the Dragons. More important than the score, however, was the friendly atmosphere during the match and in the Station Pub where after-match drinks were enjoyed. The event was also marked by the Gooische team offering their opponents the traditional Meter of Beer, a gesture kindly accepted by the Dragons. They can now use this Meter for future social events. Text: Hugo Blaisse | Image: Bridge House School

Successful Sixes for Groot Drak Groot Drakenstein Games Club, just outside of Franschhoek, hosted their annual ‘John Faure’ Six-A-Side cricket tournament on Sunday, 3 February. The heavy rains that fell during the day only delayed the start by 20 minutes and did little to dull the excitement of the eight teams that were invited to play. Some top-notch cricketers turned up, including a celebrity team consisting of international sporting legends Allan Donald, Nantie Hawyard, Louis Koen, Aubrey Martyn, Frikkie Welsh and Luther Bakkes, captained by Groot Drak stalwart, Pierre Fourie. With plenty of craft beer and mouth-watering food being sold throughout the day, the spectators and players that arrived were treated to some great cricket and a wonderful atmosphere at the ground. Boasting South Africa’s oldest turf wicket, Groot Drak is a club that is steeped in tradition and offering breath-taking mountain views. Two very tight pools saw several teams being separated only by the number of sixes hit and wickets lost. The plate final was played between the Celebrity Invitational Team and Coronation Cricket Club, with Coronation snatching third place overall, winning a hamper of fabulous local wines and beers. The grand final was played in bright sunshine between Maties and Durbanville, with Maties pulling off a comfortable victory in the end – claiming the title and a massive hamper of spoils! Individual prizes went to JT Schoeman from Durbanville for Best Catch, Nicholas Scholtz from Maties for Biggest Six, Richard Lackay from Coronation for Best Bowler, Fritz de Beer from Maties for Best Batsman (scoring an unbeaten 127 over the course of the day) and Jaco Castle from

Allan Donald and Louis Koen share a laugh on the crease.

Durbanville for Best All-Rounder. Western Province CC deservedly walked away with the prize for Most Gees’ after bringing along a bus-load of eager supporters to cheer and support Groot Drak’s bar! The day was a massively successful one for Grook Drak, with plenty to build on for next year’s tournament. Here’s hoping for better weather and an even better turn-out in 2020! Huge thanks to all the sponsors, without whom the day would not have been possible. Text & Image: Groot Drakenstein Games Club

Wine Tram Donation

Colleen Douglas (centre) from Franschhoek Hospice receives a R20 000 donation from Debbie and David Blyth of Franschhoek Wine Tram. Franschhoek Wine Tram donates annually to organisations working towards the upliftment of the Franschhoek community. Franschhoek Hospice is one of six organisations that benefited from Franschhoek Wine Tram’s charity drive in 2018.

12 | March 2019



MELISA HANEKOM Groendal Secondary School learners kicked off the new academic year on 7 January with a surprise from FRANCO (Franschhoek Resource and Network

FRANCO’s Melisa Hanekom with the learners who received scholarships

Coordinating Organization). In an effort to boost morale and empower dedicated students FRANCO awarded five deserving learners with scholarships that will help them throughout the school year. The scholarships include tuition fees, stationery, transport fees and uniform needs. Principal Malvin Kulsen called them up on stage during the opening assembly of the 2019 academic year to praise their regular work, attendance and good behaviour and presented them with the FRANCO scholarship certificates. FRANCO has been actively sponsoring education and training programmes since its inception in 2005. “One of our main areas of focus is providing assistance for

training, education and ultimately self-employment in order to help individuals grow and uplift themselves” says FRANCO’s office manager Melisa Hanekom. “We not only offer financial support, but guidance and mentoring when needed in order to accompany our students through their different and challenging journeys towards independence”. FRANCO solely relies on volunteers and private donations. Those who are interested in knowing more about their current and future projects are welcome to contact the office on 087 7015 430 or by email:

The Rotary Club of Franschhoek Valley recently assisted the Country Kids Play School at the Methodist Church just off Lambrechts Street to install protective flooring under and around their jungle gym to improve the safety of the children. To find out more about your local Rotary activities and assisting our community, please contact Mark Tanner at 082 773 9217.

Franschhoek Wine Valley News REINHER BEHRENS

Bhabhathane News

We often assume that the harvest season starts in

These long hours in the scorching sun are worth it, as

early February, but for most winemakers it starts much

it allows the winemaker to create the perfect wine,


sooner. As early as June of the previous year is when

which we as wine lovers get to sip, sample and savour.

the winemaker and viticulturist spend time in the

It is also the time to truly reflect and value the voyage

vineyards pruning and nurturing the vines to get them

the grape embarks on.

Strong Leadership Key to a Successful School

Nomhle Mbenenge (Principal: Dalubuhle Primary) and Anne Van Zyl (Principals Academy). A visionary leader sets the tone for all the role

people behave differently and how to accommodate

possible through Bhabhathane’s partnership with the

their actions.”

Principals Academy.

There will be no speaker on 4 March as we hold our Annual General Meeting on that day. All members are more that welcome to attend, vote for and welcome your new Committee for the forthcoming year. On 4 April we have as our speaker Brian Robertson who will talk to us on a subject that is both contemporary and relevant, “The role of identity in transforming South African society in 2019.” What is probus all about? In South Africa there is a rapidly growing number of Probus Clubs, which offer retirees the facility to

Fireside Talk ASHLEY BAUER With images of the past few months’ Overberg District fires still fresh in our minds and while we are still calculating the toll on the many people impacted, I would like to bring fire prevention a little closer to home. Fire is everyone’s fight and not only the responsibility of fire fighters. Each property owner is responsible for their own safety and to safeguard their property as best they can in order to mitigate and/or reduce the impact of wild fires. A primary concern is where the urban fringe meets natural vegetation. This is referred to as the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). In Franschhoek this area is located at the foot of our surrounding mountains. Each landowner is to ensure a fire break is in place between two properties to mitigate the risk of fire spreading. The Winelands Fire Protection Association (WFPA) rules, which pertain to all members, require a

manage successfully the transition from high pressure executive, professional and other vocational activity to a calmer way of life. This is achieved through these features of membership: • Opportunities to extend compatible social contacts and maintain an interest in the topical issues of the day. • Nurturing positive attitudes to ageing through group recreation and the sharing of information on issues of concern to Senior Citizens. • Support in grief and illness. • Speakers at monthly luncheons who provide a fresh mental challenge and stimulation. • We are a-political and non-sectarian • We are mindful of the fact that costs are an important consideration. Membership fees, therefore, are kept to a minimum; while monthly luncheon costs vary. • Probus is not a Service/Fund Raising organization. For more information please contact Mark Tanner on 082 773 9217.

and visitors with open arms and eager to share news with you on the harvest progress. Make use of the

heatwaves, which could cause immeasurable damage

opportunity to discover all that our beautiful valley has

to the fruit. To date the overall the quality is outstanding

to offer.

these visit our website at


contravention of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1993. The good news is that the dogs were found in good condition and have been taken into the care of

Graeme Comrie

the SPCA subject to legal developments. The legal

A video has recently been circulating on social media allegedly showing organised dog fighting in the Franschhoek area. The Franschhoek SPCA has been following up and collecting information and statements from people who reported seeing and filming the fighting. Based on the information collected, charges have been laid with the Franschhoek SAPS against three Groendal residents for the alleged

Hospice News

“Uncorked” band providing the music. A fabulous

with land owners, Cape Nature and the Franschhoek

Reuben Riffel and Richard Carstens for 8 people and

Conservancy, have implemented such a strategic 10m

tickets to see Ed Sheeran perform. These two items

break along the WUI.



topography and vegetation. For example, properties

and Le Manoir de Brendel

adjoining plantations or forests should implement at

for their donation of wines;

least a 20m break around such vegetation.

Three Streams for the ice;

All fire breaks must be documented with a formal

“Uncorked” for their time,

fire break agreement between all concerned parties.

energy and entertainment;

This agreement defines the terms and conditions of

and to the volunteers and

the maintenance of these breaks along with the details

staff of hospice – Pearl,

of the break. The WFPA provides copies of such an


agreement to all its members.

Marelize and Baba from

the staff have found suitable secure commercial kennelling – at a cost of R4 500 a month. Any contributions to help finance the costs of longterm kennelling for the unfortunate dogs can be paid into the Franschhoek SPCA at Nedbank Branch No 167 005 into account No 1670 0193 65. The reference “dog fighting – your name” should be used.

elegant lady in The Bubble.

What a fabulous way

to spend a glorious Sunday afternoon, listening to beautiful music as the sun sets in the background. A huge thank you to Carol Thorns, CODA Africa, all technicians and assistants, volunteers and staff of hospice – Leon, Adel, Roger, Marelize, Cornelia, Pearl and Tiana – for making this fundraiser so successful. Thanks again to Three Streams for the ice; the management of the Huguenot Monument and to everyone who supported this event.


the NG Kerk and everybody else who supported this

Please report all smoke and fires to the fire services immediately

amazing evening. The

Emergency Numbers: (Please keep these numbers on your phones!)



was the Sunset Concert at the Huguenot Monument






vegetation fires) 021 887 4446 • Stellenbosch


kennels are not suitable for long term boarding so

and children were totally fascinated with the very

1 February in the NG Kerk Hall with the wonderful

19 000.

processes take their course. The Franschhoek SPCA’s

Thorns in The Bubble and picnic on the lawn. Adults

in February. The first was the Hospice Hop held on


have to stay in the care of the SPCA while the legal

to listen to the very talented CODA Africa and Carol

Hospice held two wonderful fundraising events

thanks go to Chamomix

and the one immediate concern is that the dogs will

the breath-taking mountains. Over 200 people came


Fire breaks vary in size and are dependent on the

processes will undoubtedly take time (up to 2 years?)

have such a beautiful monument, surrounded by

Two amazing items were auctioned. A breakfast

• Winelands

to partake in these festivities. For more information on

and sometimes end as the sun sets during the harvest.

cooked in your own home by two fabulous chefs,

I welcome comments and questions and will address

Some of our members will be celebrating the harvest season with a few bespoke offerings and we invite you

Over the past two years the WFPA, in conjunction



021 808 8888 Be safe!





The Bubble. As a resident (Structural


one takes the Huguenot Monument



having a sunset concert there changes everything.

10m break between properties, essentially 5m on each side of the boundary fence.

According to some of our Vignerons this has so far been a fantastic ripening period with no major

evening of dancing and singing, enjoyed by 120 guests.

any received in future articles.

Although it is a busy time for the winemaking teams the wine estates are still ready to welcome locals

The winemaking team’s days start before sunrise

players in the school. This opportunity was made


the end.


“Personal mastery helps me to understand why

Probus Club

culmination of months of hard work and dedication –

and they are cautiously optimistic that it will be a good

managing the institution and learned different ways that

manager and to share good practice with the group.

optimistic that it will be a successful harvest right to

producing a premium wine.

Mbenenge said: “I have gained new insight in

of the course was to assist the principal to be an effective

We wish our Vignerons all of the best and remain

great significance to our valley, in that it symbolises the a carefully curated journey from vineyard to bottle in

The Bhabhathane Programme continues to strive towards ongoing enrichment and development of school principals in the valley. This month we celebrate the fourth Bhabhathane member, Ms Nomhle Mbenenge – Principal of Dalubuhle Primary, who graduated at the UCT Graduate School of Business after completing a Business Management Development Programme.

can be used for effective management. The main focus

ready for harvest. When harvest season kicks in it is of

We are truly blessed to

Hospice staff and volunteers with Carol Thorns in The Bubble. Visit the hospice Facebook page and website to see more amazing photographs by Andrew Gorman.

March 2019 | 13

Editor’s Letter Siegfried Schäfer Dear Readers, During the first week of this month Cape Town will be hosting more than 2000 business leaders. They are all members of YPO (the Young Presidents Organisation), a leadership organisation for chief executives from around the world. The event they’ll be attending is YPO EDGE; an event described as “YPO’s annual showcase of thought leadership and innovation, bringing together visionaries, talented leaders, subject matter experts and unique voices from around the world to engage and inspire all that attend this invitation-only event.” (I have it on good authority that a few of the attendees will be paying a flying visit to Franschhoek too.) The theme of 2019’s YPO EDGE “Life of RE_”, according to the press release, “aims to provide opportunities, support and inspiration for young leaders as they reinvent themselves and their industries … during a time of radical economic, technological, and societal change.” To coincide with the World Economic Forum (WEF)

The biggest obstacle, according to the surveyed CEOs,

released the results of their 2019 Global Leadership

in their efforts to create a greater impact through their

For comparative purposes YPO concurrently surveyed

Survey. The results of the survey make for interesting

business is government regulations (51 percent) with

more than 1800 future leaders – people aged 18-31

reading and reflect a change in the way business

taxation cited as a distant second (27 percent). Regionally,

with at least some college education – to see how

leaders see the role of business. The stand-out finding

political unrest was identified by respondents in Africa

their thoughts on the same topics compared to those

was that 93% of those surveyed said that business

(32 percent) and MENA (39 percent) significantly more

of current business leaders. The younger group also

should have a positive impact on society.

than the survey average (19 percent).

overwhelmingly agreed (92 percent) that “the purpose

CEOs said their top three concerns for the future are

sole purpose of business is to maximise profit has

lack of quality education (37 percent), climate change

been coming for a while. When I was at business

(37 percent), and peace, justice and global institutions

More than half of the younger respondents (55

school the ‘triple bottom line’ approach had already

(30 percent). These factors however showed regional

percent) wanted to reduce their environmental

been around for a few years and has subsequently

differences. For example lack of quality education

impact, while climate change (37 percent) was also

seen further development. At the moment it

was noted as an issue among both Latin American

a top concern. The other top concerns were: lack of

seems that we’re seeing the effect of the millennial

(56 percent) and U.S. (41 percent) respondents, while

quality education (27 percent), availability of work

generation who tend to be more civic-minded than

climate change was most cited among respondents

opportunities and economic growth (24 percent) and

the preceding generation.

s in Europe (48 percent) followed by Asia (41 percent)

peace, justice and global institutions (22 percent).

Seventy four percent of respondents said their

pursuing profits and wealth.”

Interestingly, whereas current business leaders see

compared to the survey average of 37 percent.

perspective on their role as a business leader has

The survey found that business leaders are acting

government regulations as the biggest impediment

changed in the past five years. The top influencers

to address these concerns. Ensuring their business

to making an impact, the younger respondents

behind this new belief were cited as employees (43

makes a positive difference (57 percent), creating

“believe corruption (42 percent) and business leaders

percent), colleagues (40 percent) and respondents’

jobs and prosperity for people (49 percent) and

not being in interested in doing more (32 percent) are

children (37 percent).

teaching/mentoring others (43 percent) are the

the real obstacles.”

Also in line with millennials’ thinking is the finding

primary ways that the CEOs surveyed are focusing

It’s clear that views evolve as generations change.

that business leaders are now much more inclined to

their efforts. Additionally, reducing waste and

I, for one, am generally encouraged by what these

make an impact through their business than by being

environmental impact were key focal points for

surveys found.

involved in politics.

participants in Asia (44 percent), Europe (44 percent)

Inspirational Honesty

It had been handed in there to Andrea by Estelle

Toward the end of January I got to the till in PnP to find

Manuel who worked at French Connection. Andrea

I had no wallet: it transpired that I had dropped it on the

had handed it to Claudette who had opened the

ground getting out of the car. A thorough search of the car

wallet and found my library card, she then phoned

inside and all around was negative. I was pretty sure I had

Zuko Sancuzi at the library who looked up my phone

had it when I left the last port of call, which was Hospice,

number for her. He also phoned and left a message

but the obvious thing was to check with them first.

telling me my wallet was at Pep Stores.

Charmaine with her usual cheery friendliness went

After collecting the wallet I immediately went to Fr.

to the trouble of finding an A-Z to look up the number

Connection to look for Estelle Manuel but not being

and phoned them; as expected it was not there, but

part of the restaurant staff anymore no one could tell

the Hospice staff went to a lot of trouble searching the

me where to find her. Big problem! Perhaps Marelize

shop and parking lot just in case.

at Hospice would know of her, but I didn’t know her

Meanwhile Charmaine alerted the security guards at

number. I phoned Colleen at home who then phoned

PnP to keep their eyes open for the wallet and a friend

Marelize who then in some miraculous way found

very kindly lent me money to buy my groceries!

Estelle’s phone number!

I went home thinking there would be no hope of

I am being long winded about this to show how

getting back the R1000 I had just drawn from the ATM,

everyone involved went ‘that extra mile’ to help. I am

but perhaps the wallet would be thrown away, found

extremely grateful to all of you and also to Our Best

and the cards returned.

Friend for ensuring the wallet was found and handled

saying they had my wallet. The money was still in it!

of business is to have an impact on society beyond

This move away from the long-held view that the


An hour later I got a call from Claudette at Pep Stores

and Africa (43 percent).

in Davos, Switzerland, at the end of January YPO

by these inspiringly honest people.

Until next month!

Student Leaders Forum The student leaders of Franschhoek’s secondary schools have been meeting regularly for several years as the Franschhoek Student Leaders Forum to discuss and debate issues of interest to the young people in our valley. The forum was created in association with the Bhabhathane Programme – the schools transformation project to which the seven schools in the valley belong. From left to right in the photo above, the leaders share their motto in life to inspire other learners.

• Sandisile Sonka (Head Boy Groendal Secondary): “Hard work pays off – I believe everything happens

• Kim Charles (Head Girl Franschhoek High School): “Be kind for no reason, I believe in hard work and determination.”

for a reason.” • Lizalise Luxande (Head Girl Bridge House College): “Do what your heart desires.”

• Caryn Davids (Head Girl Franschhoek High School): “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

• Ross Millard (Head Boy Bridge House College): “You miss 100% of the chances you don’t take!”

• Berelene James (Head Girl Groendal Secondary):

Jill Heistein

“Always be YOU.”

Text & Image: Bridge House

Culture Vultures Showing Love The Franschhoek Culture Vultures have been busing to theatres in Cape Town for more than seven years. They no intention of stopping and thought sharing the pleasure would be a good idea. They set to work to take a bus full of learners from Franschhoek High School to see David Kramer’s latest production, Langarm at the Fugard Theatre. There was much discussion amongst themselves, the Fugard Theatre, Davids Transport, Good Food & Co and the school personnel. Careful planning and remarkable generosity paid off and at the end of January a bus with 19 school children and

two teachers set off for Cape Town. Sandwiches and fruit

thought these things happened during that time.

about it and hearing the stories. Matthew Brown.

juices sustained them on their way to the city. The regular

But all in all the show was amazing. I would not

• Vir my was dit ‘n wonderlike ervaring. Dit was my

Culture Vulture bus driver, Patrick, joined the group for the show in the theatre. On the return journey there were more sandwiches and fruit juices for everyone on the bus. The feedback from the school group has been

mind going again. Brandon Williams.

eerste keer in ‘n teater. Ek sal graag weer na so ‘n

• Mostly I have learnt that discrimination or racism is not a good thing. I had so much fun that night. Wendy Sinekalo.

proud to be called a SA Coloured. Courtney de Wet.

wonderful. Everybody loved the outing and hoped

• First of all I have never been to the theatre before

• Die vertoning het my baie interesseer, veral waar Jeff

they would have an opportunity to go again. Here are

and for the first time I can say it is awesome. Aphiwe

uitgevind het sy antie is eintlik sy ma en dat hy half

extracts from what they said about the show:


Kleurling was. Meagan v d Merwe.

• “I enjoyed the production because the characters

• Eerstens was dit ‘n aand om te onthou en die

were expressing their feelings through singing. Since

produksie self het my net laat besef dat met tyd sal

everything turned out well and that a worthwhile

alles beter word. Kelly Barron.

investment had been made.

I can’t sing I express my feelings through listening to

The development of the Historic Area of Franschhoek as a human settlement began in 1845. It soon had a sufficiently critical mass of residents to build the magnificent church in 1847 and establish a high school in 1850. The residential character of Franschhoek and its Historic Area in particular is an integral part of its heritage, but it is being lost at an ever increasing and alarming rate to the seemingly insatiable demands of tourism. Residential






residential character. To the extent houses and flats








• It was a different experience to see people act out

music. Sivuyisiwe. • It was very interesting for me because I have never

and express these feelings rather than just reading

Has Franschhoek passed the tipping point? Like ink on blotting paper – for those who can remember blotting paper; or red wine being soaked up by a paper towel for those who can’t – the number of guest houses, B&Bs, houses and flats used for holiday lets has inexorably spread in and around Franschhoek’s Historic Area and continues to do so – sometimes illegally. Our municipality shows no interest (it seems to me) in considering its impact on residents. It uncritically accepts the proposition that the socioeconomic benefits of continuous and unmanaged tourism development outweigh any adverse impacts on the quality of life of residents.

geleentheid uitgenooi wil word. Halle Davids. • It inspired me to embrace my Colouredness. I am

Text: Editorial Desk

are not occupied by long-term residents who know

Rome, Venice, Barcelona etc. However, it has some

guest house use. I do not know of any that have been

their neighbours – even if it is only on a nodding

relevance to Franschhoek.

refused. The municipality does not consider how this use will erode the residential character of the area,

acquaintance – the residential character of an area is

The report recognises that “Tourism is one of the few

diminished. This is clearly recognised in the statement

economic sectors relentlessly growing around the

in the Heritage Management Plan for the Historic

world, translating into socioeconomic development,

Area of Franschhoek developed from the recently



Integrated Zoning Scheme By-law, (when I don’t

completed Heritage Inventory and adopted by the

export revenues” but warns that “Tourism will only be

know), Franschhoek’s current 1985 Regulations do not

municipality that “The appropriate use, renewal and

sustainable if developed and managed considering

cover holiday lets of a whole house or flat. However,

interpretation of heritage features in this townscape

both visitors and local communities”.

in terms of the new by-law, municipal consent may



whether or not it is in the Historic Area. Although they are to be replaced by a Stellenbosch

The report warns of the threat of “overtourism”. It

be required for letting to “transient guests” for more

How would you feel if the houses either side of yours

defines this as “the impact of tourism on a destination,

than 30 days in a year and for guest house use but a

and across the road were used as guest houses or for

or parts thereof, that excessively influences perceived

B&B with up to 3 guest rooms operated by an owner

holiday lets?

quality of life of citizens and/or quality of visitors

occupier will only require a “technical consent”. Unless

experiences in a negative way”. This happens in

there is a policy to be applied it is likely that the

“the absence of good management” and where

municipality will approve all consent applications for

Tourism is also shaping development in residential areas

there is “uncontrolled development [of tourism]”.

these uses and their inexorable spread will continue.

in a way that is not conducive to the maintenance of their

With increasing tourist numbers, “tourism must be

In what is left of the residential parts of the Historic

residential character. How many of the recently built little

developed and managed in a sustainable manner for

Area of Franschhoek the tipping point may have been

houses on Van Wijk Street are lived in? I am told that most

both visitors and local communities. This is key when it

passed. Overtourism is coming if it is not already

of the flats in the ghastly new block on Reservoir Street

comes to what is being labelled as ‘overtourism’.”

here. The progressive loss of residential character at

unit is critical for their preservation.”

Go down any street in our Historic Area and count the number of B&Bs and guest houses.

The huge investment made in the last few years by

an increasing rate in all parts of Franschhoek will be

Leeu Collection in upgrading existing tourism facilities

unstoppable unless the municipality urgently adopts

The UN World Tourism Organisation very recently

has had a major and beneficial socioeconomic impact

and applies a policy for the sustainable development

published a report – ‘Overtourism’? Understanding

and must be welcomed and appreciated. However, the

and management of tourist accommodation in



municipality has no policy to be applied in deciding

Franschhoek for both visitors and residents as advised

Perceptions. It is mostly concerned with the impact

the numerous rezoning applications in all parts of

in the report by the UN World Tourism Organisation.

and sustainability of tourism in European cities like

Franschhoek from Single to General Residential for

have been “snapped up” (as estate agents like to say) by “investors” for (you’ve guessed it) self-catering holiday lets.





Barry Phillips

14 | March 2019

La Motte Ontwikkel Suksesvolle Kelderassistente Godfrey Josiah van La Motte is sedert 2011 ‘n gereelde deelnemer aan Winetech se studiegroepe en is een van die toppresteerders in hierdie projek. Hy is in beide 2017 en 2018 as een van die die top 10 kelderassistente aangewys. Godfrey het ook gedurende 2018 deelgeneem aan die Winetech werkswinkels vir senior kelderassistente. La Motte skep die afgelope 18 jaar geleenthede vir al hulle werknemers en ook vir kinders van La Motte personeel. Godfrey het, byvoorbeeld, met ‘n La Motte beurs bemarking aan Boland Kollege in die Paarl studeer. Dit is ook La Motte beleid om eerste keuse aan La Motte personeel en hulle kinders te gee wanneer vakante poste ontstaan. Die breër gemeenskap van die Franschhoekvallei word daarna oorweeg, indien ‘n pos nie intern gevul kan word nie. Die landgoed tree jaarliks met alle werknemers in gesprek om te bepaal watter opleiding hulle wil bywoon, sodat daarvoor begroot kan word. Die besluit om opleiding by te woon is ‘n vrywillige keuse en word nie deur die bestuur afgedwing nie. Kelderassistente word jaarliks byvoorbeeld aangemoedig om in te skryf vir Wine Training SA se Senior Kelderassistentontwikkelingsprogram (SKOP) kursusse. So het Godfrey reeds verskeie opleidingsessies en -kursusse van sy keuse suksesvol voltooi, onder andere WTSA se SKOP 1, 2 en 3, asook die WTSA se junior kelderbestuur opleiding. Godfrey beplan om ook SKOP 4 aan te pak. La Motte se benadering is om deur middel van kennisoordrag mense te bemagtig en so te verseker dat daar ‘n opwaartse kurwe is in loopbaanontwikkeling. Daar is byvoorbeeld personeel wat voorheen wingerd werkers was en na opleiding bevordering is tot senior poste in verskeie afdelings. Almal word dieselfde geleenthede

Senior kelderassistent Godfrey Josias proe wyn saam met La Motte keldermeester Edmund Terblanche.

gegun, maar die keuse berus uiteindelik by die individu. Informele mentorskapverhoudings kom voor en so het Godfrey ‘n uitstekende verhouding ontwikkel met keldermeester Edmund Terblanche en Michael Langenhoven, wat hom albei aanmoedig om groter hoogtes te bereik. Benewens kennisoordrag is daar nog ‘n ander voordeel verbonde aan die Winetech studiegroepe. Die interaksie wat plaasvind tussen kelderassistente wat die studiegroepe bywoon help om netwerke tussen kelderassistente te vestig, wat tot voordeel van almal strek. Godfrey vertel dat kelderassistente oor die algemeen geïsoleerd is binne die kelderomgewing en dat groter interaksie sosiaal en professioneel voordelig is. Godfrey gryp al die geleenthede aan wat wat La Motte hom bied en sy sukses spreek vanself. Teks: Winetech (Santi Basson) | Foto: Verskaf

Retirement Pitfalls to Avoid A well thought out retirement plan will benefit you in the future. Not only will it protect you when you eventually retire; but also helps to eliminate the additional stress of living without an optimal monthly income. “While people tend to primarily focus on getting healthier and travelling during the early parts of a year, it will be prudent to include retirement planning,” says Preenay Sathu, Wealth Manager at FNB Wealth and Investments. “With the economy in the doldrums and increasing household costs, we encourage clients to evaluate their current retirement plans to ensure that they are still in line with their long-term goals. A well-planned retirement will help you have a comfortable retirement,” adds Sathu. Keeping abreast of your current retirement plan and contribution is important. Almost all retirement plans are subject to regulation and supervision in terms of the Pensions Funds Act 1956. Any employee can claim a deduction of up to 27.5 % of your total taxable income or remuneration, capped at R350 000 a year. “Contributing to the maximum ensures that you have sufficient retirement savings in the long term and ensures that you get the maximum tax deduction possible,” says Sathu. Don’t over compensate when it comes to your retirement plans. “Your retirement plan needs to be realistic and firm focus needs to be placed on what you will need when you eventually retire. Health will always be a prime focus as we get older, so ensure that as part of your retirement plan you are able to ensure you can afford quality medical and health benefits,” explains Sathu In addition, understand that your retirement annuity doesn’t get paid-out immediately. Therefore, it is advisable to have discretionary or voluntary savings that cover at least six months’ living

expenses. Furthermore, ensure that you settle all your debt before you go into retirement. Budgeting appropriately for household essentials such as groceries, electricity, water, and fuel is another step that will ensure that you retire debt free. This discipline should continue in retirement to ensure that you avoid relying on debt to meet your needs. While there is nothing wrong with investing in a holiday home and travelling, one needs to be in the right financial position to do so. Therefore, it is important to factor in these when planning your retirement to avoid running out of funds. “Living a comfortable life should not end the day you stop working, hence it is important to plan and think long-term to be able to continue living a balanced life after your working life. Consumers are encouraged to plan their retirement based on their lifestyle and as well as the life they would like to live when in retirement,” concludes Sathu. Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Pixabay

Authentically South African – the table is set at Leopard’s Leap Family Vineyards

Culinary tourists and foodies are now invited to take their place at the Leopard’s Leap South African Table! Around this table, those interested in culinary culture can share an authentic South African meal, enjoy Cape wine and join the conversation on the origin and development of the local gastronomy. South Africa is a melting-pot of cultures, all of which influence food traditions and styles of cooking.The passionate Chef Pieter de Jager introduces guests to the diversity of South African cuisine and explains the rich culinary history and shares the tales behind the food he serves. Guests are also introduced to the versatile collection of Leopard’s Leap wines and their unique South African attributes. The South African Table at Leopard’s Leap brings together old and new friends for a relaxed mid-week luncheon of authentic South African cuisine and conversations on food and wine a highlight on any Franschhoek itinerary.

Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 12:00 – 13:00 Cost per person: R295 Reservations can be made in advance at or +27 (0)21 876 8002 #SharingSAFoodandWine

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March 2019 | 15

Hashtags over Hash Browns Franschhoek Free Wi-Fi


According to a 2016 survey by E.ON of 2,000 leisure and business travellers, hotel guests would rather have Wi-Fi than a complimentary breakfast. In a more recent Airbnb India study, a survey of almost 10,000 Airbnb guests between the ages of 18 and 54 confirmed that “in our always connected world, consistent internet connectivity and access to Wi-Fi emerged as an essential”. This sentiment is echoed in a BBC survey of 26 countries that found that 79% of people believe that access to the Internet is a fundamental right, and explains why the Western Cape Government recently embarked on a R3 billion plan to expand its broadband connectivity in government schools, clinics and offices. While the Groendal Library is a beneficiary of this plan, it does not extend to the main road tourist hub of Franschhoek. Knowing that businesses that provide free Wi-Fi are guaranteed to see an increase in foot traffic, longer time spent on premises and increased customer spend, the Franschhoek Wine Valley has embarked on an ambitious independently-funded initiative to change this. From the Huguenot Monument to Franschhoek Cellar, visitors travelling along the Franschhoek main road now have access to a world class limited free Wi-Fi offering by simply logging in with their Social Media credentials or an email address and password. The configuration of the network allows users to remain connected as they move from shops to

Jess’s Gin

Financial Matters Is SARS Attacking Your Medical Tax Credit? Taxpayers and tax practitioners have in recent months been surprised to find their medical claim tax credits queried by SARS. Up to this year the processing of the tax credit has gone smoothly.

restaurants without the need to log in and out of the network as they travel along the main road. In addition to the main road offering, Franschhoek Wine Valley has ensured that an additional limited free Wi-Fi area will be created in Groendal to complement the offering at the library. Commonly regarded as the Western Cape and South Africa’s gourmet capital, featuring internationally acclaimed restaurants and wine cellars producing award-winning wines, Franschhoek is pleased to offer everyone a free byte. To use the network simply head to your mobile device Wi-Fi settings and choose FranschhoekFree or visit for more information.

To many taxpayers such as those with disabilities, pensioners and lower income taxpayers their tax credit is significant. What is SARS querying? The Medical Tax Credit is a rebate to taxpayers who incur defined medical tax expenses. Part of these allowed expenses is the out-of-pocket medical expenses incurred by the taxpayer. In many cases this is claimed as shown on the Medical Aid tax certificate which is sent to SARS direct by the Medical Aid. The certificate shows your medical aid contributions plus expenses not allowed by your Medical Aid scheme – typically, these consist of expenses either not covered or partially covered by the Medical Aid and/or expenses submitted after you have reached your threshold of allowable medical expenses. According to tax practitioners SARS has begun to ask for documentation (invoices and proof of payment) for out-of-pocket medical expenses shown on the Medical Aid tax certificate. How to avoid problems

Text: Brett Garner

Jessica Henrich has strong ties to Franschhoek, she used to live here and regularly returns to spend time with her parents, but her newsworthiness currently is that she makes artisanal gin. She and her business partner, Niel du Toit, use sea water to make their gin, which is appropriately called A Mari – from the sea. Jessica and Niel were university friends and both found themselves at a point when they were looking for a new challenge. They say, “We wanted to do something a bit disruptive.” Making gin sounded good, but a number of interesting ideas had already been explored in this field so they thought they would change the water they used. Water and spirits are needed with the botanicals and salt would affect the boiling point of the ingredients which would work to their advantage. It has, it gives their gin a lovely smoothness (the salt stays behind in the still). It did take a lot of hard work in the trial and error period, but they got what they wanted, eventually. Being disruptive worked. An obvious ingredient in gin is of course juniper berries, which they buy because the trees are just too difficult to grow and take too long. They do grow lots of the plants they need in their home gardens though. Clean sea water is collected in jerry cans from a boat and the distilling happens in Salt River at Hope on Hopkins. Initially it happened in a second hand still that required a lot of supervision and gentle persuasion. Things have improved. A Mari Gin comes in two flavours; one from the Indian Ocean and the other from the Atlantic Ocean. The A Mari Indian Ocean Gin reflects spicy tones from the African east coast. An infusion of Chai marsala gives it its light gold colour while the tasting notes describe it as being, “Gently spiced,

with a full mouthfeel and delicate sweetness on the palate.” Ingredients added to the sea water are juniper, coriander, Swahili lime, lemon, Swahili lime leaves, ajwain, Madagascan pink peppercorns, turmeric, cardamom, angelica, chai masala, Kenyan black tea, cinnamon, cardamom and black pepper. The selective blend has contributed to an award-winning gin; in 2018 it won a Michelangelo Gold and IWSC Silver Outstanding. The A Mari Atlantic Gin carries with it the fynbos flavours of the West Coast, described as, “Citrus forward and fresh, with floral notes and a slight minerality to the finish.” Here the botanicals include juniper, coriander, orange, tangerine, lemon, cardamom, allspice, angelica, and a secret selection of fynbos. It too has won awards; in 2017 there was IWSC Silver and Michelangelo SACDI Most Innovative Gin Trophy and in 2018 Michelangelo Gold and IWSC Silver Outstanding. A Mari Gin is a great source of pleasure to Jess and Niel. Shortly after their gin came onto the market they would sneak into bars to see whether anyone was buying it and were thrilled to discover real customers buying their gin. They took risks, gave something an identity, then worked very hard to get it just right. Ask what it’s like now, they smile broadly and say, “Rewarding.” Text: Editorial Desk | Image Supplied


Areas of practice:

Estate and succession planning | Commercial Law Administration of estates, trusts & curatorships Engineering & Construction Law Antenuptial contracts | Conveyancing The Franschhoek Cellar Offices, Main Road, Franschhoek, 7690 Tel: +27 (0)21 876 2592 Fax: +27 (0)21 863 1495 Email: Also at 342 Val De Vie, Paarl


SARS denies it has changed the way it assesses the tax credit and the reason why there are problems is that taxpayers are claiming expenses over and above those shown on Medical Aid tax certificates. In these cases SARS is asking for documentation to substantiate these additional claims. The reason why it has cropped up this year is that, for the first time, SARS is populating taxpayers’ returns with the information received from Medical Aids. If the claim by the taxpayer does not agree with the Medical Aid certificate, then SARS will seek to verify the taxpayers’ claim. Keep abreast of what SARS is doing and plan accordingly. Make sure that you keep all documentation and be sure you can justify medical expenses claimed over and above what your tax certificates show.

16 | March 2019

with Claire Horn, founder of Physiotherapy Services in Franschhoek – Claire Horn and Associates How old is the physiotherapy profession? Pretty old by my standards! The physiotherapy profession was developed in the United Kingdom by four nurses in 1894; in America with the start of the American Physical Therapy Association in 1921; and in South Africa in 1924 with the South African Society of Physiotherapy. The profession is old enough for us to have recognition as “first line practitioners in South Africa”, which means a doctor’s referral is not required for physiotherapy assessment or treatment, and we can refer for X-rays or to specialists. This status was attained in South Africa in 1985. Just before I entered the profession as a student. Why did you become a physiotherapist? Well, one of the reasons was that my list of other professions – medicine, law and nursing – was not to my father’s approval! His reasons were quite rude,

or financial. As a young child I spent some effort suspending one of my brothers from the rafters to alleviate his low back pain. Physical rehabilitation was introduced to me when I was 10 years old by my very unenchanted grandmother, who had a stroke, and her hardworking physio attempting and succeeding in facilitating her walking. The truth is that I researched physiotherapy as a school project when I was only 13 years old. As a teen, I accompanied a young friend through recovery after knee surgery and was impressed by the process and the excellent outcome of her return to sport. In which discipline do you have a doctorate and what does it mean for your work? I hold a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Degree from the University of Montana, USA. It was a culmination of further studies in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy; a year-long residency training in California, then a Master’s Degree from Pacific University in Oregon in Health Sciences and finally transitioning to the DPT. The advanced study and rigorous training made me realise that physiotherapy is an essential part of the medical services and not a luxury. Is there interaction, competition and or referrals between physiotherapists, medical doctors and chiropractors? This is an interesting question and topic that the public ask me about regularly. For me, the interaction is important and patient choice of providers is key. In the medical world, the patient or client and their needs are central. In the private sector the challenge is not to operate in isolation and in Franschhoek communication is possible and easy.

Do you still teach at a post graduate level? I teach on a post graduate private course offered by the South African Society of Physiotherapy. I lecture on the cervical and lumbar spine, assessment, treatment (including manipulation) and differential diagnosis. Screening for non-musculoskeletal disease that presents as pain in the body is something we frequently assess. Understanding pain and pain sciences is another area that I am beginning to teach. In 2017 I completed a Post Graduate Diploma at the University of Cape Town in Interdisciplinary Pain Management. What is the most common complaint which is dealt with in your Franschhoek practice? Pain! The most common areas are low back pain and neck and upper back pain or stiffness. Pain is complex, driven by so many sensory, emotional and contextual factors – it is subjective too, which means it is unique for each person. Is there value in being tough and pushing through pain? Pain being a subjective, individual experience, is produced in the brain as a form of protective output to the human. Is there value is pushing in through? Well it depends on the context, the goal, the previous experience, one’s own capacity to heal and recover. Pain is not necessarily danger – but a change in behaviour is needed in the face of pain. Pushing through pain? The short answer would be NO – the long answer is KNOW PAIN – KNOW GAIN. In which sport do you participate and how often? Sports and physical training are part of daily life for our family. Rob and I are currently training for the Cape Town Cycle tour. In addition, I participate in mountain biking. I swim, run and gym with

Not Missing a David Kramer Show

Book Review


Every Note Played By Lisa Genova. Publ: Allen and Unwin. 306 pages. Motor neuron disease, or ALS, is as fresh in our minds as the latest newspaper headlines. Stephen Hawking, the theoretical physicist, and Joost van der Westhuizen, the rugby player, were both notable not just for the fact that they suffered from ALS, but that they lived so long with it. Lisa Genova is known for her bestselling novel about Alzheimer’s disease, “Still Alice”, which was made into an award winning film starring Julianne Moore. Now she has written a novel in which the main character is stricken by motor neuron disease. Genova’s great talent consists of the ability to personalize, and thereby humanize, a dread disease. The reader can experience empathetically the symptoms as they gradually develop in an individual, and can literally be there in the end when the patient is destroyed by the disease. All of this sounds quite dreadful and, of course, observing a life wasting away is not pleasant. But if you are interested in life (and death), knowing what someone like Hawking experienced is a rewarding experience. In the same way that it was ironic that Alice was an intellectual academic who lost her capacity to think, in “Every Note Played” the character that develops ALS is a concert pianist. We watch in fascination as Richard, at the height of his fame as an international performer, starts to find a slight tremor in a finger. This is at first dismissed as tendonitis or some minor arthritic symptom. Then slowly the disease attacks the neurons of his musculature until his arms are paralyzed. His legs

weights at least twice a week. Previously, I have trained and participated in the Ironman 70.3 and other local triathlons. My mother would have said I was completely over active! Who are the members of your family? We are family of five. Rob McKay is my darling husband, or otherwise known as Sir. Rob teaches at Bridge House School, which is how we landed in Franschhoek in 2002. Our youngest son, Shaun, joined our family in 2010 at the age of 8 months and brings a whole new dimension to speed, height and activity levels. Dylan, our eldest son, matriculated from Bridge House in 2018 and is pursuing Commercial Photography as part of a gap year. Lucy is in grade 8 at Bridge House School and brings a remarkable number of small animals home to add to the family numbers in case we felt we were lacking!!

still work, although even a three-block walk to a nearby park becomes the equivalent of trekking across the Antarctic. But there is more to the book than just the description of the inevitable march of ALS in the body. It is a novel, after all. So we are introduced to Karina, Richard’s former wife, herself a pianist of note. It appears that Richard has been a philanderer, and had neglected and betrayed Karina to such an extent that she divorced him and won custody of their daughter Grace. Karina is a highly sympathetic character and much is made of her Polish background and her own struggles to achieve her own ambition, but she seems destined to remain no more than a talented piano teacher. Grace struggles to find her feet as a college student, while deeply resenting

her neglectful father. A quarter of the way into the novel Karina discovers that her former husband is incapacitated and struggling to survive. So she moves him back in with her and begins to take over as caregiver. The ALS that Richard has is particularly swift in its depredations and within months he is reduced to the Hawking-like state of only being able to communicate electronically. The effect that Karina’s selfless support has on Richard’s emotions and on Grace’s attitude to her dad is part of the dramatic development of the story. Because of the uneven quality of the writing, reading this sympathetic novel is not so much a literary exercise as an intellectually rewarding one. I’m sure that, with proper casting and directing, it will also make an excellent movie.


w w w. m i n i m a xc i n e m a . c o . z a

The Franschhoek Culture Vultures had been aiming for David Kramer’s new show, Langarm, at the Fugard Theatre since its opening in December. They eventually managed to get seats at the end of January and then found that there were twice as many eager Culture Vultures as available seats. A second booking and bus had to be arranged and so that is what they did. The buses were full, the Leopard’s Leap MCC and wines were chilled and freshly made snacks were packed on the appointed evenings. Tickets were collected at the box office after everyone was dropped at the theatre door and seats were taken up shortly before the curtain went up. What a show it was. The story was set in the years after World War Two and reflected much of the pain of the apartheid years but the ending was a happy one for the characters and probably a relief for the audience. Never mind the disturbing details of the story, the singing and dancing of the cast were breath-taking. Byron Klaasen, the dance captain, stole many an unsuspecting heart. The wonderful band was just what one would like at a party every week! The encores were eventually stopped by the bright lights in the auditorium and the beckoning of the doors opening to the foyer. The buses took two rather jolly groups back to Franschhoek and all were safely home before the bewitching hour. If you would like to receive information on future outings, please send your name, email address and cell phone number to




SMS “JOIN 1528” to 32013 TO RECEIVE A WEEKLY SMS WITH MOVIE UPDATES Joining SMS costs R1.00 (once off ). Free SMSs do not apply. Notification SMSs from Minimax are free of charge.

GREEN BOOK 1 March 2019


THE LEGO MOVIE 2 : THE SECOND PART 1 March 2019 3D - R80 (R15 for glasses) 2D - R60


WONDER PARK 15 March 2019

Subject to change without notice. We regret no complimentary tickets or vouchers are allowed during the first week of any new release.


COLD PERSUIT 22 March 2019

021 872 0714/5


March 2019 | 17

Cryptic Crossword

Jyotish Vedic Astrology ROBERT RITTEL

Aries, 21 March – 19 April: Mars, who likes to play with the earthy elements, has moved into Taurus. A strong sense of relationship or partnership is seeking its balance in this environment. The Mars energy here has to create stable, enduring forms of preserving beauty without becoming possessive about it. Taurus, 20 April – 20 May: The morning star, now visible in the constellation of Aquarius, likes to show the luminous colours of visibility. Venus in this constellation is full of allure and often speaks in regrets, doubt and fear – when the heart speaks in tears. Unusual perceptions create images that are not easily accepted. Images to proclaim in trust and dare, or obstinate tendencies will follow. Gemini, 21 May – 20 June: Mercury on its way to Aries gives your thoughts and speech another gear. An energetic nature, seeks change and interchange, motion and invention. If you’re seeking from the poetic heart, the mental union and the mutable air will let the words in rhyme appear. Cancer, 21 June – 22 July: The cardinal water seeks affirmation with others and makes himself vulnerable to the moods of the people with social influence and recognition. Your devotion, loving and intuitive senses need to be observed carefully, otherwise some people will bind you to fixations or attachments that will cost a lot. Leo, 23 July – 22 August: The fixed fire shows a need for order and harmony around a central will and character influence. Leos know that and want others to recognize that. Aristocratic and ambitious boldness to the point of vanity is that self-expression. The spiral of dreams, the treasure one seeks vanishes as quickly as one who speaks in pretence. Virgo, 23 August – 22 September: The mutable earth declares the important balancing act between body and mind. Your command of language and its sensitivity is very good for teaching and all trivia. Discriminations come from spiritual experience and

need to be turned into philosophies which are built for the purity of the mind. Libra, 23 September – 22 October: The scale of balance has a strong sense of harmony, justice and reams of ideas. Their orientation is too often political and creates a zeal, which comes across like propaganda. The desire to be recognized in their ideas has its tipping point when they get lost in goals and projects. Scorpio, 23 October – 21 November: Fixed water represents the need for balance and stability on a deeper or psychic level. Scorpions are fascinated with techniques or technology for directing energies inward, expressing analysed profoundness. The active subconscious loves to develop a psychological disposition and introversion that others can rarely attain. Sagittarius, 22 November – 21 December: Mutable fire represents the manifestation of the will in action. As Jupiter is at home in this sign this year, all groups or organizations in which you are involved have special dimensions. If the mind is too much into discrimination and fault finding, you may be unable to see your limitations, and the opportunities for expansion. Capricorn, 22 December – 19 January: Cardinal earth, or the power and order in complete organization, are the signs for practical realization. The art of self-surrender and taking oneself less seriously helps one to be less concerned about outer forms. Higher intellectual or spiritual values are the traditional road to long-term success. Aquarius, 20 January – 18 February: Fixed air indicates the making of a master, having more faith and the capacity to surrender the ego to the divine. They believe in others and denigrate themselves. Aquarians are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of all and exercise real humanitarian concern. Truth comes from their intuitive perceptions. Pisces, 19 February - 20 March: Mutable water points to the need for proper integration. They’re emotional, expansive, intuitive, imaginative and enthusiastic, but not wise in actions or confirmations. They like to influence others, but are easily influenced themselves, becoming vulnerable or impressionable, too easily moved by sympathy and pity.

Across 1 Deep desire to pinch back gin cocktail (6) 4 Confesses to trashing stadium after United’s lost (6) 9 Very late (4) 10 Standard electricity supplier: a meter’s faulty without energy (10) 11 Queen to back bird (6) 12 Record R Steiger play (8) 13 European trade warning holds nothing over English (9) 15 Adult butterfly’s sad and cold (4) 16 Meat cut from armadillo? I never! (4) 17 Politician rested in bed with illness (9) 21 Worn by Prince Charles, say, when live! (2,3,3) 22 Clerical work drawing over page (6) 24 New moon interrupts quiet — one’s left with sleepiness (10) 25 Pointless, seething anger? (4) 26 Jack breaks into cars (common in Norway) (6) 27 Programming language that’s good at compression? (6)

Useful Numbers ACCOUNTANTS Tax Shop

021 876 2676


Franschhoek High School

021 876 2079

Groendal Primary School

021 876 2448

Groendal Secondary School

021 876 2211

Susan Charlesworth

021 876 2592/072 402 9469

Wes-Eind Primary School

021 876 2360

Snipelisky & Killian

083 250 0943/021 876 2084

Dalubuhle Primary School

021 876 3957



Pepler Alarms

021 876 3308


Franschhoek Storage

021 876 2174


Boland Bridge Club

Info Office

021 876 3603

Franschhoek Tennis Club

078 278 4843

021 876 3031

Winelands Experience

021 876 4042

Franschhoek Trust & RPA

021 876 3460

Huguenot Memorial Museum

021 876 2532

Grt. Drak Games Club

021 874 1906



021 876 3775

Gerald Fourie

Stellenbosch Masonic Lodge (Chris)

072 211 9991


021 876 2940/082 821 5234

Franschhoek Rotary Club

082 773 9217

Franschhoek Animal Clinic (plus surgery)

Franschhoek Probus Club

021 876 3179



021 876 2504

021 863 3187 or 082 8089 100


Franschhoek Electric

082 823 7119/021 876 3640

Stellenbosch Fire Dept. (Buildings on fire)

Rensburg Electrical

021 876 2120/083 309 2923

Cape Winelands Distr.Muni. (Bush & veld fires)

021 887 4446

021 886 9244

EXCAVATIONS Andrew Schmidt Burger Excavations

021 876 4431/082 972 5755 072 3408518


Police Eskom

021 808 8888

10111/021 876 8061 086 003 7566

Omnipage Farm Watch

021 852 3318

Franschhoek Pharmacy

021 876 2261


021 876 2346

Franschhoek Health Club

021 876 3310

N1, N2 & R300 Emergency number:

021 946 1646



Clock Repairs

028 840 1716

Dr Schalk du Plessis

021 876 3070

Lighting & Accessories

021 876 3640

Dr Rob Hammer

021 876 2634

Ria Pools (Franschhoek) Sue’s Gardens

021 876 2612/072 347 5355 083 321 3442


DOCTORS Dr Karin Eksteen Dr Shelley Hellig

021 876 4622 021 871 1063

Franschhoek Photolab

021 876 3921

Dr Alexander Heywood

021 876 2474


021 876 3025

Dr Hannes Van der Merwe

021 876 2304

Dr Nicolas Els

021 876 2561

OPTOMETRIST Marelise Bester

021 872 3530

PHYSIOTHERAPY Claire Horn Franschhoek Plumbing

AUDIOLOGIST Audiologist Tracy-Ann Morris

021 876 4234/082 582 1029



Down 1 It’s child’s play to bake epic turnover slice (7) 2 Former CEO of Polly Peck’s lowest point (5) 3 Identity badge of Spooner’s gentle horse (4,3) 5 Plan to put side spin on both sides of green (6) 6 Actor first to blow up 50 air beds? (5,4) 7 Tripping? As I seem to be a cat (7) 8 Italian philosopher squanders 10 grand on old boxer … (8,5) 14 … who does this before a fght to attack (5,4) 16 Tall aristocrat has no time for man in the field (4,3) 18 Wizard’s unknown craft (7) 19 12 dresses last of women with a good figure (7) 20 Rang about rising IT company (6) 23 Fish’s resting place (5)

Medicare EMR 021 876 3759


084 264 0000

EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONSE 074 363 7744/021 876 4316

MUNICIPALITY (Ward 1) Councillor Frazenburg (DA)

021 808 8490


021 876 3085

(Ward 2) Councillor Petersen (DA)

082 404 5055


074 686 2364

021 808 8406

(Ward 3) Councillor Manuel (DA)

Post Office

021 876 2342

(Ward 4) Councillor Johnson (DA)

021 808 8019

Welfare (ACVV)

021 876 2670

Municipality (Office Hours)

021 808 8700


021 876 4808

Municipality (afternoon only)

021 808 8890

Municipality 24hr Service

021 808 8700

SCHOOLS Bridge House School

021 874 8100

18 | March 2019


TO RENT House to rent from April 2019, fully furnished. R45000 pm. W & L incl.

RiaPools: 072 347 5355

Please reply by email to


STUFF WANTED: All manner of clothing and household items needed for our ‘First Friday of The Month’ jumble sales. Please help us to help the animals of the valley. Please drop of at the clinic in La Provence Street, Groendal, or phone for us to collect. 021 876 4808 ASSISTANCE OFFERED: I am a caring, friendly older woman who can assist you in your house, shop or office. I can run errands or drive you around. Available afternoons, evenings or weekends. 083 270 9555. CHANGING TO A SALT WATER SYSTEM? Let us advise & quote for you! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355 DO YOU STILL HAVE THAT POOL LEAK? Loosing water all the time? Let us quote and take care of the problem! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355 RE-FIBRE GLASS YOUR POOL in any colour you like. Call 2018 RiaPools 20 | September


REQUIRED? Keep it local! Get a quote. Call

for a quote:

Smalls 072 347 5355


I am a responsible, mature woman who adores animals. I can also supervise domestic staff, pool/garden maintenance,




and help you out! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355

for a job as a gardener. Fulltime /part time.


I am a Malawian. Please call Kenneth on

TERM LETTING service and hosting. Frans RE-THINKING YOUR GARDEN? For Garden ORGANIC



Delivered weekly to Franschhoek, including




POSITION. I am a 36 year old, single,

eggs, cheese, honey, etc. Lists of available

Zimbabwean female looking for a job, with



driving licence and own vehicle. I have

placed on Tuesday for Wednesday delivery.

excellent references, comprehensive CV and

A number of Franschhoekers are already

work permit. Please email me hmatiza300@

receiving weekly deliveries. To be added or please call 082 771 7683



to the list contact Sue Norman on 083 321 PUBLIC SPEAKING / LEADERSHIP: Paarl Communicators, part of Agora International,

painter or maintenance and more. Please call 063 574 8918/061 199 1954

assists in the development of public

LOOKING FOR JOB I am Sellina Banda,

speaking, communication and leadership

a 30 year old Malawian lady, looking for a

skills. Once-off joining fee of R200, then R65

housekeeping job. I can clean, iron and do

per meeting, which included a light dinner

other household work. Please contact me

& tea/coffee. Meetings held as Villa Visaggio

on 060 348 4602/083 355 5970

082 579 2994. Booking essential.

and housekeeping. I have 8 years experience.

Smalls R30. Text only, maximum of 30 words Leave, with payment, LOOKING FOR JOB painting, gardening outside Paarl. ContactatLen van der Walt – Franschhoek Pharmacy before 15th ofI do preceding month

I am Malawian, speak English and I’m a very

precious pets and belongings. STUFF WANTED: All manner Franschhoek of clothing only. Contact Sue 083 270 9555. and household items needed for our ‘First

2019, fully furnished, R12000 pm. W & L incl. POOL PUMP PROBLEMS? Noise? We Please reply by email to quote and help you out! Call RiaPools:

hard working guy! Reference available. Please vegetables and fruit in season, chicken, eggs, contact Ben on 083 687 7293 cheese, honey, etc. Lists of available produce

Friday of The Month’ jumble sales. Please

072 347 5355

received on Monday, orders placed on Tuesday for Wednesday delivery. A number

help us to help the animals of the valley.

We offer a variety of programmes for all ages and levels of play. Tennis & Fitness Programme, Tea & Coffee Tennis, Clinics & Camps, Tours & Tournaments

LOOKING FOR JOB I am a Malawian looking for a job as gardener, cleaner,

3442 or

TO RENT “Gatehouse” to rent from April

car care etc. You can trust me with your


079 479 7136/078 019 7975

vegetables and fruit in season, chicken, received


job as a domestic worker. I have 12 years’ experience. Please contact Zoleka on

Consulting call Susan at 072 932 5393 FRESH,

Bounce Tennis

073 724 2921 DOMESTIC WORKER. I am looking for a

081 858 2966 Bill 076 598 4099

Please drop of at the clinic in La Provence


of Franschhoekers are already receiving

Street, Groendal, or phone for us to collect.

TERM LETTING service and hosting. Frans

weekly deliveries. To be added to the list

021 876 4808

081 858 2966 Bill 076 598 4099

contact Sue Norman on 083 321 3442 or

CONTACT: Coach Shaun Makanjuola | 071 921 7252 | Facebook: Bounce Tennis Academy Franschhoek Tennis Club

Bounce Tennis ACADEMY


We offer a variety of programmes for all ages and levels of play. ASSISTANCE OFFERED: I am a caring, friendly older woman who can assist you in


Consulting call Susan at 072 932 5393

Ulanda, I am a 32 year old

your house, shop or office. I can run errands or drive you around. Available afternoons, evenings or weekends. 083 270 9555.


Malawian, looking for a job as a gardener,

to rent. Located close to the police

painter, maintenance or house cleaner. I

station. Double garage and small pool.

have contactable references. Please call


me on 0733834026/0619835326




Let us advise & quote for you! Call RiaPools:

pm – negotiable on long term lease.

072 347 5355

Unfurnished. Call 082 990 6067.



TO LET: Spacious 3 bedroom house




Loosing water all the time? Let us quote

SPEAKING: Would you like to boost your

and take care of the problem! Call RiaPools:


072 347 5355

speaking in public? If so, Toastmasters



Tennis & Fitness Programme, Tea & Coffee Tennis, Clinics & Camps, Tours & Tournaments CONTACT: Coach Shaun Makanjuola | 071 921 7252 | Facebook: Bounce Tennis Academy Franschhoek Tennis Club



is the only proven, cost effective route RE-FIBRE GLASS YOUR POOL in any

towards becoming a better speaker. To

colour you like. Call RiaPools for a quote:

find out how Toastmasters can help with

072 347 5355

your personal development, newcomers are welcome to join the Paarl Toastmasters



Club monthly event, starting at 19h00 at

I am a responsible, mature woman who

Simonsvlei Winery, just off the old Paarl

adores animals. I can also supervise

Road (R101) on Thursday, 27 September

domestic staff, pool/garden maintenance,

2018. The event fee, which includes wine

car care etc. You can trust me with your

and light refreshments is R50, but this

. . . to join us . . .

precious pets and belongings. Franschhoek

is waived for first time visitors. For more

we can do production but need

only. Contact Sue 083 270 9555.

information contact Lynette Bester on 082 418 4748 (




REQUIRED? Keep it local! Get a quote. Call





Delivered weekly to Franschhoek, including

RiaPools: 072 347 5355

a business manager a creative who enjoys client liason, traffic, accounting - great potential call nicolas 076 107 8726 or colleen 082 779 2943


Community CommunityEvents Events SPORT



TOOL & EQUIPMENT HIRE Brush Cutters, Lawn Mowers, Chain Saws, Concrete Mixers, Drills, Compressors, Pumps, Jackhammers

ARMED RESPONSE Residential & Business (excl VAT)

Hassle-Free link over No Fixed-Term Contract Month to Month Service Agreement Courtesy Call after search of premises

SERVICING & REPAIR Light Industrial Equipment

Active Patrols Day & Night (excl VAT)

Site Survey Meet & Greet Direct contact with Owner of business Tactical Unit Back-Up Response Armed Officers ready to take action

“When it comes to security, we mean business.” Armed Response / Tactical Unit Support / Active Patrolling / Guarding / Executive Services | | 0 8 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0


always at your service

072 378 1916 or 021 876 4123 Email:

Franschhoek Cycling Club Outrides: Regular road rides on Saturday mornings from BP garage to Stellenbosch/ Jonkershoek and back (75km) followed by coffees. Meet at 08h00, winter months, 07h00 in summer. To check times in shoulder seasons contact Paul Barkley. 083 302 9096. Franschhoek Tennis Club: Social tennis is played at the club on Fridays, Sundays and Public Holidays from 08h00. For more information contact Ross. 078 278 4843. Parkrun: Saturdays at Rickety Bridge Wine Estate. Time: 08h00. Cost: Free. Register at

New Apostolic Church: Le Roux Street, Groendal. Sundays 09h00, Wednesdays 19h30. Rector: Charles Leibrandt. Roman Catholic Church: Mass every 2nd Saturday of the month at the Methodist Church, Bagatelle St, 073 488 6816. Shofar Christian Church: Services: 09h00 English service at 7 Lambrechts Street. 18h00 Afrikaanse diens by Franschhoek Rugbyklub, Groendal. Pastor Richard Wade. 083 225 8529. All welcome! St George’s Anglican Church: Groot Drakenstein. Sunday Services: Holy Communion and Sunday School 10h00. Rector Fr Joe Humbles. 073 560 3566.

Methodist Church: Sunday service 09h00. Rev Nuno Vergueiro. 021 872 3580 or 082 662 4509.

Trinity Church: Worship every Sunday at 09h30 at L’Ermitage Chapel, with Holy Communion. Weekday service Thursday at 10h30 at Fleur de Lis. Contact Gavin – 083 799 0726.

NG Kerk: Sondagdienste 09h30. Geen aanddiens. Ds Peet Bester. 021 876 2431. Besoekers welkom.

Uniting Reformed Church: Sunday service 09h30. Dr Shaun Burrows. 021 876 2632. Visitors welcome.


March 2019 | 19 October 2018 | 19

C: 071 990 9219 • C: 082 390 8191 • PO Box 5, Groot Drakenstein, 7690

Member of the Institute of Plumbing South Africa


Tel: 021 876 3759 Cell: 073 007 6001 or Cell: 082 875 6014

+27 (0)21 876 3640 Unit A, Fabriek Nationale No 1, 9 Fabriek street, Franschhoek 7690

Copyright: All rights reserved, reproduction in whole or part prohibited. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Publication of editorial or advertising matter does not imply endorsement or warranty in respect of goods or services therin described. 074 313 7829

20 | March 2019

March 2019 | 21

22 | | March March2019 2019 22


R5 650 000 This delightful 3 bed 3 bath home is full of surprises and is set in the quiet gated estate which is within walking distanceofthe centre of the Village. The upstairs main suite has its own TV lounge, gym comfortable size bedroom with loads of cupboards and en-suite bathroom. The fully fitted kitchen has a Gas hob and electric oven. The beautifully appointed living/dining room with gas fireplace opens out onto a real country garden which has different secluded sections all with mountain views. Off the living room is the stunning pub which opens out onto the very secluded and private entertainment/pool area with gas braai and is surrounded by mature trees. Theoversized single garage also houses the laundry. Off the back of the garage is another room with shower which could be used as additional accommodation or a workshop with ownentrance. The enclosed passage way doubles as a “storeroom”. All rooms have temperature controlled units including the kitchen and all the bedrooms, lounge, TV lounge and Gym have TV points.

Janice Hicks 072 991 6272 / 021 876 4579 ·


R9 750 000 This home is one of the few residences offered for sale on the exclusive Deltacrest Equine Estate which is close proximity to Bridge House Private School (4km) and approximately 18km from the Village of Franschhoek. The Estate offers top class security and has a state of the art Equestrian Centre. Riders are able to enjoy beautiful out rides on the adjoining SolmsDelta wine estate and surrounding areas. This property is set on 600 sqmtwith a further exclusive use area of an additional 600 sqmtwith vineyards at your front door which gives a feeling country living. The Estate also has a communal Floodlit tennis court and swimming pool. The home comprises 4 bedrooms 4.5 bathrooms an enormous family living area with wine cellar and gourmetkitchen beautiful entertainment area with pool and fire pit. Living in a secure estate surrounded by horses and vineyards is a huge bonus to anyone wanting secure living with the farm feel. ERF SIZE : 1200sqms HOUSE SIZE : 458 sqms LEVY : R6707 Rates & Taxes : R 1 322

Janice Hicks 072 991 6272 / 021 876 4579 ·


R7 950 000 This beautifully fully furnished family home is offered for sale. Situated in a Prime position on the estate it is North Facing and overlooks paddocks on one side and panoramic mountain views on the other. This home is on the exclusive Deltacrest Equine Estate which is close proximity to Bridge House Private School (4km) and about 18km from the Village of Franschhoek. The Estate offers top security and has a state of the art Equestrian Centre. This property is set on 600sqm with exclusive use of an additional 600sqm with vineyards at the front door. The Estate also has a communal tennis court and swimming pool. Comprising of 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms. The main bedroom is ensuite with a walk in dressing room, 2 downstairs guest rooms share a beautifully appointed bathroom. The 4th Bedroom is upstairs and has its own outside entrance. The double volume open plan living and dining room has a large feature fireplace. The kitchen is fully fitted with separate scullery. The adjoining family dining area and TV lounge opens out on the pool and entertainment area. There is an automated garage and 3 carports. The landscaped garden is fully irrigated. ERF SIZE : 600sqms HOUSE SIZE : 330sqms LEVY : R3550 Rates & Taxes : R 1 100

Janice Hicks 072 991 6272 / 021 876 4579 ·

Would you like to rent your property? Contact our rental department, we have the tenants! Kate Hicks 079 068 130 · ·

March 2019 | 23


ELEGANT VILLAGE COTTAGE IN FRANSCHHOEK Elegance and style prevail as one enters this contemporary style country cottage. Covered portico leads onto voluminous open plan, lounge, dining area, kitchen and living room. Separate laundry room and storage cupboards. Stepping onto the private back veranda one overlooks the swimming pool and garden.


Kitchen has granite tops with fitted appliances and integrates well with the living area. This home has two spacious ensuite master bedrooms. Delightful home in close proximity to all village amenities.

ADELL FERREIRA 083 964 1155 MELINA VISSER 082 419 9928

VILLAGE HOME WITH EXCEPTIONAL POSITION Inviting, quaint, slightly recessed off the street with large garden and established trees. Enjoy the sunny northern front porch and lovely private garden. Village home with generous size bedrooms, a separate study, formal dining room and large living room with wood burning fireplace.



FOR SALE R6,850,000

BELLA CASA FRANSCHHOEK - GUESTHOUSE APPROVAL Quiet corner stand. Open plan lounge/ dining family room with a cozy wood-burning fireplace. Master suite has a separate, private lounge. Entrance foyer, open plan lounge/dining and family room with cozy fireplace, kitchen with scullery and separate pantry. Downstairs spacious master suite with private lounge and 2nd bedroom with full bathroom. 4 BEDROOMS | 3 BATHROOMS FLOOR AREA: 300 SQM LAND SIZE: 649 SQM

FOR SALE R6,500,000

The upper level of this home comprises two additional bedrooms and a bathroom. Enclosed patio leading into a heated indoor swimming pool. Perfect location .Guest house approval Ideal opportunity for shortterm letting and/or lifestyle living.

ADELL FERREIRA 083 964 1155 MELINA VISSER 082 419 9928


FOR SALE R3,550,000

The charming kitchen looks out onto the back garden and patio. Separate scullery. Solar heated pool, enclosed patio and built in braai. Automated irrigation, fully alarmed, double garage with 2 store rooms, carport and 3 x 2500L water catchment tanks. Totally charming and private.

Perfectly situated in a secure gated estate, this lovely home is well maintained, has high ceilings and is designed around practical village living. It comprises 3 bedroom, living room with wood burning Morso stove, dining and kitchen area. Separate scullery and pantry.

External storeroom, single garage with automated access and a carport. The veranda’s look onto a well contained garden with views over the northern and southern Franschhoek mountains. Lock up and go, entry level home and or work from home opportunity.

ADELL FERREIRA 083 964 1155 MELINA VISSER 082 419 9928


ADELL FERREIRA 083 964 1155 MELINA VISSER 082 419 9928

DUAL LIVING HOME WITH EXCEPTIONAL VISTAS This contemporary designer home is set against the backdrop majestic Franschhoek mountains. The artistic owner has spared no expense with the use of solid oak floors, marble bathrooms, seedcloth wall coverings, & stylish cabinetry. The spacious open-plan lounge, dining & kitchen space merge onto the patio.

FOR SALE R8,950,000

FOR SALE R13,950,000 EXCL. VAT

Luxury accommodation includes four master bedrooms, all en-suite with luxurious bathrooms. The inviting landscaped entrance is uplit at night with feature lighting creating a gentle evening ambience. The feature kitchen in natural wood and tones of muted grey has been designed with stylish granite workspaces, an adjoining work “nook” and separate scullery. ADELL FERREIRA 083 964 1155 MELINA VISSER 082 419 9928

2 BEDROOM APARTMENT WITH MOUNTAIN VIEWS Brand new! Secure 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living with generoussized lounge, dining room and kitchen with vitrified tiles. Open-plan kitchen includes Bosch hob, oven and extractor fan. Designed to optimize the natural light, all finishes include the highest quality brand names such as Hans Grohe in the kitchen and bathrooms. 2 BEDROOMS | 2 BATHROOMS FLOOR AREA: 114 SQM


Eco-efficient lighting, cross-ventilation system as well as air conditioning in both bedrooms. Price is VAT inclusive. Le Bourgette consists of 34 units in total Each unit is 114sqm under roof including the 14sqm outside patio. Only 3 units left in this stylish new development

ADELL FERREIRA 083 964 1155 MELINA VISSER 082 419 9928

24 | March 2019



FRANSCHHOEK Office: 021 876 2100 | |

Ref# FWL1419071

Franschhoek / R56, 000 per month Beds 6 / Baths 6 / Parking 2 Live a tranquil country lifestyle in this immaculate country home set on an exclusive boutique estate, with striking all round mountain and country views. Wonderfully light and bright, with quality finishes throughout, air conditioning, underfloor heating, atriums and fold-back seamless doors, this property offers world-class family living. Long lease. Viewing by Appointment only Brigid Moore 084 665 0119

Ref# FWI1396686

Franschhoek / R2.695 million Beds 2 / Baths 2 / Parking 1 First floor apartment in a brilliantly positioned new development in the heart of Franschhoek. The perfect lock-up-and-go, in close proximity to Franschhoek’s many tourist attractions. Private sale. Jeanine Allen 082 410 6837 / Doug Gurr 072 610 7208

Ref# FWI1407509

Ref# FWI1335371

Franschhoek / R3.3 million

Franschhoek / R3.495 million

Beds 2 / Baths 2 / Parking 1 Stunning income producing apartment located at L’Ermitage, with open plan living dining and kitchen leading onto undercover patio for entertaining. Beautifully furnished and sold fully furnished to move straight in.

Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 1 This charming cottage is situated in a gated estate, and offers an open plan lounge dining area with high ceilings and large windows leading to the seperate kitchen. A sparkling swimming pool and outdoor patio in the back garden is ideal for outdoor entertainment and the front garden ideal for gardening lovers.

Jeanine Allen 082 410 6837 / Doug Gurr 072 610 7208

Jeanine Allen 082 410 6837 / Doug Gurr 072 610 7208

March 2019 | 25

26 | March 2019

Local expertise, national presence and international audience


R21 000 000 PLUS VAT

STUNNING LIFESTYLE SMALL-HOLDING On Sole Mandate. Excellent location with 2.2 hectares of land, large farmhouse, two self- catering cottages and two staff cottages. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194


R 6 950 000

THREE BEDROOM VILLAGE HOME On Sole Mandate. An extensive renovation has brought this charming 3 bedroom home right up to date while retaining the character of the original cottage. Light and welcoming open-plan living areas lead out to a spacious covered terrace overlooking a pool and gardens with mature shrubs and trees. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194


R6 950 000

THREE BEDROOM FRANSCHE HOEK ESTATE On sole mandate. Stunning classic, contemporary home set amongst the vineyards on a secure agricultural estate. Large open plan living areas and 3 bedrooms en-suite. Tom Clode 079 955 3114Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194


R6 795 000

FAMILY HOME IN QUIET RESIDENTIAL ROAD On Sole Mandate. Ideal 4 bedroom family home on a large plot in a quiet residential street but only a short walk from the village. The living areas open onto a large outside entertainment area around a pool. Spacious gardens and undercover verandahs to the front and rear of the property. Single garage and ample off street parking. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

Franschhoek Office 23 Huguenot Street, Franschhoek, 7690 +27 (0)21 876 3322

Park Lane Office 119/121 Park Lane, London, W1 +44 (0)207 079 1515


R7 950 000

FOUR BEDROOM FAMILY HOME On Sole Mandate. Well-proportioned double storey family home on large plot. Spacious living areas with a large farm style kitchen. Large gardens with pool and mature trees and views. Tom Clode 079 955 3114 Terry-Lee George 082 650 9194

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